1. Moustached Babbler, 须树鹛, 須樹鶥, Malacopteron magnirostre, ヒゲチャイロチメドリ, KEKICAU-CANGKUK BERMISAI
2. Sooty-capped Babbler, 纯色树鹛, 純色樹鶥, Malacopteron affine, ズグロチャイロチメドリ, KEKICAU-CANGKUK UBUN GELAP
3. Scaly-crowned Babbler, 小红头树鹛, 小紅頭樹鶥, Malacopteron cinereum, コズアカチャイロチメドリ, KEKICAU-CANGKUK BERAPI KECIL
4. Rufous-crowned Babbler, 大红头树鹛, 大紅頭樹鶥, Malacopteron magnum, ズアカチャイロチメドリ, KEKICAU-CANGKUK BERAPI BESAR
5. Gray-breasted Babbler, 灰头树鹛, Malacopteron albogulare, ムナオビチャイロチメドリ, KEKICAU-CANGKUK DADA KELABU
6. Collared Babbler, 领鵙鹛, 領鵙鶥, Gampsorhynchus torquatus, エリモズチメドリ, KEKICAU KEPALA PUTIH BIASA
7. Puff-throated Babbler, 棕头幽鹛, 棕頭幽鶥, Pellorneum ruficeps, ムナフジチメドリ, KEKICAU-TANAH BERBINTIK BIASA
8. Black-capped Babbler, 黑冠幽鹛,黑冠幽鶥, Pellorneum capistratum, ズグロジチメドリ, KEKICAU-TANAH UBUN HITAM
9. Buff-breasted Babbler, 棕胸幽鹛, 棕胸幽鶥, Pellorneum tickelli, チャムネムジチメドリ, KEKICAU-TANAH PERANG
10. Temminck’s Babbler, 泰氏幽鹛, 泰氏幽鶥, Pellorneum pyrrogenys, ワキアカムジチメドリ, KEKICAU-TANAH UBUN KELABU
11. Short-tailed Babbler, 短尾雅鹛, 短尾雅鶥, Pellorneum malaccense, タンビムジチメドリ, KEKICAU EKOR PENDEK BIASA
12. White-chested Babbler, 白胸雅鹛, 白胸雅鶥, Pellorneum rostratum, ムナジロムジチメドリ, KEKICAU-TELUNJUK DADA PUTIH
13. Ferruginous Babbler, 锈色雅鹛, 銹色雅鶥, Pellorneum bicolor, サビイロムジチメドリ, KEKICAU-TELUNJUK API
14. Abbott’s Babbler, 阿氏雅鹛, 阿氏雅鶥, Turdinus abbotti, ハシブトムジチメドリ, KEKICAU-BELUKAR BIASA
15. Horsfield’s Babbler, 霍斯氏雅鹛, 霍斯氏雅鶥, Turdinus sepiarius, ズグロムジチメドリ, KEKICAU-BELUKAR PARUH TEBAL
16. Bornean Black-capped Babbler, 婆罗洲黑冠幽鹛, 婆羅洲黑冠幽鶥, Pellorneum capistratoides, KEKICAU-TANAH UBUN HITAM BORNEO
Here only related with Babblers and tit-Babblers .. both Wren-Babbler and
Scimitar-Babbler shares separately as below
Pellorneidae series: Wren-Babbler | 雀眉科: 鹪鹛 | liewwk Nature 9-2 [update 20240823]
1. Moustached Babbler, 须树鹛, 須樹鶥, Malacopteron magnirostre, ヒゲチャイロチメドリ, KEKICAU-CANGKUK BERMISAI
– not that common
– Danum Valley, RDC, Kuala Tahan, Belum, Pedu etc

2. Sooty-capped Babbler, 纯色树鹛, 純色樹鶥, Malacopteron affine, ズグロチャイロチメドリ, KEKICAU-CANGKUK UBUN GELAP
– very common lowland species with beautiful song
– KRAU, Tahan, Merapok, Danum Valley, Tabin, Pedu, etc
update 202307
– early morning, nothing special show up, except this lovely “song bird” of the forest. 2 of them feeding low but still moving fast
– dull looking bird, but very good singer
– 很闷的鸟,没什么颜色。可是唱歌是很好听
– 一大早,没什么鸟。就这鸟陪我们。还下来吃东西。


3. Scaly-crowned Babbler, 小红头树鹛, 小紅頭樹鶥, Malacopteron cinereum, コズアカチャイロチメドリ, KEKICAU-CANGKUK BERAPI KECIL
– common lowland forest, sometimes confuse with Rufous-crowned Babbler
– Kuala Tahan, Merapoh, Danum Valley, RDC, Tabin, Pedu, etc

4. Rufous-crowned Babbler, 大红头树鹛, 大紅頭樹鶥, Malacopteron magnum, ズアカチャイロチメドリ, KEKICAU-CANGKUK BERAPI BESAR
– common lowland forest, sometimes confuse with Scaly-crowned Babbler
– Kuala Tahan, Merapoh, Danum Valley, RDC, Tabin, Pedu etc
update 202408
– a lovely “song bird” make a very lovely song almost just like Sooty-capped babbler .. moving in flock and fast
– 一只非常会唱歌的鸟,有时会与也非常厉害的纯色树鹛相似。通常群体活动。


5. Gray-breasted Babbler, 灰头树鹛, Malacopteron albogulare, ムナオビチャイロチメドリ, KEKICAU-CANGKUK DADA KELABU
– rare species
– Panti, KLIAS etc

6. Collared Babbler, 领鵙鹛, 領鵙鶥, Gampsorhynchus torquatus, エリモズチメドリ, KEKICAU KEPALA PUTIH BIASA
– rare submontane species
– Genting, Bukit Tinggi, Fraser Hill, etc
update 2020 Sept

update 2020 Aug

7. Puff-throated Babbler, 棕头幽鹛, 棕頭幽鶥, Pellorneum ruficeps, ムナフジチメドリ, KEKICAU-TANAH BERBINTIK BIASA
– Lowland, normally near mangrove
– Merbok

8. Black-capped Babbler, 黑冠幽鹛,黑冠幽鶥, Pellorneum capistratum, ズグロジチメドリ, KEKICAU-TANAH UBUN HITAM
– common in lowland forest.
– Kuala Tahan, Danum Vally, KRAU, Pedu, etc

9. Buff-breasted Babbler, 棕胸幽鹛, 棕胸幽鶥, Pellorneum tickelli, チャムネムジチメドリ, KEKICAU-TANAH PERANG
– montane species
– common at Fraser Hill, Genting etc
update 202405
– a very common overall brown little active babbler in Fraser Hill.
– it appear in most of the “bird spot”. Everyone seem attract Lesser Shortwing rather than this bird
– 福隆港很普通的一只鸟。可是还是非常活跃跳动的。
– 客人们都被短尾鸫吸引,没太大理会这鸟。


10. Temminck’s Babbler, 泰氏幽鹛, 泰氏幽鶥, Pellorneum pyrrogenys, ワキアカムジチメドリ, KEKICAU-TANAH UBUN KELABU
– very active babbler, montane species found Borneo.
– front rufous with white center
– KNP, Bakelalan
– 非常活跃的高山品种。

11. Short-tailed Babbler, 短尾雅鹛, 短尾雅鶥, Pellorneum malaccense, タンビムジチメドリ, KEKICAU EKOR PENDEK BIASA
– common lowland forests
– Danum Valley, Kuala Tahan, Merapok, KRAU etc
update 202105
– the look different from Peninsular Malaysia
– 与马来西亚西马不一样

– Peninsular Malaysia

12. White-chested Babbler, 白胸雅鹛, 白胸雅鶥, Pellorneum rostratum, ムナジロムジチメドリ, KEKICAU-TELUNJUK DADA PUTIH
– common near steam
– very beautiful song and loud
– Kinabatangan River, Kuala Tahan, Hulu Langat , Danum Valley etc
update 202405
– very common and noisy babbler which can found near stream, river bank .. very lovely babbler
– 在小溪,河边都很容易见到的很吵的·鸟


13. Ferruginous Babbler, 锈色雅鹛, 銹色雅鶥, Pellorneum bicolor, サビイロムジチメドリ, KEKICAU-TELUNJUK API
– common at lowland forest
– KRAU, Kuala Tahan, Merapok, Danum Valley, RDC etc
update 202209
– another active little “brown” bird normally heard than seen
– 一只棕色活跃小鸟。通常听到看不到的小鸟。


14. Abbott’s Babbler, 阿氏雅鹛, 阿氏雅鶥, Turdinus abbotti, ハシブトムジチメドリ, KEKICAU-BELUKAR BIASA
– normally near a water source
– confuse with Horsfield’s Babbler, which with a shorter tail, bill, and call

15. Horsfield’s Babbler, 霍斯氏雅鹛, 霍斯氏雅鶥, Turdinus sepiarius, ズグロムジチメドリ, KEKICAU-BELUKAR PARUH TEBAL
– confuse with Abbott’s Babbler, which with a longer tail, bill, and call
– Hulu Langat, KRAU, Tabin, etc

16. Bornean Black-capped Babbler, 婆罗洲黑冠幽鹛, 婆羅洲黑冠幽鶥, Pellorneum capistratoides, KEKICAU-TANAH UBUN HITAM BORNEO
– a newly split from Black-capped Babbler.
– 现在,与西马的分类了。
update 202402
– this bird simply odd, it follow us walking in the trail .. it just walk few feet from us .. for quite a distance. Another cute little endemic
– 这是一只非常奇怪的鸟,一只跟着我们走。。。还走了一段路。还在我们几尺内。可是还是很可爱的特有种。

update 202309
– a boring day, without target bird calling… this is the only endemic we had today ..but it is so good to give us good show
– 闷死了。目标鸟没叫,也没出现。只有几只鸟让我们看看拍拍,这只婆罗洲特有种很乖。

update 202301

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