Estrildidae series: Munia, parrotfinch | 梅花雀科: 文鸟,鹦雀 | liewwk Nature – 8-2 [update 20241215]

Estrildidae for Malaysia inlcuded Parrotfinch and Munia ..

1. Pin-tailed Parrotfinch, 长尾鹦雀, 長尾鸚雀, Erythrura prasina, セイコウチョウ, CIAK-HIJAU PERUT MERAH

2. Chestnut Munia, 栗腹文鸟, 栗腹文鳥, Lonchura atricapilla, キンパラ, CIAK-PADI RAWA BIASA

3. White-headed Munia, 白头文鸟, 白頭文鳥, Lonchura maja, ヘキチョウ, CIAK-PADI UBAN BARAT

4. Scaly-breasted Munia, 斑文鸟, 斑文鳥, Lonchura punctulata,シマキンパラ, CIAK-PADI PINANG

5. White-rumped Munia, 白腰文鸟, Lonchura striata, コシジロキンパラ, CIAK-PADI TULI

6. Dusky Munia, 暗栗文鸟, 暗栗文鳥, Lonchura fuscans, コゲチャキンパラ, CIAK-PADI KELAM

7. Java Sparrow, 禾雀, Lonchura oryzivora, ブンチョウ,JELATIK JAWA

8. Red Avadavat, 红梅花雀, 紅梅花雀, Amandava amandava, ベニスズメ,CIAK MERAH



51. Zebra Finch, 斑胸草雀, 斑胸草雀, Taeniopygia guttata, キンカチョウ, Pipit Zebra

52. Pale-headed Munia, 淡色文鸟, 淡頭文鳥, Lonchura pallida, セレベスヘキチョウ, Bondol Kepala-pucat



1. Pin-tailed Parrotfinch, 长尾鹦雀, 長尾鸚雀, Erythrura prasina, セイコウチョウ, CIAK-HIJAU PERUT MERAH

– a bird prefer to feed on bamboo seed

– male with ref bellied and tailed , female without the red

update 202305

– just another good decision to make, we change ours original plan to looking for this beautiful bird and it did show quite well for all of us. Still one of most beautiful bird of Malaysia

– 我们赌了一把,换了原本路线。到这找找这鸟。尽然真的看到,还要蛮久。马来西亚最漂亮鸟之一吧。

202305, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202209

– a special arrangement for guest, lucky to found this handsome again.

– 客人的特别要求,安排到这。幸运的见到几只很近的距离。

202209, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202205

– never get bore to see this lovely and colorful bird and it was a lucky day it show up to us in the early morning

– 谁看到这鸟会不喜欢?幸运的一个早晨,一对在我与客人的面前出现。

202205, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202106

– normally moving in group, male with brighter color (blue face, yellow, red) belly and longer tail

– this is a special morph, Yellow or Golden which is more rare

– 通常群体活动

– 公鸟,颜色较鲜艳。头部较多蓝,腹部红,尾巴较长。

– 这是较特别个体,尾部鱼腹部都是黄的。比较稀有。

202009, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


update 2020 Sept

update 2016 Nov 1

– as usual the season is coming .. it show actively now

update 2016 Jun 9


2. Chestnut Munia, 栗腹文鸟, 栗腹文鳥, Lonchura atricapilla, キンパラ, CIAK-PADI RAWA BIASA

– previously name as Black0headed

– black head, rufous wing, front part






3. White-headed Munia, 白头文鸟, 白頭文鳥, Lonchura maja, ヘキチョウ, CIAK-PADI UBAN BARAT

– as name, white head always mix up with Scaly-breasted Munia, Chesnut

4. Scaly-breasted Munia, 斑文鸟, 斑文鳥, Lonchura punctulata,シマキンパラ, CIAK-PADI PINANG

– chest with scarly mark, mostly brown

201303, PJ Selangor, Malaysia
5. White-rumped Munia, 白腰文鸟, Lonchura striata, コシジロキンパラ, CIAK-PADI TULI

– near forest edge

6. Dusky Munia, 暗栗文鸟, 暗栗文鳥, Lonchura fuscans, コゲチャキンパラ, CIAK-PADI KELAM

– as name, mostly dusky dark

– Borneo lowland endemic

– a common Borneo endemic which normally found near open land either forest edge or urban open grassland. overall dark

– 婆罗洲最普通的特有种吧,通常在开阔地就可以看到。

202407, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia



201709, Bakelalan, Sarawak, Malaysia

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 60 [update 20241110]

Video Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 – 视频 | liewwk Nature 46 [20240827]

7. Java Sparrow, 禾雀, Lonchura oryzivora, ブンチョウ,JELATIK JAWA

– introduce species , only few specify areas

201408, Kek Lok Dong, Perak, Malaysia


8. Red Avadavat, 红梅花雀, 紅梅花雀, Amandava amandava, ベニスズメ,CIAK MERAH
– introduced species

51. Zebra Finch, 斑胸草雀, 斑胸草雀, Taeniopygia guttata, キンカチョウ, Pipit Zebra

– the pale overall and “orange-red” beak make it so beautiful bird

– 斑胸草雀(学名:Taeniopygia guttata),又名金山珍珠,是雀形目梅花雀科的小型鸟类。该鸟全长10厘米左右,胸和尾羽有黑白斑纹,雄鸟胁部棕红色有白色点斑,除原色种外羽色全白的亦较常见;主要以禾本科植物的种子为食,鸣声低,原产于印度尼西亚和澳大利亚,是世界上许多国家普遍饲养的观赏鸟

update 202401

– a very beautiful appear at a very weird place where just near beach, dry area and strong wind. A small little pond attract so many of this bird keep coming.

– 非常漂亮的鸟,可是出现在这种地方就有点怪。(大风,干,路旁,就一个小水潭)风非常大,鸟一直来。公鸟的颊带橙。

20240121, Sumba, Indonesia


52. Pale-headed Munia, 淡色文鸟, 淡頭文鳥, Lonchura pallida, セレベスヘキチョウ, Bondol Kepala-pucat

A small finch with a striking white head and dark body. Rich chestnut brown above, with reddish tail and pale peach-washed underside. Juveniles much duller and browner, but usually show a paler head. Gregarious, found in terrestrial flocks, often with other finches, in open country such as marshes, croplands, grasslands and scrub, in the lowlands. Juvenile has a paler head and a noticeably smaller bill than juvenile Five-colored Munia. Gives weak, high-pitched “weee” and stronger, metallic “wit-wit-wit” notes [Ebird]


update 202412

This munia is very common in the open areas of Lombok Island and can be spotted almost everywhere. It resembles the White-headed Munia but features a darker back and front.


202412, Lombok, Indonesia




More pictures from Flickr : Estrildidae series : Munia, parrotfinch | 梅花雀科 : 文鸟,鹦雀 | liewwk Nature

... pin-tailed parrotfinch, 长尾鹦雀 ...

More video : Estrildidae series : Munia, parrotfinch | 梅花雀科 : 文鸟,鹦雀 | liewwk Nature



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