After years, finally back to this amazing island … this time we come here for 6 days Photography .. let share some pictures from this trip
one of the main attraction for this Black Macaques
just another day spend on Tangkoko National Park
1. Lilac-cheeked Kingfisher, 苏拉蓝耳翠鸟
another lovely endemic Kingfisher
2. Sulawesi Dwarf-Kingfisher, 小三趾翠鸟
a lovely and tiny endemic kingfisher
3. Knobbed Hornbill, 苏拉皱盔犀鸟
we were lucky to have this pair stand outside long enough before going back to nest to feed the chick
. another beautiful endemic
4. Ochre-bellied Boobook, 赭腹鹰鸮
another lovely endemic
5. Yellow-billed Malkoha, 火红嘴地鹃
as other Malkoha, keep moving not easy to have open picture. Another lovely and beautiful endemic
6. Ashy Woodpecker, 暗黄啄木鸟
another common endemic , but want to get a open and close picture is not really an easy work
7. Green-backed Kingfisher, 绿背翡翠
coming to Sulawesi North, top 5 endemic Kingfisher. and this this is one most common
8. Sulawesi Hawk-Eagle, 苏拉鹰雕
another lovely endemic , lucky to see it got it’s prey
9. Tabon Scrubfowl, 菲律宾塚雉
moving non stop on ground .. trying best already
10. Gray-sided Flowerpecker, 灰胁啄花鸟
another lovely and common endemic
11. White-faced Cuckoo-Dove, 白脸蕉鸠
so shy , but lovely endemic
12. Rusty-backed Thrush, 红背地鸫
wrong setting , record shot of this beautiful endemic
13. Speckled Boobook, 斑鹰鸮
lucky to have this endemic just for ~2 s looking at us
very relaxing, we go nearby a open hill spot for some dove, parrot etc .. we can see the birds mostly on or below eye level but little bit of distance ..
14. Green Imperial-Pigeon (Rufous-naped), 绿皇鸠
look different from where we saw in Borneo . look so beautiful ..
15. Silver-tipped Imperial-Pigeon, 苏拉斑皇鸠
another lovely pigeon, endemic to Sulawesi , so active in the morning.. but slowly disappear …
16. Finch-billed Myna, 雀嘴八哥
another very common endemic , any where but we didnt spent much time to get better picture .. too common here but beautiful
17. Sooty-headed Bulbul, 白喉红臀鹎
just another common bird found here
18. Azure-rumped Parrot, blue-backed parrot, 蓝背鹦鹉
many dove, pigeons, parrot found here . this is another amazing looking parrot
Borneo the world’s 3rd and Asia’s largest island is one of the oldest rainforests in the world. It is rich in fauna and flora, but here we share one of the main: bird … and trying to share endemic birds that I photograph。
*** This is base on ebird checklist
1. Crimson-Headed partridge, 红头林鹧鸪, 紅頭林鷓鴣, Haematortyx sanguiniceps, アカガシラシャコ, SERUK KEPALA MERAH
– another common Montane Endemic, very common at KNP
– North-East (Sabah) race and Sarawak race look different
– 婆羅洲高山特有種。
– 沙巴與砂勞越種頭部有點不一樣。
update 202311
– it is off season for here now, after all Malaysia tours… time for some rest and process some 2023 pictures for sharing.
– this is one of the best encounter at Bakelalan, which look different from the Sabah race.
– 进入“雨季“+鸟安静的季节。我们马来西亚的鸟团都停了。是时候休息或看看2023的照片。
– 这是沙捞越的亚种,与沙巴的不一样。有机会看看吧。
202307, Bakelalan, Sarawak, Malaysia
update 202307
– just another not good weather day, we stucked and cannot proceed to ours destination so we birding where the car can reach. This bird is the only bird calling and very soon we have very good view and some picture of this Borneo endemic
Red-breasted Partridge, Arborophila hyperythra (Sarawak , center of Borneo)
At the center of Borneo (Sarawak) all the birds seen with white or light grey supercilium, brighter throat, chin …. which never seen at Kinabalu National Park, Crocker Range.
another Montane endemic partridge, move in a group. make the noisy calls and not difficult to spot too.
3. Dulit frogmouth, 栗颊蟆口鸱,栗頰蟆口鴟, Batrachostomus harterti, サラワクガマグチヨタカ,CUCUR GUNUNG BESAR
– one of the rareness Borneo endemic, only a small population found at Sarawak now.
– the very rare and near threatened, very small population found at Sarawak montane. It is very Large Frogmouth look alike ..
– 婆羅洲很稀有特有種。
update 202308
– no one checking and no one disturb, it should be have new generation for this rare Borneo endemic. Fount the nest ~2 months ago and managed to make another trip there last month and the bird sitting on nest and sleeping
– a lucky dawn for all, went to the side. the bird make call once, and managed to locate it less than 10 minutes and everyone got their lifer.
– a bird than look similar to large frogmouth
– 幸运的一天, 到鸟点后。只听到一声叫声,可是很快的就找到它了。
202306, Bakelalan, Sarawak, Malaysia
4. Bornean frogmouth, 婆罗洲蟆口鸱, 婆羅蟆口鴟, Batrachostomus mixtus, スマトラガマグチヨタカ, CUCUR GUNUNG KECIL BORNEO
– submontane-montane endemic, it is common at Sarawak – Bakelalan, Paya Maga etc, Sabah – Trusmadi etc
update 202311
– one of the cute Borneo Endemic, it is small and confuse
– the Dawn picture captured with one of young photographer from Taiwan @葉哲亨 . He has my respect, even much younger than me .. the way he like and enjoy the nature. He also never go and want to go any “feeding” station for bird
– not really like 2023, miss and hit this bird on 2024… but it gave us a long, close view last week .. it is ~15m from us for more than 30s full open view.
– off season, finally home to look at all the pictures… this was one of the most amazing moment with my group .. special bird, special moment and special peoples …
– just another special moment of this Borneo endemic, it is happy for everyone to managed to have good view of this bird think more than 20 of us. After ours boat spot it and we told other 3 boats all still managed to have a good view of it.
– not sure my note correct or not, but seem the breeding season ? within 10 days, 3 pair spot and reasonable tame (still shy when trying to take photo)
– Hoi Ling, finally I got the head of the bird .. but no tail yet
– this is one best moment of 2023 or my life for this bird. This particular bird stand 20m above ground and for more than 1.5 hours ! (after we spend 30minutes and back breakfast and told Dean – another bird group.. and the bird still there !)
– just another short targets trip to Sabah, managed to have almost all main targets (except Bulwer Pheasant) included this special Borneo endemic. We had good time >3 minutes to have good view but still little block from my angle .. any how am happy to have light hit on its’ body and show the color of its’ body
– it show so well with 2 stand close and open, but need to show other to have a view so finally I end up with this best view picture I had .. any one I really like to see it shy with us
– just got back from long Borneo tour, this bird appear last moment but everyone happy with the long and good view
– 刚完成婆罗洲团。这鸟当然是最被瞩目的鸟之一。它在最后一刻让我们看的完完全全。站了10多分钟。
202210, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202208
– just another bird encounter during the Borneo tour, very high success rate this year so far and no one seem believe me this is a difficult bird as we got it mostly day1 morning.
– one of the most beautiful and easier Whitehead’s Trio
– 高山特有種。公鳥-紅。母鳥-棕。
update 202502
It’s a fantastic morning! We started with Whitehead’s Trogon, a Spiderhunter, and a Squirrel, along with many other endemics. The Trogon gave us a great view, bringing smiles to our faces.
– after failed to get main target of the trip, spent few hours in KNP and seem few groups looking for this Trogon. We just casual looking for anything.. all of sudden a Juvi fly and perch in-front of me and calling all the people I know and everyone smile .. few moment the juvi seem still stand close to either adult male or female ..this is one good moment where papa with daughter .. remind me and JieXi
– new workflow with new DXO pure Raw, seem faster than my previous workflow but the picture seem look flat …
– it is beautiful, and really sometime because too many sight or view make many think this is not as beautiful as other. But see by yourself, it is sure a beauty from Borneo
– we already got this Trogon in the morning with satisfy picture. But Amy asked, can we see the Trogon again … and I just replied it can be any where while we driving … she shout “Trogon” .. haha better view
– it is raining, the rain drop hit on the trogon head .. why so much rain 2022-2023
– 见到这鸟时真在下雨。雨真好下到他头上。2022-2023 真的和多雨
202309, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia
– one of the very few target for this small group, very soon in the morning we have very good view and some rain. After rain stop we have even better picture opportunity
7. Mountain Barbet, 山拟鴷, 山擬鴷,Megalaima monticola, ヤマゴシキドリ, TAKUR BUKIT BORNEO
– little bit dull barbet, making a lot of noise
– sub-montane endemic
– 顏色較淡的特有種。
update 202409
– another visit of this lovely forest, good weather…good birds (montane and sub-montane). While we trying to find few of ours target, found this bird busy making some hole .. lovely Borneo endemic
– a boring day, we came for both Bornean and Mountain Barbets but both no calling at all for almost an hour. But it is lucky to sudden spot this bird low and near just next to road side feeding on flower ..
– just another common heard, or high up view bird. but today it decided to come low and making call to allow us to capture some good photo of this endemic
– 婆罗洲另一只通常听到,站高高的鸟。可是今天他很乖的下来叫还要让我们拍。
202309, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia
8. Golden-naped Barbet, 金枕拟鴷, 金頸擬啄木, Psilopogon pulcherrimus, キエリゴシキドリ, TAKUR TOPENG HITAM GUNUNG
– another common montane endemic
– as other Barbet, easy to spot near a fruiting tree
– 高山特有種
– 通常都在果樹較容易看到。
update 202407
– a lovely Borneo montane endemic, the color just amazing combination
– a last bird just before we leave KNP, it stay there so long even I back to car and took my pack camera,
9. Bornean Barbet, 加里曼丹拟鴷, 黑喉擬啄木,Megalaima eximia, ノドグロゴシキドリ, TAKUR TUKANG GUNUNG
– small and colorful barbet
– another sub-montane endemic like Mountain Barbet
– 小與彩色的特有種
update 202503
This is one of Borneo’s small endemic birds, often heard but rarely seen or photographed. However, this time, it perched right in front of us, offering an exceptional view.
– a small Borneo endemic Barbet, which normally heard but not easy to spot and due to the size. It is always difficult to photograph. Overall very bright color with blue face.
– what a lucky moment saw this bird perch low even not really close .. but still always good to see it here..
– 一直很小的婆罗洲特有种。通常站高,叫不停。不容易见到活拍好。脸不带蓝+红。
– 非常幸运在这看到它这么低,虽然还是有点距离。可是这个角度看他还是非常好棒的。
202309, Kundasang, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202311
– one of the small barbet of Borneo, pretty common to heard at Trusmadi – Bakelalan
– special target tour, suppose to be last day target but when after ours “chickens” target.. it is a fruiting tree full of barbet calling. very soon we tick both Mountain and Bornean barbet
10. White-fronted Falconet, 白额小隼,白額小隼, Microhierax latifrons, ボルネオヒメハヤブサ, RAJAWALI-BELALANG DAHI PUTIH
– Bornean Falconet, 婆罗洲小隼, 婆羅洲小隼
very special Borneo endemic, which only found East North Borneo (Sabah)
update 202405
– a very tiny special Endemic of Sabah. Cute and normal stand high up to look for prey
– another lucky came to this spot normally just for “bird seeing” which the small bird just stand 30-40m above from ground .. but when we arrive and looking for this bird just for bird watch. But after I walk around, I call everyone down it is low !!!! and 2 together ..
– it is weird this bird seem disappear from all common sites, especially almost not found at Danum Valley BRL, Kinabatangan River and etc… but this family found quite near to KK town ..any how, due to location, not all visit can be make there but for last special targets tour. We special arrange to be there and award with 2 in one frame
– after missed the Crimson-Headed partridge at common spot (after wait of ~1 hour), decided to continue to KNP and found this lovely tiny raptor. only with 500mm so it is a bit heavy crop but love to see it doing good and with lovely butterfly
– it is surprise to see it at this elevation again and this time not that high up at canopy, but backlit with quite a lot of shadow and highlight recovery.
– a revisit a same place after 10 years +, the bird still same spot but now handling and feed by local Photographer Subki & Ambo. Make chance to have picture of this beauty of Borneo much easier compare those day… It is quite challenge too, you need patient to sit and wait ….
12. Blue-headed Pitta, 蓝头八色鸫,藍頭八色鶇, Hydrornis baudii, ズアオヤイロチョウ, Burung Pacat Kepala Biru
– a common lowland endemic
– male blue head, redback, blue and purple breast. female overall light brown
update 202503
It’s a great way to start the month with two sightings of this stunning Borneo endemic Pitta. It wasn’t far, but I stuck with my 500mm lens, avoiding getting closer to disturb it before others had their chance to capture it. Such incredible colors!
– another bird always to look for when we are at Borneo. This month, we saw it few times at Danum Valley and Tabin. Amazing colors on this particular bird.
– it is always good reason to visit Danum Valley for this wonderful Pitta, this bird can be either very challenge or very easy to see especially the right time and place. (plan for right time, the bird can be like this one just give up show infront of 10 of us and stay for photo)
– when the time come, right season make this so much easier to last few months. The bird just come and check and I am just ~10 feet from him. I think this is one of the Pitta I really enjoy to see its’ behavior than waiting for hours in spot … so much fun to see ~5 birds just 2 km in the trail .. 3 of them gave me good chance to have photographs
– it is not a new site for this feeding station, 12-13 years ago I got my Blue-headed Pitta similar site and it is not feeding .. the bird just there and it was very fun trip with few good buddies .. Andy Pau, Jasnnie, Ah Lee, Shunfa .. this time we went for feed !!! but the bird came while we arrive and came infornt of me ~4-5feet away without food or hide !!! But after wait for 3 hours .. it came with a chick few times but not the male .. it is a tough time spent with almost 8 hours for Blue-Banded and 3 hours for no male … but this female really beautiful and I think I never got any good picture of female of this bird
– it is so tame, 9 people standing 10feet from it.. it still coming back same area just slow and display a bit for picture … so amazing to see this behaviors again
– one of the most common Pitta and endemic. but this also another very special endemic which only found North-East Borneo Island .. or Sabah. All other places of Borneo without this but replace with Garnet Pitta
– 婆羅洲很特別的特有種。只是在東北部-沙巴。婆羅洲其他地方沒這,只有榴紅八色鶇。
update 202306
– another good moment while we just had short wait at “feeding spot”. The bird came in pair looking left-right-up-down
– beautiful Borneo endemic Pitta which is most common among all other
– another big “green” broadbill with blue on the chest and belly
– 婆羅洲稀有特有種。
– 馬來西亞3種綠擴嘴的一種。
update 202307
– another visit of this amazing place Paya Maga, but this trip we had a bad weather . Arrive hiking with heavy rain, missed one evening and night for anything just hearing the lovely natural music and good rest. Following with on and off rain. But this main target still show well for us and even come low and stay long for us to take picture.
– 再次到这美好的地方,Paya Maga . 可是这次天气真的不是很给力。几乎都下雨。上山时还下大雨。天气冷,下雨,鸟没活动还有比这差吗?还好我们到这的主打鸟还是拍到了。还下来低+久让我们拍好好。
202307, Paya Maga, Sarawak, Malaysia
update 202306
– one of the main reason I like be at Paya Maga (beside the Black Oriole). This bird is reasonable easy to “heard” and “seen” with many other good birds too
– when we had last hour and glad everyone never gave up and spent last moment to hike up to a small mountain after rain and “Bingo” after everyone see the Eyebrowed Wren-Babbler. Good view and long enough for almost everyone a good view.
16. Whitehead’s Broadbill, 黑喉绿阔嘴鸟, 黑喉綠闊嘴鳥,Calyptomena whiteheadi, オオミドリヒロハシ, SELUWIT RENGKUNG HITAM
– another montane endemic, a big green bird make a very noisy sound
– 蠻大的綠闊嘴。
update 202408
– a lucky Photography group with such 2x very close and long encounter of this lovely Borneo endemic.
– 非常幸运的摄影团,竟然遇上这只鸟2次(第一次全雾)。这么漂亮的婆罗洲特有种。
202408, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202307
– a large “green” Borneo endemic.
– it was a a misty day, after having our morning targets. We decided casual walking and all of sudden saw this bird stand just at roadside and moving toward direction of a trail. without any delay, we walk fast to the trail and got the bird with very good view even misty due to close and not very high up view
– previous both Whitehead’s Trio, we ticked it pretty simple. This one bit tricky where we saw it fly and perch (1-2 persons saw it but no good view). And one evening, I decided to make a bet to wait this bird at either location we normally found it. It is lucky picked, saw the bird stay for more than 20 minutes for good view, pictures and videos
17. Bornean Bristlehead, 棘毛伯勞, 棘头鵙, Pityriasis gymnocephala, ブタゲモズ, TIUNG-BATU KEPALA MERAH
– one of the most special of Bird of Borneo .. monotypic endemic
– moving in flocks, making various funny calls
– 非常特別單一屬種的特有
– 群體活動,很吵。
update 202412
Another great moment 2024—after missing this bird at RDC, we were fortunate to encounter it up close and low on our way to Danum Valley. It made quite a lot of noise, even while feeding on insects.
– one of bird that not so rare but just need luck to be see one. Lucky guests have very good view even may not good chance to have good picture this round …
– an exclusive Borneo endemic, always one of the main target to Borneo
– another bird that I keep looking at is this, it is my first time sight it here … excite !!! too bad 3rd times of the trip so not much time spend on this …
– finally back from a stress tour, leading 10 (2 cannot make it ) for 3 special monotypic families, we spend 2.5 days for this.. Everyone seem tired but still patient for the process of waiting and looking (thanks for the trust) finally we have very good view of this Borneo endemic for ~2-3 minutes low … lucky group also managed to record 200+ birds (only lowland forest and some amazing species)
– sometime it is just luck, patient will bring luck … patient ……..
– a very special bird of Borneo
– 有时运气时非常重要的,耐心会给你带来运气的。。。。耐心。。。
– 这鸟很特别哦
202402, Sepilok, Sabah
update 202401
– a very good start of 2024, a main target to be photograph of this beautiful canopy bird came down quite good level for photograph. All of us with good smile after first sighting than follow with even lower for 2nd sighting …
– 2024 号的开始,客人主要目标。站的蛮地,大家都笑了。可是第二天再次见到它。站的更低。
202402, Sepilok, Sabah
update 202305
– a Borneo trip without Birstlehead, it going to be tough. We were worry so much but what a good view for everyone 2 times and low and near !!! lucky, as no one actually ask when we going to see the bird. everyone patient and with patient and luck we seen this one and immediate after with Pygmy Elephant !
– one of the most common Borneo endemic at montane. Normally moving fast with bird flock.
– 婆罗洲非常普通的特有种。通常与其他鸟群体活动,跳的很快。
202409, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia
19. Black Oriole, 黑鹂, 黑鸝, Oriolus hosii, スミゴロモ, KUNYIT HITAM BORNEO
– one of the rareness birds of the world, it only found at the small center of Borneo island.
– as other orioles, making few different lovely calls
– 世界上最稀有的鳥之一。因為這特有種,只在婆羅洲中部有發現。
update 202309
– a good moment with this special target bird, this year may not see it again but still hope to plan few days there to look for few other good birds there…
– going to be another busy months after short break, and can’t stop thinking how lucky we were with such close encounter … this was 560mm with minimum crop !!! a very rare Borneo endemic but not difficult bird to be seen but it is always high up on the tree with “small” size almost like a black dot
– another visit of this amazing place Paya Maga, but this trip we had a bad weather . Arrive hiking with heavy rain, missed one evening and night for anything just hearing the lovely natural music and good rest. Following with on and off rain. But this main target still show well for us and even come low and stay long for us to take picture.
– 再次到这美好的地方,Paya Maga . 可是这次天气真的不是很给力。几乎都下雨。上山时还下大雨。天气冷,下雨,鸟没活动还有比这差吗?还好我们到这的主打鸟还是拍到了。还下来低+久让我们拍好好。
202307, Paya Maga, Sarawak, Malaysia
update 202306
– this is a special Borneo endemic why we were at Paya Maga. The weather is wet almost everyday, muddy trail, cold shower, no electricity, sharing big hall for sleep. But good birds as usual, managed to have this bird first afternoon, and see it almost every day.
– 我们到Paya Maga 的原因(在这没电,冻水凉,湿泥土,下雨,大家睡在一个大空间)可是好鸟原因大家都没投诉。这非常稀有的婆罗洲特有种,到的第一个中午已拿下。之后每一天都看到。
– montane endemic, look similar to Green Magpie which is longer tail and eye iris color not white
– 高山特有種,與藍綠鵲像。這鳥短尾,白眼。
update 202409
– another raining day and today is from 8am rain non stop until evening … so cold at mountain area … just got morning session some good birds but target birds still missing .. this bird come so close to us
– this was captured during heavy rain, it is just how amaze the bird still active in such heavy rain.. we almost cannot see the bird but the camera still able to find the bird and lock focus .. it is a wet bird and photographer moment
It was quite a stressful morning as we missed the Trogon twice, and the male Black-sided Flowerpecker didn’t show up. However, this bird flew close, giving me a chance to capture it in flight. What a beautiful sight!
– another Borneo Endemic not that difficult to be missed if we have enough time to be at right time. But this time, we are lucky enough to have just park ours car and found this bird with another 2 endemic birds just in single area for feeding on this flower.
– normally moving in group, black crest with yellow body
– a recent split, it is a Borneo highland endemic. a common bird making a lot of noise while moving in group or pair.
– 最近才被分出来的婆罗洲高山特有种。蛮普通,通常群体活动。
202406, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202308
– a highland, bulbul that pretty common but recently gave me some hardtie to looking for it. previous trips just need more tie on this bird. Not sure what happen .. but last trip, it just show there when we arrive …
– some checklist already split this as Pale-faced Bulbul as Borneo endemic
– another bird that we seldom missed since pandemic “covid” (previously seem more shy). This bird just pop up when we trying to locate the partridge. Cute, small and fast
– “side effect” of the CANON RF200800, this bird small, fast and always in lowlight .. end up ISO20000 needed
– as usual very fast moving and tiny bird.but now with the AI camera CANON R7. so much easier with the animal eye detect. almost like point the lens to the bird and press shutter
– as other wren-babbler, active bird mostly moving near ground level
– 稀有特有種,活躍。
update 202412
Another unforgettable moment with this rare, incredibly shy, and active Borneo endemic. It’s hard to believe it stayed in front of us, slowly moving, for quite a while—just about 10 feet away. Truly a remarkable memory to cherish for 2024.
– another good moment with this bird, it is difficult to while this bird love to moving near ground and very active. Some of us just see the bird jumping around … but after lunch I decide to check out again. Very lucky to have this bird just ~10 feet from me ..
– never want to missed this bird while I am in Borneo, one of my top 3 birds to be seen and photograph. It happen to my last bird of long main tour. Good view for all, record picture for this super active bird.
– 2023 is very good year, I didn’t missed any chance to look for this at Danum Valley. active and beautiful bird for photography
– 2023 我在丹绒谷,几乎没错过一次拍这鸟。很活跃,漂亮的鸟。
202307, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia
udpate 202309
– Wren-Babbler always my favorite bird to photograph, it is just challenge , beautiful … this bird always my number 1 bird to be chase each time I am at Borneo
– 鹪鹛是我最喜欢拍摄鸟种之一。因为充满挑战+漂亮。特别是这一只,每次到婆罗洲我都要挑战他的。
202307, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202307
– really like the front view of this active bird. most of the time on low near ground.
– 它的正面,真的很好看。这鸟,通常在很低活动。
202307, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia
– this bird seldom stop more than 1-2s. it always on the move and on low ground. I had tried long to get a video. But always failed, not even more than 3s so far .. finally this time I got ~10s even it is not really focus and good view but this is how the bird behave – hope one day can have better video … – 这鸟总是不停的动,几乎不停多过1-2秒。还要主要在地上,试了好几年还是没办法拍多过3秒的视频。还是觉得,不是这么容易。这次拍到好几秒它怎么动。虽然,没很好对焦。可是先加减看看。
– when look close it is so gorgeous especially the front pattern
– most of them really shy, it is so difficult to have a open view this time. But I still meet one over the after lunch walk. managed to have some pictures and “walking” video
– as usual, a fast moving “ground” level wren-babbler come close to me but just quiet stand there looking at me while the Stripe Wren-Babbler calling non stop nearby,
– 这鸟如常鬼鬼祟祟的在附近看我,以为我看不到他。真的很喜欢这鸟。
202306, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202305
– my favorite bird and this make another favorite picture for me as it look at me for ~1s just like the way it stand and sing.
– 最喜欢鸟种之一,这也是我最喜欢照片之一。这样看我很可爱。
202305, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia
– one of my favorite bird of Malaysia, I heard Blue-headed Pitta, Striped Wren-Babbler & this bird calling and while I am hiding and waiting for Blue-headed Pitta to show. This bird suddenly appear as this, shooting 500mm at almost no crop.
26. Black-throated wren-babbler, 黑喉鹪鹛, 黑喉鷦鶥, ノドグロサザイチメドリ, KEKICAU-MURAI BESAR BORNEO
– a lowland, rare and shy endemic
– making a loud and various different call
– 低海拔稀有特有種。
– 通常叫很大聲。
update 202409
– long time never been Tabin Wildlife Reserve, this time come here for quick one and meet up my very first Guide from Danum Valley BRL .. Paul .. We spend 3 mornings and 2 evening for birding .. not really bad overall, got all 3 Wren-Babbler .. this is one active moving around
update 202407– a Borneo endemic pretty common lowland – sub-montane forest. It is a bird seldom miss at Danum Valley.. but still difficult to have a good photo.– 一只婆罗洲特有种从低海拔-中海拔都能找到。在丹浓谷很少或看不到。可是拍好照片还是需要点运气。
202406, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia
– all of sudden almost any where also heard this bird calling. very active moving as usual. but this bird seem willing to stand here for me take some good pictures and video
– 突然几乎每个森林都听到他叫。可是还是超活跃,可是这家伙。站蛮久。几乎全部都客人都看的非常好。
202307, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia
– a bird that make many different call, very active and shy for photography.
– another favorite bird of mine, active and beautiful Borneo endemic. But for last few months, seem difficult to have some photo of this bird. Lucky morning to have this small flock moving along the road side.
– one of my best moment of 2029, this bird stay close and one of best view of this bird
– 我的2029最好的一刻,这鸟站这个位置真的最好角度看这鸟。
202407, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia
– another main target of the short trip, it is close and fast .. all of us saw the bird .. but sad my buddies didn’t got the picture of it feeding on “fruit” (think my first time saw this bird eat fruit) …
– the bird moving fast and inside dark bush, 2 of the Z9 failed to got the bird in focus 🙁 lucky me with new R5markii , if bring mark 1 may be also dont have this best moment of this rare bird
– 与朋友的几天,主要目标之一。这鸟来的蛮近的。可是有入常态,动很快,在暗的地方动。朋友们Z9都没办法对上焦(在这站了好几秒大家都看到)。幸好佳能R5Mark ii 好好表现还是对上了几张。这鸟非常害羞,稀有。非常不容易拍照,还加上第一次看到它吃果子(通常吃昆虫).
202409, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202408
– before archive the folder, make another picture one of best moment of 2024. This bird stand here more than 3 minutes … making call.. looking at us ..such a handsome
– one of my favorite birds of Malaysia, it is not that rare just too active to have good view. But when lucky strike, me and David enjoy few minutes of best moment with this bird .. amazing bird to look at
– a very tiny small pale Borneo endemic, which normally moving in group
– a special endemic for the group, which told them very small bird and not very attractive but they say want have a try .. bingo .. got it quite low for us take picture
– a heavy rain morning, make us lost direction just birding with umbrella and raincoat. Lucky to have this bird so close at eye-level. beautiful Borneo endemic
– 一个下雨的早上,没办法带上雨伞一样的找鸟。还好这漂亮的特有种站的这么近。
202408, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202306
– surprise for last trip, it was so tough to meet one of this common bird, even we had many sights again last day of the long tour. But this bird gave us very good view and picture opportunity
– it getting difficult to sight this Borneo Endemic again, use to be so easy just walking in the morning should see 1-2 of them but recent trip to KNP make few challenge search before had it. We walking to search last 4 targets and thick mist without any big hope but this guy just came and not far for everyone good view. Lucky …(also happy for a small Photographer able to capture this not so easy photograph bird in such a close distance)
– we arrived KNP evening and it was misty … but we still trying ours best to look for some bird… first session looking for Bulbul failed… but follow by Whitehead’s Broadbill and this amazing endemic. it feed infront of us ~10-15m for quite long until some car passby
– as usual morning session, but lucky today have 1 pair still feeding with quite good available light.
– a shy Borneo montane endemic
– 婆罗洲高山特有种。不很稀有,就是有点害羞。
– 如常,我们一大早就找这鸟。好幸运,遇上一对在还有光线的时候还在。
202308, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia
update 22307
– a bird that always make us wake up early. This special bird come to us dusk, which still have quite good light. CANON R7 with 400mm F2.8 still working perfect for lowlight
– we normal look for this bird dusk/dawn with almost no light situation. A very lucky moment while we walking, got this bird came out for very close for picture (not this) but love this while it standing
– after a tired morning, hiking and keep looking for fast moving shy bird… decided make a move to other place try some lifer for my buddies. After we got the Bornean Shortwing, this bird show up when heavy mist 🙁 but still a lifer for them .. happy men ….
– another long plan and excited Borneo Photography with Taiwan group and thanks for the trusted continue book for 2025 … very dramatic tour, cannot arrived to Kota Kinabalu on time due to Volcano eruption at Sulawesi North but finally arrived but 2 days late. But we still catch up most of the plan and got many good birds such as Dusky Eagle Owl day roost, 3 Whitehead’s, Fruit-hunter, Bristlehead, Helmeted Hornbill and etc ..
– we were lucky on this, we got Everett’s Thrush, Whitehead’s Broadbill, Bornean Green-Magpie and follow by this super close and low Fruit-hunter … and still like a dream everything happen within an hour.It came low and chase away many other bird and stay long.
– a very dramatic day, raining, heavy mist follow by lucky encounter Bornean Green-Magpie, Whitehead’s Trogon than this “rare” endemic and we had 7-8 birds in one tree for long time
The weather shortened our trip to KNP, but we were lucky to spot most of the endemics with great views. For example, this shy forktail was just about 10 meters away and stayed for a while, giving us a perfect pose!
– look like Crimson-breasted Flowerpecker with small different and rare in Sabah
– 低海拔特有種。與紅胸鋸齒啄花鳥很像。
update 202407
– a raining afternoon, almost lost full half day but before we call it a day. Got few birds gave us some good view include this Borneo endemic. a pair stay low and long for us.
– 几乎整个下午都下雨,看是没什么机会。我还是叫大家到有花的地方等雨停,还好好几只不错的鸟出现。包括这只婆罗洲特有种。
202407, RDC, Sepilok, Sabah
update 202405
– active and common Borneo endemic in certain places like Sabah RDC, Danum Valley BRL
– for the group this is the only bird that keep seeing again and again in very close distance.
– 在婆罗洲, 西必洛,丹浓谷保护区 都不难拍到这鸟。
– 在上一团,这可是见最多的婆罗洲特有种。还要是特别近距离的。
202405, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia
42. Black-sided Flowerpecker, 黑胁啄花鸟, 黑邊紅胸啄花,Dicaeum monticolum, ボルネオノドアカハナドリ, SEPAH-PUTERI GUNUNG BORNEO
– common montane endemic
– easy sight near flower
– 蠻普通的高山特有種。
– 在花周邊,較容易見到這鳥。
update 202407
– it is always co-operative for us, this time even lower and closer for us. While we busy to get good view of the Bornean Treepie. This bird just perch few feet from us and lets everyone has good view
– after long, again using R5 for this long trip, hope I change my view on this camera.
– 通常都很合作的鸟,今天竟然站离我们几尺而已。没个人都看的很好。
– 好几年没再认真用佳能R5,这次会在婆罗洲用上。希望会对它有点改观。
202407, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202405
– it is a raining day, this common montane endemic just stand there for so long for us .. lovely Borneo endemic
– 在下雨天,这婆罗洲特有种。很乖的站很久让我们拍够够。
202405, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202309
– an endemic that not that difficult but beautiful to be seen …
– common lowland endemic which previously under streak-breast spiderhunter which absents from Borneo
– 蠻普通低海拔特有種。有點像紋背捕蛛鳥
update 202412
It’s not very common to spot this bird here at Gunung Alab, but we heard its call while waiting for another target. Not that long, we saw it perched nearby! Yet another great sighting.
– this bird can be found easily near Lodge area but we seldom stay.. most of ours activities walk from the lodge but this time we got this bird easily just ~200-400m away on ground (~5cm from ground) … it pick the fruit for feeding ?
– one of the Whitehead’s trio which also sub-montane and montane endemic
– with various metallic call
– 高山與山丘特有種。婆羅洲3大“白頭”之一。
– 它的聲音很“電動”
update 202502
It was a fortunate 1.5 days with such a limited birding window. We managed to spot and photograph Whitehead’s trio. Though it’s somewhat an environmental shot, it’s still great to see the bird again.
It was a quick visit to check on the flowers while meeting a few friends. Within an hour, the bird appeared twice, giving me the perfect chance to capture its flight using the R1 Continuous Pre-record mode. It worked perfectly!
Over the years, by understanding what the bird feeds on, it has gone from being difficult to spot to becoming a fairly common sight today.
– a special Borneo endemic, this year seem not that difficult for this very beautiful bird
– 婆罗洲特有种蛮多人喜爱的一只。今年几乎不难遇上
202405, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202405
– it is a not so rare but not so easy bird to be seen, but for last months.. the favorite flower (Wightia borneensis) it become patient can make it possible .. just wait …. the bird will be coming … But today, it make different the bird decided come nearer tree and came down for us .. amazing lucky moment even didn’t get any picture while it is at lowest view .. but it is good and close to have this view
– somehow we missed this bird at Sabah after ~3 days search, and lucky to have Sarawak which is a slightly easier place to have this species. Such a different spiderhunter and unmistakable call
– 唯一“全白”的捕蛛鸟。它的叫声应该也很少会听错。
202306, Bakelalan, Sarawak, Malaysia
update 202305
– very early morning on 2nd day, we arrived and heard the call immediate it show less than 5minutes of waiting with very good view. Still one of best looking bird in KNP
– 第2天一早,我们到达后不到5分钟就看到了。运气爆表。还是觉得神山最好看的鸟之一。
202305, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia
update 20221024
– one of the most beautiful spiderhunter and a not so common Borneo endemic
– as other munias, normally found near open grass forest
– 低海拔特有種。
update 20240725
– a common Borneo endemic which normally found near open land either forest edge or urban open grassland. overall dark
– 婆罗洲最普通的特有种吧,通常在开阔地就可以看到。
202407, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
46. Sabah Partridge, 沙巴山鹧鸪, 沙巴山鷓鴣, Tropicoperdix graydoni, クリチャミヤマテッケイ, SERUK-BUKIT SABAH
– not really an endemic yet, but it looks different from the non-Sabah race.
– 非證實特有種可是在沙巴這鳥與其他的不一樣。
update 202408
– this bird seem not really easy to have picture in Danum, but it is a lucky day.. the bird just stand there for so long .. but it is under the dark area .. ISO16000 used 🙁
– as usual, one of the very tame bird to be seen and photograph, never missed over the years .. sometime I am just worry of the bird behavior
– 这鸟有时间,到对的地方。几乎没错过。可是就太乖了,我真的有点担心这鸟的安全。
202208, Sukau, Malaysia
update 202305
– a noisy and lovely Partridge, with the name of Sabah Partridge ** . We got it at Sabah and as usual this bird come to say “hi” to me again over the years same location.
– found and seen 2 birds at 2 locations. lucky group
– depend on the checklist, this is obviously different on the wing without “white”
– lowland and making a various noisy call
– 不是全部鳥單分出這特有種。可是翅膀沒白邊。
update 202503
It’s a noisy bird, but I always enjoy seeing it. It gives us great opportunities for photography, even though it’s just a plain black bird and not particularly striking. Its unique actions—like calling while moving its head up and down—make for special photo moments.
During a brief visit to RDC, we were scanning for birds to photograph when this one approached, making a noisy call. Suddenly, it flew toward us. Without hesitation, I pressed the shutter. Despite the low light in the forest and the high ISO, it still tracked well.
– another bird that use to be not so common at RDC but recently it become almost cannot miss bird .. a black bird that look similar to Peninsular Malaysia species but here without the white patch on wing
– a bird that make various “digital” song, and here sharing few call of this black bird
– 一只全黑的鸟,会叫出好几种“电子”声音。
update 20231001
– it is quite difficult to have good photo before pandemic 2020 but it seem pretty common and tame overall since than … it is noisy active bird and good thing sometime it move together with other bird
– only Montane of Borneo, and it may split as separate endemic species . a shy bird
update 202501
Another shot captured using the CANON R1’s Continuous Pre-record feature, showcasing this tiny, active, and shy Borneo endemic.
202412, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202412
The final tour of 2024 began on a high note, featuring eight stunning images of Borneo endemics. Thanks to the new Canon R1’s Continuous Pre-record feature, I seized the opportunity to capture the action at ISO 16000, including remarkable shots of this tiny and lively bird.
– a very active and shy bird of Borneo, normally moving low near ground. Male dark overall and female some how very beautiful bird instead
– 非常活跃与害羞的婆罗洲特有种。通常在地面上跳动。雄鸟暗蓝色,母鸟非常漂亮。
202409, Gunung Alab, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202405
– another good bird to be seen open and stay for may be <2 seconds for everyone .. lovely female, active, shy and making loud long call almost any where in KNP recently. (last month not even single bird making call)
– 婆罗洲高山特有种,害羞,动作快,可爱的一只鸟。这次到神山几乎哪都听到他叫。上个月几乎都没听到。
202405, Gunung Alab, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202311
– a shy bird to been seen/photograph, but this female seem looking for someone .. but still active jumping around
– 非常害羞的鸟,看都不容易不要讲拍。可是这母鸟好像在等什么。总在附近跳来跳去。
202309, Gunung Alab, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202309
– last day, heard this bird calling loud and found it is quite tame to human !!! amazing it is almost a not possible to photograph … beautiful girl
– suggested split due to a male having black-face. Female look same
– 不是全部鳥單分出這特有種. 公鳥臉是黑的。母鳥是一樣的。
update 202405
– wonderful last day of the tour, this main target came down low after long wait .. and it carry a mantis to feed his wife too
– a canopy bird that coming low for use take some wonderful picture of this handsome
– 一年前安排的摄影行,几乎要被取消(火山爆发)。可是朋友们的执着,到最后一天+最后一只主要目标。
– 这鸟都是在树顶活动的,很小通常都不好拍。这次下来低+捉了只螳螂喂老婆。
202404, Sugud, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202404
– another good bird seen while waiting for target bird, this bird just came not that high and making some call .. beautiful male bird
– 沙巴另一只低海拔的主要目标鸟。在等其他鸟,这鸟飞在我们附近不高。
202403, Sepilok, Sabah
update 202309
– ours’ last day at the Tawau, just want spend a morning for anything as main target ticked. everyone seem happy with yesterday Blue-Banded Pitta show, and today almost not really in mood for anything and raining… we just walking around but all of sudden this bird make a call and with little bit of wait and searching .. it stand at eye-level for us.. but sad one of outs’ team fall down with minor injure hope he recover soon
– a bird that every love to seen and photography. Before heading to no internet again, let’s share another good picture from previous tour. This bird just stand so low giving us a good view and picture.
– 应该是最上镜鸟之一吧。等会又开始没网的日子。让我分享上一团我蛮喜欢的照片之一。
202307, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia
– a lucky quick walk, this bird just stand so low for good view and picture
– 非常幸运的遇上这么美丽的鸟站这么低
202307, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202210
– lucky of the day, we got this lovely bird end of the day even quite dark but still good view of the female
– 非常幸运的在最后一刻,看到这么漂亮的母鸟。
202210, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202106
– depend which checklist, this bird may split as Borneo endemic
the male bird in Borneo look different from Banded Kingfisher (Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Java, Vietnam etc). The mae with obvious black face but female look same
– last morning at Danum, walk little slower as waiting more light to go into trail for more species but this bird just come out from bush and walk infront of us and Spread your wings
– As customer want different experience than birding . We had very late evening jungle trail walk . This bird just slow walk on the trail while we were there .. but it is too dark and this was captured with ISO16000
– still a big and beautiful bird to be seen and photograph
– exclusive Borneo montane endemic, KNP, and sometimes see it calling and flying around
update 202305
– misty day after rain whole night. reach to next destination, saw this raptor sit on fence and allow us take some pictures before flew away.
– definite my best 5 of 202305
– 很大雾的一天。在到达下个鸟点前,尽然见到这么稀有的鹰。还让我们下车看够够才飞走。
– 这一定是我2023 5月最喜欢照片之一。
202305, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202304
– it is not that often to see this beautiful raptor close, this bird flying low and close after ours guests insist to wait for this amazing raptor after heard its’ call
– 很少机会见到这漂亮的猛禽飞的这么近与地。感谢客人的执着,等了蛮久的。
202208, KNP, SABAH, Malaysia
update 202211
– for year 2022, think this is my bird of the year. Over the years, this bird just high up for reasonable picture. But this year few times, managed to see it really low and close.
– 2022 年度只鸟。在这之前每次都飞的高高的,今年好几次都很低。
update 202209
– always love to see this special montane endemic low
– 这么难的机会,这么低的看这特别的婆罗洲特有种。
202208, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202208
– one of our long wait target while we heard it calling and we keep waiting in the open area for ~2hours for a best view of this montane endemic
– a newly split from Ochraceous Bulbul, special to Borneo. additional of Borneo Endemic.
A brownish-olive bulbul with a wispy crest and a puffy, glowingly white throat. Inhabits lowland and montane forests, where it prefers primary or well-aged secondary growth. Forages in the middle and lower levels of the forest, usually in small, noisy flocks. (Ebird)
– a pre-tout visit a feeding spot for this Borneo rare endemic. It is a real beautiful gem of Borneo forest. Look at the back, it is open like a coral such a beautiful . (sorry for bad quality with crop as only 500mm use which require heavy crop)
– another visit to the famous BPP site, many of friends waiting long or missed this bird. make us worry and decided to have 2 days try. today after breakfast heading to the “hide” and got in ~8am. surprise we only wait 2.5 hour which is a joke with friend day before we make appointment with the bird at 1030am !!! and it appear 10:32am. stand there and feed for quite long.
– and today a bit weird behavior which keep making calls
– finally completed another Borneo special task. But not really a good trip as almost everyday raining. Bird activity as expected still low. But this main target show well without long wait and come close.
– what a nature beauty. For me bird is far beautiful than human.
– even not a lifer for me, but see it near and stay is a totally different feeling. This bird is so beautiful when lighting hit at the right position of the body.
– 虽然见过这鸟,可是近距离+停留(之前见到的都是在跑的),这鸟真的很漂亮。
202207, Sabah, Malaysia
– an adult female walk together with a juvi bird lovely 2 birds– 幸运的拍到雌成鸟带着亚成鸟
202207, Sabah, Malaysia
– a very rare Borneo endemic and it is recently found outside from Borneo-Indonesia (Balikpapan) after such a long missing period it is recently confirm found 2016
– please to have chance to photograph this rare and beautiful bird
– a lovely and beautiful pheasant with beautiful white tail.
– 非常漂亮与害羞的鹇,走动时白色尾巴摇摆。非常漂亮
update 202405
– some good efforts from some good Birders (Photographer – KK Lee) over the years finally managed to create a good “spot” for this bird and some other good bird for Photography… I do not have many trip there but only for extension for some special tour .. but still quite enjoy the birds and environment there.
– a male with “white tail” , blue face, red leg which come for feeding food but it still shy with big movement and sound.
– 经过好几年的经营 KK Lee 把这个鸟点搞得有声有色。这个鸟点可是摄鸟的天堂,虽然我没到很多(几乎都带观鸟团)可是有些“加长版”还是有来这鸟。
– 公鸟,长白尾,蓝脸,红脚。几乎很少错过来这吃吃东西。可是还是害羞。
202404, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202310
– I didnt update any pictures for 2023, even I went to 2 feeding station for multiple times. This bird is amazing and I recommended look at yourself … the color and whole bird is un-real.
Bakelalan Owl House is a family-run homestay. It’s neither a hotel nor a resort, guests actually stay with owners Andy and his Lun Bawang wife, Maureen in their quaint little home set in a picturesque setting.
Bakelalan is home to the indigenous Lun Bawang people, an ethnic group in Borneo. It’s the perfect place to get away from it all and just get back to basics in a friendly, peaceful, and serene kampung environment. It’s also ideal for nature lovers who enjoy trekking, mountain climbing, birdwatching, photography (landscape, nightscape, wildlife, people)….or just plain chilling out.
To keep Bakelalan Owl House simple and cozy, it currently can accommodate only a maximum of 8 guests at any one time.
59. Cream-eyed Bulbul, 白眼鹎, Pycnonotus pseudosimplex, MERBAH MATA PUTIH BORNEO
– a very similar look with cream-vented bulbul but it is newly know to be Borneo endemic
– 与白眼褐鹎有点困扰。是最近被分为婆罗洲特有种。白眼,褐色
Dull dirt-brown bulbul with pale button eyes. Currently only known from northern Borneo, where it is the only plain brown bulbul with white eyes. Pale-eyed forms of closely related Cream-vented Bulbul do not overlap in range. Found in a range of forests and forest edges. Like other bulbuls, often joins flocks at fruiting trees. Gives loud “pinks” and quiet sputtering trills. (ebird)
update 202408
– after tired to search for Bornean Wren-babblers .. everyone saw it but not a very good view ::( .. decide to walk up to canopy for some relax birding and this bird stand in-front of us .. sometime it is easy to miss as a brown bird
– 在看到加里曼丹地鹛后,大家都筋疲力尽了。就上了树上不到简单看鸟,这一只好鸟竟然就站前面。
202408, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202307
– a recent visit to Danum Valley and used to see it quite common at RDC and Danum Valley. But than not really has good sight since ~2 years ago until now
the rice here is one of the best, good to visit to see how they plant paddy without machine here
the OWL house…. a lovely place that I always miss
highland salt, we can see how they process it here too …
A little bit of adventure to try .. bamboo bridge 😀
one of the most beautiful forests in Malaysia. people too .. very friendly and nice
besides pineapple, this is my favor here .. and it is free 😀 wild 😀
everyone like OWL here !!!!
come at the right time can see all lovely human interest how they work ..
**** Thanks for Bakelalan Owl House support .. and here is a great place to enjoy nature, friendly people, a beautiful place for tracking, human, fauna & flora etc ..
– very aggressive with any bird that comes close to the territory
– with crest
update 202502
It was a fantastic day trip with a past visitor to Malaysia. We photographed 36 species, including some truly remarkable birds and moments. Here’s to an even better 2025!
A slim, medium-sized drongo with bright red eyes and gray plumage that is almost black in the western parts of its range and quite pale in the eastern parts of its range; eastern birds also often have an oval-shaped pale facial patch. It has a long slim tail with a deep fork. Common in wooded habitats where it sallies for insects and aggressively chases other birds that may compete for food or nectar. Most birds migrate south every winter. Similar to Black Drongo, but slimmer and usually in different habitats. Calls include harsh and sweet notes, and can mimic some bird species poorly. [Ebird]
It is noticeably larger than the Ashy Drongo found in Malaysia. We were fortunate to spot it catching a wasp (recently, I got stung by a wasp in Sumatra—glad this bird took care of one for me… just joking!). This bird is quite common at Baihualing and can be seen from several different hides.