Penang (Pulau Pinang) series | liewwk


update 2015 Nov 30

same shooting date previous picture , due to the lightning keep happen at the other site of our target direction … make use of on Body multiple exposure to create this .. no other Post Processing done .. just contrast, saturation and resize

… lightning above …

update 2015 Nov 27

another 2 years been missing this beautiful Island for Landscape …. finally make a crazy decision .. for stay overnight on Penang Hill (outdoor, ~700m from sea level) …

and I miss what I plan to get .. but the lightning night give us good opportunity to get good shot …

… lighting Near …


had been missed out this place ~2 years…. we spents 4-6 trips on 2010 … but then stop for ~2 years till now …

recently, I have this picture print real big .. A0-A1 … and have one A3 hang at Canon Service center …. make me feel I should revisit Penang ….

… faceNorth …

– Lee Filter GND .9s

– Lee FIlter GND .9h (reverse as ND9)



… peace …

– Lee Filter GND .6s – YES …. GND at nightscape


… the beautfy of Nature …

– Lee FIlter GND .6s

– still remember how beautiful was the sky split to duo tones …


… the jetty …

– Lee Filter GND .9s

– Lee Filter ND9

– thanks Mujib for bring me here …


more Penang pictures

Pulau Pinang



More Outing, Workshop

Filters are important for seascape – Look for Lee Filters …?

Looking for a Good Landscape Tripod – Fotopro

– My Gear – Fotopro

– Fotopro T-series T64c/T74c/T83c


Pantai Kelanang, Banting | liewwk

a beautiful mangrove beach locate not too far from Kuala Lumpur (~1.5 hours drive) and 40minutes from KLIA airport. this beach also close famous Morib beach. a mangrove beach with mangrove plant, sand beach (long ~5-8km) ..

non stop

– a demo capture to my gang how to capture the “movement”

– Lee FIlter GND .9s


the two trees

– capture few years back while I trying to look for sunset spot …

– the 2 trees had dead …


went there to capture ths shadow …

– special went there to capture the lines


running… Horseshoe Crab

– capture the wave again …



– Lee Filter GND .9s

– Lee FIlter 4×4 CPL



more Kelanang beach pictures


Pantai Kelanang