Sri Lanka Bird Photography | 斯里兰卡: 鸟摄 | liewwk Nature 27 [update 20250331]

another new update country for Birds collection

Sri Lanka a small island full with culture and nature to discover ..


1. Sri Lanka Bay-Owl, 斯里兰卡栗鸮, 斯里蘭卡栗鴞, Phodilus assimilis, スリランカメンフクロウ

2. Asian Green Bee-eater, 绿喉蜂虎, 綠喉蜂虎, Merops orientalis, ミドリハチクイ

3. Red-backed Flameback, 红背三趾啄木鸟, 紅背三趾啄木, Dinopium psarodes, ヒメコガネゲラ (psarodes)

4. Chestnut-backed Owlet, 栗背鸺鹠, 斯里蘭卡栗背鵂鶹, Glaucidium castanotum, クリセスズメフクロウ

5. Indian Peafowl, 蓝孔雀, 藍孔雀, Pavo cristatus, インドクジャク

6. Indian Pitta, 印度八色鸫, 印度藍翅八色鳥, Pitta brachyura, インドヤイロチョウ

7. Spot-winged Thrush, 斑翅地鸫, 點翅地鶇, Geokichla spiloptera, セイロンジツグミ

8. Sri Lanka Junglefowl, 蓝喉原鸡, 藍喉原雞, Gallus lafayettii, セイロンヤケイ

9. Sri Lanka Blue-Magpie, 斯里兰卡蓝鹊, 斯里蘭卡藍鵲, Urocissa ornata, セイロンサンジャク

10. Indian Roller, 印度佛法僧, 棕胸佛法僧, Coracias benghalensis, インドブッポウソウ

11. White-naped Woodpecker, 黑腰啄木鸟, 白頸黑背啄木, Chrysocolaptes festivus, セグロコガネゲラ

12. Serendib Scops-Owl, 斯里兰卡角鸮, 斯里蘭卡角鴞, Otus thilohoffmanni, セレンディブコノハズク

13. Red-faced Malkoha, 红脸地鹃, 红脸地鹃, Phaenicophaeus pyrrhocephalus, アカガオバンケンモドキ

14. Blue-faced Malkoha, 小绿嘴地鹃, 藍臉地鵑, Phaenicophaeus viridirostris, アオメクロバンケンモドキ

15. Brown-headed Barbet, 褐头绿拟啄木鸟, 斑頭綠擬啄木, Psilopogon zeylanicus, ミドリオオゴシキドリ

16. Brown Fish-Owl, 褐渔鸮, 褐漁鴞, Ketupa zeylonensis, ミナミシマフクロウ

17. Sri Lanka Hanging-Parrot, 斯里兰卡短尾鹦鹉, 斯里蘭卡短尾鸚鵡, Loriculus beryllinus, ズアカサトウチョウ

18. Small Minivet, 小山椒鸟, 小山椒, Pericrocotus cinnamomeus, コサンショウクイ

19. Asian Woolly-necked Stork, 白颈鹳, 白颈鹳, Ciconia episcopus, エンビコウ

20. Great Thick-knee, 大石鸻, 大石鴴, Esacus recurvirostris, ソリハシオオイシチドリ

21. Pied Thrush, 杂色地鸫, 斑地鶇, Geokichla wardii, シロクロジツグミ

22. Indian Paradise-Flycatcher, 印缅寿带, 印度綬帶, Terpsiphone paradisi, カワリサンコウチョウ

23. Sri Lanka Wood-Pigeon, 紫头林鸽, 紫头林鸽, Columba torringtoniae, セイロンカノコモリバト

24. Crimson-backed Flameback, 绯红背啄木鸟, 桂紅金背啄木, Chrysocolaptes stricklandi, セアカコガネゲラ

25. Layard’s Parakeet, 艳绿领鹦鹉, 艷綠領鸚鵡, Psittacula calthrapae, セイロンミドリワカケインコ

26. Changeable Hawk-Eagle (Crested), 凤头鹰雕, 鳳頭鷹鵰, Nisaetus cirrhatus cirrhatus/ceylanensis, インドクマタカ(亜種 インドクマタカ)

27. Yellow-fronted Barbet, 黄额拟䴕, 黃額擬啄木, Psilopogon flavifrons, キビタイゴシキドリ


update 202312

another great experience with great birders from Taiwan, we managed to seen 197 species of birds and all 34 endemics (with pictures and some record only pictures) for 10 days



1. Sri Lanka Bay-Owl, 斯里兰卡栗鸮, 斯里蘭卡栗鴞, Phodilus assimilis, スリランカメンフクロウ

lucky to see this rare owl at day time,  after try for day2. It was after heavy rain everyone tired and wet. Everyone want to go back to Hotel for rest but local new is this owl spot some where ..we rush to the area with rain and it is there waiting for us

与我们的栗鸮很像,大点。我们非常幸运的见到这鸮,在大雨后, 我们全湿+累。都想回酒店。可是当地人打电活来讲,见到这鸟在附近。我们连忙赶去。幸运的很快就见到这鸟。

202312, Singharaja, Sri LankaSri Lanka Bay-Owl, 斯里兰卡栗鸮, 斯里蘭卡栗鴞, Phodilus assimilis, スリランカメンフクロウ, Strigiformes, Tytonidae, Phodilus, 鸮形目, 草鸮科, 栗鸮属, 鴞形目, 草鴞科, 栗鴞屬

2. Asian Green Bee-eater, 绿喉蜂虎, 綠喉蜂虎, Merops orientalis, ミドリハチクイ

A small, dainty bee-eater of open woodlands, farmland, and sparse human habitation. Mainly green with a bluish throat, slender black eye mask and throat band, rufous or slightly rusty crown and back of the neck, and central tail streamers. Juveniles are duller than adults and lack the long tail feathers. In flight, note the rusty underwing with a black trailing edge. Flies gracefully as it catches insects and other prey. Calls are a series of gentle liquid trills or more staccato notes. [ebird]



update 202312

– this is one of the picture describe ours’ tour many rain and few occasion very heavy but we still got all ours targets and endemic

– 这是一张形容我们这一次观鸟行。雨雨。。大雨。虽然很多雨可是我们还是看完我们的目标鸟与这里的特有种

202312, Yala NP, Sri Lanka


3. Red-backed Flameback, 红背三趾啄木鸟, 紅背三趾啄木, Dinopium psarodes, ヒメコガネゲラ (psarodes)

– ours 2nd stop after Indian Scop-Owl, this bird seem common almost any area we birding after day1

– 我们到达之后停的第2个点,这鸟蛮普通的。接下来几天,几乎在哪都看得到

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka


4. Chestnut-backed Owlet, 栗背鸺鹠, 斯里蘭卡栗背鵂鶹, Glaucidium castanotum, クリセスズメフクロウ

– small owlet like other owlet always like to be calling long at canopy and make other birds attention. But this endemic’s back of the owl simply awesome

– 与其他鸺鹠一样小小只。喜欢站高高,叫不停。可是这一只特有种背部很特别美。

update 20231211

– the bird just sit there !!! actually local make tree hole for them nesting so the area become territory of both bird… just look for them without call back or any action

– 2只乖乖怎么站这么好。其实是村里的人,做了好几个树洞给他们筑巢。只要在附近慢慢找就看到他了。好美的特有种。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka


5. Indian Peafowl, 蓝孔雀, 藍孔雀, Pavo cristatus, インドクジャク

An unmistakable, large ground bird. The unmistakable iridescent blue male spreads out its ornamental upper tail feathers when courting females. Females have a shorter tail, an iridescent green neck, and browner plumage. Found in forest, forest edge, and agricultural land. Often seen on paths or alertly feeding in the undergrowth. Can be fairly confiding especially when found close to human habitation. Its loud screaming “may-yow” calls are heard incessantly during the rainy season. [eBird]

蓝孔雀,是鸡形目雉科 [10]孔雀属中的一种鸟。 [11]蓝孔雀是鸡类中的“巨人”,雄鸟和雌鸟的羽色有差,雄鸟头上具冠羽,头、颈和胸部均为蓝色,尾羽并不长,构成尾屏的尾上覆羽可达身长的2倍,平时合拢托在身后,开屏时屏面宽约3米,高约1.5米,绚丽多彩。羽质细长,在阳光的照耀下,更显得鲜艳夺目。 [10]雌鸟相对于雄鸟来说,身形比较小, [12]羽毛是暗绿、灰色和蓝色的混合色,以灰绿色为主。

update 202312

– in Sri Lanka, the most common bird to be seen is not sparrow, crow .. but one of them is this beautiful and big bird which can found almost any where, urban, forest edge, forest etc.

– 在斯里兰卡岛上,这鸟几乎哪都看到。大+漂亮

202312, Yala NP, Sri Lanka


6. Indian Pitta, 印度八色鸫, 印度藍翅八色鳥, Pitta brachyura, インドヤイロチョウ

A colorful stubby-tailed bird, also known as “Navrang,” translated as “nine colors.” Colors are most striking when the bird is in flight. This bird has long, strong legs and a stout bill, a buffy crown with a black stripe in the middle, a black eye-stripe, and and buffy underparts with bright red on the vent. Upperparts are green, with a blue shoulder patch. It is usually seen foraging on forest floors with thick undergrowth, catching insects in leaf litter. This bird is vocal, giving its characteristic two-noted whistle call at dusk and dawn. [Ebird]

update 202404

– it is quite common to see this pitta almost any where in center

– 在斯里兰卡中部,还是蛮普通的。





update 202312

– another common bird here, it is 99.99% bird for almost all local guide. We saw 5-6 birds just birding without looking for it.

– 另一只在斯里兰卡非常普通的鸟,我们没特别的找这鸟。可是都遇上好几只。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka



7. Spot-winged Thrush, 斑翅地鸫, 點翅地鶇, Geokichla spiloptera, セイロンジツグミ

Brown thrush with bold dark spots on the underparts, white spots in the wings, and black facial stripes below the eye. Occurs in pairs or singly, on or near the ground, in forest, forest edge, and gardens, mostly in the Wet Zone, but also locally in the Dry Zone. No other thrush on Sri Lanka shows distinct rows of white spots on the wings, and bold spotting below. Gives very high-pitched “sweeeee” call; song is a highly variable collection of rich, rising and falling, melodious whistles and warbles. [ebird]

update 202312

– another very common endemic, which found most of the lowland urban areas, forest edge, forest

– with very lovely call, not shy

– 斯里兰卡非常普通的特有种,几乎在很多点都看到它。还很会唱歌。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka




8. Sri Lanka Junglefowl, 蓝喉原鸡, 藍喉原雞, Gallus lafayettii, セイロンヤケイ

Wild chickenlike bird. Male is burnt orange with dark streaks, cockerel-like glossy black tail, and a prominent red comb marked with yellow on the crown. Gray-brown female has white streaks and prominent barring on its wings. Terrestrial, found in pairs or small groups in forests of lowlands and highlands over much of Sri Lanka. Generally keeps to cover. Only confusion is with domestic chicken; note lack of white at tail base, and yellow marking on comb of males, and bars in wings of females in Sri Lanka Junglefowl. Song a harsh “chyok-cher-chow”. Also stuttering “kik-kik-kik-kik” notes. [Ebird]

– very beautiful and noisy bird and common almost any where too

– 非常漂亮,吵,蛮普通的鸡

update 202312

– a pretty common endemic bird, we didn’t really spend time looking for it just take picture whenever we meet it

– 非常普通的特有种鸟,我们也没特别找。看到就拍。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka



9. Sri Lanka Blue-Magpie, 斯里兰卡蓝鹊, 斯里蘭卡藍鵲, Urocissa ornata, セイロンサンジャク

A large, long-tailed blue bird with a white-tipped tail, and chestnut hood and wings. Inhabits humid forest from lowlands to hills, where it often accompanies mixed canopy flocks, either singly or in small groups. There are no other large, long-tailed blue birds in its range. A noisy species. Sounds typically a series of high-pitched, piercing “clink” calls, as well as some rasping “krak” notes often given in a sequence. [Ebird]

– a really weird colors combination endemic

斯里兰卡蓝鹊(学名:Urocissa ornata)是雀形目鸦科的一种鸟类,明显特征是全身颜色为亮丽的蓝色和栗色,这区别于其他蓝鹊。是斯里兰卡的特有鸟类

update 202312

– we only saw this at Sinharaja, few of them normally moving together .. the colors bright, big bird but many would say the colors combination just weird

– 我们的10天行,只在辛哈拉加森林保护区见到。都好几只一起行动。很鲜艳,可是颜色搭配有点怪。

202312, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka

10. Indian Roller, 印度佛法僧, 棕胸佛法僧, Coracias benghalensis, インドブッポウソウ

A brightly colored bird with various shades of blue on the wings, tails, and belly that are often more prominent in flight. Note the longitudinal white streaks on the throat and breast. Indochinese Roller has a purple-blue breast, a darker olive back, and is generally darker blue. Generally silent, but more vocal in breeding season with harsh calls. Prefers open areas, including agricultural landscapes, sitting on exposed perches including electric wires, occasionally pumping its tail slowly. Practically a resident roller with some movements in the western parts of its range. 【Ebird]

update 20231218

– wonderful moment to get close and stay long for us, it is so colorful

– 非常漂亮的鸟,与马来西亚的种不一样。这只很乖站了很久也蛮近的

202312, Yala NP, Sri Lanka


11. White-naped Woodpecker, 黑腰啄木鸟, 白頸黑背啄木, Chrysocolaptes festivus, セグロコガネゲラ

a very similar flameback woodpecker but female seem very yellowish

– 与我们的金背很像,可是母鸟很黄。

update 202312

– it seem not very common at Sri Lanka, local guide seem very worry to missed this species. When we arrived a village the bird just stand there for so long and sharing same tree with a Red-backed Flameback

– 斯里兰卡应该不普通,我们的当地导游几乎很担心会错过这鸟。可是我们到了这个村后,立刻就见到她站哪。还要与一只红背三趾啄木鸟站一起,我们远远看还以为咋么幸运遇上一对啊

202312, Tissamaharama, Sri Lanka



12. Serendib Scops-Owl, 斯里兰卡角鸮, 斯里蘭卡角鴞, Otus thilohoffmanni, セレンディブコノハズク

– very recent discover bird of Sri Lanka

Very small rufescent owl, with yellow-orange eyes, and sparse, light speckles on the underparts. Although does not possess true ear tufts it can show “false” ones when alert. Occurs within extensive humid rainforests in the lowlands of Wet Zone of Sri Lanka. Roosts singly or in pairs in the understory, but also found in upper levels of trees at night. Combination of small size, all rufous color, lack of prominent facial border, and only limited markings below separates it from all other owls on Sri Lanka. Song is a short “woOLoo”, rising in the middle. [Ebird]

– 被发现少于20年的斯里兰卡特有种。

update 20231222

– one of the bird I really want to see, we went same site for 2 days both day also not full open for picture but we had very good view of this very special endemic bird

– 我们都非常希望看到的鸟,虽然去了2天。还是没拍到全暴露的照片。可是已非常高兴了。

202312, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka



13. Red-faced Malkoha, 红脸地鹃, 红脸地鹃, Phaenicophaeus pyrrhocephalus, アカガオバンケンモドキ

a not so common Sri Lanka endemic, we only saw or heard it at Sinharaja … and it is moving along with bird wave. Same other Malkoha moving fast along the bushes



update 20231223

– a tough walk (it follow by very heavy rain after we saw this bird at only split second) .. wet, leeches …. and may be time planning for the location

even just split second, the CANON R3 just as I always say “focus monster” i point my lens toward the bird, it lock focus the bird and eye than got this.. no secret.. just the camera found it and take it…

– 非常不容易的一天,我们遇上大雨(看到这鸟后)+很多蚂蝗。还要这点是没地方吃饭的,安排时间有点困难。

还好,它出现几秒。我的R3 就像对焦神器一般,对上+对焦+拿下。。。

202312, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka

14. Blue-faced Malkoha, 小绿嘴地鹃, 藍臉地鵑, Phaenicophaeus viridirostris, アオメクロバンケンモドキ

– as other Malkoha, jumping within bushes.. making soft call.. this bird look quite cute overall

– 与其他地鹃一样习惯,在丛里跳来跳去。叫很小声。长的蛮可爱的。

202312, Yala NP- Galge Entrance



15. Brown-headed Barbet, 褐头绿拟啄木鸟, 斑頭綠擬啄木, Psilopogon zeylanicus, ミドリオオゴシキドリ

– quite common overall at Center – South Sri Lanka. it have similar call and behavior of Lineated barbet found at Malaysia

– 与马来西亚的斑头绿拟啄木鸟非常相似的叫声+动态。

update 202312

– we found this pretty common and have few opportunity to photography this bird at few hotel garden. The head give it a right name

– 斯里兰卡蛮普通,从中部到南部都是它的叫声。头部颜色就是它的名来。

20231129, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka



16. Brown Fish-Owl, 褐渔鸮, 褐漁鴞, Ketupa zeylonensis, ミナミシマフクロウ

– a overall dull brown fish owl which quite rare at Malaysia but seem quite common at Sri Lanka.

update 20240101

– a bird that sight by local village and brought us there, it was so far away (~60-80m) and so dark .. luckily my gear allow me lock the eye of the bird fast and accurate 😀

– 村里的人带我们去,这么远+鸟还是很害羞!还要很暗。


202312, Tissamaharama, Sri Lanka


17. Sri Lanka Hanging-Parrot, 斯里兰卡短尾鹦鹉, 斯里蘭卡短尾鸚鵡, Loriculus beryllinus, ズアカサトウチョウ

– as other Hanging-Parrot small, always canopy. Sri Lanka endemic make no different

– 与其他短尾鹦鹉一样,小小+站高高

update 20240102

– while ours’ trip to Sri Lanka, so much rain while we planning to go out for more birds on day 2 but rain just too heavy for us. But it is glad that Sri Lanka is a place almost any where possible to birding. (ecxcept the forest reserve, bird really scared around) Included the garden of hotel, we got few good birds just at lobby of the hotel even raining

– very cute, beautiful endemic

– 斯里兰卡可爱,小的特有种。

– 我们在斯里兰卡时,雨量蛮多。可是蛮好是这列几乎是没地方都有鸟(除了国家公园反而鸟非常少)。 第二天,在下午我们打算出去观鸟是。雨下很大,可是还好在公园还是蛮多鸟让我们看看。这鸟就在公园看到,拍到。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka



18. Small Minivet, 小山椒鸟, 小山椒, Pericrocotus cinnamomeus, コサンショウクイ

– pretty common small minivet

Males have slaty gray crown, cheeks, and back. Throat and wings black, tail black with pale yellow edges. Breast orange, gradually fading into yellowish-white underparts. Black wings show a patch of orange. Female is duller than male, with light gray upperparts, cheeks and crown; dark gray wings; white throat; and light yellow underparts. Both males and females show an orange rump. Usually seen in small flocks, frequently uttering high-pitched “swee swee” call as they continuously move around feeding on insects, sometimes catching them mid-air like flycatchers. Inhabits various forested habitats, especially thorny jungles, scrub patches, and open dry forest. [Ebird]

update 20240105

– while we had ours rest time at Yala National Park, found few birds feed on tree nearby. very lucky tick on this bird with female too

– 亚拉国家公园规定,午餐时间需要在某个点休息。吃完饭后我们在附近一棵树见到好几种鸟都很近+好角度(我们称它为“神树”)

202312, Yala NP



19. Asian Woolly-necked Stork, 白颈鹳, 白颈鹳, Ciconia episcopus, エンビコウ

– quite common across Sri Lanka, see it quite a lot of them, even paddy field with human

– 在斯里兰卡蛮普通的,在村庄的稻田都可以见到。

update 202401

– when we first saw it, we ask the van to stop … and make the right decision. It is best view after this for the next 7-8 days

– 我们在这第一次见到时,叫我们的车立刻停下。幸好停下来,接下来几天都较远。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka


20. Great Thick-knee, 大石鸻, 大石鴴, Esacus recurvirostris, ソリハシオオイシチドリ

– a very cute wader, big and thick beak. walking slow at open area

– 非常可爱,嘴大+厚

update 20240109

– another family we very hope to have good view, this bird give us very good view while we had ours heavy rain in Yala National Park

– 我们非常希望看的其中一种鸟,很幸运这鸟让我们看的很好。虽然当时下大雨。

202312, Yala NP


21. Pied Thrush, 杂色地鸫, 斑地鶇, Geokichla wardii, シロクロジツグミ

– a thrush as its name, it is “pied”… moving in dark area

– “黑白”鸫,总是在暗的地方活动。

update 202401

– a shy bird moving in dark with very obvious white browed

– 蛮害羞的鸟,总喜欢到暗的地方活动。

20240112, Nuwara Eliya (Victory Park), Sri Lanka



22. Indian Paradise-Flycatcher, 印缅寿带, 印度綬帶, Terpsiphone paradisi, カワリサンコウチョウ

– another “Paradise Flycatcher” split previously but it is quite obvious “crest”


A graceful looking flycatcher, the adult male sport a long ribbonlike tail. The males occur in two color morphs cinnamon and white. Both color morphs sport a glossy black head with blue ring around the eye, but white morph is entirely white below while the cinnamon morph has cinnamon upperparts and tail, and dirty white underparts. The females are cinnamon above with a grayish throat, a shorter tail, and they lack the male’s blue eyering. They make short aerial sallies after insects, usually returning to the same perch. Occasionally descends to ground to pull apart insects. Chiefly found in wooded habitats. Their call is a harsh “shreew.” [ebird]


update 202401

– a bird that we saw many locations but it is just like others Paradise-Flycatcher, active and shy .. moving fast and almost no stop more than 1 second

– 在斯里兰卡蛮普通在很多地方,环境都看到2这鸟。可是还是一个样子,害羞+动作快。几乎不停多过1秒

202312, Yala NP


23. Sri Lanka Wood-Pigeon, 紫头林鸽, 紫头林鸽, Columba torringtoniae, セイロンカノコモリバト

Large, plain gray pigeon with conspicuous black-and-white stripes on the nape. Underparts flushed mauve. Inhabits upper levels of forests and densely wooded areas in the hills and mountains, where occurs in pairs or small flocks. Combination of black-and-white neck markings and plain, unmarked, dark gray upperparts identifies this species from all other pigeons on Sri Lanka. Vocalizations include a single, deep “wooo”, and also an owl-like, double note “woo-oo”. [EBird]


update 20240115

– the only day we at Horton Plains NP, rain in the whole morning. We almost this endemic but found it very last moment while we leaving and we had ours late lunch because of this bird

– 在Horton 国家公园,下了一早雨。当我们几乎要放弃时,竟然看到“鸠”飞过。我跑了过去看,果然是这特有种。

20231202, Horton Plains NP


24. Crimson-backed Flameback, 绯红背啄木鸟, 桂紅金背啄木, Chrysocolaptes stricklandi, セアカコガネゲラ

– overall like size and shape Greater flameback in Malaysia. But back is “red” instead

– not as common as Red-backed Flameback

– 与马来西亚的大金背像,就红色背。也不很普通

update 202401

– it is slightly bigger and not so comon compare to the Red-Backed and this is also endemic of Sri Lanka

– 比起红背三趾啄木鸟,较大,不普通。这也是特有种

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka


25. Layard’s Parakeet, 艳绿领鹦鹉, 艷綠領鸚鵡, Psittacula calthrapae, セイロンミドリワカケインコ

– as usual very colorful bird than move in pair, not very common only saw 2 times over 10 days

– 鹦鹉就是多色彩,不很普通。10天中就见了2次。

update 202401

– a raining evening, we been force to birding at Hotel garden and not a bad one we have this lovely endemic come to feed on palm seed

– 一个下雨的下午,没办法出去就在酒店前观鸟。还很不错这一只特有种。竟然飞过来吃果子。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka



26. Changeable Hawk-Eagle (Crested), 凤头鹰雕, 鳳頭鷹鵰, Nisaetus cirrhatus cirrhatus/ceylanensis, インドクマタカ(亜種 インドクマタカ)

– medium size of raptor, and it look very similar to Malaysia one except have “high crest”

– 体型中。与马来西亚凤头鹰雕很像除了冠很高。

update 202402

– before I forgot, another best moment when we at Sri Lanka.. this good looking raptor give us very good looking it is close and not happy

– 我去忙前,这是2023我最特别的其中一刻。这猛禽,真的很漂亮。站很近,看我们。有点不高兴。

202312, Yala NP


27. Yellow-fronted Barbet, 黄额拟䴕, 黃額擬啄木, Psilopogon flavifrons, キビタイゴシキドリ

update 202503

It is another species endemic to Sri Lanka, primarily green-yellow with a blue face. It is fairly common throughout the country.


202312, Sri Lanka



– our 2nd try for the Leopard at another entrance of Yala National Park, not very productive afternoon but we saw this raptor standing on ground and walk across the trail and looking at us !

– 我们在亚拉国家公园另一个路口继续寻找花豹,中午没什么鸟。可是还是非常幸运,在路上见到这猛禽在路上站好好看我们还在我们车前慢慢过马路。

202312, Yala NP





Picidae series: Woodpecker | 啄木鸟科 | liewwk Nature – 25-6 [update 20250316]


My collection of Malaysia Woodpecker which also included Borneo

1. Speckled Piculet, 斑姬啄木鸟, 斑姬啄木鳥, Picumnus innominatus, アジアヒメキツツキ, BELATUK-KERDIL BELANG ASIA

2. Rufous Piculet, 棕啄木鸟, 棕啄木鳥, Sasia abnormis, マレーミツユビコゲラ, BELATUK-KERDIL API MELAYU

3. Sunda Pygmy Woodpecker, 巽他啄木鸟, 巽他啄木鳥, Yungipicus moluccensis, マレーコゲラ, BELATUK-BELACAN KECIL BIASA

4. White-bellied Woodpecker, 白腹黑啄木鸟, 白腹黑啄木鳥, Dryocopus javensis, キタタキ, BELATUK-HITAM PERUT PUTIH

5. Banded Woodpecker, 镶红绿啄木鸟, 鑲紅綠啄木鳥, Chrysophlegma miniaceum, シマベニアオゲラ, BELATUK-HIJAU MERAH

6. Lesser Yellownape, 小黄冠啄木鸟, 小黃冠啄木鳥, Picus chlorolophus, ヒメアオゲラ, BELATUK-HIJAU KECIL

7. Crimson-winged Woodpecker, 红翅绿啄木鸟, 紅翅綠啄木鳥, Picus puniceus, モリアオゲラ, BELATUK-HIJAU PARUH KUNING

8. Greater Yellownape, 大黄冠啄木鸟, 大黃冠啄木鳥, Chrysophlegma flavinucha, キエリアオゲラ, BELATUK-HIJAU BESAR

9. Checker-throated Woodpecker, 斑喉绿啄木鸟, 斑喉綠啄木鳥, Chrysophlegma mentale, チャバネアオゲラ, BELATUK-HIJAU LEHER JINGGA

10. Streak-breasted Woodpecker, 斑胸绿啄木鸟, 斑胸綠啄木鳥, Picus viridanus, BELATUK-HIJAU DADA BERJALUR

11. Laced Woodpecker, 花腹绿啄木鸟, 紋腹綠啄木, Picus vittatus, タケアオゲラ, BELATUK-HIJAU BAKAU

12. Olive-backed Woodpecker, 绿背三趾啄木鸟, 綠背三趾啄木鳥, Dinopium rafflesii, マレーズアカミユビゲラ, BELATUK-PINANG RIMBA

13. Common Flameback, 金背三趾啄木鸟, 金背三趾啄木鳥, Dinopium javanense, ズアカミユビゲラ, BELATUK-PINANG BIASA

14. Bamboo woodpecker, 竹啄木鸟, 竹啄木鳥, Gecinulus viridis, アオタケゲラ, Burung Belatok Buluh

15. Rufous Woodpecker, 栗啄木鸟, 栗啄木鳥, Micropternus brachyurus, クリチャゲラ, BELATUK BIJI NANGKA

16. Buff-rumped Woodpecker, 黄腰斑啄木鸟, 黃腰斑啄木鳥, Meiglyptes tristis, ヒメカレハゲラ, BELATUK-BATU BIASA

17. Buff-necked Woodpecker, 黄颈斑啄木鸟, 黃頸斑啄木鳥, Meiglyptes tukki, カレハゲラ, BELATUK-BATU LEHER KUNING

18. Greater Flameback, 大金背啄木鸟, 大金背啄木鳥, Chrysocolaptes guttacristatus, オオコガネゲラ,  BELATUK-PINANG BESAR BIASA

19. Maroon Woodpecker, 小栗啄木鸟, 小栗啄木鳥, Blythipicus rubiginosus, エビチャゲラ, BELATUK-PUNGGUR MERAH

20. Bay Woodpecker, 黄嘴栗啄木鸟, 黃嘴栗啄木鳥, Blythipicus pyrrhotis, ヤブゲラ,  BELATUK-PUNGGUR BELANG

21. Orange-backed Woodpecker, 橙背啄木鸟, 橙背啄木鳥, Reinwardtipicus validus, アカハラコガネゲラ, BELATUK DADA MERAH

22. Gray-and-buff Woodpecker, 灰黄啄木鸟, 灰黃啄木鳥, Hemicircus concretus, カンムリコゲラ, BELATUK-DAUN DAHI MERAH

23. Great Slaty Woodpecker, 大灰啄木鸟, 大灰啄木鳥, Mulleripicus pulverulentus, ボウシゲラ, BELATUK-KELABU BESAR

24. Gray-headed Woodpecker, 灰头绿啄木鸟, 灰頭綠啄木鳥, Picus canus, ヤマゲラ, BELATUK-HIJAU KEPALA KELABU

25. Gray-capped Woodpecker, 星头啄木鸟, 星頭啄木鳥, Yungipicus canicapillus, ハイガシラコゲラ, BELATUK-BELACAN KECIL UBUN KELABU



51. Sulawesi Woodpecker, 苏拉威西啄木蘇拉威西啄木, Yungipicus temminckii, セレベスコゲラ, Caladi Sulawesi

52. Ashy Woodpecker, 暗黄啄木鸟, 暗黃啄木鳥, Mulleripicus fulvus, ツラアカボウシゲラ, Pelatuk Kelabu-Sulawesi

Sri Lanka

101. Red-backed Flameback, 红背三趾啄木鸟, 紅背三趾啄木, Dinopium psarodes, ヒメコガネゲラ (psarodes)

102. White-naped Woodpecker, 黑腰啄木鸟, 白頸黑背啄木, Chrysocolaptes festivus, セグロコガネゲラ

103. Crimson-backed Flameback, 绯红背啄木鸟, 桂紅金背啄木, Chrysocolaptes stricklandi, セアカコガネゲラ


South Africa

501. Rufous-necked Wryneck, 红胸蚁䴕, 褐頸蟻鴷, Jynx ruficollis, ムネアカアリスイ



1. Speckled Piculet, 斑姬啄木鸟,斑姬啄木鳥, Picumnus innominatus, アジアヒメキツツキ, BELATUK-KERDIL BELANG ASIA

– tiny montane woodpecker

– normally moving together with Bird wave


2. Rufous Piculet, 棕啄木鸟, 棕啄木鳥, Sasia abnormis, マレーミツユビコゲラ, BELATUK-KERDIL API MELAYU

– one of the smallest world woodpecker outside America

– lowland, and making the loud drum sound

update 202408

– a special tour make us wait for long here, main target got close but dont show .. but many good birds around.. Green Broadbill and this bird show well .. this little fellow never fail to amaze people such a small bird make loud druming sound.

– 特别目标团,让我们在这个点等很久。虽然目标只听没看到。可是还是蛮多其他鸟来。这鸟从来不会让人不惊喜,这么小还啄木很大声。

202408, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202406

– a tiny woodpecker always excited to see them actively moving and drum loud for such a small bird.

– a place quite common to see them, Danum Valley not that difficult to photograph too

– 一只每次客人看到都很惊讶的一只小小啄木鸟。跳动快,啄木声很大。。。就这么小不点。

– 在马来西亚低海拔森林,不难见到。在沙巴丹浓谷,更是容易见到,拍到。

202406, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia




update 202405

– another hot+humid afternoon, piculet seem very active in the forest. 2nd sighting today and this is come very close to see us. Today meet up 2 birders but how can they keep talking non stop for hour ?

– 另一个炎热+潮湿的中午。还好有这只鸟让我过过闷。今天第二次见到它呢。可是鸟人啊。。。。在观鸟时不要一直讲话可以吗?

202405, Kuala Tahan, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202205

– a lucky morning to have few good birds included this lovely tiny woodpecker

– 幸运的早上。遇上这小小啄木鸟。


update 202102

202102, Selangor, Malaysia



3. Sunda Pygmy Woodpecker, 巽他啄木鸟, 巽他啄木鳥, Yungipicus moluccensis, マレーコゲラ, BELATUK-BELACAN KECIL BIASA

– one of the smallest and common woodpecker

– normally found near mangrove and urban area

update 202411

– a very tiny Woodpecker, overall brown and white. Which normally found near mangrove, nearby river bank. But this time found near Palm oil Plantation which nearby mangrove area too

– while looking for more interesting subjects, this tiny bird came queitly whithout any vocal, but the movement attract me and got this moment

– – 小,棕+白小啄木鸟。通常在红树林,河边可以见到。可是这次在棕榈树见到。

– 在等更好的题材,这小小鸟静静地飞过来了。完全没声音。还好,动作吸引我见到这一刻。

202411, Kuala Selangor, Malaysia


– a very tiny Woodpecker, overall brown and white. Which normally found near mangrove, nearby river bank.

– another moment with new CANON new R1 .. it is really fun and easy to capture any “birds in flight – begin, perch” just half press the shutter button enable the “Pre-capture” and when the moment after bird fly… press the shutter .. anything .5s before will be captured into the disk in full RAW without stop the Camera continous focus while the flying ..

– 小,棕+白小啄木鸟。通常在红树林,河边可以见到。

– 在我预佳能R1的好几天,这是我真的觉得。以后几乎“飞鸟“的照片应该是很普通了。有了新的预拍功能,只要在鸟起飞前半按下对焦键钮。当鸟飞起,半秒前以内的全RAW档都会记录下。最重要的是拍了后,相机还是一样的可以正常继续拍摄不用任何等待。

202411, Kuala Selangor, Malaysia


update 202407

– a small and common woodpecker near mangrove, and sometime river bank area.  overall brown, white spot on wing

– Ours morning at morning with young photographer-Dev. this bird flying so close for us

– 很小+普通的小啄木鸟。通常在红树林+大河旁见到。棕+白。翅膀带白点。

– 与印度小摄影师一大早到红树林,第一只鸟飞过来。

202407, Kuala Selangor, Selangor



update 202303

– early morning bring a new gear CANON RF400mm F2.8 for quick walk. this woodpecker standing at very good position. let me shoot some good pictures

– 一大早,我带了新镜头佳能RF400mm走走。这小啄木,站在飞出棒的点。

20230308, Sg Janggut, Klang, Selangor

update 202204

– make use of the Fujifilm “Pre-Shot”, this one of my favorite feature

– 富士这个功能真的很好用。 “Pre-Shot”

202204, Kuala Selangor, Malaysia



– a male bird

– 雄鸟。

202204, Kuala Selangor, Malaysia

update 202203

– pretty common mangrove area, river area.

– small brown overall and white-stripe

– 通常再红树林,河边。蛮普通。

– 小,褐色,白眉。

202203, Kapar, Selangor, Malaysia


4. White-bellied Woodpecker, 白腹黑啄木鸟,白腹黑啄木鳥, Dryocopus javensis, キタタキ, BELATUK-HITAM PERUT PUTIH

– big and “black” woodpecker  , pale eye and white belly

– male with red crest and female all black

update 202405

– a big “black” woodpecker which you wont go wrong with the ID here in Malaysia. It is not that rare but common at RDC, Sepilok, Sabah. Walk around very good chance to have very good view of this beautiful woodpecker.

– lucky group to have this bird stay for more than 20 minutes for us to take almost every angle of this bird

– 一只蛮大+黑的啄木鸟,应该很好认的鸟。在西必洛,沙巴在林子里走走。见到的机会是蛮大的。

– 这一幸运的摄鸟组,这鸟在很低的角度站了20+分钟。拍到够够啊。

202404, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202205

– hear this big woodpecker calling in the morning and so easy to locate it as it just infront of us

– 一大早,听到这大啄木鸟叫。不难找,就在我们前面。

202205, Ulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202203

– nowadays new camera having amazing AF performance, bird in flight become very easy and this capture with SONY current top camera.

– 现在的新相机,拍飞版非常的容易。索尼顶尖A1 用起来非常容易

202202, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202201

– a flying big black-red woodpecker

– 黑啄木鸟属的中型鸟类,体长43-46厘米,头顶具长的红色羽冠,颚纹亦为红色,其余头、颈、胸和上体黑色,腰和腹白色,飞翔时白色腋羽和翅下覆羽亦明显可见。雌鸟头顶黑色,亦无红色颚纹。

202201, Selangor, Malaysia
202201, Selangor, Malaysia


5. Banded Woodpecker, 镶红绿啄木鸟,鑲紅綠啄木鳥, Chrysophlegma miniaceum, シマベニアオゲラ,BELATUK-HIJAU MERAH

– small, bright red, very common, and beautiful woodpecker

– range from an urban area, 2nd forest, primary forest

update 202205

– a lovely common woodpecker of Malaysia, pretty common lowland woodpecker for Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo

– 非常普通漂亮的啄木鸟。

202205, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202204

– lucky say with beautiful morning light

– 幸运的早上。漂亮的鸟+光

202204, Ulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202203

– a common and lovely woodpecker

– 蛮普通+非常漂亮的啄木鸟。

202103, Gunung Nuang, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202103

– one of the most common woodpeckers of Malaysia. this male bird feeding low and making some calls

– 马来西亚蛮普通的啄木鸟。这共鸟,在找吃没太理会我。


202103, Selangor, Malaysia


update 202012

202012, Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia


Banded Woodpecker ,橫班喙木鳥

6. Lesser Yellownape, 小黄冠啄木鸟,小黃冠啄木鳥, Picus chlorolophus, ヒメアオゲラ, BELATUK-HIJAU KECIL

– medium size

– submontane species, small and bright yellow (less than greater) with a lot of green

_G4L6574 fb

7. Crimson-winged Woodpecker, 红翅绿啄木鸟,紅翅綠啄木鳥, Picus puniceus, モリアオゲラ, BELATUK-HIJAU PARUH KUNING

– common lowland-submontane medium size

– mostly red and special with a blue eye ring

update 202407

– a very good start of the tour, 2nd bird after Falconet. the beautiful woodpecker make everyone excited to see more woodpecker from Malaysia. #WoodpeckersofMalaysia

– 非常好的开始,小孩摄影团的第二只鸟。这么漂亮的啄木鸟鸟让客人们多么希望拍多点啄木鸟。 #馬來西亞啄木鳥

202407, Hulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia


update 202402

– another very close encounter of the lovely woodpecker, the story behind is the bird only have certain angle to have better view but it is always good to tolerate to have every got chance to have a good picture or view

– 在沙巴行,这是另一只很近距离的鸟。都看得很好与近。可是,当我们见到这鸟时。有几个人在拍+看,可是在哪蛮久。可是只有1-2个位置好看+拍。真的大家礼让还是很重要的。

202402, Sepilok, Sabah


update 202307

– while checking up few birds for next trip, it is amazing to have 6 woodpeckers show up and 3 low and close enough for pictures. this is one of them just stand there feed for more than 10 minutes .

– 在找几只目标鸟给接下来的团。尽然见到6只啄木鸟,3只还是很低+进。这只大概就10尺左右

202307, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia

update 202208

– a lovely and beautiful woodpecker come visit me while I am enjoy my cold morning

– 4啄木鸟其中之一过来看看我。这可是我蛮喜欢啄木鸟之一。

202208, Ulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202112

clip 1 – 4k 60p

clip 2 – 1080 240p

clip 3 – 1080 240p (with 1.4x tc)

Handheld 202102

– a woodpecker busy feeding an ant nest. captured this moment with handheld with Fujifilm X-T4 + 70300 + 1.4x tc

– dark environment

– 这啄木鸟忙着吃,没理会我。我用了手持拍这视频。

– 因为工作关系,手持拍摄是我需要的功能之一。


update 202102

– lucky to see this beautiful woodpecker feeding on an ants nest

– another handheld video captured with X-T4 and XF70300

– very low light situation ~ISO1600, 1/24 & F6.4

– 幸運的遇到這麼漂亮的啄木鳥

– 非常暗的地方。富士的攝於富士的 X-T4 + XF70300



update 202102

– another beautiful woodpecker of Malaysia – another Fujifilm new XF70-300 test

– I am shooting this video handheld

– 馬來西亞漂亮的啄木鳥之一。(25種) – 另一富士 XF70-300 的測試。

– 手持拍的視頻

more Fujifilm XF70-300 test

600mm setup… only ~1.4KG ! Fujifilm XF70-300 | liewwk Nature



8. Greater Yellownape, 大黄冠啄木鸟,大黃冠啄木鳥, Chrysophlegma flavinucha, キエリアオゲラ, BELATUK-HIJAU BESAR

– montane common woodpecker

– Brightly-colored medium-sized woodpecker with a moss-green back, a bright yellow nape, and a powerful pale bill. Gray underparts distinguish this species from the smaller Lesser Yellownape. Males have a white throat or moustache stripe, while females have a dark red one. Gives high-pitched yelps or “kee-eep!” notes. Found in various forested areas, but most common in hilly and montane areas; not a woodpecker of small parks and cities. Forages on trunks and along branches in pairs and flocks, both single- and mixed-species. (ebird)

update 202309

– while waiting for ours target, this bird just flew infront of us .. beautiful overall yellow woodpecker

– 很美丽的“黄”啄木鸟。在我们等目标鸟时,自己飞过来。

202309, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


update 2015 Jan 20


9. Checker-throated Woodpecker, 斑喉绿啄木鸟, 斑喉綠啄木鳥, Chrysophlegma mentale, チャバネアオゲラ, BELATUK-HIJAU LEHER JINGGA

– another beautiful and common woodpecker with Red-Green and Yellow-naped with Black and white throat

– medium-sized woodpecker. Moss-green with blood-red wings and neck. The back edge of the head and neck are brightened by a sunny yellow crest. Black-and-white “checker” throat is not particularly obvious. (ebird)

update 202105

– another lazy morning which only have 3-4 km walk today
– she is another beautiful woodpecker of Malaysia. came down making some call and drum. lucky..

– 马来西亚另一很美的啄木鸟。她下的蛮低叫。

202105, Sg Congkak, Selangor, Malaysia



10. Streak-breasted Woodpecker,斑胸绿啄木鸟, 斑胸綠啄木鳥, Picus viridanus, BELATUK-HIJAU DADA BERJALUR

– mostly Green woodpecker  and consider big

– male with red cap and female with black

– very small population in Malaysia .. look the same as Laced except for the streak breasted

update 202105

– a very special tour with 2 lovely ladies. And lucky to meet up this not very common woodpeckers of Malaysia
– very similar to Laced Woodpecker except the chest is not plain

– 非常幸運的兩位女士,我們在拍了紅樹林八色鶇後見到這一隻馬來西亞蠻稀有的啄木。

201903, Merapoh, Kedah, Malaysia

update 2020 March 29



11. Laced Woodpecker, 花腹绿啄木鸟, 紋腹綠啄木, Picus vittatus, タケアオゲラ, BELATUK-HIJAU BAKAU

– mainly found mangrove woodpecker, common

– mostly Green woodpecker  and consider big

– male with red cap and female with black

update 202411

– a quite common woodpecker found here (Penisular Malaysia), which normally found near Mangrove. area

– yet another R1 pre-capture moment captured .. it is real fun to have this Pre-capture function show how this bird “jump up” begin the flight. It is real cool to have Pre-cature every single moment and continue with normal operation like re-focus, tracking …

– 马来半岛很普通的啄木鸟,通常在红树林出没。

– 在继续测试佳能R1预拍中,真的这种任何手突然跳起,降落的一刻都完全容易的拿下。还要在相机拍的预拍后还继续的普通拍照。

202411, Kuala Selangor, Malaysia


update 202301

– this bird come in-front of me when we waiting for ours target. big and lovely woodpecker

– 这蛮大的啄木鸟突然飞在我们前面。可是我们的目标鸟,还是没出现。

202301, Klang, Selangor, Malaysia


update 2013 Feb 15

… road runner …

update 2013 Feb 14

Laced Woodpecker | 花腹綠啄木鳥

update 2014 Oct 31


12. Olive-backed Woodpecker, 绿背三趾啄木鸟, 綠背三趾啄木鳥, Dinopium rafflesii, マレーズアカミユビゲラ, BELATUK-PINANG RIMBA

– rare small woodpecker

– Medium-sized crested woodpecker with an olive-brown body and a black-and-white-striped head and neck; quite dull and dark for a flame back. The crest is bright red in males and black in females. Inhabits lowland and hill forests, where it forages both at middle levels and close to the ground, both singly and in pairs. Generally fairly uncommon and local. (ebird)

update 202210

– been long seldom heard or seen this bird here(Selangor). finally a clear view for male again.

– 蛮久没在吉隆坡范围内见到这鸟。终于幸运的客人拍到了。

202210, Sg Congkak, Selangor, Malaysia

update 2020 Jun 17

Olive-backed Woodpecker, 綠背三趾啄木鳥,Dinopium rafflesii,マレーズアカミユビゲラ, BELATUK-PINANG RIMBA



13. Common Flameback, 金背三趾啄木鸟, 金背三趾啄木鳥, Dinopium javanense, ズアカミユビゲラ, BELATUK-PINANG BIASA

– one of the common small Yellow woodpecker

– male with red crest and female with black

update 202411

Another common woodpecker in Malaysia, resembling the Greater Flameback but smaller in size with dark eyes.

Another moment captured using the CANON R1’s Continuous Pre-record feature.

– 在马来西亚的另一种常见啄木鸟,外形与大金背啄木鸟相似,但体型较小,眼睛呈深色。

– 使用 CANON R1 的连续预录功能捕捉到的另一个瞬间。

202411, Kuala Selangor, Malaysia


update 202411

Another common woodpecker in Malaysia, resembling the Greater Flameback but smaller in size with dark eyes.

Another moment captured using the CANON R1’s Continuous Pre-record feature.

– 在马来西亚的另一种常见啄木鸟,外形与大金背啄木鸟相似,但体型较小,眼睛呈深色。

– 使用 CANON R1 的连续预录功能捕捉到的另一个瞬间。

202411, Kuala Selangor, Malaysia


update 202204

– a casual birding morning at mangrove and before we leave these 2 birds come and same good bye under hot sun

– 与2位朋友到红树林拍鸟。这对啄木鸟来讲再见。

202204, Kuala Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia

update 2018 Aug 23

update 2013 Feb 18

update 2014 Jun 11


14. Bamboo woodpecker, 竹啄木鸟, 竹啄木鳥 , Gecinulus viridis, アオタケゲラ, Burung Belatok Buluh

– small green woodpecker making a loud call and drum sound on bamboo

– shy, rare woodpecker, moving fast

– male with a red cap

update 202411

This is not a rare bird, but it is certainly one of the more challenging birds to spot in Malaysia.

As the tour was coming to an end and we prepared to head back to town, we made a few stops for this bird. Shortly after, we were rewarded with an excellent view of a female.



202411, Fraser Hill, Selangor, Malaysia


update 202311

– another good encounter of this shy and fast moving woodpecker .. one of my favorite bird to challenge

– 又遇上这害羞与动作快的啄木鸟。这是我蛮喜欢的一只鸟。

202308, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202309

– another close encounter of this shy woodpecker, it stay there feeding on some ant nest …

– 又一次很接近的拍到这一只害羞的啄木鸟。

202307, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202307

– start my Aug with very good with many bird but never got this bird come to us ~15-20 feet and stay long even 9 of us moving around him.

– 8 月好的开始,120+种鸟。加上这只第一次遇到,站15-20尺内。还要站很久也不走。

202308, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202209

– a male bird giving a good view on non-bamboo

– 雄鸟终于长出来了。这次不是在竹林里。

202209, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202208

– as usual, a casual birding after yesterday long day at Fraser Hill. this shy woodpecker with other 3 woodpeckers, 2 broadbills for close photography. Not a bad morning

– really enjoy the eye detection AF video by R7.


– 轻松的早上,还要拍到这难拍的啄木鸟+另3种。算很不错。

– 佳能R7 的视频,真的爱上动物眼对焦。在于好动的鸟是多么好用。


202208, Ulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202112

– this bird is like making a magic show. how it turn it’s head … why not just move downward a bit ?
– 这鸟是搞魔术吗?头部转成这个样。
202110, Pahang, Malaysia


– a day with CANON R3, this was captured with full sensor AF area and animal eye focus enable. The camera find, focus and track the bird eye/head just by itself

– 带佳能R3到拍摄。这张照片没我们想的这么复杂,就开全屏。动物眼对焦。相机自己会去找到鸟,对焦+追焦。

202110, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202109

– a always hear and shy woodpecker

– this male stay long for us this time

– 通常都听到看不到的啄木鸟。这次,站了很久。

202105,Selangor, Malaysia

update 202105

– a very shy and active bird to be photograph
– last day birding before the lockdown. (MCO3.0)
– this is 4 days in the row sight this bird in various locations. seem they doing good in Selangor.

– 非常活躍羽害羞的鳥。
– 封城前一天的攝鳥行。幾天來都在不一個地方見到這鳥。看來雪蘭莪它們還是蠻好的。

202105, Fraser Hill, Selangor, Malaysia


– very shy and active woodpecker
– female without red-crown
– yesterday meet a shy male, and today the male more shy but seem female like me more 😃

– 非常害羞與活躍的啄木鳥。
– 昨天公鳥非常害羞。今天也一樣。看來,還是母鳥喜歡我多一些。

202105, Gunung Nuang, Selangor, Malaysia


update 2020 Aug

update 2020 Jul

Bamboo woodpecker, 竹啄木鸟,竹啄木鳥 ,Gecinulus viridis, アオタケゲラ, Burung Belatok Buluh

update 2020 April 28

Bamboo woodpecker,竹啄木鳥 ,Gecinulus viridis, アオタケゲラ, Burung Belatok Buluh

update 2016 April 6

– finally got improve shot for the male

update 2015 April 22

bamboo woodpecker 竹啄木鸟 (female)

– a male shot is required… but I am already trying my best to get this

bamboo woodpecker 竹啄木鸟 (male)


15. Rufous Woodpecker, 栗啄木鸟, 栗啄木鳥, Micropternus brachyurus, クリチャゲラ, BELATUK BIJI NANGKA

– common small, rufous woodpecker with pair

– male with red cheek and female don’t

update 202411

– One of the most common woodpeckers in Malaysia, this species can be found in a variety of environments—lowlands, mangroves, sub-montane forests, and even urban areas. Its overall rufous coloration makes it hard to miss.

– While testing the Canon R1’s “Continuous Pre-recording” feature, the bird was perched as usual. I half-pressed the shutter to activate Pre-recording, and only fully pressed it when the bird took off from the branch. Every frame of the action was captured in full RAW and saved to my card.

– 这是马来西亚最常见的啄木鸟之一,分布于低地、红树林、亚山地森林,甚至城市等各种环境。它整体呈赤褐色,非常显眼,不容易错过。

– 在测试佳能 R1 的“连续预录”功能时,这只鸟像往常一样站在树枝上。我半按快门开启预录功能,直到鸟从树枝起飞时才完全按下快门。整个动作的每一帧都被完整记录为 RAW 格式并存储在卡中。

202411, Kuala Selangor, Malaysia


update 202410

– a very common lowland forest, mangrove, sub-montane woodpecker. Overall rufous which difficult to miss this bird.

– it is a special out to test the R1, may be I am already start use the “Pre-capture” long ago .. (those Olympus old time, Panasonic etc) for me to captured this kind of “trap focus” “jumping” picture is very easy … now Canon finally come with proper Pre-capture and improve it with … “continous Pre-capture” ..mean it is almost every half-press is a pre capture .. as long as control well the buffer…  I hope I can find a better way to share to all of this about this “Best feature” to have for Wildlife Photography

– 这鸟蛮普通几乎在红树林,低海拔,中海拔森林都容易看到。棕色的鸟不难错过。

– 在这几天,我是在想办法记录下“我想大家知道R1 的强大”。。。其中一环是“预拍”。这功能在很久以前我一开始用,在Olympus, Panasonic 可能在10年前就开始有这个很好的功能。有这功能后,拍摄“陷阱对焦”的“起飞跳”降落“ 几乎都没难读。可是这次,佳能的是绝对加强版的“预拍”。。。之前我们拍后都要等上好几秒相机才可以继续使用。可是这次,佳能的是“连续预拍”只要控制好。几乎每一刻都是预拍的。(可是卡可是要大大的,不然很快就卡满)。。还在努力中要怎么呈现我想表达。

202410, Hulu Langat, Selangor




update 202404

– another common bird but beautiful.. one of the “brown” woodpecker among many colorful woodpecker of Malaysia

– 马来西亚的啄木鸟都很多颜色的,就好几种比较闷。包括这一只,可是还是漂亮的。也蛮普通。

202404, Taiping, Perak, Malaysia



update 202301

–  the dry season just change to raining. so much rain make the birds activity very low. But this common woodpecker make ours morning.

– with the canon R3 and RF100500, trying few time the flying and managed to have few focus pictures

– 应该都没雨的季节。可是突然每天都天暗暗,下雨了几天。鸟也没什么活动。

– 佳能R3 RF100500 原本就是对焦魔兽。遇到这么乖的鸟。试了几回飞行版。还好有好几张不错的照片。

20230130, Sg Long, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202109

– a casual birding day, this bird come low after wet morning.

– 轻松的拍鸟日。这啄木鸟,过了湿湿的早上。

202110, Selangor, Malaysia
202110, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202105

– this handsome woodpecker (male) joins the woodpecker party in the morning 6th woodpecker of the morning ..
– a male bird with a red patch under the eye

– 早上的第6只啄木鸟。这只共鸟,眼下部带红。

202104, Gunung Nuang, Selangor, Malaysia



16. Buff-rumped Woodpecker, 黄腰斑啄木鸟, 黃腰斑啄木鳥, Meiglyptes tristis, ヒメカレハゲラ, BELATUK-BATU BIASA

– small yellow-brown woodpecker

– common from lowland-submontane .. sometimes confuse with Buff-necked Woodpecker

update 202407

– a small woodpecker overall “brown” with stripe front. sometime it is confuse with Buff-necked which is slight bigger with “white-neck” spot make it easier to different

– 蛮小的啄木鸟,几乎“棕”胸部带斑。

202406, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202205

– this pair of woodpecker no fear, come so close as same as the Bee-eater

– 这对啄木鸟来到太近了

202204, Ulu Langat, Selangor

update 202104

– a handsome male, stay long and low for us take good pictures and videos

– 漂亮的雄鸟。

202103, Hulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia




17. Buff-necked Woodpecker, 黄颈斑啄木鸟, 黃頸斑啄木鳥, Meiglyptes tukki, カレハゲラ, BELATUK-BATU LEHER KUNING

common but not as common as buff-rumped

sound similar and look alike too

update 202407

– while we are on ours boat cruise, a pair of lovely “brown with white neck” woodpecker stay low and long for everyone have good view. Lovely male with red malar stripe

– 我们京河在船上舒服的观鸟时,这鸟站的很低很久。雄鸟脸颊带红。

202405, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202406

– a bird that pretty common but I always trying to look for one last few months after I know it is lifer for my friend. finally this bird appear together with another woodpecker (think also lifer for him) but he choose this so we looking for this brown, white necked small woodpecker.

– 蛮普通的啄木鸟,可是我还是很努力找这鸟因为朋友新鸟种。这次,尽然2只啄木鸟(其实4种)在一个地方出现。可是朋友坚持要这一只,我们就专注这一只,小,黄斑,白颈。可是就一只母鸟

202406, Panti, Johor, Malaysia



update 202405
– another casual birding behind the resort as already got all the targets .. but not bad got few good speciess include this beautiful woodpecker with close view
– a quite common “brown” woodpecker with “white” mark on neck
– 几乎所有目标都拿下了。就到酒店后面轻松拍拍,尽然遇上好几只鸟很近的让我们拍照。

202404, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202401

– a soft call and overall brown with obvious bright neck small woodpecker. quite common at both Peninsula Malaysia and Borneo lowland forest

– very first day assignment, while we looking for ours target. Heard this bird calling nearby and very soon found it stand so nearby and got both male and female too. too close dint even zoom to 800mm

– 叫的蛮小声,小棕色啄木鸟。颈部有“凉黄“斑

– 第一天的观鸟行,吃完午饭后。继续寻找我们的目标,突然听到这鸟叫。没很久就找到公母鸟。站蛮近的。800mm 一定近咯。可是都没开完800 啦。

20240103, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia



update 202203

– finally our border is open after 2 years+ closed. plan a quick trip to check out few forest to familiar the sound and smell of forest. This bird welcome me just in front of my parking

– 边界关了2年后终于要开了。到几个森林,习惯一下森林的味道,声音。这小啄木鸟,尽然到我停车点等我。

202204, Selangor, Malaysia



18. Greater Flameback, 大金背啄木鸟, 大金背啄木鳥, Chrysocolaptes guttacristatus, オオコガネゲラ,  BELATUK-PINANG BESAR BIASA

– big golden yellow , yellow eye

– not that common compare to common flameback which is look very similar

– mainly found mangrove area

update 202411

– One of the common woodpeckers found in Malaysia’s mangroves, this species stands out with its pale eyes, distinguishing it from the common Flameback.

– There have been so many photos of this woodpecker lately, and I love how the CANON R1 captured the action, especially the way the woodpecker swings its wings.

Sample of CANON R1 capture samples

– 在马来西亚红树林中常见的一种啄木鸟,这个物种以其淡色眼睛而著称,与小金背三趾啄木鸟有所不同。

– 最近有很多这只啄木鸟的照片,真喜欢CANON R1捕捉到的动态,尤其是它挥动翅膀的瞬间。


我的一些佳能R1 用连续预拍+追焦记录下的相片-相片转视频

202411, Kuala Selangor, Malaysia


– One of the common woodpeckers found in Malaysia’s mangroves, this species stands out with its pale eyes, distinguishing it from the common Flameback.

– I’m thoroughly enjoying the new Continuous Pre-recording feature on the Canon R1. It virtually guarantees capturing the exact moment an action begins, without missing a beat. In this instance, I half-pressed the shutter before the bird moved, and once the action started, a full press ensured that the preceding 0.5 seconds were already recorded. The camera seamlessly continues with AF tracking. Check out the JPEG movie clips shared in the link for a closer look!

Sample of CANON R1 capture samples

– 在马来西亚红树林中常见的一种啄木鸟,这个物种以其淡色眼睛而著称,与小金背三趾啄木鸟有所不同。

– 我非常喜欢佳能 R1 新推出的连续预录功能,它几乎可以确保捕捉到动作开始的瞬间,不会错过任何细节。在这个例子中,我在鸟开始动作前半按快门,一旦动作开始,全按快门,前0.5秒的画面已经记录在卡上,且相机会继续进行自动对焦跟踪。可以通过链接中的 JPEG 视频片段一览精彩画面!

我的一些佳能R1 用连续预拍+追焦记录下的相片-相片转视频

202411, Kuala Selangor, Malaysia


update 202410

– a overall bigger common flameback, Black-yellow overall with pale eye instead

– Thanks Canon Malaysia having chance to have R1 to work out … as mentioned Continous Pre-capture is one of my favourite new features of new CANON R camera .. this is one of the test moment .. hope get more oppunity in wild to present to you all soon

– 比金背三趾啄木鸟大。黑+黄。眼睛偏白。

– 谢谢马来西亚佳能,给予机会用R1用于马来西亚现实的环境鸟摄。真如我讲,我最喜欢的“不停的预拍”功能。我是专注拍一些照片关于这功能。希望有机会在拍一些在马来西亚雨林真实的拍摄环境。

202411, Kuala Selangor, Malaysia


update 202405

– a relative big woodpecker found near mangrove area. easy to different from common flameback is the eye color

– 蛮大的啄木鸟,通常在红树林见到。与金背三趾啄木鸟容易乱。看眼睛颜色

202403, Kuala Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia


update 202404

– clearing my HDD again for 2022 (so many folder need to be clear on this year) … found this video ..

– 在清理旧档案,2022 见到这一幕,顺便处理。



update 202204

– a not so common woodpecker at center Peninsular Malaysia. lucky to have this moment

– 马来西亚半岛中部较不容易见到的啄木鸟

202204, Ulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia



19. Maroon Woodpecker, 小栗啄木鸟, 小栗啄木鳥, Blythipicus rubiginosus, エビチャゲラ, BELATUK-PUNGGUR MERAH

– medium dark-red woodpecker

– quite shy

– male with red back cap, female dull head

update 202408

– a common heard woodpecker but seldom good chance to be photograph. lovely yellow beak, mid size woodpecker. This bird make a surprise for us, fly infornt of ~5-10feet for us

– 在马来西亚(东马,西马)都很常听到而拍不到的鸟。这鸟很乖啊,飞过来5-10尺前让我们拍拍。

202408, RDC, Sepilok, Sabah



update 202402

– very special day for us, so many woodpeckers at same area include this normally shy woodpecker also come join the party and come lowest compare other and closer ..

– 很少遇上这么多啄木鸟,在一个地方就5-6种。还要这比较害羞的来最近+低。

202402, Pahang, Malaysia



20. Bay Woodpecker, 黄嘴栗啄木鸟, 黃嘴栗啄木鳥, Blythipicus pyrrhotis, ヤブゲラ,  BELATUK-PUNGGUR BELANG

– very shy and fast-moving birds

– making a loud call

– A medium-sized woodpecker of dense forests, often encountered only through its song, which sounds like maniacal descending laughter; also gives a loud, high-pitched grating chatter. Bright rufous overall, with black banding on the wings and tail, a paler brown head, and a long, bright yellow bill. (ebird)

– brown-rufous overall, a wing with a black band. bill yellowish. medium size and very active and noisy woodpecker. Male with red patch near the neck.

– 非常活跃的鸟。识别特征为体羽赤褐具黑斑,形长的嘴浅黄色。高声大叫 keek, keek-keek-keek, keek, keek音频稳但音程回落

update 202211

– a raining morning and a last morning at Fraser for earlier end of the tour. But it was a very good flock we had Blue Nuthatch, Lesser Yellownape, Bay woodpecker, Dark-Hawk Cuckoo and many small birds

– 最后一天下雨的早上,客人私人问题要提早回家。可是还是让好人有好运。看到蛮多鸟。加这站了很久的害羞啄木鸟

202210, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202105

– a good memory day, where I and my birding buddy got the very first good view of Malaysian Partridge than follow by this rare and shy woodpecker.

– 虽然都几年了,非常印象深刻的一幕。我与我的鸟友,早上首拍到马来山鹧鸪然后拍的这稀有与害羞的啄木鸟。


201604, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


201706, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

update 2020 July

a bird’s photography trip to Cameron Highland, Pahang, this bird as usual very active and we spend some time to get a good picture or video… and I am lucky to have it near and stay for a while for this video capture ..



21. Orange-backed Woodpecker, 橙背啄木鸟, 橙背啄木鳥, Reinwardtipicus validus, アカハラコガネゲラ, BELATUK DADA MERAH

– big and lovely woodpecker, normally moving in pair

– male with orange- red , female dull brown

update 202503

It’s a hectic day—I’m traveling from Borneo back to Kuala Lumpur, and within six hours, I have to catch a flight to Indonesia for another exciting trip. Unfortunately, my own mistake made the schedule quite chaotic.

Despite that, it was an incredible photography tour with great luck spotting woodpeckers. One of them even came down close and low, giving us a perfect opportunity for some great shots.



202503, Sepilok, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202203

– a casual morning walk and this big woodpecker come too close to us

– 一个轻松的早上,这大啄木鸟竟然跳到我们面前。

202201,Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202011


22. Gray-and-buff Woodpecker, 灰黄啄木鸟, 灰黃啄木鳥, Hemicircus concretus, カンムリコゲラ, BELATUK-DAUN DAHI MERAH

– small, not that commonly seen, move fast woodpecker

– male with a red cap, female-only pale grey.

update 202406

– a short break after long tours, friend ask to join their lifers looking North… but end up we spend 21 hours road travel+birding. This bird came so close and low while after long quiet time for us.

– small and active woodpecker, male with red crown, female no.. this seem Juvenile which have “orange” crown.

– 经过70+天的鸟团后,终于可以休息+跟朋友聚聚。朋友约往北跑了一次,尽然用了21小时拍没几只鸟。还好好几只很不错的鸟。这鸟下来很低,很近。不错。。虽然是21小时鸟

– 很小,活跃的啄木鸟。公鸟带红冠,母鸟没。这是小鸟带“橙”

202406, Taiping, Perak, Malaysia



update 202405

– one of the cutest bird, small and active small woodpecker. Male with red-crown, which female missing

– amazing photography trip with Taiwan guests, this bird just jump infront of us for such a good picture

– 最可爱的啄木鸟之一,公鸟头部红,母鸟没红。

– 一次与非常幸运的台湾朋友们。好运到,这鸟自己跳到我们面前。

202404, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202401

– another lucky moment on the same tree after Great Iora, Banded Bay Cuckoo, Black and Yellow Broadbill, Large Woodshrike.. this bird feeding on the same tree make us busy and spend some morning energy to chase this bird.

– 非常幸运的一刻,来了几只马来西亚好鸟后。这鸟竟然也出现,可是活跃的跳来跳去把我们都累坏了。

20240115, Ulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia


update 202310

– always good to see this cute little fellow. even female it still look cute and lovely

– 每次见到这小家伙都是这么兴奋。虽然是母鸟还是很可爱的。

202207, Ulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202302

– a cloudy day with very less activity. But few star bird give up very good time. This cute, tiny and active woodpecker stay long for us.

– 天暗暗的。鸟都没什么活动。可是还是几只明星鸟让我们拍的蛮不错的照片。


202302, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202207

– a hot afternoon with my Japan guest, my suggestion sitting near the shade and hope for something. when we enjoy ours coffee and heard this bird calling than follow by some good photos.

– 炎热的中午,与日本客人建议。我们到阴沉的地方碰碰运气。突然听到这鸟叫,找了一会终于找到。运气还是可以的。

202207, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202204

– what a wonderful birding day with this lovely woodpecker family

– 美好的一天。这可爱的啄木鸟

202204, Talang, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

update 202104

– another good capture during the casual morning walk and really lucky to have my camera with me to see this handsome male feeding

– 又一个幸运的早上。它跟鸟浪一起冲冲的来,冲冲的走。

202104, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202102

– same location last month where I meet the handsome male but I met only 2 beautiful female now

– 上個月,同個地方遇上雄鳥。今天遇上了2只母鳥。

202102, Selangor, Malaysia


update 202101

– a half-day outing to test Fujifilm, XT4, Fujinon100400, 1.4 tc

Gunung Nuang, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202012

202011, Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202011


23. Great Slaty Woodpecker,大灰啄木鸟,大灰啄木鳥, Mulleripicus pulverulentus, , ボウシゲラ, BELATUK-KELABU BESAR

– world largest woodpecker , always stand high

– moving in group making alot of sounds when seen


24. Gray-headed Woodpecker, 灰头绿啄木鸟, 灰頭綠啄木鳥, Picus canus, ヤマゲラ, BELATUK-HIJAU KEPALA KELABU

– montane species

– male with red cap and female with black

25. Gray-capped Woodpecker, 星头啄木鸟, 星頭啄木鳥, Yungipicus canicapillus, ハイガシラコゲラ, BELATUK-BELACAN KECIL UBUN KELABU

– small and confuse with Sunda Woodpecker which only near the mangrove, river side.

– Gray-capped which is mostly at the forest, garden, etc, and mostly Blackish above, pale with black streaking and buffy-gray wash below. Male’s tiny red nape mark is often invisible

update 202411

While waiting for our target to show some “action,” this tiny woodpecker came close. Naturally, we didn’t hesitate to take a few shots of this little bird.


202411, Kota Damansara, Selangor, Malaysia



update 202105

202104, Shah Alam Botanical Garden, Selangor, Malaysia

51. Sulawesi Woodpecker, 苏拉威西啄木蘇拉威西啄木, Yungipicus temminckii, セレベスコゲラ, Caladi Sulawesi

– very small endemic woodpecker

– 很小的啄木。蘇拉威西特有種。

update 202310

– another lucky bird my fellow buddy believe. He always think, after we got any woodpecker sign. The luck will be good .. so we normally look for woodpecker before look for ours target

– 我的老好朋友+客人。他坚信只要看到啄木鸟,好运就回来。所以每次我们要找目标鸟(他其实在东南亚看几乎很多鸟了)都会先找只啄木鸟先。这可是很小,可爱+不难的啄木鸟。自己跳来跳去。

202304, Tomohon, Sulawesi, Indonesia


Sulawesi Woodpecker, 坦氏啄木鳥, Yungipicus temminckii,セレベスコゲラ, Caladi Sulawesi


52. Ashy Woodpecker, 暗黄啄木鸟, 暗黃啄木鳥, Mulleripicus fulvus, ツラアカボウシゲラ, Pelatuk Kelabu-Sulawesi

– a medium-size grey endemic woodpecker

– male with red face and female without red-face

– 蘇拉威西特有種

– 公鳥有紅臉,母鳥沒。





101. Red-backed Flameback, 红背三趾啄木鸟, 紅背三趾啄木, Dinopium psarodes, ヒメコガネゲラ (psarodes)

– ours 2nd stop after Indian Scop-Owl, this bird seem common almost any area we birding after day1

– 我们到达之后停的第2个点,这鸟蛮普通的。接下来几天,几乎在哪都看得到

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka


102. White-naped Woodpecker, 黑腰啄木鸟, 白頸黑背啄木, Chrysocolaptes festivus, セグロコガネゲラ

a very similar flameback woodpecker but female seem very yellowish

– 与我们的金背很像,可是母鸟很黄。

update 202312

– it seem not very common at Sri Lanka, local guide seem very worry to missed this species. When we arrived a village the bird just stand there for so long and sharing same tree with a Red-backed Flameback

– 斯里兰卡应该不普通,我们的当地导游几乎很担心会错过这鸟。可是我们到了这个村后,立刻就见到她站哪。还要与一只红背三趾啄木鸟站一起,我们远远看还以为咋么幸运遇上一对啊

202312, Tissamaharama, Sri Lanka


103. Crimson-backed Flameback, 绯红背啄木鸟, 桂紅金背啄木, Chrysocolaptes stricklandi, セアカコガネゲラ

– overall like size and shape Greater flameback in Malaysia. But back is “red” instead

– not as common as Red-backed Flameback

– 与马来西亚的大金背像,就红色背。也不很普通

update 202401

– it is slightly bigger and not so comon compare to the Red-Backed and this is also endemic of Sri Lanka

– 比起红背三趾啄木鸟,较大,不普通。这也是特有种

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka




501. Rufous-necked Wryneck, 红胸蚁䴕, 褐頸蟻鴷, Jynx ruficollis, ムネアカアリスイ

Odd and distinctive member of the woodpecker family. Shows a rufous throat in all plumages, though reduced in juveniles. The underparts vary geographically: they are completely rufous in Ethiopian birds, and the throat is barred in some populations. Flight is undulating, like a typical woodpecker. Found locally in cultivated areas, gardens, woodland, forest edge, and grassland with some trees. Usually in pairs. Call is a loud, ringing series of “kwee” notes. Similar to Eurasian Wryneck, but easily separated by the rufous throat. [Ebird]


update 202502

A very common and tiny woodpecker. It showed up almost immediately on our first day after a long journey. Its rufous neck makes it unmistakable.


202501, Cape Town, South Africa



More pictures from Flickr: Picidae : Woodpecker series | 啄木鸟科 | liewwk Nature

Sunda Pygmy Woodpecker (animation click full size and wait for it to load)


More Youtube video : Picidae : Woodpecker series | 啄木鸟科 | liewwk Nature


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liewwk Nature Youtube collection


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