Pycnonotidae series: Bulbul | 鹎科 | liewwk Nature – 21-3 [update 20240919]

Malaysia has many different bulbuls, and mostly brownish

1. Straw-headed Bulbul, 黄冠鹎, 黃冠鵯, Pycnonotus zeylanicus, キガシラヒヨドリ, BARAU-BARAU RAYA

2. Scaly-breasted Bulbul, 鳞胸鹎, 鱗胸鵯, Rubigula squamata, ウロコヒヨドリ, Burung Merbah Bersisik

3. Bornean Bulbul, 婆罗洲鹎, 婆羅洲鵯, Pycnonotus montis, ボルネオヒヨドリ, MERBAH KUNYIT JAMBUL BORNEO

4. Pale-faced Bulbul, 淡脸鹎, 淡臉鵯, Pycnonotus flavescens leucops, カオジロヒヨドリ, MERBAH MUKA PUTIH

5. Spectacled Bulbul, 小褐鹎, 小褐鵯, Rubigula erythropthalmos, コアカメチャイロヒヨ, MERBAH MATA MERAH KECIL

6. Red-whiskered Bulbul, 红耳鹎, 紅耳鵯, Pycnonotus jocosus, コウラウン, MERBAH TELINGA MERAH

7. Stripe-throated Bulbul, 纹喉鹎, 紋喉鵯, Pycnonotus finlaysoni, キビタイヒヨドリ, MERBAH KUNYIT LEKIR

8. Cinereous Bulbul (Cinereous), 灰黑短脚鹎, 灰黑短腳鵯, Hemixos cinereus cinereus, キバネヒヨドリ, MERBAH-KELABU BIASA

9. Cinereous Bulbul (Green-winged), 灰黑短脚鹎, 灰黑短腳鵯, Hemixos cinereus connectens, キバネヒヨドリ, MERBAH-KELABU BIASA

10. Gray-bellied Bulbul, 灰腹鹎, 灰腹鵯, Rubigula cyaniventris, ハイムネヒヨドリ, MERBAH PERUT KELABU

11. Charlotte’s Bulbul, 黄臀灰胸鹎, 黃臀灰胸鵯, Iole charlottae, カンムリオリーブヒヨ, MERBAH-RIANG BORNEO

12. Olive-winged Bulbul, 橄榄褐鹎, 橄欖褐鵯, Pycnonotus plumosus, アカメヒヨドリ, MERBAH TELINGA LOREK MELAYU

13. Yellow-vented Bulbul, 白眉黄臀鹎, 白眉黃臀鵯, Pycnonotus goiavier, メグロヒヨドリ, Merbah Kapur

14. Cream-vented Bulbul (White-eyed), 白眼褐鹎, 白眼褐鵯, Pycnonotus simplex, メジロチャイロヒヨ, MERBAH MATA PUTIH BIASA

15. Black-crested Bulbul, 黑冠鹎, 黑枕黃鵯, Rubigula flaviventris, クロボウシヒヨドリ, MERBAH KUNYIT JAMBUL BIASA

16. Penan Bulbul, 本南白喉褐冠鹎, 本南白喉褐冠鵯, Alophoixus ruficrissus, シロハラカンムリヒヨドリ, MERBAH-BERJANGGUT GUNUNG BORNEO

17. Hook-billed Bulbul, 钩嘴鹎, 鉤嘴鵯, Setornis criniger, カギハシヒヨドリ, MERBAH PARUH CANGKUK

18. Cream-eyed Bulbul, 白眼鹎, Pycnonotus pseudosimplex, MERBAH MATA PUTIH BORNEO

19. Finsch’s Bulbul, 芬氏冠鹎, 矮髭鵯, Alophoixus finschii, ヒメアゴヒゲヒヨドリ, MERBAH-BERJANGGUT RENGKUNG KUNING

20. Ochraceous Bulbul, 白喉褐冠鹎, 白喉褐冠鵯, Alophoixus ochraceus, シロハラカンムリヒヨドリ, MERBAH-BERJANGGUT GUNUNG BIASA

21. Mountain Bulbul, 绿翅短脚鹎, 麥克氏山短腳鵯, BEBARAU-BUKIT BIASA, Ixos mcclellandii, ミヤマヒヨドリ



51. Sumatran Bulbul, 苏门答腊短脚鹎, 蘇門答臘短腳鵯, Ixos sumatranus


101. Light-vented Bulbul, 白头鹎, 白頭翁, Pycnonotus sinensis, シロガシラ



201. Red-vented Bulbul, 黑喉红臀鹎, 黑喉紅臀鵯, Pycnonotus cafer, シリアカヒヨドリ



1. Straw-headed Bulbul, 黄冠鹎, 黃冠鵯, Pycnonotus zeylanicus, キガシラヒヨドリ, BARAU-BARAU RAYA

– bird make very nice songs , that’s why always main target to be trap

– critical endegered species

update 202409

– it is a critical endanger and rare bird, getting difficult to sight one since 5 years ago.. but this year seem good year sight it Johor, Sukau (multiple times), Danum Valley & Taman Negara.

– it is boring morning without much activities, before we heading back for breakfast. Saw a bulbul shape bird flying across and YES .. it just stand not that high and far from us ..

– 严重濒危,稀有。在过去5年几乎越来越难见到。可是2024,我竟然遇上好几次。在马来西亚好几个地方。

– 在船上,很闷的一个早上。没什么特别的鸟,可是当我们回程吃早餐时。看到一只蛮大的鸟飞过。wowow .. 这么幸运。

202407, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202405

– it is a hot afternoon while we trying to find a Black-and-Red Broadbill nest which gone after the water level is over the nest. But all of sudden I saw these 2 birds just stand infront of us … wow wow .. it was so close for us to get some shot compare to normal high up at the canopy

– 非常炎热的下午,我么要去看看之前看到的黑红阔嘴鸟的巢。可是那个巢被水淹没了。可是在那,我们尽然遇上这对好鸟。好几分钟的追逐,终于拿下。

202404, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia


update 2020 Nov

update 2016 Nov 17


2. Scaly-breasted Bulbul, 鳞胸鹎, 鱗胸鵯, Rubigula squamata, ウロコヒヨドリ, Burung Merbah Bersisik

– one of the most beautiful bulbul in Malaysia …

– not very common too

update 202406

– another fruiting tree “waiting” moment, this is very first bird that come close and low for us. Even missed Photograph the main target but managed to see both Black-and-white Bulbul & Chestnut-capped Thrush but still happy guests saw both species

– 遇上了果树,主要是耐心等待。虽然错过摄影黑白鹎与栗顶地鸫。可是客人看到已很足够了。下次吧

202406, Poring, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202012

Scaly-breasted Bulbul,鳞胸鹎, Rubigula squamata, ウロコヒヨドリ, Burung Merbah Bersisik
3. Bornean Bulbul, 婆罗洲鹎, 婆羅洲鵯, Pycnonotus montis, ボルネオヒヨドリ, MERBAH KUNYIT JAMBUL BORNEO

look like Pen Malaysia Black-crested Bulbul, this sub-montane endemic … many years ago, I ever say to my friend … “Black-crested Bulbul very common at Pen Malaysia la, I don’t need ”

update 202407

– another Borneo Endemic not that difficult to be missed if we have enough time to be at right time. But this time, we are lucky enough to have just park ours car and found this bird with another 2 endemic birds just in single area for feeding on this flower.

– normally moving in group, black crest with yellow body

– 一只婆罗洲蛮容易的特有种。有足够时间通常都叫容易遇上,可是这次非常幸运的停下车没很远就遇上着课小树(花)。遇上3只特有种+其他鸟。

– 通常是群体活动。

202407, Crocker Range, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202208

– another sub-montane Borneo endemic, which overall yellow with black crest

– 婆罗洲另一只叫普通的特有种。几乎黄,带有黑冠

202207, Tambunan, Sabah, Malaysia

update 2020 Nov

update 2020 Aug

Bornean Bulbul, 婆罗洲鹎,婆羅洲鵯, Pycnonotus montis, ボルネオヒヨドリ, MERBAH KUNYIT JAMBUL BORNEO

4. Pale-faced Bulbul, 淡脸鹎, 淡臉鵯, Pycnonotus flavescens leucops, カオジロヒヨドリ, MERBAH MUKA PUTIH

– depend on the checklist, some have split as Pale-faced Bulbul which is montane Borneo endemic

– look very similar to Yellow-vented Bulbul

update 202407

– a recent split, it is a Borneo highland endemic. a common bird making a lot of noise while moving in group or pair.

– 最近才被分出来的婆罗洲高山特有种。蛮普通,通常群体活动。

202406, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202308

– a highland, bulbul that pretty common but recently gave me some hardtie to looking for it. previous trips just need more tie on this bird. Not sure what happen .. but last trip, it just show there when we arrive …

– some checklist already split this as Pale-faced Bulbul as Borneo endemic

– 高原的鹎,其实蛮普通可是最近不知道怎了,还是要点时间看到它。

– 有人已把它分成新婆罗洲特有种。

202306, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202011

201905, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

5. Spectacled Bulbul, 小褐鹎, 小褐鵯, Rubigula erythropthalmos, コアカメチャイロヒヨ, MERBAH MATA MERAH KECIL

– small brown’s Bulbul, which with Yellow eye ring

update 202011

202003, Taiping, Perak, Malaysia
6. Red-whiskered Bulbul, 红耳鹎, 紅耳鵯, Pycnonotus jocosus, コウラウン, MERBAH TELINGA MERAH

– Introduced beautiful Song bird

– black-crested, red-whiskered with a beautiful song

update 202303

– a pair of this escape birds nesting and quite aggressive over other birds get close.

– making weird call when get close to by human, birds etc

– 一双放生鸟,在这足巢。任何鸟接近他都会叫的很怪。

202303, Kuala Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia


202011, Sg Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
7. Stripe-throated Bulbul, 纹喉鹎, 紋喉鵯, Pycnonotus finlaysoni, キビタイヒヨドリ, MERBAH KUNYIT LEKIR

– another lovely beautiful songbird of Malaysia

update 202404

– it is very common bird at Peninsular Malaysia from lowland – sub-montane. beautiful song bird

– 西马,蛮普通的鸟,很会唱歌。

2024043 Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202206

– a common, lovely and beautiful song bird

– a new high megapixel apsc camera do provide such a beautiful, so many details picture

– 非常普通,漂亮的鸟。

– 佳能这架新的半幅高像素相机,让照片充满细节。

202206, Ulu Langat, Selangor



8. Cinereous Bulbul (Cinereous), 灰黑短脚鹎, 灰黑短腳鵯, Hemixos cinereus cinereus, キバネヒヨドリ, MERBAH-KELABU BIASA

– sub-montane and montane

update 202011

9. Cinereous Bulbul (Green-winged), 灰黑短脚鹎, 灰黑短腳鵯, Hemixos cinereus connectens, キバネヒヨドリ, MERBAH-KELABU BIASA

– Borneo’s with green-winged, without black face

update 202011

10. Gray-bellied Bulbul, 灰腹鹎, 灰腹鵯, Rubigula cyaniventris, ハイムネヒヨドリ, MERBAH PERUT KELABU

– yellowish-with grey front

update 202011

11. Charlotte’s Bulbul, 黄臀灰胸鹎, 黃臀灰胸鵯, Iole charlottae, カンムリオリーブヒヨ, MERBAH-RIANG BORNEO

– a Buff-vented look-alike bulbul (Peninsular Malaysia) which absent from Borneo island.
– a “brown” bulbul, Borneo lowland endemic
– white eye, steak dark brown head

– 婆罗洲没”黄臀灰胸鹎“。把它分出这特有种。
– 白眼,头部明显暗纹

– very common brown bulbul endemic, it is Buff vented Bulbul (peninsular Malaysia) look alike

– 非常普通的婆罗洲特有种

update 202208

– a common lowland Borneo endemic. overall brown with darker brown-black on head

– 蛮普通的婆罗洲特有种。蛮闷的颜色(棕)的鸟

202306, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202011

more Borneo endemic

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature

12. Olive-winged Bulbul, 橄榄褐鹎, 橄欖褐鵯, Pycnonotus plumosus, アカメヒヨドリ, MERBAH TELINGA LOREK MELAYU

– common found mangrove, secondary forest

– as named, winged with olive green color

update 202011

Sg Dua, Penang, Malaysia
13. Yellow-vented Bulbul, 白眉黄臀鹎, 白眉黃臀鵯, Pycnonotus goiavier, メグロヒヨドリ, Merbah Kapur

– very common bulbul

– garden, mangrove etc

update 202011

14. Cream-vented Bulbul (White-eyed), 白眼褐鹎, 白眼褐鵯, Pycnonotus simplex, メジロチャイロヒヨ, MERBAH MATA PUTIH BIASA

– brown bulbul with a white eye, this specified for Peninsular Malaysia (Thailand, Indonesia) but not Borneo

update 202311

– a special moment this common bulbul came too low.. on the ground ..

– 这普通的鹎尽然下来这么低。

202307, Panti, Johor, Malaysia


update 202011




15. Black-crested Bulbul, 黑冠鹎, 黑枕黃鵯, Rubigula flaviventris, クロボウシヒヨドリ, MERBAH KUNYIT JAMBUL BIASA

– a pretty common yellow bulbul with obvious black -head-crest

– a lovely song bird

– 蛮普通的鹎,黑-黄。头部与头冠是黑。

– 唱歌很好听,时常被捉。

update 202106

202008, Fraser Hill, Selangor, Malaysia
16. Penan Bulbul, 本南白喉褐冠鹎, 本南白喉褐冠鵯, Alophoixus ruficrissus, シロハラカンムリヒヨドリ, MERBAH-BERJANGGUT GUNUNG BORNEO

– a newly split from Ochraceous Bulbul, special to Borneo. additional of Borneo Endemic.

A brownish-olive bulbul with a wispy crest and a puffy, glowingly white throat. Inhabits lowland and montane forests, where it prefers primary or well-aged secondary growth. Forages in the middle and lower levels of the forest, usually in small, noisy flocks. (Ebird)

– 之前与西马的白喉褐冠鹎同类。之后分为婆罗洲特有种。

update 202308

– a new split Borneo endemic, which normally found Sub-montane or montane of Borneo. it look very Ochraceous Bulbul.

– 白喉褐冠鹎 分出来的婆罗洲特有种。在福隆港蛮普通的。

202308, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia



202212, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia

17. Hook-billed Bulbul, 钩嘴鹎, 鉤嘴鵯, Setornis criniger, カギハシヒヨドリ, MERBAH PARUH CANGKUK

– A highly localized species, found almost exclusively in the kerangas and peatswamp forests of Borneo and Sumatra’s lowlands (rarely in adjacent wooded habitats). Fairly plain overall; note brown upperparts, off-white chest, pale yellow belly, and elegant white eyebrow. Long and heavy hook-tipped silver bill is diagnostic if seen well. Forages singly, in pairs, and in small bands, typically in the middle and lower levels of forest. Gives a variety of harsh scolding calls, including a nasal “jyaw, jyaw” and a quicker, drier rattle. [ebird]

绿鹦嘴鹎体长约8厘米,体重约20克。嘴短厚,呈灰黄色,上嘴向下弯曲似鹦鹉嘴,额基部为石板灰色。上体为暗橄榄绿色,喉及头侧呈黑褐 色,上胸有一半圆形白环,绕到颈的两侧,上胸和体侧呈橄榄绿色,腹部为黄绿色。尾羽橄榄黄色,有一黑褐色宽端,尾下覆羽鲜黄色。脚褐色。

update 202310

– another bird that hit and miss, it is good that 2023 think has 100% hit … hope they doing good in the limited left over environment

– 算婆罗洲稀有鸟吧。几乎都是50%机会看到,也不好拍。可是2023,100%见到拍到。还算很不错,希望在它们需要的特别环境缩小中也可以稳稳的增加数量。

202309, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202309

– a boring raining morning, almost nothing calling or action.. except this bird gave us some good view … any how main target ticked

– 郁闷的下雨早上,(还在下雨)几乎没什么鸟叫。就这鸟乖乖的让我们看/拍。目标鸟看到了还好。

202309, KLIAS, SABAH, Malaysia

update 202306

– a Borneo extension quick drop-by for 2 hour and lucky to have this close and clear view

– 婆罗洲行之加行程1,第一站停了2个小时。非常幸运看到这么近

202306, Sabah, Malaysia
18. Cream-eyed Bulbul, 白眼鹎, Pycnonotus pseudosimplex, MERBAH MATA PUTIH BORNEO

– a very similar look with cream-vented bulbul but it is newly know to be Borneo endemic

– 与白眼褐鹎有点困扰。是最近被分为婆罗洲特有种。白眼,褐色

Dull dirt-brown bulbul with pale button eyes. Currently only known from northern Borneo, where it is the only plain brown bulbul with white eyes. Pale-eyed forms of closely related Cream-vented Bulbul do not overlap in range. Found in a range of forests and forest edges. Like other bulbuls, often joins flocks at fruiting trees. Gives loud “pinks” and quiet sputtering trills. (ebird)

update 202408

– after tired to search for Bornean Wren-babblers .. everyone saw it but not a very good view ::( .. decide to walk up to canopy for some relax birding and this bird stand in-front of us .. sometime it is easy to miss as a brown bird

– 在看到加里曼丹地鹛后,大家都筋疲力尽了。就上了树上不到简单看鸟,这一只好鸟竟然就站前面。

202408, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202404

– another species getting difficult to sight, may be we overlooked the “brown bird” .. pale white eye which very Cream-vented Bulbul look alike but absent from Borneo

– 另一种鸟越来越难见到,可能我们都饿没注意这鸟?与马来西亚的白眼褐鹎很像。可是在婆罗洲没有。

202403, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202307

– a recent visit to Danum Valley and used to see it quite common at RDC and Danum Valley. But than not really has good sight since ~2 years ago until now

– 最近到丹绒谷见好几次。两年前,这鸟在RDC, Danum Vally 都蛮容易见到。可是2年来,却很少见他了。

202307, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia
19. Finsch’s Bulbul, 芬氏冠鹎, 矮髭鵯, Alophoixus finschii, ヒメアゴヒゲヒヨドリ, MERBAH-BERJANGGUT RENGKUNG KUNING

olive above and yellow below with an especially pale throat. Like many other bulbuls, manages to be distinctive despite being utterly unremarkable-looking. Inhabits lowland and foothill forests, in both primary and secondary growth. Moves through middle and upper levels of forest in pairs or small flocks, sometimes with other species. Gives rough “wek” and “kwik” calls when foraging, but otherwise fairly quiet. [Ebird]

– a uncommon bulbul, for most of the location except South of Peninsula Malaysia & Borneo Danum Valley

– 蛮稀有的除了,西马南部与丹浓古

update 202406

– as usual with morning walk to look for more missing “brown birds”, all of sudden saw Brown+Yellow bird and very soon heard the call .. I ask everyone to have a good view of this not so common brown bird

– 一如常,我们继续找错过的“闷闷的褐色鸟们”。突然见到一只“褐+黄”的鸟,在怀疑中听到他叫。快点叫大伙们过来看。

202406, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202401

– as the previous post, the same individual stay close, low and long for us to take so many good photo of this rarely seen bird Peninsula Malaysia

– 如之前讲,这鸟站的很近,地,很久让我们都拍的非常好的照片。在西马这么稀有的鸟,就这样被看的清清楚楚。

20240111, Talang, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia



– a wonderful day to go out with buddy, still very quiet overall.. but surprise this bird so close to us. ~10 feet at eye level for us. Now can see so much clear on the crown view

– 与朋友去走走,森林还是非常安静。可是幸运地,这鸟站在我们10尺+地角度。它的冠是很漂亮的哦

20240111, Talang, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia


update 202307

– a raining afternoon, after some good flock of woodpeckers. This bird just stand at road side for us. lovely looking bulbul

– 下了一场雨后,来了一次啄木鸟的鸟浪。之后就发现这漂亮的鹎。

202307, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia


20. Ochraceous Bulbul, 白喉褐冠鹎, 白喉褐冠鵯, Alophoixus ochraceus, シロハラカンムリヒヨドリ, MERBAH-BERJANGGUT GUNUNG BIASA

A brownish-olive bulbul with a wispy crest and a puffy, glowingly white throat. Inhabits lowland and foothill forests, where it prefers primary or well-aged secondary growth. Forages in the middle and lower levels of forest, usually in small, noisy flocks. Calls consist primarily of loud, dry “chek” notes; variable song is pleasant and warbling. Extremely similar in appearance to closely related Puff-throated Bulbul, but smaller Ochraceous has darker and browner upperparts, duller yellow underparts, and a shorter crest. [ebird]


update 202308

– quite common brown-olive bird found at Bukit Tinggi, Fraser Hill gap

– 再福隆港蛮普通的鹎。

202307, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

21. Mountain Bulbul, 绿翅短脚鹎, 麥克氏山短腳鵯, BEBARAU-BUKIT BIASA, Ixos mcclellandii, ミヤマヒヨドリ

– common bird of Fraser Hill, making a lot of noise

– 福隆港蛮普通的鸟。通常很吵。

update 202404

– as usual, we meet up bird wave group … this is like a group leader making noisy call before other bird following

– 我们遇上鸟浪,这鸟有如先锋一样。站在最前交很大声。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia



51. Sumatran Bulbul, 苏门答腊短脚鹎, 蘇門答臘短腳鵯, Ixos sumatranus

– a very streaky bulbul and overall very gray.

– overall bulbul, leafbird and most of the colorful birds, songbirds are very low density at west Sumatra

– 一只非常有条纹的鹎,整体呈灰色。

– 在苏门答腊,鹎,叶鹎,鸠都几乎很难看到。

update 202401

– the famous Tapan road had few landslides so we mostly walking at the road (~15-20km) but overall Bulbul, leafbirds, dove almost not heard or visible … but this endemic came down to feed berry while we have good view of ~12 Blue Nuthatch.

– 在塔版路,好几个地方塌方。我只有步行(15-20公里)可是还是非常少鹎,叶鹎,鸠的声音+踪影。这一只特有种,突然飞下来吃小果实。

202312, Tapan Road, Sumatra, Indonesia




101. Light-vented Bulbul, 白头鹎, 白頭翁, Pycnonotus sinensis, シロガシラ

very lovely and common bird found urban, parks. moving in group

update 202401

– found them near urban area and parks, moving low to feed the fruit

– 蛮漂亮的,也很普通。在人住的地方,公园等都可以看到。

20231221, Taipei, Taiwan



201. Red-vented Bulbul, 黑喉红臀鹎, 黑喉紅臀鵯, Pycnonotus cafer, シリアカヒヨドリ

A dark, sleek, medium-sized bird with a black crest and a white rump. The red color under the tail is often difficult to see. Eats fruit, flower buds, and insects. Conspicuous and sometimes gregarious, often seen high in trees or perched on wires in urban and rural areas; generally prefers scrubby edge habitat instead of dense forest. Calls include a variety of chirps and whistles. Native to South and Southeast Asia. Introduced to Kuwait, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman, and some Polynesian islands, including Hawaii. [Ebird]

update 202412

It seems this bird is quite common in the region—I may have seen it before in Sri Lanka or somewhere else. Still, it’s great to spot our first bird here after a long journey and a relaxing stay at the homestay in Baihualing, Yunnan, China.

I’ve quickly adapted to the setup (Canon R1), and capturing these in-flight shots felt almost seamless. The bird flew straight toward us, and I managed to get all 19 frames perfectly in focus.



202412, Baihualing, Yunan, China






More pictures from Flickr: Pycnonotidae series: Bulbul | 鹎科 | liewwk Nature

More Youtube video: Pycnonotidae series: Bulbul | 鹎科 | liewwk Nature


liewwk Nature Pictures collection

liewwk Nature Youtube collection


Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to

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观鸟或拍鸟团  您可









Pellorneidae series: Wren-Babbler | 雀眉科: 鹪鹛 | liewwk Nature 9-2 [update 20241124]

Wren-Babbler just another similar to Babbler … it jumps, fly, move fast and non stop … and most of them shy enough to come out open for photo

鹪鹛,一种幽鹛科, 鹪鹛属 总是跳不停,动作快。


1. Marbled Wren-Babbler, 石纹鹪鹛, 石紋鷦鶥, Turdinus marmoratus, ウロコサザイチメドリ, KEKICAU-MURAI BESAR BUKIT

2. Striped Wren-Babbler, 纹鹪鹛, 紋鷦鶥, Kenopia striata, シラフサザイチメドリ, KEKICAU MUKA PUTIH

3. Streaked Wren-Babbler, 短尾鹪鹛, 短尾鷦鶥, Turdinus brevicaudatus, ノドフサザイチメドリ, KEKICAU-MURAI GUNUNG BIASA

4. Large Wren-Babbler, 大鹪鹛, 大鷦鶥, Turdinus macrodactylus, オオサザイチメドリ, KEKICAU-MURAI BESAR BIASA

5. Bornean Wren-Babbler, 加里曼丹地鹛, 婆羅洲地鶥, Ptilocichla leucogrammica, ボルネオミノチメドリ, KEKICAU-LEKIR BORNEO

6. Eyebrowed Wren-Babbler, 纹胸鹪鹛, 紋胸鷦鶥, Napothera epilepidota, コサザイチメドリ, KEKICAU KENING PANJANG

7. Mountain wren-babbler, 山鹪鹛, 山鷦鶥, Turdinus crassus, ノドジロサザイチメドリ, KEKICAU-MURAI GUNUNG BORNEO

8. Pygmy Cupwing, 小鳞胸鹪鹛, 小鱗胸鷦鶥, Pnoepyga pusilla, タカサゴミソサザイ, BURUNG-RESAM KERDIL

9. Black-throated wren-babbler, 黑喉鹪鹛, 黑喉鷦鶥, ノドグロサザイチメドリ, KEKICAU-MURAI BESAR BORNEO


51. Limestone Wren-Babbler (Rufous), 灰岩鹪鹛, 灰岩鷦鶥, Turdinus crispifrons, クロサザイチメドリ


101. Rusty-breasted Wren-Babbler, 苏门答腊鹪鹛, 鏽胸鷦鶥, Gypsophila rufipectus, スマトラサザイチメドリ


1. Marbled Wren-Babbler, 石纹鹪鹛, 石紋鷦鶥, Turdinus marmoratus, ウロコサザイチメドリ, KEKICAU-MURAI BESAR BUKIT

– a sub-montane bird which big in size .. shy and move fast

– normally low almost close to ground

update 202411

A large Wren-babbler that is highly vocal, active, and shy. It is one of the most thrilling birds to spot and photograph.

Another fortunate morning! After successfully spotting one of the main target Pittas, this bird, as always, actively looked for other interesting birds near the hotel.


– 又是一个幸运的早晨!在成功发现其中一个主要目标八色鸫后,这只鸟一如既往地在酒店附近积极寻找其他有趣的鸟类。

202411, Tapan Road, Sumatra, Indonesia


update 202304

– same place different group, we had shorter time this time. the bird just stand less than 3seconds and disappear. But still make everyone happy .

thanks CANON R3 animal eye detection, without it I dont think this picture will be focus in such complex and dark environment.

– 同一个点,应该同一只鸟。可是这团,这鸟没这么乖了。只站了~3秒。可是客人看到,我拍到。谢谢R3他和眼部对焦,没R3绝对没这么快对焦到这张照片。

202304, Pahang, Malaysia


– as usual, this shy bird always hiding behind something. But this time with CANON R3, using single point to touch any part of the bird body. The bird eye will be lock focus and track. So simple compare to old time.

How I wish can spend more time with this beautiful bird, but guests still has targets.. lets move on.

– 与之前一样,这害羞的鸟每次都是找东西挡着自己。可是这次,用了佳能R3, 只要对焦点碰到鸟任何一部分。鸟眼就会被对焦鱼追焦。

– 非常希望可以拍多点照片,可是客人还有很多目标鸟。我们还是只是早早了事。下次吧。

202304, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

update 2020 Oct

update 2016 Jul 10

Marble WrenBabbler Bird Tour Malaysia fb

update 2017 March 8


2. Striped Wren-Babbler, 纹鹪鹛, 紋鷦鶥, Kenopia striata, シラフサザイチメドリ, KEKICAU MUKA PUTIH

– lowland bird that can found both 2nd forest and primary forest

– very beautiful calling

– small Wren-babbler with white breasted and normally move in pair


– a bird that usually quite difficult to be photograph at Peninsula Malaysia, seem easier at Borneo. Almost never missed this bird at Danum Valley. But when I am at another famous birding spot Tabin Wildlife Reserve, this bird seem same like Danum Valley. not really shy … easy to get picture too

– 在西马,这可是非常难拍到的一只鸟。可是在沙巴好几个低海拔的保护森林,都还是容易看到拍到。在丹浓谷几乎没错过,这次到塔宾野生动物保护区。就找找,看来也是蛮容易的。

202409, Tabin, Lahad Datu, Sabah



– a difficult to miss bird in Danum Valley, it will come even from far and normally just stand quite still not far from us. A lovely Wren-babbler

– 丹浓谷非常普通也很少会错过的鸟。非常漂亮

202409, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202408

– almost never miss bird from Danum Valley, very first few bird for the morning. It just stand there for us ..but still dark .. ISO 10000

– 丹浓谷几乎不会错过的鸟。在第一个早上,这鸟一大早就跳出来让我们看个够。

202408, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202407

– a bird that never miss and bore to see and photograph again and again. This time, it just appear just ~100m from the lodge. very active to be calling non stop

– 应该没什么人会不喜欢看了再看这鸟。可是这鸟竟然就在我们离开饭店100米后就拍下了。很活跃啊,一直叫不停。

202407, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202403

– this bird seem not easy at any where, but Danum Valley, BRL seem very easy .. I almost never miss this bird even for picture … but not this time, day1…day2 we tried very hard even went into trail but this bird seem very quick show and gone no one seem have good view except me 🙁 …but this bird just sudden appear at main road after we got the Finsch’s Bulbul … it just stand there and sing+dance for us

– 这鸟在丹浓谷应该是最容易(拍摄+看)的吧。可是这一次很另外,我们用了2天还要到林步道里找可是都没看清楚(当然我是看到)。。。当我们都觉得看到这鸟可是不很清楚(其中一个客人非常认真,他是放“没看到”。。)可是最后一天,最后一刻。。。在大路,这鸟很奇特自己跳了出来唱歌+跳舞。。。。

202403, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202308

– very lucky moment, I am suppose to look for ours last missing target. But I saw these 2 birds keep moving together and I decided to spend minutes to have some good video and pictures. After I got few clips, the Giant Pitta call  and that’s the best moment happen. Got the Giant pitta calling for everyone of us

– 这两只鸟算事我的幸运只鸟吧。原本没什么理会这鸟了,可是他们在我在找最后一只目标鸟时。在我面前跳来跳去,我觉定拍些视频吧。当我拍好后,大蓝八色鸫竟然叫了起来。然后就是每个人都看到,拍到大蓝的事了。

202308, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


– it is missing but all of sudden heard the call, and not very long it been found on ground. but quite shy and very soon just disappear

– 蛮久没在这出现,可是当我在找白眉长颈鸫时。尽然听到它叫,很快见到他在地上找吃。拍了1-2张照,他就飞了。

202307, Johor, Malaysia

update 202305

– this lovely bird always accompany me when I looking for some special targets for guests. As usual, think one of most easy place to see this bird is Sabah.

– 这鸟每次当我找目标鸟时,它总是在附近叫不停。在沙巴这鸟应该很容易看到。

202305, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

update 2017 Jul 18

update 2016 Sept 19
beautiful call

update 2016 Jul 10


3. Streaked Wren-Babbler, 短尾鹪鹛, 短尾鷦鶥, Turdinus brevicaudatus, ノドフサザイチメドリ, KEKICAU-MURAI GUNUNG BIASA

– streaky breast small wren-babbler

– another small and moving non stop found near sub-montane and montane area

update 202410
– a very active Wren-Babbler as other Wren-Babbler. Very good in details if photograph close.
– lucky morning meet this pair active bird real close and stay long for us to capture many lovely photos.
– 与其他鹪鹛一样,非常活跃。很上镜的一只鸟,拍起来非常好看。
– 一个幸运的早上,遇上这一对鸟。非常的乖,跑来很近+就让我们拍到美美。

202410, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202403

CANON R3, CANON RF200-800mm

Pahang, Malaysia

– lucky to have this bird calling non stop at road side when we just arrive to check out




update 2016


4. Large Wren-Babbler, 大鹪鹛, 大鷦鶥, Turdinus macrodactylus, オオサザイチメドリ, KEKICAU-MURAI BESAR BIASA

– big and active Wren Babbler

– many different calls

– lowland

update 202410

– a large and really shy bird, keep changing call. sometime can difficult to spot even it stand near and close

– travel 1 hour special target to this bird, first bird sight .. only heard and not seen. 2nd bird came close and stay so long .. everyone has good view

– 蛮大,非常害羞的鸟。有时候,站很近也不容易见到。

– 特别+1个小时车程,为了这一只鸟。第一只,完全只叫不来。还好第二只来的很近,还要站很久。2个老人家还拍到照。

202410, Lanchang, Pahang, Malaysia




update 202401

– another example to show .. my picture is different ? I am sure many say, why so bad quality, not an open picture, bla bla … but do you know ? most of my situation  … the bird is in the forest, I need to make sure my guests have a view of it and gave them good angle than only my turn to look for “leftover” angle to have a photo … no complaint ahhhhh …give a like please haha

– and normally we see it mean we need to look for other bird soon .. not stay there waiting ..

– 这是我要讲2件事的一张照片,1. 热成像仪 (迟点才讲,等我有空吧)

2. 我的照片,我拍的90%照片都是与带客人时拍的。70%是观鸟,我要先让客人们看到或给他们最好角度。。。。yes yes 后才可以再找角度拍。所以照片都不锐,角度不好。。。哈哈,下次不要投诉啦。。你试试就知道,我的照片都得来不易的。拿着单筒+脚架,背相机一天不行10000-20000步。来个个赞吧。。。还有,通常看到后我们就不会再找这鸟+多看。我也不会有多时间拍。

20240125, Kuala Tahan, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202309

– a day tour end up with this amazing active bird which stay at open for more than 25 minutes … good view, picture and video

– 一日观鸟,尽然遇上这么一只很“傻”的活跃+害羞的鸟。站着叫了最少25分钟。

202308, Lanchang, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202308

– a very tough trip at Taman Negara, even we had some good birds but most the birds really difficult to even seen. This bird make use suffer for 3 days, finally in the evening stand so long for us to have good view

– 非常炎热,非常幸苦的一团。几乎都是满身汗,还加上鸟都不出来。虽然我们有好几只好鸟。可是还是很辛苦。这鸟用了我们3天,听了好10几只可是没看到它的影子。在今天下午终于给我们看看还站很久

202308, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202304

– a very active bird, lucky to have few moment captured it calling but too bad I can’t handle the 400mm well with handhled. can see shaky
– as usual it making funny calls, it change call for more than 4 differents

– 非常活跃的鸟, 跳不停。可是幸运的客人,这鸟停哪蛮久。客人看后,我还可以拍下视频。喔还是手持不了佳能400mm F2.8 . 太钭了。
– 这鸟换了4种叫声。2种还是我没听过的。


– lucky guest to see this bird for 2 times in 2 days. He insist to have a better look at this target bird. But the first bird seem does not cooperate for him to have good look. Next day , next destination this bird stand long for us.

– active, shy bird as usual

– 辛运的客人,2天内在2个地方看到这害羞与活跃的鸟。第一个点客人没看很清楚。要求我们再试试这主要目标之一。第2天,在另一个点。竟然听到它叫,然后站了蛮久让我们拍够。

202304, Pahang, Malaysia

update 2016 Jul 17
– managed to have handheld + tree support for this movie clip

update 2016 Jul 10


5. Bornean Wren-Babbler, 加里曼丹地鹛, 婆羅洲地鶥, Ptilocichla leucogrammica, ボルネオミノチメドリ, KEKICAU-LEKIR BORNEO

– Borneo Endemic , which shy move fast as usual Wren-babbler ..

– most the time move close to ground

– white with streak on breast , long bill

update 202408

– another reason to make to be BRL – Danum Valley, a place not easy to missed it (heard or seen) but still difficult to have a good view.

– one of my favorite bird of Malaysia.

– 另一个到丹浓谷 – BRL 的理由。这一只非常稀有的特有种。在这,不容易听/看到不到。可是要拍到还是有点困难。这可是我最喜欢马来西亚鸟之一。

202407, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202407

Update 202407

– so far, this bird just too difficult to capture video, saw them display before but inside dark area and deep in bush or else moving fast and calling .. finally one of the moment I want to share .. how this bird making this song and hope one day capture how it making the call .

– 这鸟几乎是我在马来西亚最难拍到的鸟之一,几乎都是见到拍不到。视频更不好拍。几乎在很暗,或走的很快。终于,这一天的到来。很辛运拍到了。就这么~6秒。


– another good moment with this bird, it is difficult to while this bird love to moving near ground and very active. Some of us just see the bird jumping around … but after lunch I decide to check out again. Very lucky to have this bird just ~10 feet from me ..

– 来婆罗洲这么能错过这鸟。非常幸运这么近看它。虽然好几个人还是只看到他跳来跳去。我在吃完饭后,走了~1公里再到这。还好,它很乖站大概10尺给我好好拍。

202407, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202406

– never want to missed this bird while I am in Borneo, one of my top 3 birds to be seen and photograph. It happen to my last bird of long main tour. Good view for all, record picture for this super active bird.

– 每次来婆罗洲都非常不希望错过这只鸟,我本身最喜欢马来西亚3大。非常不容易看到,拍到。这次在主要团最后一天的一刻让全部人看的很好+一些人拍到记录照。可是还是非常高兴,这鸟非常活跃。

202406, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202404

– a must see bird at Danum Valley, one of favorite. It is always active and good to have good view.

– 婆罗洲我最喜欢鸟之一。每次到丹浓谷,我都非常期待看到他。他的活跃,叫声是多么的吸引人。

202403, Danum Valley, Sabah


update 202310

– 2023 is very good year, I didn’t missed any chance to look for this at Danum Valley. active and beautiful bird for photography

– 2023 我在丹绒谷,几乎没错过一次拍这鸟。很活跃,漂亮的鸟。

202307, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


udpate 202309

– Wren-Babbler always my favorite bird to photograph, it is just challenge , beautiful … this bird always my number 1 bird to be chase each time I am at Borneo

– 鹪鹛是我最喜欢拍摄鸟种之一。因为充满挑战+漂亮。特别是这一只,每次到婆罗洲我都要挑战他的。

202307, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202307

– really like the front view of this active bird. most of the time on low near ground.

– 它的正面,真的很好看。这鸟,通常在很低活动。

202307, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


– this bird seldom stop more than 1-2s. it always on the move and on low ground. I had tried long to get a video. But always failed, not even more than 3s so far .. finally this time I got ~10s even it is not really focus and good view but this is how the bird behave – hope one day can have better video … – 这鸟总是不停的动,几乎不停多过1-2秒。还要主要在地上,试了好几年还是没办法拍多过3秒的视频。还是觉得,不是这么容易。这次拍到好几秒它怎么动。虽然,没很好对焦。可是先加减看看。


– when look close it is so gorgeous especially the front pattern

– most of them really shy, it is so difficult to have a open view this time. But I still meet one over the after lunch walk. managed to have some pictures and “walking” video

– 近距离看它的前部,真的很美。

– 这个季节,几乎每一只都很害羞。很难看到全鸟。可是,在午休的时候。还是出来一只傻傻的。让我拍很好。

202307, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202306

– as usual, a fast moving “ground” level wren-babbler come close to me but just quiet stand there looking at me while the Stripe Wren-Babbler calling non stop nearby,

– 这鸟如常鬼鬼祟祟的在附近看我,以为我看不到他。真的很喜欢这鸟。

202306, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202305

– my favorite bird and this make another favorite picture for me as it look at me for ~1s just like the way it stand and sing.

– 最喜欢鸟种之一,这也是我最喜欢照片之一。这样看我很可爱。

202305, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


– one of my favorite bird of Malaysia, I heard Blue-headed Pitta, Striped Wren-Babbler & this bird calling and while I am hiding and waiting for Blue-headed Pitta to show. This bird suddenly appear as this, shooting 500mm at almost no crop.

– 我的最喜爱马来西亚鸟之一。在寻找大蓝八色鸫,突然蓝头八色鸫,纹鹪鹛与这鸟一起叫起来。当然,我躲起来等 蓝头八色鸫(客人还没看到)。可是这鸟竟然突然出现在~5尺内。

202305, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202205

– never boring to see this bird and happy to see it again after long

– 疫情关系,2年没到婆罗洲非常高兴又见到它了。

202205, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

update 2020 March 22

– rare lowland Borneo Endemic

update 2017 June 12






6. Eyebrowed Wren-Babbler, 纹胸鹪鹛, 紋胸鷦鶥, Napothera epilepidota, コサザイチメドリ, KEKICAU KENING PANJANG

– an active small wren-babbler  ..

– limited locations for this bird

update 202411

– A tiny and very shy bird that is difficult to get a good view of or photograph. Based on my sightings across Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, and Sumatra, both Sumatra and Borneo offer slightly better chances of seeing this bird clearly. However, Sumatra seems to be the best place for capturing good photos. Without a doubt, the bird stayed long enough for me—even allowing me to record a video!

– 一只体型小且非常害羞的鸟,很难清晰观察或拍摄。根据我在马来西亚半岛、婆罗洲和苏门答腊的观察记录,婆罗洲和苏门答腊的鸟更容易清晰看到。然而,苏门答腊似乎是拍摄好照片的最佳地点。毫无疑问,这只鸟停留了足够长的时间让我拍摄,甚至还让我录了视频!



It’s one of those tiny, mysterious birds that appears briefly and disappears just as quickly. Rare and shy, it’s often challenging to get a clear view. I photographed this bird in Sumatra last year, and this year, with the Photography group, we put in extra effort for a better shot. Finally, we were rewarded with some truly amazing moments with this elusive bird…


202411, Danau Kaco, Sumatra, Indonesia


update 202010

201905 , Negeri Sembilam, Malaysia

update 2017 Aug 12

7. Mountain wren-babbler, 山鹪鹛, 山鷦鶥, Turdinus crassus, ノドジロサザイチメドリ, KEKICAU-MURAI GUNUNG BORNEO

– Borneo Montane Endemic , as other Wren-babbler… it is moving non stop .. too bad I am still looking one without tag ring … and this one got 4 😀

update 202408

– still not that simple to look for one, even found few gave us reasonable view but still shy to Camera. But it is close and show up the head .. …

– 还是不容易遇上这鸟,虽然遇上几只跳来跳去。可是还是不让拍照。可是这一刻,他站了一会+露出头部。加减看吧。

202408, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202407

– another favorite bird of mine, active and beautiful Borneo endemic. But for last few months, seem difficult to have some photo of this bird. Lucky morning to have this small flock moving along the road side.

– 我最喜爱婆罗洲的鸟之一。很漂亮+活跃。最近几个月,几乎很难遇上拍这鸟的几乎。几乎看都不到。还好,幸运之神让我们在路旁就拍到。

202407, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202311

— an active bird than always moving fast .. a lucky moment it came real close and stay long for us

– 很活跃的一只婆罗洲特有种。幸运的这一只站了蛮久

202308, Gunung Alab, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202308

– just another lucky tick for customer, this bird came out to open and sing non stop … amazing moment for this tiny Borneo endemic

– 非常幸运的客人,我们什么都没做。它自己出来唱歌。

202308, Crocker Range, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202208

– always my favorite to see Wren-Babbler. An active small bird that mostly move low.

– another common montane endemic of Borneo

– 我本身较喜欢鹪鹛,这鸟非常活跃。总在草堆跳动。

– 婆罗洲高山特有种。

202208, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia


8. Pygmy Cupwing, 小鳞胸鹪鹛, 小鱗胸鷦鶥, Pnoepyga pusilla, タカサゴミソサザイ, BURUNG-RESAM KERDIL

– very small wren-babbler no tail that move very fast

– split to different family Pnoepygidae, may make another sharing

– 被分鹩鹛属

update 202409

– one of my favorite birds of Malaysia, it is small, cute, active and lovely bird. It always moving with wing span open. But it almost invisible by naked eye.

– with the new canon Pre-continuous Shooting function, simple when see the bird stay still, half-press shutter .. and when see the wing open or move press the shutter .. than anything happen in before .5s will be record as raw into camera .. make this kind of picture simple

– 马来西亚最喜爱的鸟之一。快,可爱,活跃。他随时动的时候都会吧翅膀张开。要拍这个真的不容易。

– 可是佳能的新R5markii 预拍功能把这种情况容易的拍下。只要看到鸟站好,半按下快门键。等它动的时候,再按下快门。任何发生半秒前的都会拍下。就这么容易。

202409, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

update 2020 Jun16

Pygmy Cupwing,小鱗胸鷦鶥, Pnoepyga pusilla,タカサゴミソサザイ,Burung Rimba Hujan Kerdil


_T154120 2400


9. Black-throated wren-babbler, 黑喉鹪鹛, 黑喉鷦鶥, ノドグロサザイチメドリ, KEKICAU-MURAI BESAR BORNEO

– Borneo endemic

– few different calls

– can perch high up after alert

update 202409

– long time never been Tabin Wildlife Reserve, this time come here for quick one and meet up my very first Guide from Danum Valley BRL .. Paul .. We spend 3 mornings and 2 evening for birding .. not really bad overall, got all 3 Wren-Babbler .. this is one active moving around

– 很久塔宾野生动物保护区, 这一次到来遇上我的第一次丹隆谷的向导。他是我很尊敬的其中一位Paul.

没很认真的观鸟,这次是为了哺乳动物而来。可是还是很好遇上3只主要的鹪鹛,棘毛伯勞, 蓝头八色鸫,婆罗洲蓝尾八色鸫,冠鸦等。还是一样,总是跳不停的。

202409, Tabin, Lahad Datu, Sabah




update 202407

– a Borneo endemic pretty common lowland – sub-montane forest. It is a bird seldom miss at Danum Valley.. but still difficult to have a good photo.

– 一只婆罗洲特有种从低海拔-中海拔都能找到。在丹浓谷很少或看不到。可是拍好照片还是需要点运气。

202406, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia



update 20240324

– another reason to be at Danum Valley, as this bird is common here and difficult to miss it. active and with few different amazing “call”

– 另一个理由要到丹浓谷观鸟。这鸟在这蛮普通,几乎很难错过的。这鸟也蛮活跃+吵的。

202403, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202307

– all of sudden almost any where also heard this bird calling. very active moving as usual. but this bird seem willing to stand here for me take some good pictures and video

– 突然几乎每个森林都听到他叫。可是还是超活跃,可是这家伙。站蛮久。几乎全部都客人都看的非常好。

202307, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


– a bird that make many different call, very active and shy for photography.

– 非常多叫声的鸟。很活跃,害羞的鸟。不容易拍到。

202306, Sabah, Malaysia


update 2020 Oct


Black Throated Wrenbabbler 1 Bird Tour Malaysia Borneo




51. Limestone Wren-Babbler (Rufous), 灰岩鹪鹛, 灰岩鷦鶥, Turdinus crispifrons, クロサザイチメドリ

– limestone special, it is like other’s Wren-babbler. active and overall brown, with rufous cheek, chest

– 鹪鹛属小型鸟类,体长17-19厘米。上体灰橄榄褐色具黑色鳞状斑,具一条缀有黑点的灰白色眉纹。颏,喉和上胸白色具暗色纵纹,尤以胸部纵纹较密集,其余下体黑橄榄褐色。虹膜红褐色,上嘴深角褐色,下嘴灰铅色,脚灰褐色。

update 202105

201701, Saraburi, Thailand




101. Rusty-breasted Wren-Babbler, 苏门答腊鹪鹛, 鏽胸鷦鶥, Gypsophila rufipectus, スマトラサザイチメドリ

– as other Wren-Babbler this one same moving really fast and active surprise it is not very shy. Moving in pair and bush fast

– 与其他鹪鹛一样动作非常快,草丛中跳来跳去,可是好像不是很害羞。

update 202401

– almost not possible to get the picture of this endemic bird with bird watcher … but lucky or not so lucky the main target is no show … while we waiting, I personal looking for this bird and lucky to have this better moment for photo and I actually got 3 in 1 frame.

– 几乎不大可能在短时间拍到这特有种鸟,非常活跃,跳非常快。可是运气好(还是不好?)我们主要目标没出现,只好在这等待。让我有一点时间去拍拍这鸟。鹪鹛啊,我最爱的鸟种。


202312, Mount Kerinchi, Sumatra, Indonesia

More pictures from Flickr : Wren-Babbler series | 鹪鹛 | liewwk Nature

Bornean Wren-Babbler , 加里曼丹地鶥

More Youtube video : Wren-Babbler series | 鹪鹛 | liewwk Nature


liewwk Nature Pictures collection

liewwk Nature Youtube collection


Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to

contact me

观鸟或拍鸟团  您可






Leiothrichidae series: Laughingthrush | 噪鹛科: 噪鹛 | liewwk Nature – 7 [update 20240818]

a family normally hope on , colourful and making call

1. Black Laughingthrush, 黑噪鹛, 黑噪鶥, Garrulax lugubris, クロガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA HITAM BIASA

2. Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush, 栗头噪鹛, 栗頭噪鶥, Ianthocincla mitrata, チャガシラガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA BIASA

3. Malayan Laughingthrush, 马来噪鹛, 馬來噪鶥, Trochalopteron peninsulae, マレーシアガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA TEMBAGA BIASA

4. Sunda Laughingthrush , 灰褐噪鹛, 灰褐噪鶥, Garrulax palliatus, チャバネガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA CENUK KERAK

5. Chestnut-hooded Laughingthrush, 栗冠噪鹛, 栗冠噪鶥,Ianthocincla treacheri, ボルネオチャガシラガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA BORNEO

6. Bare-headed Laughingthrush, 裸头噪鹛, 裸頭噪鶥, Garrulax calvus, ハゲガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA HITAM BOTAK



51. White-whiskered Laughingthrush, 玉山噪鹛, 台灣噪眉, Trochalopteron morrisonianum, タイワンキンバネガビチョウ



1. Black Laughingthrush, 黑噪鹛, 黑噪鶥, Garrulax lugubris, クロガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA HITAM BIASA

– difficult bird to get open, noisy bird

– found this ~700mm from sea level

update 202307

– a very lucky morning with this shy and active bird stay so low and long for everyone good view and picture session

– 非常幸运的一个早上。这么活跃与害羞的鸟,尽然站了这么低这么久让我们看+拍够。

202308, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202305

– while we walking for general birding after long wait for the partridge. All of sudden this bird calling from far, we toward the direction and this bird just stand ~10feet from us .. what a lucky day after Malayan Whistling-Thrush, Bamboo Woodpecker, Malayan Hawk-Cuckoo, Mountain Scops Owl and many good birds today.

– 等了一个小时的鹧鸪。终于可以普通看鸟。非常幸运,除了这鸟外。也拿下黄嘴角鸮, 棕腹鹰鹃,竹啄木鸟 等好鸟

202305, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202105

– a location not official close for outsiders. this is the last visit before it was close down. (location near Genting Highland)

– as usual this active, canopy bird, and shy.

– 这个鸟点已关。这次是关前几天拍的。

– 这可是非常活跃,害羞,通常都站很高的鸟。

202009, Genting Highland, Pahang, Malaysia


update 2020 Sept

update 2020 Aug


black laughingthrush,黑噪鹛

2. Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush, 栗头噪鹛, 栗頭噪鶥, Ianthocincla mitrata, チャガシラガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA BIASA

update 202407

– one of the most common birds from Fraser Hill, lovely, beautiful too

– 福隆港最普通的一种鸟之一,几乎哪都看到。可是还是很美的小鸟。

202407, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia



– one of the most common laughingthrush , found at SUb-montane & Montane level


3. Malayan Laughingthrush, 马来噪鹛, 馬來噪鶥, Trochalopteron peninsulae, マレーシアガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA TEMBAGA BIASA

– Endemic of Peninsula Malaysia

– common at certain location

UPDATE 202404

– another bird that getting difficult to seen in Bukit Fraser, use to be pretty common but now missing from many previous spots

– 福隆港另一只越来越难见到的鸟。以前蛮多点都可以见到的。可是现在几乎都就几个点。

202404, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia


a simple test CANON RF100-300 F2.8

CANON RF100-300mm F2.8 field test at Rainforest – Malaysia [update 20240411]



update 202311

– still clearing 2023 pictures while waiting for next target birds tour. This bird seem getting not so common nowadays .. hope it will doing good

– 下一个目标鸟团还没开始,还在清理2023的照片。这特有种,越来越少。有点担心

202309, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia



4. Sunda Laughingthrush , 灰褐噪鹛, 灰褐噪鶥, Garrulax palliatus, チャバネガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA CENUK KERAK

– common montane in Borneo


Sunda Laughingthrush , 灰褐噪鶥, Garrulax palliatus , チャバネガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA CENUK KERAK


Malaysia only found at Borneo (Sabah, Sarawak), found at Montane level .


5. Chestnut-hooded Laughingthrush, 栗冠噪鹛, 栗冠噪鶥,Ianthocincla treacheri, ボルネオチャガシラガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA BORNEO

a Borneo common endemic


6. Bare-headed Laughingthrush, 裸头噪鹛, 裸頭噪鶥, Garrulax calvus, ハゲガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA HITAM BOTAK

– very active and noisy bird ..

– newly update it may not belong to the Laughingthrush family

– rare and shy montane Borneo endemic

update 202409

– one of my best moment of 2029, this bird stay close and one of best view of this bird

– 我的2029最好的一刻,这鸟站这个位置真的最好角度看这鸟。

202407, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia



– another main target of the short trip, it is close and fast .. all of us saw the bird .. but sad my buddies didn’t got the picture of it feeding on “fruit” (think my first time saw this bird eat fruit) …

– the bird moving fast and inside dark bush, 2 of the Z9 failed to got the bird in focus 🙁 lucky me with new R5markii , if bring mark 1 may be also dont have this best moment of this rare bird

– 与朋友的几天,主要目标之一。这鸟来的蛮近的。可是有入常态,动很快,在暗的地方动。朋友们Z9都没办法对上焦(在这站了好几秒大家都看到)。幸好佳能R5Mark ii 好好表现还是对上了几张。这鸟非常害羞,稀有。非常不容易拍照,还加上第一次看到它吃果子(通常吃昆虫).

202409, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202408

– before archive the folder, make another picture one of best moment of 2024. This bird stand here more than 3 minutes … making call.. looking at us ..such a handsome

– 在我删掉7月的图片前,还是分享多一张。2024最美好的一刻。这么英俊的鸟站那3-4分钟。好看啊。

202407, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202407

– one of my favorite birds of Malaysia, it is not that rare just too active to have good view. But when lucky strike, me and David enjoy few minutes of best moment with this bird .. amazing bird to look at

– 我本身最喜爱马来西亚鸟之一。虽然不是特别稀有,可是就太活跃+通常站很高所以都不容易看的很好。 可是今天,我有朋友DAVID 竟然遇上这么3只在我们面前10-15尺占了蛮久。

202407, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia



update 20240108

– a bird always highly wanted by birder, active, canopy bird… a bird that always heard or brief view rather than good view

– 几乎全部鸟人(摄,观都一样)都非常希望看到,拍到这一只婆罗洲特有种。可是通都是高高在上,黑黑一只。

202306, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202103

– a very first close encounter with this noisy, beautiful, rare endemic



update 202306

– a very lucky morning which we meet 2 families and one of them come closer and willing to stay still for picture

– a Borneo endemic just too beautiful

– 非常幸运的最后一刻。尽然遇上2群。其中一群里的一只肯下来地点+停久一点。每个人都笑了。

202306, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia


update 2020 Aug

Bare-headed Laughingthrush, 裸头噪鹛,裸頭噪鶥, Garrulax calvus, ハゲガビチョウ,KEKICAU-RAYA HITAM BOTA

update 2020 April 3

one of the most difficult Borneo Endemic, rare, canopy and shy


51. White-whiskered Laughingthrush, 玉山噪鹛, 台灣噪眉, Trochalopteron morrisonianum, タイワンキンバネガビチョウ

– as other Laughingthrush moving in group, making noise, white-whiskered

update 202312

– very common endemic, can bee heard and seen almost any where at DaxueShan

– 非常普通的台湾特有种。在大雪山几乎在哪都听/看到

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan





More pictures from Flickr : Leiothrichidae series : Laughingthrush | 噪鹛科 : 噪鹛 | liewwk Nature

... black laughingthrush,黑噪鹛 ...

More Youtube video : Leiothrichidae series : Laughingthrush | 噪鹛科 : 噪鹛 | liewwk Nature


liewwk Nature Pictures collection

liewwk Nature Youtube collection


Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to

contact me

观鸟或拍鸟团  您可







Pellorneidae series: Babblers | 雀眉科 | liewwk Nature – 16 [update 20240828]

an Old World songbird with a long tail, short rounded wings, and a loud, discordant, or musical voice.
normally move fast with songs

1. Moustached Babbler, 须树鹛, 須樹鶥, Malacopteron magnirostre, ヒゲチャイロチメドリ, KEKICAU-CANGKUK BERMISAI

2. Sooty-capped Babbler, 纯色树鹛, 純色樹鶥, Malacopteron affine, ズグロチャイロチメドリ, KEKICAU-CANGKUK UBUN GELAP

3. Scaly-crowned Babbler, 小红头树鹛, 小紅頭樹鶥, Malacopteron cinereum, コズアカチャイロチメドリ, KEKICAU-CANGKUK BERAPI KECIL

4. Rufous-crowned Babbler, 大红头树鹛, 大紅頭樹鶥, Malacopteron magnum, ズアカチャイロチメドリ, KEKICAU-CANGKUK BERAPI BESAR

5. Gray-breasted Babbler, 灰头树鹛, Malacopteron albogulare, ムナオビチャイロチメドリ, KEKICAU-CANGKUK DADA KELABU

6. Collared Babbler, 领鵙鹛, 領鵙鶥, Gampsorhynchus torquatus, エリモズチメドリ, KEKICAU KEPALA PUTIH BIASA

7. Puff-throated Babbler, 棕头幽鹛, 棕頭幽鶥, Pellorneum ruficeps, ムナフジチメドリ, KEKICAU-TANAH BERBINTIK BIASA

8. Black-capped Babbler, 黑冠幽鹛,黑冠幽鶥, Pellorneum capistratum, ズグロジチメドリ, KEKICAU-TANAH UBUN HITAM

9. Buff-breasted Babbler, 棕胸幽鹛, 棕胸幽鶥, Pellorneum tickelli, チャムネムジチメドリ, KEKICAU-TANAH PERANG

10. Temminck’s Babbler, 泰氏幽鹛, 泰氏幽鶥, Pellorneum pyrrogenys,  ワキアカムジチメドリ, KEKICAU-TANAH UBUN KELABU

11. Short-tailed Babbler, 短尾雅鹛, 短尾雅鶥, Pellorneum malaccense, タンビムジチメドリ, KEKICAU EKOR PENDEK BIASA

12. White-chested Babbler, 白胸雅鹛, 白胸雅鶥, Pellorneum rostratum, ムナジロムジチメドリ, KEKICAU-TELUNJUK DADA PUTIH

13. Ferruginous Babbler, 锈色雅鹛, 銹色雅鶥, Pellorneum bicolor, サビイロムジチメドリ, KEKICAU-TELUNJUK API

14. Abbott’s Babbler, 阿氏雅鹛, 阿氏雅鶥, Turdinus abbotti, ハシブトムジチメドリ, KEKICAU-BELUKAR BIASA

15. Horsfield’s Babbler, 霍斯氏雅鹛, 霍斯氏雅鶥, Turdinus sepiarius, ズグロムジチメドリ, KEKICAU-BELUKAR PARUH TEBAL

16. Bornean Black-capped Babbler, 婆罗洲黑冠幽鹛, 婆羅洲黑冠幽鶥, Pellorneum capistratoides, KEKICAU-TANAH UBUN HITAM BORNEO




Here only related with Babblers and tit-Babblers .. both Wren-Babbler and

Scimitar-Babbler shares separately as below

Pellorneidae series: Wren-Babbler | 雀眉科: 鹪鹛 | liewwk Nature 9-2 [update 20240823]


1. Moustached Babbler, 须树鹛, 須樹鶥, Malacopteron magnirostre, ヒゲチャイロチメドリ, KEKICAU-CANGKUK BERMISAI

– not that common

– Danum Valley, RDC, Kuala Tahan, Belum, Pedu etc

Moustached Babbler, ,須樹鶥, Malacopteron magnirostre,ヒゲチャイロチメドリ, Rimba Bermisai











2. Sooty-capped Babbler, 纯色树鹛, 純色樹鶥, Malacopteron affine, ズグロチャイロチメドリ, KEKICAU-CANGKUK UBUN GELAP

– very common lowland species with beautiful song

– KRAU, Tahan, Merapok, Danum Valley, Tabin, Pedu, etc

update 202307

– early morning, nothing special show up, except this lovely “song bird” of the forest. 2 of them feeding low but still moving fast

– dull looking bird, but very good singer

– 很闷的鸟,没什么颜色。可是唱歌是很好听

– 一大早,没什么鸟。就这鸟陪我们。还下来吃东西。

202307, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia


Sooty-capped Babbler, 純色樹鶥, Malacopteron affine, ズグロチャイロチメドリ, Burung Rimba Tinjau Belukar






3. Scaly-crowned Babbler, 小红头树鹛, 小紅頭樹鶥, Malacopteron cinereum, コズアカチャイロチメドリ, KEKICAU-CANGKUK BERAPI KECIL

– common lowland forest, sometimes confuse with Rufous-crowned Babbler

– Kuala Tahan, Merapoh, Danum Valley, RDC, Tabin, Pedu, etc

Scaly-crowned Babbler, 小紅頭樹鶥, Malacopteron cinereum, コズアカチャイロチメドリ, Burung Rimba Tua Kecil

4. Rufous-crowned Babbler, 大红头树鹛, 大紅頭樹鶥, Malacopteron magnum, ズアカチャイロチメドリ, KEKICAU-CANGKUK BERAPI BESAR

– common lowland forest, sometimes confuse with Scaly-crowned Babbler

– Kuala Tahan, Merapoh, Danum Valley, RDC, Tabin, Pedu etc

update 202408

– a lovely “song bird” make a very lovely song almost just like Sooty-capped babbler .. moving in flock and fast

– 一只非常会唱歌的鸟,有时会与也非常厉害的纯色树鹛相似。通常群体活动。

202408, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia



Rufous-crowned Babbler, 大紅頭樹鶥, Malacopteron magnum, ズアカチャイロチメドリ, Burung Rimba Tua Besar

5. Gray-breasted Babbler, 灰头树鹛, Malacopteron albogulare, ムナオビチャイロチメドリ, KEKICAU-CANGKUK DADA KELABU

– rare species

– Panti, KLIAS etc

Gray-breasted Babbler, 灰頭樹鶥,Malacopteron albogulare, ムナオビチャイロチメドリ, Rimba Dahan

6. Collared Babbler, 领鵙鹛, 領鵙鶥, Gampsorhynchus torquatus, エリモズチメドリ, KEKICAU KEPALA PUTIH BIASA

– rare submontane species

– Genting, Bukit Tinggi, Fraser Hill, etc

update 2020 Sept

Collared Babbler, 领鵙鹛, 領鵙鶥, Gampsorhynchus torquatus, エリモズチメドリ, KEKICAU KEPALA PUTIH BIASA

update 2020 Aug


Collared Babbler, 領鵙鶥, Gampsorhynchus torquatus, エリモズチメドリ, KEKICAU KEPALA PUTIH BIASA

7. Puff-throated Babbler, 棕头幽鹛, 棕頭幽鶥, Pellorneum ruficeps, ムナフジチメドリ, KEKICAU-TANAH BERBINTIK BIASA

– Lowland, normally near mangrove

– Merbok

Puff-throated Babbler, 棕頭幽鶥, Pellorneum ruficeps, ムナフジチメドリ, Burung Rimba Bintik-bintik


8. Black-capped Babbler, 黑冠幽鹛,黑冠幽鶥, Pellorneum capistratum, ズグロジチメドリ, KEKICAU-TANAH UBUN HITAM

– common in lowland forest.

– Kuala Tahan, Danum Vally, KRAU, Pedu, etc

Black-capped Babbler, 黑冠幽鶥, Pellorneum capistratum, ズグロジチメドリ, Burung Rimba Kepala Hitam

9. Buff-breasted Babbler, 棕胸幽鹛, 棕胸幽鶥, Pellorneum tickelli, チャムネムジチメドリ, KEKICAU-TANAH PERANG

– montane species

– common at Fraser Hill, Genting etc

update 202405

– a very common overall brown little active babbler in Fraser Hill.

– it appear in most of the “bird spot”. Everyone seem attract Lesser Shortwing rather than this bird

– 福隆港很普通的一只鸟。可是还是非常活跃跳动的。

– 客人们都被短尾鸫吸引,没太大理会这鸟。

202405, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia



Buff-breasted Babbler, 棕胸幽鶥, Pellorneum tickelli, チャムネムジチメドリ, Burung Rimba Bukit

10. Temminck’s Babbler, 泰氏幽鹛, 泰氏幽鶥, Pellorneum pyrrogenys,  ワキアカムジチメドリ, KEKICAU-TANAH UBUN KELABU

– very active babbler, montane species found Borneo.

– front rufous with white center

– KNP, Bakelalan

– 非常活跃的高山品种。

201905, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia


11. Short-tailed Babbler, 短尾雅鹛, 短尾雅鶥, Pellorneum malaccense, タンビムジチメドリ, KEKICAU EKOR PENDEK BIASA

– common lowland forests

– Danum Valley, Kuala Tahan, Merapok, KRAU etc

update 202105

– the look different from Peninsular Malaysia

– 与马来西亚西马不一样

201706, Danum Valley, Lahad Datu, Sabah, Malaysia


– Peninsular Malaysia

Short-tailed Babbler, 短尾雅鶥, Pellorneum malaccense, タンビムジチメドリ, Rimba Ekor Pendek

12. White-chested Babbler, 白胸雅鹛, 白胸雅鶥, Pellorneum rostratum, ムナジロムジチメドリ, KEKICAU-TELUNJUK DADA PUTIH

– common near steam

– very beautiful song and loud

Kinabatangan River, Kuala Tahan, Hulu Langat , Danum Valley etc

update 202405

– very common and noisy babbler which can found near stream, river bank .. very lovely babbler

– 在小溪,河边都很容易见到的很吵的·鸟

202404, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia



White-chested Babbler, 白胸雅鶥, Pellorneum rostratum, ムナジロムジチメドリ, Rimba Dada Putih

13. Ferruginous Babbler, 锈色雅鹛, 銹色雅鶥, Pellorneum bicolor, サビイロムジチメドリ, KEKICAU-TELUNJUK API

– common at lowland forest

– KRAU, Kuala Tahan, Merapok, Danum Valley, RDC etc

update 202209

– another active little “brown” bird normally heard than seen

– 一只棕色活跃小鸟。通常听到看不到的小鸟。

202209, Kelantan, Malaysia


Ferruginous Babbler, 銹色雅鶥, Pellorneum bicolor, サビイロムジチメドリ, Rimba Sampah

14. Abbott’s Babbler, 阿氏雅鹛, 阿氏雅鶥, Turdinus abbotti, ハシブトムジチメドリ, KEKICAU-BELUKAR BIASA

– normally near a water source

– confuse with Horsfield’s Babbler, which with a shorter tail, bill, and call

Abbott’s Babbler, 阿氏雅鹛, Turdinus abbotti, ハシブトムジチメドリ, Rimba Riang

15. Horsfield’s Babbler, 霍斯氏雅鹛, 霍斯氏雅鶥, Turdinus sepiarius, ズグロムジチメドリ, KEKICAU-BELUKAR PARUH TEBAL

– confuse with Abbott’s Babbler, which with a longer tail, bill, and call

– Hulu Langat, KRAU, Tabin, etc

Horsfield’s Babbler, 霍斯氏雅鶥,Turdinus sepiarius, ズグロムジチメドリ, Burung Rimba Hutan

16. Bornean Black-capped Babbler, 婆罗洲黑冠幽鹛, 婆羅洲黑冠幽鶥, Pellorneum capistratoides, KEKICAU-TANAH UBUN HITAM BORNEO

– a newly split from Black-capped Babbler.

– 现在,与西马的分类了。

update 202402

– this bird simply odd, it follow us walking in the trail .. it just walk few feet from us .. for quite a distance. Another cute little endemic

– 这是一只非常奇怪的鸟,一只跟着我们走。。。还走了一段路。还在我们几尺内。可是还是很可爱的特有种。

202402, Sepilok, Sabah




update 202309

– a boring day, without target bird calling… this is the only endemic we had today ..but it is so good to give us good show

– 闷死了。目标鸟没叫,也没出现。只有几只鸟让我们看看拍拍,这只婆罗洲特有种很乖。

202309, Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202301

202301, TrusMadi, Sabah, Malaysia


More pictures from Flickr: Pellorneidae series: Babblers | 雀眉科 | liewwk Nature

Collared Babbler, 领鵙鹛

More videos: Pellorneidae series: Babblers | 雀眉科 | liewwk Nature


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Muscicapidae series : Shortwing | 鹟科 : 短翅鸫属 | liewwk Nature – 2 [update 20241126]

Only 2 shortwing in Malaysia

1. Lesser Shortwing, 白喉短翅鸫, 白喉短翅鶇, Brachypteryx leucophris, ヒメコバネヒタキ, Burung Murai Kakap

2. Bornean Shortwing, 婆罗洲短翅鸫, 小翼鶇, Brachypteryx montana erythrogyna, コバネヒタキ, MURAI-KERDIL BERCELAK BIASA


1. Lesser Shortwing, 白喉短翅鸫, 白喉短翅鶇, Brachypteryx leucophris, ヒメコバネヒタキ, Burung Murai Kakap

– a cute little bird with loud and lovely call


update 202411

This small bird, commonly heard at Fraser’s Hill, Cameron Highlands, Sumatra’s Kerinci, and Genting Highlands, is often challenging to spot or photograph despite its frequent calls. However, at specific feeding spots, it tends to become tame and reliably appears when humans approach, displaying behavior similar to the Pygmy Cupwing. Notably, it often moves with its wings raised, making its behavior quite distinctive.

With the new Canon R1’s Continuous Pre-recording feature, every time the bird perches, I half-press the shutter to keep it in focus. As soon as the bird moves or raises its wings, I fully press the shutter, capturing everything that occurred 0.5 seconds prior. This ensures I never miss the perfect moment.



202411, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202308

– another so special encounter of this just at roadside, making non stop call. Amazing active bird …

– 非常幸运在路边看到这活跃的鸟。

202308, Fraser Hill, Selangor, Malaysia

update 20220914

– a very active, tiny and beautiful song bird

– lucky to have a very good view of this bird with guests

– 非常活跃,小,会唱歌的小鸟。

– 这几天都很幸运,几个客人都看到这鸟。

202209, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

update 2015 Dec 31

update 2014 May 31

Lesser Shortwing,白喉短翅鸫
Lesser Shortwing,白喉短翅鸫


2. Bornean Shortwing, 婆罗洲短翅鸫, 小翼鶇, Brachypteryx montana erythrogyna, コバネヒタキ, MURAI-KERDIL BERCELAK BIASA

– only Montane of Borneo, and it may split as separate endemic species . a shy bird

update 202409

– a very active and shy bird of Borneo, normally moving low near ground. Male dark overall and female some how very beautiful bird instead

– 非常活跃与害羞的婆罗洲特有种。通常在地面上跳动。雄鸟暗蓝色,母鸟非常漂亮。

202409, Gunung Alab, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202405

– another good bird to be seen open and stay for may be <2 seconds for everyone .. lovely female, active, shy and making loud long call almost any where in KNP recently. (last month not even single bird making call)

– 婆罗洲高山特有种,害羞,动作快,可爱的一只鸟。这次到神山几乎哪都听到他叫。上个月几乎都没听到。

202405, Gunung Alab, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202311

– a shy bird to been seen/photograph, but this female seem looking for someone .. but still active jumping around

– 非常害羞的鸟,看都不容易不要讲拍。可是这母鸟好像在等什么。总在附近跳来跳去。

202309, Gunung Alab, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202309

– last day, heard this bird calling loud and found it is quite tame to human !!! amazing it is almost a not possible to photograph … beautiful girl

– 最后一刻,走走时。听到这鸟叫,没很久她就跳出来。还蛮乖的,这可是几乎没办法野拍到好的鸟啊。母鸟

202309, Gunung Alab, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202010

201710, Gunung Alab, Sabah, Malaysia




More pictures from Flickr : Muscicapidae series : Shortwing | 鹟科 : 短翅鸫属 | liewwk Nature

... Lesser Shortwing,白喉短翅鸫 ...

More Videos : Muscicapidae series : Shortwing | 鹟科 : 短翅鸫属 | liewwk Nature


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Muscicapidae series: Forktail | 鹟科: 燕尾 | liewwk Nature – 4-1 [update 20240824]

a family normally stay near a stream, river

1. Chestnut-naped Forktail, 栗枕燕尾, 栗頸燕尾, Enicurus ruficapillus, アカエリエンビシキチョウ, CEGAR TENGKUK MERAH

2. Slaty-backed Forktail, 灰背燕尾, Enicurus schistaceus, セアオエンビシキチョウ, CEGAR BESAR

3. White-crowned Forktail, 白冠燕尾, 白额燕尾, Enicurus leschenaulti, frontalis, エンビシキチョウ, CEGAR RAYA BIASA

4. Bornean Forktail, 婆罗洲燕尾, 婆羅洲燕尾, Enicurus leschenaulti borneensis, エンビシキチョウ, CEGAR RAYA BORNEO




51. Sunda Forktail, 姬燕尾, 姬燕尾, Enicurus velatus, ヒメエンビシキチョウ



1. Chestnut-naped Forktail, 栗枕燕尾, 栗頸燕尾, Enicurus ruficapillus, アカエリエンビシキチョウ, CEGAR TENGKUK MERAH

– the only non-black-white Forktail of Malaysia

– stay near the stream

update 202403

– it is an old picture, another not a good memory to have .. too many pressure to cause the chick fledged too earlier …. it still not really able to fly, fall into the river few times and safe back … can’t do much beside wish them good luck

– 久照片,不喜欢放“巢”有关照片(如果放 1.我绝对有信心没人会打扰 2.多余1年后吧)这鸟照,蛮不高兴的一刻。太多的打扰,逼得小鸟提早出巢。还不很会飞,几次跌进河。我们几个挚友希望他们安全。

202209, Sg Congkak, Selangor, Malaysia



– it is one of the beautiful non black-and-white forktail here .. beautiful and shy as usual .. not that difficult to see it near the stream.

– 马来西亚蛮漂亮的燕尾,也是唯一不是黑+白的。蛮害羞,在溪边蛮容易看到的。

202403, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202211

– a long story short of the chick seem force to be fledged earlier than what it suppose. At the side with guests, the chick can’t even walk well.

– we keep distance to monitor, the parent keep feeding the chick and hope it can survive.

– 雏鸟还没成熟出巢。可是太多因素,它要提早出来。我们下午在河边遇到这鸟时。走路都还不稳。我们在哪观察了一会,只有祝福它可以安全成长。

202209, Ulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202208

– a lovely bird and hope everyone shooting with own control. It is tame and no need chase it.

– a shy bird normally feed and live near clean water river.

– 非常漂亮的鸟,希望鸟人不用追它。他很乖的,我们坐着等就好。

– 非常害羞的鸟,通常都在清洁的小溪生活。

202208, Selangor, Malaysia


update 202105

– as other forktails, shy moving along the river.

– lucky to have this most beautiful forktail of Malaysia

– 通常很害羞,在河邊活動。

– 非常幸運的在封城前在吉隆坡附近拍到這鳥。

202105, Sg Congkak, Selangor, Malaysia


Chestnut-naped Forktail, 栗頸燕尾,Enicurus ruficapillus


2. Slaty-backed Forktail, 灰背燕尾, Enicurus schistaceus, セアオエンビシキチョウ, CEGAR BESAR

– sub-montane , found near stream/rive longer tail and more grey instead black-white

Slaty-backed Forktail , 灰背燕尾 [Enicurus schistaceus]
3. White-crowned Forktail, 白冠燕尾, 白额燕尾, Enicurus leschenaulti, frontalis, エンビシキチョウ, CEGAR RAYA BIASA

– very shy bird to be photograph

– at Borneo, found lowland and montane mostly Bornean Forktail (depend checklist)

update 202408

– a very shy bird to have good view and photo, it normally found near small stream or wet ground near “water area”. a lowland species

– 非常害羞的鸟,通常见到。没办法拍好。通常在小溪边可以找到它。

202407, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202403

– it is a bird that always avoid me, I didn’t got many chance to take photo of this common but shy bird. But this month within same tour, I got both Borneo-Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia-Pahang version … and surprise they are tame and allow us approach them ~10m

– 这一只普通害羞的鸟,跟我没什么缘分。几乎没拍过怎么样的照片,可是这个月的一个19天的观鸟团。尽然,给了我2个机会(婆罗洲+西马国家公园)而且时大概10米的。

202403, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia




4. Bornean Forktail, 婆罗洲燕尾, 婆羅洲燕尾, Enicurus leschenaulti borneensis, エンビシキチョウ, CEGAR RAYA BORNEO

– lowland Borneo look almost same like Bornean

– Peninsular Malaysia only White-crowned at lowland without Bornean

update 202405

– another lucky moment have this bird close and feeding.. managed to captured with R3 slow motion mode too

– a Borneo montane endemic

– 非常幸运用佳能R3慢速度拍下它捉到小鱼。

– 婆罗洲特有种。



update 202403

– another bird that easy confuse and found at KNP, always found near road side and near stream

– 在神山就这一种,也蛮容易见到。在路旁或小溪旁都可以看到

202308, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202308

– went here first morning, no bird around. 2nd visit make me able to captured some pictures before it flew away

– 第一天都没听到这鸟叫。今天,竟然让我拍几张照片。

202308, Sabah, Malaysia




51. Sunda Forktail, 姬燕尾, 姬燕尾, Enicurus velatus, ヒメエンビシキチョウ

– as other forktail, a small and very shy bird. But it is a beautiful one with rufous head instead ovarall black-and-white.

– 与其他燕尾一样,都是很怕人。也很不一样,大部分燕尾都是黑+白

update 202312

– while we walking on the trail for Ground Cuckoo, this bird always infront us but keep a distance. We didn’t spent too much time for it as rushing for the main target

– 当我们赶去看地鹃的时候,这鸟一只就在我们前面。可是我们没太理会这鸟。大家心情都在地鹃哪了。

20231225, Sg Penuh, Sumatra.







More pictures from Flickr : Muscicapidae series : Forktail | 鹟科 : 燕尾 | liewwk Nature

... Chestnut-naped Forktail, 栗頸燕尾 ...

More Video : Muscicapidae series : Forktail | 鹟科 : 燕尾 | liewwk Nature


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Turdidae series: Fruit-hunter,Thrush | 鸫科 | liewwk Nature – 8-3 [update 20240912]

a big size bird that normally feeding on ground or fruiting tree

1. Chestnut-capped Thrush, 栗顶地鸫, 栗頂地鶇, Geokichla interpres, クリガシラジツグミ, MURAI-TANAH MELAYU

2. Orange-headed Thrush, 橙头地鸫, 橙頭地鶇, Geokichla citrina, オレンジジツグミ, MURAI-TANAH JINGGA ASIA

3. Everett’s Thrush, 埃氏地鸫, 埃氏地鶇, Zoothera everetti, ムネアカジツグミ, MURAI-TANAH BORNEO

4. Siberian Thrush, 白眉地鸫, 白眉地鶇,Geokichla sibirica, マミジロ, MURAI-TANAH KELABU TUA

5. Gray-sided Thrush, 褐头鸫, 褐頭鶇,Turdus feae, カキイロツグミ, MURAI-BELANDA BERCELAK KELABU

6. Eyebrowed Thrush, 白眉鸫, 白眉鶇, Turdus obscurus, マミチャジナイ, MURAI-BELANDA BERCELAK BIASA

7. Fruit-hunter, 食果鸫, 食果鶇, Chlamydochaera jefferyi, キンガオサンショウクイ, MURAI-BUAH

8. Island Thrush, 岛鸫, 白頭鶇, Turdus poliocephalus, ハイガシラツグミ, MURAI-BELANDA GUNUNG TIMUR


51. Rusty-backed Thrush, 红背地鸫, 紅背地鶇, ムナグロジツグミ, ムナグロジツグミ, Geokichla erythronota


101. Spot-winged Thrush, 斑翅地鸫, 點翅地鶇, Geokichla spiloptera, セイロンジツグミ

102. Pied Thrush, 杂色地鸫, 斑地鶇, Geokichla wardii, シロクロジツグミ


1. Chestnut-capped Thrush, 栗顶地鸫, 栗頂地鶇, Geokichla interpres, クリガシラジツグミ, MURAI-TANAH MELAYU

– a rare thrush of Malaysia

– look very similar to Chestnut-naped Forktail

update 2020 March 30

update 2018 Oct 7

– a bird seldom appear to open and we were lucky yo see it while waiting for other birds

Chestnut-capped Thrush

2. Orange-headed Thrush, 橙头地鸫, 橙頭地鶇, Geokichla citrina, オレンジジツグミ, MURAI-TANAH JINGGA ASIA

– a common winter visitor across lowland – montane

– overall orange with brown wing cover

update 202301

– a common winter visitor, but overall a very beautiful bird to been seen

– 蛮普通的候鸟,11月-3月期间。非常漂亮的鸟

202301, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia

update 2015 March 13

orange-headed thrush , 橙头地鸫

– a different Orange-headed thrush found ~1000m near Pahang

orange-headed thrush , 橙头地鸫

3. Everett’s Thrush, 埃氏地鸫, 埃氏地鶇, Zoothera everetti, ムネアカジツグミ, MURAI-TANAH BORNEO

– a rare Borneo Borneo Endemic which prefer feeding on a small stream

update 202407

– it getting difficult to sight this Borneo Endemic again, use to be so easy just walking in the morning should see 1-2 of them but recent trip to KNP make few challenge search before had it. We walking to search last 4 targets and thick mist without any big hope but this guy just came and not far for everyone good view. Lucky …(also happy for a small Photographer able to capture this not so easy photograph bird in such a close distance)

– 最后2团,几乎都很艰难的菜看到这鸟。什么事?之前是多么的容易。昨天我们在寻找最后4种鸟时,这鸟自己跳了出来(这应该是~7-8年前我们在这等的点吧)。耐心真的很重要。当然,高兴这团唯一的小摄影师(Hugo)第一次就拍到到这么一只不容易拍的的特有种。

202407, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202404

– another Borneo endemic easier to see but difficult to be photograph but recently getting much easier compare old time. a bird active in dusk and dawn ..

– 婆罗洲另一只特有种,通常见到蛮容易,拍到照片就有点不容易。可是比起多年前,这鸟应该比较容易拍到了。野多了起来。

202403, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202309

– we arrived KNP evening and it was misty … but we still trying ours best to look for some bird… first session looking for Bulbul failed… but follow by Whitehead’s Broadbill and this amazing endemic. it feed infront of us ~10-15m for quite long until some car passby

– 我们下午到了神山,雾很大。可是我们还是尝试看看找到目标鸟吗。鹎没找搭配。可是找到黑喉绿阔嘴鸟与这只很害羞的鸟。还站离我们10-15米吃东西。

202309, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202308

– as usual morning session, but lucky today have 1 pair still feeding with quite good available light.

– a shy Borneo montane endemic

– 婆罗洲高山特有种。不很稀有,就是有点害羞。

– 如常,我们一大早就找这鸟。好幸运,遇上一对在还有光线的时候还在。

202308, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202307

– a bird that always make us wake up early. This special bird come to us dusk, which still have quite good light. CANON R7 with 400mm F2.8 still working perfect for lowlight

– 这鸟终是需要我们一大早醒来。还好,这鸟屎下午突然出现虽然,光线还是一样差。佳能R7+ RF400mm F2.8 还是可以轻易拍下。

202305, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202305

– we normal look for this bird dusk/dawn with almost no light situation.  A very lucky moment while we walking, got this bird came out for very close for picture (not this) but love this while it standing

– 一直像僵尸一样的鸟,总是在没什么光线的时候出现。这次非常幸运在非常有光线时候出现还在5-10米左右出现。

202305, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202210

– a rare and shy Borneo endemic, lucky guests having it when we first arrive in the evening

– 稀有,害羞的婆罗洲特有种。非常幸运的客人,一到神山就拍到这鸟。

202210, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202105

– a Borneo montane endemic. Overall back-gray and front-orange, active near a small stream and making high pitch call

– 婆罗洲高山特有种。身上头灰-体身黄

– 通常在小溪活动。

201804, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 2020 May 6

Everett’s Thrush, 埃氏地鶇,Zoothera everetti, ムネアカジツグミ, Murai Everett

update 2018 Aug 20

update 2018 April 21

4. Siberian Thrush, 白眉地鸫, 白眉地鶇,Geokichla sibirica, マミジロ, MURAI-TANAH KELABU TUA

– pretty common winter visitor range from lowland – montane

– male dark blue with white browed , female brown

update 2020 May 30

– female

Siberian Thrush, 白眉地鶇,Geokichla sibirica, マミジロ, Murai Hitam Siberia

update 2020 May 13

Siberian Thrush, 白眉地鶇,Geokichla sibirica, マミジロ, Murai Hitam Siberia

a quite common winter migrant






5. Gray-sided Thrush,褐头鸫, 褐頭鶇,Turdus feae, カキイロツグミ, MURAI-BELANDA BERCELAK KELABU

– a rare or first record for Malaysia … lucky to have first lifer for 2020

6. Eyebrowed Thrush, 白眉鸫, 白眉鶇, Turdus obscurus, マミチャジナイ,  MURAI-BELANDA BERCELAK BIASA

– winter visitor (North)

– normally found near the fruiting tree

– 蠻普通過冬鳥。通常在果樹附近較容易看到。

update 202105

– overall brown with an orange breast. obvious white eye-browed

– 中型鸟类,体长19-23厘米。雄鸟头、颈灰褐色,具长而显著的白色眉纹,眼下有一白斑,上体橄榄褐色,胸和两胁橙黄色,腹和尾下覆羽白色。雌鸟头和上体橄榄褐色,喉白色而具褐色条纹。其余和雄鸟相似,但羽色稍暗。

201803, Gunung Alab, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202010

Eyebrowed Thrush,白眉鶇,Turdus obscurus,マミチャジナイ, Murai Belanda

7. Fruit-hunter, 食果鸫, 食果鶇, Chlamydochaera jefferyi, キンガオサンショウクイ, MURAI-BUAH

– another rare Borneo montane endemic

update 202409

– after a tired morning, hiking and keep looking for fast moving shy bird… decided make a move to other place try some lifer for my buddies. After we got the Bornean Shortwing, this bird show up when heavy mist 🙁 but still a lifer for them .. happy men ….

– 一个闷的早上。一大早,爬山,害羞的鸟玩了我们一个早上。我们还是放弃了,找些新鸟种。还好找到食果鸫+婆罗洲短翅鸫补回。

202409, Gunung Alab, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202404

– another long plan and excited Borneo Photography with Taiwan group and thanks for the trusted continue book for 2025 … very dramatic tour, cannot arrived to Kota Kinabalu on time due to Volcano eruption at Sulawesi North but finally arrived but 2 days late. But we still catch up most of the plan and got many good birds such as Dusky Eagle Owl day roost, 3 Whitehead’s, Fruit-hunter, Bristlehead, Helmeted Hornbill and etc ..

– we were lucky on this, we got Everett’s Thrush, Whitehead’s Broadbill, Bornean Green-Magpie and follow by this super close and low Fruit-hunter … and still like a dream everything happen within an hour.It came low and chase away many other bird and stay long.

– 着一团就要完毕,开始前几乎灾难般开始(苏拉威西北部火山爆发)。我们迟了2天到达。虽然迟了2天,我们还是补上几乎全部错失的主要鸟种。我们还是拿下乌雕鸮(客人先到吉隆坡1天),红树林八色鸫,神山3“白头”,棘毛伯勞,婆罗洲绿鹊,这一只好鸟(站很低,久)还有很多。

– 在拍到这鸟前1个小时。我们拿下埃氏地鸫,黑喉绿阔嘴鸟,婆罗洲绿鹊再加上这只鸟。现在还像在做梦一样。

202404, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202309

– adult female come low as the male too but most of the Juvi stay high up … but it is just amazing to see them so close and eye level

– 成鸟都下来很低,亚成鸟都站的蛮高的。可是见到他们这么低与近已是很好了。好像还在发梦一样

202309, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia


– same season for pass 2 years, again we meet >10 Fruit-hunter moving as group again … and today is special we meet it twice !!! and at eye level …

– such a beautiful bird to be see in closea handsome male …Matthew still one of best and lucky birder I know

– 连续3年同季节,遇上10+只这稀有的婆罗洲特有种。还是一天遇上2次!还要站很低。Matthew 还是厉害+运气爆的。

202308, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202308

– it is not easy to see it, but it is there

– 不容易见到,可是它就在哪没动。

202308, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202212

– misty, rain morning. Dec definite not a good month birding here.

– 每天下雨,雾大。12月真的不是来这看鸟好时侯。

update 202210

– a very dramatic day, raining, heavy mist follow by lucky encounter Bornean Green-Magpie, Whitehead’s Trogon than this “rare” endemic and we had 7-8 birds in one tree for long time

– 非常戏剧性的一天。下雨,大雾,可是还是遇上婆罗洲绿鹊, 灰胸咬鹃 再加上8只食果鸫在同一棵树上蛮长时间。

202210, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202207

– before getting busy, a very special bird got from previous tour. This is a 2nd bird of the trip and lucky to have the male bird close and female slightly higher for photo

– 明天后就会忙几个星期。先把上个团的最喜爱的鸟之一分享。

– 一大早,第二只鸟。非常幸运的客人。

202207, KNP, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia


Fruithunter, 食果鶇, Chlamydochaera jefferyi, キンガオサンショウクイ,MURAI-BUAH

8. Island Thrush, 岛鸫, 白頭鶇, Turdus poliocephalus, ハイガシラツグミ, MURAI-BELANDA GUNUNG TIMUR

update 202407

– a bird that never though to be sight and photograph before I make some plan to hike up to Laban Rata for missing 2 birds of Malaysia. But today while we looking for missing 3 birds .. Azmil message me he sight the Island Thrush.. without any wait we move to the place .. we try to locate but seem missing while I heard Fruit-hunter calling and trying to locate it but seem still bit a distance to see this bird… Hugo call us … Thrush … and bingo make my Malaysia lifer. (683)
– it is not really shy, it just moving around even many people walking around .. beautiful bird …
– 这是一只我完全没想过的马来西亚鸟(在我安排爬上去神山的路上)。今天但我们在神山寻找3只还没看到的鸟时。朋友Azmil 让我知道这鸟出现,没等我们立刻到了那个鸟点。找了10-20分钟是没找到,我听到食果鸫叫,找了很久还是蛮远没办法看到。在远方,Hugo向我们招手。这就拿下我的马来西亚新鸟种。(683)
– 这鸟很不怕人。

202407, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia




51. Rusty-backed Thrush, 红背地鸫, 紅背地鶇, ムナグロジツグミ, ムナグロジツグミ, Geokichla erythronota

– a pretty common Sulawesi lowland endemic

A spectacular chestnut-backed thrush with striking white facial patches, black-and-white wings, and bold pied markings below. Juvenile shows buff streaks on crown and back and buff throat. Terrestrial, feeding on the forest floor singly or in pairs within the lowlands and low hills. Unmistakable within its limited range on islands of Sulawesi and Kabaena. Mournful song is a phrase of several high-pitched whistled notes, “deee-der-doo” or “deee-der.” Calls include “chak” notes and a high-pitched “peep” call. [Ebird]

update 202310

201908, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia
101. Spot-winged Thrush, 斑翅地鸫, 點翅地鶇, Geokichla spiloptera, セイロンジツグミ

Brown thrush with bold dark spots on the underparts, white spots in the wings, and black facial stripes below the eye. Occurs in pairs or singly, on or near the ground, in forest, forest edge, and gardens, mostly in the Wet Zone, but also locally in the Dry Zone. No other thrush on Sri Lanka shows distinct rows of white spots on the wings, and bold spotting below. Gives very high-pitched “sweeeee” call; song is a highly variable collection of rich, rising and falling, melodious whistles and warbles. [ebird]

update 202312

– another very common endemic, which found most of the lowland urban areas, forest edge, forest

– with very lovely call, not shy

– 斯里兰卡非常普通的特有种,几乎在很多点都看到它。还很会唱歌。

202312, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka


102. Pied Thrush, 杂色地鸫, 斑地鶇, Geokichla wardii, シロクロジツグミ

– a thrush as its name, it is “pied”… moving in dark area

– “黑白”鸫,总是在暗的地方活动。

update 202401

– a shy bird moving in dark with very obvious white browed

– 蛮害羞的鸟,总喜欢到暗的地方活动。

20240112, Nuwara Eliya (Victory Park), Sri Lanka





More pictures from Flickr : Turdidae series : Fruit-hunter,Thrush | 鸫科 | liewwk Nature

... Chestnut-capped Thrush ...

More Youtube video : Turdidae series : Fruit-hunter,Thrush | 鸫科 | liewwk Nature


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Muscicapidae series: Flycatcher | 鹟科 | liewwk Nature – 33 [update 20240519]

cute bird which normally tiny in size and active jumping here and there …

This family included Verditer Flycatcher

Flycatcher, Niltava, Shama, Robin, Whistling-Thrush, Forktail

Flickr : Muscicapidae series | 鹟科 | liewwk Nature

1. Gray-streaked Flycatcher, 灰纹鹟, 灰紋鶲, Muscicapa griseisticta, エゾビタキ, Sambar Lorek Kelabu
2. Dark-sided Flycatcher, 乌鹟, 烏鶲, Muscicapa sibirica, サメビタキ, Sambar Siberia
3. Ferruginous Flycatcher, 棕尾褐鹟, 棕尾褐鶲, Muscicapa ferruginea, ミヤマヒタキ, Sambar Sampah
4. Asian Brown Flycatcher, 北灰鹟, 北灰鶲, Muscicapa dauurica, コサメビタキ, Burung Sambar Asia
5. Rufous-browed Flycatcher, 棕眉姬鹟, 棕眉姬鶲, Anthipes solitaris, アカメヒタキ, Burung Sambar Leher Putih
6. White-tailed Flycatcher, 白尾蓝仙鹟, 白尾藍仙鶲, Cyornis concretus, オジロアオヒタキ, Burung Sambar Biru Ekor Putih
7. Pale Blue Flycatcher, 纯蓝仙鹟, 純藍仙鶲, Cyornis unicolor, ウスヒメアオヒタキ, Burung Sambar Biru Muda
8. Hill Blue Flycatcher, 山蓝仙鹟, 山藍仙鶲, Cyornis banyumas,  ミヤマヒメアオヒタキ, Burung Sambar Biru Bukit
9. Sunda Blue Flycatcher, 大嘴仙鹟, 大嘴藍仙鶲, Cyornis caerulatus, クロアゴヒメアオヒタキ, Sambar Biru Sunda
10. Malaysian Blue Flycatcher, 马来仙鹟, 馬來仙鶲, Cyornis turcosus, マレーシアヒメアオヒタキ, Sambar Biru Malaysian
11. Bornean Blue Flycatcher, 加里曼丹仙鹟, 婆羅洲藍仙鶲, Cyornis superbus, ボルネオヒメアオヒタキ, SAMBAR-BIRU BORNEO
12. Indochinese Blue Flycatcher, 印支蓝仙鹟, 印支藍仙鶲, Cyornis sumatrensis, ノドアカヒメアオヒタキ,SAMBAR-BIRU BELUKAR TIMUR
13. Mangrove Blue Flycatcher, 红树仙鹟, 紅樹仙鶲, Cyornis rufigastra, マングローブヒメアオヒタキ, SAMBAR-BIRU BAKAU
14. Brown-chested Jungle-Flycatcher, 白喉林鹟, 白喉林鶲, Cyornis brunneatus, ムナオビミツリンヒタキ, Burung Sambar Hutan
15. Gray-chested Jungle-Flycatcher, 灰胸林鹟, 灰胸林鶲,  Cyornis umbratilis, ノドジロミツリンヒタキ, Burung Sambar Batu
16. Fulvous-chested Jungle-Flycatcher, 绿背林鹟, 綠背林鶲, Cyornis olivaceus, オリーブミツリンヒタキ, SAMBAR-HUTAN DADA JINGGA
17. Blue-and-white Flycatcher, 白腹蓝鹟, 白腹藍鶲, Cyanoptila cyanomelana, オオルリ, Burung Sambar Biru Putih
18. Zappey’s Flycatcher, 白腹蓝鹟, 琉璃藍鶲, Cyanoptila cumatilis, チョウセンオオルリ, SAMBAR-BERLAU RENGKUNG BIRU
19. Indigo Flycatcher, 青仙鹟, 青仙鶲, Eumyias indigo, アイイロヒタキ, SAMBAR-RANTING SUNDA
20. Verditer Flycatcher, 铜蓝鹟, 銅藍鶲, Eumyias thalassinus, ロクショウヒタキ, Burung Sambar Biru-hijau
21. Eyebrowed Jungle-Flycatcher, 白眉林鹟, 白眉林鶲, Rhinomyias gularis, メジロミツリンヒタキ, SAMBAR-HUTAN BERCELAK BORNEO
22. Yellow-rumped Flycatcher, 白眉姬鹟, 白眉姬鶲, Ficedula zanthopygia, マミジロキビタキ, Sambar Belakang Kuning
23. Green-backed Flycatcher, 绿背姬鹟, 綠背姬鶲, Ficedula elisae, チャイニーズヒタキ,SAMBAR KUNYIT HIJAU
24. Narcissus Flycatcher, 黄眉姬鹟, 黃眉姬鶲, Ficedula narcissina, キビタキ, Sambar Narcissus
25. Mugimaki Flycatcher, 鸲姬鹟, 鴝姬鶲, Ficedula mugimaki, ムギマキ, Sambar Mugimaki
26. Snowy-browed Flycatcher, 棕胸蓝姬鹟, 棕胸藍姬鶲, Ficedula hyperythra, ムネアカヒタキ, Burung Sambar Kening Putih
27. Pygmy Flycatcher, 侏蓝仙鹟, 侏藍仙鶲, Ficedula hodgsoni, コビトアオヒタキ, Burung Sambar Biru Kecil
28. Little Pied Flycatcher, 小斑姬鹟, 小斑姬鶲, Ficedula westermanni, ハジロマユヒタキ, Burung Sambar Gunung
29. Rufous-chested Flycatcher, 棕胸姬鹟, 棕胸姬鶲. Ficedula dumetoria, ハジロビタキ, Burung Sambar Dada Oren

30. Chinese Blue Flycatcher, 中华仙鹟, 中華藍仙鶲, Cyornis glaucicomans, チュウゴクヒメアオヒタキ, SAMBAR-BIRU UTARA

31. Taiga Flycatcher, 红喉姬鹟, 紅喉鶲, Ficedula albicilla, Ficedula albicilla, SAMBAR RENGKUNG MERAH

32. Dayak Blue Flycatcher, 山蓝仙鹟, 山藍仙鶲, Cyornis montanus, SAMBAR-BIRU BUKIT TIMUR

33. Brown-streaked Flycatcher, 褐纹鹟, 褐斑鶲, Muscicapa williamsoni, Muscicapa williamsoni, SAMBAR-KUSAM LOREK MELAYU


1. Gray-streaked Flycatcher, 灰紋鶲, Muscicapa griseisticta, エゾビタキ, Sambar Lorek Kelabu

seldom seen winter visitor.

Danum Valley, Tabin

Gray-streaked Flycatcher, 灰紋鶲
2. Dark-sided Flycatcher, 烏鶲, Muscicapa sibirica, サメビタキ, Sambar Siberia


common winter visitor

Dark-sided Flycatcher, 烏鶲, Muscicapa sibirica, サメビタキ, Sambar Siberia
3. Ferruginous Flycatcher, 棕尾褐鶲 Muscicapa ferruginea, ミヤマヒタキ, Sambar Sampah

– a cute little winter visitor (North)

– as other flycatchers, it stands most of the time at the nearby location waiting for insect nearby

update 202201

– after long, didnt meet up this cute little flycatcher. But a quick walk found 3 birds in 2 km

– 很久没看到这小可爱。

Fraser Hill, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202012

Ferruginous Flycatcher, 棕尾褐鶲, Muscicapa ferruginea,ミヤマヒタキ, Sambar Sampah


4. Asian Brown Flycatcher, 北灰鶲. Muscicapa dauurica, コサメビタキ, Burung Sambar Asia

very common winter visitor

update 202012

Asian Brown Flycatcher, 北灰鶲
5. Rufous-browed Flycatcher, 棕眉姬鶲, Anthipes solitaris, アカメヒタキ, Burung Sambar Leher Putih

common at montane, Cameron highland & Fraser Hill

update 202404

– one of the common bird found at Fraser Hill, Malaysia.

– lovely, tiny and cute bird to be photograph in Malaysia

– – 马来西亚,福隆港蛮普通的小,漂亮的鸟。

ISO2500, F6.3, 1/160s
Topaz Denoise


update 202203

– long time I didnt photograph this cute bird. I am testing the CANON RF 100500 handheld and this cute and tame bird.

– 已蛮久没拍这可爱小鸟。这次以为想测试佳能RF 100500 ,当然这么乖的鸟是最好的对象。

202203, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


Rufous-browed Flycatcher, 棕眉姬鶲



6. White-tailed Flycatcher , 白尾藍仙鶲, Cyornis concretus, オジロアオヒタキ, Burung Sambar Biru Ekor Putih

very rare bird

Danum, Taman Negara Kuala Tahan

White-tailed Flycatcher ,白尾藍仙鶲,Cyornis concretus , オジロアオヒタキ,Burung Sambar Biru Ekor Putih
7. Pale Blue Flycatcher, 純藍仙鶲, Cyornis unicolor, ウスヒメアオヒタキ, Burung Sambar Biru Muda


– common at lowland forest, Pen Malaysia and Borneo one seem to have a different call

Pale Blue Flycatcher, 純藍仙鶲
8. Hill Blue Flycatcher, 山藍仙鶲. Cyornis banyumas, ミヤマヒメアオヒタキ,Burung Sambar Biru Bukit

– common submontane bird ..

Hill Blue Flycatcher, 山藍仙鶲, Cyornis banyumas, ミヤマヒメアオヒタキ,Burung Sambar Biru Bukit (male)




Hill Blue Flycatcher, 山藍仙鶲, Cyornis banyumas, ミヤマヒメアオヒタキ,Burung Sambar Biru Bukit (female)
9. Sunda Blue Flycatcher, 大嘴仙鶲, Cyornis caerulatus, クロアゴヒメアオヒタキ, Sambar Biru Sunda

– as other blue flycatcher, mostly blue and orange underpart. female brown
– very similar to Bornean Blue-flycatcher but the male throat different and the female slight pale
– lowland and different from mangrove blue-flycatcher

– 與其他仙鶲很像。深藍上半部,黃橙腹部。
– 很像加里曼丹仙鶲或紅樹林仙鶲。 紅樹林環境不一樣。加里曼丹仙鶲公鳥喉部-嘴部沒藍。

update 202309

– another good find at this short trip to Sabah, it look angry when we walk pass . one of great found by Low, he keep say Yellow+blue birdand we stop to search for it ..

– 这次沙巴之行另一只好鸟,老刘发现的。他看到后,一直讲有只黄胸蓝鸟。厉害

202309, Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia


Sunda Blue Flycatcher,大嘴仙鶲, Cyornis caerulatus, クロアゴヒメアオヒタキ, Sambar Biru Sunda
10. Malaysian Blue Flycatcher, 马来仙鹟, 馬來仙鶲, Cyornis turcosus, マレーシアヒメアオヒタキ, Sambar Biru Malaysian

– common flycatcher near a stream, river lowland forest

Kuala Tahan, Kinabatangan River, Gomantong Cave

update 202309

– a pretty common blue-flycatcher and normally found near river bank

– 蛮普通的仙鹟,在河边蛮容易看到的鸟。

202305, Sabah, Malaysia


Malaysian Blue Flycatcher, 馬來仙鶲,Cyornis turcosus, マレーシアヒメアオヒタキ, Sambar Biru Malaysian
11. Bornean Blue Flycatcher, 加里曼丹仙鹟, 婆羅洲藍仙鶲, Cyornis superbus, ボルネオヒメアオヒタキ, SAMBAR-BIRU BORNEO

– lowland Borneo endemic

– Danum, RDC

update 202405

– another bird that we keep looking walk so far to look for one but this nearby to ours’ lodge area just one standing and calling attract ours attention

– not much activities near road side of BRL, really hope to go into trail more actions

– 为了这一只特有种,走上走下都没找到。第二天就在我们的饭店100米内站着等我们。

– 在大路上几乎鸟不多,很奇怪。可是太多人又不好走林道。

202405, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202403

– a very tame and easy female this time, it just keep following us until we got the male after ~30-40minutes first saw this bird

– 每次母鸟都较难看到,可是这次母鸟却一直跟着我们直到我们看到雄鸟。

202403, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202308

– a walking on the roadside, this Borneo endemic just sit there queitly. beautiful as usual lovely blue flycatcher.

– 大家都走的很累了。突然,看到这婆罗洲特有种。很美的仙鹟

202308, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia



Bornean Blue Flycatcher, 加里曼丹仙鶲, Cyornis superbus, ボルネオヒメアオヒタキ, Sambar Biru Bornean (male)


Bornean Blue Flycatcher, 加里曼丹仙鶲, Cyornis superbus, ボルネオヒメアオヒタキ, Sambar Biru Bornean (female)
12. Indochinese Blue Flycatcher, 印支藍仙鶲, Cyornis sumatrensis, ノドアカヒメアオヒタキ,SAMBAR-BIRU BELUKAR TIMUR

– common lowland flycatcher – Pen Malaysia


Indochinese Blue Flycatcher, 印支藍仙鶲, Cyornis sumatrensis, ノドアカヒメアオヒタキ,SAMBAR-BIRU BELUKAR TIMUR (male)
Indochinese Blue Flycatcher, 印支藍仙鶲, Cyornis sumatrensis, ノドアカヒメアオヒタキ,SAMBAR-BIRU BELUKAR TIMUR (emale)


13. Mangrove Blue Flycatcher, 红树仙鹟, 紅樹仙鶲, Cyornis rufigastra, マングローブヒメアオヒタキ, SAMBAR-BIRU BAKAU

– specify to the mangrove area


update 202403

– another bird that not so easy to be photograph center of Penisular Malaysia. a male that come out stay long for us

– 在蛮多鸟点都是蛮容易拍照的,在西马中部反而就很不容易。这公鸟站了还蛮久

202305, Kuala Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia


update 202303

– as usual this couple come and welcome us even in the hot afternoon

– 这对雄雌鸟在飞出炎热的中午也出来迎接我们

202303, Penang, Malaysia
202303, Penang, Malaysia


Mangrove Blue Flycatcher, 紅樹仙鶲, Cyornis rufigastra, マングローブヒメアオヒタキ, Sambar Biru Bakau (male)




Mangrove Blue Flycatcher, 紅樹仙鶲, Cyornis rufigastra, マングローブヒメアオヒタキ, Sambar Biru Bakau (female)
14. Brown-chested Jungle-Flycatcher, 白喉林鶲, Cyornis brunneatus, ムナオビミツリンヒタキ, Burung Sambar Hutan

– winter visitor

Brown-chested Jungle-Flycatcher, 白喉林鶲, Cyornis brunneatus, ムナオビミツリンヒタキ, Burung Sambar Hutan
15. Gray-chested Jungle-Flycatcher, 灰胸林鶲, Cyornis umbratilis, ノドジロミツリンヒタキ, Burung Sambar Batu

– common lowland resident for Borneo. Scare resident for Pen Malaysia.

Gray-chested Jungle-Flycatcher, 灰胸林鶲, Cyornis umbratilis, ノドジロミツリンヒタキ, Burung Sambar Batu
16. Fulvous-chested Jungle-Flycatcher, 绿背林鹟, 綠背林鶲, Cyornis olivaceus, オリーブミツリンヒタキ, SAMBAR-HUTAN DADA JINGGA


– a small “brown” overall flycatcher with “orange” chest

– a small population flycatcher, visit same place for last 2 tour just heard but not seen. but today too friendly to human

– 蛮小的鹟, 棕色。胸不带橙色

– 非常少分布。前2团都只听到而没看到。今天竟然很乖。

202306, Sabah, Malaysia



Fulvous-chested Jungle-Flycatcher, 綠背林鶲,Cyornis olivaceus, オリーブミツリンヒタキ, Burung Sambar Hutan Sumatera
17. Blue-and-white Flycatcher, 白腹藍鶲, Cyanoptila cyanomelana, オオルリ, Burung Sambar Biru Putih

– bird seen at Borneo, quite common winter migration ..

*** no picture

18. Zappey’s Flycatcher, 琉璃藍鶲, Cyanoptila cumatilis, チョウセンオオルリ, SAMBAR-BERLAU RENGKUNG BIRU

– rare in Borneo, mostly confuse with Black-and-white Flycatcher in Pen Malaysia which is rare

update 202101

– female Zappey’s Flycatcher & Blue-and-white Flycatcher not really able to differentiate. But in Peninsular Malaysia Zappey’s is the common winter visitor compare to Blue-and-white Flycatcher

– Female brown all over, with a smaller-headed profile than other brown flycatchers in range

– 202012, Bukit Kiara Selangor, Malaysia


update 202012

202012, Selangor, Malaysia


Zappey’s Flycatcher, 琉璃藍鶲, Cyanoptila cumatilis, チョウセンオオルリ, SAMBAR-BERLAU RENGKUNG BIRU
19. Indigo Flycatcher, 青仙鶲, Eumyias indigo, アイイロヒタキ, SAMBAR-RANTING SUNDA

– common montane, submontane small flycatcher

Indigo Flycatcher, 青仙鶲,Eumyias indigo, アイイロヒタキ, SAMBAR-RANTING SUNDA
20. Verditer Flycatcher, 铜蓝鹟, 銅藍鶲, Eumyias thalassinus, ロクショウヒタキ, SAMBAR-RANTING BIASA

– blue gem, common and beautiful

update 202110

– a casual coffee, sit, wait birding session. This beautiful bird sudden appear which attract our attention immediate.

– 轻松的观鸟日。加上咖啡。真的是美好的一天。加上这么漂亮的鸟,吸引我们的镜头。

202110, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202109

– after long lockfown (2021 May-Sept), finally visit forest and happy to see this bright blue flyatcher

– 封城4个月后,终于到绿绿的森林。这铜蓝鹟,过来欢迎我们。

202109, Fraser Hill Gap, Malaysia

update 202001

– it is like a metallic blue bird, a female without a black mask.

– surprise this bird come so low to feed





update 202012


Verditer Flycatcher, 銅藍鶲, Eumyias thalassinus, ロクショウヒタキ, Burung Sambar Biru-hijau
Verditer Flycatcher, 銅藍鶲, Eumyias thalassinus, ロクショウヒタキ, Burung Sambar Biru-hijau


21. Eyebrowed Jungle-Flycatcher, 白眉林鹟, 白眉林鶲, Rhinomyias gularis, メジロミツリンヒタキ, SAMBAR-HUTAN BERCELAK BORNEO


update 202402

– this bird seem to be getting diffiuclt to photograph, shy to human recently .. only saw 2 for 2 full days spent here.

– 这鸟越来越难拍。与以前比很怕人。2天在神山,只看到2次

202402, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia



Eyebrowed Jungle Flycatcher, 白眉林鶲, Rhinomyias gularis, メジロミツリンヒタキ, SAMBAR-HUTAN BERCELAK BORNEO
22. Yellow-rumped Flycatcher, 白眉姬鶲, Ficedula zanthopygia, マミジロキビタキ, Sambar Belakang Kuning

– common winter visitor

update 202111

– a lovely beautiful common winter visitor, making call while we waiting for the Banded Kingfisher

– 漂亮的候鸟。蛮普通。可是公鸟真的很漂亮。


update 202110

– same location and same behavior previous post (202103). believe the same bird is back. he just leave March 2021 and back Oct 2021

– 同一点,行为想象。他只回家几个月就会有来了。

202110, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202103

– another beautiful winter visitor flycatcher of Malaysia

– another Fujifilm new XF70-300 test and this also another #handheldvideo

– I am shooting this video handheld

– 馬來西亞漂亮的過冬姬鶲 – 另一富士 XF70-300 的測試。 – 手持拍的視頻。


Yellow-rumped Flycatcher, 白眉姬鶲, Ficedula zanthopygia, マミジロキビタキ, Sambar Belakang Kuning (male)


Yellow-rumped Flycatcher, 白眉姬鶲, Ficedula zanthopygia, マミジロキビタキ, Sambar Belakang Kuning (female)
23. Green-backed Flycatcher, 綠背姬鶲, Ficedula elisae, チャイニーズヒタキ, SAMBAR KUNYIT HIJAU

– another common winter visitor for Pen Malaysia

– update 202012

update 2020 May 29

Green-backed Flycatcher, 綠背姬鶲,Ficedula elisae, チャイニーズヒタキ,SAMBAR KUNYIT HIJAU


Green-backed Flycatcher, 綠背姬鶲,Ficedula elisae, チャイニーズヒタキ,SAMBAR KUNYIT HIJAU (male)
Green-backed Flycatcher, 綠背姬鶲,Ficedula elisae, チャイニーズヒタキ,SAMBAR KUNYIT HIJAU (female)
24. Narcissus Flycatcher, 黄眉姬鹟, 黃眉姬鶲, Ficedula narcissina, キビタキ, Sambar Narcissus

– winter visitor common at Sabah lowland forest

– bird seen but no pictures

update 202303

– a rare migrant happen at Kuala Lumpur area. a lovely male

– 稀有候鸟尽然在吉隆坡出现。

202303, Bukit Kiara, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
202303, Bukit Kiara, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
202303, Bukit Kiara, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
25. Mugimaki Flycatcher, 鴝姬鶲, Ficedula mugimaki, ムギマキ, Sambar Mugimaki
Mugimaki Flycatcher, 鴝姬鶲, Ficedula mugimaki, ムギマキ, Sambar Mugimaki (male)
Mugimaki Flycatcher, 鴝姬鶲, Ficedula mugimaki, ムギマキ, Sambar Mugimaki (female)
26. Snowy-browed Flycatcher, 棕胸藍姬鶲 – Ficedula hyperythra,ムネアカヒタキ, Burung Sambar Kening Putih


Snowy-browed Flycatcher, 棕胸藍姬鶲, Ficedula hyperythra, ムネアカヒタキ, Burung Sambar Kening Putih (male)
Snowy-browed Flycatcher, 棕胸藍姬鶲, Ficedula hyperythra, ムネアカヒタキ, Burung Sambar Kening Putih (female)
27. Pygmy Flycatcher, 侏蓝仙鹟, 侏藍仙鶲, Ficedula hodgsoni, コビトアオヒタキ, Burung Sambar Biru Kecil


update 202309

– a common heard and seen canopy view bird today decided to come down for us have quite good view sad missed the chance photograph when it was low.. but happy to have this last bird of the tour even not the target

– 通常都是听到在高高,树山。看看屁股版。今天它下来好几次让我们看,可是错过拍他最低的时候。可是作为本团最后一只鸟,算是美好结局。(虽然不是目标鸟)

202309, Gunung Alab, Sabah, Malaysia


Pygmy Flycatcher, 侏藍仙鶲, Ficedula hodgsoni, コビトアオヒタキ, Burung Sambar Biru Kecil (male)
Pygmy Flycatcher, 侏藍仙鶲, Ficedula hodgsoni, コビトアオヒタキ, Burung Sambar Biru Kecil (female)
28. Little Pied Flycatcher, 小斑姬鶲, Ficedula westermanni, ハジロマユヒタキ, Burung Sambar Gunung

– small little flycatcher
– sub-montane, montane
– male is black-white and female brown overall

update 202101




Little Pied Flycatcher, 小斑姬鶲,Ficedula westermanni, ハジロマユヒタキ, Burung Sambar Gunung (male)



Little Pied Flycatcher, 小斑姬鶲,Ficedula westermanni, ハジロマユヒタキ, Burung Sambar Gunung (female)
29. Rufous-chested Flycatcher, 棕胸姬鶲, Ficedula dumetoria, ハジロビタキ, Burung Sambar Dada Oren
Rufous-chested Flycatcher, 棕胸姬鶲, Ficedula dumetoria, ハジロビタキ, Burung Sambar Dada Oren (male)


Rufous-chested Flycatcher, 棕胸姬鶲, Ficedula dumetoria, ハジロビタキ, Burung Sambar Dada Oren (female)

30. Chinese Blue Flycatcher, 中华仙鹟, 中華藍仙鶲, Cyornis glaucicomans, チュウゴクヒメアオヒタキ, SAMBAR-BIRU UTARA

– a rare migrant for Peninsular Malaysia.

– Male is brilliant blue above with orange throat and breast; note off-white lower belly. His dark orange throat distinguishes him from Blue-throated Blue Flycatcher. Female is drab brown with an orange chest, white belly, and dull rufous tail.  (Ebird)

– 蓝喉仙鹟是分布在印度至中国西南及东南亚的一种雀形目鹟科仙鹟属的生物。

update 202201

Bukit Wang, Kedah, Malaysia

31. Taiga Flycatcher, 红喉姬鹟, 紅喉鶲, Ficedula albicilla, Ficedula albicilla, SAMBAR RENGKUNG MERAH

Small brown flycatcher with a sharply contrasting black-and-white tail. Breeding male has an orange throat patch surrounded by a faint gray wash. Non-breeding male has darker flanks and far less orange on the throat. Female is cold brown above and dirty-white below. (Ebird)

红喉姬鹟(学名:Ficedula parva)小型鸟类,体长11~13厘米。雄鸟上体灰黄褐色,眼先、眼周白色,尾上覆羽和中央尾羽黑褐色,外侧尾羽褐色,基部白色。颏、喉繁殖期间橙红色,胸淡灰色,其余下体白色,非繁殖期颏、喉变为白色。雌鸟颏、喉白色,胸沾棕,其余同雄鸟。

– a not so common migrant for Penisular Malaysia. But I missed the chance photograph last 2 years ago at Penang. Saw the bird high up at noon time.

update 202212

202212, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
202212, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

32. Dayak Blue Flycatcher, 山蓝仙鹟, 山藍仙鶲, Cyornis montanus, SAMBAR-BIRU BUKIT TIMUR

A medium-sized flycatcher with strikingly different male and female plumages. Male is beautifully colored, with deep blue upperparts, mostly orange underparts, and a white belly. Female is much duller, with a grayish head, gray-brown wings, a rufous tail, and rufous underparts. Scarce and local in the understory of hill forest. Song is jumble of melodious warbling and whistling notes. The calls are loud “chek” or “sit” notes, and are often mixed into the song. Similar to Bornean Blue Flycatcher, but darker, especially on the belly (in both sexes) and back (in the male). Also similar to Sunda Blue Flycatcher, but darker overall and shorter-billed. Dayak Blue Flycatcher is further distinguished by the less extensive black chin patch of the male and the rufous rather than blue tail of the female. (Ebird)

– new split from Hill Blue Flycatcher, which is now endemic to Borneo.

– 之前山蓝仙鹟,分出来的婆罗洲特有种。

update 202212

202212, TrusMadi, Sabah, Malaysia
202212, TrusMadi, Sabah, Malaysia

33. Brown-streaked Flycatcher, 褐纹鹟, 褐斑鶲, Muscicapa williamsoni, Muscicapa williamsoni, SAMBAR-KUSAM LOREK MELAYU

– a very Asian Brown like bird, but upper chest seem have brown streak

update 202403

– not my first time seeing this bird here, but few occasion and this time we saw it carry nesting material went into a canopy tree.. but not able to have record picture

– 在几年前就发现这鸟有点不一样。在过了北冬季还是在那+胸部事有点不一样。这一次很肯定他是在马来西亚筑巢。看到他带草回同一树上好几次。

202403, Sepilok, Sabah


30. Rufous-vented Niltava, 苏门答腊仙鹟, 蘇門答臘仙鶲, Niltava sumatrana, スマトラアオヒタキ, SAMBAR-KUMBANG API MELAYU

a specific location montane bird for Malaysia , not that many places can see this but one of the easy one Cameron Highland

Rufous-vented Niltava, 苏门答腊仙鹟,蘇門答臘仙鶲, Niltava sumatrana, スマトラアオヒタキ, SAMBAR-KUMBANG API MELAYU (male)

Rufous-vented Niltava, 苏门答腊仙鹟,蘇門答臘仙鶲, Niltava sumatrana, スマトラアオヒタキ, SAMBAR-KUMBANG API MELAYU (female)


More pictures from Flickr : Muscicapidae series: Flycatcher | 鹟科 | liewwk Nature

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More Youtube video : Muscicapidae series: Flycatcher | 鹟科 | liewwk Nature


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liewwk Nature Youtube collection


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Nectariniidae series: Spiderhunter | 太阳鸟科: 捕蛛鸟 | liewwk Nature – 10 [update 20241112]


The spiderhunters are birds of the genus Arachnothera, part of the sunbird family Nectariniidae.
The genus contains eleven species found in the forests of south and
southeastern Asia. They are large representatives of the sunbird family,
with drab plumage and long strongly curved bills. They feed on both
nectar and a range of small arthropods.


1. Spectacled Spiderhunter, 大黄耳捕蛛鸟, 大黃耳捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera flavigaster, オオキミミクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG BESAR

2. Whitehead’s Spiderhunter, 怀氏捕蛛鸟, 懷氏捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera juliae, ゴマフクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG GUNUNG BORNEO

3. Thick-billed Spiderhunter, 厚嘴捕蛛鸟, 厚嘴捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera crassirostris, ハシブトクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG PARUH TEBAL

4. Long-billed Spiderhunter, 纹胸捕蛛鸟, 紋胸捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera robusta, ハシナガクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG PARUH PANJANG

5. Little Spiderhunter, 长嘴捕蛛鸟, 長嘴捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera longirostra, コクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG KECIL BIASA

6. Purple-naped Spiderhunter, 蓝枕花蜜鸟, 藍枕花蜜鳥, Kurochkinegramma hypogrammicum, ムナフタイヨウチョウ, KELICAP RIMBA

7. Yellow-eared Spiderhunter, 小黄耳捕蛛鸟, 小黃耳捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera chrysogenys, キミミクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG TELINGA BERUS

8. Streaked Spiderhunter, 纹背捕蛛鸟, 紋背捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera magna, タテジマクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG GUNUNG BIASA

9. Gray-breasted Spiderhunter, 灰胸捕蛛鸟, 灰胸捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera modesta, ハイムネクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG KELABU BIASA

10. Bornean Spiderhunter, 婆罗洲捕蛛鸟, 婆羅洲捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera everetti, ムナフクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG KELABU BESAR


1. Spectacled Spiderhunter, 大黄耳捕蛛鸟, 大黃耳捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera flavigaster, オオキミミクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG BESAR

– from lowland to sub-montane

– obvious big yellow eye-ring smaller yellow ear patch compare to Yellow-eared

update 202304

– a tour with lucky guests, while waiting our’s target. This bird just show up feeding various flowers

– 幸運客人。在等目標鳥。這鳥自己跳出來讓我們拍拍花鳥圖。

202303, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202102

- Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia


update 2014 Jul 11

– a displaying moment to attract female

Spectacled Spiderhunter 大黄耳捕蛛鸟


Spectacled Spiderhunter, 大黄耳捕蛛鸟 [Arachnothera flavigaster]
update 2018 Aug 21


2. Whitehead’s Spiderhunter, 怀氏捕蛛鸟, 懷氏捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera juliae, ゴマフクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG GUNUNG BORNEO

– Borneo Endemic

– one of the very special look whitish , making various metallic call

update 202409

– a special Borneo endemic, this year seem not that difficult for this very beautiful bird

– 婆罗洲特有种蛮多人喜爱的一只。今年几乎不难遇上

202405, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202405

– it is a not so rare but not so easy bird to be seen, but for last months.. the favorite flower (Wightia borneensis) it become patient can make it possible .. just wait …. the bird will be coming … But today, it make different the bird decided come nearer tree and came down for us .. amazing lucky moment even didn’t get any picture while it is at lowest view .. but it is good and close to have this view

– Borneo endemic that making very “electric” call

– 这是一只,普通可是又不容易看到的鸟。可是在一个月以来,只要有耐心。看到拍到这鸟是可以的。在这花盛开(Wightia borneensis) 这鸟非常喜欢到来吃。可是今天它不只来吃,也跳过来近距离+低让大家拍好好。

– 一只婆罗洲叫的很“电子声”的特有种。

202405, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202306

– somehow we missed this bird at Sabah after ~3 days search, and lucky to have Sarawak which is a slightly easier place to have this species. Such a different spiderhunter and unmistakable call

– 唯一“全白”的捕蛛鸟。它的叫声应该也很少会听错。

202306, Bakelalan, Sarawak, Malaysia

update 202305

– very early morning on 2nd day, we arrived and heard the call immediate it show less than 5minutes of waiting with very good view. Still one of best looking bird in KNP

– it feed on Rhodondendron rugosom flowers

– 第2天一早,我们到达后不到5分钟就看到了。运气爆表。还是觉得神山最好看的鸟之一。

202305, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 20221024

– one of the most beautiful spiderhunter and a not so common Borneo endemic

– 最漂亮的捕蛛鸟,也是婆罗洲稀有特有种之一。

202210, Sabah, Malaysia

update 2020 May 28

– how this bird make robot like call

update 2016 Oct 12

see how’s the bird call .. such electronic call


3. Thick-billed Spiderhunter, 厚嘴捕蛛鸟, 厚嘴捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera crassirostris, ハシブトクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG PARUH TEBAL

– not that common to see it at a low level due to it is mostly on the canopy

– very yellowish and the bill look thicker

update 202411

– Brownish olive above with a yellow belly, faint yellow crescents around the eye, and faint speckling on the crown

– A fairly common bird that simply requires a bit of patience to photograph, as it will eventually come to the flowers.

– 上体呈褐橄榄色,腹部黄色,眼周有淡黄色弯月纹,头顶有淡淡的斑点。

– 一种相当常见的鸟,只需稍加耐心等待拍摄,它最终会来到花丛中。

202410, Sepilok, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202110

– another casual birding day, few sunbird and spiderhunters visit this ginger flower

– 轻松的拍鸟天。几只太阳鸟,捕蛛鸟来这几颗姜花吸花蜜。

202110, Selangor, Malaysia



update 202101

- lucky to have this low just in front of our breakfast table



4. Long-billed Spiderhunter, 纹胸捕蛛鸟, 紋胸捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera robusta, ハシナガクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG PARUH PANJANG

– another not common to seen low lever

– yellowish with long bill and little full yellow streaky throat-breast


5. Little Spiderhunter, 长嘴捕蛛鸟, 長嘴捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera longirostra, コクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG KECIL BIASA

– smaller spiderhunter look bit grey-yellow

– common at lowland-submontane

update 202206

– a very common lowland spiderhunter but lovely and beautiful bird especially standing on a flower

– 非常普通的低海拔的捕株鸟。可是站在花上还是很美的花鸟图。

202206, Ulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia



6. Purple-naped Spiderhunter, 蓝枕花蜜鸟, 藍枕花蜜鳥, Kurochkinegramma hypogrammicum, ムナフタイヨウチョウ, KELICAP RIMBA

– previously belong to sunbird but most checklist put it to spiderhunter

– look like most spiderhunter, but shorter bill but very streaky breast



7. Yellow-eared Spiderhunter, 小黄耳捕蛛鸟, 小黃耳捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera chrysogenys, キミミクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG TELINGA BERUS

– sometime confuse with Spectacled Spiderhunter, not so think yellow eye ring, bigger yellow ear patch, more slight not so yellow compare to Spectacled. 

update 202406

– it is flowering season, so many tree with flowers at RDC. Birds come feed near flower, nectar, insects etc .. included this not so common bird also come feed on the nectar.

– 在西必洛雨林公园,很多书都结花。很多鸟都为了花蜜,昆虫都飞的很近很低。

202406, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202110

– a ginger flower, ready to attract various birds such as sunbird, spiderhunter.

– 姜花吸引了几种鸟的到来。

202110, Hulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia



8. Streaked Spiderhunter, 纹背捕蛛鸟, 紋背捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera magna, タテジマクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG GUNUNG BIASA

– common submontane and montane Spiderhunter ..

– streaky chest and back

– very common at Fraser Hill, Genting Highland, Cameron Highlands

– A large and noisy inhabitant of tropical and subtropical hill forests. Distinctive in its range; a large spiderhunter with a long, curved black bill and black streaking all over its yellow-green upperparts and lighter yellow underparts. Gleans invertebrates from foliage, but also hovers around and probes into flowers for nectar. Often moves with mixed flocks. Calls frequently, giving a loud, decisive-sounding “chitick, chitick!”. (Ebird)

update 202212

– a last Peninsular Birding Tour, been raining non stop and while sitting at the cafe. This bird keep coming giving us some waiting, hoping and fun.

– 2022 西马最后一团,可是下雨。几乎每天都几个小时在等雨停。这一天,这鸟在我们休息的餐厅一直来。让我们也消耗了几个小时。

202211, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202105

– very common sub-montane spiderhunter with overall streaky especially the breast and back

– 是太阳鸟科中体型较大的一种,体重25-45克,体长160-210毫米。嘴粗长而尖且向下弯曲。上体橄榄黄色具黑色中央斑纹。下体淡黄白色满布黑色纵纹,尾具黑色次端斑。虹膜褐色,腿鲜艳橘黄色,嘴黑色。



9. Gray-breasted Spiderhunter, 灰胸捕蛛鸟, 灰胸捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera modesta, ハイムネクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG KELABU BIASA

– lowland, submontane, gray front

– look similar to Bornean Spiderhunter but it is not

update 202107

update 202105

– mostly grey with a light mark on the chest
– walking past this banana tree a few times wondering why no spiderhunter but today got 2 species.

– 经过着香蕉树几次都奇怪没捕蛛鸟。终于今天见到2种了。

202105, Sg Congkak, Selangor, Malaysia



10. Bornean Spiderhunter, 婆罗洲捕蛛鸟, 婆羅洲捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera everetti, ムナフクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG KELABU BESAR

– look similar to Gray-breasted

– an endemic for Borneo

– Bornean’s more intensely streaked underparts and slightly larger size

update 202403

– this bird can be found easily near Lodge area but we seldom stay.. most of ours activities walk from the lodge but this time we got this bird easily just ~200-400m away on ground (~5cm from ground) … it pick the fruit for feeding ?

– 我们通常都可以容易在酒店餐厅附近看到这鸟。可是我们都是一大早出去,中午或下午回来。。。很不容易在林里看到它。可是这一次很不样,就是在离开酒店200-400米就看到这鸟在捡果子。应该在喂小孩?

202403, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia




Bornean Spiderhunter, 婆羅洲捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera everetti, ムナフクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG KELABU BESAR










More pictures from Flickr : Nectariniidae series Spiderhunter | 太阳鸟科 : 捕蛛鳥 | liewwk Nature

Spectacled Spiderhunter, 大黄耳捕蛛鸟

More Youtube video : Nectariniidae series Spiderhunter | 太阳鸟科 : 捕蛛鳥 | liewwk Nature


More Borneo pictures and videos

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 60 [update 20241110]

Video Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 – 视频 | liewwk Nature 46 [20240827]


liewwk Nature Pictures collection

liewwk Nature Youtube collection


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