a beautiful small island of Indonesia. which report 410 species of birds (Ebird 202105)
1. Coppersmith Barbet, 赤胸拟啄木鸟, 赤胸擬啄木鳥, Psilopogon haemacephalus, ムネアカゴシキドリ, Takur Ungkut-ungkut
2. Green Junglefowl, 绿原鸡, 綠原雞, Gallus varius, アオエリヤケイ, Ayam-hutan hijau
3. Javan Kingfisher, 爪哇翡翠, 爪哇翡翠, Halcyon cyanoventris, ジャワショウビン, Cekakak Jawa
4. Indian Pond-Heron, 印度池鹭, 印度池鷺, Ardeola grayii, インドアカガシラサギ, PUCUNG-PADI KELABU
5. Javan Kingfisher, 爪哇翡翠, 爪哇翡翠, Halcyon cyanoventris, ジャワショウビン, Cekakak Jawa
6. Javan Banded-Pitta, 爪哇蓝尾八色鸫, 爪哇藍尾八色鶇, Hydrornis guajanus, キマユシマヤイロチョウ, Paok pancawarna
7. Bali Myna, 长冠八哥, 峇里島長冠八哥, Leucopsar rothschildi, カンムリシロムク, Jalak Bali
8. Small Blue Kingfisher, 小蓝翠鸟, 小藍翠鳥, Alcedo coerulescens, ヒメアオカワセミ, Rajaudang Biru
9. Little Black Cormorant, 小黑鸬鹚, 小黑鸕鷀, Phalacrocorax sulcirostris, ミナミクロヒメウ, Pecuk-padi hitam
1. Coppersmith Barbet, 赤胸拟啄木鸟, 赤胸擬啄木鳥, Psilopogon haemacephalus, ムネアカゴシキドリ, Takur Ungkut-ungkut
– it is under the same species but looks different from the one found in Peninsular Malaysia. The Bali one, head over all more red-black instead of red-yellow-black
– 与马来西亚半岛的头部很不一样。红-黑而已。
update 202105

2. Green Junglefowl, 绿原鸡, 綠原雞, Gallus varius, アオエリヤケイ, Ayam-hutan hijau
– the male, very colorful, The back neck is metallic green-blue-yellow
– the comb, purple-red with center neon blue.
– the female is overall brown only
– 体长70厘米,体重454- 795克。两性异形,雄鸡羽毛的颜色主要是绿色和黑色,有一个带凹口的羽冠,几乎方形的羽毛。头顶部主要是淡蓝色,在顶峰部分变成紫红色。同时,羽毛的表面紫红色,两则蓝色。雌鸡总体呈棕色的色调,没有羽冠。
update 202105
– moving in a group of few hens and a single rooster.
– 群体活动。1公鸟,多只母鸟。

3. Javan Kingfisher, 爪哇翡翠, 爪哇翡翠, Halcyon cyanoventris, ジャワショウビン, Cekakak Jawa
– a Java, Bali endemic. very look-alike Peninsular Malaysia White-throated Kingfisher
– red-bill, head-brown, back-black-purple-blue, front brown-purple-blue. Both female and male same
– normally found near stream, pond, river
– 爪哇, 巴厘岛特有种
– 爪哇翡翠身长27 cm,体重93 g,雌雄类似。成鸟头部棕黑色,只有少数的颈部羽毛完成蓝紫。下颏,喉咙,领和胸部棕色,下巴浅棕色,喉咙和脖子两侧有几道黑色条纹。翕,背部,肩胛骨,尾和双翼显示蓝紫色调。主飞羽、次级飞羽和翼角能看到明亮的绿松石蓝色。翼端有白斑。腋窝和覆翼背面是黑色。嘴是红色,虹膜深褐色,红眼。腿是暗红色。幼鸟的羽毛比成鸟深。单调的绿色或紫色取代了绿松石蓝色。喉咙是白色或浅黄色,嘴橙棕色。
update 202105

4. Indian Pond-Heron, 印度池鹭, 印度池鷺, Ardeola grayii, インドアカガシラサギ, PUCUNG-PADI KELABU

5. Javan Kingfisher, 爪哇翡翠, 爪哇翡翠, Halcyon cyanoventris, ジャワショウビン, Cekakak Jawa
– note darker head in all plumages. Handsome in breeding plumage, with a creamy head, dark red breast, and lacy black plumes on the back.
– 鹳形目鹭科的鸟类。是一种中型涉禽,身长45cm,胸部红棕色,上体黑色,白色双翼、有一张喙尖黑色的黄色鸟喙,黄色的眼睛和腿。

6. Javan Banded-Pitta, 爪哇蓝尾八色鸫, 爪哇藍尾八色鶇, Hydrornis guajanus, キマユシマヤイロチョウ, Paok pancawarna
– Java endemic
– previously under the same species of Banded Pitta which now split to 3 different species. Malayan Banded Pitta, Borneo Banded Pitta, and Javan Banded Pitta. all of them with slightly different looks especially male. But all with the same call, behavior.
– 之前与其他两种马来亚,与婆罗洲归为同种。叫声一样。
– 爪哇特有种
update 202105
– male bird with a blue neck, head yellow instead of rufuos
– 公鸟。颈部有蓝边,头部是黄不是棕色。

7. Bali Myna, 长冠八哥, 峇里島長冠八哥, Leucopsar rothschildi, カンムリシロムク, Jalak Bali
An eye-catching white starling with black tips to the tail and wings, bare blue facial skin, and long plumes that hang down the nape. Juvenile is shorter-crested than adult, with yellow wash. Found in small groups in open forest, where it spends time in the trees and foraging on the ground. Avoids dense forest. Restricted to northwest Bali. Differs from Black-winged Starling in having the black on the wings confined to tips, and in showing blue facial skin. Song is an untidy jumble of scratchy, chattering notes and whistles. [Ebird]
8. Small Blue Kingfisher, 小蓝翠鸟, 小藍翠鳥, Alcedo coerulescens, ヒメアオカワセミ, Rajaudang Biru
a very common small blue-white small Kingfisher at Bali-Java, can be seen almost any where near stream, pond …but quite shy as usual
update 202402
– this is a very good example of need more fps .. so not always correct we do not need .. I normally shoot ~15fps in most of the camera by default … when this bird sudden dive in I am too late to change the fps .. and most of the frame without very good “eye contact” or I would say too less frame within the dive action (~7frames)
– 现在相机都说有多快。20,30,40,60,120,240fps .. 蛮多人讲,我们都不需要。。。不是很重要,其实我们大部分时间都不需要。可是有想过吗,有当然比没好啊。当我们需要时却没有,就像我这样。15张一秒,错过蛮多看过来的一幕啊。

update 202401
– a transit easy shooting near ours hotel, saw few of them and need small movement to get close to get closer pictures.
– 再去看松巴岛前,在巴厘岛酒店附近就找到。还蛮还几只,慢慢的走近还是可以拍好。

9. Little Black Cormorant, 小黑鸬鹚, 小黑鸕鷀, Phalacrocorax sulcirostris, ミナミクロヒメウ, Pecuk-padi hitam
– overall black and mid size of bird always found near ponds, river.
update 202401
– transit to Sumba Island so spent some time in Bali for casual birding, managed to have this pond for small fun for everyone .. this bird very common here first arrive every one chase haha .. and day2 everyone target other bird except me waiting some bird fall into better light position but saw these 2 birds fighting for fish even not at the direction I wanted but just capture the moment 😀
– 去松巴岛前一天到巴厘岛,就找了个小池塘过过日子。第一个下午,一到每个人追着鸟(新鸟种)第二天早上没人看了,我一个人在等什么鸟都好在好光线的位置出现。竟然看到2只在抢鱼(虽然不在我要的角度)可是还是拿下吧。
