We start 2017 with previous 2 short bird watching tours which with very limited target . follow by this 14 days tour from Kuala Lumpur-Kuala Selangor-Fraser Hill-Bukit Tinggi-KRAU forest-Taman Negara. Quite a lot of miss due to raining almost every evening especially Bukit Tinggi-KRAU-Taman Negara (think mostly we lost 3-5 days due to rain L)
with 2 Switzerland guests , we have very good start from Kuala Lumpur, got few very special target hit and we got first pitta (hooded pitta) and Frogmouth for guests. A lucky day where rain stop ~830pm and we reach there 845pm and got the buffy fish owl, Blyth’s frogmouth and another very special target (guests just saw it flying hmmmm and they mark it count as this is so special owl) .. 54 species for day 1
Next morning, we heading to Pulau Indah for another target, struggle a bit but we still finally got the Mangrove Pitta after 3-4 hours tried for few locations.
Following to Kuala Selangor, spend evening walking nearby mangrove … got most the targets hit again and customer favor is Common Flameback woodpecker … how I wish everyday got such easy target 😀 . it was heavy rain after dinner, but we still try our luck and YES. Got the Spotted wood owl just before another heavy rain hit …
Day 2 : 46 species
Morning, we heading to Natural Park. A long walk , got most the target again but missed out Copper-Throat Sunbird L … after lunch slowly travel to Fraser Hill, on the way… what a lucky under a fruiting tree easily hit few target : Yellow-Crowned Barbet, Gold Whiskered Barbet … follow Chestnut-naped Forktail , Dark-Sided Flycatcher , Temminck’s Sunbird, Scaly-Breasted Bulbul etc …. Ohh forgot Rufous-Bellied Swallow and family of Silver-Breasted Broadbill make our day .
Day 3 : 50 species
For Day 4, very good weather at Fraser Hill … but we missed the Malayan Whistling-Thrush Hill Partridge in the morning !!! But with the half day, we got back some star Birds : Collared Owlet, Malaysian Nightjar, Fire-tufted Barbet, Rufescent Prinia, and very good view of Marbled Wren-Babbler … at night we also got Sunda Slow-Loris .
Day 5, misty+raining ohhhhh … and we got brief view of Malayan Whistling-Thrush in the morning. Than follow by very good view of Large Scimitar Babbler, Bay Woodpecker, Black-Browed Barbet, Black-and-Crimson Oriole, Black Laughingthrush, Malayan Laughingthrush, Brown Wood-Owl and what surprise Barred Eagle-Owl show off here too …
Day 6, again !!! MISTY+RAINING … but luck is on our site, with limited hours … We managed to got some main target like Yellow-vented Pigeon, Silver-rumped Needletail, Bamboo Woodpecker, Long-Tailed Broadbill + Blue Nuthatch (under the heavy rain !) … and very lucky to have pair of Collard Babbler stay long for us for very good view and photo …
Day 7, we had almost everything we need … but we missing those common bird like mountain Bulbul, little cuckoo dove (joke from customer… it is a must and how can we missed it , lets stay few more days for Mountain Bulbul ) .. no joke we really missed this bulbul for 4 days @Fraser Hill .
Before we heading to Bukit Tinggi, we record Scarlet-Rumped Trogon @890m (think may be little too high but it show up there) and a pair of Banded Kingfisher …
Day 8, from Genting Highland to Krau forest. We didn’t get much target meet but Cinamon-rumped Trogon is our favor of the day .
with 2 fruting trees , we managed to see some barbets, bulbuls, etc but to our surprise. We saw local climb up to a tree may be 30-40m height to hunt for birds !!!!!! L
Day 9 : full day raining at Bukit Tinggi, guests enjoy red wine 80% of the day
Day 9 : 7 species
Day 10 : we have beautiful Moutain Peacock Pheasant displaying 2 hours for us , before we leave. Got a very good view of Rhinoceros and Helmeted Hornbill follow by heading to Taman Negara with raining full 2nd half day.
Arrived Taman Negara Dusk, both Great Hornbill and Great Argus welcome us at lobby area
Day 10 : 21 species
Day 11-16 : we spend few days at Taman Negara but 40% of the time raining or cloudy make the whole birding slowing. But within few days of tracking in the mud, pond etc . We cover a lot of Bulbuls, barbet, parrot, hornbill but the 10 star birds over days
Saw this pigeon last year but not able to get a picture of it. Finally have some spare time and spent ~2 days waiting to get a open shot for this bird.
it is bit shy, whenever it is open and I try to move myself it will trying to hide from me … not bad for limited angle and time for this
4. Little Cuckoo-Dove, 小赤鹃鸠, 小赤鵑鳩, Macropygia ruficeps, ヒメオナガバト,Burung Tekukur Api
– another common bird submontane & montane
Little Cuckoo-Dove, 小赤鵑鳩, Macropygia ruficeps, ヒメオナガバト, Burung Tekukur Api
5. Asian Emerald Dove, 绿翅金鸠, 翠翼鳩, Chalcophaps indica,キンバト, PUNAI-TANAH BIASA
– common walking on trail
– very shy and always see it flying across low
update 202308
– at one of the feeding station, this bird keep secretive walking around but still possible to get good picture. Very common but normally difficult to get good picture
– 在沙巴其中一个喂食点,这鸟在科室还是鬼鬼祟祟的。。虽然很普通的鸟,要拍好还是不容易。
202308, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia
– before we got ours’ first target, this bird flying and perch nicely. A common but always flying across and very beautiful bird
– 我们刚到, 目标鸟还没出现。这鸟飞了过来。蛮普通的可是每次都是飞过,害羞,美丽的小鸟
202307, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia
update 202204
– after 2 leech bites, here come a lovely bird come infront of me. always like to see this bird close so can see the beautiful color
– 被两只蚂蝗咬了后。这漂亮的鸟突然飞到我的面前,非常喜欢近距离看这鸟。可以看它的漂亮颜色。
202204, Selangor, Malaysia
update 202110
– a beautiful and shy bird, always feeding on ground
– 很漂亮的害羞鸟,通常在地上觅食。
202110, Selangor, Malaysia
Asian Emerald Dove, 綠翅金鳩, Chalcophaps indica, キンバト, Punai Tanah
6. Zebra Dove, 斑姬地鸠, 斑姬地鳩, Geopelia striata, チョウショウバト, MERBUK BIASA
7. Nicobar Pigeon, 尼柯巴鸠, 尼柯巴鳩, Caloenas nicobarica, ミノバト, MERPATI-EMAS BIASA
– rare remote island or island
– with good light , very lovely and good looking bird
update 202011
Nicobar Pigeon, 尼柯巴鳩,, Caloenas nicobarica,ミノバト, Punai Emas
8. Little Green-Pigeon, 小绿鸠, 小綠鳩, Treron olax, チビアオバト, PUNAI KECIL
– small green pigeon which refers to females with mostly green. But a male with Gray head, orange, green front, and maroon wing
– common at lowland forest
update 202401
– a boring morning at National Park, which can be due to rain but after lunch session become more interesting included this bird come quite ok angle for picture
– 可能是雨季尾声,鸟况还是不是很好。下午竟然还不错。横斑翠鸟, 凤冠火背鹇等。
20240126, Taman Negara, Pahang, Malaysia
update 202104
– I am in progress testing the Canon EF lens on Fujifilm Camere with a Fringer adapter. so I spend few days at the forest edge waiting for any birds that flying past and trying to use this setup to capture any pictures
– this lovely male with a grey head, orange neck, maroon wing
– 这几天我在森林周边的开阔地方。试佳能镜头,富士机身, Fringer EF-FX pro 。任何鸟飞过我都 试试看看可以用区域对焦+追焦。
– 公鸟,灰头,橙颈。
202103, Gunung Nuang, Selangor, Malaysia
Little Green-Pigeon, 小綠鳩, Treron olax, チビアオバト, Punai Siul
– very common green pigeon, male with grey head, pink neck, orange breast .. female is green
– found near urban , mangrove area
update 202402
– a very common & beautiful bird here, male show lovely colors and female mostly green. Normally male will “display” to attract female but this pair seem different the female trying to attract attention of the handsome male
– – male with orange-red head, female overall green. Both with red-and-white bill
– rare in Peninsular Malaysia, sight only South West, common in few locations North-East Borneo
update 202407
– our first morning here and no main target sight, but one of the good bird we have … this lovely green pigeon.stay high up but it is really good to see them.
– 我们的第一个早上,目标鸟没叫可是看到这鸟也是够兴奋。虽然不是客人新鸟种。
202407, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia
update 202307
– another raining afternoon, make a decision not go far but surprise to have this bird call and very soon locate it just above us
11. Thick-billed Green-Pigeon, 厚嘴绿鸠, 厚嘴綠鳩, Treron curvirostra, ハシブトアオバト, PUNAI ARA BIASA
– another beautiful green pigeon with a “green” eye ring
– male with maroon+yellow wing, female with almost full greenish
– quite common at lowland to sub-montane
update 202104
– a medium-size common, beautiful green pigeon. male with maroon wing
– I am in progress testing the Canon EF lens on Fujifilm Camere with a Fringer adapter. so I spend few days at the forest edge waiting for any birds that flying past and trying to use this setup to capture any pictures
– this bird seems near me and I managed to capture a series of them flying toward me. will create another sharing regard to this setup.
– 非常漂亮的绿鸠
– 这几天我在森林周边的开阔地方。试佳能镜头,富士机身, Fringer EF-FX pro 。任何鸟飞过我都 试试看看可以用区域对焦+追焦。
202103, Hulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia
Thick-billed Green-Pigeon, 厚嘴綠鳩, Treron curvirostra, ハシブトアオバト, Punai Daun (male)
Thick-billed Green-Pigeon, 厚嘴綠鳩, Treron curvirostra, ハシブトアオバト, Punai Daun (female)
12. Large Green-Pigeon, 大绿鸠, 大綠鳩, Treron capellei, オオアオバト, PUNAI BAKUK
– sign Taman Negara Kuala Tahan, Belum
Large Green-Pigeon, 大綠鳩, Treron capellei, オオアオバト, Punai
13. Yellow-vented Green-Pigeon, 白腹针尾绿鸠, 白腹針尾綠鳩, Treron seimundi, シロハラハリオアオバト, PUNAI GUNUNG BAHU MERAH
– big green pigeon wont miss it’s blue eye-ring connect to bill, long needle-pointed tail, yellow vent
– rare and shy big green pigeon
– normally sight sub-montane
update 202305
– after back from Sulawesi-Halmahera, really missed all the pigeons, dove songs. Here Malaysia do not have so many of them. This species is one of my favorite. This male stand there for long, need patient to see its’ small movement.
– another lucky day for guests, with minimum walking, Large Wren-babbler again and much better view, Black Magpie, and this beautiful pigeon with amazing view.
– 幸运的客人,行动不是很方便。可是也看到拍到大鹪鹛,白翅鹊与这只害羞+稀有的鸠。
20230408, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia
update 2020 Aug
Yellow-vented Green-Pigeon,白腹针尾绿鸠, 白腹針尾綠鳩, Treron seimundi, シロハラハリオアオバト, Burung Punai Ekor Panjang, PUNAI GUNUNG BAHU MERAH
Yellow-vented Green-Pigeon, 白腹針尾綠鳩, Treron seimundi, シロハラハリオアオバト, Burung Punai Ekor Panjang
14. Wedge-tailed Green-Pigeon, 楔尾绿鸠, 楔尾綠鳩, Treron sphenurus, オナガアオバト, PUNAI BUKIT BARAT
-making very interesting call
– both male and female mostly greenish, male with extra maroon upper wing
– rare montane species
Wedge-tailed Green-Pigeon, 楔尾綠鳩, Treron sphenurus, オナガアオバト, Burung Punai Bukit
– what you want is what other want ? for sure NOPE .. for the first time in Fraser with guests we not going for most of the targets but just concentrate few for photo (they are first time birding-Photography in Malaysia) .. but always patient pay off
– the moment it came so close <10feet, it is so beautiful to look it close … definite best 2024 moment …
– 还在沉迷在哪一刻,这漂亮的鸠就站在我们10尺内。很漂亮哦。这肯定是2024最美好的其中一刻。
202402, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia
– we spent ours “rest hours” at “tower instead shower” reward with many good birds and pictures .. this is one of them <10 feet with such a beautiful and rare bird
– one of the most beautiful bird of Malaysia. this lovely dove only easy to spot when fruiting tree.
– another reason prefer R3 than R7. The 4k 100fps slow motion with 4k quality
– a common lowland beautiful small colorful dove at Sulawesi
– male with obvious white head, yellow, purple vented. Female overall green
– 苏拉威西蛮普通的果鸠
– 公鸟,头部白,颈黄。臀部黄紫。母鸟全身绿
update 202401
– another bird keep calling us while we looking for ours target, but I still really to see and photograph the fruit-dove which is so beautiful .. and share this because some one lazy move got the white background instead .. move move move .. choose choose choose
A distinctive large, spectacularly-marked pigeon. Green with a conspicuous pale gray head, a red eye-ring around a beady yellow eye, a dark neck and chest, a bold white belly, a chestnut base to the undertail, and a broad white band in the otherwise dark tail. Shows subtle bronze tones in some parts of the plumage, such as the nape. Singles, pairs, and small groups inhabit the upper levels of forests and forest edges, mostly in the hills and mountains, less often lower down. Gives a very deep, two-noted call, descending on the second note: “woop-mooo.” Also gives single “woop” notes. [Ebird]
– a very surprise to have eye level of Sulawesi Myna, Sulawesi Hawk Eagle follow by this always hidden bird. and it stay so long for us to have front, side, back view.
A large fruit-dove from Sulawesi. Very pale gray head has a diagnostic red mask that extends onto the nape as a black band. Juveniles duller, with subdued mask, and lack band on nape. Upperparts green in central and north Sulawesi, gray in the south. Underparts largely pale gray, with dark markings on the undertail. A montane species found in singles and pairs within the understory and canopy. Voice is a short, clipped “whoOP,” often becoming slightly louder at the end. [ebird]
update 202310
– a shy and quite big size of fruit-dove. Glad to find a small open window for everyone to have some good view and “open picture”
– a very beautiful fruit-dove as usual, with overall white and red on back-head
– 有如其他果鸠,都漂亮。这只,很白头背带红。
update 202401
– we actually stop for other bird, and heard this bird calling and very soon Esli found one super high up but still make me shoot >10 frames for such a lovely bird. But after 30minutes waiting and checking. Actually Denny found one just so close and eye level … wow wow wow amazing beautiful spot and bird
– 我们其实在这拍翠鸟,突然这鸟叫的很近。我们从20-30米高追到同角度。漂亮!
20240119 – Langgaliru, Sumba, Indonesia
101. Sri Lanka Wood-Pigeon, 紫头林鸽, 紫头林鸽, Columba torringtoniae, セイロンカノコモリバト
Large, plain gray pigeon with conspicuous black-and-white stripes on the nape. Underparts flushed mauve. Inhabits upper levels of forests and densely wooded areas in the hills and mountains, where occurs in pairs or small flocks. Combination of black-and-white neck markings and plain, unmarked, dark gray upperparts identifies this species from all other pigeons on Sri Lanka. Vocalizations include a single, deep “wooo”, and also an owl-like, double note “woo-oo”. [EBird]
update 20240115
– the only day we at Horton Plains NP, rain in the whole morning. We almost this endemic but found it very last moment while we leaving and we had ours late lunch because of this bird