CANON R1, CANON RF100500mm, 1.4x South Africa update 202501 Finally, I’m back from my South Africa tour! One of the most fascinating “common” birds we encountered was the Pin-tailed Whydah. While it’s not a rare species, its long tail and unique flying style captured our attention more than any other bird. This particular moment happened while we were in the car—yes, shooting handheld through the window! After taking hundreds of photos of the male flying, displaying, and mating, I decided to switch to video. Although I recorded in 4K 60p, I slowed down the second half to highlight the incredible beauty of its dance.
A male bird with a very long tail, black-and-white plumage, and a striking red beak is hard to miss. While the local guide claimed it was common, we didn’t spot many during our first seven days. However, we were fortunate to see one performing a display for a female, which thrilled everyone. Capturing the moment from the car was quite challenging, but it was an unforgettable experience.
The overall green coloration, accompanied by a low crest and blue body, is a key target for our group. In the first few days, it seemed fairly common, as its calls and presence could be heard and seen by everyone. However, capturing a photograph proved to be quite challenging—much like our Malkoha, it kept moving between the trees and bushes. Fortunately, just before the heavy rain, we were lucky enough to find one that stayed still for a while, allowing us to capture it.
A fairly common coucal found in South Africa, which I’ve seen and photographed multiple times in various locations. However, this was a closer encounter, and I managed to capture a full series of flight shots. The distinctive tail band markings are clearly visible, making it easy to differentiate this species from others.
5. European Roller, 蓝胸佛法僧, 藍胸佛法僧, Coracias garrulus, ニシブッポウソウ
update 20501
In South Africa’s western region, this season is perfect for birdwatching as many common species are abundant. It’s been an enjoyable time spotting various targets, with the bonus of encountering a few truly stunning birds along the way.
A small whydah with a reddish-orange bill and legs. The breeding male has buffy-orange underparts and neck, a dark cap, and 17-centimeter-long black tail feathers. The female and non-breeding male have streaky upperparts and pale buffy underparts. Breeding males hold territories in dry thorn scrub, but form flocks with other seedeaters after breeding. The species imitates the song of the Violet-eared Waxbill, which it parasitizes. Differs from the similar Pin-tailed Whydah by Shaft-tailed Whydah’s duller pink bill and streakier head in female and non-breeding male plumages, and black-and-buff plumage of the breeding male. [EBird]
What a beautiful little bird with its unique four racket-shaped tail feathers! Unfortunately, I couldn’t manage to capture any great shots of it this time. It’s definitely on my photography bucket list if I get the chance to visit Africa again. Despite the whole day of rain, we were lucky enough to witness some wonderful moments of it in flight.
A small, greenish cuckoo. The male has barred flanks, white flecking on the wing, white patches in front of and behind the eye, and a distinctly red eye surrounded by a red eye-ring. The bronzy-green female has a diagnostic white patch in front of the eye, a plain back, and white patches in the wings. This common resident and migrant is not a habitat specialist, but it prefers riverine and wetland areas where its preferred brood-parasite hosts, weavers and bishops, are common. The distinctive call is a loud, rising, high-pitched “deee-deee-deee-deee-dederik”. [EBird]
A very beautiful and common cuckoo, often heard in almost any environment. However, it rarely perches because its calls attract other birds, especially weavers, that chase it away. The best chances to spot it are while it’s in flight, and we were fortunate to see it flying past us many times.
The flamingo was the final bird of our 18-day South Africa bird photography trip. During the morning session, we struggled with either facing the wrong direction or dealing with distance challenges. However, just before heading back, a few of them flew gracefully toward us in perfect light, as if bidding us farewell. We ended the trip with over 356 bird species, 20+ mammals, and several reptiles captured in photographs. It was an incredible journey filled with fun, great company, delicious food, and valuable lessons in patience (especially when waiting for meals).
It was a rainy morning, but even after spotting our target bird, the Black Coucal, we didn’t let the weather stop us from birding. Just before our breakfast break, we were treated to great views of a Palm-nut Vulture and this tiny duck. We were lucky to see it flying around rather than staying hidden!
This bird is incredibly beautiful, and while we may have seen it before in a zoo or bird park, spotting it in the wild and capturing its photo brings an entirely different level of excitement. Though it’s considered a common species, we only managed to see it 3-4 times during our 18 days of birding in South Africa.
1001. South African giraffe, 南非长颈鹿, 南非長頸鹿, Giraffa camelopardalis
update 202501
It’s such an adorable creature! Seeing it in the wild made us pause for a while to capture some photos of this charming animal—even though we were here primarily for the birds. Absolutely delightful!
1. Asian Koel, 噪鹃, 噪鵑, Eudynamys scolopaceus, オニカッコウ, TAHU ASIA
The Asian Koel (Eudynamys scolopaceus[3][4]) is a member of the cuckooorder of birds, the Cuculiformes. It is found in South Asia, China, and Southeast Asia. It forms a superspecies with the closely related Black-billed and Pacific Koels which are sometimes treated as subspecies. The Asian Koel is a brood parasite that lays its eggs in the nests of crows and other hosts, who raise its young. They are unusual among the cuckoos in being largely frugivorous as adults.[5] The name koel is echoic in origin with several language variants. The bird is a widely used symbol in Indian poetry.[6]
– another close encounter of this beautiful bird for guests so happy for everyone.
– small cuckoo with correct lighting, the violet so cool
– 客人高兴到极点吧。这么近距离拍这鸟。还要遇上光线好。
– 这鹃蛮小,要在有光线下看那紫。。。真的很美丽
update 202402
– while looking at the busy work table, cannot resist to process another picture of this beautiful cuckoo .. look at the “violet” .. wow wow
– 虽然非常忙碌,可是还是决定再放一张这“紫”鸟。近距离看,真的很不一样。
– another day with my buddies, it is a boring morning but excitement happen after simple small stream crossing, sloop walk up .. this bird came down ~8 feet from ground, ~10 feet distance and few minutes for us .. lovely bird but noisy … go out birding is fun
– a very special moment start of 2024, this bird stand ~4-5m from ground and as close as 5m for us and just stand there calling for more than 5 minutes for us. lovely bird and moment
– a casual morning with 2 friends and checking the spot for guests tomorrow and next week. this bird seem stay at same perch for >30 minutes.
– as usual a noisy bird with lovely color
– 一个轻松的早上。这很吵与漂亮的鸟。竟然站了30分钟。
– 这么漂亮颜色的鸟。百看不厌。
update 202209
– under the hot sun, we almost call it a day. This bird calling loud and lovely as usual
– 大热中午,几乎要结束美好的·一天。忽然,这鸟大大的叫了几声。
update 202205
– a bird with really lovely color, never get bore to see it again
– 它的颜色真的很不一样。看几篇都应该不会闷。
– congratulations to my buddy, finally got one close and “violet”, we together looking for this bird and photograph this bird >10times over the 10 years. But he always miss the good light to have the “violet” color. finally today this bird give us a good mement and >30GB of photos+videos
– another surprise bird after a boring morning. 2 male and 1 female making some chase and call
– 早上闷死了。几乎没看到什么鸟。2公1母鸟玩追逐。
update 202109
– after a long lockdown, finally we manage to have some birding activities allow within same state. the bird activity begin with this star bird
– 封城了这么久,终于可以拍鸟了。虽然还是限于吉隆坡附近。第一只明星鸟,算不错吧。
update 2020 June 5
update 2020 April 6
3. Asian Emerald Cuckoo, 翠金鹃 , 翠金鵑, Chrysococcyx maculatus, ミドリテリカッコウ, SEWAH-ZAMRUD ASIA
– male with dark blue-nish , female with green , orange head
– one of the most beautiful cuckoo here
– vagrant for Malaysia
update 202206
– one of the most beautiful cuckoo seen, male with the vivid, electric green and female with bright metallic green. You must see it with naked eye to know how special the color.
4. Little Bronze-Cuckoo, 棕胸金鹃, 棕胸金鵑, Chrysococcyx minutillus, アカメテリカッコウ, SEWAH-DAUN BIASA
– a common small cuckoo normally found near mangrove area
– red eye ring
update 2020 April 6
5. Horsfield’s Bronze-Cuckoo, 霍氏金鵑, 霍氏金鹃,Chrysococcyx basalis, マミジロテリカッコウ, SEWAH-DAUN AUSTRALIA
– a “summer” migrant , which migrate from south (Australia) … which is winter on south .. found near garden, mangrove area
6. Plaintive Cuckoo, 八声杜鹃, 八聲杜鵑, Cacomantis merulinus, ヒメカッコウ, MATINAK BIASA
– a most common cuckoo, it can be called even at night …
– male with gray head, orange belly and below, female with barring
update 202101
- a common cuckoo of Malaysia - male bird with grey head and wing. Rufous on front - calling loud and I even can hear it when I am driving so decide to stop my car checking where are the bird and one of them just stand not far away .. Birding Photography with Fujifilm X-T4 | liewwk Nature series: Cuckoo, Ground Cuckoo | 杜鹃科 | liewwk Nature
– not that rare but sometime confuse with plaintive cuckoo female ..
update 202403
– 2024 February seem very good for many different species of cuckoo, included this one almost seen any where with some good picture opportunity
– 2024 2月几乎是杜鹃鸟季节。今年几乎哪都看到,听到这鸟叫。还可以拍到不错的照片。
update 202402
– it can be the best season for this cuckoo, saw it and photograph it for last few weeks until now for quite low and close … especially this bird just stay there more than 30minutes for low and close .. calling non stop too
8. Indian Cuckoo, 四聲杜鵑, 四声杜鹃, Cuculus micropterus,セグロカッコウ, SEWAH BIASA
– one of the common hear cuckoo on winter migrant season
– obvious yellow eye ring, front barring
9. Sunda Cuckoo, 巽他杜鹃, 巽他杜鵑, Cuculus lepidus, スンダツツドリ, SEWAH GUNUNG MELAYU
update 202412
A cuckoo that is often heard but rarely seen gave us a special moment this time—it came close and was fully visible. A truly lucky encounter!
– sub-montane/montane cuckoo … always hear but not seen
10. Dark Hawk-Cuckoo, 婆罗鹰鹃, 婆羅鷹鵑, Hierococcyx bocki, クロジュウイチ, SEWAH-TEKUKUR GUNUNG
– sub-montane/montane Hawk-cuckoo … used to call loud dawn and dusk
update 202410
– a birds that very common heard at both Fraser Hill & KNP .. but it can be very difficult to have good view .. it can be confuse with some Hawk Cuckoo
– when we on the way to Breakfast, sudden saw this bird stand so nice with backlight .. got the bird real close view
– 在福隆港,神山都很常的听到。可是要见到好,很不容易。
– 在我们去吃早餐的途中,竟然看到这鸟站很近。拍的还不错吧,大逆光。
update 202402
– before we heading to lowland forest, saw it perch very low and immediate stop the car and rush everyone out to have good view but I miss the best eye-contact moment
– 在我们去另一个点时,看到这一只鸟站低。立刻叫停车,叫全部人下车。可是我也错过它望过来那一刻。
update 202309
– another 1 out of 6 targets here, but this bird very shy keep flying around and finally it stop low and open for us. 3 more to go …
– sometimes can be confused with other Hawk-Cuckoo found here.
– Adult has gray upperparts, streaked white underparts, and a long tail with thick dark bars.
– Gives two distinct songs, a high “kiwit!” and a rapid-fire series of piping notes.
update 202409
– a bird always making call near forest edge, this year seem active bit too early ? Trying to looking for a target for my buddy but the target not sight but few good birds for good photo. Included this bird stay open and close for us
– another not so lazy morning birding, 7km walk with my ~10kg gear
Before calling it a day, this bird comes down low and keeps making call, feeding caterpillar…
– a bird that always heard and sometime just fly too close and hide from us to be seen or photograph.. Brush or Rusty breasted ? now it call Brush in eBird
– something happen in the group and make the whole schedule late but still trying to do some late evening birding at GAP, Fraser Hill. Not bad for short time have Green Broadbill, Brush Cuckoo, Rufous Bellied Swallow, Black Laughingthrush etc …
19. Greater Coucal, 褐翅鸦鹃, 褐翅鴉鵑, Centropus sinensis, オオバンケン, Bubut Besar
– pretty common found near the forest edge, open grassland
– wing shinning brown, and overall dark blue-black. with red-eye
– 在森林周边与开阔的地方非常普通。
update 202104
– I am in progress testing the Canon EF lens on Fujifilm Camere with a Fringer adapter. so I spend few days at the forest edge waiting for any birds that flying past and trying to use this setup to capture any pictures
– this bird seems near me and I managed to capture a series of it flying toward me.
– 这几天我在森林周边的开阔地方。试佳能镜头,富士机身, Fringer EF-FX pro 。任何鸟飞过我都 试试看看可以用区域对焦+追焦。
– large colorful ground bird normally very secretive which more often heard than seen
– iridescent purple-green wings, long dark tail, finely barred underparts, black head, and pale blue-green face and bill (Ebird)
– 大,紫青蓝,非常神秘的婆罗洲特有种。通常都是听到见不到的鸟。
– just got back from long Borneo tour, this bird appear last moment but everyone happy with the long and good view
– 刚完成婆罗洲团。这鸟当然是最被瞩目的鸟之一。它在最后一刻让我们看的完完全全。站了10多分钟。
update 202406
– not really like 2023, miss and hit this bird on 2024… but it gave us a long, close view last week .. it is ~15m from us for more than 30s full open view.
– wonderful moment while looking for this bird so long open on tree calling non stop .. it is total excitement to get one in the wild ..
– 没几个人感受到我们的兴奋,这么害羞的鸟站哪叫很久。在野拍的到这么一只鸟是多么兴奋。
update 202310
– off season, finally home to look at all the pictures… this was one of the most amazing moment with my group .. special bird, special moment and special peoples …
– just another special moment of this Borneo endemic, it is happy for everyone to managed to have good view of this bird think more than 20 of us. After ours boat spot it and we told other 3 boats all still managed to have a good view of it.
– not sure my note correct or not, but seem the breeding season ? within 10 days, 3 pair spot and reasonable tame (still shy when trying to take photo)
– Hoi Ling, finally I got the head of the bird .. but no tail yet
– this is one best moment of 2023 or my life for this bird. This particular bird stand 20m above ground and for more than 1.5 hours ! (after we spend 30minutes and back breakfast and told Dean – another bird group.. and the bird still there !)
– just another short targets trip to Sabah, managed to have almost all main targets (except Bulwer Pheasant) included this special Borneo endemic. We had good time >3 minutes to have good view but still little block from my angle .. any how am happy to have light hit on its’ body and show the color of its’ body
– it show so well with 2 stand close and open, but need to show other to have a view so finally I end up with this best view picture I had .. any one I really like to see it shy with us
– just another bird encounter during the Borneo tour, very high success rate this year so far and no one seem believe me this is a difficult bird as we got it mostly day1 morning.
– lucky customer to have 2 birds with good view and photos in close range and long
– a bird that after Bornean bristlehead and Bornean Gibbon which make our almost best Photography tour for 2022 so far
– 非常幸运的客人,拍到婆罗洲棘头鵙后再拍到婆罗洲地鹃。2只全看到,1只跑来跑去。
More Youtube video : Cuculidae series : Cuckoo, Ground Cuckoo | 杜鹃科 | liewwk Nature
51. Bay Coucal, 苏拉鸦鹃, 蘇拉鴉鵑, Centropus celebensis, セレベスバンケン, Bubut Sulawesi
A reddish-brown cuckoo with a long, often shaggy-looking tail. Juvenile shows a pale eye and a paler breast and throat than adults. The species favors vine tangles within forest and forest edge in lowlands and foothills, where it is usually encountered singly or in pairs. The entirely brown body, lacking black, separates this species from Lesser Coucal. Song is a series of “hoot” notes that often encourages other nearby coucals to respond. Alarm call is a harsh, short rasping “burr.” [ebird]
– as other coucal, shy, moving in bushes … very coucal call alike
– 有如其他鸦鹃,害羞,喜欢活动在草丛里。
update 202311
– a bird always heard at lowland of Sulawesi, it is not so boring coucal overall but same it spend us sometime to have a good look of this bird
– a very beautiful Ground-Cuckoo and it is as beautiful as the Bornean Ground-Cuckoo. it is shy, move fast on ground
– 非常漂亮的地鹃,就如婆罗洲地鹃一样的美。通常害羞+在地上快速走动
update 202412
Before I get busy again, I’d like to share an unforgettable moment from our photography trip to Sumatra. On Day 1, one of our members faced a “viewfinder” issue with the Canon R5 Mark II. While everything in the viewfinder appeared blurry, the AF points were still visible, and remarkably, every captured image was perfectly focused on the right subject—especially the bird’s eyes!
Shooting without a clear view through the viewfinder is no easy task, yet it’s incredible how this member managed to capture all the key targets with perfect bird-eye focus, relying entirely on the camera’s animal eye detection system. This even included the rare and stunning ground cuckoo.
在我再次忙碌之前,想分享我们苏门答腊摄影之旅中一个难忘的时刻。第一天,我们的一位队员的佳能 R5 Mark II 遇到了“取景器”问题。尽管取景器中的画面完全是模糊的,但自动对焦点仍然可见,令人惊讶的是,所有拍摄的照片都完美地对焦在目标上——尤其是鸟的眼睛!
– Last year, after searching for this beautiful bird for two days with another group, we were rewarded with an incredible view. From that experience, we learned that waiting patiently wasn’t enough—we needed to act quickly. Determined, we formed another group to return a year later. This time, on the first day, we only heard the bird but couldn’t catch a glimpse of it. However, on the second day, our efforts paid off with an amazing sighting of this rare and stunning endemic species of Sumatra. Happy for the group!
– no one can explain how excited we were when we got this super good view of this bird after 2 full morning waiting and this beautiful bird give us amazing view at the “not common” spot
– 很难讲诉我们当时的心情,等了2天后。这鸟在“鸟点”外出现。真的太美,兴奋。
update 202312
– one of ours Sumatra birding main target
update 202312
– one of ours Sumatra birding main target
– we spend 1 morning at “promising spot” but bird no show, and spend next morning again but just heard it 2 times. But luckily we make decision to walk around and finally with the Dwi sharing the behavior of the bird… manage to have good view and picture.
A small, greenish cuckoo. The male has barred flanks, white flecking on the wing, white patches in front of and behind the eye, and a distinctly red eye surrounded by a red eye-ring. The bronzy-green female has a diagnostic white patch in front of the eye, a plain back, and white patches in the wings. This common resident and migrant is not a habitat specialist, but it prefers riverine and wetland areas where its preferred brood-parasite hosts, weavers and bishops, are common. The distinctive call is a loud, rising, high-pitched “deee-deee-deee-deee-dederik”. [EBird]
A very beautiful and common cuckoo, often heard in almost any environment. However, it rarely perches because its calls attract other birds, especially weavers, that chase it away. The best chances to spot it are while it’s in flight, and we were fortunate to see it flying past us many times.