Rallidae series: Rail, Crake | 秧鸡科 | liewwk Nature -10-3 [update 20230205]

Another missing family that normally shy and near ponds, river, water-related.


1. Eurasian Moorhen, 黑水鸡, 黑水雞, Gallinula chloropus, バン, TIUNG-AIR BIASA

2. Slaty-breasted Rail, 灰胸秧鸡, 灰胸秧雞, Lewinia striata, ハシナガクイナ, SINTAR BIASA

3. Gray-headed Swamphen, 紫水鸡, 灰頭紫水雞, Porphyrio poliocephalus, ハイガシラセイケイ, PANGLIN BIASA

4. Baillon’s Crake, 小田鸡, 小田雞, Zapornia pusilla, ヒメクイナ, SINTAR-KECIL BIRU BIASA

5. Watercock, 董鸡, 董雞, Gallicrex cinerea, ツルクイナ, AYAM-AYAM TANDUK

6. White-breasted Waterhen, 白胸苦恶鸟, 白胸苦惡鳥, Amaurornis phoenicurus, シロハラクイナ, RUAK-RUAK BIASA

7. White-browed Crake, 白眉田鸡, 灰田雞, Amaurornis cinerea, マミジロクイナ, RUAK-RUAK KENING PUTIH

8. Red-legged Crake, 红腿斑秧鸡, 紅腿斑秧雞, Rallina fasciata, ナンヨウオオクイナ, SINTAR-MERAH KAKI API

9. Ruddy-breasted Crake, 红胸田鸡, 紅胸田雞, Zapornia fusca, ヒクイナ, SINTAR-KECIL BELACAN BIASA

10. Slaty-legged Crake, 白喉斑秧鸡, 灰腳秧雞, Rallina eurizonoides, オオクイナ, SINTAR-MERAH KAKI KELABU


51. Isabelline Bush-hen, 苏拉苦恶鸟, 蘇拉苦惡鳥Amaurornis isabellina, チャバラバンクイナ, Kareo Sulawesi

52. Barred Rail, 横斑秧鸡, 橫斑秧雞, Gallirallus torquatus, ムナオビクイナ, Mandar-padi zebra


101. Eurasian Coot, 白骨顶, 白骨頂, Fulica atra, オオバン, PANGLIN-HITAM BIASA


1. Eurasian Moorhen, 黑水鸡, 黑水雞, Gallinula chloropus, バン, TIUNG-AIR BIASA

– common black-red bird that stay near fresh water

– normally shy to human



2. Slaty-breasted Rail, 灰胸秧鸡, 灰胸秧雞, Lewinia striata, ハシナガクイナ, SINTAR BIASA

– a common rail that can found a pond, a river that near to the urban area

update 202101


3. Gray-headed Swamphen, 紫水鸡, 灰頭紫水雞, Porphyrio poliocephalus, ハイガシラセイケイ, PANGLIN BIASA

– a pretty common freshwater bird at Peninsular Malaysia

– previously Purple Swamphen and now slit to Gray-headed (Peninsular Malaysia) and Black-backed (Borneo)

– very colorful bird


update 202103

202103, Selangor, Malaysia


4. Baillon’s Crake, 小田鸡, 小田雞, Zapornia pusilla, ヒメクイナ, SINTAR-KECIL BIRU BIASA

– a not so common winter visitor

– a tiny small bird that normally shy and move slowly near the edge of a freshwater pond

– 小型涉禽, 常单独活动。性胆怯,善隐蔽,受惊即迅速窜入植物中,或突然起飞

update 202103


202103, Selangor, Malaysia


5. Watercock, 董鸡, 董雞, Gallicrex cinerea, ツルクイナ, AYAM-AYAM TANDUK

Male is unmistakable, with black body, brown-edged wing coverts, and red-and-yellow bill with raised, spiky red frontal shield (unlike smaller moorhen). Females and immature are similarly large but speckled brown above with tan faces, and lack male’s frontal shield. (*EBird)

– very shy bird to be seen and photographed

– normally found near fresh water pond, stream etc


– a shy big, normally the female and non-breeding overall brown. Wing with bars
– breeding male overall black, spiky red frontal shield, yellow-red bill, brown-edged wing coverts

– 雄鸟头顶有像鸡冠样的红色额甲,其后端突起游离呈尖形,全体灰黑色,下体较浅。雌鸟体较小,额甲不突起,上体灰褐色。非繁殖期雄鸟的羽色与雌鸟相同。栖息于芦苇沼泽,灌水的稻田或甘蔗田,湖边草丛和多水草的沟渠。多在晨昏活动,阴天时可整天活动。站立姿势挺拔;飞行时颈部伸直,平时很少起飞,善于涉水行走和游泳,雄鸟行走时尾翘起,头前后点动。


update 202105

– very lucky to have a few, not that shy bird allow us captured pictures and video

– male breeding is an overall black, red-yellow crown,  yellow bill, brownish mark wing. female/juvi/male non-breeding is overall brownish and wing marking

202104, Sekinchan, Selangor, Malaysia (male)
202104, Sekinchan, Selangor, Malaysia (male)
202104, Sekinchan, Selangor, Malaysia (female)

update 202103

– a shy bird and lucky to have the male breeding plumage. ready to go home or ready to breed?

– 非常害羞的鸟。繁殖羽了。是为了回家还是繁殖?

202103, Selangor, Malaysia


6. White-breasted Waterhen, 白胸苦恶鸟, 白胸苦惡鳥, Amaurornis phoenicurus, シロハラクイナ, RUAK-RUAK BIASA

– medium size, very common and widespread (urban, river, stream, pond, paddy-field etc)

– overall black upper and white underpart, red-yellow bill, white face

update 202105

Pulau Indah, Selangor, Malaysia

7. White-browed Crake, 白眉田鸡, 灰田雞, Amaurornis cinerea, マミジロクイナ, RUAK-RUAK KENING PUTIH

– medium size, common at fresh water pond, stream

– overall light brown, yellow-orange bill and obvious white-browed and black mask

update 202105

Dengkil, Selangor, Malaysia


8. Red-legged Crake, 红腿斑秧鸡, 紅腿斑秧雞, Rallina fasciata, ナンヨウオオクイナ, SINTAR-MERAH KAKI API

– overall orange, the orange from head to chest. bellied are a black-white bar and red leg. smaller bill

update 202105


9. Ruddy-breasted Crake, 红胸田鸡, 紅胸田雞, Zapornia fusca, ヒクイナ, SINTAR-KECIL BELACAN BIASA

Small, chickenlike inhabitant of marshes, vegetated river edges, ditches, wet croplands, sometimes dry fields. Brown above, with orange from lower cheek to lower breast. Similar to Band-bellied Crake, but more brightly colored and lacks white wing markings. (*Ebird)

update 202105


10. Slaty-legged Crake, 白喉斑秧鸡, 灰腳秧雞, Rallina eurizonoides, オオクイナ, SINTAR-MERAH KAKI KELABU

– a rare Migrant to Malaysia

– Dark brown above, with orange head and breast and black-and-white-striped sides

– 马来西亚稀有候鸟。

– 小型涉禽,全长约25厘米。嘴较短,中趾短于跗蹠。翅圆,第3 枚初级飞羽最长。次级飞羽短于初级飞羽。飞羽和翅下覆羽均为暗褐色或黑色,上有白色横纹或斑点。整体背面及胸侧橄榄褐色,颏和喉白色,前颈至上胸主要为红褐色,下胸以下具粗大的黑褐和白色相间的横斑。

update 202302

– a beautiful shy migrant. but it seem comfortable here. lovely, shy, beautiful bird

– 一只漂亮,害羞的候鸟。可是看来它蛮喜欢这里。

202302, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202203

– a rare migrant happen to visit one of the birding hotspot

– 它回北部前,停在马来西亚一个鸟点。

202203, Panang, Malaysia
202203, Penang, Malaysia


51. Isabelline Bush-hen, 苏拉苦恶鸟, 蘇拉苦惡鳥Amaurornis isabellina, チャバラバンクイナ, Kareo Sulawesi

– a shy Sulawesi endemic
– making a very noisy call just like other Rallidae (crake-hen)

– 很害羞的蘇拉威西特有種
– 與其他秧雞一樣都很吵。

update 202102



52. Barred Rail, 横斑秧鸡, 橫斑秧雞, Gallirallus torquatus, ムナオビクイナ, Mandar-padi zebra

– sub-s celebensis, only at Sulawesi and satellite islands

– a pretty common near urban, orchard etc

– this is a different sub-s torquatus compare to Phil-Borneo

– 在蘇拉威西蠻普通的。在果園,公園,等。

這與菲律賓,婆羅洲的亞種 (torquatus)不一樣

update 202102





101. Eurasian Coot, 白骨顶, 白骨頂, Fulica atra, オオバン, PANGLIN-HITAM BIASA

– also known as the common coot, or Australian coot

– overall black and white crown-bill, moving in group

update 202105

– captured while bird watching trip at Shangri-La, Yunnan, China

Shangri-La, Yunnan, China
More pictures from Flickr: Rallidae series: Rail, Crake | 秧鸡科| liewwk Nature

More Videos: Rallidae series: Rail, Crake | 秧鸡科| liewwk Nature



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Sulawesi, Indonesia: Bird Photography | 苏拉威西: 鸟摄 | liewwk Nature 47 [update 20250330]

Sulawesi Photography tour collection








1a. Green-backed Kingfisher, 绿背翡翠, Actenoides monachus, チャバラショウビン, Cekakak-hutan tunggir-hijau

1b. Green-backed Kingfisher (Black-headed), 绿背翡翠, Actenoides monachus capucinus, チャバラショウビン, Cekakak-hutan tunggir-hijau

2. Lilac-cheeked Kingfisher, 苏拉蓝耳翠鸟, 蘇拉藍耳翠鳥, Cittura cyanotis cyanotis, アオミミショウビン, Raja-udang pipi-ungu

3. Sulawesi Dwarf-Kingfisher, 苏拉威西小三趾翠鸟, 蘇拉威西小三趾翠鳥, Ceyx fallax, セレベスカワセミ, Udang-merah sulawesi

4. Great-billed Kingfisher, 大嘴翡翠, 黑嘴鸛嘴翡翠, Pelargopsis melanorhyncha, セレベスコウハシショウビン, Pekaka Bua-bua

5. Scaly-breasted Kingfisher, 鱗胸翡翠,Actenoides princeps, チャイロショウビン, Cekakak-hutan dada-sisik

6. Sacred Kingfisher, 白眉翡翠, 白眉翡翠, Todiramphus sanctus, ヒジリショウビン, Cekakak Australia

7. Ruddy Kingfisher, 赤翡翠, Halcyon coromanda, アカショウビン, Cekakak Merah

8. Sulawesi Pitta, 苏拉威西八色鸫, 蘇拉威西八色鶇, Erythropitta celebensis, スラウェシヤイロチョウ

9. Knobbed Hornbill, 苏拉皱盔犀鸟, 蘇拉皺盔犀鳥, Rhyticeros cassidix, アカコブサイチョウ, Julang Sulawesi

10. Sulawesi Scops-Owl, 苏拉威西角鸮, 蘇拉威西角鴞, Otus manadensis manadensis, セレベスコノハズク, Celepuk Sulawesi

11. Great Eared-Nightjar, 毛腿夜鹰, 毛腿夜鷹, Lyncornis macrotis, オオミミヨタカ, Taktarau Besar,TAPTIBAU BESAR

12. Sulawesi Nightjar, 苏拉威西夜鹰, 蘇拉威西夜鷹, Caprimulgus celebensis, スラウェシヨタカ, Cabak Sulawesi

13. Sulawesi Hawk-Eagle, 苏拉威西鹰雕, 蘇拉威西鷹雕, Nisaetus lanceolatus, セレベスクマタカ, Elang Sulawesi

14. Spot-tailed Goshawk, 斑尾鹰, 點尾鷹, Accipiter trinotatus, シラボシオオタカ, Elang-alap ekor-totol

15. White-faced Cuckoo-Dove, 白脸蕉鸠, 白臉蕉鳩, Turacoena manadensis, カオジロクロバト, Merpati-hitam sulawesi

16. Minahassa Masked-Owl, 米纳仓鸮, 米納倉鴞, Tyto inexspectata, ミナハサメンフクロウ, Serak Minahasa

17. Sulawesi Woodpecker, 苏拉威西啄木, 蘇拉威西啄木, Yungipicus temminckii, セレベスコゲラ, Caladi Sulawesi

18. Yellow-billed Malkoha, 苏拉黄嘴地鹃, 蘇拉黃嘴地鵑, Rhamphococcyx calyorhynchus, セレベスバンケンモドキ, Kadalan Sulawesi

19. Golden-mantled Racquet-tail, 金衣盘尾鹦鹉, 金衣盤尾鸚鵡, Prioniturus platurus, ウチワインコ, Kring-kring bukit

20. Isabelline Bush-hen, 苏拉苦恶鸟, 蘇拉苦惡鳥, Amaurornis isabellina, チャバラバンクイナ, Kareo Sulawesi

21. Superb Fruit-Dove, 华丽果鸠, 壯麗果鳩, Ptilinopus superbus, クロオビヒメアオバト, Walik Raja

22. Speckled Boobook, 斑鹰鸮, 斑鷹鴞, Ninox punctulata, フイリアオバズク, Pungguk Tutul

23. Great-billed Heron, 大嘴鹭大嘴鷺, Ardea sumatrana, スマトラサギ, Cangak Laut

24. Purple-winged Roller, 紫翅佛法僧, Coracias temminckii, セレベスブッポウソウ, Tiong-lampu sulawesi

25. Ochre-bellied Boobook, 赭腹鹰鸮, 赭腹鷹鴞, Ninox ochracea, チャバラアオバズク, Pungguk Oker

26. Azure-rumped Parrot, 蓝背鹦鹉, 蘇門答臘藍背鸚鵡, Tanygnathus sumatranus, ササハインコ, Betet-kelapa punggung-biru

27. Sulawesi Hanging-Parrot, 苏拉短尾鹦鹉, 蘇拉威西短尾鸚鵡, Loriculus stigmatus, セレベスサトウチョウ, Serindit Sulawes2

28. Ashy Woodpecker, 暗黄啄木鸟, 暗黃啄木鳥, Mulleripicus fulvus, ツラアカボウシゲラ, Pelatuk Kelabu-Sulawesi

29. Gray-sided Flowerpecker, 灰胁啄花鸟, 灰邊厚嘴啄花, Dicaeum celebicum, ノドアカハナドリ, Cabai Panggul-kelabu

30. Yellow-sided Flowerpecker, 黄胁啄花鸟, 金緣啄花, Dicaeum aureolimbatum, セレベスハナドリ, Cabai Panggul-kuning

31. Tabon Scrubfowl, 菲律宾塚雉菲律賓塚雉, Megapodius cumingii, パラワンツカツクリ, Gosong Pilipina

32. Barred Rail, 横斑秧鸡, 橫斑秧雞, Gallirallus torquatus, ムナオビクイナ, Mandar-padi zebra

33. Black-crowned White-eye, 白额绣眼鸟, 黑冠繡眼, Zosterops atrifrons, クロビタイメジロ, Kacamata Dahi-hitam

34. Sulawesi Masked-Owl, 苏拉仓鸮, 蘇拉威西蒼鴞, Tyto rosenbergii

35. Black Sunbird, 黑花蜜鸟, 黑花蜜鳥, Leptocoma aspasia, クロタイヨウチョウ

36. Yellow-breasted Racquet-tail, 红斑扇尾鹦鹉, 黃腹盤尾鸚鵡, Prioniturus flavicans, ズアカウチワインコ

37. White-bellied Imperial-Pigeon, 斑尾皇鸠, 白腹皇鳩, Ducula forsteni, シロハラオビオバト

38. Sulawesi Myna, 苏拉王椋鸟, 蘇拉威西王椋鳥, Basilornis celebensis, セレベスオオサマムクドリ

39. White-necked Myna, 白颈鹊椋鸟, 白頸鵲椋鳥, Streptocitta albicollis, カササギムクドリ

40. Crimson-crowned Flowerpecker, 红冠啄花鸟, 緋紅冠啄花, Dicaeum nehrkorni, ズアカハナドリ

41. Pale-blue Monarch, 灰蓝王鹟, 淡藍王鶲, Hypothymis puella, セレベスフジイロヒタキ

42. Maleo, 塚雉, 蘇拉威西塚雉, Macrocephalon maleo, セレベスツカツクリ

43. Red-eared Fruit-Dove, 费氏果鸠, 紅臉果鳩, Ptilinopus fischeri, ハイボウシヒメアオバト

44. Sulawesi Babbler, 苏拉雅鹛, 林雅鶥, Pellorneum celebense, セレベスムジチメドリ

45. Rusty-backed Thrush, 红背地鸫, 紅背地鶇, ムナグロジツグミ, ムナグロジツグミ, Geokichla erythronota

46. Bay Coucal, 苏拉鸦鹃, 蘇拉鴉鵑, Centropus celebensis, セレベスバンケン, Bubut Sulawesi

47. Sulawesi Myzomela, 苏拉摄蜜鸟, 蘇拉威西攝蜜鳥, Myzomela chloroptera, セレベスクレナイミツスイ, Myzomela merah-tua sulawesi



Our Main Targets, 5 endemic Kingfishers

1a. Green-backed Kingfisher, 绿背翡翠, Actenoides monachus, チャバラショウビン, Cekakak-hutan tunggir-hijau

one of the very common endemics, see this almost every day at lowland forest … and quite tame to get close

update 2020 Feb 21


very common and see almost everyday at Tangkoko

1b. Green-backed Kingfisher (Black-headed), 绿背翡翠, Actenoides monachus capucinus, チャバラショウビン

this is a special bird for Sulawesi as it is only for South-Sulawesi (we got this from Makassar). the rest of the area having “Blue-headed” instead of Black-headed

update 202310

– a special target at South Sulawesi, it is not as easy as the Tangkoko version of Green-backed. Look different on head , darker

– 苏拉威西南部其中一只目标鸟。与谈果果绿背翡翠有点像,可是头部黑。也没这么乖。

201911, Makassar, Sulawesi, Indonesia



update 202012

2. Lilac-cheeked Kingfisher, 苏拉蓝耳翠鸟, 蘇拉藍耳翠鳥, Cittura cyanotis cyanotis, アオミミショウビン, Raja-udang pipi-ungu

another quite common and tame endemic Kingfisher … even the color make it slightly difficult to spot



very lucky guests have it male and female stand so close to each other

3. Sulawesi Dwarf-Kingfisher, 苏拉威西小三趾翠鸟, 蘇拉威西小三趾翠鳥, Ceyx fallax, セレベスカワセミ, Udang-merah sulawesi

– as other Dwarf-Kingfisher, small but with slight purple and more orange

– 与其他三趾翠鸟都是蛮小,也算是最难拍到满意的。

update 202012



lucky to have it so close and show it’s beautiful back.

4. Great-billed Kingfisher, 大嘴翡翠, 黑嘴鸛嘴翡翠, Pelargopsis melanorhyncha, セレベスコウハシショウビン, Pekaka Bua-bua

– an endemic for the Sulawesi that found near the mangrove. someone say this is the ugliest bird from Sulawesi… but not for me .. it is handsome for sure

– 与马来西亚的鹳嘴翡翠很像。都是较大形,嘴大。在红树林。


update 2020 April 21

Great-billed Kingfisher, 大嘴翡翠,Ardea sumatrana

got few birds while at the mangrove boat ride


5. Scaly-breasted Kingfisher, 鱗胸翡翠,Actenoides princeps, チャイロショウビン, Cekakak-hutan dada-sisik

– tropical, moist, montane forests or hilly

– Sulawesi endemic

– 在高山山丘叢林。

– 蘇拉威西特有種


update 2020 May 3

Scaly-breasted Kingfisher, 鱗胸翡翠, Actenoides princeps

just another endemic of 5 Kingfishers

a male bird. slightly shy compare to female .. cant get close to the bird

female. very tame captured think ~10m away

6. Sacred Kingfisher, 白眉翡翠, 白眉翡翠, Todiramphus sanctus, ヒジリショウビン, Cekakak Australia

– winter Migrant (South) before heading home

– look very similar to Collared Kingfisher with more white overall

– 與白領翡翠像。



Got this extra bonus while we at Mangrove Boat ride for the Great Billed Kingfisher

7. Ruddy Kingfisher, 赤翡翠, Halcyon coromanda, アカショウビン, Cekakak Merah

– another common resident, widespread across Asia

– 亞洲蠻普通的翡翠。赤色,帶紫。


Got this extra bonus while we at Mangrove Boat ride for the Great Billed Kingfisher

8. Sulawesi Pitta,苏拉威西八色鸫, 蘇拉威西八色鶇, Erythropitta celebensis, スラウェシヤイロチョウ

– previously under Red-bellied Pitta and split

– one of the lovely endemic


– 蘇拉威西特有種。

update 202311

– a bird that we shoot nearby feeding station for this bird, but we didn’t feed the bird… so do we consider take photo of feeding bird ? Yes or No ?

– 我们在喂食点附近见到,拍到。可是这属于拍喂食点的鸟? 有对有不对?

201909, Tomohon, Sulawesi, Indonesia


update 202012

– small and red-bellied pitta

– a split from Red-bellied pitta, as the name stated. An endemic of Sulawesi.

update 202105

201911, Makassar, Sulawesi, Indonesia

update 202012


missed this at Tangkoko, thought going to miss this .. somehow got it just ~1 hour arrived Tomohon and 15 min after got the Scaly-breasted Kingfisher

9. Knobbed Hornbill, 苏拉皱盔犀鸟, 蘇拉皺盔犀鳥, Rhyticeros cassidix, アカコブサイチョウ, Julang Sulawesi

– another endemic for Sulawesi. very beautiful Hornbill

– 非常漂亮的特有種犀鳥。

update 2020 May 5

Knobbed Hornbill, 蘇拉皺盔犀鳥, Rhyticeros cassidix, アカコブサイチョウ, Julang Sulawesi


it is nesting season , so almost all will got the same tree, same angle 😀

so lucky saw ~6 birds flying across ..

10. Sulawesi Scops-Owl, 苏拉威西角鸮, 蘇拉威西角鴞, Otus manadensis manadensis, セレベスコノハズク, Celepuk Sulawesi

– common Sulawesi endemic

– 蠻普通的蘇拉威西特有種


update 202401

– it is almost not possible to miss this bird either day time or night time. me and my buddy+guests like owl and and woodpecker for start .. and this is very first owl we got and before we meet our “torch holder” (guide found us in the dark in the forest)

– 苏拉威西北部鸟行,几乎不可能错过的鸟。晚上,早上都很容易。我的好朋友+客人 特别喜欢鸮+啄木鸟。在我们见我们的当地导游前,我们就找到了。他(当地导游尽然到森林里找我们)还帮我们拿手电筒。

20230417, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia

update 202012


saw 2 pair .. these 2 give better view

11. Great Eared-Nightjar, 毛腿夜鹰, 毛腿夜鷹, Lyncornis macrotis, オオミミヨタカ, Taktarau Besar,TAPTIBAU BESAR

– one of the special look nightjar

– 蠻大與特別夜鷹

very lucky found for day roosting and 2 birds

a week before , I also got it at Malaysia

the BATMAN – Great Eared-Nightjar return

12. Sulawesi Nightjar, 苏拉威西夜鹰, 蘇拉威西夜鷹, Caprimulgus celebensis, スラウェシヨタカ, Cabak Sulawesi

– a Sulawesi endemic that as other nightjars sit quietly

– 蘇拉威西特有種,與其他夜鷹都是不動的坐在草堆。

update 202310

– as usual, looking this endemic just need time to looking around. It is very well camouflage

– 与其他夜鹰一样,不难。可是需要多点时间找找。

201910, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia


13. Sulawesi Hawk-Eagle, 苏拉威西鹰雕, 蘇拉威西鷹雕, Nisaetus lanceolatus, セレベスクマタカ, Elang Sulawesi

– many raptors endemic of Sulawesi, this is one of them the adult. Rufous-brown

– the Juvi mostly white

– 蘇拉威西很多猛禽特有種。包括這漂亮的鷹雕


update 202310

– it is always good to see this beautiful raptor close and eye level. such a beauty

– 平视角,近距离看着这么漂亮的猛禽。好美啊

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia








14. Spot-tailed Goshawk, 斑尾鹰, 點尾鷹, Accipiter trinotatus, シラボシオオタカ, Elang-alap ekor-totol

– many raptors endemic of Sulawesi, this is a small raptor

– overall rufous-light brown with a black-white tail (whit spot)

– 蘇拉威西很多猛禽特有種。小猛禽,棕色與黑白尾。

update 202309

– ours’ boring morning which cannot find the thrush and heard this bird and slowly we trying to locate this lovely bird .. small and beautiful

– 很闷的一个早上。没什么鸟,可是当我们走远时听到这鸟叫。没很久,就找到这么美丽的猛禽

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia












15. White-faced Cuckoo-Dove, 白脸蕉鸠, 白臉蕉鳩, Turacoena manadensis, カオジロクロバト, Merpati-hitam sulawesi

– a common endemic Sulawesi but as other cuckoo-doves very shy

– medium size, white-face, green

– 蠻普通蘇拉威西特有種,可是很害羞。不容易接近。

– 白臉,大部分綠

16. Minahassa Masked-Owl,米纳仓鸮, 米納倉鴞, Tyto inexspectata, ミナハサメンフクロウ, Serak Minahasa

– a rare Barn-owl endemic and the name derived  from Minahassa Peninsula described as a breeding bird

– 非常稀有的蘇拉威西特有種。

update 202310

– a special owl, seem everyone wanted to have a look at Sulawesi (included the local) as believe lucky ? but it is always challenge to looking for one.

– 蛮特别的鸮,几乎每个观鸟的到这都想看到。(本土人也很希望看到,代表幸运)


201908, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia



17. Sulawesi Woodpecker, 苏拉威西啄木, 蘇拉威西啄木, Yungipicus temminckii, セレベスコゲラ, Caladi Sulawesi

– very small endemic woodpecker

– 很小的啄木。蘇拉威西特有種。

update 202310

– another lucky bird my fellow buddy believe. He always think, after we got any woodpecker sign. The luck will be good .. so we normally look for woodpecker before look for ours target

– 我的老好朋友+客人。他坚信只要看到啄木鸟,好运就回来。所以每次我们要找目标鸟(他其实在东南亚看几乎很多鸟了)都会先找只啄木鸟先。这可是很小,可爱+不难的啄木鸟。自己跳来跳去。

202304, Tomohon, Sulawesi, Indonesia


Sulawesi Woodpecker, 坦氏啄木鳥, Yungipicus temminckii,セレベスコゲラ, Caladi Sulawesi


18. Yellow-billed Malkoha, 苏拉黄嘴地鹃, 蘇拉黃嘴地鵑, Rhamphococcyx calyorhynchus, セレベスバンケンモドキ, Kadalan Sulawesi

– a very active and big Sulawesi endemic
– bill upper yellow down red
– rufous upper and bottom dark black-blue

– 蘇拉威西特有種
– 嘴 – 黃-紅。
– 與其他地鵑一樣,活躍。

update 202501

This large and beautiful bird is a common endemic of Sulawesi, but it’s always a pleasure to photograph. I was very fortunate to capture it in flight!

Still figuring out where to go for a few days in April 2025—anyone up for a quick Sulawesi trip?



202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia

update 202304

– a pre-tour day, arrive Tangkoko a day earlier. Decided to walk with guests in the evening. never saw so many of them.. total ~10 of them feeding on same tree.

take opportunity to trying BIF shot. not bad overall.

– 早到一天。傍晚时决定与客人到 TANGKOKO 走走。遇上这鸟群,竟然有10+只。看它们飞来飞去。就拍拍飞版。

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia

update 202102



19. Golden-mantled Racquet-tail, 金衣盘尾鹦鹉, 金衣盤尾鸚鵡, Prioniturus platurus, ウチワインコ, Kring-kring bukit

– one of the very special Sulawesi endemic
– this parrot with racket-tailed
– this is a female bird


update 202102


20. Isabelline Bush-hen, 苏拉苦恶鸟, 蘇拉苦惡鳥, Amaurornis isabellina, チャバラバンクイナ, Kareo Sulawesi

– a shy Sulawesi endemic
– making a very noisy call just like other Rallidae (crake-hen)

– 很害羞的蘇拉威西特有種
– 與其他秧雞一樣都很吵。



21. Superb Fruit-Dove, 华丽果鸠, 壯麗果鳩, Ptilinopus superbus, クロオビヒメアオバト, Walik Raja

– one of the most beautiful bird, it can be found in Sulawesi Sub-montane area

– maybe been poach over the years, most of the time high up

– 算是我看或最漂亮的鳥。

– 通常都站高,害羞。

update 202102

- Sulawesi, Indonesia


Columbidae series: Dove, Pigeon | 鸠鸽科 | liewwk Nature 20-9 [update 20241229]


22. Speckled Boobook, 斑鹰鸮, 斑鷹鴞, Ninox punctulata, フイリアオバズク, Pungguk Tutul

– a Sulawesi endemic
– small size owl just like other Boobook

– 蘇拉威西特有種
– 與其他鷹鴞一樣,都蠻小的。

– as usual, even special target tour. we still spend some time for my lovely owls. Arrive here, not very long. There are 4birds calling and 2 of them perch near for us to take pictures.
– 如常,目标鸟团。我们一样晚上找找我喜爱的猫头鹰。到达折后,没等很久。4只鸟在叫,2只还让我们拍好好。

202310, Tomohon, Sulawesi, Indonesia

update 202304

– 2023 April Sulawesi-Halmahera Bird watch trip end. Today finally got to sleep until 6am and wake up for proper breakfast. Tomorrow another new challenge.

– a special boobook, with special call.

– this bird is first ever bird we saw so tame, it stand there for such a long time for us to have good view.

– 2023 苏拉威西-哈马黑拉岛 观鸟行。终于完成了。经过11天的时差,天气炎热的折磨。今天终于可以睡到6点,吃个正规早餐。

– 这鹰鸮,很不一样。叫的像青蛙。

– 也是我来苏拉威西这么多次,第一次见到这么乖的。站哪有好几分钟。

202304, Tomohon, Sulawesi, Malaysia

update 202102

– small endemic owl captured from Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia


23. Great-billed Heron, 大嘴鹭大嘴鷺, Ardea sumatrana, スマトラサギ, Cangak Laut

- lucky to have these 2 birds displaying and managed to have a good session with them
- a not so common heron


update 202102

- while w on the way to Great-billed Kingfisher. Saw these 2 birds displaying and stop to capture the good moment.


24. Purple-winged Roller, 紫翅佛法僧, Coracias temminckii, セレベスブッポウソウ, Tiong-lampu sulawesi

– a very beautiful bird, just like Malaysia Indochinese Roller but this with less vibrant colors and a “purple” wing-tail. Sulawesi endemic.

– 非常漂亮的佛法僧,非常害羞。蘇拉威西特有種。


update 202102




25. Ochre-bellied Boobook, 赭腹鹰鸮, 赭腹鷹鴞, Ninox ochracea, チャバラアオバズク, Pungguk Oker

– another Sulawesi endemic Owl

– normally roost together in pair

– overall rufous front, brown back. Yelloweye, white-browed

– 蘇拉威西特有種的貓頭鷹。

– 棕色,前部淺棕色。

update 202310

– it is a season where most of them not roosting at common area. We stay until dusk (~5pm) and managed to have good view of a pair of them .. just wake up with stretch wing

– 在这季节,在他们平时睡觉的点都没见到这鸟。只好留到下午5点左右。终于骗到他出来,伸伸身体。

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia



update 202102


26. Azure-rumped Parrot, 蓝背鹦鹉, 蘇門答臘藍背鸚鵡, Tanygnathus sumatranus, ササハインコ, Betet-kelapa punggung-biru

– another quite common and beautiful parrot of Sulawesi
– medium size which normally found near the orchard

– 蘇拉威西蠻普通的鸚鵡

update 202102


27. Sulawesi Hanging-Parrot, 苏拉短尾鹦鹉, 蘇拉威西短尾鸚鵡, Loriculus stigmatus, セレベスサトウチョウ, Serindit Sulawes

– a small hanging parrot

– another Sulawesi endemic

– 非常小的蘇拉威西特有種。

update 202102

– male

– female


28. Ashy Woodpecker, 暗黄啄木鸟, 暗黃啄木鳥, Mulleripicus fulvus, ツラアカボウシゲラ, Pelatuk Kelabu-Sulawesi

– a medium-size grey endemic woodpecker

– male with red-face and female without red-face

– 蘇拉威西特有種

– 公鳥有紅臉,母鳥沒。




29. Gray-sided Flowerpecker, 灰胁啄花鸟, 灰邊厚嘴啄花, Dicaeum celebicum, ノドアカハナドリ, Cabai Panggul-kelabu

– a lowland Sulawesi endemic

– as other’s flowerpecker, good to find near some flowering tree

– 蘇拉威西低海拔特有種

update 202308

– a pretty common Sulawesi Endemic, planning Oct trip now … clearing some April 2023 pictures ..

– 2023 4 月的照片。10月我们又去,有人要去》? 2024 ?

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia


update 202102


30. Yellow-sided Flowerpecker, 黄胁啄花鸟, 金緣啄花, Dicaeum aureolimbatum, セレベスハナドリ, Cabai Panggul-kuning

– a Sulawesi endemic

– as other’s flowerpecker, good to find near some flowering tree

– 蘇拉威西特有種

update 202310

– our simple no target day at Tomohon, come across this best spot for all the small birds .. good photography spot … so close and good lighting and background

– 没目标鸟的一个下午。来到这竟然这么好拍照。客人也让我拍够够,好光线,背景。

202304, Tomohon, Sulawesi, Malaysia


update 202102


31. Tabon Scrubfowl, 菲律宾塚雉菲律賓塚雉, Megapodius cumingii, パラワンツカツクリ, Gosong Pilipina

– a very active and shy bird
– reddish eye-ring
– first saw at Sabah, also same very active and shy


update 202102

– from Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia



32. Barred Rail, 横斑秧鸡, 橫斑秧雞, Gallirallus torquatus, ムナオビクイナ, Mandar-padi zebra

– sub-s celebensis, only at Sulawesi and satellite islands

– a pretty common near urban, orchard etc

– this is a different sub-s torquatus compare to Phil-Borneo

– 在蘇拉威西蠻普通的。在果園,公園,等。

這與菲律賓,婆羅洲的亞種 (torquatus)不一樣

update 202102



33. Black-crowned White-eye, 白额绣眼鸟, 黑冠繡眼, Zosterops atrifrons, クロビタイメジロ, Kacamata Dahi-hitam

– Sulawesi Endemic.

– white eye-ring, a black forehead. White chest-bellied

– 苏拉威西特有种。

– 白眼圈,前头部黑。白胸-腹

update 202105

201909, North Sulawesi, Indonesia


34. Sulawesi Masked-Owl, 苏拉仓鸮, 蘇拉威西蒼鴞, Tyto rosenbergii

A very large barn-owl with a gray facial disk, gray crown, and rufous upperparts and wings with scattered dark markings. Prefers open country, like agricultural land, plantations, and forest edge, from lowlands to mountains. Limited to Sulawesi. Distinguished from smaller Minahassa Masked-Owl by gray face, gray forecrown, more extensive dark markings across wings and upperparts, and preference for open country.[Ebird]


update 202410

– a Sulawesi endemic with very Barn Owl look alike and call alike … white overall compare to Minahasa Masked Owl more “light rufous” and slight look different

– a owl that we tried many times, many location.. but after few tried what a surprise to see it in one dusk but missed the picture opportunity. But went for 2nd night and got it flying on the sky .. and lucky to have CANON focus monster R3 with RF400mm F2.8 to have this ..

– 苏拉威西特有种,与普通仓鸮很像+叫声也像。都是较白色。

– 一只在苏拉威西北部找了好几次的鸮。竟然在一个找夜鸟的时候在最普通的地方见到。可是第一天见到拍不到,很快就消失。第二天再去,见到他们飞过。幸好带上佳能R3 (在这种时候对焦应该没什么问题)加上RF400mm F2.8 … 轻松拿下

202304, North Sulawesi, Indonesia



update 202308

– almost time to finish off Malaysia tours, and time for lovely places again. I am going Sulawesi and Halmahera again Oct. Anyone interest on 2025 ? 2024 full 😀

– hopefully see this owl again, lovely and wait for me.

– 2028马来西亚的团几乎圆满(季节也差不多了)终于可以去些不一样的地方。我会又到苏拉威西与哈马黑拉岛。有人2025要去?2024满了

– 希望见到这鸟。非常特别。

202304, North Sulawesi, Indonesia


update 202304

– last night of birding, after Speckled Boobook, immediate got this rare endemic and managed to capture few flying (not really enough shutter speed for sharp picture) . It flying high up with torch the light still not enough for any picture opportunity. Thanks CANON R3 it lock focus in such dark environment and track it down.

lucky day for us !!!

– 最后一晚,过了斑鹰鸮。立刻见到这稀有特有种。可是在高高的飞,还好有佳能R3 。晚上对焦+追焦几乎没什么问题。可是还是不够光线+速度。还好有几张可以看看的照片。


202304, North Sulawesi, Indonesia


35. Black Sunbird, 黑花蜜鸟, 黑花蜜鳥, Leptocoma aspasia, クロタイヨウチョウ

A small songbird with a long downcurved bill. Male is blackish with iridescent areas: crown glossed greenish or blue, and shoulders, rump, and tail glossed with blue. Throat iridescent reddish-purple in most of range, but blueish in the north Moluccas and Kai islands. Female is nondescript, with a grayish head, white throat, olive upperparts, and yellowish underparts over much of range. In the south Moluccas and Aru islands, underparts are grayish. Juvenile resembles female, but yellower on throat. Inhabits forest edge, open forest, gardens, and scrub in lowlands and hills. Male can be separated from dark-bellied forms of male Olive-backed Sunbird by glossy, iridescent crown and black back. Females differ from Olive-backed Sunbird by absence of eyebrow, absence of white tail tip, white throat, grayish head, and duller yellow underparts. Females lack eye-ring, unlike larger female Brown-throated Sunbird, and are less uniform underneath than female Elegant Sunbird. [EBird]



update 202311

– a bird with good lighting, it become so colorful instead of “black”

– 在光线好的时候,这鸟不是黑的!

202304, Tomohon, Sulawesi, Indonesia



update 202304

– last evening birding, we enjoy the cold weather. surprise so many small birds come to same area in close range. It look like we are birds photography instead of watching.

– we enjoy so much all the small bird such a good view and pictures

– the good evening light make the “black” bird so beautiful.

– 最后一个下午,在高山上。还以为轻松的过,可是非常忙碌因为非常多小的鸟到这个小地方。搞得我们好像拍鸟团,非常近距离观鸟。

– 好的夕阳光线把这“黑”鸟变得非常漂亮。

202304, North Sulawesi, Indonesia


36. Yellow-breasted Racquet-tail, 红斑扇尾鹦鹉, 黃腹盤尾鸚鵡, Prioniturus flavicans, ズアカウチワインコ

A large green parrot with a thin pair of tail rackets, confined to North Sulawesi and satellite islands. Entirely green, except for distinct yellow wash on breast and collar. Males show a small red crown patch. Juveniles lack rackets. Found in pairs and groups in canopy of forests and edges in lowlands and foothills. Prominent yellow breast and large size of this species distinguish it from Golden-mantled Racquet-tail. If rackets are not seen, note the silvery-gray bill, unlike Blue-naped Parrot. Noisy, giving varied vocalizations. Song is a high-pitched “kut-ut-ut-kler-kler.” Also gives screeches, squeaking, piping, and ear-splitting “kraa” notes. [Ebird]


update 202311

– Racquet-tail always attract us, even just the common Greater Racquet-tail at Malaysia. This colorful parrot with Racquet-tail, just another bird that I want to photograph i close range. finally it perch so just infront of us.

– 盘尾鸟通常我们都觉得特别。这一只鹦鹉有带盘尾。当然特别点,可是总是站远远。这一只就还好,站的近。

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia

update 202304

– always seeing this flying for the pass and finally before got “tick attack” (suspect we got the 200-400 tick bites here)we got this bird sitting good for good view to all and some picture opportunity.

– 每次都见他飞,终于在被”tick” 钉了200-400包后。(蜱螫伤)终于看得到这鸟停了一会让大家看到清清楚楚,还让我拍下几张照片。

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Malaysia

37. White-bellied Imperial-Pigeon, 斑尾皇鸠, 白腹皇鳩, Ducula forsteni, シロハラオビオバト

A distinctive large, spectacularly-marked pigeon. Green with a conspicuous pale gray head, a red eye-ring around a beady yellow eye, a dark neck and chest, a bold white belly, a chestnut base to the undertail, and a broad white band in the otherwise dark tail. Shows subtle bronze tones in some parts of the plumage, such as the nape. Singles, pairs, and small groups inhabit the upper levels of forests and forest edges, mostly in the hills and mountains, less often lower down. Gives a very deep, two-noted call, descending on the second note: “woop-mooo.” Also gives single “woop” notes. [Ebird]

斑尾皇鸠,Ducula forsteni (Bonaparte, 1854),体长32厘米左右,黑尾有白斑,白首也有灰首,白胸,绿背,或胸腹皆白。

update 202304

– a very surprise to have eye level of Sulawesi Myna, Sulawesi Hawk Eagle follow by this always hidden bird. and it stay so long for us to have front, side, back view.

– 非常幸运,低角度见了苏拉王椋鸟, 苏拉鹰雕.这害羞的鸠也让我们看了很久。

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia.


38. Sulawesi Myna, 苏拉王椋鸟, 蘇拉威西王椋鳥, Basilornis celebensis, セレベスオオサマムクドリ

A glossy-black starling with a rounded crest and prominent pale markings on cheeks and breast sides. Juvenile dark brown with a pale underside. Inhabits canopy of forest, forest edge, and nearby degraded areas within lowlands and foothills, typically in pairs or small groups. Distinguished from Short-tailed and Asian Glossy Starlings by large-headed appearance (due to crest) and conspicuous pale patches in plumage. Calls include a clear, metallic, piercing “tzew” and “tzip” as well as “zowee” notes; also gives quiet buzzy warbles. [EBird]


– 几乎全黑.脸颊和胸前有白。蛮可爱的鸟。可是通常都站高高的。


update 202310

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia

update 202305

– always seen bird but always high up without any reasonable view or picture. finally this bird decided to stand low for us.

– 通常站的高高的。每次都是肚皮版。这次终于让我们看的好好的,加上照片

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia


39. White-necked Myna, 白颈鹊椋鸟, 白頸鵲椋鳥, Streptocitta albicollis, カササギムクドリ

An unmistakable long-tailed, black-and-white myna. Black except for broad white breast band and collar. South Sulawesi form has a pale-tipped bill; in north, bill is entirely dark. Juveniles less glossy and shorter-tailed than adults. Found in pairs or small groups in canopy of forest and forest edge in lowlands and foothills. Often perches out on prominent dead branches. Restricted to Sulawesi, satellite islands, and Togian Islands. Gives a variety of odd calls, including high-pitched piercing “keer,” soft low-pitched “kyop,” and other whistles and metallic notes. (ebird)


update 202306

– a rather common endemic, but normally high up at canopy. a lucky moment it stand quite low for us this time. (few occasions)

– 蛮普通的苏拉威西特有种。可是总是站高高,这次也幸运见到几次都蛮低。

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia
40. Crimson-crowned Flowerpecker, 红冠啄花鸟, 緋紅冠啄花, Dicaeum nehrkorni, ズアカハナドリ

a Sulawesi endemic

A tiny, short-tailed songbird. Unmistakable male is dark with a red cap, breast spot, and rump. Underparts white, with a dark vertical line on the belly and white tufts on sides of breast. Female is gray, with red confined to rump; this color patterning is diagnostic. Juvenile resembles female, but lacks the red rump. Singles or pairs inhabit the upper reaches of hill and montane forest and forest edges. Restricted to Sulawesi. Gives thin, high-pitched “tzeet” and “kwit” call notes. Song starts with “tzeet-tzeet” phrases, then descends into a rapid warble.


update 202307

– a lovely and beautiful bird to be seen, previously saw it high up and finally have it low and beautiful view

– anyone want join me Oct 2023 for Photography trip to Sulawesi ?

– 之前都高高在上,终于有机会低角度看到它了。

– 10月会再次到哪。有谁要去拍拍照。

202304, Tomohon, Sulawesi, Indonesia

41. Pale-blue Monarch, 灰蓝王鹟, 淡藍王鶲, Hypothymis puella, セレベスフジイロヒタキ

– typical monarch, active calling loud like other. as per named, pale blue

– a Sulawesi endemic

– 如其他王鹟,活跃,叫不停。苏拉威西特有种

update 202307

– while we have our casual walk, heard this bird call and not long it calling really low .. bingo

– 天气太热,我们随便走走。突然听到这鸟叫,没用很长时间。就找到他了。

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia

42. Maleo, 塚雉, 蘇拉威西塚雉, Macrocephalon maleo, セレベスツカツクリ

– a special almost represent Sulawesi as almost any where you can see symbol

A massive black-and-white megapode with a rose-pink breast and a diagnostic prominent knob on the nape. Found in lowland and hill forest, in areas near beaches or areas with volcanic sands in which they lay their eggs. Immatures show a blacker head with a white throat and a tufted crest. Occurs in pairs that forage on the ground and roost in trees by night. Often best seen at known egg-laying sites, either during laying sessions, or roosting in trees nearby. Generally silent, but occasionally gives a loud, bubbling “waow.” [Ebird]

update 202310

– another main target for a short Photography tour, not really a difficult bird to be seen but it stay far from the hide and very alert with sounds. But there are few individual come to the ranger area which gave some close pictures.

– 这次摄鸟行的其中目标之一。虽然不很难,可是在的鸟的“小屋”里鸟在蛮远还很怕人。因为是喂食的,有什么声音活动就会跑掉。可是在门口处竟然有4只很乖在哪活动可是还是不可以太大动作。

202310, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

43. Red-eared Fruit-Dove, 费氏果鸠, 紅臉果鳩, Ptilinopus fischeri, ハイボウシヒメアオバト

202310, Tomohon, Sulawesi, Indonesia

44. Sulawesi Babbler, 苏拉雅鹛, 林雅鶥, Pellorneum celebense, セレベスムジチメドリ

– a boring looking but active and noisy as Abbott’s babbler

update 202310

– very early morning, while you walking in the park. this bird making a lot of noise and actively moving . This picture capture in very dark condition

– 一大早,这鸟通常都在园里叫跳不停。非常暗

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Malaysia

45. Rusty-backed Thrush, 红背地鸫, 紅背地鶇, ムナグロジツグミ, ムナグロジツグミ, Geokichla erythronota

– a pretty common Sulawesi lowland endemic

A spectacular chestnut-backed thrush with striking white facial patches, black-and-white wings, and bold pied markings below. Juvenile shows buff streaks on crown and back and buff throat. Terrestrial, feeding on the forest floor singly or in pairs within the lowlands and low hills. Unmistakable within its limited range on islands of Sulawesi and Kabaena. Mournful song is a phrase of several high-pitched whistled notes, “deee-der-doo” or “deee-der.” Calls include “chak” notes and a high-pitched “peep” call. [Ebird]

update 202310

201908, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia

46. Bay Coucal, 苏拉鸦鹃, 蘇拉鴉鵑, Centropus celebensis, セレベスバンケン, Bubut Sulawesi

A reddish-brown cuckoo with a long, often shaggy-looking tail. Juvenile shows a pale eye and a paler breast and throat than adults. The species favors vine tangles within forest and forest edge in lowlands and foothills, where it is usually encountered singly or in pairs. The entirely brown body, lacking black, separates this species from Lesser Coucal. Song is a series of “hoot” notes that often encourages other nearby coucals to respond. Alarm call is a harsh, short rasping “burr.” [ebird]

– as other coucal, shy, moving in bushes … very coucal call alike

– 有如其他鸦鹃,害羞,喜欢活动在草丛里。

update 202311

– a bird always heard at lowland of Sulawesi, it is not so boring coucal overall but same it spend us sometime to have a good look of this bird

– 在苏拉威西,这特有种。通常都很容易听到。可是要拍到不是太容易。

201909, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia


47. Sulawesi Myzomela, 苏拉摄蜜鸟, 蘇拉威西攝蜜鳥, Myzomela chloroptera, セレベスクレナイミツスイ, Myzomela merah-tua sulawesi

update 202503

it is one of very common endemic for Sulawesi, you wont miss the active “red” bird always feeding nearby flowers.

I am leaving to Sulawesi soon, hope more visit to the lovely Island in future.



202310, North Sulawesi, Indonesia



More pictures from Flickr: Birds of Sulawesi

Sulawesi Pitta, 苏拉威西八色鸫

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