CANON RF100-300mm F2.8 field test at Rainforest – Malaysia [update 20240411]

after long wait, I finally have some time with this amazing world number one 100-300 mm zoon F2.8 lens

here is some of my real field “feel” and real field “test result”


my real test with CANON R3, CANON RF100-300mm F2.8 with RF 2x tc

2. Sultan Tit, 冕雀, Melanochlora sultanea, サルタンガラ, SESERAI SULTAN

– a simple test with this active bird, the AF seem quite good even it is slower than RF100-300 with 1.4x, RF400mm F2.8 with 1.4x but it is good enough to photograph small and active bird like this

– 就一个早上测试佳能, 这神般镜头。可是摄鸟还是就太短,很多人还是在意加上2x 增倍镜。关于对焦+画质的表现是怎么样,都是每个人的在意。。。。

***对我来讲300×2 600mm 还是太短。几乎都不能再增长了。100-400mm .可是还是需要的。

ISO2000, F7, 1/100s
No Denoise
ISO2000, F7, 1/100s
Topaz Denoise


1. Rufous-browed Flycatcher, 棕眉姬鹟, 棕眉姬鶲, Anthipes solitaris, アカメヒタキ, SAMBAR RENGKUNG PUTIH SELATAN

– one of the common bird found at Fraser Hill, Malaysia.

– with the current setup, we show the original jpeg without denoise and picture with denoise

– 马来西亚,福隆港蛮普通的鸟。

– 分享,一张没除噪。另一张有Topaz 除噪。

ISO2500, F6.3, 1/160s
Topaz Denoise
ISO2500, F6.3, 1/160s
No Denoise



2. Malayan Laughingthrush, 马来噪鹛, 馬來噪鶥, Trochalopteron peninsulae, マレーシアガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA TEMBAGA BIASA

– another simple test but with very close bird distance

– CANON R3, CANONRF100-300F2.8, 2x, ISO2500, F6.3, 1/250

ISO2500, F6.3, 1/250s
No Denoise
ISO2500, F6.3, 1/250s
Topaz Denoise








Birds of Fraser Hill, Malaysia | 福隆港 – 马来西亚 | liewwk Nature – 36 [update 20241229]

collection of Birds of Fraser Hill from 202402

1. Jambu Fruit-Dove, 粉头果鸠, 粉頭果鳩, Ptilinopus jambu, ボタンバト, PUNAI-GADING JAMBU

2. Black-thighed falconet, 黑腿小隼, Microhierax fringillarius,モモグロヒメハヤブサ,RAJAWALI-BELALANG MELAYU

3. Large Cuckooshrike, 大鵑鵙, Coracina macei, オオオニサンショウクイ, Burung Sewah Besar

4. Silver-breasted Broadbill, 银胸丝冠鸟, 銀胸絲冠鳥, Serilophus lunatus, ギンムネヒロハシ, HUJAN-HUJAN PERAK

5. Dark Hawk-Cuckoo, 婆罗鹰鹃, 婆羅鷹鵑, Hierococcyx bocki, クロジュウイチ, SEWAH-TEKUKUR GUNUNG

6. Red-Bearded Bee-eater, 赤须夜蜂虎, 赤須夜蜂虎, Nyctyornis amictus, ムネアカハチクイ, Berek-Berek Tunggal

7. Black-browed Barbet, 黑眉拟鴷, 黑眉擬鴷, Psilopogon oorti, ゴシキドリ, TAKUR BUKIT BIASA

8. Fire-tufted Barbet, 火簇拟鴷, 火簇擬鴷, Psilopogon pyrolophus, アカフサゴシキドリ, TAKUR API

9. Collared Owlet, 领鸺鹠, 領鵂鶹, Glaucidium brodiei, ヒメフクロウ, PUNGGUK-KECIL GELANG

10. Red-throated Barbet, 丽色拟鴷, 麗色擬鴷, Psilopogon mystacophanos, ノドアカゴシキドリ, TAKUR RENGKUNG MERAH BIASA

11. Brown Wood-Owl, 褐林鸮, 褐林鴞, Strix leptogrammica, オオフクロウ, CARIK-KAFAN COKLAT BIASA

12. Red-headed Trogon, 红头咬鹃, 紅頭咬鵑, Harpactes erythrocephalus, ズアカキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA GUNUNG BIASA

13. Streaked Wren-Babbler, 短尾鹪鹛, 短尾鷦鶥, Turdinus brevicaudatus, ノドフサザイチメドリ, KEKICAU-MURAI GUNUNG BIASA

14. Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike, 褐背鹟鵙, 褐背鶲鵙, Hemipus picatus, ヒタキサンショウクイ, REMBAH SAYAP PUTIH

15. Orange-Breasted Trogon, 橙胸咬鹃, 橙胸咬鵑, Harpactes oreskios, ヤマキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA HARIMAU

16. Dark-necked Tailorbird, 黑喉缝叶莺, 黑喉縫葉鶯, Orthotomus atrogularis, ノドグロサイホウチョウ, PERENJAK-PISANG LEHER HITAM

17. Common Green-Magpie, 蓝绿鹊, 藍綠鵲, Cissa chinensis, ヘキサン, GAGAK-GUNUNG BIASA

18. Silver-eared Mesia, 银耳相思鸟, 銀耳相思鳥, Leiothrix argentauris, ゴシキソウシチョウ, KEKICAU TELINGA PERAK

19. Mountain Bulbul, 绿翅短脚鹎, 麥克氏山短腳鵯, BEBARAU-BUKIT BIASA, Ixos mcclellandii, ミヤマヒヨドリ

20. Rufous-browed Flycatcher, 棕眉姬鹟, 棕眉姬鶲, Anthipes solitaris, アカメヒタキ, Burung Sambar Leher Putih

21. Malayan Laughingthrush, 马来噪鹛, 馬來噪鶥, Trochalopteron peninsulae, マレーシアガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA TEMBAGA BIASA

22. Sultan Tit, 冕雀, Melanochlora sultanea, サルタンガラ, SESERAI SULTAN

23. Stripe-throated Bulbul, 纹喉鹎, 紋喉鵯, Pycnonotus finlaysoni, キビタイヒヨドリ, MERBAH KUNYIT LEKIR

24. Malayan Partridge, 砍氏山鹧鸪, 馬來山鷓鴣, Arborophila campbelli, スマトラミヤマテッケイ, SERUK-GUNUNG MELAYU

25. Brush Cuckoo, 锈胸丛杜鹃, 銹胸叢杜鵑, Cacomantis variolosus, チャムネヒメカッコウ, MATINAK DADA JINGGA BIASA

26. Long-tailed Sibia, 长尾奇鹛, 長尾奇鶥, Heterophasia picaoides, オナガウタイチメドリ, KEKICAU-GUNUNG EKOR PANJANG

27. Buff-breasted Babbler, 棕胸幽鹛, 棕胸幽鶥, Pellorneum tickelli, チャムネムジチメドリ, KEKICAU-TANAH PERANG

28. Black Eagle, 林雕, 林鵰, Ictinaetus malaiensis, カザノワシ, HELANG HITAM ASIA

29. Blue Nuthatch, 蓝䴓, 藍䴓, Sitta azurea, ズグロゴジュウカラ, PEPATUK GUNUNG MELAYU

30. Sunda Scimitar-Babbler, 巽他钩嘴鹛, 巽他鉤嘴鶥, Pomatorhinus bornensis, セアカマルハシ, KEKICAU-MELENGKUNG BERCELAK MELAYU

31. Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush, 栗头噪鹛, 栗頭噪鶥, Ianthocincla mitrata, チャガシラガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA BIASA

32. Brown-backed Needletail, 褐背针尾雨燕, 褐喉針尾雨燕, Hirundapus giganteus, オオハリオアマツバメ, LAYANG-LAYANG BESAR BIASA

33. Golden-throated Barbet, 金喉拟鴷, 金喉擬鴷, Psilopogon franklinii, キンノドゴシキドリ, TAKUR SAYAP TARUM BIASA

34. Pygmy Cupwing, 小鳞胸鹪鹛, 小鱗胸鷦鶥, Pnoepyga pusilla, タカサゴミソサザイ, BURUNG-RESAM KERDIL

35. Bamboo woodpecker, 竹啄木鸟, 竹啄木鳥 , Gecinulus viridis, アオタケゲラ, Burung Belatok Buluh

36. Lesser Shortwing, 白喉短翅鸫, 白喉短翅鶇, Brachypteryx leucophris, ヒメコバネヒタキ, Burung Murai Kakap




1. Jambu Fruit-Dove, 粉头果鸠, 粉頭果鳩, Ptilinopus jambu, ボタンバト, PUNAI-GADING JAMBU

– very beautiful Fruit Dove which normally sight lowland-submontane

– male with maroon face and pink chest , female overall green with purple face

update 202412

The memory is still fresh

this stunning bird stood just 10–15 feet away from us at eye level. Its beauty up close left us utterly speechless.


202402, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202403

– what you want is what other want ? for sure NOPE .. for the first time in Fraser with guests we not going for most of the targets but just concentrate few for photo (they are first time birding-Photography in Malaysia) .. but always patient pay off

– 你要的是人家要的?当然不是,每个人都有不一样的要求。第一次上来没去很多主要的鸟点,客人可是第一次来马来西亚拍鸟。可是就这样,都把他们心里要的拍的很不错。耐心,心态还是很重要。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202402

– the moment it came so close <10feet, it is so beautiful to look it close … definite best 2024 moment …

– 还在沉迷在哪一刻,这漂亮的鸠就站在我们10尺内。很漂亮哦。这肯定是2024最美好的其中一刻。

202402, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202402

– we spent ours “rest hours” at “tower instead shower” reward with many good birds and pictures .. this is one of them <10 feet with such a beautiful and rare bird

– 我们在休息时间决定到“民宿”的“塔”坐坐,竟然有果树在附近。让我们加上好几种鸟河很多好照片。尤其是这一只,稀有+美的让我们拍到这一张照片。

202402, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


2. Black-thighed falconet, 黑腿小隼, Microhierax fringillarius,モモグロヒメハヤブサ,RAJAWALI-BELALANG MELAYU

update 202402

– it came so close, have a close view and low view for this bird just simply awesome. lovely

– 这鸟下来太低了。在这么好角度看,这鸟太漂亮了。

202402, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


3. Large Cuckooshrike, 大鵑鵙, Coracina macei, オオオニサンショウクイ, Burung Sewah Besar

– common at Fraser Hill

update 202402

– another great experience it came low and close for moth just like ~15 years ago Jelai Hotel ? such a beauty when have close view

– 有如回到~15年前,“Jelai”酒店时代。鸟下来很低吃飞蛾。近距离看,这鸟也很美。

202402, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Mal


4. Silver-breasted Broadbill, 银胸丝冠鸟,銀胸絲冠鳥, Serilophus lunatus, ギンムネヒロハシ, HUJAN-HUJAN PERAK

update 202403

– very lucky moment while everyone just got the eye level of Trogon, this bird just not far from the Trogon. But I am not happy with some foreign photographers with us… we found the Trogon and stand at best position for the view but another group of Photographers lead by other Guide just stand infront of us when they saw us looking at the bushes … and I actually told them they blocking us .. but they just ignore us !!!!! please be polite and considerate ..

– 非常幸运见到咬鹃后,这鸟也站我们不远。可是在这我是要吐槽一下,另一组国外摄鸟人(有鸟导领的)。当我们见到这鸟时,我们很快到了最好角度…可是没久另一组摄鸟人跑来我们前面就站我们前面。我很礼貌跟他们讲,可是他们就当我没讲话一样。所以我们看到这鸟时,我也没通知他们。大家在一个点就礼让一点吧。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202402

– a lucky decision to change location of birding and managed to have this cute fellow moving in big groups (~12 of them) .. and follow by main target of Helmeted Hornbill

– 突然换了决定,经过大路突然听到这鸟叫。停下后看到一群(12只左右)。。。没很久也拿下盔犀鸟

202402, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

5. Dark Hawk-Cuckoo, 婆罗鹰鹃, 婆羅鷹鵑, Hierococcyx bocki, クロジュウイチ, SEWAH-TEKUKUR GUNUNG

update 202402

– before we heading to lowland forest, saw it perch very low and immediate stop the car and rush everyone out to have good view but I miss the best eye-contact moment

– 在我们去另一个点时,看到这一只鸟站低。立刻叫停车,叫全部人下车。可是我也错过它望过来那一刻。

202402, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


6. Red-Bearded Bee-eater, 赤须夜蜂虎, 赤須夜蜂虎, Nyctyornis amictus, ムネアカハチクイ, Berek-Berek Tunggal

update 202405

– a forest Bee-eater, that everyone love to see it while in Malaysia. especially see in close for photo. The call make everyone remember this lovely bird.

– ours’ last bird of Fraser Hill, saw it one day before but this is close for such a good view

– 来马来西亚几乎每个人都想看的鸟。摄鸟当然也不例外,尤其近距离的看。

– 我们在福隆港最后的一只鸟。我们在一天前看到他吃甲虫,这次时近距离看到的。

202405, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202403

– it is almost same season for last year, this bird very active now … seem carrying food, actively eating … even common but who will say no to such a beautiful bird

– 每年都大概这季节,它都忙吃+捉吃的。虽然蛮普通可是谁会不要这鸟?

202402, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


7. Black-browed Barbet, 黑眉拟鴷, 黑眉擬鴷, Psilopogon oorti, ゴシキドリ, TAKUR BUKIT BIASA

update 202408

– another day with CANON new R5markii, I cannot do too many testing while working with guests. But I really trying to test the AF, AF tracking my best with the option I have. This picture show how the camera can quickly found the bird even with not much contrast .. it found the eye immediate I point the camera to the bird.

– 又另一天用上佳能的新相机R5 markii, 在工作时,我没办法做太多的测试。可是我还是尽量的测试对焦能力,追焦能力。这一张时我用全副对焦自动找鸟+鸟眼的照片。在我吧相机对上这个地方时,相机自己就把对焦点对上这么复杂环境。好样啊。佳能。

202408, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia




update 202403

– it is not really that normal to see Barbet feed on insect, it feed 2 (a big cicada before this) and not far it is fruiting tree.. it is always good to see this bird close and eye level

– 在福隆港虽然很普通的鸟,应该也没什么见过这鸟吃“肉” 吧。见到它吃第二只。在近距离就有果树啊。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


8. Fire-tufted Barbet, 火簇拟鴷, 火簇擬鴷, Psilopogon pyrolophus, アカフサゴシキドリ, TAKUR API

update 202403

– another not so common for a Barbet feed on insect but not bring back to feed young. As usual this beautiful Barbet attract all ours attention …

– 这拟鴷还是这么美丽,可是还是蛮不寻常。他们吃昆虫而不是果子,通常在喂小孩时会带回去喂。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


9. Collared Owlet, 领鸺鹠, 領鵂鶹, Glaucidium brodiei, ヒメフクロウ, PUNGGUK-KECIL GELANG

update 202411

After returning from Sumatra, Indonesia, some of us extended our trip by two days to Fraser’s Hill, Malaysia. As anticipated, the rainy season brought limited activity. However, this tiny owl made our day by perching very low, just about 10 feet away—our first sighting of it!


202411, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202407

– a very special Photography tour, which parent come with a kid (12 years old) for birds Photography. I told them the behavior of this bird and we were lucky patient wait to have it came really low and close.

– 非常特别的摄鸟团。爸爸妈妈陪一个小孩(12岁)来马来西亚拍鸟。非常感谢他们的信任,让我们等着鸟。还好等了30+分钟,它终于也下来。

202407, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202403

– last bird of Fraser Hill for current Photography tour, customers happy with ~20m away … I am happy too .. what a cute bird

– 福隆港摄鸟团最后一只鸟,客人对20米外的它已满足。当然我也高兴。好可爱啊

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


10. Red-throated Barbet, 丽色拟鴷, 麗色擬鴷, Psilopogon mystacophanos, ノドアカゴシキドリ, TAKUR RENGKUNG MERAH BIASA

– another medium-size Barbet and colorful

– most of Malaysia Barbet is beautiful and this is one of them
– medium size, mostly green and colorful neck-head and this obvious red-throated

– 馬來西亞的16種 擬鴷(五色鳥)都非常漂亮。包括這。單聽它的名,就知道了
– 大部份身體都是綠,頭部很多顏色。

update 202403

– it is a good fruiting tree, gave us very good view (eye level) of few good birds. Included this lovely colorful Barbet

– 这果树真的很好,好几只好鸟都是平视角。包括这只非常漂亮的鸟。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


11. Brown Wood-Owl, 褐林鸮, 褐林鴞, Strix leptogrammica, オオフクロウ, CARIK-KAFAN COKLAT BIASA

update 202403

– this is one of the common Fraser bird, getting difficult .. due to some reason ? or behavior change ? 6-8 years ago, it is so easy to get a good view of this bird… but now most of them shy and standing high up .. for reason ?
– I am lucky 2024, 2 trips got this bird with good view for more than 10 minutes
– 在6-8年前,福隆港是很普通的鸟。可是为什么这几年连看都难看到?什么理由?
– 2024 非常幸运,已2团都看的不错。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


12. Red-headed Trogon, 红头咬鹃, 紅頭咬鵑, Harpactes erythrocephalus, ズアカキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA GUNUNG BIASA

update 202403

– this pair of Trogon is so tame come so close and while I having 800mm on hand .. zoom all the way to get closest look and the “lady” give us a look back view…

– 这一对咬鹃是多么的乖,这么巧800mm就来个大头照。还要这美女来个“回眸一笑“

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia



– it is a pretty bird, the male overall red look an amazing under right lighting …

– 这鸟虽然普通,可是在真确光线下很漂亮啊。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia



13. Streaked Wren-Babbler, 短尾鹪鹛, 短尾鷦鶥, Turdinus brevicaudatus, ノドフサザイチメドリ, KEKICAU-MURAI GUNUNG BIASA

update 202410
– a very active Wren-Babbler as other Wren-Babbler. Very good in details if photograph close.
– lucky morning meet this pair active bird real close and stay long for us to capture many lovely photos.
– 与其他鹪鹛一样,非常活跃。很上镜的一只鸟,拍起来非常好看。
– 一个幸运的早上,遇上这一对鸟。非常的乖,跑来很近+就让我们拍到美美。

202410, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202403

CANON R3, CANON RF200-800mm

Pahang, Malaysia

– lucky to have this bird calling non stop at road side when we just arrive to check out



14. Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike, 褐背鹟鵙, 褐背鶲鵙, Hemipus picatus, ヒタキサンショウクイ, REMBAH SAYAP PUTIH

update 202403

– it is a small & common bird, and it is good to have it close view ..

– 蛮普通+小的鸟。可是近距离看,还是很美的。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


15. Orange-Breasted Trogon, 橙胸咬鹃, 橙胸咬鵑, Harpactes oreskios, ヤマキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA HARIMAU

update 202403

– another possible Trogon found Fraser Hill gap, it is not easy compare to Bukit Tinggi to have better view and picture but it still another option have this beautiful bird at Center of Peninsular Malaysia

– 在福隆港的上下山路中另一只可以见到的咬鹃。虽然不很普通,可是在西马中部这还是较有机会的。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


16. Dark-necked Tailorbird, 黑喉缝叶莺, 黑喉縫葉鶯, Orthotomus atrogularis, ノドグロサイホウチョウ, PERENJAK-PISANG LEHER HITAM

– obvious rufous head and dark neck

update 202403

– an active and noisy bird to be seen Fraser Hill. Dark-Neck + full rufous crown. Not so “yellow” compare to Borneo

– 在福隆港蛮普通的鸟。黑颈+棕头冠。与婆罗洲的有些不一样。婆罗洲看起来“黄” +“黑京”也较大

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


17. Common Green-Magpie, 蓝绿鹊, 藍綠鵲, Cissa chinensis, ヘキサン, GAGAK-GUNUNG BIASA

update 202403

– another bird that can be seen any where in Fraser Hill, amazing green and big bird that make loud and noisy call

– 另一只在福隆港,哪都有可能见到的鸟。大,绿,叫的很吵的鸟。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

18. Silver-eared Mesia, 银耳相思鸟, 銀耳相思鳥, Leiothrix argentauris, ゴシキソウシチョウ, KEKICAU TELINGA PERAK

update 202403

– another bird that use to be so common in Fraser Hill, but getting less sighting recently … wonder what happen .. common but beautiful bird

– 福隆港蛮普通而美丽的鸟。可是最近几年,这鸟开始很难遇上不像5年前,几乎那都可以见到。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


19. Mountain Bulbul, 绿翅短脚鹎, 麥克氏山短腳鵯, BEBARAU-BUKIT BIASA, Ixos mcclellandii, ミヤマヒヨドリ

– common bird of Fraser Hill, making a lot of noise

– 福隆港蛮普通的鸟。通常很吵。

update 202404

– as usual, we meet up bird wave group … this is like a group leader making noisy call before other bird following

– 我们遇上鸟浪,这鸟有如先锋一样。站在最前交很大声。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia



20. Rufous-browed Flycatcher, 棕眉姬鹟, 棕眉姬鶲, Anthipes solitaris, アカメヒタキ, Burung Sambar Leher Putih

update 202404

– one of the common bird found at Fraser Hill, Malaysia.

– lovely, tiny and cute bird to be photograph in Malaysia

– – 马来西亚,福隆港蛮普通的小,漂亮的鸟。

ISO2500, F6.3, 1/160s
Topaz Denoise


21. Malayan Laughingthrush, 马来噪鹛, 馬來噪鶥, Trochalopteron peninsulae, マレーシアガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA TEMBAGA BIASA

UPDATE 202404

– another bird that getting difficult to seen in Bukit Fraser, use to be pretty common but now missing from many previous spots

– 福隆港另一只越来越难见到的鸟。以前蛮多点都可以见到的。可是现在几乎都就几个点。

202404, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia



22. Sultan Tit, 冕雀, Melanochlora sultanea, サルタンガラ, SESERAI SULTAN

update 202406

– a bird that Photographers never boring with, ours’ pre-CANON sharing session. We had this bird came to eye level for us but it still a active moving around to have some good photo.

– a overall Yellow-black active bird that can found lowland up to sub-montain

– 黑黄活跃的鸟,在低海拔-中海拔(~1200米)都蛮普通

– 在我们佳能活动前这鸟下来很低。让每个人拍的很好。

202406, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202404

– a quite boring day at Fraser Hill morning, but this bird came down to say hi to everyone just before rain

– 在福隆港的一个早上,非常无聊的。。都是一些普普通通的鸟。我们要回家前,这鸟在下雨前下来打招呼。

202404, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia


23. Stripe-throated Bulbul, 纹喉鹎, 紋喉鵯, Pycnonotus finlaysoni, キビタイヒヨドリ, MERBAH KUNYIT LEKIR

update 202404

– it is very common bird at Peninsular Malaysia from lowland – sub-montane. beautiful song bird

– 西马,蛮普通的鸟,很会唱歌。

2024043 Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia

24. Malayan Partridge, 砍氏山鹧鸪, 馬來山鷓鴣, Arborophila campbelli, スマトラミヤマテッケイ, SERUK-GUNUNG MELAYU

update 202405

– another bird that use to be so difficult but now just need patient wait… still a beautiful bird

– 福隆港另一只之前非常难见到的鸟,可是现在有耐心就好。

202405, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia


25. Brush Cuckoo, 锈胸丛杜鹃, 銹胸叢杜鵑, Cacomantis variolosus, チャムネヒメカッコウ, MATINAK DADA JINGGA BIASA

update 202405

– a bird that always heard and sometime just fly too close and hide from us to be seen or photograph.. Brush or Rusty breasted  ? now it call Brush in eBird

– something happen in the group and make the whole schedule late but still trying to do some late evening birding at GAP, Fraser Hill. Not bad for short time have Green Broadbill, Brush Cuckoo, Rufous Bellied Swallow, Black Laughingthrush etc …

– 一只会飞来很近又喜欢藏起来的鸟,有时就很难看到到或拍到。

– 团员发生某些事,我们第二天行程几乎都迟了。倒带福隆港山脚已蛮晚了。可是还是希望让大家不要这么郁闷。还好,很快拿下这鸟,绿阔嘴鸟, 棕腹燕,黑噪鹛等。

202405, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia


26. Long-tailed Sibia, 长尾奇鹛, 長尾奇鶥, Heterophasia picaoides, オナガウタイチメドリ, KEKICAU-GUNUNG EKOR PANJANG

update 202405

– a very common bird of Fraser Hill, moving in flock. Overall Grey, red eye and long tailed.

– as usual at one of the “feeding” spot at Fraser hill, this lovely and noisy birds came for food too

– 福隆港非常普通的一只鸟。通常群体活动。灰,红眼,长尾。

– 在一个“鸟点”等主要目标时,几只这蛮好不错的鸟下来蛮低的吃东西。

202405, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia


27. Buff-breasted Babbler, 棕胸幽鹛, 棕胸幽鶥, Pellorneum tickelli, チャムネムジチメドリ, KEKICAU-TANAH PERANG

update 202405

– a very common overall brown little active babbler in Fraser Hill.

– it appear in most of the “bird spot”. Everyone seem attract Lesser Shortwing rather than this bird

– 福隆港很普通的一只鸟。可是还是非常活跃跳动的。

– 客人们都被短尾鸫吸引,没太大理会这鸟。

202405, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia

28. Black Eagle, 林雕, 林鵰, Ictinaetus malaiensis, カザノワシ, HELANG HITAM ASIA

update 202405

– it is good season to see this ? sight so many times in Fraser HIll and it flew real close sometime just ~20m from us.

– a not really black overall if with lighting and big raptor which quite frequent found Fraser Hill

– 这个季节怎么这么多这个猛禽?几乎没几个小时就见到还要很低(我们都在不一样的地方)还要飞很低。

– 英文叫“黑鹰”可是在有光线下不黑的。

202405, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia


29. Blue Nuthatch, 蓝䴓, 藍䴓, Sitta azurea, ズグロゴジュウカラ, PEPATUK GUNUNG MELAYU

update 202406

– a good season for this beautiful bird ? when we having ours Canon-Gitzo Photography sharing session, we saw this 2 days in the row and actually heard it more than twice while we have quite limited time for the birding.

– an active & beautiful bird that not that rare but just need some luck to see it.

– 非常活跃,漂亮的小鸟。不稀有,因为小活跃。也是属于群体活动(与其他鸟)遇上这鸟需要点运气。

– 在我们2天1夜佳能+捷信摄影分享营。见到2次+听到4-5次。可能季节到了?

202406, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia


30. Sunda Scimitar-Babbler, 巽他钩嘴鹛, 巽他鉤嘴鶥, Pomatorhinus bornensis, セアカマルハシ, KEKICAU-MELENGKUNG BERCELAK MELAYU

update 202407

– I do not have many luck on this bird, many times meet this bird close wihtout camera. finally today it came very low while we waiting for Orange-Breasted Trogon.

– an active moving fast and around bird with curve beak.

– 我与这鸟没什么缘分。经常看到,可是就没相机。但我们在等橙胸咬鹃,这鸟自己找上门。

202407, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia


31. Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush, 栗头噪鹛, 栗頭噪鶥, Ianthocincla mitrata, チャガシラガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA BIASA

update 202407

– one of the most common birds from Fraser Hill, lovely, beautiful too

– 福隆港最普通的一种鸟之一,几乎哪都看到。可是还是很美的小鸟。

202407, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia


32. Brown-backed Needletail, 褐背针尾雨燕, 褐喉針尾雨燕, Hirundapus giganteus, オオハリオアマツバメ, LAYANG-LAYANG BESAR BIASA

update 202408

– fantastic afternoon, we miss ours main target but so many good bird show up even at noon time. 4 of this big “flying fast” bird passing by few times and managed to have it .. and suddenly feel the R3 not fast enough 😀 even managed to have good few frames.

– 一个很慢的中午,目标鸟完全没声没影。可是很多很好的鸟却出来看看我们

202408, Fraser Hill 55, Pahang, Malaysia


33. Golden-throated Barbet, 金喉拟鴷, 金喉擬鴷, Psilopogon franklinii, キンノドゴシキドリ, TAKUR SAYAP TARUM BIASA

update 202408

– a Barbet that not that common in Fraser Hill area, but it is show well for few days here. with the complex environment. The new CANON R5markii, full area focus found the bird almost immediate. I really like the R5markii … you ?

– 这只拟鴷,在福隆港不常见。这次在这树好几天都在。在这么复杂的情况下,佳能R5markii。在全副对焦点下,很快的找到这鸟+鸟眼。真的我们需要的,终于可有架高像素+好的对焦相机。我需要,你需要吗?

202408, Fraser Hill 55, Pahang, Malaysia

34. Pygmy Cupwing, 小鳞胸鹪鹛, 小鱗胸鷦鶥, Pnoepyga pusilla, タカサゴミソサザイ, BURUNG-RESAM KERDIL

update 202409

– one of my favorite birds of Malaysia, it is small, cute, active and lovely bird. It always moving with wing span open. But it almost invisible by naked eye.

– with the new canon Pre-continuous Shooting function, simple when see the bird stay still, half-press shutter .. and when see the wing open or move press the shutter .. than anything happen in before .5s will be record as raw into camera .. make this kind of picture simple

– 马来西亚最喜爱的鸟之一。快,可爱,活跃。他随时动的时候都会吧翅膀张开。要拍这个真的不容易。

– 可是佳能的新R5markii 预拍功能把这种情况容易的拍下。只要看到鸟站好,半按下快门键。等它动的时候,再按下快门。任何发生半秒前的都会拍下。就这么容易。

202409, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

35. Bamboo woodpecker, 竹啄木鸟, 竹啄木鳥 , Gecinulus viridis, アオタケゲラ, Burung Belatok Buluh

update 202411

This is not a rare bird, but it is certainly one of the more challenging birds to spot in Malaysia.

As the tour was coming to an end and we prepared to head back to town, we made a few stops for this bird. Shortly after, we were rewarded with an excellent view of a female.



202411, Fraser Hill, Selangor, Malaysia

36. Lesser Shortwing, 白喉短翅鸫, 白喉短翅鶇, Brachypteryx leucophris, ヒメコバネヒタキ, Burung Murai Kakap

update 202411

This small bird, commonly heard at Fraser’s Hill, Cameron Highlands, Sumatra’s Kerinci, and Genting Highlands, is often challenging to spot or photograph despite its frequent calls. However, at specific feeding spots, it tends to become tame and reliably appears when humans approach, displaying behavior similar to the Pygmy Cupwing. Notably, it often moves with its wings raised, making its behavior quite distinctive.

With the new Canon R1’s Continuous Pre-recording feature, every time the bird perches, I half-press the shutter to keep it in focus. As soon as the bird moves or raises its wings, I fully press the shutter, capturing everything that occurred 0.5 seconds prior. This ensures I never miss the perfect moment.



202411, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia











Leiothrichidae series: Laughingthrush | 噪鹛科: 噪鹛 | liewwk Nature – 7 [update 20240818]

a family normally hope on , colourful and making call

1. Black Laughingthrush, 黑噪鹛, 黑噪鶥, Garrulax lugubris, クロガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA HITAM BIASA

2. Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush, 栗头噪鹛, 栗頭噪鶥, Ianthocincla mitrata, チャガシラガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA BIASA

3. Malayan Laughingthrush, 马来噪鹛, 馬來噪鶥, Trochalopteron peninsulae, マレーシアガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA TEMBAGA BIASA

4. Sunda Laughingthrush , 灰褐噪鹛, 灰褐噪鶥, Garrulax palliatus, チャバネガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA CENUK KERAK

5. Chestnut-hooded Laughingthrush, 栗冠噪鹛, 栗冠噪鶥,Ianthocincla treacheri, ボルネオチャガシラガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA BORNEO

6. Bare-headed Laughingthrush, 裸头噪鹛, 裸頭噪鶥, Garrulax calvus, ハゲガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA HITAM BOTAK



51. White-whiskered Laughingthrush, 玉山噪鹛, 台灣噪眉, Trochalopteron morrisonianum, タイワンキンバネガビチョウ



1. Black Laughingthrush, 黑噪鹛, 黑噪鶥, Garrulax lugubris, クロガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA HITAM BIASA

– difficult bird to get open, noisy bird

– found this ~700mm from sea level

update 202307

– a very lucky morning with this shy and active bird stay so low and long for everyone good view and picture session

– 非常幸运的一个早上。这么活跃与害羞的鸟,尽然站了这么低这么久让我们看+拍够。

202308, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202305

– while we walking for general birding after long wait for the partridge. All of sudden this bird calling from far, we toward the direction and this bird just stand ~10feet from us .. what a lucky day after Malayan Whistling-Thrush, Bamboo Woodpecker, Malayan Hawk-Cuckoo, Mountain Scops Owl and many good birds today.

– 等了一个小时的鹧鸪。终于可以普通看鸟。非常幸运,除了这鸟外。也拿下黄嘴角鸮, 棕腹鹰鹃,竹啄木鸟 等好鸟

202305, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202105

– a location not official close for outsiders. this is the last visit before it was close down. (location near Genting Highland)

– as usual this active, canopy bird, and shy.

– 这个鸟点已关。这次是关前几天拍的。

– 这可是非常活跃,害羞,通常都站很高的鸟。

202009, Genting Highland, Pahang, Malaysia


update 2020 Sept

update 2020 Aug


black laughingthrush,黑噪鹛

2. Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush, 栗头噪鹛, 栗頭噪鶥, Ianthocincla mitrata, チャガシラガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA BIASA

update 202407

– one of the most common birds from Fraser Hill, lovely, beautiful too

– 福隆港最普通的一种鸟之一,几乎哪都看到。可是还是很美的小鸟。

202407, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia



– one of the most common laughingthrush , found at SUb-montane & Montane level


3. Malayan Laughingthrush, 马来噪鹛, 馬來噪鶥, Trochalopteron peninsulae, マレーシアガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA TEMBAGA BIASA

– Endemic of Peninsula Malaysia

– common at certain location

UPDATE 202404

– another bird that getting difficult to seen in Bukit Fraser, use to be pretty common but now missing from many previous spots

– 福隆港另一只越来越难见到的鸟。以前蛮多点都可以见到的。可是现在几乎都就几个点。

202404, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia


a simple test CANON RF100-300 F2.8

CANON RF100-300mm F2.8 field test at Rainforest – Malaysia [update 20240411]



update 202311

– still clearing 2023 pictures while waiting for next target birds tour. This bird seem getting not so common nowadays .. hope it will doing good

– 下一个目标鸟团还没开始,还在清理2023的照片。这特有种,越来越少。有点担心

202309, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia



4. Sunda Laughingthrush , 灰褐噪鹛, 灰褐噪鶥, Garrulax palliatus, チャバネガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA CENUK KERAK

– common montane in Borneo


Sunda Laughingthrush , 灰褐噪鶥, Garrulax palliatus , チャバネガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA CENUK KERAK


Malaysia only found at Borneo (Sabah, Sarawak), found at Montane level .


5. Chestnut-hooded Laughingthrush, 栗冠噪鹛, 栗冠噪鶥,Ianthocincla treacheri, ボルネオチャガシラガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA BORNEO

a Borneo common endemic


6. Bare-headed Laughingthrush, 裸头噪鹛, 裸頭噪鶥, Garrulax calvus, ハゲガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA HITAM BOTAK

– very active and noisy bird ..

– newly update it may not belong to the Laughingthrush family

– rare and shy montane Borneo endemic

update 202409

– one of my best moment of 2029, this bird stay close and one of best view of this bird

– 我的2029最好的一刻,这鸟站这个位置真的最好角度看这鸟。

202407, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia



– another main target of the short trip, it is close and fast .. all of us saw the bird .. but sad my buddies didn’t got the picture of it feeding on “fruit” (think my first time saw this bird eat fruit) …

– the bird moving fast and inside dark bush, 2 of the Z9 failed to got the bird in focus 🙁 lucky me with new R5markii , if bring mark 1 may be also dont have this best moment of this rare bird

– 与朋友的几天,主要目标之一。这鸟来的蛮近的。可是有入常态,动很快,在暗的地方动。朋友们Z9都没办法对上焦(在这站了好几秒大家都看到)。幸好佳能R5Mark ii 好好表现还是对上了几张。这鸟非常害羞,稀有。非常不容易拍照,还加上第一次看到它吃果子(通常吃昆虫).

202409, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202408

– before archive the folder, make another picture one of best moment of 2024. This bird stand here more than 3 minutes … making call.. looking at us ..such a handsome

– 在我删掉7月的图片前,还是分享多一张。2024最美好的一刻。这么英俊的鸟站那3-4分钟。好看啊。

202407, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202407

– one of my favorite birds of Malaysia, it is not that rare just too active to have good view. But when lucky strike, me and David enjoy few minutes of best moment with this bird .. amazing bird to look at

– 我本身最喜爱马来西亚鸟之一。虽然不是特别稀有,可是就太活跃+通常站很高所以都不容易看的很好。 可是今天,我有朋友DAVID 竟然遇上这么3只在我们面前10-15尺占了蛮久。

202407, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia



update 20240108

– a bird always highly wanted by birder, active, canopy bird… a bird that always heard or brief view rather than good view

– 几乎全部鸟人(摄,观都一样)都非常希望看到,拍到这一只婆罗洲特有种。可是通都是高高在上,黑黑一只。

202306, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202103

– a very first close encounter with this noisy, beautiful, rare endemic



update 202306

– a very lucky morning which we meet 2 families and one of them come closer and willing to stay still for picture

– a Borneo endemic just too beautiful

– 非常幸运的最后一刻。尽然遇上2群。其中一群里的一只肯下来地点+停久一点。每个人都笑了。

202306, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia


update 2020 Aug

Bare-headed Laughingthrush, 裸头噪鹛,裸頭噪鶥, Garrulax calvus, ハゲガビチョウ,KEKICAU-RAYA HITAM BOTA

update 2020 April 3

one of the most difficult Borneo Endemic, rare, canopy and shy


51. White-whiskered Laughingthrush, 玉山噪鹛, 台灣噪眉, Trochalopteron morrisonianum, タイワンキンバネガビチョウ

– as other Laughingthrush moving in group, making noise, white-whiskered

update 202312

– very common endemic, can bee heard and seen almost any where at DaxueShan

– 非常普通的台湾特有种。在大雪山几乎在哪都听/看到

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan





More pictures from Flickr : Leiothrichidae series : Laughingthrush | 噪鹛科 : 噪鹛 | liewwk Nature

... black laughingthrush,黑噪鹛 ...

More Youtube video : Leiothrichidae series : Laughingthrush | 噪鹛科 : 噪鹛 | liewwk Nature


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