while walking, driving do you monitor your surrounding ?
this was capture while we driving real fast toward down south early in the morning .. I make an emergency stop after I saw this …

liewwk Nature Photography Blog
few recent capture …
1. few steps outside my room while we have our Correct Exposure and Nightscape Workshop
2. a real beautiful one from Bali
3. Milky Pano
a time elapsed from Bali for Milky way move … and Star trail …..
I shared how I shoto wave yesterday … How close will you go ?
but then it is also good to learn .. “run fast fast”
as this
or let’s see the movie
was away for few days for Jul-Aug Nightscape and Correct Exposure workshop and thanks all for this success workshop + outing ….
I didn;t shoot a lot except last day while I saw my lovely wave … and thinking of how close every can go toward the wave splash … and am happy almost everyone got “wet”
and while I was there… ask again myself and other .. how close will you go and because of beautiful pictures will you go close to rish your gear for wet and malfunction ?
thanks Erica for few capture how I capture the wave
and one of the picture capture …..
so how close will you go ?
as close as this ?
more Terengganu pictures
a famous sunset beach with so many tourist , many places to shoot but not a easy one place for photographer due to the number of tourists …
update 2015 Aug 27
– a “waterfall” only appear paddy fill up water season …
update 2014 Jun 19
update 2014 March 3
update 2014 Feb 27
finally, I make another trips to finish up the Bali (yes finally from east-south-west-north. this trip mainly for looking for new spots and wildlife opportunity for photography . Thanks again for Agung guide and driving us around
[18-24 Feb 2014]
– one of the most dramatic sunset so far from grey–>blue–>purple–>orange–>golden within 1-1.5 hours and this always happen @Bali
update 2013 Jun 26
update 2013 Jun 16
update 2012 Aug 23
some snap shot of near the famous temple …
but we just have to try our best …. one of the happy shot I have little further to the temple
a quick video share
Tanah Lot Temple Sunset View from liewwk on Vimeo.
a good place to go… next trip may still visit this place ….
more Indonesia, Bali picture
related posts
a famous Bali tourist spot where it will full with tourist while sunset time …
a place with few beautiful cliffs but this place full with naughty monkeys where it will take your belonging and sometime we need to use banana , food to exchange (some one there will ready to help you with some $$$) … but not every time it work, they may took yours spec and run away … so we just have to be-careful.
from one end to another end is ~20-30 minutes walk …. the center temple always full with tourist … and monkeys as well …
on our way to stop for sunset , the sky is so clear
one of the main cliff …
more will share liewwk Bali 2011 Jul series
there are some place is so beautiful , as long as you are there .. then you will be attract by the view … many places are like that and one of the most beautiful places I ever view .. “lao Zai Shan” from Yangshuo
nothing much angle can be capture if you use wide angle the view is like
or the video
it is not a common tourist area as it need little hike .. if you know Bukit Tabur in Kuala Lumpur, it is almost same mountain but it is steep (60-80 degree average) for ~ 1 hours hike …. but it worth every single effort put in
and similar shot using my lx5
many of us understand before we press the shutter , we should plan for technical/art compo, horizontal, 2/3 …. etc ….
but there is something more important for landscape photographer
UNDERSTAND the NATURE and PLAN for the shot …
for landscape lover, it is not just photography but there are more to understand/know … e.g. tide, direction, timing, weather … etc ….
if you want to be serious then start ask yourself
1. must facing east for sunrise ?
2. is good to shoot this at low tide ? or high tide ?
3. what’s the tide level at beach near by ?
4. what time moonrise/moonset/sunrise/sunset
5. are all countries having same sunrise/sunset/moonset/moonrise time ?
etc ?????
e.g. are these plan or just shot what I see while I was there ?
so do you think planning is important for a landscape photographer ?