my first photography trip to Sarawak – Bintulu

finally I was step into abeautiful Sarawak after long waiting .. I was invite by BINTULU VISUAL-ARTS COMMUNITY (BVC) to share some knowledge on MACRO and Landscape and have a Mega Outing …

even I only there for 2 day for BVC and found you guys rock … patient and the effort to group all the people are well done …

and I spend another 1.5 days with my long known Bintulu friends (Goh, Tony, Ai Ting ….. ) and most of their friend came out for meet up and we went a dark place for star, long house, jungles for mushroom adventure … and your patient on photography especially mushroom, nature got my FULL respect ….

I am still busy after continous working , outing … and I didn’t shoot a lot .. but here is one of the beautiful view at Tanjung Batu, Bintulu, Sarawak …

Tanjung Batu , Bintulu

update 23 Jun

... the wait | Tanjung Batu, Bintulu, Sarawak ...

will share more slowly …. especially many beautiful mushroom pictures

2011 Jul – Aug – Nightscape photography and Correct Exposure workshop

2011 Jul - Workshop

feel free to contact me for further enquiries ..

(all previous workshop and outing participiant have special discount… )


2/8 seats have been fill – update  8 Jun 2011

4/8 seats have been fill – update 13 Jun 2011

1. Kenny

2. Tay

3. Erica

4. Erica friend

5. Amin

6. LzPanda

7. Siah

8. George Wong

9. George Wong’s friend

10. Anxxx

11. Dennis

(update 16 Jun 2011)



my gear : Tripod – Fotopro

tripod is my GOOD friend … I always say this and for my last trip, most of my friend look at me and ask why you bring your tripod any where … my answer is “I do not want to miss anything”

a good tripod for me should serve me few objective

1. sturdy
2. lowest possible angle
3. highest possible angle
4. the leg connection design, I had few experience with other brand tripod all failed on the leg which sand went into the connection cause the failure
5. size
6. weight
7. cost

we invest thousands of dollar on our equipment and I don’t think it is good idea to put it on a tripod that risk your equipment …..

I need my tripod to be stable because I do not want it to fall

I need my tripod have lower angle, because I know I need it

I need my tripod to have light weight because I bring it any where

I need my tripod to be durable to sand attack as most of us go beaches know it kill our tripod

I wish the price is cheaper, everyone wish too

I wish it can be multi tasking … yes mine can use as monopod


some sample places I use for my tripod and it never failed me like previous tripods (which cost me RM300-2000)… it still serve me GREAT after 1.5 year heavy utilise (only clean once) …


Fotopro PGC-78c – Bigger for wildlife, bird .. taller

Fotopro M-5mini PRO – easy to carry …

FLM Fiction Ball head – stability, fiction control … firm angle without fall down after lock ball head

and I trust my TRIPOD … view the movie how I trust him 😀 click HERE see HOW I trust him …


where me and my tripod stand
where me and my tripod stand


i. all the leg still work great

2. for the same size price is good

3. it can go as low as

my tripod at low angle


my tripod at low angle


I am using both



C-5C Carbon

do let me know if you interest to have a try or look … or contact me for the price of fotopro tripods brought by leephoto



related posts

Fotopro PGC-78c – Bigger for wildlife, bird .. taller

Fotopro M-5mini PRO – easy to carry and pocket size …

FLM Fiction Ball head – stability, fiction control … firm angle without fall down after lock ball head

Fotopro CT-5A   – a new concept of tripod combine Mini M5 I share previously and MGA-584N … = CT-5A

Fotopro PGC 484 – a travel tripod only <850gram only (without ball head)

Fotopro T-series T64c/T74c/T83c  – new design better stability, better sand proof …


we have trust our tripod

CHINA – GuiLin Terraced Fields [桂林 , 龙脊梯田]

the 1st stop for my 1 week trip at CHINA 21-28 May 2011…. what I remember ~1hour travel from GuiLing international airport to the main Entrance of the Longji Terraces (龙脊梯田) tourist centre … follow by another ~40 minutes toruist bus to the start point of the Terraces… then ~2 hours easy walk (stair cases) to the highest point of visit point 4 ( 金坑梯田)

the first view near our accomondation ….

... 龙脊梯田 | Terraced Fields ...


the view simply amazing but too bad the weather raining non stop and base on the weather forecast the rain will last for another 1-2 day .. ..

but hope for the best, I still woke up ~430am the next morning to have a morning walk …. and I am happy that I found a view that can show how the water been flow through the field …..

... the Beginning | 由此开始 ...


farmer will start using manual way to make hole allow water from top flow down to the next field and this repeat for every layers …….

anyone love Mosquito ?

anyone love mosquito ? think in Malaysia we scare of it due to the Dengue … which kill a lot peoples in Malaysia …

No my first time but 2nd time found a mosquito biting non human.. the 1st time was a frog …

Mosquito biting a frog


and last week, I able to witness another Mosquito biting a lizard ….

Mosquito biting a lizard


a mosquito is biting a Giant or Great Angle Head Lizard, gonocephalus grandis

an interesting firefly ….

a bug that really make my day, we had a short night outing in a reserve jungle within KL …. within 2 hours .. we found few interesting model e.g. Spotted Litter Frog… , juvenile Spiny Turtle, Lovi’s Reed Snake & Marbled Forest Gecko

a nothing special while you see it at picture …..


... fireflies ? and it is ...

have a look how interesting is this firefly


I didn;t able to capture it’s head due to the environment … and would love to see it again


thanks Andy Paul for the ID
adult larviform female of a firefly from the lamprigera spp.

Bee Collection

Bee one of my favor object for MACRO photography .. as bee seldom stop for rest to it is a big challenge to capture it

1. very 1st bee found on my MACRO training ground

Bee in details


2. common honey bee that just need little patient

Bee in flight


3. 1st time saw it

Parasitic Bee


4. another Bee in flight

... did u ask for permission to snap my picture ?


5. a green bee from US

... litttle green bee ...


6. one of the cutest bee ever met … I call it “fat” bee

Long Tongued Blue Banded Bee still sleeping


7. call it green eye bee just same like #1

.. Good Morning ...


more bee collection click here

a steady Stand …

I share a Splash worth to share yesterday, where I do not able to stand firm on ground …

but today let share how I shoto at a place I stand real firm … or not easy to move 😀

where I shoot


think the picture I capture at this angle had been remove and I have one recent post one which need ~10 steps forward 😀

... still standing ...


* think you can see it in the picture above

it is too much fun to look for better angle in Landscape Photography … it just make me keep moving .. so if you like Landscape let move and let’s try some new place and angle ………..

a Splash shot worth to share …

a simple shot that may not come out easy…. just share one of my tough shot recently done at Kemasik Beach, Kemaman, Terengganu…

I was standing near the big rock waiting for the big splash …. my len filters keep splash by wave, need non stop drying , and myself wet too after few splashes that I feel not stong enough  and finally I got the splash what I looking for … then I got wet and have to run away from it …. have ~30-50 shutter press for this

running from wave


and this is a simple and happy shot with a lot of effort (for me ….)

... the Splash ...


a shot from previous East Coast Outing

and more Terengganu pictures click

Terengganu pictures