Sri Lanka Bird Photography | 斯里兰卡: 鸟摄 | liewwk Nature 27 [update 20250331]

another new update country for Birds collection

Sri Lanka a small island full with culture and nature to discover ..


1. Sri Lanka Bay-Owl, 斯里兰卡栗鸮, 斯里蘭卡栗鴞, Phodilus assimilis, スリランカメンフクロウ

2. Asian Green Bee-eater, 绿喉蜂虎, 綠喉蜂虎, Merops orientalis, ミドリハチクイ

3. Red-backed Flameback, 红背三趾啄木鸟, 紅背三趾啄木, Dinopium psarodes, ヒメコガネゲラ (psarodes)

4. Chestnut-backed Owlet, 栗背鸺鹠, 斯里蘭卡栗背鵂鶹, Glaucidium castanotum, クリセスズメフクロウ

5. Indian Peafowl, 蓝孔雀, 藍孔雀, Pavo cristatus, インドクジャク

6. Indian Pitta, 印度八色鸫, 印度藍翅八色鳥, Pitta brachyura, インドヤイロチョウ

7. Spot-winged Thrush, 斑翅地鸫, 點翅地鶇, Geokichla spiloptera, セイロンジツグミ

8. Sri Lanka Junglefowl, 蓝喉原鸡, 藍喉原雞, Gallus lafayettii, セイロンヤケイ

9. Sri Lanka Blue-Magpie, 斯里兰卡蓝鹊, 斯里蘭卡藍鵲, Urocissa ornata, セイロンサンジャク

10. Indian Roller, 印度佛法僧, 棕胸佛法僧, Coracias benghalensis, インドブッポウソウ

11. White-naped Woodpecker, 黑腰啄木鸟, 白頸黑背啄木, Chrysocolaptes festivus, セグロコガネゲラ

12. Serendib Scops-Owl, 斯里兰卡角鸮, 斯里蘭卡角鴞, Otus thilohoffmanni, セレンディブコノハズク

13. Red-faced Malkoha, 红脸地鹃, 红脸地鹃, Phaenicophaeus pyrrhocephalus, アカガオバンケンモドキ

14. Blue-faced Malkoha, 小绿嘴地鹃, 藍臉地鵑, Phaenicophaeus viridirostris, アオメクロバンケンモドキ

15. Brown-headed Barbet, 褐头绿拟啄木鸟, 斑頭綠擬啄木, Psilopogon zeylanicus, ミドリオオゴシキドリ

16. Brown Fish-Owl, 褐渔鸮, 褐漁鴞, Ketupa zeylonensis, ミナミシマフクロウ

17. Sri Lanka Hanging-Parrot, 斯里兰卡短尾鹦鹉, 斯里蘭卡短尾鸚鵡, Loriculus beryllinus, ズアカサトウチョウ

18. Small Minivet, 小山椒鸟, 小山椒, Pericrocotus cinnamomeus, コサンショウクイ

19. Asian Woolly-necked Stork, 白颈鹳, 白颈鹳, Ciconia episcopus, エンビコウ

20. Great Thick-knee, 大石鸻, 大石鴴, Esacus recurvirostris, ソリハシオオイシチドリ

21. Pied Thrush, 杂色地鸫, 斑地鶇, Geokichla wardii, シロクロジツグミ

22. Indian Paradise-Flycatcher, 印缅寿带, 印度綬帶, Terpsiphone paradisi, カワリサンコウチョウ

23. Sri Lanka Wood-Pigeon, 紫头林鸽, 紫头林鸽, Columba torringtoniae, セイロンカノコモリバト

24. Crimson-backed Flameback, 绯红背啄木鸟, 桂紅金背啄木, Chrysocolaptes stricklandi, セアカコガネゲラ

25. Layard’s Parakeet, 艳绿领鹦鹉, 艷綠領鸚鵡, Psittacula calthrapae, セイロンミドリワカケインコ

26. Changeable Hawk-Eagle (Crested), 凤头鹰雕, 鳳頭鷹鵰, Nisaetus cirrhatus cirrhatus/ceylanensis, インドクマタカ(亜種 インドクマタカ)

27. Yellow-fronted Barbet, 黄额拟䴕, 黃額擬啄木, Psilopogon flavifrons, キビタイゴシキドリ


update 202312

another great experience with great birders from Taiwan, we managed to seen 197 species of birds and all 34 endemics (with pictures and some record only pictures) for 10 days



1. Sri Lanka Bay-Owl, 斯里兰卡栗鸮, 斯里蘭卡栗鴞, Phodilus assimilis, スリランカメンフクロウ

lucky to see this rare owl at day time,  after try for day2. It was after heavy rain everyone tired and wet. Everyone want to go back to Hotel for rest but local new is this owl spot some where ..we rush to the area with rain and it is there waiting for us

与我们的栗鸮很像,大点。我们非常幸运的见到这鸮,在大雨后, 我们全湿+累。都想回酒店。可是当地人打电活来讲,见到这鸟在附近。我们连忙赶去。幸运的很快就见到这鸟。

202312, Singharaja, Sri LankaSri Lanka Bay-Owl, 斯里兰卡栗鸮, 斯里蘭卡栗鴞, Phodilus assimilis, スリランカメンフクロウ, Strigiformes, Tytonidae, Phodilus, 鸮形目, 草鸮科, 栗鸮属, 鴞形目, 草鴞科, 栗鴞屬

2. Asian Green Bee-eater, 绿喉蜂虎, 綠喉蜂虎, Merops orientalis, ミドリハチクイ

A small, dainty bee-eater of open woodlands, farmland, and sparse human habitation. Mainly green with a bluish throat, slender black eye mask and throat band, rufous or slightly rusty crown and back of the neck, and central tail streamers. Juveniles are duller than adults and lack the long tail feathers. In flight, note the rusty underwing with a black trailing edge. Flies gracefully as it catches insects and other prey. Calls are a series of gentle liquid trills or more staccato notes. [ebird]



update 202312

– this is one of the picture describe ours’ tour many rain and few occasion very heavy but we still got all ours targets and endemic

– 这是一张形容我们这一次观鸟行。雨雨。。大雨。虽然很多雨可是我们还是看完我们的目标鸟与这里的特有种

202312, Yala NP, Sri Lanka


3. Red-backed Flameback, 红背三趾啄木鸟, 紅背三趾啄木, Dinopium psarodes, ヒメコガネゲラ (psarodes)

– ours 2nd stop after Indian Scop-Owl, this bird seem common almost any area we birding after day1

– 我们到达之后停的第2个点,这鸟蛮普通的。接下来几天,几乎在哪都看得到

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka


4. Chestnut-backed Owlet, 栗背鸺鹠, 斯里蘭卡栗背鵂鶹, Glaucidium castanotum, クリセスズメフクロウ

– small owlet like other owlet always like to be calling long at canopy and make other birds attention. But this endemic’s back of the owl simply awesome

– 与其他鸺鹠一样小小只。喜欢站高高,叫不停。可是这一只特有种背部很特别美。

update 20231211

– the bird just sit there !!! actually local make tree hole for them nesting so the area become territory of both bird… just look for them without call back or any action

– 2只乖乖怎么站这么好。其实是村里的人,做了好几个树洞给他们筑巢。只要在附近慢慢找就看到他了。好美的特有种。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka


5. Indian Peafowl, 蓝孔雀, 藍孔雀, Pavo cristatus, インドクジャク

An unmistakable, large ground bird. The unmistakable iridescent blue male spreads out its ornamental upper tail feathers when courting females. Females have a shorter tail, an iridescent green neck, and browner plumage. Found in forest, forest edge, and agricultural land. Often seen on paths or alertly feeding in the undergrowth. Can be fairly confiding especially when found close to human habitation. Its loud screaming “may-yow” calls are heard incessantly during the rainy season. [eBird]

蓝孔雀,是鸡形目雉科 [10]孔雀属中的一种鸟。 [11]蓝孔雀是鸡类中的“巨人”,雄鸟和雌鸟的羽色有差,雄鸟头上具冠羽,头、颈和胸部均为蓝色,尾羽并不长,构成尾屏的尾上覆羽可达身长的2倍,平时合拢托在身后,开屏时屏面宽约3米,高约1.5米,绚丽多彩。羽质细长,在阳光的照耀下,更显得鲜艳夺目。 [10]雌鸟相对于雄鸟来说,身形比较小, [12]羽毛是暗绿、灰色和蓝色的混合色,以灰绿色为主。

update 202312

– in Sri Lanka, the most common bird to be seen is not sparrow, crow .. but one of them is this beautiful and big bird which can found almost any where, urban, forest edge, forest etc.

– 在斯里兰卡岛上,这鸟几乎哪都看到。大+漂亮

202312, Yala NP, Sri Lanka


6. Indian Pitta, 印度八色鸫, 印度藍翅八色鳥, Pitta brachyura, インドヤイロチョウ

A colorful stubby-tailed bird, also known as “Navrang,” translated as “nine colors.” Colors are most striking when the bird is in flight. This bird has long, strong legs and a stout bill, a buffy crown with a black stripe in the middle, a black eye-stripe, and and buffy underparts with bright red on the vent. Upperparts are green, with a blue shoulder patch. It is usually seen foraging on forest floors with thick undergrowth, catching insects in leaf litter. This bird is vocal, giving its characteristic two-noted whistle call at dusk and dawn. [Ebird]

update 202404

– it is quite common to see this pitta almost any where in center

– 在斯里兰卡中部,还是蛮普通的。





update 202312

– another common bird here, it is 99.99% bird for almost all local guide. We saw 5-6 birds just birding without looking for it.

– 另一只在斯里兰卡非常普通的鸟,我们没特别的找这鸟。可是都遇上好几只。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka



7. Spot-winged Thrush, 斑翅地鸫, 點翅地鶇, Geokichla spiloptera, セイロンジツグミ

Brown thrush with bold dark spots on the underparts, white spots in the wings, and black facial stripes below the eye. Occurs in pairs or singly, on or near the ground, in forest, forest edge, and gardens, mostly in the Wet Zone, but also locally in the Dry Zone. No other thrush on Sri Lanka shows distinct rows of white spots on the wings, and bold spotting below. Gives very high-pitched “sweeeee” call; song is a highly variable collection of rich, rising and falling, melodious whistles and warbles. [ebird]

update 202312

– another very common endemic, which found most of the lowland urban areas, forest edge, forest

– with very lovely call, not shy

– 斯里兰卡非常普通的特有种,几乎在很多点都看到它。还很会唱歌。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka




8. Sri Lanka Junglefowl, 蓝喉原鸡, 藍喉原雞, Gallus lafayettii, セイロンヤケイ

Wild chickenlike bird. Male is burnt orange with dark streaks, cockerel-like glossy black tail, and a prominent red comb marked with yellow on the crown. Gray-brown female has white streaks and prominent barring on its wings. Terrestrial, found in pairs or small groups in forests of lowlands and highlands over much of Sri Lanka. Generally keeps to cover. Only confusion is with domestic chicken; note lack of white at tail base, and yellow marking on comb of males, and bars in wings of females in Sri Lanka Junglefowl. Song a harsh “chyok-cher-chow”. Also stuttering “kik-kik-kik-kik” notes. [Ebird]

– very beautiful and noisy bird and common almost any where too

– 非常漂亮,吵,蛮普通的鸡

update 202312

– a pretty common endemic bird, we didn’t really spend time looking for it just take picture whenever we meet it

– 非常普通的特有种鸟,我们也没特别找。看到就拍。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka



9. Sri Lanka Blue-Magpie, 斯里兰卡蓝鹊, 斯里蘭卡藍鵲, Urocissa ornata, セイロンサンジャク

A large, long-tailed blue bird with a white-tipped tail, and chestnut hood and wings. Inhabits humid forest from lowlands to hills, where it often accompanies mixed canopy flocks, either singly or in small groups. There are no other large, long-tailed blue birds in its range. A noisy species. Sounds typically a series of high-pitched, piercing “clink” calls, as well as some rasping “krak” notes often given in a sequence. [Ebird]

– a really weird colors combination endemic

斯里兰卡蓝鹊(学名:Urocissa ornata)是雀形目鸦科的一种鸟类,明显特征是全身颜色为亮丽的蓝色和栗色,这区别于其他蓝鹊。是斯里兰卡的特有鸟类

update 202312

– we only saw this at Sinharaja, few of them normally moving together .. the colors bright, big bird but many would say the colors combination just weird

– 我们的10天行,只在辛哈拉加森林保护区见到。都好几只一起行动。很鲜艳,可是颜色搭配有点怪。

202312, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka

10. Indian Roller, 印度佛法僧, 棕胸佛法僧, Coracias benghalensis, インドブッポウソウ

A brightly colored bird with various shades of blue on the wings, tails, and belly that are often more prominent in flight. Note the longitudinal white streaks on the throat and breast. Indochinese Roller has a purple-blue breast, a darker olive back, and is generally darker blue. Generally silent, but more vocal in breeding season with harsh calls. Prefers open areas, including agricultural landscapes, sitting on exposed perches including electric wires, occasionally pumping its tail slowly. Practically a resident roller with some movements in the western parts of its range. 【Ebird]

update 20231218

– wonderful moment to get close and stay long for us, it is so colorful

– 非常漂亮的鸟,与马来西亚的种不一样。这只很乖站了很久也蛮近的

202312, Yala NP, Sri Lanka


11. White-naped Woodpecker, 黑腰啄木鸟, 白頸黑背啄木, Chrysocolaptes festivus, セグロコガネゲラ

a very similar flameback woodpecker but female seem very yellowish

– 与我们的金背很像,可是母鸟很黄。

update 202312

– it seem not very common at Sri Lanka, local guide seem very worry to missed this species. When we arrived a village the bird just stand there for so long and sharing same tree with a Red-backed Flameback

– 斯里兰卡应该不普通,我们的当地导游几乎很担心会错过这鸟。可是我们到了这个村后,立刻就见到她站哪。还要与一只红背三趾啄木鸟站一起,我们远远看还以为咋么幸运遇上一对啊

202312, Tissamaharama, Sri Lanka



12. Serendib Scops-Owl, 斯里兰卡角鸮, 斯里蘭卡角鴞, Otus thilohoffmanni, セレンディブコノハズク

– very recent discover bird of Sri Lanka

Very small rufescent owl, with yellow-orange eyes, and sparse, light speckles on the underparts. Although does not possess true ear tufts it can show “false” ones when alert. Occurs within extensive humid rainforests in the lowlands of Wet Zone of Sri Lanka. Roosts singly or in pairs in the understory, but also found in upper levels of trees at night. Combination of small size, all rufous color, lack of prominent facial border, and only limited markings below separates it from all other owls on Sri Lanka. Song is a short “woOLoo”, rising in the middle. [Ebird]

– 被发现少于20年的斯里兰卡特有种。

update 20231222

– one of the bird I really want to see, we went same site for 2 days both day also not full open for picture but we had very good view of this very special endemic bird

– 我们都非常希望看到的鸟,虽然去了2天。还是没拍到全暴露的照片。可是已非常高兴了。

202312, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka



13. Red-faced Malkoha, 红脸地鹃, 红脸地鹃, Phaenicophaeus pyrrhocephalus, アカガオバンケンモドキ

a not so common Sri Lanka endemic, we only saw or heard it at Sinharaja … and it is moving along with bird wave. Same other Malkoha moving fast along the bushes



update 20231223

– a tough walk (it follow by very heavy rain after we saw this bird at only split second) .. wet, leeches …. and may be time planning for the location

even just split second, the CANON R3 just as I always say “focus monster” i point my lens toward the bird, it lock focus the bird and eye than got this.. no secret.. just the camera found it and take it…

– 非常不容易的一天,我们遇上大雨(看到这鸟后)+很多蚂蝗。还要这点是没地方吃饭的,安排时间有点困难。

还好,它出现几秒。我的R3 就像对焦神器一般,对上+对焦+拿下。。。

202312, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka

14. Blue-faced Malkoha, 小绿嘴地鹃, 藍臉地鵑, Phaenicophaeus viridirostris, アオメクロバンケンモドキ

– as other Malkoha, jumping within bushes.. making soft call.. this bird look quite cute overall

– 与其他地鹃一样习惯,在丛里跳来跳去。叫很小声。长的蛮可爱的。

202312, Yala NP- Galge Entrance



15. Brown-headed Barbet, 褐头绿拟啄木鸟, 斑頭綠擬啄木, Psilopogon zeylanicus, ミドリオオゴシキドリ

– quite common overall at Center – South Sri Lanka. it have similar call and behavior of Lineated barbet found at Malaysia

– 与马来西亚的斑头绿拟啄木鸟非常相似的叫声+动态。

update 202312

– we found this pretty common and have few opportunity to photography this bird at few hotel garden. The head give it a right name

– 斯里兰卡蛮普通,从中部到南部都是它的叫声。头部颜色就是它的名来。

20231129, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka



16. Brown Fish-Owl, 褐渔鸮, 褐漁鴞, Ketupa zeylonensis, ミナミシマフクロウ

– a overall dull brown fish owl which quite rare at Malaysia but seem quite common at Sri Lanka.

update 20240101

– a bird that sight by local village and brought us there, it was so far away (~60-80m) and so dark .. luckily my gear allow me lock the eye of the bird fast and accurate 😀

– 村里的人带我们去,这么远+鸟还是很害羞!还要很暗。


202312, Tissamaharama, Sri Lanka


17. Sri Lanka Hanging-Parrot, 斯里兰卡短尾鹦鹉, 斯里蘭卡短尾鸚鵡, Loriculus beryllinus, ズアカサトウチョウ

– as other Hanging-Parrot small, always canopy. Sri Lanka endemic make no different

– 与其他短尾鹦鹉一样,小小+站高高

update 20240102

– while ours’ trip to Sri Lanka, so much rain while we planning to go out for more birds on day 2 but rain just too heavy for us. But it is glad that Sri Lanka is a place almost any where possible to birding. (ecxcept the forest reserve, bird really scared around) Included the garden of hotel, we got few good birds just at lobby of the hotel even raining

– very cute, beautiful endemic

– 斯里兰卡可爱,小的特有种。

– 我们在斯里兰卡时,雨量蛮多。可是蛮好是这列几乎是没地方都有鸟(除了国家公园反而鸟非常少)。 第二天,在下午我们打算出去观鸟是。雨下很大,可是还好在公园还是蛮多鸟让我们看看。这鸟就在公园看到,拍到。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka



18. Small Minivet, 小山椒鸟, 小山椒, Pericrocotus cinnamomeus, コサンショウクイ

– pretty common small minivet

Males have slaty gray crown, cheeks, and back. Throat and wings black, tail black with pale yellow edges. Breast orange, gradually fading into yellowish-white underparts. Black wings show a patch of orange. Female is duller than male, with light gray upperparts, cheeks and crown; dark gray wings; white throat; and light yellow underparts. Both males and females show an orange rump. Usually seen in small flocks, frequently uttering high-pitched “swee swee” call as they continuously move around feeding on insects, sometimes catching them mid-air like flycatchers. Inhabits various forested habitats, especially thorny jungles, scrub patches, and open dry forest. [Ebird]

update 20240105

– while we had ours rest time at Yala National Park, found few birds feed on tree nearby. very lucky tick on this bird with female too

– 亚拉国家公园规定,午餐时间需要在某个点休息。吃完饭后我们在附近一棵树见到好几种鸟都很近+好角度(我们称它为“神树”)

202312, Yala NP



19. Asian Woolly-necked Stork, 白颈鹳, 白颈鹳, Ciconia episcopus, エンビコウ

– quite common across Sri Lanka, see it quite a lot of them, even paddy field with human

– 在斯里兰卡蛮普通的,在村庄的稻田都可以见到。

update 202401

– when we first saw it, we ask the van to stop … and make the right decision. It is best view after this for the next 7-8 days

– 我们在这第一次见到时,叫我们的车立刻停下。幸好停下来,接下来几天都较远。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka


20. Great Thick-knee, 大石鸻, 大石鴴, Esacus recurvirostris, ソリハシオオイシチドリ

– a very cute wader, big and thick beak. walking slow at open area

– 非常可爱,嘴大+厚

update 20240109

– another family we very hope to have good view, this bird give us very good view while we had ours heavy rain in Yala National Park

– 我们非常希望看的其中一种鸟,很幸运这鸟让我们看的很好。虽然当时下大雨。

202312, Yala NP


21. Pied Thrush, 杂色地鸫, 斑地鶇, Geokichla wardii, シロクロジツグミ

– a thrush as its name, it is “pied”… moving in dark area

– “黑白”鸫,总是在暗的地方活动。

update 202401

– a shy bird moving in dark with very obvious white browed

– 蛮害羞的鸟,总喜欢到暗的地方活动。

20240112, Nuwara Eliya (Victory Park), Sri Lanka



22. Indian Paradise-Flycatcher, 印缅寿带, 印度綬帶, Terpsiphone paradisi, カワリサンコウチョウ

– another “Paradise Flycatcher” split previously but it is quite obvious “crest”


A graceful looking flycatcher, the adult male sport a long ribbonlike tail. The males occur in two color morphs cinnamon and white. Both color morphs sport a glossy black head with blue ring around the eye, but white morph is entirely white below while the cinnamon morph has cinnamon upperparts and tail, and dirty white underparts. The females are cinnamon above with a grayish throat, a shorter tail, and they lack the male’s blue eyering. They make short aerial sallies after insects, usually returning to the same perch. Occasionally descends to ground to pull apart insects. Chiefly found in wooded habitats. Their call is a harsh “shreew.” [ebird]


update 202401

– a bird that we saw many locations but it is just like others Paradise-Flycatcher, active and shy .. moving fast and almost no stop more than 1 second

– 在斯里兰卡蛮普通在很多地方,环境都看到2这鸟。可是还是一个样子,害羞+动作快。几乎不停多过1秒

202312, Yala NP


23. Sri Lanka Wood-Pigeon, 紫头林鸽, 紫头林鸽, Columba torringtoniae, セイロンカノコモリバト

Large, plain gray pigeon with conspicuous black-and-white stripes on the nape. Underparts flushed mauve. Inhabits upper levels of forests and densely wooded areas in the hills and mountains, where occurs in pairs or small flocks. Combination of black-and-white neck markings and plain, unmarked, dark gray upperparts identifies this species from all other pigeons on Sri Lanka. Vocalizations include a single, deep “wooo”, and also an owl-like, double note “woo-oo”. [EBird]


update 20240115

– the only day we at Horton Plains NP, rain in the whole morning. We almost this endemic but found it very last moment while we leaving and we had ours late lunch because of this bird

– 在Horton 国家公园,下了一早雨。当我们几乎要放弃时,竟然看到“鸠”飞过。我跑了过去看,果然是这特有种。

20231202, Horton Plains NP


24. Crimson-backed Flameback, 绯红背啄木鸟, 桂紅金背啄木, Chrysocolaptes stricklandi, セアカコガネゲラ

– overall like size and shape Greater flameback in Malaysia. But back is “red” instead

– not as common as Red-backed Flameback

– 与马来西亚的大金背像,就红色背。也不很普通

update 202401

– it is slightly bigger and not so comon compare to the Red-Backed and this is also endemic of Sri Lanka

– 比起红背三趾啄木鸟,较大,不普通。这也是特有种

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka


25. Layard’s Parakeet, 艳绿领鹦鹉, 艷綠領鸚鵡, Psittacula calthrapae, セイロンミドリワカケインコ

– as usual very colorful bird than move in pair, not very common only saw 2 times over 10 days

– 鹦鹉就是多色彩,不很普通。10天中就见了2次。

update 202401

– a raining evening, we been force to birding at Hotel garden and not a bad one we have this lovely endemic come to feed on palm seed

– 一个下雨的下午,没办法出去就在酒店前观鸟。还很不错这一只特有种。竟然飞过来吃果子。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka



26. Changeable Hawk-Eagle (Crested), 凤头鹰雕, 鳳頭鷹鵰, Nisaetus cirrhatus cirrhatus/ceylanensis, インドクマタカ(亜種 インドクマタカ)

– medium size of raptor, and it look very similar to Malaysia one except have “high crest”

– 体型中。与马来西亚凤头鹰雕很像除了冠很高。

update 202402

– before I forgot, another best moment when we at Sri Lanka.. this good looking raptor give us very good looking it is close and not happy

– 我去忙前,这是2023我最特别的其中一刻。这猛禽,真的很漂亮。站很近,看我们。有点不高兴。

202312, Yala NP


27. Yellow-fronted Barbet, 黄额拟䴕, 黃額擬啄木, Psilopogon flavifrons, キビタイゴシキドリ

update 202503

It is another species endemic to Sri Lanka, primarily green-yellow with a blue face. It is fairly common throughout the country.


202312, Sri Lanka



– our 2nd try for the Leopard at another entrance of Yala National Park, not very productive afternoon but we saw this raptor standing on ground and walk across the trail and looking at us !

– 我们在亚拉国家公园另一个路口继续寻找花豹,中午没什么鸟。可是还是非常幸运,在路上见到这猛禽在路上站好好看我们还在我们车前慢慢过马路。

202312, Yala NP





Accipitridae series: Harrier, Eagle Hawk | 鹰科 | liewwk Nature – 24-4 [update 20250101]

The Accipitridae, one of the three families within the order Accipitriformes (the others being Pandionidae and Sagittariidae), are a family of small to large birds with strongly hooked bills and variable morphology based on diet


1. Brahminy Kite, 栗鸢, 栗鳶, Haliastur indus, シロガシラトビ, HELANG-TEMBIKAR MERAH

2. Blyth’s Hawk-Eagle, 马来鹰雕, 馬來鷹雕, Nisaetus alboniger, カオグロクマタカ, HELANG-HINDIK MELAYU

3. Black Baza, 黑冠鹃隼, 黑冠鵑隼, Aviceda leuphotes, クロカッコウハヤブサ, HELANG-GERIGI HITAM

4. Bat Hawk, 食蝠鸢, 食蝠鳶, Macheiramphus alcinus, コウモリダカ, Helang Malam

5. Lesser Fish-Eagle, 鱼雕, Haliaeetus leucogaster, シロハラウミワシ, HELANG-KANGUK KECIL

6. Pied Harrier, 鹊鹞, 花澤鵟, Circus melanoleucos, マダラチュウヒ, HELANG-SAWAH HITAM-PUTIH

7. White-bellied Sea-Eagle, 白腹海雕, 白腹海雕, Haliaeetus leucogaster, シロハラウミワシ, HELANG-LAUT PUTIH

8. Gray-headed Fish-Eagle, 灰头鱼雕, 灰頭魚雕, Haliaeetus ichthyaetus, ウオクイワシ, HELANG-KANGUK BESAR

9. Eastern Marsh-Harrier, 白腹鹞, 白腹鷂, Circus spilonotus, チュウヒ, HELANG-SAWAH BIASA

10. Greater Spotted Eagle, 乌雕, 烏雕, Clanga clanga, カラフトワシ, HELANG-BINTIK BESAR

11. Black-winged Kite, 黑翅鸢, 黑翅鳶, Elanus caeruleus, カタグロトビ, HELANG-TIKUS BIASA

12. Steppe Eagle, 草原雕, Aquila nipalensis, ソウゲンワシ, HELANG GURUN

13. Crested Serpent-Eagle, 蛇雕, Spilornis cheela, カンムリワシ, Burung Helang Kuik

14. Changeable Hawk-Eagle, 凤头鹰雕, 鳳頭鷹鵰, Nisaetus cirrhatus, カワリクマタカ, HELANG-HINDIK BIASA

15. Rufous-bellied Eagle, 棕腹隼雕, 棕腹隼鵰, Lophotriorchis kienerii, アカハラクマタカ, Helang Perut Merah

16. Oriental Honey-buzzard, 凤头蜂鹰, 鳳頭蜂鷹, Pernis ptilorhynchus, ハチクマ, ハチクマ, HELANG-LEBAH ASIA

17. Mountain Serpent-Eagle, 山蛇雕, 山蛇鵰, Spilornis kinabaluensis, キナバルカンムリワシ, HELANG-KUIK KINABALU

18. Wallace’s Hawk-Eagle, 华氏鹰雕, 小鹰鵰, Nisaetus nanus, ウォーレスクマタカ, HELANG-HINDIK KECIL

19. Jerdon’s Baza, 褐冠鹃隼, 褐冠鵑隼, Aviceda jerdoni, チャイロカッコウハヤブサ, HELANG-GERIGI PERANG

20. Black Eagle, 林雕, 林鵰, Ictinaetus malaiensis, カザノワシ, HELANG HITAM ASIA

21. Common Buzzard, 普通鵟, 普通鵟, Buteo buteo, ヨーロッパノスリ, HELANG-GEMPAL BIASA

22. Crested Goshawk, 凤头鹰, 鳳頭鷹, Accipiter trivirgatus, カンムリオオタカ, HELANG-SEWAH BESAR BERJAMBUL

23. Japanese Sparrowhawk, 日本松雀鹰, 日本松雀鷹, Accipiter gularis, ツミ, HELANG-SEWAH JEPUN

24. Black Kite, 黑鸢, 鳶, Milvus migrans, トビ, HELANG-KEMBARA HITAM



51. Sulawesi Hawk-Eagle, 苏拉威西鹰雕, 蘇拉威西鷹雕, Nisaetus lanceolatus, セレベスクマタカ, Elang Sulawesi

52. Spot-tailed Goshawk, 斑尾鹰, 點尾鷹, Accipiter trinotatus, シラボシオオタカ, Elang-alap ekor-totol


201. Himalayan Griffon, 高山兀鹫, 高山兀鷲, Gyps himalayensis, ヒマラヤハゲワシ, HERING HIMALAYA

Sri Lanka

251. Changeable Hawk-Eagle (Crested), 凤头鹰雕, 鳳頭鷹鵰, Nisaetus cirrhatus cirrhatus/ceylanensis, インドクマタカ(亜種 インドクマタカ)



1. Brahminy Kite, 栗鸢, 栗鳶, Haliastur indus, シロガシラトビ, HELANG-TEMBIKAR MERAH

– very common raptor, from urban, mangrove

update 202011

– adult

– immature bird




2. Blyth’s Hawk-Eagle, 马来鹰雕, 馬來鷹雕, Nisaetus alboniger, カオグロクマタカ, HELANG-HINDIK MELAYU

– medium size, very beautiful raptor

– heavily black-streaked white underpart

– normally found near the hill

update 202105

– another lovely bird to be seen, never get bore to see this beautiful raptor.
– one of the most beautiful raptor of Malaysia

– 封城前一天的最後其中一隻鳥。
– 這麼美的猛禽,見多少會都會再看幾眼。

202105, Fraser Hill, Selangor, Malaysia


Blyth’s hawk-eagle,马来鹰雕


3. Black Baza, 黑冠鹃隼, 黑冠鵑隼, Aviceda leuphotes, クロカッコウハヤブサ, HELANG-GERIGI HITAM

– a small bird of prey that migrate from north south ,  normally in big group

– beautiful bird with crest


update 2020 Aug

update 2014 Dec 5

black baza, 黑冠鹃隼


4. Bat Hawk, 食蝠鸢, 食蝠鳶,Macheiramphus alcinus, コウモリダカ, Helang Malam

– small raptor which normally catches pray at dusk

– It is named for its diet, which consists mainly of bats.

swift-like raptor with angular wings and a massive gape; capable of snatching prey from the air and devouring it in a flash while still on the wing. Dark with varying amounts of white on the underside; African birds have patchy white throughout the underparts, while white is restricted to the throat and lower belly on New Guinean birds and solely to the throat in Southeast Asian birds. Inactive during the day; hunts at dawn and dusk, and occasionally into the night if light is sufficient. Generally uncommon and localized, most reliably encountered near large bat roosts in forested areas, but can also be seen over open forest, fields, and fringes of habitation. (ebird)


update 202310

– it is always good to see this weird and beautiful raptor with special flying shape

– 非常喜欢见到这鸟,站,飞都非常好看。也特别,一天就活动几个小时捉蝙蝠。

202208, Sukau, Malaysia



update 202106

– My friend recently share a great picture of this remind me the good moments every time I am there to witness this amazing moment
– if you come to Malaysia-Borneo, for me this is a must-seen “beauty of Nature” how the Bat Hawk starts hunting at dusk when millions of Bats come out from the cave ..
– 最近我的朋友分享一张很棒的照片。在沙巴这个地方,几乎每天都会上演食蝠鸢出来捉蝙蝠精彩的画面。

update 202105

201706, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia




5. Lesser Fish-Eagle, 鱼雕,Haliaeetus leucogaster, シロハラウミワシ, HELANG-KANGUK KECIL

– sometime it is confuse with grey Fish-Eagle

– Belum-Temenggor , Malim-Nawar, Kinabatangan river, Taman Negara Kuala Tahan

update 202308

– a last day on the boat after have all target ticked. But happy to see new bird of the trip. This smaller overall and see the tail banded after you flying off.

– 在京河,所有目标鸟看完后。在最后一个早上见到新鸟。不错。

202308, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202105

– 头部和颈部为灰色,腹部白色,其余均为灰褐色。
– 通常栖息于靠近河流或海岸的森林地区。主要以捕食鱼类为食,也吃蜥蜴、蛙类等小型动物。

202104, Sg Congkak, Selangor, Malaysia


Lesser Fish-Eagle, 鱼雕,Haliaeetus leucogaster, シロハラウミワシ, HELANG-KANGUK KECIL
6. Pied Harrier, 鹊鹞, 花澤鵟, Circus melanoleucos, マダラチュウヒ, HELANG-SAWAH HITAM-PUTIH

– medium size raptor, male very beautiful as name Pied .. black and white

– normally fly low near the ground for prey

update 20250101

My year-end birding tradition often takes me to the paddy fields in search of winter visitors. If I recall correctly, my buddy and I were waiting for some warblers when, out of nowhere, this raptor flew in, staring right at us! But no—it wasn’t us it was focused on. The Purple Heron caught its attention, flying between us and the harrier. I couldn’t help but wonder what the harrier was thinking as it kept its eyes on the heron for quite a distance.


202410, Tg Karang, Selangor, Malaysia


update 202111

– it is always excited t see male bird and this year seem few of them passing by and continue their journey to south

– 应该没人不喜欢这公鸟吧。幸运的见到几只经过,很快的就继续它们的南行。

202111, Selangor, Malaysia
202111, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202012

update 202011

– female adult

202011, Sekichan, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202010

female, 201412, Perak, Malaysia
201412, Perak, Malaysia


7. White-bellied Sea-Eagle, 白腹海雕, 白腹海雕, Haliaeetus leucogaster, シロハラウミワシ, HELANG-LAUT PUTIH

– very common at the river, pond, beach

– big size, mostly white and black

update 202203

– beautiful morning with breakfast ready

– 一大早金黄色的天。一早就捉到早餐了。

202203, Sg Janggut, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202011

202011, Sg Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
8. Gray-headed Fish-Eagle, 灰头鱼雕, 灰頭魚雕, Haliaeetus ichthyaetus, ウオクイワシ, HELANG-KANGUK BESAR

– sometimes confused with Lesser Fish-Eagle

update 202310

– pretty common raptor found at Kinabatangan River, and this pair seem always near same area over the years

– 在京河蛮普通的猛禽,几年了都在同一区域活动。

202309, Sabah, Malaysia


9. Eastern Marsh-Harrier, 白腹鹞, 白腹鷂, Circus spilonotus, チュウヒ, HELANG-SAWAH BIASA

– another common winter visitor, normally found in a paddy field

update 202211

– same place for last year, again male flying low

– 上一年,接近地点。一样的鸟。

202211, Sekinchan, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202111

– a beautiful male, rest and ready for the day

– 漂亮的公鸟,准备新的一天开始。

202111, Selangor, Malaysia


update 202110

– a seldom seen male bird which overall white and brown

– 比较少见的雄鸟。白-棕色。

202110, Sg Balang, Johor, Malaysia


update 202101

- Juvenile


update 202012

update 202011

– juvenile

10. Greater Spotted Eagle, 乌雕, 烏雕, Clanga clanga, カラフトワシ, HELANG-BINTIK BESAR

– large raptor, mostly brown and white upper and bottow

update 202101

- another day testing with X-T4 and 200mmF2

- mainly trying on AF lock speed and tracking for raptors 

- and this is an example using AF Zone in Video record 4k, 

update 202012

202011, Selangor, Malaysia

11. Black-winged Kite, 黑翅鸢, 黑翅鳶, Elanus caeruleus, カタグロトビ, HELANG-TIKUS BIASA

– very common widespread small raptor

– white mostly with some black on the wing

update 202405

– another good start of the tour, not only hit most of the main targets but included some good view of common birds .. this small raptor got it’s prey and stand infront of us eating the rat …

– 另一个观鸟团好的开始。第一天见到几乎每种主要目标,普鸟也“出奇制胜”。这小猛禽捉了一只老鼠后,尽然飞过来我们面前吃起小老鼠。

202405, Kuala Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia


update 202105

– 2 birds playing in the sky for a while. rush down handheld with this setup is a nightmare (heavy, weigh not balance etc) but the AF lock-on and tracking work perfect for this not that fast small raptor

– 2 只小猛禽在天上玩追逐。跑了下车手持拍他们。可是重量不平衡正的不好拍。还好富士的对焦+追焦还是很容易把这一刻拍下。

202104, Kuala Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202012

12. Steppe Eagle, 草原雕, Aquila nipalensis, ソウゲンワシ, HELANG GURUN

– large raptor, mostly brown

– rare migrant for Malaysia

update 202101

– lucky moment to have both Steppe Eagle and Greater Spotted Eagle playing together

update 202012


13. Crested Serpent-Eagle, 蛇雕, Spilornis cheela, カンムリワシ, Burung Helang Kuik

– another picture captured with Fujifilm X-T4, XF70300 & 1.4x TC
– it was a rainy day, shoot under the rain
– a common raptor resting on a tree

– 馬來西亞非常普通的猛禽
– 另一張照片,攝與Fujifilm X-T4, XF70300 & 1.4x TC

Cloudy, Raining Condition

Fujifilm X-T4, Fujifilm XF70300, TC 1.4x [600mm, ISO500, F9.0, 1/40]

14. Changeable Hawk-Eagle, 凤头鹰雕, 鳳頭鷹鵰, Nisaetus cirrhatus, カワリクマタカ, HELANG-HINDIK BIASA

Medium-sized eagle with massive rounded wings. Appears very small-headed in flight. The name is slightly misleading, as there are only really two color morphs, pale and black

update 202105

– pale morph

202104, Gunung Nuang, Selangor, Malaysia
15. Rufous-bellied Eagle, 棕腹隼雕, 棕腹隼鵰, Lophotriorchis kienerii, アカハラクマタカ, Helang Perut Merah

– quite a distinct feature, black hood, mask (when flying) and rufous-chestnut underparts and wing coverts contrast with the white on the throat and breast

– 蛮特别的过冬鸟。头顶具有一个黑色的羽冠,上体为黑色,喉部和上胸白色,具少许细的黑色纵纹,其余下体为棕栗色

update 202403

– just another bird seldom meet it perch, it is beautiful bird

– 一只我很少见到它站的。通常都是飞版。

202403, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202103

– saw this raptor flying low but too bad miss the opportunity, but lucky it turns back but the higher view.

– adult bird with a black mask and dark-rufous check and belly

– a full adult


– 成鸟。

202103, Selangor, Malaysia

16. Oriental Honey-buzzard, 凤头蜂鹰, 鳳頭蜂鷹, Pernis ptilorhynchus, ハチクマ, ハチクマ, HELANG-LEBAH ASIA

– one of the most common raptors here especially North migration season

– normally small slender head

update 202105

202104, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia


17. Mountain Serpent-Eagle, 山蛇雕, 山蛇鵰, Spilornis kinabaluensis, キナバルカンムリワシ, HELANG-KUIK KINABALU

– exclusive Borneo montane endemic, KNP, and sometimes see it calling and flying around

update 202309

– last day, we almost plan to go back and just stay up Gunung Alab to trying ours luck on this raptor. And not so long waiting, this bird calling from far and it coming toward us !!! BINGO …

– 最后一天,没什么期望。就在最高点等等看没有机会看到这猛禽。早餐后,等没很久,尽然听到他叫。立刻见他飞过来。太有运气了。

update 202305

– misty day after rain whole night. reach to next destination, saw this raptor sit on fence and allow us take some pictures before flew away.

– definite my best 5 of 202305

– 很大雾的一天。在到达下个鸟点前,尽然见到这么稀有的鹰。还让我们下车看够够才飞走。

– 这一定是我2023 5月最喜欢照片之一。

202305, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202304

– it is not that often to see this beautiful raptor close, this bird flying low and close after ours guests insist to wait for this amazing raptor after heard its’ call

– 很少机会见到这漂亮的猛禽飞的这么近与地。感谢客人的执着,等了蛮久的。

202208, KNP, SABAH, Malaysia

update 202211

– for year 2022, think this is my bird of the year. Over the years, this bird just high up for reasonable picture. But this year few times, managed to see it really low and close.

– 2022 年度只鸟。在这之前每次都飞的高高的,今年好几次都很低。


update 202209

– always love to see this special montane endemic low

– 这么难的机会,这么低的看这特别的婆罗洲特有种。

202208, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202208

– one of our long wait target while we heard it calling and we keep waiting in the open area for ~2hours for a best view of this montane endemic

– 这个团等蛮久的一只鸟,我们都听到它叫。然后我们就到开阔的地方等了大概2个小时。终于见到这么漂亮的婆罗洲特有种。


update 202105

– not a good picture but distinct from its call


18. Wallace’s Hawk-Eagle, 华氏鹰雕, 小鹰鵰, Nisaetus nanus, ウォーレスクマタカ, HELANG-HINDIK KECIL

– small size raptor normally found in subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests.

– overall brown, with dark brown wing, crest

– sometimes got confused with Blyth’s Hawk-eagle juvi, Jerdon’s Baza

update 202310

– clearing some 2023 pictures after busy months. It is good moment while seeing this bird having it’s meal to bring back to the nest

– 忙了10个月后,终于在清理2023久照片。这鸟在筑巢时,母鸟还在孵蛋。带回来食物,慢慢准备给“老婆”吃。。。

202305, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202307

– a close encounter of this cool raptor with prey … witness it eat the rat

– 这么漂亮的猛禽,看他慢慢的把老鼠吃掉。好爽

202305, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202210

– a clear morning with this beautiful raptor just ~20m from us

– 一大早上,这鸟站我们20米前。还有鸟会来?

202210, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202105

201803, RDC, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia


19. Jerdon’s Baza, 褐冠鹃隼, 褐冠鵑隼, Aviceda jerdoni, チャイロカッコウハヤブサ, HELANG-GERIGI PERANG

– winter visitor for Peninsular Malaysia and Resident for Borneo.

– sometimes confused with Wallace’s Hawk-Eagle and Blyth’s Hawk-Eagle

– the leg feather, Beak, and call make it tell the different

update 202302

– a cloudy day and whole forest just too quiet. This raptor flying and perch. lovely looking but just bit too far

– 密云满天的一个早上。森林特别安静。这猛禽突然飞在前方停了下来。虽然很远,还是可以看这鸟很美。

202302, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202105

201807, Kinabatangan river, Sabah, Malaysia


20. Black Eagle, 林雕, 林鵰, Ictinaetus malaiensis, カザノワシ, HELANG HITAM ASIA

– overall dark mid-sized raptor with a yellow beak and leg, found sub-montane hill sites.

– but also recently sight low-land (Sg Congkak & Sekinchan)

update 202405

– it is good season to see this ? sight so many times in Fraser HIll and it flew real close sometime just ~20m from us.

– a not really black overall if with lighting and big raptor which quite frequent found Fraser Hill

– 这个季节怎么这么多这个猛禽?几乎没几个小时就见到还要很低(我们都在不一样的地方)还要飞很低。

– 英文叫“黑鹰”可是在有光线下不黑的。

202405, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202105

202010, Sekichan, Selangor, Malaysia


21. Common Buzzard, 普通鵟, 普通鵟, Buteo buteo, ヨーロッパノスリ, HELANG-GEMPAL BIASA

– not so common winter visitor

update 202105

201302, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia


22. Crested Goshawk, 凤头鹰, 鳳頭鷹, Accipiter trivirgatus, カンムリオオタカ, HELANG-SEWAH BESAR BERJAMBUL

– common small raptors, can found urban, forest edge, sub-montane, montane etc

– Adult has a gray head, brown wings, whitish underparts with thick orange-brown stripes in belly and streaks in breast, and white throat with black borders. Juvenile similar but with brown head, sparingly marked underparts, and very short crest. Appears stockier and relatively shorter-tailed in flight than other accipiters. Flying adults may also show a fluffy white clump of feathers on both sides of the tail. (Ebird)

update 202208

– a very boring morning, where a pair of Rhinoceros Hornbill standing/sleeping on same tree for whole morning. After we lost our patient we come here and lucky to see this bird having it’s breakfast

– 非常闷的一个早晨。一双马来犀鸟站在同一棵树了1个小时多。我们的耐心终于输了给它们。换了个点,来到这看到这小猛禽在吃早餐。

202209, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202105


23. Japanese Sparrowhawk, 日本松雀鹰, 日本松雀鷹, Accipiter gularis, ツミ, HELANG-SEWAH JEPUN

– another small raptor, a common winter visitor.

– sometimes confused with Chinese Sparrowgawk which with pale-plain under-wing

update 202105


24. Black Kite, 黑鸢, 鳶, Milvus migrans, トビ, HELANG-KEMBARA HITAM

– another common winter visitor, overall brown-black. the “fork-tailed” also a distinctive

update 202105




51. Sulawesi Hawk-Eagle, 苏拉威西鹰雕, 蘇拉威西鷹雕, Nisaetus lanceolatus, セレベスクマタカ, Elang Sulawesi

– another Sulawesi endemic
– medium size raptor, the juvenile pure white

– 蘇拉威西特有種猛禽
– 幼鳥,全白

update 202310

– it is always good to see this beautiful raptor close and eye level. such a beauty

– 平视角,近距离看着这么漂亮的猛禽。好美啊

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia



update 202102


52. Spot-tailed Goshawk, 斑尾鹰, 點尾鷹, Accipiter trinotatus, シラボシオオタカ, Elang-alap ekor-totol

– many raptors endemic of Sulawesi, this is a small raptor

– overall rufous-light brown with a black-white tail (whit spot)

– 蘇拉威西很多猛禽特有種。小猛禽,棕色與黑白尾。

update 202309

– ours’ boring morning which cannot find the thrush and heard this bird and slowly we trying to locate this lovely bird .. small and beautiful

– 很闷的一个早上。没什么鸟,可是当我们走远时听到这鸟叫。没很久,就找到这么美丽的猛禽

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia














201. Himalayan Griffon, 高山兀鹫, 高山兀鷲, Gyps himalayensis, ヒマラヤハゲワシ, HERING HIMALAYA

– large size raptor, the group moving in Sichuan area

– rare migrant to Malaysia

update 202105




251. Changeable Hawk-Eagle (Crested), 凤头鹰雕, 鳳頭鷹鵰, Nisaetus cirrhatus cirrhatus/ceylanensis, インドクマタカ(亜種 インドクマタカ)

– medium size of raptor, and it look very similar to Malaysia one except have “high crest”

– 体型中。与马来西亚凤头鹰雕很像除了冠很高。

update 202402

update 202402

– before I forgot, another best moment when we at Sri Lanka.. this good looking raptor give us very good looking it is close and not happy

– 我去忙前,这是2023我最特别的其中一刻。这猛禽,真的很漂亮。站很近,看我们。有点不高兴。

202312, Yala NP


– our 2nd try for the Leopard at another entrance of Yala National Park, not very productive afternoon but we saw this raptor standing on ground and walk across the trail and looking at us !

– 我们在亚拉国家公园另一个路口继续寻找花豹,中午没什么鸟。可是还是非常幸运,在路上见到这猛禽在路上站好好看我们还在我们车前慢慢过马路。

202312, Yala NP

More pictures from Flickr: Accipitridae series: Harrier, Eagle Hawk | 鹰科 | liewwk Nature

... i am flying freely ...

More Youtube video : Accipitridae series : Harrier, Eagle Hawk | 鹰科 | liewwk Nature


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