– it is under the same species but looks different from the one found in Peninsular Malaysia. The Bali one, head over all more red-black instead of red-yellow-black
– 与马来西亚半岛的头部很不一样。红-黑而已。
update 202105
201605, West Balu National Park, Bali, Indonesia
2. Green Junglefowl, 绿原鸡, 綠原雞, Gallus varius, アオエリヤケイ, Ayam-hutan hijau
– the male, very colorful, The back neck is metallic green-blue-yellow
– previously under the same species of Banded Pitta which now split to 3 different species. Malayan Banded Pitta, Borneo Banded Pitta, and Javan Banded Pitta. all of them with slightly different looks especially male. But all with the same call, behavior.
– 之前与其他两种马来亚,与婆罗洲归为同种。叫声一样。
– 爪哇特有种
update 202105
– male bird with a blue neck, head yellow instead of rufuos
– 公鸟。颈部有蓝边,头部是黄不是棕色。
201605, Bali, Indonesia
7. Bali Myna, 长冠八哥, 峇里島長冠八哥, Leucopsar rothschildi, カンムリシロムク, Jalak Bali
An eye-catching white starling with black tips to the tail and wings, bare blue facial skin, and long plumes that hang down the nape. Juvenile is shorter-crested than adult, with yellow wash. Found in small groups in open forest, where it spends time in the trees and foraging on the ground. Avoids dense forest. Restricted to northwest Bali. Differs from Black-winged Starling in having the black on the wings confined to tips, and in showing blue facial skin. Song is an untidy jumble of scratchy, chattering notes and whistles. [Ebird]
– a very special and beautiful endemic for Bali, wont wrong as long as you see medium size and white bird .. think only near Bali National Park area
– 非常特别的巴厘岛特有种,白
2016, West Bali, Indonesia
8. Small Blue Kingfisher, 小蓝翠鸟, 小藍翠鳥, Alcedo coerulescens, ヒメアオカワセミ, Rajaudang Biru
a very common small blue-white small Kingfisher at Bali-Java, can be seen almost any where near stream, pond …but quite shy as usual
update 202402
– this is a very good example of need more fps .. so not always correct we do not need .. I normally shoot ~15fps in most of the camera by default … when this bird sudden dive in I am too late to change the fps .. and most of the frame without very good “eye contact” or I would say too less frame within the dive action (~7frames)
– a transit easy shooting near ours hotel, saw few of them and need small movement to get close to get closer pictures.
– 再去看松巴岛前,在巴厘岛酒店附近就找到。还蛮还几只,慢慢的走近还是可以拍好。
20240118, Bali, Indonesia
9. Little Black Cormorant, 小黑鸬鹚, 小黑鸕鷀, Phalacrocorax sulcirostris, ミナミクロヒメウ, Pecuk-padi hitam
– overall black and mid size of bird always found near ponds, river.
update 202401
– transit to Sumba Island so spent some time in Bali for casual birding, managed to have this pond for small fun for everyone .. this bird very common here first arrive every one chase haha .. and day2 everyone target other bird except me waiting some bird fall into better light position but saw these 2 birds fighting for fish even not at the direction I wanted but just capture the moment 😀
– medium size barbet, normally found mangrove and urban garden/forest
Lineated Barbet ,绿拟啄木鸟
3. Black-browed Barbet, 黑眉拟鴷, 黑眉擬鴷, Psilopogon oorti, ゴシキドリ, TAKUR BUKIT BIASA
– sub-monatane colorful bird
– very common at Fraser Hill
update 202408
– another day with CANON new R5markii, I cannot do too many testing while working with guests. But I really trying to test the AF, AF tracking my best with the option I have. This picture show how the camera can quickly found the bird even with not much contrast .. it found the eye immediate I point the camera to the bird.
– it is not really that normal to see Barbet feed on insect, it feed 2 (a big cicada before this) and not far it is fruiting tree.. it is always good to see this bird close and eye level
– 在福隆港虽然很普通的鸟,应该也没什么见过这鸟吃“肉” 吧。见到它吃第二只。在近距离就有果树啊。
202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia
update 202309
– before we start ours day, this bird just stand at eye level outside ours’ hotel. spend few minutes to have good view and picture for this common bird of Fraser Hill
– 一大早,这鸟在我们酒店门口下来很低。我们都高兴的拍到好照片。这时福隆港普鸟
202305, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia
update 202207
– a very common Barbet that always heard at Fraser Hill. But always good to see it at same eye level
– 福隆港很普通的鸟,满山都可以听到他的声音。可是在低角度看到它,还是很美的鸟。
202207, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia
Black-browed Barbet, 五色鳥
4. Mountain Barbet, 山拟鴷, 山擬鴷,Megalaima monticola, ヤマゴシキドリ, TAKUR BUKIT BORNEO
– Borneo sub-montane endemic
– medium size, pale color
update 202503
It’s a chilly day at 16°C with strong winds. The morning was lovely, though the afternoon turned misty. Fortunately, after the rain and misty period, we were lucky to spot both endemic Barbets up close, including this adorable one.
– another visit of this lovely forest, good weather…good birds (montane and sub-montane). While we trying to find few of ours target, found this bird busy making some hole .. lovely Borneo endemic
– a boring day, we came for both Bornean and Mountain Barbets but both no calling at all for almost an hour. But it is lucky to sudden spot this bird low and near just next to road side feeding on flower ..
– another not so common endemic to be Photograph, but it is always heard at Sub-montane forest
– 另一只特有种通常都是听,可是没什么办法拍好的婆罗洲特有种。
202311 – Tambunan, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202310
– just another common heard, or high up view bird. but today it decided to come low and making call to allow us to capture some good photo of this endemic
– 婆罗洲另一只通常听到,站高高的鸟。可是今天他很乖的下来叫还要让我们拍。
202309, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia
update 2020 April 16
5. Brown Barbet, 褐拟鴷, 褐擬鴷, Caloramphus fuliginosus, チャイロゴシキドリ, TAKUR-DAHAN BORNEO
a Borneo endemic , lovely bird that making noisy around
update 202408
– a pretty common Borneo lowland endemic, normally moving in group. lucky to have this eye level view.
– 婆罗洲低海拔特有种,蛮普通。通常群体活动。非常幸运拍到这么好的角度。
202408, RDC, Sepilok, Sabah
update 202406
– a not so attractive Borneo endemic and pretty common across the Borneo lowland forest.
– overall brown with “red leg”
– 一只不大有吸引力的婆罗洲特有种。也蛮普通。
– 几乎褐色+红脚
202405, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202405
– a pretty common Borneo endemic making some high pitch call, normally moving in group
– overall brown with reddish leg
– got this almost eye level at canopy with small fruiting tree
– 婆罗洲蛮普通的鸟,叫声有点小高音
– 几乎都是褐色,红脚。
– 在天空吊桥在近距离看到。
202404, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia
update 20230124
– the only brown or boring looking Barbet of Malaysia. But it still look gorgeous.
– 马来西亚唯一的棕色或看起来很无聊的擬鴷。但它看起来仍然很华丽。
202312, RDC, SABAH, Malaysia
update 2017 Oct 17
6. Sooty Barbet, 马来褐拟鴷, 馬來褐擬鴷, Caloramphus hayii, ススイロゴシキドリ, TAKUR-DAHAN MELAYU
– split from Brown Barbet which now Bornean Endemic
– the only plain color Barbet of Malaysia, normally moving in a group
update 202206
– this is my casual birding spot, same branch with more than 10 species birds bird stand here for us. This common Barbet make it’s appear when the tree with quite a lot of flower
– a visit to Merapoh Canopy walk, and there is fruiting tree just at right time. Managed to have few good birds and this is one good allow us for good photo
– 到Merapoh, 有点时间去了新的雨林吊桥.也很巧,有果树。看到蛮多好鸟,这一只也来的很近
202311, Merapoh, Kelantan, Malaysia
update 202103
– a very good morning walk, manage to have an owl, barbet, and 3 species of Iora (same tree) and etc for a good photo opportunity
– this tiny barbet also join the Iora party
– 早上到森林周边走走。竟然遇上马来西亚3种雀鹎还要在同一棵树。
– 这小小的蓝耳拟鴷也一起来趁热闹。
202103, Selangor, Malaysia
update 202012
8. Bornean Barbet, 加里曼丹拟鴷, 加里曼丹擬鴷,Megalaima eximia, ノドグロゴシキドリ, TAKUR TUKANG GUNUNG
– Borneo sub-montane Endemic
– small and very colorful Barbet
update 202503
This is one of Borneo’s small endemic birds, often heard but rarely seen or photographed. However, this time, it perched right in front of us, offering an exceptional view.
– a small Borneo endemic Barbet, which normally heard but not easy to spot and due to the size. It is always difficult to photograph. Overall very bright color with blue face.
– what a lucky moment saw this bird perch low even not really close .. but still always good to see it here..
– 一直很小的婆罗洲特有种。通常站高,叫不停。不容易见到活拍好。脸不带蓝+红。
– 非常幸运在这看到它这么低,虽然还是有点距离。可是这个角度看他还是非常好棒的。
202309, Kundasang, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202311
– one of the small barbet of Borneo, pretty common to heard at Trusmadi – Bakelalan
– 婆罗洲特有种,蛮小,普通。可是还是不容易见到他。
202309, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202309
– special target tour, suppose to be last day target but when after ours “chickens” target.. it is a fruiting tree full of barbet calling. very soon we tick both Mountain and Bornean barbet
9. Fire-tufted Barbet, 火簇拟鴷, 火簇擬鴷, Psilopogon pyrolophus, アカフサゴシキドリ, TAKUR API
– big size Barbet, found sub-montane – montane
– common at Fraser Hill , Cameron Highlands
update 202403
– another not so common for a Barbet feed on insect but not bring back to feed young. As usual this beautiful Barbet attract all ours attention …
– 这拟鴷还是这么美丽,可是还是蛮不寻常。他们吃昆虫而不是果子,通常在喂小孩时会带回去喂。
202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia
update 202309
– target bird no sound at all any where, decided just birding on roadside. found this bird so close feeding for more than 15minutes
– 目标鸟没出现。决定在马路上随便看看鸟,竟然看到这漂亮的鸟在哪吃东西都不理我们。
202309, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia
update 202307
– not really spend a lot of time at Fraser Hill 2023, but last tour we had very good time there with this lovely and beautiful barbet stand together
– a very common Barbet to be seen at Fraser Hill
– 2023 没太多时间在福隆港。上一团还是很不错,这里的普鸟还站一起让我们拍照。
202307, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia
update 202303
– time for cicada, it is feeding chick. We see this barbet commonly feed on fruit. But when nesting time, it do bring back insect for feeding the young
– 这鸟通常都是吃果子的。在筑巢时,有时会喂小鸟吃虫。
202303, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia
update 202208
– one of the large Barbet, which show a lot of characters. Very common in Fraser Hill
– 蛮大的鸟。在福隆港蛮普通。
202208, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia
update 202106
– big size barbet, which wont mistake by the forehead “fire-tufted”, gray-cheek, overall green, neck with yellow-white band
– it is a good fruiting tree, gave us very good view (eye level) of few good birds. Included this lovely colorful Barbet
– 这果树真的很好,好几只好鸟都是平视角。包括这只非常漂亮的鸟。
202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia
update 202102
202009, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia
12. Golden-naped Barbet, 金枕拟鴷, 金枕擬鴷, Psilopogon pulcherrimus, キエリゴシキドリ, TAKUR TOPENG HITAM GUNUNG
– common montane Borneo Endemic
– very common found at KNP, Sabah
The highest-ranging of Borneo’s endemic barbets, found in montane forest from 1000 m up to 3000 m or more. Stunning emerald-green with neon-powder-blue crown and throat; namesake golden nape only visible from certain angles. Yellow-crowned Barbet is similar in appearance, but the two do not overlap in altitudinal range. Slow-moving and often difficult to locate; forages at middle and upper levels. Best detected by voice: two bright, hollow-sounding notes followed by a brief ascending trill. [EBird]
update 202407
– a lovely Borneo montane endemic, the color just amazing combination
– a last bird just before we leave KNP, it stay there so long even I back to car and took my pack camera,
– a bird use to easy to get a good photo but it become more patient needed for better picture .. and this picture like the bird : “are you looking for me ? ”
– 这鸟, 越来越不好拍。以前几乎很近,很容易。现在耐心+运气缺少不行啊。
202404, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia
update 202311
– common Montane endemic, as other Barbet, it is always heard but perch high-up.
– 婆罗洲高山特有种。如其他拟鴷。通常站高高的叫不停
201603, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia
13. Yellow-crowned Barbet, 黄顶拟鴷, 黃頂擬鴷, Psilopogon henricii, キンカブリゴシキドリ, TAKUR TOPENG HITAM BIASA
– a not so common medium size Barbet
– not difficult to ID , as without Red and crown – Yellow Gold
update 202406
– a common heard but seldom seen Barbet, it is most attractive Barbet but sure a beautiful bird to photograph
– 一只通常听到看不到的鸟。虽然不是很吸引人的鸟,可是还是很色彩的鸟。
202206, Ulu Langat, Selangor
14. Golden-throated Barbet, 金喉拟鴷, 金喉擬鴷, Psilopogon franklinii, キンノドゴシキドリ, TAKUR SAYAP TARUM BIASA
– montane and only Peninsular Malaysia but not Borneo
update 202408
– a Barbet that not that common in Fraser Hill area, but it is show well for few days here. with the complex environment. The new CANON R5markii, full area focus found the bird almost immediate. I really like the R5markii … you ?
– it is under the same species but looks different from the one found in Peninsular Malaysia. The Bali one, head over all more red-black instead of red-yellow-black
– 与马来西亚半岛的头部很不一样。红-黑而已。
update 202105
201605, West Balu National Park, Bali, Indonesia
52. Fire-tufted Barbet, 火簇拟鴷, 火簇擬啄木鳥, Psilopogon pyrolophus, アカフサゴシキドリ, TAKUR API, Burung Takor Api
update 202411
– This is one of the most common birds at Fraser’s Hill, Malaysia, but its beauty never fails to captivate me. I never tire of seeing or photographing it, even when we’re in Sumatra, Indonesia. My buddy and I were hiking to find other targets, with no much luck—only hearing calls without seeing anything. Then, this bird appeared, coming down low to feed, offering us a perfect opportunity.
It is another species endemic to Sri Lanka, primarily green-yellow with a blue face. It is fairly common throughout the country.
202312, Sri Lanka
150. Great Barbet, 大拟啄木鸟, 大擬啄木, Psilopogon virens, オオゴシキドリ
This largest of the barbets is colorful, but often appears all-dark from a distance. No other barbet in its range combines the features of a massive pale bill, black head, and dark olive back. Sluggish and shy; tends to stick to dense forest canopy, where it is difficult to see. Its loud hooting song (typically a series of two repetitive notes) is often the only indication of this species’s presence. Also gives a harsh, screaming “karrrrr” that has a gull-like quality. [Ebird]
I’ve seen this bird many times in various places but never had the chance to capture a photo—until now. Here, we finally had numerous opportunities to take some great shots.
Seeing the photo afterward was a completely different kind of excitement, as the vibrant colors that define the bird truly stood out. Simply incredible!
A common inhabitant of lowland and foothill tropical forests, where it sings brightly but often unseen from the canopy; listen for its repeated 3- or 4-syllabled ‘took-o-rrook!’ Tends to be more common in edge areas and degraded forests than other barbets. Bright green with a blue throat, a red-and-yellow crown, and a heavy, pale-based bill. Birds at the northern and western parts of this species’ range have a black brow, while southern birds don’t. [Ebird]
A vibrant bird with a predominantly blue head, commonly found in BaiHuaLing, Yunnan, China. Its calls are nearly constant throughout the area, and it occasionally comes down to forage for food and water.