another new collection of Hulu Langat, Selangor
1. Chestnut-naped Forktail, 栗枕燕尾, 栗頸燕尾, Enicurus ruficapillus, アカエリエンビシキチョウ, CEGAR TENGKUK MERAH
2. Great Iora, 大绿雀鹎, 大綠雀鵯, Aegithina lafresnayei, オオヒメコノハドリ, KUNYIT-KECIL SAYAP HITAM
3. Yellow-crowned Barbet, 黄顶拟鴷, 黃頂擬鴷, Psilopogon henricii, キンカブリゴシキドリ, TAKUR TOPENG HITAM BIASA
4. White-crowned hornbill, 白冠犀鸟, 白冠犀鳥, Berenicornis comatus, シロクロサイチョウ, ENGGANG BULU
5. Crimson-winged Woodpecker, 红翅绿啄木鸟, 紅翅綠啄木鳥, Picus puniceus, モリアオゲラ, BELATUK-HIJAU PARUH KUNING
6. Gray-rumped Treeswift, 灰腰雨燕, 灰腰雨燕, Hemiprocne longipennis, カンムリアマツバメ, LAYANG-LAYANG BERJAMBUL PINGGUL PUDAR
7. Malaysian Rail-babbler, 白眉长颈鸫, 白眉長頸鶇, Eupetes macrocerus, クイナチメドリ, GEMBALA-KERA
8. Rufous Woodpecker, 栗啄木鸟, 栗啄木鳥, Micropternus brachyurus, クリチャゲラ, BELATUK BIJI NANGKA
9. Black-thighed falconet, 黑腿小隼, Microhierax fringillarius,モモグロヒメハヤブサ, RAJAWALI-BELALANG MELAYU
1. Chestnut-naped Forktail, 栗枕燕尾, 栗頸燕尾, Enicurus ruficapillus, アカエリエンビシキチョウ, CEGAR TENGKUK MERAH
update 202403
– it is an old picture, another not a good memory to have .. too many pressure to cause the chick fledged too earlier …. it still not really able to fly, fall into the river few times and safe back … can’t do much beside wish them good luck
– 久照片,不喜欢放“巢”有关照片(如果放 1.我绝对有信心没人会打扰 2.多余1年后吧)这鸟照,蛮不高兴的一刻。太多的打扰,逼得小鸟提早出巢。还不很会飞,几次跌进河。我们几个挚友希望他们安全。

2. Great Iora, 大绿雀鹎, 大綠雀鵯, Aegithina lafresnayei, オオヒメコノハドリ, KUNYIT-KECIL SAYAP HITAM
update 202404
– still clearing hdd and this moment remind me my best time spent with my buddies .. hope I have time to go out with them more. Very lucky to see the adult keep feeding the young
– 还在清理2022的旧照片。这照片是鱼一帮朋友无忧无虑的看鸟看到,幼鸟在等成鸟来喂。朋友等等我。

3. Yellow-crowned Barbet, 黄顶拟鴷, 黃頂擬鴷, Psilopogon henricii, キンカブリゴシキドリ, TAKUR TOPENG HITAM BIASA
update 202406
– a common heard but seldom seen Barbet, it is most attractive Barbet but sure a beautiful bird to photograph
– 一只通常听到看不到的鸟。虽然不是很吸引人的鸟,可是还是很色彩的鸟。

4. White-crowned hornbill, 白冠犀鸟, 白冠犀鳥, Berenicornis comatus, シロクロサイチョウ, ENGGANG BULU
update 202407
– new month, new group… another great parent all the way come here with their children for Birding – hobby (the kid just 12 years old) .. a hit and miss morning but in the end of the session, we managed to have this not so common and beautiful Hornbill as last bird of the day.
– 新的一个月,新的一组。不是第一次看到爸爸/妈妈陪孩子来观/拍鸟。这一次爸爸妈妈让儿子暑假过的有意思点。陪儿子来这拍鸟。虽然12岁可是,还是很不错,也会做功课。运气还是可以,虽然早上某些目标鸟错过了。可是还是拍到很不错。2种犀鸟,3种啄木鸟,2种阔嘴鸟,1种猛禽,1种翠鸟等。还要加上这么一只不普通+漂亮的犀鸟。

5. Crimson-winged Woodpecker, 红翅绿啄木鸟, 紅翅綠啄木鳥, Picus puniceus, モリアオゲラ, BELATUK-HIJAU PARUH KUNING
update 202407
– a very good start of the tour, 2nd bird after Falconet. the beautiful woodpecker make everyone excited to see more woodpecker from Malaysia. #WoodpeckersofMalaysia
– 非常好的开始,小孩摄影团的第二只鸟。这么漂亮的啄木鸟鸟让客人们多么希望拍多点啄木鸟。 #馬來西亞啄木鳥

6. Gray-rumped Treeswift, 灰腰雨燕, 灰腰雨燕, Hemiprocne longipennis, カンムリアマツバメ, LAYANG-LAYANG BERJAMBUL PINGGUL PUDAR
update 202408
– honor to try out the new CANON R5mii, most of us really wish firmware upgrade for R5marki for better AF features. but we know while the markii launch mean the hope will fall on the new R5markii. Yes, the AF improve dramatically, it have AF function like R3, R7, R6markii with add on of new feature too.
– this bird fly quite low and any direction, I track it quite well too
what I like
i. animal detect, eye detection now included for single point, 5 points, any zone and also full area
ii. add on new focus area which disable all animal detect !!! it back to old AF method “point AF” .. very useful for condition for the camera difficult to detect the animal !!!
iii. the animal detect simply awesome, it pick up the animal so fast even at complex environment.. hope I can share more soon
iv. tracking is good too, even it is nothing compare to new R1 .. and may R3 (may be so use to the R3, feel the R3 pick up faster and track more “sticky”)
v. the .5s continuous pre-shoot is a real good feature !!! for wildlife .. I dont have many chance test this but it should be one of the best feature !!! all other brands may also follow this soon 😀
– 非常幸运马来西亚佳能,借了我新的R5markii用了3天。相信大家都有与我一样的“希望”。对焦。对焦。对焦。
i. 终于,它有了与R3,R7, R6makrii一样的对焦功能,加上新的“点”对焦。吧对焦区域直接换这个,就会想久的对焦方式。不会用上动物对焦。(在很多情况下,这会帮我们对焦上AI 找不到动物)
ii, 动物对焦真的很快,复杂的情况也很快找到。追焦,还是可以。可能用习惯R3, 感觉R3还是追焦好点。等2-3星期后再试。
iii. 那个半秒一直预先拍下半秒的照片,这应该是这几的最好的创新吧(相信其他品牌应该也会用这个吧)。拍下半秒加上继续的1-2秒。只要不是过了相机buffer,相机是一只普通的拍的。不用像以前所有的预拍功能要等上好几秒才可以继续用相机。这真的是太好了。

7. Malaysian Rail-babbler, 白眉长颈鸫, 白眉長頸鶇, Eupetes macrocerus, クイナチメドリ, GEMBALA-KERA
update 202503
Just another moment captured with this beautiful yet shy bird. I’m accustomed to situations where people alter the environment—making it brighter and more open—just for the sake of photos, which can affect the bird’s natural behavior. However, that doesn’t diminish my happiness, especially with my birding buddy back in action after finally deciding to get his 400mm F2.8 following a slowdown in birding. Exciting times ahead, as I have more personal birding trips coming up soon!
但这并不会影响我的快乐,尤其是我的观鸟伙伴终于决定入手 400mm F2.8 镜头,在观鸟节奏放缓后再次回归。
update 202408
– it is a tough day, been assign with a 1.5 days (actually just one day for Rail-babbler as main target). After meet Hermina & Shannon, they really keen to see the Rail-babbler… so we make a early move and have a long coffee stop before we go into forest due to some early morning rain. Immediate arrive the area, after got 1 frogmouth calling, and sight the Banded Woodpecker. I heard the Rail-babbler calling, immediate trying to track it down and we spit the bird less than 10 minutes … ring my buddy and hope he is happy man now ..
– 接受了一项几乎是不可能任务,1天时间看白眉长颈鸫。与两名客人交谈后,虽然她们都没来过马来西亚。可是还是觉得要用时间看这目标鸟。一大早下了场小雨,我们吃了进林子。到了没太久,竟然还听到蟆口鸱叫。。。虽然找了一会还是放弃,因为听到白眉长颈鸫叫。找了10多分钟,竟然找到了。。。。。幸运啊

update 202409
– it is a special request to have this bird just for single day.. real challenge for this rare and shy bird
– 非常特别要求,在一天哪要看这么一只害羞,稀有的鸟。
8. Rufous Woodpecker, 栗啄木鸟, 栗啄木鳥, Micropternus brachyurus, クリチャゲラ, BELATUK BIJI NANGKA
update 202410
– a very common lowland forest, mangrove, sub-montane woodpecker. Overall rufous which difficult to miss this bird.
– it is a special out to test the R1, may be I am already start use the “Pre-capture” long ago .. (those Olympus old time, Panasonic etc) for me to captured this kind of “trap focus” “jumping” picture is very easy … now Canon finally come with proper Pre-capture and improve it with … “continous Pre-capture” ..mean it is almost every half-press is a pre capture .. as long as control well the buffer… I hope I can find a better way to share to all of this about this “Best feature” to have for Wildlife Photography
– 这鸟蛮普通几乎在红树林,低海拔,中海拔森林都容易看到。棕色的鸟不难错过。
– 在这几天,我是在想办法记录下“我想大家知道R1 的强大”。。。其中一环是“预拍”。这功能在很久以前我一开始用,在Olympus, Panasonic 可能在10年前就开始有这个很好的功能。有这功能后,拍摄“陷阱对焦”的“起飞跳”降落“ 几乎都没难读。可是这次,佳能的是绝对加强版的“预拍”。。。之前我们拍后都要等上好几秒相机才可以继续使用。可是这次,佳能的是“连续预拍”只要控制好。几乎每一刻都是预拍的。(可是卡可是要大大的,不然很快就卡满)。。还在努力中要怎么呈现我想表达。

9. Black-thighed falconet, 黑腿小隼, Microhierax fringillarius,モモグロヒメハヤブサ, RAJAWALI-BELALANG MELAYU
update 202411
– The only species in Peninsular Malaysia which also one of the world’s smallest raptors, often seen perched high, watching for prey.
– While testing the new Canon R1’s Pre-continuous Shooting and AF performance, I captured one of many frames. I’ll share more from the full sequence in the near future.
– 在马来西亚半岛唯一的物种,同时也是世界上最小的猛禽之一,经常被看到栖息在高处,观察猎物。
在测试新款佳能 R1 的连续预拍摄和自动对焦性能时,我捕捉到了众多画面中的一个。不久后我会分享更多完整的拍摄序列。
