Scolopacidae series | 鹬科 | liewwk Nature – 26-1 [update 20250327]

sharing some waders (Scolopacidae series )that captured over the years

1. Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, 尖尾滨鹬, 尖尾濱鷸, Calidris acuminata,ウズラシギ, KEDIDI EKOR TAJAM

2. Great Knot, 大滨鹬, 大濱鷸,Calidris tenuirostris, オバシギ, KEDIDI-DIAN BESAR

3. Sanderling, 三趾滨鹬, 三趾濱鷸, Calidris alba, ミユビシギ, KEDIDI JARI TIGA

4. Terek Sandpiper, 翘嘴鹬, 翹嘴鷸, Xenus cinereus, ソリハシシギ, KEDIDI SERENG

5. Bar-tailed Godwit, 斑尾塍鹬, 斑尾塍鷸, Limosa lapponica, オオソリハシシギ, KEDIDI-RAJA EKOR BELANG

6. Long-toed Stint, 长趾滨鹬, 長趾濱鷸, Calidris subminuta, ヒバリシギ, KEDIDI-KERDIL JARI PANJANG

7. Curlew Sandpiper, 弯嘴滨鹬,彎嘴濱鷸, Calidris ferruginea, サルハマシギ, KEDIDI PARUH LENGKUK

8. Eurasian Curlew, 白腰杓鹬, 白腰杓鷸, Numenius arquata, ダイシャクシギ, KENDI BESAR BIASA

9. Common Redshank, 红脚鹬, 紅腳鷸, Tringa totanus, アカアシシギ, KEDIDI KAKI MERAH BIASA

10.Wood Sandpiper, 林鹬, 林鷸, Tringa glareola, タカブシギ, KEDIDI SAWAH

11. Common Greenshank, 青脚鹬, 青腳鷸, Tringa nebularia, アオアシシギ, KEDIDI KAKI HIJAU BIASA

12. Common Sandpiper, 矶鹬, 磯鷸, Actitis hypoleucos, イソシギ, KEDIDI-KELICAP BIASA

13. Broad-billed Sandpiper, 阔嘴鹬, 闊嘴鷸, Calidris falcinellus, キリアイ, KEDIDI PARUH LEBAR

14. Black-tailed Godwit, 黑尾塍鹬, 黑尾塍鷸, Limosa limosa, オグロシギ, KEDIDI-RAJA EKOR HITAM

15. Ruddy Turnstone, 翻石鹬, 翻石鷸, Arenaria interpres, キョウジョシギ, KEDIDI-KERIKIL MERAH

16. Little Stint, 小滨鹬, 小濱鷸, Calidris minuta, ヨーロッパトウネン, KEDIDI-KERDIL PERANG

17. Gray-tailed Tattler, 灰尾漂鹬, 灰尾漂鷸, Tringa brevipes, キアシシギ, KEDIDI-KACAU ASIA

18. Far Eastern Curlew, 大杓鹬, 大杓鷸, Numenius madagascariensis, ホウロクシギ, KENDI BESAR TIMUR

19. Red-necked Stint, 红颈滨鹬, 紅胸濱鷸, Calidris ruficollis, トウネン, KEDIDI-KERDIL LEHER MERAH

20. Red Knot, 红腹滨鹬, 紅腹濱鷸, Calidris canutus, コオバシギ, KEDIDI-DIAN KECIL

21. Whimbrel, 中杓鹬, 中杓鷸, Numenius phaeopus, チュウシャクシギ, KENDI GAJAH

22. Ruff, 流苏鹬, 流蘇鷸, Calidris pugnax, エリマキシギ, Kedidi Ropol

23. Temminck’s Stint, 青脚滨鹬, 丹氏濱鷸, Calidris temminckii, オジロトウネン, KEDIDI-KERDIL EKOR PANJANG

24. Little Curlew, 小杓鹬, 小杓鷸, Numenius minutus, コシャクシギ, KENDI KERDIL ASIA


25. Asian Dowitcher, 半蹼鹬, 半蹼鷸, Limnodromus semipalmatus, シベリアオオハシシギ, KEDIDI-TETIRUK ASIA

26. Common Snipe, 扇尾沙锥, 田鷸, Gallinago gallinago, タシギ, BERKIK KIPAS ERASIA


51. Spoon-billed Sandpiper, 勺嘴鹬, 琵嘴鷸, Calidris pygmaea, ヘラシギ




1. Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, 尖尾滨鹬, 尖尾濱鷸,Calidris acuminata,ウズラシギ, KEDIDI EKOR TAJAM

– a vagrant happen to show at Malim Nawar, Perak 202009

update 202010

Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, 尖尾滨鹬, 尖尾濱鷸,Calidris acuminata,ウズラシギ, KEDIDI EKOR TAJAM




2. Great Knot, 大滨鹬, 大濱鷸,Calidris tenuirostris, オバシギ,KEDIDI-DIAN BESAR

– not that common at Selangor Mud beach …(Sg Serdang) only saw one Aug – Sept 2020

update 20201026

– non-breeding plumage for this lovely wader.
seem like they are moving in groups (~100++ of them) and feeding on the mudflat

– 非繁殖羽。在這段時間。群體活動。

20201026, Sg Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202105

– single bird feeding, just before heading home

– 繁殖繁殖于西伯利亚北部冻原地带,繁殖期6-8月。营巢于多苔藓和植物的冻原髙原和岩石地带,巢为地面的凹坑,内垫有枯草和苔藓,通常置巢于水域附近草丛中或柳树和矮小桦树灌丛下。

202104, Pantai Remis, Selangor, Malaysia


update 202104

– lucky to see this bird bathing when low tide

– 非常幸运拍到退潮时这鸟在浅滩冲凉。

202104, Selangor, Malaysia


– this bird getting ready to back home for beautiful spring-summer

– 又要开始换繁殖羽,回家时候了。

202104, Selangor, Malaysia


update 2020 1 Oct

Great Knot, 大滨鹬, 大濱鷸,Calidris tenuirostris, オバシギ,KEDIDI-DIAN BESAR
3.Sanderling, 三趾滨鹬, 三趾濱鷸, Calidris alba, ミユビシギ,KEDIDI JARI TIGA

– recorded at Sand beach, Morib 202009,202010

update 202012

– a pale wader found near the sandy beach – the feeding just non stop and move fast

update 202010

Sanderling, 三趾滨鹬, 三趾濱鷸, Calidris alba, ミユビシギ, KEDIDI JARI TIGA
4. Terek Sandpiper, 翘嘴鹬, 翹嘴鷸, Xenus cinereus, ソリハシシギ, KEDIDI SERENG

– very common wader .. move to accelerate fast to catch their food

– bill upward curve, yellow-orange leg

– 嘴是往上钩。通常跑很快的(冲)得去捉食物。


update 202104

– lucky moment this lovely bird catching a small carb for meal

– 非常幸运见到它在吃小螃蟹。

202012, Selangor, Malaysia


update 202101

Fujifilm X-T4

XF70-300mmF4-5.6 R LM OIS WR, 2x TC

High-Speed movie 240p

update 202010

Terek Sandpiper, 翘嘴鹬, 翹嘴鷸, Xenus cinereus, ソリハシシギ, KEDIDI SERENG
5. Bar-tailed Godwit, 斑尾塍鹬,斑尾塍鷸, Limosa lapponica, オオソリハシシギ,KEDIDI-RAJA EKOR BELANG

– relatively big size wader

– white browed , the bill upturn curve and 2 tones
– wing with streak appearance

– Morib, Jeram , Selangor

update 202201

– a raining morning, many of them flying and feeding at Selangor mudflat

– 一个下雨的早上。今年蛮多。

202201, Sg Janggut, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202109

– another up close bigwader

– 这次来到蛮近。

202109, Pantai Remis, Selangor

update 202109

– another day with earlier migration group (North). So many of them easily 1000+ Whimbrel and 500-600 Bar-tailed Godwit flying together

– 算是前期候鸟(北)。上千的鸟们一起飞扬。

202109, Pantai Remis, Selangor

update 202010

– can typical see how Godwit feeding style show in this video

6.Long-toed Stint, 长趾滨鹬, 長趾濱鷸, Calidris subminuta, ヒバリシギ, KEDIDI-KERDIL JARI PANJANG

– common freshwater small wader

– winter visitor (North) – green leg – 北部過冬鳥。

– 蠻普通,通常都是在淡水

– 綠腳

update 202102

- Sg Balang, Johor, Malaysia


Update 2020 Oct

Sg Balang, Johor, Malaysia
7. Curlew Sandpiper, 弯嘴滨鹬,彎嘴濱鷸,Calidris ferruginea, サルハマシギ, KEDIDI PARUH LENGKUK

– common at mud beach

– sometimes can be overlooked Broad-billed Sandpiper

– Medium-sized wader with a long, slightly downcurved bill. Slightly larger than Dunlin, with the longer and finer bill, longer legs. In-flight note large white rump patch. Breeding plumage deep rusty on head and body (like Red Knot) (ebird)

update 202105

– today lockdown MCO3.0 day2, so clearing some old picture. Found this summer plumage bird stand alone with a beautiful reflection

– 封城3.0 第2天。這是3月拍的照片。它也有繁殖羽了。

202103, Pantai Jeram, Selangor, Malaysia

update 2020 Oct

– Selangor 202008

– still maintain some breeding plumage here

8.Eurasian Curlew, 白腰杓鹬,白腰杓鷸, Numenius arquata, ダイシャクシギ,KENDI BESAR BIASA

– one of the common winter migrant here .. not that difficult to spot one near mud/sand beach ..

update 202010

– 202008, 202009, 202010 Jeram, Morib, Selangor

9. Common Redshank, 红脚鹬,紅腳鷸, Tringa totanus, アカアシシギ, KEDIDI KAKI MERAH BIASA

– big size wader and normally in group

– one of most common winter visitor here (Center West Peninsular Malaysia) …

update 202303

– a different ssp Common Redshank (craggi) depend of checklist

– brighter orange overall

– 不一样的亚种。特别“亮”橙

202303, Sg Janggut, Selangor, Malaysia


update 202112

– one of the most common wader but it look gorgeous when it is on flight 

– 马来西亚最普通的候鸟之一。可是它飞扬时还是非常漂亮。

202111, Selangor, Malaysia


update 2020 Nov

update 2020 Oct

– 2020 Aug, Sept, Oct … Sg Balang, Johor, Jeram, Morib Selangor

10.Wood Sandpiper,林鹬, 林鷸, Tringa glareola, タカブシギ, KEDIDI SAWAH

– very common wader almost from fresh water pond, river, mud beach and sand beach

update 2020 Oct

– Sg Balang, Johor, Jeram, Morib, Sekinchan  Selangor

11. Common Greenshank, 青脚鹬,青腳鷸,Tringa nebularia, アオアシシギ, KEDIDI KAKI HIJAU BIASA

– comparative not that common here

– bill 2 tone, with little bit upward (thanks Chong Wai Mun for quick summary)

update 2020 Oct

– 2013 Dec Malim Nawar, Perak

12. Common Sandpiper, 矶鹬, 磯鷸, Actitis hypoleucos, イソシギ, KEDIDI-KELICAP BIASA

– 16-22cm

– comparative short bill and leg

– yellow leg

– Plain brown with white underparts (ebird)

update 202102


update 2020 Oct


13. Broad-billed Sandpiper, 阔嘴鹬, 闊嘴鷸,Calidris falcinellus, キリアイ, KEDIDI PARUH LEBAR

– small wader, sometimes confused with a Red-Necked stint but with the slightly longer and slender bill. head obvious 2 “browed”

– saw normally alone

update 202101

update 202010

202010 , Selangor, Malaysia
202010 , Selangor, Malaysia
14. Black-tailed Godwit, 黑尾塍鹬, 黑尾塍鷸, Limosa limosa, オグロシギ, KEDIDI-RAJA EKOR HITAM

– not that common at mud beach at the center of Peninsular Malaysia

– Pantai Jeram, Malaysia, Mersing, Johor

update 202204

– in this time of the year, most of them changing to breeding plumage and ready to go home

– 每年的这个时候,他们换了繁殖羽准备回家了。

202204, Sg Janggut, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202103

– big group of them feeding before tide coming in and before heading home

– 第一次见到这么多只(大概10+)。努力的吃,安全回家。

202103, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202102

update 202011

202010, Jeram, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202010

202010, Selangor, Malaysia
15. Ruddy Turnstone, 翻石鹬, 翻石鷸, Arenaria interpres, キョウジョシギ, KEDIDI-KERIKIL MERAH

– medium size of wader

– a beautiful wader even non-breeding plumage

update 202104

– it is time to go home, so most of them getting ready for summer plumage which makes this bird really stand out among other shorebirds

– 马来西亚最美的水鸟之一。它准备回家了,繁殖羽也开始了。

202104, Selangor, Malaysia
202104, Selangor, Malaysia
202104, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202011

202011 , Sg Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
16. Little Stint, 小滨鹬, 小濱鷸, Calidris minuta, ヨーロッパトウネン, KEDIDI-KERDIL PERANG

– always confused with Red-necked Stint, both having a very similar look, blackleg, cross-environment.

– thinner bill, longer leg compare to Red-necked Stint (thanks Dave Bakewell for confirming the ID and his knowledge sharing, please check his Youtube channel 

update 202105

– there are not many leftovers here but this beautiful plumage bird still around and much easier to spot.

– 候鸟都大部分都回家了。可是这只稀有的候鸟+繁殖羽却还留在这。

202104, Pantai Jeram, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202103

– another visit and lucky to have this full ripe bird come close

– 又到这海边。幸运的遇上这繁殖羽的稀有鸟。

202103, Pantai Jeram, Selangor, Malaysia


– another bird found on the same beach

202103, Pantai Jeram, Selangor, Malaysia


– lucky to have this rare migrant and difficult to id stint come close with breeding plumage (again thanks to Dave Bakewell for help) – can see the wing covers with good orange, long leg, small head (still trying to see many pictures to see the head size and shape)

***if you interested to learn more about the difference between Little Stint and Red-necked stint. Dave Bakewell makes good share on both his blog and youtube


Dig deep

Youtube – Red-necked and Little Stints – juvenile plumage

Youtube – Little Stints in Penang, October 2019

Youtube – Little Stints in a flock of Red-necked Stints

– 非常幸運的在這稀有的小濱鷸 離開之前,拍到他的繁殖羽。

202103, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202012

202012, Malim Nawar, Perak, Malaysia
17. Gray-tailed Tattler, 灰尾漂鹬, 灰尾漂鷸, Tringa brevipes, キアシシギ, KEDIDI-KACAU ASIA

– medium size, yellow leg, gray shorebird
– this bird breed in northeast Siberia
– found near Mangrove

– 中級水鳥。灰。黃腳。
– 在西伯利亞繁殖。到這過冬。
– 蠻稀有的過冬鳥。

update 202101

202009, Selangor



18. Far Eastern Curlew, 大杓鹬, 大杓鷸, Numenius madagascariensis, ホウロクシギ, KENDI BESAR TIMUR

– big wader just like Eurasian Curlew which is very common in Peninsular Malaysia

– light brown (not white) rump and heavily marked underwings, unlike the unmarked white underwings of Eurasian

– 与马来西亚较普通的白腰杓鹬很像。可是全体颜色较暗棕。臀部不是白色的。

update 202201

– another lucky morning at Selangor mudflat

– 马来西亚中部较稀有的水鸟。幸运的一个早上

202201, Sg Janggut, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202112

– a special tour to North for one of the vagrant that visit Malaysia (Black-faced Spoonbill). After got our target, and spend some time for the beautiful mudflat and one of the star found is this long-billed, overall dark curlew.

– 为了一只迷鸟(黑脸琵鹭), 到马来西亚半岛北部(~400公里从吉隆坡)。很快的每个人都看到拍到后。我们也不忘了其他较容易的水鸟。就如这只大杓鹬,嘴较长,较暗。

Penang, Malaysia

update 202109

– our’s long lockdown (MCO3.0) finally been slight loosen. Just in time for new migration season from North.

– my first visit for the mudflat and good to see so many of them back here and happy.

– 马来西亚的封城终于让我们出去看看鸟。真巧,另一季候鸟期(北部)又到了。第一天的在泥滩看到几千只的候鸟,心情都好点了。


202109,Selangor, Malaysia

update 202105

– waiting for long as both bird roost with head down. After a long wait finally got both show their bill for comparison.
– the Far Eastern Curlew is rare here compare to Eurasian
– Far Eastern overall look darker (rufous) both upper rump and underpart tail don’t have “white”. When flying the underpart wing will show more pattern instead of mostly white for Eurasian.

– 大杓鹬在马来西亚-西马较稀有。这个季节就找到这么一只(白腰杓鹬可能有几千只)
– 总体,大杓鹬较暗(棕色)。腰部+尾底部都没白。翅膀也一样。大杓鹬,带有纹斑。

202104, Sg Janggut, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202104

– lucky to have a single bird mix up with Eurasian Curlew which easy to tell the overall look darker rufous and without white rump


202104, Selangor, Malaysia

19. Red-necked Stint, 红颈滨鹬, 紅胸濱鷸, Calidris ruficollis, トウネン, KEDIDI-KERDIL LEHER MERAH

– a small wader with blackleg, overall very similar to Little stint especially at non-breeding plumage (please refer to Little stint above for good sharing by Dave Bakewell)

– 与非繁殖羽小滨鹬不容易分辨。黑脚。与小滨鹬分别:头较大。脚较短。嘴较细尖。

update 202503

A day to revisit the rare find from a few months ago, though it was only spotted once. Today, nothing really caught my attention—except for this shy wader that came surprisingly close, just about 10 meters away.


202503, Klang, Selangor, Malaysia


update 202105

– breeding plumage 

202104, Pantai Remis, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202104

– breeding plumage is easier which the head-neck is ‘orange-rufous”

– 繁殖羽较容易分别。颈部带橙。

202104, Selangor, Malaysia


20. Red Knot, 红腹滨鹬, 紅腹濱鷸, Calidris canutus, コオバシギ, KEDIDI-DIAN KECIL

update 202105

– medium size, here sometimes can confuse with Great Knot which is bigger, longer bill. Breeding Plumage lack of orange 

– 中型涉禽,體長23-25厘米,嘴較短而直、黑色,腳亦甚短、綠色。體較粗胖。夏季上體灰褐色具黑色中央紋,背具棕栗色和白色斑紋和羽緣,頭側和整個下體栗紅色。冬季棕紅色消失,上體灰色,頭具細窄的黑色縱紋,背具細的黑色羽乾紋和白色羽緣。下體白色,頰至胸具灰褐色縱紋。



202104, Sg Janggut, Selangor, Malaysia


update 202105

– one of the lucky days while looking at a group of ~50 Great Knot. all of sudden, a reddish similar knot found and it is the shorter bill, smaller in size. Summer plumage shows their differences too.

– 4 月的幸運天。忽然發現這繁殖羽的稀有候鳥(吉隆坡)

202104, Pantai Remis, Selangor, Malaysia


– when 2 stand together is easier to tell the Red Knot is smaller in size, shorter bill. But when both on breeding plumage then it is much easier.
– very lucky day to have both breeding plumage stand together.

– 非繁殖羽時較難分辨的鳥種。可是當它們站一起。 紅腹濱鷸較小,嘴小。可是繁殖羽時多麽容易。
– 幸運的遇上它們站一起。

202104, Pantai Sg Janggut, Selangor, Malaysia


21. Whimbrel, 中杓鹬, 中杓鷸, Numenius phaeopus, チュウシャクシギ, KENDI GAJAH

– medium size with curlew bill. it is a smaller and slightly shorter and slender bill with Curlew

– 中型。嘴黑色、細長而向下彎

update 202105


202104, Pantai Remis, Selangor, Malaysia



22. Ruff, 流苏鹬, 流蘇鷸, Calidris pugnax, エリマキシギ, Kedidi Ropol

– a big wader, non-breeding plumage but wish to see breeding plumage one day

– 非繁殖羽。非常希望有一天可以見到繁殖羽。

update 202105

202008, Sg Balang, Johor, Malaysia
23. Temminck’s Stint, 青脚滨鹬, 丹氏濱鷸, Calidris temminckii, オジロトウネン, KEDIDI-KERDIL EKOR PANJANG

– a rare migrant for Peninsular Malaysia

– small wader, overall paler, greenish-yellow legs

– 马来西亚较稀有的候鸟。

青脚滨鹬(学名:Calidris temminckii)是丘鹬科滨鹬属鸟类。小型涉禽,体长12-17厘米。外形大小和长趾滨鹬相似。嘴黑色,脚黄绿色。夏羽上体灰黄褐色,头顶至后颈有黑褐色纵纹。背和肩羽有黑褐色中心斑和栗红色羽缘及淡灰色尖端。眉纹白色,颊至胸黄褐色具黑褐色纵纹,其余下体白色,外侧尾羽纯白色。冬羽上体淡灰褐色具黑色羽轴纹。胸淡灰色,其余下体白色。飞翔时翼上有明显的白带,受惊时能垂直起飞升空。 [1] 
update 202110

202110, Malim Nawar, Perak, Malaysia
202110, Malim Nawar, Perak, Malaysia
24. Little Curlew, 小杓鹬, 小杓鷸, Numenius minutus, コシャクシギ, KENDI KERDIL ASIA

– a very small curlew

– a rare migrant, found near paddyfield, open grassland




update 202112

– a rare migrant for Peninsular Malaysia

– 马来西亚稀有候鸟。

202112, Pahang, Malaysia


25. Asian Dowitcher, 半蹼鹬, 半蹼鷸, Limnodromus semipalmatus, シベリアオオハシシギ, KEDIDI-TETIRUK ASIA

– a medium size wader

Very uncommon large, long-billed shorebird, nearly the size of a godwit, found in coastal mudflats and open marshes. Breeding adult extensively brick-red below, dark and strongly marked with brick-red tones above. Nonbreeding adult grayish brown with a duller, browner bill. Juvenile dark above, with broad gold feather edges, pale below, washed with warm buff or gold tones and with neat dark stipples and chevron-shaped marks. Blackish legs distinguish Asian from Long-billed Dowitcher, which has yellowish-green legs. Blackish or brownish bill of adult Asian differs from bicolored bill of godwits; note that bill of juvenile Asian has pale base. (Ebird)


update 202112

– a not so common shorebird for Peninsular Malaysia (except North)

– medium size like godwit size

– 马来西亚除了北部,其他地方不很普篇的候鸟。


Kuala Muda,
Pulau Pinang.


26. Common Snipe, 扇尾沙锥, 田鷸, Gallinago gallinago, タシギ, BERKIK KIPAS ERASIA

– very common overall brown, long billed found near mud, grassland.

– look confuse with either Pin-tailed Snipe, Swinhoe’s Snipe at Peninsular Malaysia

Thanks Dave Bakewell (Malaysia) & Ayuwat (Thailand) for some sharing

Keep Calm and Study Snipes! Part 1

Keep Calm and Study Snipes! Part 2

Pin-tailed/Swinhoe’s/Common Snipe


– 头顶黑褐色,后颈棕红褐色,具黑色羽干纹。头顶中央有一棕红色或淡皮黄色中央冠纹自额基至后枕。两侧各有一条白色或淡黄白色眉纹自嘴基至眼后。眼先淡黄白色或白色,有一黑褐色纵纹从嘴基到眼,并延伸至眼后。在嘴基此眼纹的宽度明显较白色眉纹宽。两颊具不甚明显的黑褐色纵纹。背、肩、三级飞羽绒黑色,具红栗色和淡棕红色斑纹及羽缘。其中肩羽外侧具较宽的棕红色或淡棕红自色羽缘,因而在背部形成四道宽阔的纵带。大覆羽、初级覆羽、初级飞羽次级飞羽黑褐色。第一枚初级飞羽羽轴白色。初级覆羽、大覆羽和次级飞羽具较宽的白色羽端,在翅上形成相互平行的白色翅带和翅后缘。尾上覆羽基部灰黑色,端部淡棕红色,具灰黑色横斑。尾羽12-18枚,通常为14枚,黑色,具宽阔的栗红色亚端斑和窄的白色端斑,其间有一窄的黑褐色横纹将栗红色近端斑和白色端斑分隔开。外侧尾羽不变窄,宽度为7-12毫米。最外侧两枚尾羽外嘲白色,杂以灰色斑,内侧近端淡黄褐色,缀黑褐色斑纹。颏灰白色,前颈和胸棕黄色或皮黄褐色,具黑褐色纵纹;下胸和腹纯白色,两胁也为自色,密被黑褐色横斑。腋羽和翅下覆羽白色,微缀灰黑色斑纹。

– 在马利西亚西马,蛮普通。可是通常与针尾沙锥/大沙锥很像。

update 202201

202201, Perak, Malaysia




51. Spoon-billed Sandpiper, 勺嘴鹬, 琵嘴鷸, Calidris pygmaea, ヘラシギ

Critically endangered, highly distinctive stint with spatulate bill tip that can be difficult to spot at a distance when held in profile. A coastal mudflat specialist, it stays close to wet and muddy areas near or in water, unlike Red-necked Stint, which often feeds in much drier areas. Breeding adults have a rusty head that resembles that of Red-necked, but the head tends to be darker and the rusty color extends farther down the breast. Nonbreeding adults and juveniles lack the rusty head, have prominent fine stripes on the crown, dark ear patch, and are overall paler than Red-necked. Flight call a soft “prreee.” [Ebird]

勺嘴鹬是鸻形目鹬科勺嘴鹬属鸟类, [20]又叫匙嘴滨鹬、匙嘴鹬、琵嘴鹬、篦鹬。 [21]腿短;头圆;喙短而前端呈勺状。眉纹白色;虹膜褐色;喙黑色;脚黑色; [22]上身主要为黑色,有皮黄色至淡赤褐色的羽缘;下体白色。繁殖期成鸟头、颈及胸均为红棕色并带暗褐色纵纹,非繁殖期成鸟淡褐灰色及覆羽具有白色羽缘。

update 202404

– lucky day, while ours trip there… friend told us, everyone is at a mud beach for this bird and may be I can try my luck… so I try my luck in one morning .. and bingo less than 10 minutes wait the bird came really close for very good view, picture and video
– 蛮幸运的台湾行,当我们到新竹区。朋友让我知道,这明星鸟就在我的酒店不远处。所以我就用个早上试试运气。当我到了,很快就见到这鸟可是蛮远。等了10分钟左右。这鸟居然飞来很近。






update 20231219

– after some official stuff and follow by family trip, spent morning session at the “螃蟹步道“. just 30minutes spent, when I arrived I managed to see it far away which 80-120m… and I managed to captured and quite happy with it .. than continue with other birds that come real close.. not long 2 birds spot by local birders and I rush there and managed to have quite good series picture for this rare bird.. managed to have this star bird get close and with my lucky CANON RF200-800 (now I name it as Lucky 28) …

– it really feed non stop keep moving …

– 其实这次台湾行算事陪家人。谢谢让我早上看看,拍拍鸟。虽然时间短,可是还是蛮幸运。这次到新竹,听到好朋友让我知道 (Long Sheng Yeou) 好几个鸟点,让我有机会拍一些我喜欢的鸭子+这只这么稀有,特别的鸟。虽然早上我只有30+分钟,可是一到达,我就遥远看到+拍到他(大概80-120米)。可是,我也蛮开心了然后就去看看其他鸟。没很久,2只飞来很近。我就很幸运的拍下了一系列照片。

20231219, XInzhu, Taiwan




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