another new family
1. Flamecrest, 台湾戴菊, 火冠戴菊鳥, Regulus goodfellowi, ニイタカキクイタダキ
1. Flamecrest, 台湾戴菊, 火冠戴菊鳥, Regulus goodfellowi, ニイタカキクイタダキ
– a very fast moving tiny bird with very soft call bird, it is so difficult to have a open picture .. but with the current new mirrorless animal detect and tracking. It is some how quite easy to have some picture even at complicated environment like this
– 非常小+快的小鸟。叫的很小声。也喜欢在丛里跳来跳去。现在无反的动物+动物眼的 AI ,被不大可能做成比较容易。只要一有机会,我都有办法拿下它。
