just another missing series … slowly
1. Little Tern, 白额燕鸥, 白額燕鷗, Sternula albifrons, コアジサシ, CAMAR KECIL BIASA
2. Whiskered Tern, 须浮鸥,須浮鷗,Chlidonias hybrida, クロハラアジサシ, CAMAR TASIK BERMISAI BIASA
3. Gull-billed Tern, 鸥嘴噪鸥, 鷗嘴噪鷗, Gelochelidon nilotica, ハシブトアジサシ, CAMAR PARUH TEBAL
4. Lesser Crested Tern, 小凤头燕鸥, 小鳳頭燕鷗, Thalasseus bengalensis, ベンガルアジサシ, CAMAR BERJAMBUL KECIL
5. Caspian Tern, 红嘴巨鸥, 紅嘴巨鷗, Hydroprogne caspia, オニアジサシ, CAMAR RAYA
6. White-winged Tern, 白翅浮鸥, 白翅浮鷗, Chlidonias leucopterus, ハジロクロハラアジサシ, CAMAR TASIK SAYAP PUTIH
7. Great Crested Tern, 大凤头燕鸥, 鳳頭燕鷗, Thalasseus bergii, オオアジサシ, Camar Besar Berjambul
1. Little Tern, 白额燕鸥, 白額燕鷗, Sternula albifrons, コアジサシ, CAMAR KECIL BIASA
– common, small size at west coast Pen Malaysia ..
update 202103
– breeding plumage just before heading home
– 返北前的繁殖羽

– Pantai Jeram, Sg Serdang , Selangor 202008/09
update 202012 - another moment before this small tern dive into the water for prey - 每次要跳近水裡捉食物就會這樣盤旋。update 202012
– Malim Nawar, Perak 202009

2. Whiskered Tern, 须浮鸥,須浮鷗,Chlidonias hybrida, クロハラアジサシ, CAMAR TASIK BERMISAI BIASA
– one of the most common tern of Peninsular Malaysia
– stout and not that long bill
– normally feed in a group
– the way it feeds slight different where it just feed on the surface of the water rather than dive in
– 馬來西亞西亞較普通的鸥
– 群體
– 嘴較肥硕+短
update 202211
– a group of Whiskered Tern feeding near small water area, so we decided to stop a while to try to capture the BIF-Diving pictures.
– after few round of R3, use the R7 for few more round the AF tracking test . Here is one of the test result with another jpeg-video series
– 一群须浮鸥与小白鹭在这捉鱼。就停了一会试试R3/R7对焦玉追焦。因为蛮多人还是对R7 有保留。
– 试了几轮R3/R7会一一分享。

update 202204
– the plumage had change and ready to back home
– 换了繁殖羽,是时候回去了。

update 202203
– nowadays with new technology, it is so easy to capture this kind of action photos.
– 新的相机技术,打飞版变成非常容易了。
update 202202
– a simple test on High speed video (slow motion)
– video just trim, watermark from original file from CANON EOS R6
– 短测试,慢速度视频。佳能R6, 只是简单剪裁。
update 202201
– new technology make all this action pictures so easy.
– 新的相机技术,拍鸥飞版真的容易的不可再容易了。

update 202112
– tern action is much easier to photograph, and love this as the morning light
– 拍鸥飞版,应该都蛮容易的。可是这张虽然有点远,可是早上的光线真的很好。

update 202111
– another good moment shooting with Canon R3 effortless, it is almost never miss any moment even I just shoot 15 fps
– 测试佳能R3其中一幕。这种动作几乎都不会错过,我也没用一秒30张,就15张。

update 202105
– breeding plumage makes it easier to id, red bill and red leg with black body (under)
– 繁殖羽,紅嘴,紅腳,黑身體。

update 2020 Nov
update 2020 Oct
– slow motion group of terns, feeding ..

3. Gull-billed Tern, 鸥嘴噪鸥, 鷗嘴噪鷗, Gelochelidon nilotica, ハシブトアジサシ, CAMAR PARUH TEBAL
– big size tern with thick bill
update 202109
– a big size of tern, happy to see them back
– 大型鸥,高兴他们的回来。

update 202011

4. Lesser Crested Tern, 小凤头燕鸥, 小鳳頭燕鷗, Thalasseus bengalensis, ベンガルアジサシ, CAMAR BERJAMBUL KECIL
– big, orange-yellow bill tern found near mud beach
update 202105
– Breeding adult has black crown and nape
– 繁殖羽, 額、頭頂、枕和冠羽黑色。

– only stop by for few days, then never see it again.
– slender yellow-orange bill and black crown.
– 嘴橙黄色或橙色
– 有機會錯認大鳳頭燕鷗。嘴較長大,黃。

update 202011

5. Caspian Tern, 红嘴巨鸥, 紅嘴巨鷗, Hydroprogne caspia, オニアジサシ, CAMAR RAYA
– very large tern, with the red bill-black tip
– black-naped head, almost pure white underpart with black wingtip
update 202105
– 202003, adult breeding plumage where forehead, nape and mask change all black
– 繁殖羽

update 202104
– it is April time for them to go home, adult breeding plumage
– 成鸟繁殖羽

update 202102 - coast near Selangor, Malaysia#
update 202012
update 202011
6. White-winged Tern, 白翅浮鸥, 白翅浮鷗, Chlidonias leucopterus, ハジロクロハラアジサシ, CAMAR TASIK SAYAP PUTIH
– medium size tern, non-breeding plumage sometimes confuse with Whiskered Tern. Obvious “headset” on head
update 202110
– lucky to see many of them feeding on paddy field, with new Canon EOS R3. It is so easy to photograph tern flying over various backgroup (especially green background which previously most the camera facing lost focus when bird sudden flying to green background. R3 think solve the problem even I still have 10-20% focus the wing instead bird head/eye .. but this could due to the wing flip block the bird head/eye so the camera just focus to the wing. Somehow it is much better than focus to the background instead the bird.
– 幸运的看到一大群鸟在找吃。终于不怕绿背景了。在之前的相机都有走焦问题(当背景突然变绿)。新的佳能 R3,几乎把这个问题减低到最少。(10-20%还是会跑到鸟的翅膀,也有可能是因为翅膀的动作遮挡了鸟眼所以对焦到鸟的翅膀而不是眼睛。可是已比对焦到背景好多了)

update 202105
– a tern begin to have breeding plumage and ready to go home
– 另一种鸥,开始有繁殖羽。也开始准备回家。

update 202012

7. Great Crested Tern, 大凤头燕鸥, 鳳頭燕鷗, Thalasseus bergii, オオアジサシ, Camar Besar Berjambul
– a large tern, black-cap with very long lemon-yellow bill
– 大凤头燕鸥夏羽:前额和眼先白色。头顶至枕黑色,头顶羽毛向后延长,形成冠羽,颜色也为黑色。后颈和翅缘白色。背、肩、翅和尾等上体暗珠灰色。初级飞羽外侧羽缘黑色,内侧也为黑色,但具宽的白色楔形斑,往内楔形斑逐渐缩小,直至消失。次级飞羽内侧和尖端白色。尾暗珠灰色,外侧尾羽较长,且逐渐变尖,尾呈叉状。颏、喉、颈和下体,包括腋羽和翅下覆羽白色。冬羽和夏羽大致相似。但头顶缀有白色纵纹。虹膜暗褐色。嘴黄色。脚黑色。
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