Malkohas are large birds in the cuckoo family Cuculidae, all in the genus Phaenicophaeus. The group name is derived from the Sinhala word for the Red-faced Malkoha; Mal-Koha meaning flower-cuckoo. These are all Asian tropical species. The genus name is derived from the Ancient Greek phoiniko- “crimson”, and phaes “eyes” or “face”,[1] referring to the Red-faced Malkoha. However, the ‘œ’ was mistranscribed as ‘æ’
*** above from
a lovely bird that bird in size and normally with beautiful colors …………… and its loves to hide behind all the leaf .. make it not easy to get expose the shot
1. Raffles’s Malkoha, 棕胸地鹃, 棕胸地鵑, Rhinortha chlorophaea, クリイロバンケンモドキ, CENUK KERAK
2. Red-billed Malkoha, 红嘴地鹃, 紅嘴地鵑, Zanclostomus javanicus, アカハシバンケンモドキ, CENUK API
3. Black-bellied Malkoha, 绿嘴地鹃, 綠嘴地鵑, Phaenicophaeus diardi, クロバンケンモドキ, CENUK PERUT HITAM
4. Chestnut-breasted Malkoha, 栗胸地鹃, 栗胸地鵑, Phaenicophaeus curvirostris, チャムネバンケンモドキ, CENUK DADA COKLAT
5. Green-billed Malkoha, 大绿嘴地鹃, 大綠嘴地鵑, Phaenicophaeus tristis, オニクロバンケンモドキ, CENUK BESAR
6. Chestnut-bellied Malkoha, 棕腹地鹃, 栗腹地鵑, Phaenicophaeus sumatranus, チャバラクロバンケンモドキ, CENUK PERUT COKLAT
51. Red-faced Malkoha, 红脸地鹃, 红脸地鹃, Phaenicophaeus pyrrhocephalus, アカガオバンケンモドキ
52. Blue-faced Malkoha, 小绿嘴地鹃, 藍臉地鵑, Phaenicophaeus viridirostris, アオメクロバンケンモドキ
101. Burchell’s Coucal, 白眉鸦鹃, 白眉鴉鵑, Centropus superciliosus burchellii, マミジロバンケン
1. Raffles’s Malkoha, 棕胸地鹃, 棕胸地鵑, Rhinortha chlorophaea, クリイロバンケンモドキ, CENUK KERAK
– common, medium-size bird, mostly rufous-orange
– male with rufous head, female with white-head
update 202410
– one of most easier and common Malkoha in this region. Male predominantly bright rufous-brown with darker tail, female has gray head and chest.
– a lucky moment, to see this bird flying toward us and with the new CANON R5mii.. just too easier to capture this bird flying toward us
– 在马来西亚,这算事最普通的地鹃。雄鸟,头是棕色。木鸟灰白色。
– 我们算事幸运的遇上这鸟飞向我们,在佳能R5markii的对焦+追焦功能。很容易吧这一刻拿下。
update 202302
– one of the most common lowland forest malkoha which not difficult to meet up one with the size and unique call.
– a male bird without white head
– 低海拔较普通的地鹃。很容易见到,他的体型+特别的叫声。
– 雄鸟头部棕色。雌鸟头部白。
update 202210
– a very common malkoha, beautiful & easy to recognize the call
– 非常普通的地鹃。不过漂亮与容易辨认的叫声
update 202103
– a lucky day this female stand close and long for use have some quality pictures
– 非常幸运的遇到这么这么活跃的鸟。站的这么近与久。
update 2013 March 26
– am lucky to see 2 pairs mating nearby and the male with a meal on mouth too
2. Red-billed Malkoha, 红嘴地鹃, 紅嘴地鵑, Zanclostomus javanicus, アカハシバンケンモドキ, CENUK API
– overall gray upper part, orange underpart. Red bill
– one of the Malkoha with a special and obvious call
– like other Malkoha like to hide between leaves… tree … jumping and a good time is looking for food where it stays slight longer
update 202304
– a beautiful malkoha, coming down for everyone chance to have good view and picture
– 这么漂亮的地鹃,下来很低让我们看/拍
update 202302
– one of the most beautiful Malkoha of Malaysia. It is not difficult to distinguish it from other Malkoha , red billed and special call.
– 马来西亚最漂亮的地鹃。他的红嘴,叫声很难会认不到的。
update 202101
3. Black-bellied Malkoha, 绿嘴地鹃, 綠嘴地鵑, Phaenicophaeus diardi, クロバンケンモドキ, CENUK PERUT HITAM
– Overall Grey-green, eye iris “red”
– sometimes quite confuse with Chestnut-bellied Malkoha on the field. But it is easy to nostril shape.
*** thanks Dave Bakewell for the sharing refer
update 202401
– Malkoha always a bird difficult to have “open” photograph, today so lucky to have this bird stand long open for us.
– 地鹃就是难拍“全开”的。今天非常幸运的看到这一对鸟站开开+久久。
update 202309
– a lucky moment saw this shy bird at eye level caught a mantis and trying to feed the female with special call
– 很辛运看到这只害羞的鸟到这么低,还捉了一只螳螂准备喂母鸟。还带很奇怪的叫。
4. Chestnut-breasted Malkoha, 栗胸地鹃, 栗胸地鵑, Phaenicophaeus curvirostris, チャムネバンケンモドキ, CENUK DADA COKLAT
– another common lowland Malkoha with an obvious chestnut breast
update 202406
– after ours’ morning mega Pheasant and we waiting at fruiting tree for some good bird .. (we got Black-and-White Bulbul and Chestnut-capped Thrush) this bird came nearby to feed on caterpillar
– 我们早上很快的看到拍到加里曼丹孔雀雉后,就用剩下的时间等等果树。蛮多不一样的好鸟都到这。(包括黑白鹎, 鳞胸鹎, 栗顶地鸫)。还包括这蛮普通的漂亮地鹃
update 202107
– Malkoha always hoping around seldom see them stay long in open.
– one of the most common Malkoha, big size
– 地鹃通常都早丛里跳来跳去的。很少会站很久
update 202104
– another common malkoha of Malaysia which normally found in lowland forests, forest edge. obvious chestnut color from neck to belly
– 马来西亚西马-东马蛮普通的。也很容易认。颈到腹部都是栗色。
5. Green-billed Malkoha, 大绿嘴地鹃, 大綠嘴地鵑, Phaenicophaeus tristis, オニクロバンケンモドキ, CENUK BESAR
– obvious big and long-tailed proportion to body
– also can
to nostril shape.
update 202410
– a bird that with “longer tail proportion”, or easier refer to the Nostril …
– not a easy bird to have it open, and this bird flew in and stand real close which my lens on 800mm. not really able to zoom out …
– 与其他几种地鹃很相似。可是,尾巴几乎长。。看他的鼻孔。。。可以分辨。
– 通常地鹃不容易拍好,今天有点运气。这鸟突然飞到我们前面,我的镜头是800mm. 来不及换啊。。。拍个大头照吧。
*** thanks Dave Bakewell for the sharing refer
6. Chestnut-bellied Malkoha, 棕腹地鹃, 栗腹地鵑, Phaenicophaeus sumatranus, チャバラクロバンケンモドキ, CENUK PERUT COKLAT
– lighting, and behavior of this bird make it sometimes difficult to id from other especially Black-bellied
*** thanks Dave Bakewell for the sharing refer
– 角度,光线导致不容易区分绿嘴地鹃与棕腹地鹃。可是他们的鼻孔可以较容易把他们分类。
51. Red-faced Malkoha, 红脸地鹃, 红脸地鹃, Phaenicophaeus pyrrhocephalus, アカガオバンケンモドキ
a not so common Sri Lanka endemic, we only saw or heard it at Sinharaja … and it is moving along with bird wave. Same other Malkoha moving fast along the bushes
update 20231223
– a tough walk (it follow by very heavy rain after we saw this bird at only split second) .. wet, leeches …. and may be time planning for the location
even just split second, the CANON R3 just as I always say “focus monster” i point my lens toward the bird, it lock focus the bird and eye than got this.. no secret.. just the camera found it and take it…
– 非常不容易的一天,我们遇上大雨(看到这鸟后)+很多蚂蝗。还要这点是没地方吃饭的,安排时间有点困难。
还好,它出现几秒。我的R3 就像对焦神器一般,对上+对焦+拿下。。。
52. Blue-faced Malkoha, 小绿嘴地鹃, 藍臉地鵑, Phaenicophaeus viridirostris, アオメクロバンケンモドキ
update 202312
– as other Malkoha, jumping within bushes.. making soft call.. this bird look quite cute overall
– 与其他地鹃一样习惯,在丛里跳来跳去。叫很小声。长的蛮可爱的。
101. Burchell’s Coucal, 白眉鸦鹃, 白眉鴉鵑, Centropus superciliosus burchellii, マミジロバンケン
update 202501
A fairly common coucal found in South Africa, which I’ve seen and photographed multiple times in various locations. However, this was a closer encounter, and I managed to capture a full series of flight shots. The distinctive tail band markings are clearly visible, making it easy to differentiate this species from others.
More pictures from Flickr: Cuculidae series: Malkoha | 杜鹃科: 地鹃 | liewwk Nature
More videos: Cuculidae series: Malkoha | 杜鹃科: 地鹃 | liewwk Nature
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