Ploceidae series | 织布鸟科 | liewwk Nature – 1-2 [update 20250128]

Normally refer weavers, weaverbirds, weaver finches and bishops. These names come from the nests of intricately woven vegetation created by birds in this family.


1. Baya Weaver, 黄胸织雀, 黃胸織布鳥, Ploceus philippinus, キムネコウヨウジャク, Burung Tempua

South Africa

101. Long-tailed Widowbird, 长尾巧织雀, 長尾寡婦鳥, Euplectes progne, コクホウジャク

102. Southern Red Bishop, 红寡妇鸟, 紅寡婦鳥, Euplectes orix, オオキンランチョウ


1. Baya Weaver, 黄胸织雀, 黃胸織布鳥, Ploceus philippinus, キムネコウヨウジャク, Burung Tempua

non native male with bright yellow head


– the male having bright yellow head, female dull overall dull brown. Normally moving in group with munia

– 公鸟,头部黄。母鸟全浅棕色。通常是群体活动。

20240106, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



– pretty common at open grassland and paddy field. male with bright yellow crown.
– another hot day at Paddy field and all of sudden, saw this bird carrying a long leaf flying toward us.

– 这鸟向着我们飞来。还咬着长草。

update 202105

202104, Kuala Selangor, Selangor


101. Long-tailed Widowbird, 长尾巧织雀, 長尾寡婦鳥, Euplectes progne, コクホウジャク

Large dark widowbird. Breeding males, with massive tails and red and white highlights on their broad black wings, are unmistakable. Non-breeding males lose their long tails and become streaky and brown but keep the distinctive wing pattern. Females are brown and streaky year-round. Breeds in moist grassland but sometimes found in cultivation and other open habitats. Usually in flocks, especially when not breeding. Males give a very slow display flight in which the huge tail hangs down. Song is a sizzling trill. Females could be confused with many other species but even during the non-breeding season usually associate with males, which show a distinctive wing pattern. [EBird]


update 202501

A fairly common bird in South Africa, often seen gracefully flying around with its stunning long tail, offering us an incredible view.


202501, South Africa


102. Southern Red Bishop, 红寡妇鸟, 紅寡婦鳥, Euplectes orix, オオキンランチョウ

A small, dumpy sparrow-like weaver. The breeding male is a mix of velvety vermilion and black; the narrow black forecrown is diagnostic. The female and non-breeding male are nondescript, with a short tail and strong buff eyebrow, and are difficult to tell apart from other bishops. Pairs and small flocks are always close to water when breeding, and mixed-species colonies occur in reedbeds and swampy grassland, but they disperse into adjacent scrub in the non-breeding season, often in flocks. The song is an extended fizzling sizzle. Breeding males of other red bishop species either have no black forehead, or have a much more extensive black crown. [Ebird]


update 202501

One of the most common birds we encountered during our South Africa trip, yet its vibrant bright red plumage made it impossible not to admire. It became the joke of the trip when someone yelled for the car to stop, shouting, “RED Kingfisher!” From then on, everyone jokingly referred to this bird as a Kingfisher for the rest of the journey.


South Africa



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