What a magnificent stork! It was a truly stunning sight to behold.
1. Hamerkop, 锤头鹳, 錘頭鸛, Scopus umbretta, シュモクドリ
1. Hamerkop, 锤头鹳, 錘頭鸛, Scopus umbretta, シュモクドリ
A squat, brown, ibis-like bird with a bushy-crested “hammer-head”; often found near wetlands or rivers. In flight, it has distinctively deep wingbeats and may occasionally soar very high, when the long neck separates it from raptors. It struts about in wetlands foraging for frogs, fish, and insects. It needs nearby large trees for building its giant (1.5-m-across) stick nest. Calls include a high-pitched “nyip” in flight and a distinctive, rollicking call ending in a purring rattle “kyik-kyik-kyik-kyik-kyik kyik-keeek-kreeeeek”. [ebird]
一种矮胖的棕色鸟类,外形像鹮,头顶有一丛浓密的羽冠,像“锤头”;经常在湿地或河流附近发现。飞行时,它有独特的、强有力的振翅,偶尔也会翱翔到很高的高度,这时它细长的脖子使其与猛禽区分开来。它在湿地中昂首阔步,觅食青蛙、鱼类和昆虫。它需要附近的大树来建造其巨大的(直径1.5米)树枝巢。叫声包括飞行时发出高亢的“nyip”声,以及一种独特的、欢快的叫声,最后以咕噜声结束:“kyik-kyik-kyik-kyik-kyik kyik-keeek-kreeeeek”。
update 202502
This bird is generally brown and has a peculiarly shaped head. It’s quite strangely featured, yet surprisingly common, found in both urban and forested environments.

Kruger National Park, South Africa