Birds of Taman Negara – Kuala Tahan, Malaysia | 大汉山国家公园 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 11 [update 20250215]

New collections captured from Taman Negara, Pahang, Malaysia

1. Cinnamon-rumped Trogon, 橙腰咬鹃, 橙腰咬鵑, Harpactes orrhophaeus, ズグロキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA KECIL PINGGUL PERANG

2. Sunda Scops-Owl, 巽他领角鸮, 巽他領角鴞, Otus lempiji, スンダオオコノハズク, JAMPUK BIASA

3. Maroon Woodpecker, 小栗啄木鸟, 小栗啄木鳥, Blythipicus rubiginosus, エビチャゲラ, BELATUK-PUNGGUR MERAH

4. Gould’s frogmouth, 鳞腹蟆口鸱, 鱗腹蟆口鴟, Batrachostomus stellatus, ウロコガマグチヨタカ, CUCUR BINTIK EMAS

5. Malaysian honeyguide, 马来响蜜鴷, 馬來嚮蜜鴷, Indicator archipelagicus,  マレーミツオシエ, MUSUH-LEBAH MELAYU

6. Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker, 朱背啄花鸟, 朱背啄花鳥, Dicaeum cruentatum, セアカハナドリ, SEPAH-PUTERI BELAKANG MERAH

7. Diard’s trogon, 紫顶咬鹃, 紫頂咬鵑, Harpactes diardii, バラエリキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA TENGKUK JAMBU

8. Rufous Piculet, 棕啄木鸟, 棕啄木鳥, Sasia abnormis, マレーミツユビコゲラ, BELATUK-KERDIL API MELAYU

9. Crested Fireback, 凤冠火背鹇, 鳳冠火背鷴, Lophura ignita,  コシアカキジ, PEGAR TATERA

10. Green Broadbill, 绿阔, 小綠闊嘴鳥, Calyptomena viridis, ミドリヒロハシ, Burung Selawit

11. White-necked Babbler, 白耳穗鹛, 白耳穗鶥, Stachyris leucotis, シラボシモリチメドリ, KEKICAU-KANTAN CERUN




1. Cinnamon-rumped Trogon, 橙腰咬鹃, 橙腰咬鵑, Harpactes orrhophaeus, ズグロキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA KECIL PINGGUL PERANG

– very rare and shy bird

– look confuse with Scarlet-rumped sometime but with rumped color, call different, female, behavior and belly color different

update 202412

I still remember that quiet, hot afternoon. Despite spotting this bird, the guests showed little excitement due to the humidity. Everyone had a good view, and I took the opportunity to move to the back for a great photo session with this rare trogon.


202402, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202402

– a hot afternoon, we spent our hot day mostly with few different Woodpeckers .. before we want to go for some relax waiting birding.. I saw a “red dot” near ground ..I first thought is Garnet Pitta .. but after use my bino .. it is a Trogon and first impression it is Cinnamon-rumped and shout “come come come”… most of us still want to better confirmation and wait .. after few locate of it flight finally it show us the back view .. follow by call …. and everyone with big smile …

– 非常炎热的下午。还好,蛮多啄木鸟。。但我们要去凉快等鸟前,尽然被我看到“红点”在蛮低的位置。本身还以为看到榴红八色鸫,当我用上双筒看是。。我大叫。橙腰!。。。可是是鸟的前面,我们还是希望有机会100%是橙腰(怕是红腰。。很暗)当我们追他大概5-10分钟,他停了2次终于让我们看北部+叫了!大家都高兴。。。

202402, Pahang, Malaysia

2. Sunda Scops-Owl, 巽他领角鸮, 巽他領角鴞, Otus lempiji, スンダオオコノハズク, JAMPUK BIASA

– common wide spread

– garden, forest palm oil plantation ..

– Both Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo having different call

update 202409

– a small owl that can found urban area, forest edge… when it come can be real close to looking at us.

– everyone seem tired for night birding, but what a wonderful found when we walk out from ours room not further than 100m

– 非常小的猫头鹰,通常在公园,森林周边都可以蛮容易听到看到。拍还是不好拍。很小。

– 在我们的鸟行,通常都出去十多个小时。头很累,晚上还要出去看夜鸟。可是,类还是值得这么可爱的猫头鹰就站我们大概10-20尺内

202402, Kuala Tahan, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202402

– last bird ? no .. the Blyth’s Frogmouth decided to give us good view after this owl appear .. close and cute always

– 西马行最后一只鸟?不。。。这鸟出来后,星喉蟆口鸱也出来让我们看看他的可爱。

202402, Pahang, Malaysia


3. Maroon Woodpecker, 小栗啄木鸟, 小栗啄木鳥, Blythipicus rubiginosus, エビチャゲラ, BELATUK-PUNGGUR MERAH

update 202402

– very special day for us, so many woodpeckers at same area include this normally shy woodpecker also come join the party and come lowest compare other and closer ..

– 很少遇上这么多啄木鸟,在一个地方就5-6种。还要这比较害羞的来最近+低。

202402, Pahang, Malaysia


4. Gould’s frogmouth, 鳞腹蟆口鸱, 鱗腹蟆口鴟, Batrachostomus stellatus, ウロコガマグチヨタカ, CUCUR BINTIK EMAS

update 202403

– Thanks for trust, let us have very good view of this bird… sometime a full trust give us a good opportunity

– 感恩客人的信任,才让大家试试新的地方。才让我们看到这么可爱的鸟。

202402, Pahang, Malaysia


5. Malaysian honeyguide, 马来响蜜鴷, 馬來嚮蜜鴷, Indicator archipelagicus,  マレーミツオシエ, MUSUH-LEBAH MELAYU

update 202404

– looking file for sale and clearing some old picture… still remember this one of best moment this bird doing it’s displaying making weird call just ~5-10 feet from us … it is ~6-10 feet from ground too !!! such a best moment

– 在找几个档案时,看到这组照片。就处理多一张,这一幕应该是永远记得。这么一只稀有的鸟竟然在我们5-10尺距离(6-10尺高)一直叫的很奇怪+一直像跳舞般张开翅膀

202308, Taman Negara, Pahang, Malaysia


6. Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker, 朱背啄花鸟, 朱背啄花鳥, Dicaeum cruentatum, セアカハナドリ, SEPAH-PUTERI BELAKANG MERAH

update 202405

– one of pretty common flowerpecker but not sure what happen. keep miss this bird recently and finally have this again with good view.

– 慢普通的,可是最近终是见不到这鸟。终于还是飞来我们面前让我们拍好好。

202405, Kuala Tahan, Pahang, Malaysia


7. Diard’s trogon, 紫顶咬鹃, 紫頂咬鵑, Harpactes diardii, バラエリキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA TENGKUK JAMBU

– another humid and hot afternoon, we missed all the trogon in the morning. But lucky to have this even so hot so close and stay for scope view.

– it is not as common as in Borneo lowland forest but it is quite easy to find one in Peninsular Malaysia lowland forest

– 早上一只咬鹃也没看到,中午这么热还以为吃白果。可是还好,没很久就看到这一只站很久+底。

202405, Kuala Tahan, Pahang, Malaysia


8. Rufous Piculet, 棕啄木鸟, 棕啄木鳥, Sasia abnormis, マレーミツユビコゲラ, BELATUK-KERDIL API MELAYU

update 202405

– another hot+humid afternoon, piculet seem very active in the forest. 2nd sighting today and this is come very close to see us. Today meet up 2 birders but how can they keep talking non stop for hour ?

– 另一个炎热+潮湿的中午。还好有这只鸟让我过过闷。今天第二次见到它呢。可是鸟人啊。。。。在观鸟时不要一直讲话可以吗?

202405, Kuala Tahan, Pahang, Malaysia

9. Crested Fireback, 凤冠火背鹇, 鳳冠火背鷴, Lophura ignita,  コシアカキジ, PEGAR TATERA

update 202405

– 3 male and 5 female having morning walk.. lucky moment for us to see 8 birds in the first morning.

– a big bird that wont be miss out Blue with white tail for male and rufous for female. moving in group

– 3竟然一早遇上 3公5母在路中间。幸运啊。

– 见到的话,不会错的。公鸟-蓝,白尾。母-棕色。

202405, Kuala Tahan, Pahang, Malaysia


10. Green Broadbill, 绿阔, 小綠闊嘴鳥, Calyptomena viridis, ミドリヒロハシ, Burung Selawit

update 202405

– it is amazing to see this bird so often for last 2 days, heard and seen so many time for 2 days.

– this guy come close to check out us ? so close

– 很难相信2天内见这么多次这小可爱。

– 在近距离看这鸟,真的很可爱。

202405, Kuala Tahan, Pahang, Malaysia


11. White-necked Babbler, 白耳穗鹛, 白耳穗鶥, Stachyris leucotis,シラボシモリチメドリ, KEKICAU-KANTAN CERUN

update 202502

What an incredible morning! We encountered a babbler-bulbul bird wave, featuring a rare and typically shy babbler—though today, it was more outgoing. Yesterday, we spotted the Eyebrowed Wren-Babbler, and today begins with this charming babbler and a Blyth’s Frogmouth.


202502, Kuala Tahan Taman Negara, Pahang, Malaysia







Indicatoridae series: Honeyguide | 响蜜鴷科: 马来响蜜鴷 | liewwk Nature [update 20240419]

Only one in Malaysia

1. Malaysian honeyguide, 马来响蜜鴷, 馬來嚮蜜鴷, Indicator archipelagicus,  マレーミツオシエ, MUSUH-LEBAH MELAYU


1. Malaysian honeyguide, 马来响蜜鴷, 馬來嚮蜜鴷, Indicator archipelagicus,  マレーミツオシエ, MUSUH-LEBAH MELAYU

a common look bird that easily missed , but it is rare and difficult to photograph due to mostly canopy and shy .

I always want to get eye level of this bird to look it close, and lucky day for me and my friend, we were been block by falling tree, raining season etc but it still giving us fruitful half day .

this bird we shoot ~1000m asl and we were surprised

update 202404

– looking file for sale and clearing some old picture… still remember this one of best moment this bird doing it’s displaying making weird call just ~5-10 feet from us … it is ~6-10 feet from ground too !!! such a best moment

– 在找几个档案时,看到这组照片。就处理多一张,这一幕应该是永远记得。这么一只稀有的鸟竟然在我们5-10尺距离(6-10尺高)一直叫的很奇怪+一直像跳舞般张开翅膀

202308, Taman Negara, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202309

– it is a start of the month with this bird even high view compare to the previous sightings. But this bird keep making call make other sightings different.

– 美好的9月,刚开始就拿下这鸟。虽然很高可是有点不同,这只一直叫不停。

202309, Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202308

– while the tour ended, everyone talking about bird of the tour. Garnet Pitta, Giant Pitta, Bornean Ground-Cuckoo, Blue-headed Pitta, Whiteheads’ Broadbill. But think only me choose this, it is a rare occasion or minimum for me to see it ~10 feet away and ~10 feet from ground and stay for long for us.

– 当我们的行程要结束时。每个人都会选他们的最喜欢的鸟。每个人都很难选,榴红八色鸫,大蓝八色鸫,黑喉绿阔嘴鸟, 婆罗洲地鹃,等。可是我还是喜欢这鸟。我几乎没见过它这么近这么低。

202308, Taman Negara, Pahang, Malaysia


– another hot day, while we walking in the forest. I heard some weird call (never heard before) and very soon a brown bird perch nearby and very soon David say “Honeyguide” ! the bird flip the wing non stop and may be making some call but not able to record it… may be it is the “guiding” action ?

– 非常热的一天。当我们在林子里走,突然听到很怪的叫声。不久后,有只棕色的鸟飞过来。DAVID站在那树下,叫了。”Honeyguide”。 这鸟很奇怪,一只展开翅膀。可能想带我们去找蜜?

202308, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202301

– a boring days, weeks, months and may be years .. the bird look boring too.

– 很闷的一段时间。就如这鸟一样闷。

update 2020 Oct

update 2020 Sept

Malaysian honeyguide, 马来响蜜鴷,馬來響蜜鴷,Indicator archipelagicus,マレーミツオシエ, Gembala Lebah, MUSUH-LEBAH MELAYU

update 2020 Aug

update 2017 Sept 26



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update 2017 Nov 14
full HD video for this rare bird


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