another very lucky USA guest managed to have both rare Wren-Babbler for open … this year almost 90% of the bird watching tour have the Marble Wren-Babbler but mostly not full open view … and also the Large Wren-Babbler for those visit the right spot …
for this tour, it is right time and place so we got full open shots for both difficult and rare Wren-Babbler
1. Marble Wren-Babbler,石纹鹪鹛, Turdinus marmorata
2. large wren-babbler ,大鹪鹛, Napothera macrodactyla
4 days tour Photography tour with China guests , from 2nd forest , mangrove to sub-montane . We managed to photograph 50 species and I managed to have few capture too with handheld
We have a day trip for Photography from USA …. this time, guest pick Fraser Hill for the day tour … we leave KL 515am and arrive Fraser Hill ~730am … and arrived back KL by ~8pm
We begin with Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush, Malayan Laughingthrush, Oriental Magpie-Robin and one of the main target : Malayan Hill Partridge … very soon we have capture all with extra
Large Niltava
Greater Yellownape
Red-headed Trogon
follow by lovely Red-headed Trogon, Fire-tufted Barbet, Silver-breasted Broadbill and Sultan tit …. all allow guest capture picture within 20feet …
after lunch , we seem have more luck to have Blue Nuthatch stay long and close for us to have good pictures, and it also follow by Black-and-yellow Broadbill, Banded Kingfisher and daytime roosting Buffy Fish Owl ..
We receive a request for 3 days (even it is 12-15 but it is half day for start and end date) … special request RAIL-BABBLER is a must !!! and with a limited bird list to add on his 52xx++ bird count with few tour SEA before ..
Immediate from Airport to our first destination KRAU forest, we got our 1st target : Javan Myna !!!! very soon , we arrive KRAU for our target … and we managed to got full open view of Malaysian Rail-Babbler as 2nd bird and TARGET meet 😀
immediate we continue for other birds target and for day 1 we managed to have 8 lifers and main target meet ..
12 Jun 2016
9:00 AM
15.00 km
360 Minutes
All birds reported? Yes
Comments: Submitted from eBird for iOS, version 1.2.1 Build 65
We change our plan to Bukit Tinggi instead Taman Negara (original 2nd plan for Rail-Babbler) for more lifers … with very good morning start we managed to got 9 lifers with all good open view of Moutain Peacock Pheasant , Black Laughingthrush , Chestnut-backed Scimitar-Babbler, etc
Bukit Tinggi
13 Jun 2016
7:00 AM
5.00 km
180 Minutes
All birds reported? Yes
Comments: Submitted from eBird for iOS, version 1.2.1 Build 65
Immediate after Lunch we heading Fraser and we managed to get another 8 lifers which include star bird of Malayan Hill Patridge, Bamboo Woodpecker, Rufous-Bellied Swallow.
Bukit Fraser
13 Jun 2016
1:00 PM
10.00 km
420 Minutes
All birds reported? Yes
Comments: Submitted from eBird for iOS, version 1.2.1 Build 65
we have another morning for Fraser Hill , and we continue for more challenge birds target. and with the late lunch we managed to got another 10 lifers .. a good start with Malayan Whistling-Thrush which appear after long wait in the cold morning, it just show up on the road . Follow by Javan Cuckooshrike, Silver-Breasted Broadbill with little challenge … with luck we managed to got Marbled Wren-Babbler & Large Scimitar-Babbler with good view and long enough … last bird before late lunch below to lue Nuthatch.
Bukit Fraser
14 Jun 2016
7:00 AM
40.00 km
600 Minutes
All birds reported? Yes
Comments: Submitted from eBird for iOS, version 1.2.1 Build 65
1 Spotted Dove
1 Large-tailed Nightjar
1 House Swift 1 Fire-tufted Barbet
1 Speckled Piculet 1 Silver-breasted Broadbill 2 Bar-bellied Cuckooshrike
2 Black-and-crimson Oriole
1 White-throated Fantail
2 Sultan Tit 1 Blue Nuthatch 2 Large Scimitar-Babbler 1 Marbled Wren-Babbler 1 Silver-eared Mesia
1 Asian Fairy-bluebird
1 Verditer Flycatcher 1 Lesser Shortwing 2 Malayan Whistling-Thrush
3 Slaty-backed Forktail 1 White-tailed Robin
Number of Taxa: 20
after the lunch , we have no luck till next day (raining) and we missed our the other easy target 🙁
for the 3 days birding , Dutch guest managed to have 35 lifers and MAIN target meet
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We have day trip due to full schedule , original plan was going Fraser Hill but on the way.. it is tree fall down which block our way up and we make quick decision travel back to KRAU forest and may be quick one for Genting Highlands … we have total 65 species view and ~40 lifers for guest … with both Silver Breasted Broadbill and Rail Babbler clear view make the happy day .
Our reach is 9am which is slight late but we are doing very good in the morning 9am-1pm which we have 42 species and wonderful and clear view of RAIL Babbler …
Javan myna
Common myna
Pacific swallow
White throat kingfisher
Scarlet backed flowerpecker
Yellow vented bulbul
White breasted waterhen
Greater coucal
Zebra dove
Spotted dove
Purple heron
Little egret
Magpie robin
Greated racket tailed drongo
Red jungle fowl
White rumped shama
Black headed bulbul
Oriental pied hornbill
Black hornbill
Stork billed kingfisher
Little grebe
Lesser whistling duck
Gold whiskered barbet
Dollar bird
Black tighted falconet
Red eye bulbul
Stripe throated bulbul
Rail babbler
Black throated babbler
Banded woodpecker
Raffles malkoha
Sooty barbet
Ferruginous babbler
Whiskered treeswift
Black and yellow broadbill
Short tailed babbler
Black and red broadbill
Dark throat oriole
Long billed spider hunter
Rufous collard kingfisher
Rufous backed kingfisher
Green billed malkoha
than we travel to Genting Highland after our quick lunch …..
on the way, our toilet stop add in 5 new birds
Olive backed sunbird
Pied thriller
Rufous woodpecker
Pied fantail
Dark necked tailorbird
follow by another 3 hours at Genting Highland which include Awana we have 17 species
Malayan laughingthrush (chesnut crown)
Mountain leaf warbler
Snowy browed flycatcher
Black throat sunbird
Glossy swiftlet
Blue winged leafbird
Chesnut capped laughingthrush
Mountain fulvetta
Yellow bellied warbler
Silver breasted broadbill
Verditer flycatcher
Chesnut backed scimitars babbler
Hill blue flycatcher
Silver ear mesia
Everett’s White-eye
Peregrine Falcon
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we “” having CANADA guest for birds watching KRAU – Kuala Lumpur for any bird … but we end our tour ~4pm due to hot weather and Jet lag …
Overall we had very good morning … good view and some good pictures of Garnet Pitta, Rufous Collard Kingfisher, little green pigeon… it follow by Whiskered Treeswift nest , make customer feel amaze .
than we also got very good view of Bamboo Woodpecker & Rufous Backed Kingfisher
31 species and guest need 10 lifer to hit 2000 birds count .. good luck 😀 [not verify which are lifer]
Black magpie
Asian koel
Little grebe
White-throated kingfisher
Stork-billed kingfisher
Little green pigeon
Pink necked pigeon
White-breasted Waterhen
Spotted dove
Oriental pied hornbill
Magpie robin
Javan myna
Black head bulbul
Red eye bulbul
Black-thighed Falconet
Short tailed babbler
Black-throated babbler
Ferruginous babbler
Rufous collard kingfisher
Purple heron
Yellow-bellied Bulbul
White rumped shama
Garnet pitta
Stripe-throated Bulbul
Whiskered Treeswift
Golden-bellied Gerygone
Bamboo woodpecker
Rufous backed kingfisher
Greater Racket-tailed Drongo
Dark-throated oriole
Large woodshrike
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we “” having CHINA guests for birds Photography Kuala Gula – Taiping – Fraser Hill – KRAU – BUKIT Tinggi – Kuala Lumpur for some target lists as guest went many country so quite limited target left for me too (especially Fraser Hill list)
below are some pictures from guests sharing /一些照片
Black-and-crimson Oriole Male 绯胸黄鹂 (公)
Black-and-crimson Oriole Female 绯胸黄鹂 (母)
Cute Fire-tufted Barbet 火簇拟鴷
Laced Woodpecker 花腹绿啄木鸟
Black & yellow Broadbill 黑黄阔嘴鸟
Banded Broadbill 斑阔嘴鸟
Mangrove Pitta 红树八色鸫
Garnet Pitta 榴红八色鸫
Collared Owlet 领鸺鹠Barred Eagle-Owl 马来雕鸮Spotted Wood-Owl 点斑林鸮Buffy Fish-Owl 马来渔鸮Barn Owl 仓鸮Brown Wood-Owl 褐林鸮Lucky to meet up Brown Wood-Owl Juvi | 很辛运看到褐林鸮亚成鸟meet another Buffy Fish-Owl in the day time .. 光天化日马来渔鸮Silver-breasted Broadbill 银胸丝冠鸟
34/111 –〉记录照/只有<2位拍到
overall we did quite reasonable good even we had very bad after lunch sessions for almost everyday (very hot everyday after lunch) . we got
Total 111 species photograph for 8 days
34/111 are record shots and some are only photograph by single person .
77 species have above average photos for more than 2 persons
we “” having England guest for birds watching, from Bukit Tinggi – KRAU forest – Fraser – Klang for very limited target lists as guest went Borneo, Cambodia & East India which already cover most of the Malaysia .
with very limited target birds and time, we targeting 40 lifers …
with very good waiting game for first day, the star bird – Mountain Peacock-Pheasant… at Bukit Tinggi, also managed to got few target bamboo Woodpecker, Black Laughingthrush for the first day etc
immediate after lunch , we reached KRAU in very hot, dry late afternoon but we still got few important target e.g. Garnet Pitta, Black Throat Babbler , Banded Kingfishers etc .
but we missed out few lowland target so next day morning we going KRAU again before heading Fraser Hill. we have slow and dry morning but still some target like Long-billed Spiderhunter, Gray-breasted Spiderhunter, Gold-whiskered Barbet , Red-billed Malkoha , Yellow-vented Pigeon, Cook’s Swift, Cook’s Swift, Black-browed Barbet, Hill Blue-Flycatcher etc . too bad we are rush for other targets and didn’t get any chance to photograph them .
another 1.5 days on Fraser Hill, in the morning we have very good view of Blue Nuthatch, Collard Owlet, Black and Black-and-crimson Oriole. Same day, we managed to have very good target and sighting e.g. Gray-breasted Partridge (Malaysian Hill Partridge) , Mabler Wren-Babbler, Malayan Laughingthrush, grey nightjar etc . I got a good view of Malayan Whistling-Thrush but too bad guest just got a brief view of the endemic . but the bird day , Malayan Hill Partridge give us fantastic view for more than 2 hours … and very lucky I managed to got some pictures of the star bird. and by luck we also have super view of Rufous-bellied Swallow … total 5 of the birds gave us very good view .
immediate after Fraser Hill, we decide to try the Mangrove Pitta. and yes we got it real fast but under the hot weather near mangrove ..
overall we got 118 species and target hit 44 species or lifers for guest
star birds :
Gray-breasted Partridge (Malaysian)
Yellow-vented Pigeon
Mountain Peacock-Pheasant
Mabler Wren-Babbler
Bamboo Woodpecker
Garnet Pitta
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Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to contact me
we “” having German guests for birds watching, from Kuala Lumpur – KRAU forest (half day) – Fraser Hill – Kuala Selangor – Kuala Lumpur
We have lovely German Guests from German, they are here from eco related conference and extend few days for Malaysia Birds watching. we mostly walk around for any birds as we dont have any main target .
Day 1 – KRAU forest – we are little slow in the morning missed out few interesting birds e.g. little grebe, lesser whistling duck, lapwing etc … but some how we got few good view of broadbilss (black & red, banded, black & yellow). We also have very good view of Garnet pitta, Rufous-collard Kingfisher & black-throat babbler. We left the site about lunch time and travel to Fraser.
we got Bamboo woodpecker female very good view and eyelevel Yellow Vented pigeon (too bad I dont have camera with me on that time but I still able to get some higher shot of the birds)
Day2-3 Fraser Hill- overall it was windy days and we work very hard for those main targets here e.g. red headed trogon, orange headed trogon, long-tailed broadbill, silver breasted broadbill . any how we able to have both trogons and Silver breasted broadbill at single spot . but we struggle to have a look of long-tailed broadbill but any how we still able to got the bird at last 2-3 hours at Fraser hill before heading to Kuala Selangor.
Day4- Kuala Selangor – it is very good day at Kuala Selangor, we have almost black capped kingfisher , stork billed kingfishers, yellow rumped flycatcher, mangrove blue flycatcher etc .. overall a very good day till we almost missed our check out time. after Kuala Selangor, we dropby Shah Alam and have super fast even less than 10s to spot the Hooded pitta
some pictures I handheld capture when I with the guests
Garnet Pitta
whiskered treeswift
– Mabler Wren-babbler
yellow vented pigeon
Overall we have 159 species recorded
and few main birds record
Mabler Wren-Babbler
Yellow Vented Pigeon
Garnet Pitta
Rufous Collard Kingfisher
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Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to contact me
we “” having Dutch guest for target birds (main target Malaysian Rail-babbler [Eupetes macrocerus] & Malayan Banded Pitta [Pitta guajana irena/ripleyi] watching, from Kuala Lumpur – KRAU forestfor ~6 hours birding ..
We have no luck on the Rail-Babbler no single call , due to limited time we have we going bit further trail for banded Pitta and managed to have clear view of the Malayan Banded Pitta plus some other birds e.g.
Red Junglefowl
Purple Heron
Oriental Honey-buzzard
Little Green-Pigeon
Raffles’s Malkoha
Whiskered Treeswift
Scarlet-rumped Trogon
Rufous-collared Kingfisher
Black Hornbill
Sooty Barbet
Gold-whiskered Barbet
Red-throated Barbet
Coppersmith Barbet
Checker-throated Woodpecker
Maroon Woodpecker
Buff-rumped Woodpecker
Banded Pitta
Garnet Pitta
Black-winged Flycatcher-shrike
Greater Racket-tailed Drongo
Asian Paradise-Flycatcher
House Crow
Gray-headed Canary-Flycatcher
Puff-backed Bulbul
Black-headed Bulbul
Stripe-throated Bulbul
Red-eyed Bulbul
Chestnut-rumped Babbler
White-rumped Shama
Little Spiderhunter
in summary
Total 30 species saw
Star birds
Banded Pitta
Garnet Pitta
Little Green pigeon
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