Some birds captured during trips to this lovely place Shangri-la which on 纳帕海, 云南省迪庆藏族自治州
1. Black Stork, 黑鸛, Ciconia nigra, ナベコウ
2. Red-vented Bulbul, 黑喉红臀鹎, 黑喉紅臀鵯, Pycnonotus cafer, シリアカヒヨドリ
3. Great Barbet, 大拟啄木鸟, 大擬啄木, Psilopogon virens, オオゴシキドリ
4. Cachar Wedge-billed Babbler, 楔嘴鹩鹛, 紋胸楔嘴鷯鶥, Stachyris roberti, チャイロキリハシチメドリ
5. Slaty-bellied Tesia, 金冠地莺, 金冠地鶯, Tesia olivea, クロハラコビトサザイ
6. Yellow-bellied Fairy-Fantail, 黄腹扇尾鹟, 黃腹扇尾鶲, Chelidorhynx hypoxanthus, キバラオウギビタキ
7. Bianchi’s Warbler, 比氏鹟莺, 比氏鶲鶯, Phylloscopus valentini, インドシナモリムシクイ
8. Small Niltava, 小仙鹟, 小仙鶲, Niltava macgrigoriae, チビアオヒタキ
9. Scarlet Finch, 血雀, Carpodacus sipahi, シュイロマシコ
10. Chestnut-headed Tesia, 栗头地莺, 栗頭地鶯, Cettia castaneocoronata, クリガシラコビトサザイ
11. Himalayan Shortwing, 喜山短翅鸫, 喜山短翅鶇, Brachypteryx cruralis, ヒマラヤコバネヒタキ
12. Collared Scops-Owl, 领角鸮, 領角鴞, Otus lettia, ヒガシオオコノハズク
13. White-gorgeted Flycatcher, 白喉姬鹟, 白喉姬鶲, Anthipes monileger, ノドジロヒタキ
14. Rufous-throated Partridge, 红喉山鹧鸪, 紅喉山鷓鴣, Arborophila rufogularis, ノドアカミヤマテッケイ
15. Gray Bushchat, 灰林䳭, 灰叢鴝, Saxicola ferreus, ヤマザキヒタキ
16. Scaly-breasted Cupwing, 鳞胸鹪鹛, 大鱗胸鷦鶥, Pnoepyga albiventer, ヒメサザイチメドリ
17. Blue-throated Barbet, 蓝喉拟啄木鸟, 藍喉擬啄木, Psilopogon asiaticus, アオノドゴシキドリ
18. Slender-billed Scimitar-Babbler, 剑嘴鹛, 細嘴鉤嘴鶥, Pomatorhinus superciliaris, ハシナガチメドリ
19. Yellow-cheeked Tit, 黄颊山雀, 黃頰山雀, Machlolophus spilonotus, セボシカンムリガラ
1. Black Stork, 黑鸛, Ciconia nigra, ナベコウ

2. Red-vented Bulbul, 黑喉红臀鹎, 黑喉紅臀鵯, Pycnonotus cafer, シリアカヒヨドリ
A dark, sleek, medium-sized bird with a black crest and a white rump. The red color under the tail is often difficult to see. Eats fruit, flower buds, and insects. Conspicuous and sometimes gregarious, often seen high in trees or perched on wires in urban and rural areas; generally prefers scrubby edge habitat instead of dense forest. Calls include a variety of chirps and whistles. Native to South and Southeast Asia. Introduced to Kuwait, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman, and some Polynesian islands, including Hawaii. [Ebird]
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It seems this bird is quite common in the region—I may have seen it before in Sri Lanka or somewhere else. Still, it’s great to spot our first bird here after a long journey and a relaxing stay at the homestay in Baihualing, Yunnan, China.
I’ve quickly adapted to the setup (Canon R1), and capturing these in-flight shots felt almost seamless. The bird flew straight toward us, and I managed to get all 19 frames perfectly in focus.

3. Great Barbet, 大拟啄木鸟, 大擬啄木, Psilopogon virens, オオゴシキドリ
This largest of the barbets is colorful, but often appears all-dark from a distance. No other barbet in its range combines the features of a massive pale bill, black head, and dark olive back. Sluggish and shy; tends to stick to dense forest canopy, where it is difficult to see. Its loud hooting song (typically a series of two repetitive notes) is often the only indication of this species’s presence. Also gives a harsh, screaming “karrrrr” that has a gull-like quality. [Ebird]
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I’ve seen this bird many times in various places but never had the chance to capture a photo—until now. Here, we finally had numerous opportunities to take some great shots.
Seeing the photo afterward was a completely different kind of excitement, as the vibrant colors that define the bird truly stood out. Simply incredible!

4. Cachar Wedge-billed Babbler, 楔嘴鹩鹛, 紋胸楔嘴鷯鶥, Stachyris roberti, チャイロキリハシチメドリ
A gregarious babbler with a dark back and underparts spangled with scaly silver markings. At first glance, may resemble a cupwing, but this babbler is much larger and longer-tailed, and does not stick as closely to the ground as cupwings do. Often moves deep in dense shrubbery, but will occasionally forage in the middle layers of the forest as well, scaling trees and creeping along branches. [Ebird]
One of the stunning babblers has such flat body feather details that it almost resembles a drawing.
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An 8-day journey to Yunnan, particularly to this bird photography paradise, is almost at its end. As expected, capturing great photos of many species was as simple as sitting and waiting. However, a bit of luck was still needed. According to local, the number of bird species visiting has decreased, and with more hides available, the birds may now spread out instead of gathering in the usual spots. Regardless, we thoroughly enjoyed our authentic photography experience here.
Although the trip isn’t over yet, this moment stands out as one of my favorites. The bird was incredibly active, appearing for just a split second with an almost surreal “flat” look to its body—like a 2D drawing. But with patience, it rewarded us with some fantastic views as the day drew to a close.

5. Slaty-bellied Tesia, 金冠地莺, 金冠地鶯, Tesia olivea, クロハラコビトサザイ
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This tiny bird moves swiftly through the bushes, making it incredible that we managed to spot it.
It’s a bird everyone on this trip has been eager to photograph. Yesterday, only Amy and I were lucky enough to capture it, while others could only catch a glimpse without getting any photos. However, luck was on our side today! Two different Tesias came close to us within just 15 minutes, giving everyone the chance they had been hoping for. Tonight, we can all sleep soundly, content with the experience.

6. Yellow-bellied Fairy-Fantail, 黄腹扇尾鹟, 黃腹扇尾鶲, Chelidorhynx hypoxanthus, キバラオウギビタキ
An active little bird with a bright yellow belly and a pale-tipped fan-like tail. Most common in foothill and submontane broadleaf forests, where it forages energetically and acrobatically in the middle and lower levels, often with fulvettas, warblers, and other small passerines in mixed-species foraging flocks. Very similar in shape to fantails but much smaller, and actually more closely related to tits. Song is a series of high “tsit” notes interspersed with twitters and trills. Call is often repeated at length, akin to a song, but much simpler, a series of high “tsip” notes. [Ebird]
An active little bird with a bright yellow belly and a pale-tipped fan-like tail. Most common in foothill and submontane broadleaf forests, where it forages energetically and acrobatically in the middle and lower levels, often with fulvettas, warblers, and other small passerines in mixed-species foraging flocks. Very similar in shape to fantails but much smaller, and actually more closely related to tits. Song is a series of high “tsit” notes interspersed with twitters and trills. Call is often repeated at length, akin to a song, but much simpler, a series of high “tsip” notes.
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One of the most active birds, behaving much like a fantail. While it’s not a lifer for me—I previously recorded it in Northern Thailand—it’s still a challenge to spot here in Yunnan, China. Thankfully, luck was on our side, and we managed to witness it spreading its tail, giving us a few great moments for some good photo opportunities.

7. Bianchi’s Warbler, 比氏鹟莺, 比氏鶲鶯, Phylloscopus valentini, インドシナモリムシクイ
One of a number of mind-numbingly similar Seicercus warblers. Greenish-yellow above and bright yellow below, with a faint wingbar, a yellow eyering, and a grayish crown marked by two black stripes. Gray of the crown is weaker than that of White-spectacled and Plain-tailed Warblers, but this feature is difficult to see in the shade of the understory, where it usually forages. Breeds in submontane and montane forest up to the treeline; averages higher Martens’s Warbler. Descends into submontane and hill forest in the non-breeding season. Song is an unremarkable but lively burst of whistled notes, lower in pitch than that of Plain-tailed Warbler. [Ebird]
一种看起来极为相似的冠鹛类鸟(Seicercus)。上体呈绿色偏黄,下体明黄色,带有一条淡淡的翼斑、黄色的眼圈以及灰色的头顶,头顶上还有两条黑色条纹。头顶的灰色比白眶鹛(White-spectacled Warbler)和单尾鹛(Plain-tailed Warbler)更弱,但在其常活动的林下阴影处,这一特征难以看清。繁殖季节栖息于亚山地和山地森林中,分布高度可达森林界限;平均分布高度比马氏鹛(Martens’s Warbler)更高。非繁殖季节会下迁至亚山地和丘陵森林。鸣声是轻快的、普通的哨音片段,音高低于单尾鹛的鸣声。
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A tiny warbler with a sudden flash of “yellowish” plumage appeared, and I immediately thought, “It’s a new bird!” Naturally, everyone quickly grabbed their cameras to capture it. It only showed up briefly while we were casually waiting for birds to come to the water.

8. Small Niltava, 小仙鹟, 小仙鶲, Niltava macgrigoriae, チビアオヒタキ
Size distinguishes this species from other niltavas; coloration is quite similar to Large Niltava, which is double the size. Male Small Niltava is bright blue with the brightest patches on the shoulder and forehead. Female is brown with a white eyering and a rufous tail and wingtips. Forages in the lower and middle levels of hilly and montane forests, usually singly. Listen for its distinctive song, a cleanly descending “wee-dee-dee.” [EBird]
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Another bird we encountered, found only at a single hide despite visiting many others, initially appeared quite shy. However, after a few hours of brief appearances, it gradually became more comfortable and eventually stayed long enough for some great photos.

9. Scarlet Finch, 血雀, Carpodacus sipahi, シュイロマシコ
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We chose this hide specifically for this bird and spotted it early in the morning. Afterward, we decided to move to another hide. The male arrived briefly before leaving, but luck was on our side as we caught the moment.

One of the standout birds at Baihualing, Yunnan, China is often seen as a highlight by both locals and visitors. Whenever someone spots or photographs one, it becomes big news in the village, quickly drawing bird enthusiasts and photographers to the area. This one shows up unexpectedly, as it did this time to take a drink, it captivates everyone around. It is a beautiful bird, with the female being particularly striking.

10. Chestnut-headed Tesia, 栗头地莺, 栗頭地鶯, Cettia castaneocoronata, クリガシラコビトサザイ
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This is a fairly common bird in the area, but it moves too quickly to capture good shots. It often hides in dark and damp spots, making it a wonderfully active but elusive subject.

11. Himalayan Shortwing, 喜山短翅鸫, 喜山短翅鶇, Brachypteryx cruralis, ヒマラヤコバネヒタキ
Tiny, stumpy bird of dense undergrowth. Male is dark slate-blue with broad white eyebrows that give him the appearance of a furious little old man. Female is warm pale brown all over. In areas of overlap with Chinese and Lesser Shortwings, look out for the all-dark lower belly, which is white in those species. Inhabits hill and montane forest, where it forages in dense undergrowth, frequently in proximity to streams. Song is composed of high thin whistles with short bursts of clicking chattering mixed in.
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While everyone was focused on a few main target birds, one of our buddies, who could be considered a new birder, suddenly shouted, “Shortwing!” He was so proud of himself for identifying a bird on his own. Honestly, I think he should be even happier if he managed to spot a rare bird feeding instead!
当大家都专注于几种主要目标鸟时,我们的一位朋友(可以算是新手观鸟者)突然大喊:“短翅鸫!” 他为自己能独立认出一只鸟感到非常自豪。老实说,我觉得如果他发现+认出鸟种,他应该会比在喂食店拍到稀有鸟种更加高兴!

12. Collared Scops-Owl, 领角鸮, 領角鴞, Otus lettia, ヒガシオオコノハズク
Medium-sized owl with significant variation in plumage and vocalizations across its large range. Either gray or brown in coloration, with prominent pale ear tufts and pale face outlined in black. Fond of open wooded habitats from lowlands to foothills, often found roosting in temples, houses, and gardens, particularly in rural areas. Larger and more strongly tufted than both Oriental and Mountain Scops-Owls; both also lack the black facial border. Listen for this species’ incisive, short hoots, given at well-spaced intervals (often around 10 seconds). [Ebird]
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It is quite a common bird, even in Malaysia. It was previously classified as the Sunda Scops-Owl but is now considered part of the Collared Scops-Owl. We often had one just outside our room, almost every day.
There is always debate about using torches or flashlights on birds, with no clear consensus on whether it is right or wrong for nature. However, there are certain actions we should never take or support, such as keeping them in cages or tying them up. It’s disheartening to know that many people still do such things, often just for the sake of a photograph.

13. White-gorgeted Flycatcher, 白喉姬鹟, 白喉姬鶲, Anthipes monileger, ノドジロヒタキ
Tiny brown flycatcher with a triangular white bib bordered with black. Gray head, frosty white brow, and ruddy wings and tail are not as eye-catching as the throat patch, but just as distinctive. Unobtrusive and retiring, generally keeping to the dense lower levels of foothill forests. Frequently forages in inaccessible gorges and thick streamside vegetation. Usually seen singly, occasionally in pairs. [Ebird]
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The last lifer of the tour was an adorable flycatcher, easily recognizable by the distinct triangular white patch on its neck.

14. Rufous-throated Partridge, 红喉山鹧鸪, 紅喉山鷓鴣, Arborophila rufogularis, ノドアカミヤマテッケイ
A beautiful little gamebird of foothill and highland forests with extensive ground-level cover, where it moves about in medium-sized convoys through the dense undergrowth. Usually quiet, though sings melodically and loudly at dusk and dawn. Brightly-colored, even for a partridge; both sexes have a bright orange throat, a bluish-gray chest, and orange-and-white spotting on the sides [Ebird]
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At almost every hide we visited, the owners assured us that this bird is always around. However, we didn’t spot it at any of those hides, except on day one when it briefly walked past. Hopefully, everyone on our team managed to capture a photo of this beautiful partridge.

15. Gray Bushchat, 灰林䳭, 灰叢鴝, Saxicola ferreus, ヤマザキヒタキ
Small songbird of forest edges, open scrub, and farmland, usually seen in pairs or small flocks. Male is silvery gray overall with black face and white supercilium, throat, belly, and wing patches. Female dull brown overall, with a rufous tail and faded version of the male’s head pattern. Bold but not very active, usually seen perching for long periods on posts and overhead wires. Song is bright and melodious, but often has a somewhat faltering quality, trailing off towards the end. Most common call is a harsh rising “bzeeet!”. [EBird]
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During one of the quieter moments while waiting for a Scarlet Finch, a female caught my attention. As it flew around, I decided to enable Continuous Pre-record mode, just in case. Suddenly, it spread its wings, and I seized the perfect moment to press the shutter after see the action, capturing this stunning shot.

16. Scaly-breasted Cupwing, 鳞胸鹪鹛, 大鱗胸鷦鶥, Pnoepyga albiventer, ヒメサザイチメドリ
Adorable tiny bird that loosely resembles a minute tailless wren. Warm dark brown above with rufous overtones, and scaled below; pale-morph birds have white edgings to black “scales,” while dark-morph birds have edgings that are coffee-stain tan. Smaller Pygmy Cupwing lacks the tan spots speckling the crown and neck of Scaly-breasted. Scaly-breasted inhabits dark, damp areas in dense forest, often around boulders, streams, and ravines. Song is a jumbled series of high-pitched melodic warbles, notably more complex than the song of Pygmy Cupwing. [Ebird]
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On our last day in Baihualing, we spotted two distinctly different tiny, tailless birds. At a distance of about 10-15 meters, I initially assumed they were the same Pygmy Cupwing. However, upon reviewing the captured photos, it was clear they were different species.
Knowing their behavior of spreading their wings when moving, I enabled Continuous Pre-record mode and pressed the shutter the moment the bird moved. Got it!

17. Blue-throated Barbet, 蓝喉拟啄木鸟, 藍喉擬啄木, Psilopogon asiaticus, アオノドゴシキドリ
A common inhabitant of lowland and foothill tropical forests, where it sings brightly but often unseen from the canopy; listen for its repeated 3- or 4-syllabled ‘took-o-rrook!’ Tends to be more common in edge areas and degraded forests than other barbets. Bright green with a blue throat, a red-and-yellow crown, and a heavy, pale-based bill. Birds at the northern and western parts of this species’ range have a black brow, while southern birds don’t. [Ebird]
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A vibrant bird with a predominantly blue head, commonly found in BaiHuaLing, Yunnan, China. Its calls are nearly constant throughout the area, and it occasionally comes down to forage for food and water.

18. Slender-billed Scimitar-Babbler, 剑嘴鹛, 細嘴鉤嘴鶥, Pomatorhinus superciliaris, ハシナガチメドリ
Possibly the species to which the moniker of “scimitar-babbler” attaches most fittingly, as this inhabitant of high-altitude evergreen forests has a bill shaped like a curved sword. Predominantly orange-brown, with a gray head and jagged white eyebrow. Easily identified, even if seen only in silhouette; no other babbler in its range has such a long, sharply curved bill. Moves through the lower levels of the forest in large, noisy flocks. [ebird]
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This bird has an oddly thin and curved beak, giving it a truly unique appearance. Though active, it’s not hard to spot here. At many bird hides, it readily comes out to grab food before retreating, making it relatively easy to see and photograph.

19. Yellow-cheeked Tit, 黄颊山雀, 黃頰山雀, Machlolophus spilonotus, セボシカンムリガラ

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