1. Blyth’s Paradise-Flycatcher, 中南寿带, 中南壽帶, Terpsiphone affinis, ブライスサンコウチョウ, MURAI-GADING BIASA
– male come either white, rufous morph with long-tailed
update 202311
– it is pretty common at lowland forest of Borneo, and this year seem it is my lucky bird. Each time after meet up this bird, ours’ main target will appear very soon.
– 在婆罗洲,很普通的鸟。今年,好几次都成为我的幸运鸟。遇上它后,目标鸟终是出现。
202307, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202103
– another good moment with this active bird
– 非常活躍的鳥。他在看我在做什麼。
update 202102
– lucky moment to meet 3 of this beautiful Paradise-Flycatcher
– they make a lot of noise while moving around
– 幸運遇上3只這麼漂亮的壽帶 – 很吵,一直都跳不停。
update 202102
– a beautiful Paradise-Flycatcher, male with long-tail and come either white-morph or rufous-morph
– this is a beautiful male passing with another male (not the full tail and another female
– they make a lot of noise when moving inside the forest
– 馬來西亞非常漂亮的鳥。他與其他兩只一起追逐也叫很多。
update 2014 Jul 4
Asian Paradise Flycatcher, 壽帶鳥
from Borneo – Tawau Hill
2. Amur Paradise-Flycatcher, 寿带, 壽帶, Terpsiphone incei, アムールサンコウチョウ, MURAI-GADING UTARA
– it is easy to see the difference between the female, look at the gray transition
202009, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia
3. Japanese Paradise-Flycatcher, 紫寿带, 紫壽帶, Terpsiphone atrocaudata, サンコウチョウ, MURAI-GADING UNGU
– typical monarch, active calling loud like other. as per named, pale blue
– a Sulawesi endemic
– 如其他王鹟,活跃,叫不停。苏拉威西特有种
update 202307
– while we have our casual walk, heard this bird call and not long it calling really low .. bingo
– 天气太热,我们随便走走。突然听到这鸟叫,没用很长时间。就找到他了。
202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia
101. Indian Paradise-Flycatcher, 印缅寿带, 印度綬帶, Terpsiphone paradisi, カワリサンコウチョウ
– another “Paradise Flycatcher” split previously but it is quite obvious “crest”
A graceful looking flycatcher, the adult male sport a long ribbonlike tail. The males occur in two color morphs cinnamon and white. Both color morphs sport a glossy black head with blue ring around the eye, but white morph is entirely white below while the cinnamon morph has cinnamon upperparts and tail, and dirty white underparts. The females are cinnamon above with a grayish throat, a shorter tail, and they lack the male’s blue eyering. They make short aerial sallies after insects, usually returning to the same perch. Occasionally descends to ground to pull apart insects. Chiefly found in wooded habitats. Their call is a harsh “shreew.” [ebird]
update 202401
– a bird that we saw many locations but it is just like others Paradise-Flycatcher, active and shy .. moving fast and almost no stop more than 1 second
4. Asian Brown Flycatcher, 北灰鶲. Muscicapa dauurica, コサメビタキ, Burung Sambar Asia
very common winter visitor
update 202012
Asian Brown Flycatcher, 北灰鶲
5. Rufous-browed Flycatcher, 棕眉姬鶲, Anthipes solitaris, アカメヒタキ, Burung Sambar Leher Putih
common at montane, Cameron highland & Fraser Hill
update 202404
– one of the common bird found at Fraser Hill, Malaysia.
– lovely, tiny and cute bird to be photograph in Malaysia
– – 马来西亚,福隆港蛮普通的小,漂亮的鸟。
ISO2500, F6.3, 1/160s
Topaz Denoise
update 202203
– long time I didnt photograph this cute bird. I am testing the CANON RF 100500 handheld and this cute and tame bird.
– 已蛮久没拍这可爱小鸟。这次以为想测试佳能RF 100500 ,当然这么乖的鸟是最好的对象。
202203, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia
Rufous-browed Flycatcher, 棕眉姬鶲
6. White-tailed Flycatcher , 白尾藍仙鶲, Cyornis concretus, オジロアオヒタキ, Burung Sambar Biru Ekor Putih
very rare bird
Danum, Taman Negara Kuala Tahan
White-tailed Flycatcher ,白尾藍仙鶲,Cyornis concretus , オジロアオヒタキ,Burung Sambar Biru Ekor Putih
7. Pale Blue Flycatcher, 純藍仙鶲, Cyornis unicolor, ウスヒメアオヒタキ, Burung Sambar Biru Muda
– common at lowland forest, Pen Malaysia and Borneo one seem to have a different call
Pale Blue Flycatcher, 純藍仙鶲
8. Hill Blue Flycatcher, 山藍仙鶲. Cyornis banyumas, ミヤマヒメアオヒタキ,Burung Sambar Biru Bukit
– common submontane bird ..
Hill Blue Flycatcher, 山藍仙鶲, Cyornis banyumas, ミヤマヒメアオヒタキ,Burung Sambar Biru Bukit (male)
Hill Blue Flycatcher, 山藍仙鶲, Cyornis banyumas, ミヤマヒメアオヒタキ,Burung Sambar Biru Bukit (female)
9. Sunda Blue Flycatcher, 大嘴仙鶲, Cyornis caerulatus, クロアゴヒメアオヒタキ, Sambar Biru Sunda
– as other blue flycatcher, mostly blue and orange underpart. female brown
– very similar to Bornean Blue-flycatcher but the male throat different and the female slight pale
– lowland and different from mangrove blue-flycatcher
– another good find at this short trip to Sabah, it look angry when we walk pass . one of great found by Low, he keep say Yellow+blue birdand we stop to search for it ..
– 这次沙巴之行另一只好鸟,老刘发现的。他看到后,一直讲有只黄胸蓝鸟。厉害
202309, Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia
Sunda Blue Flycatcher,大嘴仙鶲, Cyornis caerulatus, クロアゴヒメアオヒタキ, Sambar Biru Sunda
– another bird that we keep looking walk so far to look for one but this nearby to ours’ lodge area just one standing and calling attract ours attention
– not much activities near road side of BRL, really hope to go into trail more actions
– 为了这一只特有种,走上走下都没找到。第二天就在我们的饭店100米内站着等我们。
– 在大路上几乎鸟不多,很奇怪。可是太多人又不好走林道。
202405, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202403
– a very tame and easy female this time, it just keep following us until we got the male after ~30-40minutes first saw this bird
– 每次母鸟都较难看到,可是这次母鸟却一直跟着我们直到我们看到雄鸟。
202403, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202308
– a walking on the roadside, this Borneo endemic just sit there queitly. beautiful as usual lovely blue flycatcher.
12. Indochinese Blue Flycatcher, 印支藍仙鶲, Cyornis sumatrensis, ノドアカヒメアオヒタキ,SAMBAR-BIRU BELUKAR TIMUR
– common lowland flycatcher – Pen Malaysia
Indochinese Blue Flycatcher, 印支藍仙鶲, Cyornis sumatrensis, ノドアカヒメアオヒタキ,SAMBAR-BIRU BELUKAR TIMUR (male)Indochinese Blue Flycatcher, 印支藍仙鶲, Cyornis sumatrensis, ノドアカヒメアオヒタキ,SAMBAR-BIRU BELUKAR TIMUR (emale)
– bird seen at Borneo, quite common winter migration ..
update 202412
This striking “black-faced” blue-and-white flycatcher is a fairly common winter visitor here. However, this year, many individuals have been spotted at Gunung Alab, including males, females, and juveniles. It is noticeably distinct from Zappey’s Flycatcher.
– rare in Borneo, mostly confuse with Black-and-white Flycatcher in Pen Malaysia which is rare
update 202101
– female Zappey’s Flycatcher & Blue-and-white Flycatcher not really able to differentiate. But in Peninsular Malaysia Zappey’s is the common winter visitor compare to Blue-and-white Flycatcher
– Female brown all over, with a smaller-headed profile than other brown flycatchers in range
26. Snowy-browed Flycatcher, 棕胸藍姬鶲 – Ficedula hyperythra,ムネアカヒタキ, Burung Sambar Kening Putih
Snowy-browed Flycatcher, 棕胸藍姬鶲, Ficedula hyperythra, ムネアカヒタキ, Burung Sambar Kening Putih (male)Snowy-browed Flycatcher, 棕胸藍姬鶲, Ficedula hyperythra, ムネアカヒタキ, Burung Sambar Kening Putih (female)
27. Pygmy Flycatcher, 侏蓝仙鹟, 侏藍仙鶲, Ficedula hodgsoni, コビトアオヒタキ, Burung Sambar Biru Kecil
update 202309
– a common heard and seen canopy view bird today decided to come down for us have quite good view sad missed the chance photograph when it was low.. but happy to have this last bird of the tour even not the target
30. Chinese Blue Flycatcher, 中华仙鹟, 中華藍仙鶲, Cyornis glaucicomans, チュウゴクヒメアオヒタキ, SAMBAR-BIRU UTARA
– a rare migrant for Peninsular Malaysia.
– Male is brilliant blue above with orange throat and breast; note off-white lower belly. His dark orange throat distinguishes him from Blue-throated Blue Flycatcher. Female is drab brown with an orange chest, white belly, and dull rufous tail. (Ebird)
Small brown flycatcher with a sharply contrasting black-and-white tail. Breeding male has an orange throat patch surrounded by a faint gray wash. Non-breeding male has darker flanks and far less orange on the throat. Female is cold brown above and dirty-white below. (Ebird)
– a not so common migrant for Penisular Malaysia. But I missed the chance photograph last 2 years ago at Penang. Saw the bird high up at noon time.
update 202212
202212, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia202212, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
32. Dayak Blue Flycatcher, 山蓝仙鹟, 山藍仙鶲, Cyornis montanus, SAMBAR-BIRU BUKIT TIMUR
A medium-sized flycatcher with strikingly different male and female plumages. Male is beautifully colored, with deep blue upperparts, mostly orange underparts, and a white belly. Female is much duller, with a grayish head, gray-brown wings, a rufous tail, and rufous underparts. Scarce and local in the understory of hill forest. Song is jumble of melodious warbling and whistling notes. The calls are loud “chek” or “sit” notes, and are often mixed into the song. Similar to Bornean Blue Flycatcher, but darker, especially on the belly (in both sexes) and back (in the male). Also similar to Sunda Blue Flycatcher, but darker overall and shorter-billed. Dayak Blue Flycatcher is further distinguished by the less extensive black chin patch of the male and the rufous rather than blue tail of the female. (Ebird)
– new split from Hill Blue Flycatcher, which is now endemic to Borneo.
– 之前山蓝仙鹟,分出来的婆罗洲特有种。
update 202212
202212, TrusMadi, Sabah, Malaysia202212, TrusMadi, Sabah, Malaysia
– a very Asian Brown like bird, but upper chest seem have brown streak
update 202403
– not my first time seeing this bird here, but few occasion and this time we saw it carry nesting material went into a canopy tree.. but not able to have record picture
Tiny brown flycatcher with a triangular white bib bordered with black. Gray head, frosty white brow, and ruddy wings and tail are not as eye-catching as the throat patch, but just as distinctive. Unobtrusive and retiring, generally keeping to the dense lower levels of foothill forests. Frequently forages in inaccessible gorges and thick streamside vegetation. Usually seen singly, occasionally in pairs. [Ebird]
The Verditer Flycatcher (Eumyias thalassinus) is an Old World flycatcher found in the Indian subcontinent, especially in the Lower Himalaya. It is named after its distinctive shade of copper-sulphate blue and has a dark patch between the eyes and above the bill base. The adult males are intense blue on all areas of the body, except for the black eye-patch and grey vent. Adult females and sub-adults are lighter blue. They are also interesting among the flycatchers in that they forage above the canopy level and perching on electric wires or exposed tree top branches.
This species was earlier placed in the genus Muscicapa and it has been suggested that it is closer to the Niltava flycatchers.