this is not first time I shoot Milky, but this is my very first time see it clearly … it was just above us and we can use our eye to see it … am happy able to make this outing [my East Coast visit | April 20100] and thanks for my friends going with me (Shunfa, Jason, Siah, Seesy, Xiao Yi, Ismail, Norhana & Lio) . We had wonderful trip … and could be most memorable trip for me ….
My very 1st Milky was post before here
and here was picture capture few steps out from the homestay …

5dm2 + SIGMA24F1.8
# Exposure Time (1 / Shutter Speed) = 10/1 second ===> 10 second
# Lens F-Number / F-Stop = 18/10 ===> ƒ/1.8
# ISO Speed Ratings = 1600
how to capture this, simply same how I shoot stars which I share before here… except we need higher ISO to get it clearly ……….
Update later