blinking trees … fireflies …

was my first experience shooting fireflies from top … look awesome … too bad the timelapse need more time to prepare .. so let me share the picture I capture …

... Blinking Tree ...


will have more to share about fireflies .. and I think I fall in love with it …

Dicruridae series: Drongo | 卷尾科 | liewwk Nature – 5

Mostly dark blue, black and making many lovely songs

1. Lesser racket-tailed drongo, 小盘尾,小盤尾,Dicrurus remifer, ヒメカザリオウチュウ, CECAWI ANTING-ANTING KECIL

2. Greater Racket-tailed Drongo, 大盘尾, 大盤尾, Dicrurus paradiseus, カザリオウチュウ, CECAWI ANTING-ANTING BESAR

3. Black Drongo, 黑卷尾, Dicrurus macrocercus, オウチュウ, CECAWI SAWAH

4. Crow-billed Drongo, 鸦嘴卷尾, 鴉嘴卷尾, Dicrurus annectens, ハシブトオウチュウ, CECAWI PARUH TEBAL

5. Hair-crested Drongo (Bornean), 发冠卷尾, 髮冠卷尾, Dicrurus hottentottus borneensis, カンムリオウチュウ, CECAWI BERAMBUT


1. Lesser racket-tailed drongo, 小盘尾,小盤尾,Dicrurus remifer, ヒメカザリオウチュウ, CECAWI ANTING-ANTING KECIL

– sub-montane, montane

– sometimes confused with Greater racket-tailed Drongo, which can differ by crestless, tail shape, and location

update 2015 April 1

Lesser racket-tailed drongo,小盘尾

update 2013 Feb 4

… where is Papa ? … Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo

update 2012 Dec 13

Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo


2. Greater Racket-tailed Drongo, 大盘尾, 大盤尾, Dicrurus paradiseus, カザリオウチュウ, CECAWI ANTING-ANTING BESAR

– dark blue with 2 long-tailed

– very aggressive with any bird that comes close to the territory

– with crest

update 202205

– cloudy morning, this noisy bird making a lot of noise and keep disturbing other birds

– 多云的一天,这吵+凶的鸟一直在追其他鸟。

202205, Ulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia


– few of them flying around at open space here and managed to spend few minutes with guests here

– 几只这漂亮的鸟飞来飞去。与客人拍了几分钟。

202205, Langkap, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

update 202111

– always like to capture this beautiful, common, noisy bird flying to show it’s racket-tailed.

– 一直希望拍到大盘尾的飞版。虽然不是要的绿背景,也蛮高兴。

202111- Fraser Hill, Selangor





3. Black Drongo, 黑卷尾, Dicrurus macrocercus, オウチュウ, CECAWI SAWAH

– a winter visitor, normally found near grassland or paddy fields










4. Crow-billed Drongo, 鸦嘴卷尾, 鴉嘴卷尾, Dicrurus annectens, ハシブトオウチュウ, CECAWI PARUH TEBAL

– another bird may confuse but different by the bill shape, size, black-face, and chest

update 202112

– an overall dark metallic blue drongo with thick bill and fork-tail


202112, Selangor, Malaysia



5. Hair-crested Drongo (Bornean), 发冠卷尾, 髮冠卷尾, Dicrurus hottentottus borneensis, カンムリオウチュウ, CECAWI BERAMBUT

– Overall dark. Long, thin, hair-like feathers on its forehead, present only in some subspecies, may be visible at close range. Normally single bird

– 中型鸟类,体长28-35厘米。通体绒黑色缀蓝绿色金属光泽,额部具发丝状羽冠,外侧尾羽末端向上卷曲。栖息于海拔1500米以下的低山丘陵和山脚沟谷地带,多在常绿阔叶林、次生林或人工松林中活动。单独或成对活动,很少成群。

update 202105

– this is borneensis. 

– Normally single bird joining the flock of laughingthursh, magpie. making drongo call

– 婆罗洲亚种(也建议分为独立种)

– 通常,鸟浪活动。

201905, Crocker Range, Sabah, Malaysia



More pictures from Flickr: Dicruridae series: Drongo | 卷尾科 | liewwk Nature

Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo (male)


More videos: Dicruridae series: Drongo | 卷尾科 | liewwk Nature



liewwk Nature Pictures collection

liewwk Nature Youtube collection


Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to

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5dm3 HDR & Multiple Exposures ….

something you would say important but useless depend …. but it is always good to have rather than not an option for us ….

another 5dm3 add on features .. that I really happy with is HDR and Multiple Exposure …

by pressing the button in red.. we can choose Multiple Exp or HDR


while we want Multilple Exposure …. choose Icon Center… 2 Raw files will be shoot(depend # of shots configure) and one will be process


(meter the foreground and sky)

and default the result … (non Edit)


and HDR … there are few option .. and the Natural option is quite Natural look …

3 RAW/JPEG will be capture (and we can choose to save all images or only the HDR images which only in JPEG)


then .. the auto.default HDR output .. no PP



so .. how do you feel the output ? I would say .. it is good to have this features .. even may not useful every shooting but definate useful for some cases ….


canon 5d markIII ….

finally it is on my hand to have my own test ….  not really worry too much testing (e.g. color, sharpness, as those impact by screen, lenses .. etc … ) so I just share few things why  I need the 5dm3 …. when it is on my hand for first 10 min ….

1. the shape more round …

2. do not notice the .2 inch LCD change .. may be it is way too less 😀

3. buttons just like 7d … but ohh it is not .. many change on Menu (mirror lock-up is little easier to be enable now !) , rating ? , compare among picture within CF, zoom in button (hmm feel it is like SONY way … )

4. AF .. for me .. all this while I only use center point for shooting (wish I have more option while I shoot with 50d/60d/5d….) but this is something new to me !!!!! so many mode, so many AF function … so many points !!!!! and for few try … it is FAST …(definate faster than 50/60/5d 😀 )

5. a NEW menu … so many thing in there !!!! so I have to spend days to read through the Manual ….

6. bracketing .. now can shoot 3,5,7 exp  … 😀 (saw the option but not sure how to use it 😀 )

…. thats all ~10-20 min play with the new 5d mIII …… then after good lunch … and reach home I have some test with condition

1. on chair & timer

2. Apeutre mode

3. focus and meter on the Canon 16-35 lenses box (bottom)

4. both shoot with 16mm with 16-35 mark2

5. indoor with no light change …

6. Jpeg shoot with no Noise reducion  (RAW cannot open by my ACR yet !!!!! and yes again 😀 )

7. both body shoot with ISO100,200,400,800,1600,3200,6400   & 12800-25600 (for 5dm3) .. didn’t try on 5dm2 as think not really able to accept the IQ of the 6400 and above

here are the full size links

5dm2 ISO100                    5dm3 ISO100

5dm2 ISO200                   5dm3 ISO200

5dm2 ISO400                   5dm3 ISO400

5dm2 ISO800                   5dm3 ISO800

5dm2 ISO1600                 5dm3 ISO1600

5dm2 ISO3200                5dm3 ISO3200

5dm2 ISO6400                5dm3 ISO6400

may people may think the compare make no sense  … but for me I love to shoot nightscape … I shoot ISO3200-6400 most of the the time, and when I print anything big then I have my worry …. for my 5dm2, ISO1600 I need little work to print A2 size .. but anything higher will have problem …. but base on the 1st try , 5dm3 ISO1600 is so clean !!!! or even ISO6400 think I can easily use ISO6400 to print A2 in future and ISO12800 need to have it a trial !!!!! 😀

beside ISO, think dynamics range have been improve .. I shoot Aperture mode at EV 0 . and I found

1. details at both bright/dark areas are much better with 5dm3

Another thing 5dm2 tend to be slight under at the spot I meter but do not get any advantage at bright area … check picture share below


DARK Area crop 5dm2 on top and 5dm3 on bottom

Bright Area crop 5dm2 on top and 5dm3 on bottom


some ISO at dark area pictures .. not a comment but some real sample to show

ISO1600 – crop 5dm2 on top and 5dm3 on bottom

ISO3200 – crop 5dm2 on top and 5dm3 on bottom

ISO6400 – crop 5dm2 on top and 5dm3 on bottom



Overall .. my 1st day experience with the Canon 5dm3 …

1. better handling – most of the important function change to easier access .. (they listen to USERs !!!!!)

2. faster AF ? minimum for the non center points and now I can use group AF points !!!even low light

3. ISO performance .. about 1-1.5 stops better (and 5dm2 already good with ISO1600 and lower ….)  .. but the JPEG seem giving much better 2-3 stops , think something to do with the camera processing ..

ohhhh .. forgot to share the HDR picture !!!! do we need filter ????? in future ? as I only use basic setting for this and all in JPEG .. I do believe with RAW edit .. results could be much better for this new 5dm3 !!!!

5dm3 HDR picture

worth  to spend extra RM4k (5dm2 and 5dm3 different) ?

if you use for hobby and non event, wild life shooter .. 5dm2 should be good enough 😀  …. but if you need better ISO performance e.g. for night scape … I will choose 5dm3 as I know I need better ISO performance 😀






do you print your picture ?

from buy, go out, shooting, post processing.. how many of us stil print out our picture ??? especially after world of FB …..

few concerns or issue we may have while we print out our picture

1. own print ? or send to service provider ?

– own print , cost, regular print, own responsible to calibrate among screen and printer ..

– send to print .. make sure our screen match SP screen and their match their printer

2. color profile use and service provided color profile .. sRGB, Adoeb RGB >>>??

3. screen calibration ?  ask SP .. do there calibrate their screen .. if Yes.. what they use ?

4. any ICC profile .. may be we need to do the soft proofing base on SP ICC profile .. can refer

5. use trusted SP if send for print .. whenever they change paper, ink .. etc .. may affect our print out .. !!!

additional tripod member to my gear list – Fotopro PGC-784

I own few tripods .. due to many reasons , e.g .. testing .. travel .. stability, durability … etc

fotopro M5 mini – for pocket size tripod .. bring out when go out with family

MGC – 684 – daily use for stability .. 5d + lenses up to 70200 F2.8 ….

MGC-c4i or C5c- for travel .. hiking purpose …

and now … I add on a high angle + more stable tripod for my wild lifes photography 😀

PGC-784  and see how tall is the tripod