Another family to be added in 2020
1. Black-crowned Night-Heron, 夜鹭,夜鷺,Nycticorax nycticorax, PUCUNG-KUAK BIASA
2. Yellow Bittern, 黄斑苇鳽, 黃斑葦鳽, Ixobrychus sinensis, ヨシゴイ,GELAM KUNING
3. Cinnamon Bittern, 栗葦鳽, Ixobrychus cinnamomeus, リュウキュウヨシゴイ, GELAM BENDANG
4. Black Bittern, 黑葦鳽, Ixobrychus flavicollis, タカサゴクロサギ, Pucung Hitam
5. Little Egret, 白鹭, 白鷺, Egretta garzetta, コサギ, BANGAU KECIL
6. Striated Heron, 小绿鹭, 小綠鷺, Butorides striata, ササゴイ, PUCUNG-BAKAU BIASA
7. Chinese Egret, 黄嘴白鹭, 黃嘴白鷺, Egretta eulophotes, カラシラサギ, Bangau Cina
8. Great-billed Heron, 大嘴鹭, 大嘴鷺, Ardea sumatrana, スマトラサギ, Cangak Laut
9. Cattle Egret, 牛背鹭, 牛背鷺, Bubulcus ibis, アマサギ, BANGAU PENDEK
10. Great Egret, 大白鹭, 大白鷺, Ardea alba, ダイサギ, Bangau Besar
11. Intermediate Egret, 中白鹭, 中白鷺, Ardea intermedia, チュウサギ, BANGAU SEDERHANA
12. Indian Pond-Heron, 印度池鹭, 印度池鷺, Ardeola grayii, インドアカガシラサギ, PUCUNG-PADI KELABU
13. Great Bittern, 大麻鳽, 大麻鳽, Botaurus stellaris, サンカノゴイ, GELAM-RAYA ERASIA
14. Gray Heron, 苍鹭, 蒼鷺, Ardea cinerea, アオサギ, PUCUNG SERIAP BIASA
15. Purple Heron, 草鹭, 草鷺, Ardea purpurea, ムラサキサギ, Pucung Serandau
16. Pacific Reef-Heron, 岩鹭, 岩鷺, Egretta sacra, クロサギ, BANGAU BATU PASIFIK
17. Chinese Pond-Heron, 池鹭, 池鷺, Ardeola bacchus, アカガシラサギ, PUCUNG-PADI CINA
18. Javan Pond-Heron, 爪哇池鹭, 爪哇池鷺, Ardeola speciosa, ジャワアカガシラサギ, PUCUNG-PADI EMAS
19. Rufous Night-Heron, 棕夜鹭, 棕夜鷺, Nycticorax caledonicus, ハシブトゴイ, PUCUNG-KUAK MERAH
20. Malayan Night-Heron, 黑冠鳽, 黑冠夜鳽, Gorsachius melanolophus, ズグロミゾゴイ, PUCUNG-HARIMAU UBUN HITAM
21. Schrenck’s Bittern, 紫背苇鳽, 秋小鷺, Ixobrychus eurhythmus, オオヨシゴイ, GELAM BELAKANG COKLAT
51. Indian Pond-Heron, 印度池鹭, 印度池鷺, Ardeola grayii, インドアカガシラサギ, PUCUNG-PADI KELABU
52. Javan Kingfisher, 爪哇翡翠, 爪哇翡翠, Halcyon cyanoventris, ジャワショウビン, Cekakak Jawa
1.Black-crowned Night-Heron, 夜鹭,夜鷺,Nycticorax nycticorax, PUCUNG-KUAK BIASA
– 46-60 cm
– common, widespread, like to roosting big group in same area
Adults have a black crown and back with the remainder of the body white or grey, red eyes, and short yellow legs. They have pale grey wings and white under parts. Two or three long white plumes, erected in greeting and courtship displays, extend from the back of the head. The sexes are similar in appearance although the males are slightly larger. Black-crowned night herons do not fit the typical body form of the heron family. They are relatively stocky with shorter bills, legs, and necks than their more familiar cousins, the egrets and “day” herons. Their resting posture is normally somewhat hunched but when hunting they extend their necks and look more like other wading birds.
Immature birds have dull grey-brown plumage on their heads, wings, and backs, with numerous pale spots. Their underparts are paler and streaked with brown. The young birds have orange eyes and duller yellowish-green legs. They are very noisy birds in their nesting colonies, with calls that are commonly transcribed as quok or woc.
update 202202
– busy bird keep collecting nesting material
– 非常忙碌的鸟,一直到湖表面捡筑巢树枝。

update 202012
update 2020 Oct

2. Yellow Bittern, 黄斑苇鳽, 黃斑葦鳽, Ixobrychus sinensis, ヨシゴイ,GELAM KUNING
– small size, pale yellow
– common and widespread small heron, usually shy
– found near fresh water pond, lake
– narrow dark head cap , pale orangish brown or yellow body
update 2020 Oct

3. Cinnamon Bittern, 栗葦鳽, Ixobrychus cinnamomeus, リュウキュウヨシゴイ, GELAM BENDANG
update 2020 Jun 10

– shy bird .. and sharing a slow motion flying capture after long Lock Down

4. Black Bittern, 黑葦鳽, Ixobrychus flavicollis, タカサゴクロサギ, Pucung Hitam
– rare and shy winter visitor

5. Little Egret, 白鹭, 白鷺, Egretta garzetta, コサギ, BANGAU KECIL
– small size, blackleg, yellow feet, black-billed and some with pink bottom
update 202105
– breeding plumage, which shows purple face skin, can see the finger red-orange

update 202011

6. Striated Heron, 小绿鹭, 小綠鷺, Butorides striata, ササゴイ, PUCUNG-BAKAU BIASA
– very common mud beach, riverbank, paddy field
– small, mostly gray, with dark black-gray on head
update 202112
– video clip create from a series of pictures captured with CANON R3
– while I am shooting Tern flying at Selangor coastal area. this Heron sudden flying from beach toward mangrove area.
– 视屏,是一组照片摄于佳能R3.
– 在海边拍水鸟时,这鸟忽然从海飞到红树林。我立刻用佳能R3,随便瞄向这鸟。相机完全自动对焦鸟+追焦鸟头/眼。

update 202012

7. Chinese Egret, 黄嘴白鹭, 黃嘴白鷺, Egretta eulophotes, カラシラサギ, Bangau Cina
– Vulnerable species
– look confusing to little egret, bill, leg color make the different
– medium size, sometimes confused with a little egret
update 202101
– high tide, force this rare and globally endangered white egret to come near to platform feeding
update 202012
– funny to see this bird inland where is in a Manure pond.

8. Great-billed Heron, 大嘴鹭, 大嘴鷺, Ardea sumatrana, スマトラサギ, Cangak Laut
- lucky to have these 2 birds displaying and managed to have a good session with them - a not so common heron 非常幸運,拍到它們在配偶行為。 update 202102 - while w on the way to Great-billed Kingfisher. Saw these 2 birds displaying and stop to capture the good moment.# 9. Cattle Egret, 牛背鹭, 牛背鷺, Bubulcus ibis, アマサギ, BANGAU PENDEK
9. Cattle Egret, 牛背鹭, 牛背鷺, Bubulcus ibis, アマサギ, BANGAU PENDEK
– very common “white egret”, small size, white, short yellow bill, short-neck, short blackleg
– 非常普通的“白”鹭,黄嘴,颈短,短黑脚。
update 202112
– a lovely dawn moment with all roost egret
– 早上天亮前,鸟都开始飞起来了。

update 202104
– adult non-breeding
– 非繁殖羽。

10. Great Egret, 大白鹭, 大白鷺, Ardea alba, ダイサギ, Bangau Besar
– long (s) neck, dagger marks behind the eye which compare to Intermediate Egret which is not
– 较大,长颈,嘴较壮大。主要,眼下的线会超过眼边。

11. Intermediate Egret, 中白鹭, 中白鷺, Ardea intermedia, チュウサギ, BANGAU SEDERHANA
– overall white, and long neck, yellow-billed (sometimes with black tip). dagger marks reach eye edge compare Greater is across.
update 202201
– lovely morning light when this bird just got a fish flying across lovely cloud
– 美丽的早上。这鸟刚刚捉了一条鱼,飞过美丽的云。

12. Indian Pond-Heron, 印度池鹭, 印度池鷺, Ardeola grayii, インドアカガシラサギ, PUCUNG-PADI KELABU
– it is almost not possible to differentiate Indian, Chinese & Javan Pond heron when no breeding plumage.
– at this March onward, most of the bird is ready to change their plumage
– light yellowish head, neck, and breast. Back is maroon
update 202105
– see how good the fishing skill of this heron
– 捉鱼高手。很厉害。

13. Great Bittern, 大麻鳽, 大麻鳽, Botaurus stellaris, サンカノゴイ, GELAM-RAYA ERASIA
– rare migrant for Malaysia
– big size bittern
update 202105

14. Gray Heron, 苍鹭, 蒼鷺, Ardea cinerea, アオサギ, PUCUNG SERIAP BIASA
– very common near river, ponds, mudflat etc.
– Plumage mostly gray overall, with paler neck; adult has white crown, black eyebrows, and black shoulder patch(EBird)
update 202204
– it is a misty morning on a death tree, this bird sit there quietly and the new camera technology will just automatic find the bird eye for you ..
– 一个漂亮的早上,雾。远处死树上站了一只鸟。不是每个人会发现,可是相机的功能,可能比我们快找到鸟。

update 202203
– lucky morning with beautiful rainbow and hope luck for my friends
– 漂亮的早上。幸运彩虹,应该会给我的朋友带来的幸运。
update 202105
15. Purple Heron, 草鹭, 草鷺, Ardea purpurea, ムラサキサギ, Pucung Serandau
– very common big size, overall rufous, gray-purple back and red leg
– widespread across the paddy field, mudflat, river, ponds, stream etc
update 202105
16. Pacific Reef-Heron, 岩鹭, 岩鷺, Egretta sacra, クロサギ, BANGAU BATU PASIFIK
– normally single bird or small group near the beach with rock
– dark and white morph (rare)
update 202105
17. Chinese Pond-Heron, 池鹭, 池鷺, Ardeola bacchus, アカガシラサギ, PUCUNG-PADI CINA
– one of the common winter visitors but not really differentiate when non-breeding plumage.
– when summer plumage, dark chestnut head-neck-breast, and dark gray-blue back
update 202105

18. Javan Pond-Heron, 爪哇池鹭, 爪哇池鷺, Ardeola speciosa, ジャワアカガシラサギ, PUCUNG-PADI EMAS
– relatively not so common visitor here
– head-neck overall dull or light rufous among other 2 Pond-Heron
– dark-gray back
update 202105

19. Rufous Night-Heron, 棕夜鹭, 棕夜鷺, Nycticorax caledonicus, ハシブトゴイ, PUCUNG-KUAK MERAH
– Only at Borneo, not Peninsular Malaysia
– easy to distinct as overall rufous, black bill and crown
update 202105

20. Malayan Night-Heron, 黑冠鳽, 黑冠夜鳽, Gorsachius melanolophus, ズグロミゾゴイ, PUCUNG-HARIMAU UBUN HITAM
– un-common winter visitor
update 202105

21. Schrenck’s Bittern, 紫背苇鳽, 秋小鷺, Ixobrychus eurhythmus, オオヨシゴイ, GELAM BELAKANG COKLAT
– small bittern look like cinnamon bittern, a rare migrant for Malaysia, look
– 是鹭科、苇鳽属动物,为涉禽,体长约33厘米。头顶黑色,后头至尾上覆羽暗栗褐色;翅上覆羽橄榄黄色;下体浅棕黄色。多生活于水库和山脚边的稻田、芦苇丛、滩涂及沼泽草地
– 马来西亚稀有侯鸟。

51. Indian Pond-Heron, 印度池鹭, 印度池鷺, Ardeola grayii, インドアカガシラサギ, PUCUNG-PADI KELABU

52. Javan Kingfisher, 爪哇翡翠, 爪哇翡翠, Halcyon cyanoventris, ジャワショウビン, Cekakak Jawa
– note darker head in all plumages. Handsome in breeding plumage, with creamy head, dark red breast, and lacy black plumes on the back.
– 鹳形目鹭科的鸟类。是一种中型涉禽,身长45cm,胸部红棕色,上体黑色,白色双翼、有一张喙尖黑色的黄色鸟喙,黄色的眼睛和腿。

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