– another shy and beautiful partridge found from 600-1000m sub-montane
update 202409
– after long missing this bird at Bukit Tinggi, finally it is back to the common spot. Luckily to have it calling in front of us
– 这鸟几乎不见了,可是最近又出现了。这次很幸运,在我们面前叫不停。
update 202407
– from last first back, it become more brave willing to come open and slow walk. even with the bigger Pheasant arrive it still feed together. Sad it still looking for his mate, making his call bit weird and tired.
– one of the most beautiful partridge for Malaysia.
– another bird that everyone still hope to see while looking for while visiting one of the feeding spot. But it is never easy to meet this bird … finally it is active last few weeks and I managed to see it for 3/4 trips there.
update 2017 Nov 11
just another bird … same behavior as the previous one .. too tame 🙁
update 2017 Jan 28
– very good sighting of this rare bird and able to shoot with my SONY RX10 m3
4. Sabah Partridge, 沙巴山鹧鸪, 沙巴山鷓鴣, Tropicoperdix graydoni, クリチャミヤマテッケイ, SERUK-BUKIT SABAH
– also call Sabah Partridge, the look slightly different on the chest & head.
– behavior, environment very similar
– comparative common or more sighting compare to the Arborophila Charlton
update 202408
– this bird seem not really easy to have picture in Danum, but it is a lucky day.. the bird just stand there for so long .. but it is under the dark area .. ISO16000 used 🙁
– after got the Bornean Bristlehead, this bird soon come and make loud call for us .. really beautiful and loud call
– 看到棘头鵙后,这鸟就来很近+叫的很大声。这鸟也很漂亮虽然叫的大声恐怖。
update 202310
– as usual, one of the very tame bird to be seen and photograph, never missed over the years .. sometime I am just worry of the bird behavior
– 这鸟有时间,到对的地方。几乎没错过。可是就太乖了,我真的有点担心这鸟的安全。
update 202305
– a noisy and lovely Partridge, with the name of Sabah Partridge ** . We got it at Sabah and as usual this bird come to say “hi” to me again over the years same location.
– found and seen 2 birds at 2 locations. lucky group
– a very similar to Pen Malaysia, same call, same behavior and it is a good bird that never miss so far for 2022
– 正式被名为沙巴鹧鸪。
– 与西马的非常像,叫,”脾气“都一样。2022美好的一年,没错过这鸟。
update 202208
– shooting this from boat, the R7 just auto lock focus on the bird eye even this was at quite dark environment and shaky boat (7 people moving for better view). But almost all picture focus lock on
– last bird for previous Sabah trip, we can’t wait for better view as we are rushing back to airport. But this bird never failed as I told my guests, it is always here since years back.
– Sabah and Sarawak (Center of Borneo) race seems a bit different
update 202311
– it is off season for here now, after all Malaysia tours… time for some rest and process some 2023 pictures for sharing.
– this is one of the best encounter at Bakelalan, which look different from the Sabah race.
– 进入“雨季“+鸟安静的季节。我们马来西亚的鸟团都停了。是时候休息或看看2023的照片。
– 这是沙捞越的亚种,与沙巴的不一样。有机会看看吧。
update 202307
– just another not good weather day, we stucked and cannot proceed to ours destination so we birding where the car can reach. This bird is the only bird calling and very soon we have very good view and some picture of this Borneo endemic
At the center of Borneo (Sarawak) all the birds seen with white or light grey supercilium, brighter throat, chin …. which never seen at Kinabalu National Park, Crocker Range.
– a colorful, shy, noisy, moving in group partridge.
– 非常漂亮,害羞,吵的鹧鸪。通常群体行动。
update 202310
– 2022-2023 so much rain across Borneo – Pen Malaysia … I forgot how many times I got all wet when in the forest .. how many times we cancel our drive due to heavy rain .. but bird still coming for food while heavy rain
– when I am at the feeding station (without feeding, how we can see it so well), it is boring so I am trying to have some “small like mosquitoes” series support one of my friend always like to shoot environment shots
– love to have slow motion 4k recording. R3 still good option overall for me . compare to R7, R6II for the moment. Fast AF, Accurate AF, button orientation, battery, speed, video format etc
– a lovely and shy bird captured in control environment(feeding station in wild jungle). It is real tough to have it in wild environment.
– sometime really need to give some respect to Bird photographers that really have patient. I don’t have any good photo for this bird before this group of birds that never stop come even heavy rain.
– Smaller than Himalayan snowcock, this species has a grey head and neck with a white patch behind the eye and above the dark cheek. Chin, throat and breast are white, with two grey bands on the breast. Grey wing coverts and tertials have a white trim. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tibetan_snowcock
A beautiful little gamebird of foothill and highland forests with extensive ground-level cover, where it moves about in medium-sized convoys through the dense undergrowth. Usually quiet, though sings melodically and loudly at dusk and dawn. Brightly-colored, even for a partridge; both sexes have a bright orange throat, a bluish-gray chest, and orange-and-white spotting on the sides [Ebird]
At almost every hide we visited, the owners assured us that this bird is always around. However, we didn’t spot it at any of those hides, except on day one when it briefly walked past. Hopefully, everyone on our team managed to capture a photo of this beautiful partridge.
101. Indian Peafowl, 蓝孔雀, 藍孔雀, Pavo cristatus, インドクジャク
An unmistakable, large ground bird. The unmistakable iridescent blue male spreads out its ornamental upper tail feathers when courting females. Females have a shorter tail, an iridescent green neck, and browner plumage. Found in forest, forest edge, and agricultural land. Often seen on paths or alertly feeding in the undergrowth. Can be fairly confiding especially when found close to human habitation. Its loud screaming “may-yow” calls are heard incessantly during the rainy season. [eBird]
– in Sri Lanka, the most common bird to be seen is not sparrow, crow .. but one of them is this beautiful and big bird which can found almost any where, urban, forest edge, forest etc.
– 在斯里兰卡岛上,这鸟几乎哪都看到。大+漂亮
151. Red-billed Partridge, 红嘴山鹧鸪, 紅嘴山鷓鴣, Arborophila rubrirostris, アカハシミヤマテッケイ, Puyuh-gonggong sumatera
a very beautiful dark, highland partridge, saw it move it pair
update 202401
– another bird suppose to hope come to feeding station but not, but we managed to heard and found the bird. Again this is another reason setup customize button for my R3 which can shoot in complex environment (just like this) point the focus points (I using 5 point) on to any part of the bird and eye will be lock focus ..very useful and suitable for people like shooting wildbird in move
A large brown francolin with a red face and streaked chest, commonly found in the lowlands of South Africa, particularly in Kruger National Park. It is abundant, tame, and often seen walking around or heard calling.
A very common francolin in Kruger National Park, we encountered it daily inside the park. It was generally very tame. Once, we saw one trying to display to impress a female, but the female seemed uninterested and ran away. After taking countless photos, we decided to capture it flying across the road — with the CANON R1, it was an effortless shot.