Halmahera, Indonesia Bird Photography | 哈马黑拉岛: 鸟摄 | liewwk Nature 11 [update 20231031]

***on travel will update more info about this Island soon

Ours’ main target here are Standardwing Bird-of-Paradise & Ivory-breasted Pitta.

But we still trying for any possible birds beside for these 2 main birds for short trip here.

1. Standardwing Bird-of-Paradise, 幡羽极乐鸟, 幡羽天堂鳥, Semioptera wallacii

2. Moluccan Scops-Owl, 摩鹿加角鸮, 摩鹿加角鴞, Otus magicus

3. Ivory-breasted Pitta, 白胸八色鸫, 牙白胸八色鳥, Pitta maxima

4. Common Paradise-Kingfisher, 普通仙翡翠, 普通仙翡翠, Tanysiptera galatea, ラケットカワセミ, Cekakak-pita biasa

5. North Moluccan Pitta, 北摩鹿加八色鸫, 北摩鹿加八色鳥, Erythropitta rufiventri

6. Halmahera Boobook, 哈岛鹰鸮, 哈馬赫拉鷹鴞, Ninox hypogramma

7. Moluccan Owlet-nightjar, 冠裸鼻鸱, 摩鹿加裸鼻鴟, Aegotheles crinifrons

8. Sombre Kingfisher, 淡黑翡翠, 暗色翡翠, Todiramphus funebris

9. Moluccan Dwarf-Kingfisher, 矮三趾翠鸟, 西蘭三趾翠鳥, Ceyx lepidus

10. Blue-capped Fruit-Dove, 蓝顶果鸠, 藍頂果鳩, Ptilinopus monacha

11. White-bellied Cuckooshrike, 白腹鹃鵙, 巴布亞鵑鵙, Coracina papuensis

12. Gray-headed Fruit-Dove, 灰头果鸠, 灰頭果鳩, Ptilinopus hyogastrus




1. Standardwing Bird-of-Paradise, 幡羽极乐鸟, 幡羽天堂鳥, Semioptera wallacii

A large, front-heavy brown bird with a long, pale downcurved bill and a distinctive elongated head with a flat crown and a forehead tuft. Orange legs. Unmistakable males have a green-blue breast shield and long creamy-white plumes extending from the shoulders. Females are entirely earth-brown, lacking the shoulder extensions and shield. Immature resembles female. Found in canopy of tall forests in lowlands and foothills, confined to three islands in north Moluccas. Regularly sighted at known display sites. Very loud when displaying, giving raucous “WAA-WAA…” and “KEE-KEE…” notes. [Ebird]

update 202310

– another trip another good view of this bird after longer wait compared to previous trips. I didn’t have best angle but still trying to show the beauty of this bird .. 8km bird .. worth ? YES definitely

– will share some funny video about this bird … may be finish this trip

– 另一个摄鸟行到这。虽然这次等蛮久可是还是很不错。可是这次站台太高2位团友安全问题没上来。其他都拍的很好。

– 8公里来回。很值得,这么美的鸟。一定要来拍。

– 我拍到它们踩蛋的视频,可是很奇怪。母的在上。有机会再发。

202310, Akeyajawe NP, Halmahera, Indonesia

update 202310

[sorry for the bad video]

– this a weird scene I seen, or I missed out anything before .. why the female is on top and I record few times ..


– another trip another good view of this bird after longer wait compared to previous trips. I didn’t have best angle but still trying to show the beauty of this bird .. 8km bird .. worth ? YES definitely

– will share some funny video about this bird … may be finish this trip



– 是我误会了,还是之前没看过他们踩蛋?为什么母鸟会在上面?!


– 另一个摄鸟行到这。虽然这次等蛮久可是还是很不错。可是这次站台太高2位团友安全问题没上来。其他都拍的很好。

– 8公里来回。很值得,这么美的鸟。一定要来拍。

– 我拍到它们踩蛋的视频,可是很奇怪。母的在上。有机会再发。



– 2nd trip to Halmahera 2023 and see you next week … never get bored to see it making noise and dance even the journey there bit challenge … I am coming

– 2023 第2团。多几天又可以见你。每次看你叫不停,跳不停终是兴奋不停。虽然来看你的路不好到。我来也。

202304, Halmahera, Indonesia

update 202304

– lucky to see it display but not really full open view. capture video with 100p slowdown 50%

– 幸运的看到他在跳舞。可是没全露。可是还是记录下了。


another special tour, which has main target of this Standardwing Bird-of-Paradise.

It is a real good experience to be Halmahera, we just spend 3 nights. We easily got ours’ targets seen.

This is our main target, on 2nd morning. We hike 3.7km straight to the “hide” (on the way, we heard owlet-nightjar which is my favorite bird but we failed to see the bird and also rushing to the hide for main target.

Arrived before 6am, while every still dark. We can heard many of them already calling infront of us but just very brief view. after 30minutes, finally we got clear view of this amazing beautiful bird. But I still only got some extreme high ISO picture even with my CANON RF400mm F2.8.

Long story short, the birds stay for long and from ISO 25600 – ISO800, Managed to have perfect view of the bird and pictures… oohh video too .

Immediate of this target, we walking out and birding. There is another very good story to talk about “pick up service for the Pitta”

– 非常不一样的一次特别目标鸟团。我们其实主要3 只鸟加最好看完可以看到的猫头鹰。可是,来到这么好的鸟点。我们几乎没浪费任何时间(天气太热,我们还是有2-3小时中午到房间休息)

– 这只天堂鸟是我们主要鸟。我们到了哈马黑拉岛后第二天早山立刻步行3.7公里到鸟点。在路中听了好几次鼻鸱可是我们只是停留很短时间。所以没看到。大概1.5小时后到达鸟点,还是很暗(6am)可是这鸟已在叫不停。我们还只是看到影子而已。过了30分钟。终于看到清楚了。大家都高兴了。可是,我还是用ISO25600 (还是用CANON RF 400mm F2.8) .可是很幸运,鸟留下来到天蛮亮的。终于看到拍到。

– 回程中,我们再次去看白胸八色鸫. 当地导游竟然让我们知道人是可以与动物共处的。之前他一直讲不用担心八色鸫,他们不在的话。他会去“接“它!让我有机会下次再写写那个故事(希望有时间,完了这团后又要很忙到9月了。

202404, Halmahera, Indonesia



2. Moluccan Scops-Owl, 摩鹿加角鸮, 摩鹿加角鴞, Otus magicus

A small owl with ear tufts, a black facial border, yellow eyes, prominent black streaking on pale underside, and intricately patterned upperparts with conspicuous white wing markings. Occurs in gray and rufous forms. Adult’s crown is streaked; juvenile’s is barred. Inhabits forest and plantations within lowlands and foothills.[Ebird]

– pretty common across the center of Halmahera, almost can heard it’s call.

– cute and not that shy owl.

– 很特别的叫声,外表也不一样。蛮好看。

– 在哈马黑拉岛的特有种。几乎很普通,那都可以听到叫声。

– 可爱,也不很害羞的鸮。

update 202304

– first night, after heavy rain and long travel. we decided not look for the owl and owlet-nightjar. Next night, we didn’t spend much time to ticked this bird and Moluccan Owlet-nightjar at the same spot.

– very cute and not really shy to human.

– 第一晚经过飞机-八色鸫-船-车-大雨的一天。我们没去找这鸮。第二晚,晚饭后不用很久我们就拿下这鸮与冠裸鼻鸱(我最喜欢鸟种之一)

– 非常可爱与其他角鸮不一样。也不害羞。也很普通。3晚都听到。

202304, Centre of Halmahera, Indonesia

3. Ivory-breasted Pitta, 白胸八色鸫, 牙白胸八色鳥, Pitta maxima

A distinctive large, plump, short-tailed, long-legged forest bird with a black upperside and white underside, a striking red area on the lower belly, and a conspicuous silvery-blue shoulder patch. Juvenile duller, with buff on underparts. Shy, more often heard than seen. Usually found singly or in pairs in humid lowland and hill forest. Forages on the ground, but while calling often perches high in the understory or canopy. Very vocal; frequently given song is a mournful wolf whistle. [Ebird]

– 非常大的八色鸫。背部全黑。前部白+红。很特别。在这岛上,几乎那都听到这鸟的叫声。

update 202310

– arrived Halmahera, before anything go for this main target … due to long travel everyone seem tired but luckily the bird appear not that long compare to other waiting 😀 and it is huge in size, some with 800mm little bit suffer to take whole bird into frame

– 到达哈马黑拉岛,第一件事就是到这个点拿下目标鸟之一。其实有2个机会可是鸟人心情。还是越快拿下越好。可是因为长途跋涉,每个人都很累。还好比起其他八色鸫,这只让我们等了大概1++小时还好吧。喂食点,走到这也不难。

202310, Halmahera, Indonesia

update 202309

– 2nd trip to Halmahera coming soon, can;t visit this amazing place again. Hope get some better pictures of night birds this time .. and this Pick up service Pitta sure another highlight of the tour soon

– 今年第2次到哈马黑拉岛,希望拍多点晚上的鸟。而这一只八色鸫应该是主打鸟之一吧。可是太容易了吧。可以接送的。



update 202304

– post this before I get busy months again. This is one of the most amazing experience on this trip. When day 1 arrived with heavy rain, after rain stop we did quick birding surrounding our homestay. when we walk near the river, owner say why not we go for quick try on the Pitta and keep mentioned “if the bird is nearby or little bit distance he can do pick-up service” !! (I am thinking pick-up service hmmm). But the bird came without long wait or any issue. (so we missed the pick-up service show)

– next day after Standardwing BOP, we walk back to homestay and pass by the Pitta spot. We would like to try for this pitta again for male. After long wait (~15minutes) , he say the bird is far lets’ him pick-up the pitta .. I was like hmm how ? But he walk into the bush and use whistler/call. After ~10minutes wait, we heard the bird call getting nearer and soon we saw him walking out from the bush. and you can see the Pitta is following him coming out from the bush (may be ~10-15m away) !!!!!! “pick up service”

– 觉得需要把这先写下,这是我在这11天团里觉得最不值得分享经验之一。(或在这一生中也蛮特别)。我们经过一天的飞机-车-八色鸫-船-车-大雨 的折磨。终于到了民宿。雨停后我们也不闲的去看鸟,当然我是唯一带相机的我就拍拍记录照给大家。走走的到了河边,民宿主人问我们要试试八色鸫吗?我们觉得时间不多了,怕不出来浪费时间。可是他说,不怕鸟不在。“我可以去接它过来” !!!心想什么鬼,接!!!可是我们到后八色鸫一下就出来让我们看的兴奋了。(主要目标之一达标)

第二天一早我们先去看/拍幡羽极乐鸟。容易地拿下后。大家也想回去八色鸫的点看有运气看到巨大的公鸟吗。可是这次等了15分钟等候完全没声音,”他“就说没问题。我去接它过来!(心想又夸口)。他走了近草丛,大概10分钟后我们听到八色鸫叫了。然后他从草丛里走了出来,然后最不可思议的事。八色鸫在跟随他(大概10-15米)后跳了出来 !!!我们都讲,这样都可以? 我终于知道人-鸟是一起这样的。”接送服务“


– picture after the “pick-up” service

– 被接送后的照片。

202304, Center Halmahera, Indonesia


4. Common Paradise-Kingfisher, 普通仙翡翠, 普通仙翡翠, Tanysiptera galatea, ラケットカワセミ, Cekakak-pita biasa

– A long-tailed kingfisher of lowland forests. White underparts and rump, dark blue upperparts with pale blue shoulder and crown. Long white tail with 2 extended central tail feathers ending in spatula tips. Sits still for long periods whilst slowly pumping its tail. Very similar to Little Paradise-Kingfisher, but Common Paradise-Kingfisher is larger, with a paler crown, white rather than blue outer tail feathers and a heavier bill. The safest way to separate, however is by vocalization. Heard more often than seen. Song, a rapidly accelerating and slightly rising series of dry notes. [Ebird]

普通仙翡翠(学名:Tanysiptera galatea)是佛法僧目翠鸟科鸟类。成鸟有蓝紫前额,蓝顶蓝枕。分布于太平洋诸岛屿和华莱士区。在一般的低地热带雨林,季风林,从海平面到300米都有分布。甚至在某些产地它们可以达到的高度为820米。完全肉食性的翠鸟,大部分的时间是在地面上寻找食物,用嘴挖掘土壤捕食昆虫,其中包括蜗牛、甲虫、蚱蜢、毛毛虫、蜈蚣、蚯蚓,也吃小型爬行动物蜥蜴等。

普通仙翡翠身长22 cm,雄鸟体重58-65g,雌鸟体重55-69 g。成鸟有蓝紫前额,蓝顶蓝枕。眼先黑色,脸颊和腮部蓝紫色。两侧颈部、肩胛至脑后背部有一蓝黑色半领。小覆羽黑色,中覆羽亮天蓝色。其余的飞翼上方是蓝紫色。尾部形成一个白色环带,中央抽出两根十分细长的绶带,外缘蓝色,末端纯白色膨大成拍状。嘴红色,虹膜深褐色,腿部黄褐色。 [1]幼鸟的头部羽毛深褐色,与黄色的眼先前额接壤,其它地方是红色。眼眉又长又黑。双翼,尾巴均是深褐色。大多数覆羽的内衬明亮的红色。尾巴中央是蓝色,其下浅黄色,有小覆羽羽为黑色,喉咙和胸部边缘有纹。嘴是灰棕色。 [1]

update 202310

– a beautiful Kingfisher, even is common but shy for picture

– 蛮漂亮的翠鸟。虽然普通,可是还是不容易拍照。

202304, Halmahera, Indonesia



update 202304

– a beautiful Kingfisher, and for the first time feel such a beautiful bird such annoying. Each time the Pitta come near, this bird will fly from far to flush the Pitta away 🙁 no choice to wait and wait until it get bored.

– 非常漂亮的翠鸟。可是竟然一直追赶我们的目标八色鸫,每次八色鸫要出来时。他就从某处飞过来。我们没办法的等它厌倦。

202304, Center of Halmahara, Indonesia


5. North Moluccan Pitta, 北摩鹿加八色鸫, 北摩鹿加八色鳥, Erythropitta rufiventri

– another “Red-bellied” pitta, and it classified as North Moluccan Pitta which is endemic of Halmahera.

– it is very near to Ivory-Breasted Pitta spot

– 另一只“红胸八色鸫”分出来的摩鹿加特有种。

update 202310

– the Bird making call on tree and stand there for so long ..

– 这鸟一直在树上叫。叫了好几个小时。



update 202310
– another “different look” North Moluccan which photograph at feeding station at Ternate Island
– a not very easy walk as keep going steep downward sloop
– 另一只北摩鹿加八色鸫,在不一样的岛拍的。样子有点不一样。这个喂食点,也不是太容易。。。一直往下走。





202304, Center Halmahera, Indonesia


6. Halmahera Boobook, 哈岛鹰鸮, 哈馬赫拉鷹鴞, Ninox hypogramma

– a small owl, found near forest here which call really funny like frog

– lovely and not so boring boobook.

update 202309

– it is fun to trying to find this owl without knowing where it should be. We just trying ours’ luck and yes.. it is calling dusk and managed to have good view of it not too late of the night.

– 野拍好玩。野寻更好玩。没资讯知道在哪找这鸟,我们就在森林里碰碰运气。天还没暗完,这鸟就在我们第一个点听到。没很久就拍到。自己找到的鸟真的无比兴奋。

202304, Center Maluku Island


7. Moluccan Owlet-nightjar, 冠裸鼻鸱, 摩鹿加裸鼻鴟, Aegotheles crinifrons

update 202310

– a very short special target tour to Halmahera, Indonesia. One of the night just trying better photo for this my favourite bird.

– 2nd night, spent not that long, spotted 3 birds and this stay long and quite reasonable distance.

– 到哈马黑拉岛找几只特别目标鸟。在一个晚上,去找找这只我最喜欢鸟类之一。

– 在1小时内,见到3只。还是蛮容易的。

202310, Halmahera, Indonesia


8. Sombre Kingfisher, 淡黑翡翠, 暗色翡翠, Todiramphus funebris

– a Halmahera endemic, overall pied like Kingfisher

update 202310

– saw this bird all previous trip here, but this was lowest ever ~eye level and stay so long for us to get better angle pictures

– 几乎每次到哈马黑拉岛都看到的翠鸟,可是每次都蛮高。唯独这次站很低很久让我们拍够够。

202310, Halmahera, Indonesia


9. Moluccan Dwarf-Kingfisher, 矮三趾翠鸟, 西蘭三趾翠鳥, Ceyx lepidus

– a small kingfisher just like other Dwarf-Kingfisher but overall blue

– 非常小的翠鸟。

update 202310

– a small kingfisher seem like to stay together with the North Moluccan Pitta, always calling while we waiting for the Pitta

– 这翠鸟,总喜欢与八色鸫一起生活。在等八色鸫时总听到它叫。

202304, Ternate, Indonesia

10. Blue-capped Fruit-Dove, 蓝顶果鸠, 藍頂果鳩, Ptilinopus monacha

– small fruit dove, as name suggested Blue headed

– 蛮小的果鸠。头顶带浅蓝。


update 202310

– use some extra time looking for bird, and this was just at road side. amazing flying so close and quite low

– 最后一天,有点时间。我们就去野拍,没很远/久。就拍到这鸠,与仙翠鸟。

202310, Halmahera, Indonesia

11. White-bellied Cuckooshrike, 白腹鹃鵙, 巴布亞鵑鵙, Coracina papuensis

Medium-sized slender bird, pale gray above, white below, with a small dark bridge between the bill and eye (lores) and faint partial white eyering. Immature lacks distinct mask of Black-faced Cuckooshrike. Dark morph shows large but variable black bib and breast, mottled or barred at the edges. Inhabits eucalypt forest and other woodlands in Australia, Indonesia, New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands. Call a high-pitched, two-note squeak. [Ebird]

白腹鹃鵙学名Coracina papuensis)是山椒鸟科鸦鹃鵙属的一种,分布于澳大利亚印度尼西亚巴布亚新几内亚所罗门群岛。其自然栖息地为亚热带或热带的湿润低地森林、亚热带或热带的红树林以及亚热带或热带的湿润山地林(英语:montane forest)。
update 202310
– a pretty common bird found lowland Halmahera
– 在哈马黑拉岛蛮普通的鸟。
202304, Halmahera, Indonesia



12. Gray-headed Fruit-Dove, 灰头果鸠, 灰頭果鳩, Ptilinopus hyogastrus

– a gray headed small dove, overall greenish with white patch on wing

update 20240103

– a casual birding after got most the target, this bird flying left and right but after a while it gave small window for us to have photo of it

– 我们都拍到主要目标后,就随便拍拍其他鸟。这鸟一直叫不停,也不容易见到。可是最后还是让我们拍到。

20231011, Halmahera, Indonesia




Columbidae series: Dove, Pigeon | 鸠鸽科 | liewwk Nature 20-9 [update 20241229]

just update another collection, Columbidae .. or in common pigeon/dove

1. Rock Pigeon, 原鸽, 原鴿, Columba livia, カワラバト, MERPATI BIASA

2. Red Collared-Dove, 火斑鸠, 火斑鳩, Streptopelia tranquebarica, ベニバト, Tekukur Merah

3. Spotted Dove, 珠颈斑鸠, 珠頸斑鳩, Streptopelia chinensis, カノコバト, TEKUKUR JERUM TIMUR

4. Little Cuckoo-Dove, 小赤鹃鸠, 小赤鵑鳩, Macropygia ruficeps, ヒメオナガバト,Burung Tekukur Api

5. Asian Emerald Dove, 绿翅金鸠, 翠翼鳩, Chalcophaps indica,キンバト, PUNAI-TANAH BIASA

6. Zebra Dove, 斑姬地鸠, 斑姬地鳩, Geopelia striata, チョウショウバト, MERBUK BIASA

7. Nicobar Pigeon, 尼柯巴鸠, 尼柯巴鳩, Caloenas nicobarica, ミノバト, MERPATI-EMAS BIASA

8. Little Green-Pigeon, 小绿鸠, 小綠鳩, Treron olax, チビアオバト, PUNAI KECIL

9. Pink-necked Green-Pigeon, 红颈绿鸠, 紅頸綠鳩, Treron vernans, コアオバト, PUNAI KOCOK

10. Cinnamon-headed Green-Pigeon, 棕头绿鸠, 棕頭綠鳩, Treron fulvicollis, ニッケイアオバト, Punai Bakau

11. Thick-billed Green-Pigeon, 厚嘴绿鸠, 厚嘴綠鳩, Treron curvirostra, ハシブトアオバト, PUNAI ARA BIASA

12. Large Green-Pigeon, 大绿鸠, 大綠鳩, Treron capellei, オオアオバト, PUNAI BAKUK

13. Yellow-vented Green-Pigeon, 白腹针尾绿鸠, 白腹針尾綠鳩, Treron seimundi, シロハラハリオアオバト, PUNAI GUNUNG BAHU MERAH

14. Wedge-tailed Green-Pigeon, 楔尾绿鸠, 楔尾綠鳩, Treron sphenurus, オナガアオバト, PUNAI BUKIT BARAT

15. Jambu Fruit-Dove, 粉头果鸠, 粉頭果鳩, Ptilinopus jambu, ボタンバト, PUNAI-GADING JAMBU

16. Black-naped Fruit-Dove, 黑项果鸠, 黑頸果鳩, Ptilinopus melanospilus, カルカヤバト, PUNAI-BUAH HIJAU BARAT

17. Green Imperial-Pigeon, 绿皇鸠, 綠皇鳩, Ducula aenea, ミカドバト, PERGAM DAUN BIASA

18. Mountain Imperial-Pigeon, 皇鸠, 皇鳩, Ducula badia, ヤマミカドバト, PERGAM BUKIT BIASA

19. Pied Imperial-Pigeon, 斑皇鸠, Ducula bicolor, ソデグロバト, RAWA BIASA

20. Barred Cuckoo-Dove, 斑尾鹃鸠,斑尾鵑鳩, Macropygia unchall, ヨコジマオナガバト, Burung Tekukur Api Besar




51. Black-naped Fruit-Dove, 黑项果鸠, 黑頸果鳩, Ptilinopus melanospilus, カルカヤバト, PUNAI-BUAH HIJAU BARAT

52. Superb Fruit-Dove, 华丽果鸠, 壯麗果鳩, Ptilinopus superbus, クロオビヒメアオバト, Walik Raja

53. White-bellied Imperial-Pigeon, 斑尾皇鸠, 白腹皇鳩, Ducula forsteni, シロハラオビオバト

54. Red-eared Fruit-Dove, 费氏果鸠, 紅臉果鳩, Ptilinopus fischeri, ハイボウシヒメアオバト

55. Blue-capped Fruit-Dove, 蓝顶果鸠, 藍頂果鳩, Ptilinopus monacha

56. Gray-headed Fruit-Dove, 灰头果鸠, 灰頭果鳩, Ptilinopus hyogastrus

57. Pink-headed Fruit-Dove, 粉红颈果鸠, 粉紅頸果鳩, Ptilinopus porphyreus, ベニガシラヒメアオバト

58. Red-naped Fruit-Dove, 红枕果鸠, 赤頸果鳩, Ptilinopus dohertyi, アカエリヒメアオバト, Walik Rawa-manu


101. Sri Lanka Wood-Pigeon, 紫头林鸽, 紫头林鸽, Columba torringtoniae, セイロンカノコモリバト


1. Rock Pigeon, 原鸽, 原鴿, Columba livia, カワラバト,MERPATI BIASA

– introduce species , feral … come with all different kind colors



Rock Pigeon, 原鴿, Columba livia, カワラバト, Merpati


2. Red Collared-Dove, 火斑鸠, 火斑鳩, Streptopelia tranquebarica, ベニバト, Tekukur Merah

– a Feral ? only seen few location in small number


Red Collared-Dove, 火斑鳩, Streptopelia tranquebarica,ベニバトTekukur Merah




3. Spotted Dove, 珠颈斑鸠, 珠頸斑鳩, Streptopelia chinensis, カノコバト, TEKUKUR JERUM TIMUR

– the spot on neck make it easy to id

– one of the most common bird in Malaysia

Spotted Dove, 珠頸斑鳩, Streptopelia chinensis, カノコバト, Tekukur



4. Little Cuckoo-Dove, 小赤鹃鸠, 小赤鵑鳩, Macropygia ruficeps, ヒメオナガバト,Burung Tekukur Api

– another common bird submontane & montane

Little Cuckoo-Dove, 小赤鵑鳩, Macropygia ruficeps, ヒメオナガバト, Burung Tekukur Api
5. Asian Emerald Dove, 绿翅金鸠, 翠翼鳩, Chalcophaps indica,キンバト, PUNAI-TANAH BIASA

– common walking on trail

– very shy and always see it flying across low

update 202308

– at one of the feeding station, this bird keep secretive walking around but still possible to get good picture. Very common but normally difficult to get good picture

– 在沙巴其中一个喂食点,这鸟在科室还是鬼鬼祟祟的。。虽然很普通的鸟,要拍好还是不容易。

202308, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia


– before we got ours’ first target, this bird flying and perch nicely. A common but always flying across and very beautiful bird

– 我们刚到, 目标鸟还没出现。这鸟飞了过来。蛮普通的可是每次都是飞过,害羞,美丽的小鸟

202307, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia

update 202204

– after 2 leech bites, here come a lovely bird come infront of me. always like to see this bird close so can see the beautiful color

– 被两只蚂蝗咬了后。这漂亮的鸟突然飞到我的面前,非常喜欢近距离看这鸟。可以看它的漂亮颜色。

202204, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202110

– a beautiful and shy bird, always feeding on ground

– 很漂亮的害羞鸟,通常在地上觅食。

202110, Selangor, Malaysia


Asian Emerald Dove, 綠翅金鳩, Chalcophaps indica, キンバト, Punai Tanah
6. Zebra Dove, 斑姬地鸠, 斑姬地鳩, Geopelia striata, チョウショウバト, MERBUK BIASA

– very common at urban area

– beautiful blue eye ring

Zebra Dove, 斑姬地鳩,Geopelia striata, チョウショウバト, Merbuk
7. Nicobar Pigeon, 尼柯巴鸠, 尼柯巴鳩, Caloenas nicobarica, ミノバト, MERPATI-EMAS BIASA

– rare remote island or island

– with good light , very lovely and good looking bird

update 202011


Nicobar Pigeon, 尼柯巴鳩,, Caloenas nicobarica,ミノバト, Punai Emas











8. Little Green-Pigeon, 小绿鸠, 小綠鳩, Treron olax, チビアオバト, PUNAI KECIL

– small green pigeon which refers to females with mostly green. But a male with Gray head, orange, green front, and maroon wing

– common at lowland forest


update 202401

– a boring morning at National Park, which can be due to rain but after lunch session become more interesting included this bird come quite ok angle for picture

– 可能是雨季尾声,鸟况还是不是很好。下午竟然还不错。横斑翠鸟, 凤冠火背鹇等。

20240126, Taman Negara, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202104

– I am in progress testing the Canon EF lens on Fujifilm Camere with a Fringer adapter. so I spend few days at the forest edge waiting for any birds that flying past and trying to use this setup to capture any pictures

– this lovely male with a grey head, orange neck, maroon wing

– 这几天我在森林周边的开阔地方。试佳能镜头,富士机身, Fringer EF-FX pro 。任何鸟飞过我都 试试看看可以用区域对焦+追焦。

– 公鸟,灰头,橙颈。

202103, Gunung Nuang, Selangor, Malaysia


Little Green-Pigeon, 小綠鳩, Treron olax, チビアオバト, Punai Siul
9. Pink-necked Green-Pigeon, 红颈绿鸠, 紅頸綠鳩, Treron vernans, コアオバト, PUNAI KOCOK

– very common green pigeon, male with grey head, pink neck, orange breast .. female is green

– found near urban , mangrove area

update 202402

– a very common & beautiful bird here, male show lovely colors and female mostly green. Normally male will “display” to attract female but this pair seem different the female trying to attract attention of the handsome male

– 马来西亚非常普通+漂亮的鸟。公鸟表现好几种颜色,木鸟几乎绿色。通常公鸟会跳舞吸引木鸟,可是这一对几乎有点对调。母鸟几乎希望得到公鸟的注意。

202401, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



Pink-necked Green-Pigeon, 紅頸綠鳩, Treron vernans, コアオバト,Punai Gading (male)
Pink-necked Green-Pigeon, 紅頸綠鳩, Treron vernans, コアオバト,Punai Gading (female)

10. Cinnamon-headed Green-Pigeon, 棕头绿鸠, 棕頭綠鳩, Treron fulvicollis, ニッケイアオバト, Punai Bakau

– – male with orange-red head, female overall green. Both with red-and-white bill

– rare in Peninsular Malaysia, sight only South West, common in few locations North-East Borneo

update 202407

– our first morning here and no main target sight, but one of the good bird we have … this lovely green pigeon.stay high up but it is really good to see them.

– 我们的第一个早上,目标鸟没叫可是看到这鸟也是够兴奋。虽然不是客人新鸟种。

202407, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia



update 202307

– another raining afternoon, make a decision not go far but surprise to have this bird call and very soon locate it just above us

– 下雨天, 没去太远。在附近看看,尽然听到这鸟叫。很快找到它就在我们头上。

202307, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia

– sight @ RDC, South of Pen. Malaysia


update 202101

RDC, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia


Cinnamon-headed Green-Pigeon, 棕頭綠鳩, Treron fulvicollis, ニッケイアオバト, Punai Bakau (male)
11. Thick-billed Green-Pigeon, 厚嘴绿鸠, 厚嘴綠鳩, Treron curvirostra, ハシブトアオバト, PUNAI ARA BIASA

– another beautiful green pigeon with a “green” eye ring

– male with maroon+yellow wing, female with almost full greenish

– quite common at lowland to sub-montane


update 202104

– a medium-size common, beautiful green pigeon. male with maroon wing
– I am in progress testing the Canon EF lens on Fujifilm Camere with a Fringer adapter. so I spend few days at the forest edge waiting for any birds that flying past and trying to use this setup to capture any pictures
– this bird seems near me and I managed to capture a series of them flying toward me. will create another sharing regard to this setup.
– 非常漂亮的绿鸠
– 这几天我在森林周边的开阔地方。试佳能镜头,富士机身, Fringer EF-FX pro 。任何鸟飞过我都 试试看看可以用区域对焦+追焦。

202103, Hulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia


Thick-billed Green-Pigeon, 厚嘴綠鳩, Treron curvirostra, ハシブトアオバト, Punai Daun (male)


Thick-billed Green-Pigeon, 厚嘴綠鳩, Treron curvirostra, ハシブトアオバト, Punai Daun (female)
12. Large Green-Pigeon, 大绿鸠, 大綠鳩, Treron capellei, オオアオバト, PUNAI BAKUK

– sign Taman Negara Kuala Tahan, Belum

Large Green-Pigeon, 大綠鳩, Treron capellei, オオアオバト, Punai


13. Yellow-vented Green-Pigeon, 白腹针尾绿鸠, 白腹針尾綠鳩, Treron seimundi, シロハラハリオアオバト, PUNAI GUNUNG BAHU MERAH

– big green pigeon wont miss it’s blue eye-ring connect to bill, long needle-pointed tail, yellow vent

– rare and shy big green pigeon

– normally sight sub-montane

update 202305

– after back from Sulawesi-Halmahera, really missed all the pigeons, dove songs. Here Malaysia do not have so many of them. This species is one of my favorite. This male stand there for long, need patient to see its’ small movement.

– 从苏拉威西+哈马黑拉岛回来后,很想念那的鸠叫(很多种类)都会叫不停。马来西亚没很多鸠,可是这是我最喜欢的一种。

202304, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202304

– another lucky day for guests, with minimum walking, Large Wren-babbler again and much better view, Black Magpie, and this beautiful pigeon with amazing view.

– 幸运的客人,行动不是很方便。可是也看到拍到大鹪鹛,白翅鹊与这只害羞+稀有的鸠。

20230408, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

update 2020 Aug

Yellow-vented Green-Pigeon,白腹针尾绿鸠, 白腹針尾綠鳩, Treron seimundi, シロハラハリオアオバト, Burung Punai Ekor Panjang, PUNAI GUNUNG BAHU MERAH


Yellow-vented Green-Pigeon, 白腹針尾綠鳩, Treron seimundi, シロハラハリオアオバト, Burung Punai Ekor Panjang
14. Wedge-tailed Green-Pigeon, 楔尾绿鸠, 楔尾綠鳩, Treron sphenurus, オナガアオバト, PUNAI BUKIT BARAT

-making very interesting call

– both male and female mostly greenish, male with extra maroon upper wing

– rare montane species

Wedge-tailed Green-Pigeon, 楔尾綠鳩, Treron sphenurus, オナガアオバト, Burung Punai Bukit

15. Jambu Fruit-Dove, 粉头果鸠, 粉頭果鳩, Ptilinopus jambu, ボタンバト, PUNAI-GADING JAMBU

– very beautiful Fruit Dove which normally sight lowland-submontane

– male with maroon face and pink chest , female overall green with purple face

update 202412

The memory is still fresh

this stunning bird stood just 10–15 feet away from us at eye level. Its beauty up close left us utterly speechless.


202402, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202403

– what you want is what other want ? for sure NOPE .. for the first time in Fraser with guests we not going for most of the targets but just concentrate few for photo (they are first time birding-Photography in Malaysia) .. but always patient pay off

– 你要的是人家要的?当然不是,每个人都有不一样的要求。第一次上来没去很多主要的鸟点,客人可是第一次来马来西亚拍鸟。可是就这样,都把他们心里要的拍的很不错。耐心,心态还是很重要。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202402

– the moment it came so close <10feet, it is so beautiful to look it close … definite best 2024 moment …

– 还在沉迷在哪一刻,这漂亮的鸠就站在我们10尺内。很漂亮哦。这肯定是2024最美好的其中一刻。

202402, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia



– we spent ours “rest hours” at “tower instead shower” reward with many good birds and pictures .. this is one of them <10 feet with such a beautiful and rare bird

– 我们在休息时间决定到“民宿”的“塔”坐坐,竟然有果树在附近。让我们加上好几种鸟河很多好照片。尤其是这一只,稀有+美的让我们拍到这一张照片。

202402, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202302

– one of the most beautiful bird of Malaysia. this lovely dove only easy to spot when fruiting tree.
– another reason prefer R3 than R7. The 4k 100fps slow motion with 4k quality

– 马来西亚最美的鸟之一。这果鸠不容易见到,除了有果树有果。
– 佳能R3慢视屏,4k 100fps 是我最喜欢R3的原因之一。对焦好,效果好,画质好。

update 202209

– before a busy month, had my casual morning walk. nothing much because just to spend sometime with nature.

– 就要开始忙碌的一个月。早上来个轻松的早晨,没什么鸟。主要还是享受大自然。

202209, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia


Jambu Fruit dove, 粉頭果鳩, Ptilinopus jambu, ボタンバト, Punai Jambu (male)
16. Black-naped Fruit-Dove, 黑项果鸠, 黑頸果鳩, Ptilinopus melanospilus, カルカヤバト, PUNAI-BUAH HIJAU BARAT

– rare bird normally found at island near East North Borneo – Sabah

update 202106



Black-naped Fruit-Dove, 黑項果鳩, Ptilinopus melanospilus, カルカヤバト, PUNAI-BUAH HIJAU BARAT (male)
Black-naped Fruit-Dove, 黑項果鳩, Ptilinopus melanospilus, カルカヤバト, PUNAI-BUAH HIJAU BARAT (female)
17. Green Imperial-Pigeon, 绿皇鸠, 綠皇鳩, Ducula aenea, ミカドバト, PERGAM DAUN BIASA

–  big pigeon with Green wing, Grey head

– very common at Sabah . Tanjung Aru, Kinabatangan River

update 202407

– a fairy common bird found at Sabah, Borneo. especially at Kinabatangan River. Big, light-pale front and green back

– 沙巴京河,蛮普通的一只鸟。蛮大,前身湿白色+背时绿色。

202405, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202311

– a very good chance to see this common bird low and close

– 幸运的这么低,近看到这普鸟。

202309, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia



Green Imperial-Pigeon, 綠皇鳩, Ducula aenea, ミカドバト, Punai Pergam


18. Mountain Imperial-Pigeon, 皇鸠, 皇鳩, Ducula badia, ヤマミカドバト, PERGAM BUKIT BIASA

– very big pigeon with maroon wing, light purple/pin breast , grey crown

– common sub-montane & montane species


update 202101


Mountain Imperial-Pigeon, 皇鳩, Ducula badia, ヤマミカドバト Burung Pergam Bukit
19. Pied Imperial-Pigeon, 斑皇鸠, Ducula bicolor, ソデグロバト, RAWA BIASA

– very white or Pied big pigeon

– remote island

Pied Imperial-Pigeon, 斑皇鳩, Ducula bicolor, ソデグロバト, RAWA BIASA
20. Barred Cuckoo-Dove, 斑尾鹃鸠,斑尾鵑鳩, Macropygia unchall, ヨコジマオナガバト, Burung Tekukur Api Besar

– a not so common bird for Malaysia, and pretty shy to human may be due to previous hunting? (beautiful and beg for food? )

update 202112

– a picture capture with Sony A73

– 摄于索尼 A73

update 202008

Barred Cuckoo-Dove, 斑尾鹃鸠,斑尾鵑鳩, Macropygia unchall, ヨコジマオナガバト, Burung Tekukur Api Besar,TEKUKUR-API GUNUNG BESAR


Barred Cuckoo-Dove, 斑尾鹃鸠,斑尾鵑鳩, Macropygia unchall, ヨコジマオナガバト, Burung Tekukur Api Besar,TEKUKUR-API GUNUNG BESAR



51. Black-naped Fruit-Dove, 黑项果鸠, 黑頸果鳩, Ptilinopus melanospilus, カルカヤバト, PUNAI-BUAH HIJAU BARAT

– a common lowland beautiful small colorful dove at Sulawesi

– male with obvious white head, yellow, purple vented. Female overall green

– 苏拉威西蛮普通的果鸠

– 公鸟,头部白,颈黄。臀部黄紫。母鸟全身绿

update 202401

– another bird keep calling us while we looking for ours target, but I still really to see and photograph the fruit-dove which is so beautiful .. and share this because some one lazy move got the white background instead .. move move move .. choose choose choose

– 这鸟一直叫不停,我们在等我们目标鸟。*(当然有拍到啦)可是,我还是很喜欢果鸠。轻轻松松拿下啦。这照片还主要,做出来让朋友知道。要选背景就要动。不要站在同一地方。

20240119 – Langgaliru, Sumba, Indonesia


201810, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia


52. Superb Fruit-Dove, 华丽果鸠, 壯麗果鳩, Ptilinopus superbus, クロオビヒメアオバト, Walik Raja

– one of the most beautiful bird, it can be found in Sulawesi Sub-montane area

– maybe been poach over the years, most of the time high up

– 算是我看或最漂亮的鳥。

– 通常都站高,害羞。

update 202102

- Sulawesi, Indonesia




53. White-bellied Imperial-Pigeon, 斑尾皇鸠, 白腹皇鳩, Ducula forsteni, シロハラオビオバト

A distinctive large, spectacularly-marked pigeon. Green with a conspicuous pale gray head, a red eye-ring around a beady yellow eye, a dark neck and chest, a bold white belly, a chestnut base to the undertail, and a broad white band in the otherwise dark tail. Shows subtle bronze tones in some parts of the plumage, such as the nape. Singles, pairs, and small groups inhabit the upper levels of forests and forest edges, mostly in the hills and mountains, less often lower down. Gives a very deep, two-noted call, descending on the second note: “woop-mooo.” Also gives single “woop” notes. [Ebird]

斑尾皇鸠,Ducula forsteni (Bonaparte, 1854),体长32厘米左右,黑尾有白斑,白首也有灰首,白胸,绿背,或胸腹皆白。

update 202304

– a very surprise to have eye level of Sulawesi Myna, Sulawesi Hawk Eagle follow by this always hidden bird. and it stay so long for us to have front, side, back view.

– 非常幸运,低角度见了苏拉王椋鸟, 苏拉鹰雕.这害羞的鸠也让我们看了很久。

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia.

54. Red-eared Fruit-Dove, 费氏果鸠, 紅臉果鳩, Ptilinopus fischeri, ハイボウシヒメアオバト

A large fruit-dove from Sulawesi. Very pale gray head has a diagnostic red mask that extends onto the nape as a black band. Juveniles duller, with subdued mask, and lack band on nape. Upperparts green in central and north Sulawesi, gray in the south. Underparts largely pale gray, with dark markings on the undertail. A montane species found in singles and pairs within the understory and canopy. Voice is a short, clipped “whoOP,” often becoming slightly louder at the end. [ebird]

update 202310

– a shy and quite big size of fruit-dove. Glad to find a small open window for everyone to have some good view and “open picture”

– 非常害羞,体型较大的果鸠。幸运,我们离开前找到它。小小的位置让全部人拍到。

202310, Tomohon, Sulawesi, Indonesia


55. Blue-capped Fruit-Dove, 蓝顶果鸠, 藍頂果鳩, Ptilinopus monacha



– small fruit dove, as name suggested Blue headed

– 蛮小的果鸠。头顶带浅蓝。


update 202310

– use some extra time looking for bird, and this was just at road side. amazing flying so close and quite low

– 最后一天,有点时间。我们就去野拍,没很远/久。就拍到这鸠,与仙翠鸟。

202310, Halmahera, Indonesia



56. Gray-headed Fruit-Dove, 灰头果鸠, 灰頭果鳩, Ptilinopus hyogastrus

– a gray headed small dove, overall greenish with white patch on wing

update 20240103

– a casual birding after got most the target, this bird flying left and right but after a while it gave small window for us to have photo of it

– 我们都拍到主要目标后,就随便拍拍其他鸟。这鸟一直叫不停,也不容易见到。可是最后还是让我们拍到。

20231011, Halmahera, Indonesia

57. Pink-headed Fruit-Dove, 粉红颈果鸠, 粉紅頸果鳩, Ptilinopus porphyreus, ベニガシラヒメアオバト

– such a beautiful fruit-dove with pink head which cannot go wrong

update 202401

– always wanted to see this bird, and so excited to found it at Sumatra while we actually looking at Sunda Owlet which just ~10m from this bird

– 一直以来都非常需要看这鸟,也没特别期望在苏门答腊看到(太多人捉鸟)。当我们找到它时,是多么的兴奋。

202312, Mount Kerinchi, Sumatra, Indonesia



58. Red-naped Fruit-Dove, 红枕果鸠, 赤頸果鳩, Ptilinopus dohertyi, アカエリヒメアオバト, Walik Rawa-manu

– a very beautiful fruit-dove as usual, with overall white and red on back-head

– 有如其他果鸠,都漂亮。这只,很白头背带红。

update 202401

– we actually stop for other bird, and heard this bird calling and very soon Esli found one super high up but still make me shoot >10 frames for such a lovely bird. But after 30minutes waiting and checking. Actually Denny found one just so close and eye level … wow wow wow amazing beautiful spot and bird

– 我们其实在这拍翠鸟,突然这鸟叫的很近。我们从20-30米高追到同角度。漂亮!

20240119 – Langgaliru, Sumba, Indonesia


101. Sri Lanka Wood-Pigeon, 紫头林鸽, 紫头林鸽, Columba torringtoniae, セイロンカノコモリバト

Large, plain gray pigeon with conspicuous black-and-white stripes on the nape. Underparts flushed mauve. Inhabits upper levels of forests and densely wooded areas in the hills and mountains, where occurs in pairs or small flocks. Combination of black-and-white neck markings and plain, unmarked, dark gray upperparts identifies this species from all other pigeons on Sri Lanka. Vocalizations include a single, deep “wooo”, and also an owl-like, double note “woo-oo”. [EBird]


update 20240115

– the only day we at Horton Plains NP, rain in the whole morning. We almost this endemic but found it very last moment while we leaving and we had ours late lunch because of this bird

– 在Horton 国家公园,下了一早雨。当我们几乎要放弃时,竟然看到“鸠”飞过。我跑了过去看,果然是这特有种。

20231202, Horton Plains NP

More pictures from Flickr: Columbidae series: Dove, Pigeon | 鸠鸽科 | liewwk Nature

Jambu Fruit dove, 粉头果鸠

More Youtube video: Columbidae series: Dove,Pigeon | 鸠鸽科 | liewwk Nature


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