another collection from Kuala Selangor
1. Mangrove Blue Flycatcher, 红树仙鹟, 紅樹仙鶲, Cyornis rufigastra, マングローブヒメアオヒタキ, SAMBAR-BIRU BAKAU
2. Greater Flameback, 大金背啄木鸟, 大金背啄木鳥, Chrysocolaptes guttacristatus, オオコガネゲラ, BELATUK-PINANG BESAR BIASA
3. Rhinoceros Hornbill, 马来犀鸟, 馬來犀鳥, サイチョウ, Buceros rhinoceros, ENGGANG BADAK
4. Mangrove Whistler, 红树啸鹟, 紅樹嘯鶲, Pachycephala cinerea, マングローブモズヒタキ, MURAI-SIUL BAKAU
5. Black-winged Kite, 黑翅鸢, 黑翅鳶, Elanus caeruleus, カタグロトビ, HELANG-TIKUS BIASA
6. Sunda Pygmy Woodpecker, 巽他啄木鸟, 巽他啄木鳥, Yungipicus moluccensis, マレーコゲラ, BELATUK-BELACAN KECIL BIASA
7. Dusky eagle-owl, 乌雕鸮, 烏雕鴞, Bubo coromandus, ウスグロワシミミズク, BURUNG-HANTU BERTANDUK KELABU ASIA
8. Laced Woodpecker, 花腹绿啄木鸟, 紋腹綠啄木, Picus vittatus, タケアオゲラ, BELATUK-HIJAU BAKAU
9. Cinereous Tit, 苍背山雀, 白頰山雀, Parus cinereus, クロシジュウカラ, SESERAI BAKAU
10. Black-capped Kingfisher, 蓝翡翠, 藍翡翠, Halcyon pileata, ヤマショウビン, PEKAKA UBUN HITAM
11. Oriental Reed Warbler, 东方大苇莺, 東方大葦鶯, Acrocephalus orientalis, オオヨシキリ, CEKUP-PAYA BESAR BIASA
12. Rufous Woodpecker, 栗啄木鸟, 栗啄木鳥, Micropternus brachyurus, クリチャゲラ, BELATUK BIJI NANGKA
13. Common Flameback, 金背三趾啄木鸟, 金背三趾啄木鳥, Dinopium javanense, ズアカミユビゲラ, BELATUK-PINANG BIASA
14. Golden-bellied Gerygone,黄胸噪刺莺, 黃胸噪刺鶯,Gerygone sulphurea, マレーシアセンニョムシクイ, KELICAP-PEREPAT ASIA
15. Pied Harrier, 鹊鹞, 花澤鵟, Circus melanoleucos, マダラチュウヒ, HELANG-SAWAH HITAM-PUTIH
16. Sunda Scops-Owl, 巽他领角鸮, 巽他領角鴞, Otus lempiji, スンダオオコノハズク, JAMPUK BIASA
1. Mangrove Blue Flycatcher, 红树仙鹟, 紅樹仙鶲, Cyornis rufigastra, マングローブヒメアオヒタキ, SAMBAR-BIRU BAKAU
update 202403
– another bird that not so easy to be photograph center of Penisular Malaysia. a male that come out stay long for us
– 在蛮多鸟点都是蛮容易拍照的,在西马中部反而就很不容易。这公鸟站了还蛮久

2. Greater Flameback, 大金背啄木鸟, 大金背啄木鳥, Chrysocolaptes guttacristatus, オオコガネゲラ, BELATUK-PINANG BESAR BIASA
update 202411
– One of the common woodpeckers found in Malaysia’s mangroves, this species stands out with its pale eyes, distinguishing it from the common Flameback.
– There have been so many photos of this woodpecker lately, and I love how the CANON R1 captured the action, especially the way the woodpecker swings its wings.
Sample of CANON R1 capture samples
– 在马来西亚红树林中常见的一种啄木鸟,这个物种以其淡色眼睛而著称,与小金背三趾啄木鸟有所不同。
– 最近有很多这只啄木鸟的照片,真喜欢CANON R1捕捉到的动态,尤其是它挥动翅膀的瞬间。

– One of the common woodpeckers found in Malaysia’s mangroves, this species stands out with its pale eyes, distinguishing it from the common Flameback.
– I’m thoroughly enjoying the new Continuous Pre-recording feature on the Canon R1. It virtually guarantees capturing the exact moment an action begins, without missing a beat. In this instance, I half-pressed the shutter before the bird moved, and once the action started, a full press ensured that the preceding 0.5 seconds were already recorded. The camera seamlessly continues with AF tracking. Check out the JPEG movie clips shared in the link for a closer look!
Sample of CANON R1 capture samples
– 在马来西亚红树林中常见的一种啄木鸟,这个物种以其淡色眼睛而著称,与小金背三趾啄木鸟有所不同。
– 我非常喜欢佳能 R1 新推出的连续预录功能,它几乎可以确保捕捉到动作开始的瞬间,不会错过任何细节。在这个例子中,我在鸟开始动作前半按快门,一旦动作开始,全按快门,前0.5秒的画面已经记录在卡上,且相机会继续进行自动对焦跟踪。可以通过链接中的 JPEG 视频片段一览精彩画面!

update 202410
– a overall bigger common flameback, Black-yellow overall with pale eye instead
– Thanks Canon Malaysia having chance to have R1 to work out … as mentioned Continous Pre-capture is one of my favourite new features of new CANON R camera .. this is one of the test moment .. hope get more oppunity in wild to present to you all soon
– 比金背三趾啄木鸟大。黑+黄。眼睛偏白。
– 谢谢马来西亚佳能,给予机会用R1用于马来西亚现实的环境鸟摄。真如我讲,我最喜欢的“不停的预拍”功能。我是专注拍一些照片关于这功能。希望有机会在拍一些在马来西亚雨林真实的拍摄环境。

update 202405
– a relative big woodpecker found near mangrove area. easy to different from common flameback is the eye color
– 蛮大的啄木鸟,通常在红树林见到。与金背三趾啄木鸟容易乱。看眼睛颜色

update 202404
– clearing my HDD again for 2022 (so many folder need to be clear on this year) … found this video ..
– 在清理旧档案,2022 见到这一幕,顺便处理。
3. Rhinoceros Hornbill, 马来犀鸟, 馬來犀鳥, サイチョウ, Buceros rhinoceros, ENGGANG BADAK
update 202405
– a waiting dusk for Nightjar and Owl, all of sudden this bird just flying across low. Even with the RF100-500 + 1.4x tc with such a small aperture (F10).. I still quickly got the bird focus and captured it flying into jungle
– a very common and beautiful hornbill of Malaysia
– 在傍晚时分,我们在等天暗猫头鹰+夜鹰。突然这鸟在低飞入森林里。虽然,佳能RF100-500 + 1.4x 光圈这么小,可是对焦+追焦还是很快的。
– 马来西亚蛮普通的鸟。也是非常漂亮的鸟。

4. Mangrove Whistler, 红树啸鹟, 紅樹嘯鶲, Pachycephala cinerea, マングローブモズヒタキ, MURAI-SIUL BAKAU
update 202502
Our visit to the mangrove was brief, but we were fortunate to see all the main targets, including this talented singer of Malaysia’s mangroves. It didn’t stay for long, and unfortunately, my settings were off—I ended up shooting at ISO 25,600. Yes, 25,600! But surprisingly, the result turned out fine for me.
我们在红树林的停留时间很短,但很幸运地看到了所有主要目标,包括这位来自马来西亚红树林的优秀歌手。它停留的时间不长,而我却设置错误,竟然用 ISO 25600 拍摄。是的,25600!但结果对我来说还算可以。

update 202405
– a not so attractive bird for Mangrove special, but always a highly wanted bird by birders come to Malaysia.
– this time, a very lucky group.. while we walking at Mangrove.. someone talk to me.. a dull bird stand infront of .. is it common ? very soon I look at the direction, I saw it stand just open and everyone got their best view of this active shy bird.
– 来马来西亚的鸟人,都会想到红树林看几种鸟。这一只是其一。虽然不是很美丽。
– 这一团是多么幸运,我么只是红树林走走。突然其中一位客人,问。。有只没颜色的鸟在这,应该很普通吧。我很快望望,就看到他。这么活跃与害羞的鸟久这么么容易让每一位看的这么好。

5. Black-winged Kite, 黑翅鸢, 黑翅鳶, Elanus caeruleus, カタグロトビ, HELANG-TIKUS BIASA
update 202405
– another good start of the tour, not only hit most of the main targets but included some good view of common birds .. this small raptor got it’s prey and stand infront of us eating the rat …
– 另一个观鸟团好的开始。第一天见到几乎每种主要目标,普鸟也“出奇制胜”。这小猛禽捉了一只老鼠后,尽然飞过来我们面前吃起小老鼠。

6. Sunda Pygmy Woodpecker, 巽他啄木鸟, 巽他啄木鳥, Yungipicus moluccensis, マレーコゲラ, BELATUK-BELACAN KECIL BIASA
update 202411
– a very tiny Woodpecker, overall brown and white. Which normally found near mangrove, nearby river bank. But this time found near Palm oil Plantation which nearby mangrove area too
– while looking for more interesting subjects, this tiny bird came queitly whithout any vocal, but the movement attract me and got this moment
– – 小,棕+白小啄木鸟。通常在红树林,河边可以见到。可是这次在棕榈树见到。
– 在等更好的题材,这小小鸟静静地飞过来了。完全没声音。还好,动作吸引我见到这一刻。

– a very tiny Woodpecker, overall brown and white. Which normally found near mangrove, nearby river bank.
– another moment with new CANON new R1 .. it is really fun and easy to capture any “birds in flight – begin, perch” just half press the shutter button enable the “Pre-capture” and when the moment after bird fly… press the shutter .. anything .5s before will be captured into the disk in full RAW without stop the Camera continous focus while the flying ..
– 小,棕+白小啄木鸟。通常在红树林,河边可以见到。
– 在我预佳能R1的好几天,这是我真的觉得。以后几乎“飞鸟“的照片应该是很普通了。有了新的预拍功能,只要在鸟起飞前半按下对焦键钮。当鸟飞起,半秒前以内的全RAW档都会记录下。最重要的是拍了后,相机还是一样的可以正常继续拍摄不用任何等待。

update 202407
– a small and common woodpecker near mangrove, and sometime river bank area. overall brown, white spot on wing
– Ours morning at morning with young photographer-Dev. this bird flying so close for us
– 很小+普通的小啄木鸟。通常在红树林+大河旁见到。棕+白。翅膀带白点。
– 与印度小摄影师一大早到红树林,第一只鸟飞过来。

7. Dusky eagle-owl, 乌雕鸮, 烏雕鴞, Bubo coromandus, ウスグロワシミミズク, BURUNG-HANTU BERTANDUK KELABU ASIA
update 202410
– a not so common owl found Malaysia. Big size and with very vocal if found the correct one.
– I am making some nearby forest for trying the new CANON R1 to trying for AF lock on, AF tracking, Image Quality, Pre-capture … and trying again the in camera upscale. Found this bird roost at one of the Palm Oil plantation before strong sunlight come in, the bird sudden flying out to its’ roosting side.the R1 as expected captured most of the frame without any issue even with background change.
– 一直马来西亚不很容易见到的大鸮。通常叫的很厉害。
– 这个月,开始要测试佳能的新相机(R1)上个月已测试了工程机。(其实没太多问题除了开不到RAW档)。其实,不知道还需要测试什么。R3的对焦对我来讲已几乎没错过任何的雨林情况。可是,还是抱有蛮多希望增强一些我真的需要的。对焦,追焦,画质 应该大致都是很好。我对“预拍”(这个应该是佳能的卖点),只要控制缓冲好。这个预拍是一只都预拍,不像其他牌子。用了后,都要等上好几秒。在到达第一个点,找到这鸟在黑暗处站。等到光线好点时,拍下蛮多照片。可是这鸟突然飞出来,一直到远处(去睡觉了)。真如我的想法一样,这种情况。没错过任何一刻。

8. Laced Woodpecker, 花腹绿啄木鸟, 紋腹綠啄木, Picus vittatus, タケアオゲラ, BELATUK-HIJAU BAKAU
update 202411
– a quite common woodpecker found here (Penisular Malaysia), which normally found near Mangrove. area
– yet another R1 pre-capture moment captured .. it is real fun to have this Pre-capture function show how this bird “jump up” begin the flight. It is real cool to have Pre-cature every single moment and continue with normal operation like re-focus, tracking …
– 马来半岛很普通的啄木鸟,通常在红树林出没。
– 在继续测试佳能R1预拍中,真的这种任何手突然跳起,降落的一刻都完全容易的拿下。还要在相机拍的预拍后还继续的普通拍照。

9. Cinereous Tit, 苍背山雀, 白頰山雀, Parus cinereus, クロシジュウカラ, SESERAI BAKAU
update 202411
– a bird that heard more than seen, found near mangrove area. Black-white sparrow like bird
– while tracking Bee-eater, this bird seem jump down and for the first time saw it just ~5-10 feet away ..
– 一只通常听到,较少看到的鸟。通常出没在红树林。
– 在我拍摄时,这鸟突然飞到我们面前大概5-10尺。

10. Black-capped Kingfisher, 蓝翡翠, 藍翡翠, Halcyon pileata, ヤマショウビン, PEKAKA UBUN HITAM
update 202411
– a mid-size of Kingfisher calling Collared Kingfisher alike, but unmistakable with bright white-with rufous on chest and dark-blue back+black.
– a casual visit nearby beach which I told my buddy, his target Black-capped Kingfisher can be found here … very good environment. But I didn’t see it last 3 visits but today.. when I arrive, spot a familiar bird far and inside palm tree. After a while of keep looking, found it making pre-roosting shower … bingo
– 一只与白领翡翠非常相似的翡翠。可是胸不,较白+亮棕色。背部深蓝+黑。。
– 在这个小小的一个红树林,我让我的鸟友知道。这应该可以找到他的目标鸟之一。今天,刚到时我被一个小蓝点吸引(蛮远大概50米)。在追逐了半个小时后,竟然见到他在冲凉。拍的还好。

11. Oriental Reed Warbler, 东方大苇莺, 東方大葦鶯, Acrocephalus orientalis, オオヨシキリ, CEKUP-PAYA BESAR BIASA
update 202411
– It’s great to see them return to the paddy fields, where they are as active as ever in the morning. I came to test out the Canon R1, and with its new Continuous Pre-recording and advanced AF tracking features, I was able to capture the moment they took off and flew toward us. Later, I combined the JPEGs into a single movie file.
– 很高兴看到它们回到了稻田,和往常一样,它们在清晨非常活跃。我这次是来试用佳能R1的,借助全新的连续预录功能和先进的自动对焦追踪功能,我成功捕捉到了它们飞起并朝我们飞来的瞬间。之后,我将JPEG文件合成为了一部视频文件。

12. Rufous Woodpecker, 栗啄木鸟, 栗啄木鳥, Micropternus brachyurus, クリチャゲラ, BELATUK BIJI NANGKA
update 202411
– One of the most common woodpeckers in Malaysia, this species can be found in a variety of environments—lowlands, mangroves, sub-montane forests, and even urban areas. Its overall rufous coloration makes it hard to miss.
– While testing the Canon R1’s “Continuous Pre-recording” feature, the bird was perched as usual. I half-pressed the shutter to activate Pre-recording, and only fully pressed it when the bird took off from the branch. Every frame of the action was captured in full RAW and saved to my card.
– 这是马来西亚最常见的啄木鸟之一,分布于低地、红树林、亚山地森林,甚至城市等各种环境。它整体呈赤褐色,非常显眼,不容易错过。
– 在测试佳能 R1 的“连续预录”功能时,这只鸟像往常一样站在树枝上。我半按快门开启预录功能,直到鸟从树枝起飞时才完全按下快门。整个动作的每一帧都被完整记录为 RAW 格式并存储在卡中。

13. Common Flameback, 金背三趾啄木鸟, 金背三趾啄木鳥, Dinopium javanense, ズアカミユビゲラ, BELATUK-PINANG BIASA
update 202411
– Another common woodpecker in Malaysia, resembling the Greater Flameback but smaller in size with dark eyes.
– Another moment captured using the CANON R1’s Continuous Pre-record feature.
– 在马来西亚的另一种常见啄木鸟,外形与大金背啄木鸟相似,但体型较小,眼睛呈深色。
– 使用 CANON R1 的连续预录功能捕捉到的另一个瞬间。

14. Golden-bellied Gerygone,黄胸噪刺莺, 黃胸噪刺鶯,Gerygone sulphurea, マレーシアセンニョムシクイ, KELICAP-PEREPAT ASIA
Tiny and rather unobtrusive bird with brownish upperparts and luminous lemon-yellow underparts. Superficially similar to female and juvenile Olive-backed Sunbirds, but note gerygone’s short, uncurved bill. Forages in parks, forests, and plantations, where it often joins mixed flocks moving through the middle and upper layers. Song is variable throughout its range but invariably includes buzzy notes with obvious rises and falls in pitch. [Ebird]
update 202412
A tiny bird with a beautiful song, it’s often challenging to capture a good photo due to its small size. However, this time, it came down close enough for us to get a clear shot.

15. Pied Harrier, 鹊鹞, 花澤鵟, Circus melanoleucos, マダラチュウヒ, HELANG-SAWAH HITAM-PUTIH
update 20250101
My year-end birding tradition often takes me to the paddy fields in search of winter visitors. If I recall correctly, my buddy and I were waiting for some warblers when, out of nowhere, this raptor flew in, staring right at us! But no—it wasn’t us it was focused on. The Purple Heron caught its attention, flying between us and the harrier. I couldn’t help but wonder what the harrier was thinking as it kept its eyes on the heron for quite a distance.

16. Collared Scops Owl, 领角鸮, 领角鸮, Otus lettia, JAMPUK BIASA
update 202502
It was truly an owl-filled day—we spotted six owl species in just one day! This last one had been particularly elusive; we had tried to get a good view of it a few days ago without much success. But today, it seemed to stay in place for a long time, giving everyone a perfect view.
