Kuala Penyu, Sabah | liewwk

a beautiful place that I want to make a visit for long, and manage to make a quick trip there May 2013…

a quiet village with beautiful beach … low light (mean good for astronomy) …. and few spots good for sunset, sunrise etc …

need transport as no transport in the town or not many… drive normal speed from Kota Kinabalu will require 1.5-2 hr to arrive Kuala Penyu …

few place to stay and we stay at Tempurung Seaside Lodge which serve good food, good service and good relax place if bring friend, family 😀 … but for photography require transport to drive little way out .. range 5-15km…


update 2013 Dec 5

… Pantai Batu Luang … 1. Lee FIlter GND .75s 2. Lee Filter CPL 4×4

update 2013 Jun 28

… flow-still … 1. Lee FIlter GND .6s 2. Singh-Ray LB Warming CPL

update 2013 May 22

… behind the Gold … 1. Singh-Ray RGND 3 stops 2. Singh-Ray 105mm Warming CPL
… fighting … 1. Lee Filter GND .6s 2. Lee Filter ND 9 Pro Glass

update 2013 May 16

1. Lee Filter Big Stopper 2. Lee GND .6s

update 2013 May 15

… Pantai Batu Luang, Kuala Penyu … 1. Lee Filter GND .75s 2. Lee Filter Big Stopper



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Muscicapidae series: Flycatcher | 鹟科 | liewwk Nature – 33-1 [update 20241228]

cute bird which normally tiny in size and active jumping here and there …

This family included Verditer Flycatcher

Flycatcher, Niltava, Shama, Robin, Whistling-Thrush, Forktail

Flickr : Muscicapidae series | 鹟科 | liewwk Nature

1. Gray-streaked Flycatcher, 灰纹鹟, 灰紋鶲, Muscicapa griseisticta, エゾビタキ, Sambar Lorek Kelabu
2. Dark-sided Flycatcher, 乌鹟, 烏鶲, Muscicapa sibirica, サメビタキ, Sambar Siberia
3. Ferruginous Flycatcher, 棕尾褐鹟, 棕尾褐鶲, Muscicapa ferruginea, ミヤマヒタキ, Sambar Sampah
4. Asian Brown Flycatcher, 北灰鹟, 北灰鶲, Muscicapa dauurica, コサメビタキ, Burung Sambar Asia
5. Rufous-browed Flycatcher, 棕眉姬鹟, 棕眉姬鶲, Anthipes solitaris, アカメヒタキ, Burung Sambar Leher Putih
6. White-tailed Flycatcher, 白尾蓝仙鹟, 白尾藍仙鶲, Cyornis concretus, オジロアオヒタキ, Burung Sambar Biru Ekor Putih
7. Pale Blue Flycatcher, 纯蓝仙鹟, 純藍仙鶲, Cyornis unicolor, ウスヒメアオヒタキ, Burung Sambar Biru Muda
8. Hill Blue Flycatcher, 山蓝仙鹟, 山藍仙鶲, Cyornis banyumas,  ミヤマヒメアオヒタキ, Burung Sambar Biru Bukit
9. Sunda Blue Flycatcher, 大嘴仙鹟, 大嘴藍仙鶲, Cyornis caerulatus, クロアゴヒメアオヒタキ, Sambar Biru Sunda
10. Malaysian Blue Flycatcher, 马来仙鹟, 馬來仙鶲, Cyornis turcosus, マレーシアヒメアオヒタキ, Sambar Biru Malaysian
11. Bornean Blue Flycatcher, 加里曼丹仙鹟, 婆羅洲藍仙鶲, Cyornis superbus, ボルネオヒメアオヒタキ, SAMBAR-BIRU BORNEO
12. Indochinese Blue Flycatcher, 印支蓝仙鹟, 印支藍仙鶲, Cyornis sumatrensis, ノドアカヒメアオヒタキ,SAMBAR-BIRU BELUKAR TIMUR
13. Mangrove Blue Flycatcher, 红树仙鹟, 紅樹仙鶲, Cyornis rufigastra, マングローブヒメアオヒタキ, SAMBAR-BIRU BAKAU
14. Brown-chested Jungle-Flycatcher, 白喉林鹟, 白喉林鶲, Cyornis brunneatus, ムナオビミツリンヒタキ, Burung Sambar Hutan
15. Gray-chested Jungle-Flycatcher, 灰胸林鹟, 灰胸林鶲,  Cyornis umbratilis, ノドジロミツリンヒタキ, Burung Sambar Batu
16. Fulvous-chested Jungle-Flycatcher, 绿背林鹟, 綠背林鶲, Cyornis olivaceus, オリーブミツリンヒタキ, SAMBAR-HUTAN DADA JINGGA
17. Blue-and-white Flycatcher, 白腹蓝鹟, 白腹藍鶲, Cyanoptila cyanomelana, オオルリ, Burung Sambar Biru Putih
18. Zappey’s Flycatcher, 白腹蓝鹟, 琉璃藍鶲, Cyanoptila cumatilis, チョウセンオオルリ, SAMBAR-BERLAU RENGKUNG BIRU
19. Indigo Flycatcher, 青仙鹟, 青仙鶲, Eumyias indigo, アイイロヒタキ, SAMBAR-RANTING SUNDA
20. Verditer Flycatcher, 铜蓝鹟, 銅藍鶲, Eumyias thalassinus, ロクショウヒタキ, Burung Sambar Biru-hijau
21. Eyebrowed Jungle-Flycatcher, 白眉林鹟, 白眉林鶲, Rhinomyias gularis, メジロミツリンヒタキ, SAMBAR-HUTAN BERCELAK BORNEO
22. Yellow-rumped Flycatcher, 白眉姬鹟, 白眉姬鶲, Ficedula zanthopygia, マミジロキビタキ, Sambar Belakang Kuning
23. Green-backed Flycatcher, 绿背姬鹟, 綠背姬鶲, Ficedula elisae, チャイニーズヒタキ,SAMBAR KUNYIT HIJAU
24. Narcissus Flycatcher, 黄眉姬鹟, 黃眉姬鶲, Ficedula narcissina, キビタキ, Sambar Narcissus
25. Mugimaki Flycatcher, 鸲姬鹟, 鴝姬鶲, Ficedula mugimaki, ムギマキ, Sambar Mugimaki
26. Snowy-browed Flycatcher, 棕胸蓝姬鹟, 棕胸藍姬鶲, Ficedula hyperythra, ムネアカヒタキ, Burung Sambar Kening Putih
27. Pygmy Flycatcher, 侏蓝仙鹟, 侏藍仙鶲, Ficedula hodgsoni, コビトアオヒタキ, Burung Sambar Biru Kecil
28. Little Pied Flycatcher, 小斑姬鹟, 小斑姬鶲, Ficedula westermanni, ハジロマユヒタキ, Burung Sambar Gunung
29. Rufous-chested Flycatcher, 棕胸姬鹟, 棕胸姬鶲. Ficedula dumetoria, ハジロビタキ, Burung Sambar Dada Oren

30. Chinese Blue Flycatcher, 中华仙鹟, 中華藍仙鶲, Cyornis glaucicomans, チュウゴクヒメアオヒタキ, SAMBAR-BIRU UTARA

31. Taiga Flycatcher, 红喉姬鹟, 紅喉鶲, Ficedula albicilla, Ficedula albicilla, SAMBAR RENGKUNG MERAH

32. Dayak Blue Flycatcher, 山蓝仙鹟, 山藍仙鶲, Cyornis montanus, SAMBAR-BIRU BUKIT TIMUR

33. Brown-streaked Flycatcher, 褐纹鹟, 褐斑鶲, Muscicapa williamsoni, Muscicapa williamsoni, SAMBAR-KUSAM LOREK MELAYU


101. White-gorgeted Flycatcher, 白喉姬鹟, 白喉姬鶲, Anthipes monileger, ノドジロヒタキ


1. Gray-streaked Flycatcher, 灰紋鶲, Muscicapa griseisticta, エゾビタキ, Sambar Lorek Kelabu

seldom seen winter visitor.

Danum Valley, Tabin

Gray-streaked Flycatcher, 灰紋鶲
2. Dark-sided Flycatcher, 烏鶲, Muscicapa sibirica, サメビタキ, Sambar Siberia


common winter visitor

Dark-sided Flycatcher, 烏鶲, Muscicapa sibirica, サメビタキ, Sambar Siberia
3. Ferruginous Flycatcher, 棕尾褐鶲 Muscicapa ferruginea, ミヤマヒタキ, Sambar Sampah

– a cute little winter visitor (North)

– as other flycatchers, it stands most of the time at the nearby location waiting for insect nearby

update 202201

– after long, didnt meet up this cute little flycatcher. But a quick walk found 3 birds in 2 km

– 很久没看到这小可爱。

Fraser Hill, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202012

Ferruginous Flycatcher, 棕尾褐鶲, Muscicapa ferruginea,ミヤマヒタキ, Sambar Sampah


4. Asian Brown Flycatcher, 北灰鶲. Muscicapa dauurica, コサメビタキ, Burung Sambar Asia

very common winter visitor

update 202012

Asian Brown Flycatcher, 北灰鶲
5. Rufous-browed Flycatcher, 棕眉姬鶲, Anthipes solitaris, アカメヒタキ, Burung Sambar Leher Putih

common at montane, Cameron highland & Fraser Hill

update 202404

– one of the common bird found at Fraser Hill, Malaysia.

– lovely, tiny and cute bird to be photograph in Malaysia

– – 马来西亚,福隆港蛮普通的小,漂亮的鸟。

ISO2500, F6.3, 1/160s
Topaz Denoise


update 202203

– long time I didnt photograph this cute bird. I am testing the CANON RF 100500 handheld and this cute and tame bird.

– 已蛮久没拍这可爱小鸟。这次以为想测试佳能RF 100500 ,当然这么乖的鸟是最好的对象。

202203, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


Rufous-browed Flycatcher, 棕眉姬鶲



6. White-tailed Flycatcher , 白尾藍仙鶲, Cyornis concretus, オジロアオヒタキ, Burung Sambar Biru Ekor Putih

very rare bird

Danum, Taman Negara Kuala Tahan

White-tailed Flycatcher ,白尾藍仙鶲,Cyornis concretus , オジロアオヒタキ,Burung Sambar Biru Ekor Putih
7. Pale Blue Flycatcher, 純藍仙鶲, Cyornis unicolor, ウスヒメアオヒタキ, Burung Sambar Biru Muda


– common at lowland forest, Pen Malaysia and Borneo one seem to have a different call

Pale Blue Flycatcher, 純藍仙鶲
8. Hill Blue Flycatcher, 山藍仙鶲. Cyornis banyumas, ミヤマヒメアオヒタキ,Burung Sambar Biru Bukit

– common submontane bird ..

Hill Blue Flycatcher, 山藍仙鶲, Cyornis banyumas, ミヤマヒメアオヒタキ,Burung Sambar Biru Bukit (male)




Hill Blue Flycatcher, 山藍仙鶲, Cyornis banyumas, ミヤマヒメアオヒタキ,Burung Sambar Biru Bukit (female)
9. Sunda Blue Flycatcher, 大嘴仙鶲, Cyornis caerulatus, クロアゴヒメアオヒタキ, Sambar Biru Sunda

– as other blue flycatcher, mostly blue and orange underpart. female brown
– very similar to Bornean Blue-flycatcher but the male throat different and the female slight pale
– lowland and different from mangrove blue-flycatcher

– 與其他仙鶲很像。深藍上半部,黃橙腹部。
– 很像加里曼丹仙鶲或紅樹林仙鶲。 紅樹林環境不一樣。加里曼丹仙鶲公鳥喉部-嘴部沒藍。

update 202309

– another good find at this short trip to Sabah, it look angry when we walk pass . one of great found by Low, he keep say Yellow+blue birdand we stop to search for it ..

– 这次沙巴之行另一只好鸟,老刘发现的。他看到后,一直讲有只黄胸蓝鸟。厉害

202309, Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia


Sunda Blue Flycatcher,大嘴仙鶲, Cyornis caerulatus, クロアゴヒメアオヒタキ, Sambar Biru Sunda
10. Malaysian Blue Flycatcher, 马来仙鹟, 馬來仙鶲, Cyornis turcosus, マレーシアヒメアオヒタキ, Sambar Biru Malaysian

– common flycatcher near a stream, river lowland forest

Kuala Tahan, Kinabatangan River, Gomantong Cave

update 202309

– a pretty common blue-flycatcher and normally found near river bank

– 蛮普通的仙鹟,在河边蛮容易看到的鸟。

202305, Sabah, Malaysia


Malaysian Blue Flycatcher, 馬來仙鶲,Cyornis turcosus, マレーシアヒメアオヒタキ, Sambar Biru Malaysian
11. Bornean Blue Flycatcher, 加里曼丹仙鹟, 婆羅洲藍仙鶲, Cyornis superbus, ボルネオヒメアオヒタキ, SAMBAR-BIRU BORNEO

– lowland Borneo endemic

– Danum, RDC

update 202405

– another bird that we keep looking walk so far to look for one but this nearby to ours’ lodge area just one standing and calling attract ours attention

– not much activities near road side of BRL, really hope to go into trail more actions

– 为了这一只特有种,走上走下都没找到。第二天就在我们的饭店100米内站着等我们。

– 在大路上几乎鸟不多,很奇怪。可是太多人又不好走林道。

202405, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202403

– a very tame and easy female this time, it just keep following us until we got the male after ~30-40minutes first saw this bird

– 每次母鸟都较难看到,可是这次母鸟却一直跟着我们直到我们看到雄鸟。

202403, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202308

– a walking on the roadside, this Borneo endemic just sit there queitly. beautiful as usual lovely blue flycatcher.

– 大家都走的很累了。突然,看到这婆罗洲特有种。很美的仙鹟

202308, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia



Bornean Blue Flycatcher, 加里曼丹仙鶲, Cyornis superbus, ボルネオヒメアオヒタキ, Sambar Biru Bornean (male)


Bornean Blue Flycatcher, 加里曼丹仙鶲, Cyornis superbus, ボルネオヒメアオヒタキ, Sambar Biru Bornean (female)
12. Indochinese Blue Flycatcher, 印支藍仙鶲, Cyornis sumatrensis, ノドアカヒメアオヒタキ,SAMBAR-BIRU BELUKAR TIMUR

– common lowland flycatcher – Pen Malaysia


Indochinese Blue Flycatcher, 印支藍仙鶲, Cyornis sumatrensis, ノドアカヒメアオヒタキ,SAMBAR-BIRU BELUKAR TIMUR (male)
Indochinese Blue Flycatcher, 印支藍仙鶲, Cyornis sumatrensis, ノドアカヒメアオヒタキ,SAMBAR-BIRU BELUKAR TIMUR (emale)


13. Mangrove Blue Flycatcher, 红树仙鹟, 紅樹仙鶲, Cyornis rufigastra, マングローブヒメアオヒタキ, SAMBAR-BIRU BAKAU

– specify to the mangrove area


update 202403

– another bird that not so easy to be photograph center of Penisular Malaysia. a male that come out stay long for us

– 在蛮多鸟点都是蛮容易拍照的,在西马中部反而就很不容易。这公鸟站了还蛮久

202305, Kuala Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia


update 202303

– as usual this couple come and welcome us even in the hot afternoon

– 这对雄雌鸟在飞出炎热的中午也出来迎接我们

202303, Penang, Malaysia
202303, Penang, Malaysia


Mangrove Blue Flycatcher, 紅樹仙鶲, Cyornis rufigastra, マングローブヒメアオヒタキ, Sambar Biru Bakau (male)




Mangrove Blue Flycatcher, 紅樹仙鶲, Cyornis rufigastra, マングローブヒメアオヒタキ, Sambar Biru Bakau (female)
14. Brown-chested Jungle-Flycatcher, 白喉林鶲, Cyornis brunneatus, ムナオビミツリンヒタキ, Burung Sambar Hutan

– winter visitor

Brown-chested Jungle-Flycatcher, 白喉林鶲, Cyornis brunneatus, ムナオビミツリンヒタキ, Burung Sambar Hutan
15. Gray-chested Jungle-Flycatcher, 灰胸林鶲, Cyornis umbratilis, ノドジロミツリンヒタキ, Burung Sambar Batu

– common lowland resident for Borneo. Scare resident for Pen Malaysia.

Gray-chested Jungle-Flycatcher, 灰胸林鶲, Cyornis umbratilis, ノドジロミツリンヒタキ, Burung Sambar Batu
16. Fulvous-chested Jungle-Flycatcher, 绿背林鹟, 綠背林鶲, Cyornis olivaceus, オリーブミツリンヒタキ, SAMBAR-HUTAN DADA JINGGA


– a small “brown” overall flycatcher with “orange” chest

– a small population flycatcher, visit same place for last 2 tour just heard but not seen. but today too friendly to human

– 蛮小的鹟, 棕色。胸不带橙色

– 非常少分布。前2团都只听到而没看到。今天竟然很乖。

202306, Sabah, Malaysia



Fulvous-chested Jungle-Flycatcher, 綠背林鶲,Cyornis olivaceus, オリーブミツリンヒタキ, Burung Sambar Hutan Sumatera
17. Blue-and-white Flycatcher, 白腹蓝鹟, 白腹藍鶲, Cyanoptila cyanomelana, オオルリ, Burung Sambar Biru

– bird seen at Borneo, quite common winter migration ..

update 202412

This striking “black-faced” blue-and-white flycatcher is a fairly common winter visitor here. However, this year, many individuals have been spotted at Gunung Alab, including males, females, and juveniles. It is noticeably distinct from Zappey’s Flycatcher.


202412, Gunung Alab, Sabah, Malaysia



18. Zappey’s Flycatcher, 琉璃蓝鹟, 琉璃藍鶲, Cyanoptila cumatilis, チョウセンオオルリ, SAMBAR-BERLAU RENGKUNG BIRU

– rare in Borneo, mostly confuse with Black-and-white Flycatcher in Pen Malaysia which is rare

update 202101

– female Zappey’s Flycatcher & Blue-and-white Flycatcher not really able to differentiate. But in Peninsular Malaysia Zappey’s is the common winter visitor compare to Blue-and-white Flycatcher

– Female brown all over, with a smaller-headed profile than other brown flycatchers in range

– 202012, Bukit Kiara Selangor, Malaysia


update 202012

202012, Selangor, Malaysia


Zappey’s Flycatcher, 琉璃藍鶲, Cyanoptila cumatilis, チョウセンオオルリ, SAMBAR-BERLAU RENGKUNG BIRU
19. Indigo Flycatcher, 青仙鶲, Eumyias indigo, アイイロヒタキ, SAMBAR-RANTING SUNDA

– common montane, submontane small flycatcher

Indigo Flycatcher, 青仙鶲,Eumyias indigo, アイイロヒタキ, SAMBAR-RANTING SUNDA
20. Verditer Flycatcher, 铜蓝鹟, 銅藍鶲, Eumyias thalassinus, ロクショウヒタキ, SAMBAR-RANTING BIASA

– blue gem, common and beautiful

update 202110

– a casual coffee, sit, wait birding session. This beautiful bird sudden appear which attract our attention immediate.

– 轻松的观鸟日。加上咖啡。真的是美好的一天。加上这么漂亮的鸟,吸引我们的镜头。

202110, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202109

– after long lockfown (2021 May-Sept), finally visit forest and happy to see this bright blue flyatcher

– 封城4个月后,终于到绿绿的森林。这铜蓝鹟,过来欢迎我们。

202109, Fraser Hill Gap, Malaysia

update 202001

– it is like a metallic blue bird, a female without a black mask.

– surprise this bird come so low to feed





update 202012


Verditer Flycatcher, 銅藍鶲, Eumyias thalassinus, ロクショウヒタキ, Burung Sambar Biru-hijau
Verditer Flycatcher, 銅藍鶲, Eumyias thalassinus, ロクショウヒタキ, Burung Sambar Biru-hijau


21. Eyebrowed Jungle-Flycatcher, 白眉林鹟, 白眉林鶲, Rhinomyias gularis, メジロミツリンヒタキ, SAMBAR-HUTAN BERCELAK BORNEO


update 202402

– this bird seem to be getting diffiuclt to photograph, shy to human recently .. only saw 2 for 2 full days spent here.

– 这鸟越来越难拍。与以前比很怕人。2天在神山,只看到2次

202402, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia



Eyebrowed Jungle Flycatcher, 白眉林鶲, Rhinomyias gularis, メジロミツリンヒタキ, SAMBAR-HUTAN BERCELAK BORNEO
22. Yellow-rumped Flycatcher, 白眉姬鶲, Ficedula zanthopygia, マミジロキビタキ, Sambar Belakang Kuning

– common winter visitor

update 202111

– a lovely beautiful common winter visitor, making call while we waiting for the Banded Kingfisher

– 漂亮的候鸟。蛮普通。可是公鸟真的很漂亮。


update 202110

– same location and same behavior previous post (202103). believe the same bird is back. he just leave March 2021 and back Oct 2021

– 同一点,行为想象。他只回家几个月就会有来了。

202110, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202103

– another beautiful winter visitor flycatcher of Malaysia

– another Fujifilm new XF70-300 test and this also another #handheldvideo

– I am shooting this video handheld

– 馬來西亞漂亮的過冬姬鶲 – 另一富士 XF70-300 的測試。 – 手持拍的視頻。


Yellow-rumped Flycatcher, 白眉姬鶲, Ficedula zanthopygia, マミジロキビタキ, Sambar Belakang Kuning (male)


Yellow-rumped Flycatcher, 白眉姬鶲, Ficedula zanthopygia, マミジロキビタキ, Sambar Belakang Kuning (female)
23. Green-backed Flycatcher, 綠背姬鶲, Ficedula elisae, チャイニーズヒタキ, SAMBAR KUNYIT HIJAU

– another common winter visitor for Pen Malaysia

– update 202012

update 2020 May 29

Green-backed Flycatcher, 綠背姬鶲,Ficedula elisae, チャイニーズヒタキ,SAMBAR KUNYIT HIJAU


Green-backed Flycatcher, 綠背姬鶲,Ficedula elisae, チャイニーズヒタキ,SAMBAR KUNYIT HIJAU (male)
Green-backed Flycatcher, 綠背姬鶲,Ficedula elisae, チャイニーズヒタキ,SAMBAR KUNYIT HIJAU (female)
24. Narcissus Flycatcher, 黄眉姬鹟, 黃眉姬鶲, Ficedula narcissina, キビタキ, Sambar Narcissus

– winter visitor common at Sabah lowland forest

– bird seen but no pictures

update 202303

– a rare migrant happen at Kuala Lumpur area. a lovely male

– 稀有候鸟尽然在吉隆坡出现。

202303, Bukit Kiara, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
202303, Bukit Kiara, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
202303, Bukit Kiara, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
25. Mugimaki Flycatcher, 鴝姬鶲, Ficedula mugimaki, ムギマキ, Sambar Mugimaki
Mugimaki Flycatcher, 鴝姬鶲, Ficedula mugimaki, ムギマキ, Sambar Mugimaki (male)
Mugimaki Flycatcher, 鴝姬鶲, Ficedula mugimaki, ムギマキ, Sambar Mugimaki (female)
26. Snowy-browed Flycatcher, 棕胸藍姬鶲 – Ficedula hyperythra,ムネアカヒタキ, Burung Sambar Kening Putih


Snowy-browed Flycatcher, 棕胸藍姬鶲, Ficedula hyperythra, ムネアカヒタキ, Burung Sambar Kening Putih (male)
Snowy-browed Flycatcher, 棕胸藍姬鶲, Ficedula hyperythra, ムネアカヒタキ, Burung Sambar Kening Putih (female)
27. Pygmy Flycatcher, 侏蓝仙鹟, 侏藍仙鶲, Ficedula hodgsoni, コビトアオヒタキ, Burung Sambar Biru Kecil


update 202309

– a common heard and seen canopy view bird today decided to come down for us have quite good view sad missed the chance photograph when it was low.. but happy to have this last bird of the tour even not the target

– 通常都是听到在高高,树山。看看屁股版。今天它下来好几次让我们看,可是错过拍他最低的时候。可是作为本团最后一只鸟,算是美好结局。(虽然不是目标鸟)

202309, Gunung Alab, Sabah, Malaysia


Pygmy Flycatcher, 侏藍仙鶲, Ficedula hodgsoni, コビトアオヒタキ, Burung Sambar Biru Kecil (male)
Pygmy Flycatcher, 侏藍仙鶲, Ficedula hodgsoni, コビトアオヒタキ, Burung Sambar Biru Kecil (female)
28. Little Pied Flycatcher, 小斑姬鶲, Ficedula westermanni, ハジロマユヒタキ, Burung Sambar Gunung

– small little flycatcher
– sub-montane, montane
– male is black-white and female brown overall

update 202101




Little Pied Flycatcher, 小斑姬鶲,Ficedula westermanni, ハジロマユヒタキ, Burung Sambar Gunung (male)



Little Pied Flycatcher, 小斑姬鶲,Ficedula westermanni, ハジロマユヒタキ, Burung Sambar Gunung (female)
29. Rufous-chested Flycatcher, 棕胸姬鶲, Ficedula dumetoria, ハジロビタキ, Burung Sambar Dada Oren
Rufous-chested Flycatcher, 棕胸姬鶲, Ficedula dumetoria, ハジロビタキ, Burung Sambar Dada Oren (male)


Rufous-chested Flycatcher, 棕胸姬鶲, Ficedula dumetoria, ハジロビタキ, Burung Sambar Dada Oren (female)

30. Chinese Blue Flycatcher, 中华仙鹟, 中華藍仙鶲, Cyornis glaucicomans, チュウゴクヒメアオヒタキ, SAMBAR-BIRU UTARA

– a rare migrant for Peninsular Malaysia.

– Male is brilliant blue above with orange throat and breast; note off-white lower belly. His dark orange throat distinguishes him from Blue-throated Blue Flycatcher. Female is drab brown with an orange chest, white belly, and dull rufous tail.  (Ebird)

– 蓝喉仙鹟是分布在印度至中国西南及东南亚的一种雀形目鹟科仙鹟属的生物。

update 202201

Bukit Wang, Kedah, Malaysia

31. Taiga Flycatcher, 红喉姬鹟, 紅喉鶲, Ficedula albicilla, Ficedula albicilla, SAMBAR RENGKUNG MERAH

Small brown flycatcher with a sharply contrasting black-and-white tail. Breeding male has an orange throat patch surrounded by a faint gray wash. Non-breeding male has darker flanks and far less orange on the throat. Female is cold brown above and dirty-white below. (Ebird)

红喉姬鹟(学名:Ficedula parva)小型鸟类,体长11~13厘米。雄鸟上体灰黄褐色,眼先、眼周白色,尾上覆羽和中央尾羽黑褐色,外侧尾羽褐色,基部白色。颏、喉繁殖期间橙红色,胸淡灰色,其余下体白色,非繁殖期颏、喉变为白色。雌鸟颏、喉白色,胸沾棕,其余同雄鸟。

– a not so common migrant for Penisular Malaysia. But I missed the chance photograph last 2 years ago at Penang. Saw the bird high up at noon time.

update 202212

202212, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
202212, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

32. Dayak Blue Flycatcher, 山蓝仙鹟, 山藍仙鶲, Cyornis montanus, SAMBAR-BIRU BUKIT TIMUR

A medium-sized flycatcher with strikingly different male and female plumages. Male is beautifully colored, with deep blue upperparts, mostly orange underparts, and a white belly. Female is much duller, with a grayish head, gray-brown wings, a rufous tail, and rufous underparts. Scarce and local in the understory of hill forest. Song is jumble of melodious warbling and whistling notes. The calls are loud “chek” or “sit” notes, and are often mixed into the song. Similar to Bornean Blue Flycatcher, but darker, especially on the belly (in both sexes) and back (in the male). Also similar to Sunda Blue Flycatcher, but darker overall and shorter-billed. Dayak Blue Flycatcher is further distinguished by the less extensive black chin patch of the male and the rufous rather than blue tail of the female. (Ebird)

– new split from Hill Blue Flycatcher, which is now endemic to Borneo.

– 之前山蓝仙鹟,分出来的婆罗洲特有种。

update 202212

202212, TrusMadi, Sabah, Malaysia
202212, TrusMadi, Sabah, Malaysia

33. Brown-streaked Flycatcher, 褐纹鹟, 褐斑鶲, Muscicapa williamsoni, Muscicapa williamsoni, SAMBAR-KUSAM LOREK MELAYU

– a very Asian Brown like bird, but upper chest seem have brown streak

update 202403

– not my first time seeing this bird here, but few occasion and this time we saw it carry nesting material went into a canopy tree.. but not able to have record picture

– 在几年前就发现这鸟有点不一样。在过了北冬季还是在那+胸部事有点不一样。这一次很肯定他是在马来西亚筑巢。看到他带草回同一树上好几次。

202403, Sepilok, Sabah




101. White-gorgeted Flycatcher, 白喉姬鹟, 白喉姬鶲, Anthipes monileger, ノドジロヒタキ

Tiny brown flycatcher with a triangular white bib bordered with black. Gray head, frosty white brow, and ruddy wings and tail are not as eye-catching as the throat patch, but just as distinctive. Unobtrusive and retiring, generally keeping to the dense lower levels of foothill forests. Frequently forages in inaccessible gorges and thick streamside vegetation. Usually seen singly, occasionally in pairs. [Ebird]


update 202412

The last lifer of the tour was an adorable flycatcher, easily recognizable by the distinct triangular white patch on its neck.


202412, Baihualing, Yunan, China


More pictures from Flickr : Muscicapidae series: Flycatcher | 鹟科 | liewwk Nature

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More Youtube video : Muscicapidae series: Flycatcher | 鹟科 | liewwk Nature


liewwk Nature Pictures collection

liewwk Nature Youtube collection


Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to

contact me

观鸟或拍鸟团  您可







My Gears – Ball head update ….

update Ball head family | liewwk

I have recently quite active in wildlifes shooting and make me upgrade my Manfrotto 516 video head to Sachtler FSB8 … and let share overall my experience with my gear …

1. my main landscape ball head – FLM 38FT with FLM QRP70 + LB30 balancer

– it sturdy, good fiction control

– use it for Canon 300mm F2.8 IS2 without any issue


2. standby or travel ball head – FLM 32F with Fotopro standard arca swiss QR system

– good up to 70200 F2.8 lenses portrait mode no issue

– fiction control is good

– light and smaller size

– the QR without safety lock so have to take extra care

FLM 32F , Fotopro standard arca swiss QR
FLM 32F , Fotopro standard arca swiss QR


3. Pano Head – Nodal Ninja NN5

– use for pano

– with new install arca swiss QR , flexible compare to older tradition plate

– only use for large print purpose project

Nodal Ninja 5
Nodal Ninja 5


4. wildlifes/bird head –  Sachtler FSB8

– the fiction is fantastic, smooth, sturdy,

– many level control ..

– help me a lot on low light shooting

 Sachtler FSB8
Sachtler FSB8


*** more demo on  Sachtler FSB8 will be share later with len mount



if you looking for above head except Nodal Ninja… email for quotation or demo purpose or further advice

email me @liewwk76@gmail.com



previous related share

FLM heads | liewwk

Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm



Megalaimidae series: Barbet | 拟鴷科 | liewwk Nature 16-5 [update 20241228]

most of them colorful, making loud call and feed on fruit .


1. Coppersmith Barbet, 赤胸拟鴷, 赤胸擬鴷, Psilopogon haemacephalus, ムネアカゴシキドリ, TAKUR TUKANG BIASA

2. Lineated Barbet, 纹拟鴷, 紋擬鴷, Psilopogon lineatus, シロボシオオゴシキドリ, TAKUR KUTUB TIMUR

3. Black-browed Barbet, 黑眉拟鴷, 黑眉擬鴷, Psilopogon oorti, ゴシキドリ, TAKUR BUKIT BIASA

4. Mountain Barbet, 山拟鴷, 山擬鴷, Megalaima monticola, ヤマゴシキドリ, TAKUR BUKIT BORNEO

5. Brown Barbet, 褐拟鴷, 褐擬鴷, Caloramphus fuliginosus, チャイロゴシキドリ, TAKUR-DAHAN BORNEO

6. Sooty Barbet, 马来褐拟鴷, 馬來褐擬鴷, Caloramphus hayii, ススイロゴシキドリ, TAKUR-DAHAN MELAYU

7. Black-eared Barbet, 黑耳拟鴷, 黑耳擬啄木鳥, Psilopogon duvaucelii, アオミミゴシキドリ, TAKUR TUKANG RIMBA BIASA

8. Bornean Barbet, 加里曼丹拟鴷, 加里曼丹擬鴷, Megalaima eximia, ノドグロゴシキドリ, TAKUR TUKANG GUNUNG

9. Fire-tufted Barbet, 火簇拟鴷, 火簇擬鴷, Psilopogon pyrolophus, アカフサゴシキドリ, TAKUR API

10. Red-crowned Barbet, 花彩拟鴷, 花彩擬鴷, Psilopogon rafflesii, ニシキゴシキドリ, TAKUR UBUN MERAH

11. Red-throated Barbet, 丽色拟鴷, 麗色擬鴷, Psilopogon mystacophanos, ノドアカゴシキドリ, TAKUR RENGKUNG MERAH BIASA

12. Golden-naped Barbet, 金枕拟鴷, 金枕擬鴷, Psilopogon pulcherrimus, キエリゴシキドリ, TAKUR TOPENG HITAM GUNUNG

13. Yellow-crowned Barbet, 黄顶拟鴷, 黃頂擬鴷, Psilopogon henricii, キンカブリゴシキドリ, TAKUR TOPENG HITAM BIASA

14. Golden-throated Barbet, 金喉拟鴷, 金喉擬鴷, Psilopogon franklinii, キンノドゴシキドリ, TAKUR SAYAP TARUM BIASA

15. Gold-whiskered Barbet, Psilopogon chrysopogon, 金须拟鴷, 金須擬鴷, Psilopogon chrysopogon, キホオゴシキドリ, TAKUR BESAR BIASA

16. Gold-whiskered Barbet (Gold-faced), 金脸拟鴷, 金臉擬鴷, Psilopogon chrysopogon chrysopsis, キンガオゴシキドリ, TAKUR BESAR BORNEO


51. Coppersmith Barbet, 赤胸拟啄木鸟, 赤胸擬啄木鳥, Psilopogon haemacephalus, ムネアカゴシキドリ, Takur Ungkut-ungkut

52. Fire-tufted Barbet, 火簇拟鴷, 火簇擬啄木鳥, Psilopogon pyrolophus, アカフサゴシキドリ, TAKUR API, Burung Takor Api

Sri Lanka

101. Brown-headed Barbet, 褐头绿拟啄木鸟, 斑頭綠擬啄木, Psilopogon zeylanicus, ミドリオオゴシキドリ


150. Great Barbet, 大拟啄木鸟, 大擬啄木, Psilopogon virens, オオゴシキドリ

151. Blue-throated Barbet, 蓝喉拟啄木鸟, 藍喉擬啄木, Psilopogon asiaticus, アオノドゴシキドリ


1. Coppersmith Barbet, 赤胸拟鴷, 赤胸擬鴷, Psilopogon haemacephalus, ムネアカゴシキドリ, TAKUR TUKANG BIASA

– a tiny or smallest barbet of Malaysia

– normally at mangrove and urban area.

– making loud call

update 202204

– a small and beautiful Barbet which normally found near mangrove, urban garden, forest edge

– normally making loud call even such a small bird

– 非常小的拟啄木鸟,通常在红树林,公园,森林周边可以看到。

– 这么小的鸟,叫的很大声。

update 202011


Coppersmith Barbet


2. Lineated Barbet, 纹拟鴷, 紋擬鴷, Psilopogon lineatus, シロボシオオゴシキドリ, TAKUR KUTUB TIMUR

– medium size barbet, normally found mangrove and urban garden/forest

Lineated Barbet ,绿拟啄木鸟


3. Black-browed Barbet, 黑眉拟鴷, 黑眉擬鴷, Psilopogon oorti, ゴシキドリ, TAKUR BUKIT BIASA

– sub-monatane colorful bird

– very common at Fraser Hill

update 202408

– another day with CANON new R5markii, I cannot do too many testing while working with guests. But I really trying to test the AF, AF tracking my best with the option I have. This picture show how the camera can quickly found the bird even with not much contrast .. it found the eye immediate I point the camera to the bird.

– 又另一天用上佳能的新相机R5 markii, 在工作时,我没办法做太多的测试。可是我还是尽量的测试对焦能力,追焦能力。这一张时我用全副对焦自动找鸟+鸟眼的照片。在我吧相机对上这个地方时,相机自己就把对焦点对上这么复杂环境。好样啊。佳能。

202408, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia




update 202403

– it is not really that normal to see Barbet feed on insect, it feed 2 (a big cicada before this) and not far it is fruiting tree.. it is always good to see this bird close and eye level

– 在福隆港虽然很普通的鸟,应该也没什么见过这鸟吃“肉” 吧。见到它吃第二只。在近距离就有果树啊。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202309

– before we start ours day, this bird just stand at eye level outside ours’ hotel. spend few minutes to have good view and picture for this common bird of Fraser Hill

– 一大早,这鸟在我们酒店门口下来很低。我们都高兴的拍到好照片。这时福隆港普鸟

202305, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202207

– a very common Barbet that always heard at Fraser Hill. But always good to see it at same eye level

– 福隆港很普通的鸟,满山都可以听到他的声音。可是在低角度看到它,还是很美的鸟。

202207, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


Black-browed Barbet, 五色鳥


4. Mountain Barbet, 山拟鴷, 山擬鴷, Megalaima monticola, ヤマゴシキドリ, TAKUR BUKIT BORNEO

– Borneo sub-montane endemic

– medium size, pale color

update 202409

– another visit of this lovely forest, good weather…good birds (montane and sub-montane). While we trying to find few of ours target, found this bird busy making some hole .. lovely Borneo endemic

– 又到达这个很舒服的森林,高山+中海拔鸟都可以见到。但我们到达后第一停,在听目标鸟时。竟然找到这鸟在啄树洞。婆罗洲特有种。

202409, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202407

– a boring day, we came for both Bornean and Mountain Barbets but both no calling at all for almost an hour. But it is lucky to sudden spot this bird low and near just next to road side feeding on flower ..

– 非常闷的一个早上,特别到这找2只拟鴷。可是完全没听到它们叫。突然,非常幸运看到这鸟非常低+近。在吃花? 真的不是吃果。

202407, Crocker Range, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202404

– another not so common endemic to be Photograph, but it is always heard at Sub-montane forest

– 另一只特有种通常都是听,可是没什么办法拍好的婆罗洲特有种。

202311 – Tambunan, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202310

– just another common heard, or high up view bird. but today it decided to come low and making call to allow us to capture some good photo of this endemic

– 婆罗洲另一只通常听到,站高高的鸟。可是今天他很乖的下来叫还要让我们拍。

202309, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia

update 2020 April 16



5. Brown Barbet, 褐拟鴷, 褐擬鴷, Caloramphus fuliginosus, チャイロゴシキドリ, TAKUR-DAHAN BORNEO

a Borneo endemic , lovely bird that making noisy around

update 202408

– a pretty common Borneo lowland endemic, normally moving in group. lucky to have this eye level view.

– 婆罗洲低海拔特有种,蛮普通。通常群体活动。非常幸运拍到这么好的角度。

202408, RDC, Sepilok, Sabah



update 202406

– a not so attractive Borneo endemic and pretty common across the Borneo lowland forest.

– overall brown with “red leg”

– 一只不大有吸引力的婆罗洲特有种。也蛮普通。

– 几乎褐色+红脚

202405, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202405

– a pretty common Borneo endemic making some high pitch call, normally moving in group

– overall brown with reddish leg

– got this almost eye level at canopy with small fruiting tree

– 婆罗洲蛮普通的鸟,叫声有点小高音

– 几乎都是褐色,红脚。

– 在天空吊桥在近距离看到。

202404, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia



update 20230124

– the only brown or boring looking Barbet of Malaysia. But it still look gorgeous.

– 马来西亚唯一的棕色或看起来很无聊的擬鴷。但它看起来仍然很华丽。

202312, RDC, SABAH, Malaysia

update 2017 Oct 17

6. Sooty Barbet, 马来褐拟鴷, 馬來褐擬鴷, Caloramphus hayii, ススイロゴシキドリ, TAKUR-DAHAN MELAYU

– split from Brown Barbet which now Bornean Endemic

– the only plain color Barbet of Malaysia, normally moving in a group

update 202206

– this is my casual birding spot, same branch with more than 10 species birds bird stand here for us. This common Barbet make it’s appear when the tree with quite a lot of flower

– 我叫这树“神树”,因为同个树枝站了》10只鸟。这拟鴷第一次来,可能是树开始开花了。

202206, Ulu Langat, Selangor



_MG_1616 2400

7. Black-eared Barbet, 黑耳拟鴷, 黑耳擬啄木鳥, Psilopogon duvaucelii, アオミミゴシキドリ, TAKUR TUKANG RIMBA BIASA

– small barbet with red-blue-black on head

update 202311

– a visit to Merapoh Canopy walk, and there is fruiting tree just at right time. Managed to have few good birds and this is one good allow us for good photo

– 到Merapoh, 有点时间去了新的雨林吊桥.也很巧,有果树。看到蛮多好鸟,这一只也来的很近

202311, Merapoh, Kelantan, Malaysia



update 202103

– a very good morning walk, manage to have an owl, barbet, and 3 species of Iora (same tree) and etc for a good photo opportunity

– this tiny barbet also join the Iora party

– 早上到森林周边走走。竟然遇上马来西亚3种雀鹎还要在同一棵树。

– 这小小的蓝耳拟鴷也一起来趁热闹。

202103, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202012


Blue-eared Barbet, 蓝耳拟啄木鸟

8. Bornean Barbet, 加里曼丹拟鴷, 加里曼丹擬鴷, Megalaima eximia, ノドグロゴシキドリ, TAKUR TUKANG GUNUNG

– Borneo sub-montane Endemic

– small and very colorful Barbet

update 202410

– a small Borneo endemic Barbet, which normally heard but not easy to spot and due to the size. It is always difficult to photograph. Overall very bright color with blue face.

– what a lucky moment saw this bird perch low even not really close .. but still always good to see it here..

– 一直很小的婆罗洲特有种。通常站高,叫不停。不容易见到活拍好。脸不带蓝+红。

– 非常幸运在这看到它这么低,虽然还是有点距离。可是这个角度看他还是非常好棒的。

202309, Kundasang, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202311

– one of the small barbet of Borneo, pretty common to heard at Trusmadi – Bakelalan

– 婆罗洲特有种,蛮小,普通。可是还是不容易见到他。

202309, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202309

– special target tour, suppose to be last day target but when after ours “chickens” target.. it is a fruiting tree full of barbet calling. very soon we tick both Mountain and Bornean barbet

– 特别目标鸟团尾声了。最后第二天看完“鸡”后,原本还烦明天怎么4小时找鹧鸪+2只拟鴷。还好,出来时听到他们叫。很快就在果树上找到它们了。

202309, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia



Bornean Barbet

9. Fire-tufted Barbet, 火簇拟鴷, 火簇擬鴷, Psilopogon pyrolophus, アカフサゴシキドリ, TAKUR API

– big size Barbet, found sub-montane – montane

– common at Fraser Hill , Cameron Highlands


update 202403

– another not so common for a Barbet feed on insect but not bring back to feed young. As usual this beautiful Barbet attract all ours attention …

– 这拟鴷还是这么美丽,可是还是蛮不寻常。他们吃昆虫而不是果子,通常在喂小孩时会带回去喂。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202309

– target bird no sound at all any where, decided just birding on roadside. found this bird so close feeding for more than 15minutes

– 目标鸟没出现。决定在马路上随便看看鸟,竟然看到这漂亮的鸟在哪吃东西都不理我们。

202309, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202307

– not really spend a lot of time at Fraser Hill 2023, but last tour we had very good time there with this lovely and beautiful barbet stand together

– a very common Barbet to be seen at Fraser Hill

– 2023 没太多时间在福隆港。上一团还是很不错,这里的普鸟还站一起让我们拍照。

202307, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202303

– time for cicada, it is feeding chick. We see this barbet commonly feed on fruit. But when nesting time, it do bring back insect for feeding the young

– 这鸟通常都是吃果子的。在筑巢时,有时会喂小鸟吃虫。

202303, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202208

– one of the large Barbet, which show a lot of characters. Very common in Fraser Hill

– 蛮大的鸟。在福隆港蛮普通。

202208, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202106

– big size barbet, which wont mistake by the forehead “fire-tufted”, gray-cheek, overall green, neck with yellow-white band

– 较大。绿背身,头部顶有火簇

201904, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


Fire-tufted Barbet

10. Red-crowned Barbet, 花彩拟鴷, 花彩擬鴷, Psilopogon rafflesii, ニシキゴシキドリ, TAKUR UBUN MERAH

– medium size and colorful Barbet

– look for the Red-Crown

Red-crowned Barbet

11. Red-throated Barbet, 丽色拟鴷, 麗色擬鴷, Psilopogon mystacophanos, ノドアカゴシキドリ, TAKUR RENGKUNG MERAH BIASA

– another medium-size Barbet and colorful

– most of Malaysia Barbet is beautiful and this is one of them
– medium size, mostly green and colorful neck-head and this obvious red-throated

– 馬來西亞的16種 擬鴷(五色鳥)都非常漂亮。包括這。單聽它的名,就知道了
– 大部份身體都是綠,頭部很多顏色。

update 202403

– it is a good fruiting tree, gave us very good view (eye level) of few good birds. Included this lovely colorful Barbet

– 这果树真的很好,好几只好鸟都是平视角。包括这只非常漂亮的鸟。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202102

202009, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

Red-throated Barbet


12. Golden-naped Barbet, 金枕拟鴷, 金枕擬鴷, Psilopogon pulcherrimus, キエリゴシキドリ, TAKUR TOPENG HITAM GUNUNG

– common montane Borneo Endemic

– very common found at KNP, Sabah

The highest-ranging of Borneo’s endemic barbets, found in montane forest from 1000 m up to 3000 m or more. Stunning emerald-green with neon-powder-blue crown and throat; namesake golden nape only visible from certain angles. Yellow-crowned Barbet is similar in appearance, but the two do not overlap in altitudinal range. Slow-moving and often difficult to locate; forages at middle and upper levels. Best detected by voice: two bright, hollow-sounding notes followed by a brief ascending trill. [EBird]

update 202407

– a lovely Borneo montane endemic, the color just amazing combination

– a last bird just before we leave KNP, it stay there so long even I back to car and took my pack camera,

– 婆罗洲高山特有种。它的颜色真的很鲜艳。

– 当我们要离开神山前一刻,这鸟竟然下来很低还要站很久。我还来得及回车把包好的相机拿出来拍下这一幕。

202407, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202404

– a bird use to easy to get a good photo but it become more patient needed for better picture .. and this picture like the bird : “are you looking for me ? ”

– 这鸟, 越来越不好拍。以前几乎很近,很容易。现在耐心+运气缺少不行啊。

202404, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202311

– common Montane endemic, as other Barbet, it is always heard but perch high-up.

– 婆罗洲高山特有种。如其他拟鴷。通常站高高的叫不停

201603, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia



Golden-naped Barbet


13. Yellow-crowned Barbet, 黄顶拟鴷, 黃頂擬鴷, Psilopogon henricii, キンカブリゴシキドリ, TAKUR TOPENG HITAM BIASA

– a not so common medium size Barbet

– not difficult to ID , as without Red and crown – Yellow Gold

update 202406

– a common heard but seldom seen Barbet, it is most attractive Barbet but sure a beautiful bird to photograph

– 一只通常听到看不到的鸟。虽然不是很吸引人的鸟,可是还是很色彩的鸟。

202206, Ulu Langat, Selangor



Yellow-crowned Barbet


14. Golden-throated Barbet, 金喉拟鴷, 金喉擬鴷, Psilopogon franklinii, キンノドゴシキドリ, TAKUR SAYAP TARUM BIASA

– montane and only Peninsular Malaysia but not Borneo

update 202408

– a Barbet that not that common in Fraser Hill area, but it is show well for few days here. with the complex environment. The new CANON R5markii, full area focus found the bird almost immediate. I really like the R5markii … you ?

– 这只拟鴷,在福隆港不常见。这次在这树好几天都在。在这么复杂的情况下,佳能R5markii。在全副对焦点下,很快的找到这鸟+鸟眼。真的我们需要的,终于可有架高像素+好的对焦相机。我需要,你需要吗?

202408, Fraser Hill 55, Pahang, Malaysia



update 2020 Jul

– as usual this bird always stand high up but lucky to have it come down for a food ..

Golden-throated Barbet, 金喉拟啄木鸟,金喉擬啄木鳥, Psilopogon franklinii, キンノドゴシキドリ,TAKUR SAYAP TARUM BIASA


Golden-throated Barbet


15. Gold-whiskered Barbet, Psilopogon chrysopogon, 金须拟鴷, 金須擬鴷, Psilopogon chrysopogon, キホオゴシキドリ, TAKUR BESAR BIASA

– big size with big Yellow on face

– common from lowland-sub-montane

– Borneo has a similar one and possible split as other species

Gold-whiskered Barbet

16. Gold-whiskered Barbet (Gold-faced), 金脸拟鴷, 金臉擬鴷, Psilopogon chrysopogon chrysopsis, キンガオゴシキドリ, TAKUR BESAR BORNEO

– possible Borneo new endemic split from Gold-whiskered Barbet

Gold-faced Barbet

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 59 [update 20240322]


thanks Support from Bakelalan Owl House


51. Coppersmith Barbet, 赤胸拟啄木鸟, 赤胸擬啄木鳥, Psilopogon haemacephalus, ムネアカゴシキドリ, Takur Ungkut-ungkut

– it is under the same species but looks different from the one found in Peninsular Malaysia. The Bali one, head over all more red-black instead of red-yellow-black

– 与马来西亚半岛的头部很不一样。红-黑而已。

update 202105

201605, West Balu National Park, Bali, Indonesia


52. Fire-tufted Barbet, 火簇拟鴷, 火簇擬啄木鳥, Psilopogon pyrolophus, アカフサゴシキドリ, TAKUR API, Burung Takor Api

update 202411

This is one of the most common birds at Fraser’s Hill, Malaysia, but its beauty never fails to captivate me. I never tire of seeing or photographing it, even when we’re in Sumatra, Indonesia. My buddy and I were hiking to find other targets, with no much luck—only hearing calls without seeing anything. Then, this bird appeared, coming down low to feed, offering us a perfect opportunity.


Mount Kerinci, Sumatra, Indonesia



update 202409

– will be Sumatra again soon, this bird common at Fraser Hill and not that rare at Tapan road.

– 多几个星期就会到回苏门答腊,这鸟在马来西亚蛮普通。在哪Tapan 路夜蛮普通的。

202312, Tapan Road, Sumatra, Indonesia




101. Brown-headed Barbet, 褐头绿拟啄木鸟, 斑頭綠擬啄木, Psilopogon zeylanicus, ミドリオオゴシキドリ

– quite common overall at Center – South Sri Lanka. it have similar call and behavior of Lineated barbet found at Malaysia

– 与马来西亚的斑头绿拟啄木鸟非常相似的叫声+动态。

update 202312

– we found this pretty common and have few opportunity to photography this bird at few hotel garden. The head give it a right name

– 斯里兰卡蛮普通,从中部到南部都是它的叫声。头部颜色就是它的名来。

20231129, Kitulgala, Sri Lanka



150. Great Barbet, 大拟啄木鸟, 大擬啄木, Psilopogon virens, オオゴシキドリ

This largest of the barbets is colorful, but often appears all-dark from a distance. No other barbet in its range combines the features of a massive pale bill, black head, and dark olive back. Sluggish and shy; tends to stick to dense forest canopy, where it is difficult to see. Its loud hooting song (typically a series of two repetitive notes) is often the only indication of this species’s presence. Also gives a harsh, screaming “karrrrr” that has a gull-like quality. [Ebird]


update 202412

I’ve seen this bird many times in various places but never had the chance to capture a photo—until now. Here, we finally had numerous opportunities to take some great shots.

Seeing the photo afterward was a completely different kind of excitement, as the vibrant colors that define the bird truly stood out. Simply incredible!



202412, Baihualing, Yunan, China


151. Blue-throated Barbet, 蓝喉拟啄木鸟, 藍喉擬啄木, Psilopogon asiaticus, アオノドゴシキドリ

A common inhabitant of lowland and foothill tropical forests, where it sings brightly but often unseen from the canopy; listen for its repeated 3- or 4-syllabled ‘took-o-rrook!’ Tends to be more common in edge areas and degraded forests than other barbets. Bright green with a blue throat, a red-and-yellow crown, and a heavy, pale-based bill. Birds at the northern and western parts of this species’ range have a black brow, while southern birds don’t. [Ebird]


update 202412

A vibrant bird with a predominantly blue head, commonly found in BaiHuaLing, Yunnan, China. Its calls are nearly constant throughout the area, and it occasionally comes down to forage for food and water.


202412, Baihualing, Yunan, China






More pictures from Flickr : Megalaimidae series : Barbet | 拟鴷科 | liewwk Nature

More Videos : Megalaimidae series : Barbet | 拟鴷科 | liewwk Nature


liewwk Nature Pictures collection

liewwk Nature Youtube collection


Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to

contact me

观鸟或拍鸟团  您可







Nectariniidae series: Spiderhunter | 太阳鸟科: 捕蛛鸟 | liewwk Nature – 10 [update 20241231]


The spiderhunters are birds of the genus Arachnothera, part of the sunbird family Nectariniidae.
The genus contains eleven species found in the forests of south and
southeastern Asia. They are large representatives of the sunbird family,
with drab plumage and long strongly curved bills. They feed on both
nectar and a range of small arthropods.


1. Spectacled Spiderhunter, 大黄耳捕蛛鸟, 大黃耳捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera flavigaster, オオキミミクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG BESAR

2. Whitehead’s Spiderhunter, 怀氏捕蛛鸟, 懷氏捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera juliae, ゴマフクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG GUNUNG BORNEO

3. Thick-billed Spiderhunter, 厚嘴捕蛛鸟, 厚嘴捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera crassirostris, ハシブトクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG PARUH TEBAL

4. Long-billed Spiderhunter, 纹胸捕蛛鸟, 紋胸捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera robusta, ハシナガクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG PARUH PANJANG

5. Little Spiderhunter, 长嘴捕蛛鸟, 長嘴捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera longirostra, コクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG KECIL BIASA

6. Purple-naped Spiderhunter, 蓝枕花蜜鸟, 藍枕花蜜鳥, Kurochkinegramma hypogrammicum, ムナフタイヨウチョウ, KELICAP RIMBA

7. Yellow-eared Spiderhunter, 小黄耳捕蛛鸟, 小黃耳捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera chrysogenys, キミミクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG TELINGA BERUS

8. Streaked Spiderhunter, 纹背捕蛛鸟, 紋背捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera magna, タテジマクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG GUNUNG BIASA

9. Gray-breasted Spiderhunter, 灰胸捕蛛鸟, 灰胸捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera modesta, ハイムネクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG KELABU BIASA

10. Bornean Spiderhunter, 婆罗洲捕蛛鸟, 婆羅洲捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera everetti, ムナフクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG KELABU BESAR


1. Spectacled Spiderhunter, 大黄耳捕蛛鸟, 大黃耳捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera flavigaster, オオキミミクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG BESAR

– from lowland to sub-montane

– obvious big yellow eye-ring smaller yellow ear patch compare to Yellow-eared

update 202304

– a tour with lucky guests, while waiting our’s target. This bird just show up feeding various flowers

– 幸運客人。在等目標鳥。這鳥自己跳出來讓我們拍拍花鳥圖。

202303, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202102

- Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia


update 2014 Jul 11

– a displaying moment to attract female

Spectacled Spiderhunter 大黄耳捕蛛鸟


Spectacled Spiderhunter, 大黄耳捕蛛鸟 [Arachnothera flavigaster]
update 2018 Aug 21


2. Whitehead’s Spiderhunter, 怀氏捕蛛鸟, 懷氏捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera juliae, ゴマフクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG GUNUNG BORNEO

– Borneo Endemic

– one of the very special look whitish , making various metallic call

update 202412

It was a quick visit to check on the flowers while meeting a few friends. Within an hour, the bird appeared twice, giving me the perfect chance to capture its flight using the R1 Continuous Pre-record mode. It worked perfectly!

Over the years, by understanding what the bird feeds on, it has gone from being difficult to spot to becoming a fairly common sight today.

这是一次快速的探访,查看花朵的同时也见了几位朋友。在一个小时内,这只鸟出现了两次,给了我绝佳的机会用 R1 连续预录模式捕捉它的飞行。效果非常好!


202412, Gunung Alab, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202409

– a special Borneo endemic, this year seem not that difficult for this very beautiful bird

– 婆罗洲特有种蛮多人喜爱的一只。今年几乎不难遇上

202405, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202405

– it is a not so rare but not so easy bird to be seen, but for last months.. the favorite flower (Wightia borneensis) it become patient can make it possible .. just wait …. the bird will be coming … But today, it make different the bird decided come nearer tree and came down for us .. amazing lucky moment even didn’t get any picture while it is at lowest view .. but it is good and close to have this view

– Borneo endemic that making very “electric” call

– 这是一只,普通可是又不容易看到的鸟。可是在一个月以来,只要有耐心。看到拍到这鸟是可以的。在这花盛开(Wightia borneensis) 这鸟非常喜欢到来吃。可是今天它不只来吃,也跳过来近距离+低让大家拍好好。

– 一只婆罗洲叫的很“电子声”的特有种。

202405, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202306

– somehow we missed this bird at Sabah after ~3 days search, and lucky to have Sarawak which is a slightly easier place to have this species. Such a different spiderhunter and unmistakable call

– 唯一“全白”的捕蛛鸟。它的叫声应该也很少会听错。

202306, Bakelalan, Sarawak, Malaysia

update 202305

– very early morning on 2nd day, we arrived and heard the call immediate it show less than 5minutes of waiting with very good view. Still one of best looking bird in KNP

– it feed on Rhodondendron rugosom flowers

– 第2天一早,我们到达后不到5分钟就看到了。运气爆表。还是觉得神山最好看的鸟之一。

202305, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 20221024

– one of the most beautiful spiderhunter and a not so common Borneo endemic

– 最漂亮的捕蛛鸟,也是婆罗洲稀有特有种之一。

202210, Sabah, Malaysia

update 2020 May 28

– how this bird make robot like call

update 2016 Oct 12

see how’s the bird call .. such electronic call


3. Thick-billed Spiderhunter, 厚嘴捕蛛鸟, 厚嘴捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera crassirostris, ハシブトクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG PARUH TEBAL

– not that common to see it at a low level due to it is mostly on the canopy

– very yellowish and the bill look thicker

update 202411

– Brownish olive above with a yellow belly, faint yellow crescents around the eye, and faint speckling on the crown

– A fairly common bird that simply requires a bit of patience to photograph, as it will eventually come to the flowers.

– 上体呈褐橄榄色,腹部黄色,眼周有淡黄色弯月纹,头顶有淡淡的斑点。

– 一种相当常见的鸟,只需稍加耐心等待拍摄,它最终会来到花丛中。

202410, Sepilok, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202110

– another casual birding day, few sunbird and spiderhunters visit this ginger flower

– 轻松的拍鸟天。几只太阳鸟,捕蛛鸟来这几颗姜花吸花蜜。

202110, Selangor, Malaysia



update 202101

- lucky to have this low just in front of our breakfast table



4. Long-billed Spiderhunter, 纹胸捕蛛鸟, 紋胸捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera robusta, ハシナガクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG PARUH PANJANG

– another not common to seen low lever

– yellowish with long bill and little full yellow streaky throat-breast


5. Little Spiderhunter, 长嘴捕蛛鸟, 長嘴捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera longirostra, コクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG KECIL BIASA

– smaller spiderhunter look bit grey-yellow

– common at lowland-submontane

update 202206

– a very common lowland spiderhunter but lovely and beautiful bird especially standing on a flower

– 非常普通的低海拔的捕株鸟。可是站在花上还是很美的花鸟图。

202206, Ulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia



6. Purple-naped Spiderhunter, 蓝枕花蜜鸟, 藍枕花蜜鳥, Kurochkinegramma hypogrammicum, ムナフタイヨウチョウ, KELICAP RIMBA

– previously belong to sunbird but most checklist put it to spiderhunter

– look like most spiderhunter, but shorter bill but very streaky breast



7. Yellow-eared Spiderhunter, 小黄耳捕蛛鸟, 小黃耳捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera chrysogenys, キミミクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG TELINGA BERUS

– sometime confuse with Spectacled Spiderhunter, not so think yellow eye ring, bigger yellow ear patch, more slight not so yellow compare to Spectacled. 

update 202406

– it is flowering season, so many tree with flowers at RDC. Birds come feed near flower, nectar, insects etc .. included this not so common bird also come feed on the nectar.

– 在西必洛雨林公园,很多书都结花。很多鸟都为了花蜜,昆虫都飞的很近很低。

202406, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202110

– a ginger flower, ready to attract various birds such as sunbird, spiderhunter.

– 姜花吸引了几种鸟的到来。

202110, Hulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia



8. Streaked Spiderhunter, 纹背捕蛛鸟, 紋背捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera magna, タテジマクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG GUNUNG BIASA

– common submontane and montane Spiderhunter ..

– streaky chest and back

– very common at Fraser Hill, Genting Highland, Cameron Highlands

– A large and noisy inhabitant of tropical and subtropical hill forests. Distinctive in its range; a large spiderhunter with a long, curved black bill and black streaking all over its yellow-green upperparts and lighter yellow underparts. Gleans invertebrates from foliage, but also hovers around and probes into flowers for nectar. Often moves with mixed flocks. Calls frequently, giving a loud, decisive-sounding “chitick, chitick!”. (Ebird)

update 202212

– a last Peninsular Birding Tour, been raining non stop and while sitting at the cafe. This bird keep coming giving us some waiting, hoping and fun.

– 2022 西马最后一团,可是下雨。几乎每天都几个小时在等雨停。这一天,这鸟在我们休息的餐厅一直来。让我们也消耗了几个小时。

202211, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202105

– very common sub-montane spiderhunter with overall streaky especially the breast and back

– 是太阳鸟科中体型较大的一种,体重25-45克,体长160-210毫米。嘴粗长而尖且向下弯曲。上体橄榄黄色具黑色中央斑纹。下体淡黄白色满布黑色纵纹,尾具黑色次端斑。虹膜褐色,腿鲜艳橘黄色,嘴黑色。



9. Gray-breasted Spiderhunter, 灰胸捕蛛鸟, 灰胸捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera modesta, ハイムネクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG KELABU BIASA

– lowland, submontane, gray front

– look similar to Bornean Spiderhunter but it is not

update 202107

update 202105

– mostly grey with a light mark on the chest
– walking past this banana tree a few times wondering why no spiderhunter but today got 2 species.

– 经过着香蕉树几次都奇怪没捕蛛鸟。终于今天见到2种了。

202105, Sg Congkak, Selangor, Malaysia



10. Bornean Spiderhunter, 婆罗洲捕蛛鸟, 婆羅洲捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera everetti, ムナフクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG KELABU BESAR

– look similar to Gray-breasted

– an endemic for Borneo

– Bornean’s more intensely streaked underparts and slightly larger size

update 202412

It’s not very common to spot this bird here at Gunung Alab, but we heard its call while waiting for another target. Not that long, we saw it perched nearby! Yet another great sighting.

在这 (高海拔)(Gunung Alab)看到这只鸟并不常见,但在我们等待其他目标时听到了它的叫声。不久后,我们就在不远处看到它站着!又是一次精彩的观鸟体验。

202412, Gunung Alab, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202403

– this bird can be found easily near Lodge area but we seldom stay.. most of ours activities walk from the lodge but this time we got this bird easily just ~200-400m away on ground (~5cm from ground) … it pick the fruit for feeding ?

– 我们通常都可以容易在酒店餐厅附近看到这鸟。可是我们都是一大早出去,中午或下午回来。。。很不容易在林里看到它。可是这一次很不样,就是在离开酒店200-400米就看到这鸟在捡果子。应该在喂小孩?

202403, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia




Bornean Spiderhunter, 婆羅洲捕蛛鳥, Arachnothera everetti, ムナフクモカリドリ, KELICAP-JANTUNG KELABU BESAR










More pictures from Flickr : Nectariniidae series Spiderhunter | 太阳鸟科 : 捕蛛鳥 | liewwk Nature

Spectacled Spiderhunter, 大黄耳捕蛛鸟

More Youtube video : Nectariniidae series Spiderhunter | 太阳鸟科 : 捕蛛鳥 | liewwk Nature


More Borneo pictures and videos

Picture Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 照片集 | liewwk Nature 60 [update 20240229]

Video Collection of Borneo Endemic Birds, 婆罗洲特有种鸟 – 视频 | liewwk Nature 46 [20240212]


liewwk Nature Pictures collection

liewwk Nature Youtube collection


Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to

contact me

观鸟或拍鸟团  您可







Columbidae series: Dove, Pigeon | 鸠鸽科 | liewwk Nature 20-9 [update 20241229]

just update another collection, Columbidae .. or in common pigeon/dove

1. Rock Pigeon, 原鸽, 原鴿, Columba livia, カワラバト, MERPATI BIASA

2. Red Collared-Dove, 火斑鸠, 火斑鳩, Streptopelia tranquebarica, ベニバト, Tekukur Merah

3. Spotted Dove, 珠颈斑鸠, 珠頸斑鳩, Streptopelia chinensis, カノコバト, TEKUKUR JERUM TIMUR

4. Little Cuckoo-Dove, 小赤鹃鸠, 小赤鵑鳩, Macropygia ruficeps, ヒメオナガバト,Burung Tekukur Api

5. Asian Emerald Dove, 绿翅金鸠, 翠翼鳩, Chalcophaps indica,キンバト, PUNAI-TANAH BIASA

6. Zebra Dove, 斑姬地鸠, 斑姬地鳩, Geopelia striata, チョウショウバト, MERBUK BIASA

7. Nicobar Pigeon, 尼柯巴鸠, 尼柯巴鳩, Caloenas nicobarica, ミノバト, MERPATI-EMAS BIASA

8. Little Green-Pigeon, 小绿鸠, 小綠鳩, Treron olax, チビアオバト, PUNAI KECIL

9. Pink-necked Green-Pigeon, 红颈绿鸠, 紅頸綠鳩, Treron vernans, コアオバト, PUNAI KOCOK

10. Cinnamon-headed Green-Pigeon, 棕头绿鸠, 棕頭綠鳩, Treron fulvicollis, ニッケイアオバト, Punai Bakau

11. Thick-billed Green-Pigeon, 厚嘴绿鸠, 厚嘴綠鳩, Treron curvirostra, ハシブトアオバト, PUNAI ARA BIASA

12. Large Green-Pigeon, 大绿鸠, 大綠鳩, Treron capellei, オオアオバト, PUNAI BAKUK

13. Yellow-vented Green-Pigeon, 白腹针尾绿鸠, 白腹針尾綠鳩, Treron seimundi, シロハラハリオアオバト, PUNAI GUNUNG BAHU MERAH

14. Wedge-tailed Green-Pigeon, 楔尾绿鸠, 楔尾綠鳩, Treron sphenurus, オナガアオバト, PUNAI BUKIT BARAT

15. Jambu Fruit-Dove, 粉头果鸠, 粉頭果鳩, Ptilinopus jambu, ボタンバト, PUNAI-GADING JAMBU

16. Black-naped Fruit-Dove, 黑项果鸠, 黑頸果鳩, Ptilinopus melanospilus, カルカヤバト, PUNAI-BUAH HIJAU BARAT

17. Green Imperial-Pigeon, 绿皇鸠, 綠皇鳩, Ducula aenea, ミカドバト, PERGAM DAUN BIASA

18. Mountain Imperial-Pigeon, 皇鸠, 皇鳩, Ducula badia, ヤマミカドバト, PERGAM BUKIT BIASA

19. Pied Imperial-Pigeon, 斑皇鸠, Ducula bicolor, ソデグロバト, RAWA BIASA

20. Barred Cuckoo-Dove, 斑尾鹃鸠,斑尾鵑鳩, Macropygia unchall, ヨコジマオナガバト, Burung Tekukur Api Besar




51. Black-naped Fruit-Dove, 黑项果鸠, 黑頸果鳩, Ptilinopus melanospilus, カルカヤバト, PUNAI-BUAH HIJAU BARAT

52. Superb Fruit-Dove, 华丽果鸠, 壯麗果鳩, Ptilinopus superbus, クロオビヒメアオバト, Walik Raja

53. White-bellied Imperial-Pigeon, 斑尾皇鸠, 白腹皇鳩, Ducula forsteni, シロハラオビオバト

54. Red-eared Fruit-Dove, 费氏果鸠, 紅臉果鳩, Ptilinopus fischeri, ハイボウシヒメアオバト

55. Blue-capped Fruit-Dove, 蓝顶果鸠, 藍頂果鳩, Ptilinopus monacha

56. Gray-headed Fruit-Dove, 灰头果鸠, 灰頭果鳩, Ptilinopus hyogastrus

57. Pink-headed Fruit-Dove, 粉红颈果鸠, 粉紅頸果鳩, Ptilinopus porphyreus, ベニガシラヒメアオバト

58. Red-naped Fruit-Dove, 红枕果鸠, 赤頸果鳩, Ptilinopus dohertyi, アカエリヒメアオバト, Walik Rawa-manu


101. Sri Lanka Wood-Pigeon, 紫头林鸽, 紫头林鸽, Columba torringtoniae, セイロンカノコモリバト


1. Rock Pigeon, 原鸽, 原鴿, Columba livia, カワラバト,MERPATI BIASA

– introduce species , feral … come with all different kind colors



Rock Pigeon, 原鴿, Columba livia, カワラバト, Merpati


2. Red Collared-Dove, 火斑鸠, 火斑鳩, Streptopelia tranquebarica, ベニバト, Tekukur Merah

– a Feral ? only seen few location in small number


Red Collared-Dove, 火斑鳩, Streptopelia tranquebarica,ベニバトTekukur Merah




3. Spotted Dove, 珠颈斑鸠, 珠頸斑鳩, Streptopelia chinensis, カノコバト, TEKUKUR JERUM TIMUR

– the spot on neck make it easy to id

– one of the most common bird in Malaysia

Spotted Dove, 珠頸斑鳩, Streptopelia chinensis, カノコバト, Tekukur



4. Little Cuckoo-Dove, 小赤鹃鸠, 小赤鵑鳩, Macropygia ruficeps, ヒメオナガバト,Burung Tekukur Api

– another common bird submontane & montane

Little Cuckoo-Dove, 小赤鵑鳩, Macropygia ruficeps, ヒメオナガバト, Burung Tekukur Api
5. Asian Emerald Dove, 绿翅金鸠, 翠翼鳩, Chalcophaps indica,キンバト, PUNAI-TANAH BIASA

– common walking on trail

– very shy and always see it flying across low

update 202308

– at one of the feeding station, this bird keep secretive walking around but still possible to get good picture. Very common but normally difficult to get good picture

– 在沙巴其中一个喂食点,这鸟在科室还是鬼鬼祟祟的。。虽然很普通的鸟,要拍好还是不容易。

202308, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia


– before we got ours’ first target, this bird flying and perch nicely. A common but always flying across and very beautiful bird

– 我们刚到, 目标鸟还没出现。这鸟飞了过来。蛮普通的可是每次都是飞过,害羞,美丽的小鸟

202307, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia

update 202204

– after 2 leech bites, here come a lovely bird come infront of me. always like to see this bird close so can see the beautiful color

– 被两只蚂蝗咬了后。这漂亮的鸟突然飞到我的面前,非常喜欢近距离看这鸟。可以看它的漂亮颜色。

202204, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202110

– a beautiful and shy bird, always feeding on ground

– 很漂亮的害羞鸟,通常在地上觅食。

202110, Selangor, Malaysia


Asian Emerald Dove, 綠翅金鳩, Chalcophaps indica, キンバト, Punai Tanah
6. Zebra Dove, 斑姬地鸠, 斑姬地鳩, Geopelia striata, チョウショウバト, MERBUK BIASA

– very common at urban area

– beautiful blue eye ring

Zebra Dove, 斑姬地鳩,Geopelia striata, チョウショウバト, Merbuk
7. Nicobar Pigeon, 尼柯巴鸠, 尼柯巴鳩, Caloenas nicobarica, ミノバト, MERPATI-EMAS BIASA

– rare remote island or island

– with good light , very lovely and good looking bird

update 202011


Nicobar Pigeon, 尼柯巴鳩,, Caloenas nicobarica,ミノバト, Punai Emas











8. Little Green-Pigeon, 小绿鸠, 小綠鳩, Treron olax, チビアオバト, PUNAI KECIL

– small green pigeon which refers to females with mostly green. But a male with Gray head, orange, green front, and maroon wing

– common at lowland forest


update 202401

– a boring morning at National Park, which can be due to rain but after lunch session become more interesting included this bird come quite ok angle for picture

– 可能是雨季尾声,鸟况还是不是很好。下午竟然还不错。横斑翠鸟, 凤冠火背鹇等。

20240126, Taman Negara, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202104

– I am in progress testing the Canon EF lens on Fujifilm Camere with a Fringer adapter. so I spend few days at the forest edge waiting for any birds that flying past and trying to use this setup to capture any pictures

– this lovely male with a grey head, orange neck, maroon wing

– 这几天我在森林周边的开阔地方。试佳能镜头,富士机身, Fringer EF-FX pro 。任何鸟飞过我都 试试看看可以用区域对焦+追焦。

– 公鸟,灰头,橙颈。

202103, Gunung Nuang, Selangor, Malaysia


Little Green-Pigeon, 小綠鳩, Treron olax, チビアオバト, Punai Siul
9. Pink-necked Green-Pigeon, 红颈绿鸠, 紅頸綠鳩, Treron vernans, コアオバト, PUNAI KOCOK

– very common green pigeon, male with grey head, pink neck, orange breast .. female is green

– found near urban , mangrove area

update 202402

– a very common & beautiful bird here, male show lovely colors and female mostly green. Normally male will “display” to attract female but this pair seem different the female trying to attract attention of the handsome male

– 马来西亚非常普通+漂亮的鸟。公鸟表现好几种颜色,木鸟几乎绿色。通常公鸟会跳舞吸引木鸟,可是这一对几乎有点对调。母鸟几乎希望得到公鸟的注意。

202401, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



Pink-necked Green-Pigeon, 紅頸綠鳩, Treron vernans, コアオバト,Punai Gading (male)
Pink-necked Green-Pigeon, 紅頸綠鳩, Treron vernans, コアオバト,Punai Gading (female)

10. Cinnamon-headed Green-Pigeon, 棕头绿鸠, 棕頭綠鳩, Treron fulvicollis, ニッケイアオバト, Punai Bakau

– – male with orange-red head, female overall green. Both with red-and-white bill

– rare in Peninsular Malaysia, sight only South West, common in few locations North-East Borneo

update 202407

– our first morning here and no main target sight, but one of the good bird we have … this lovely green pigeon.stay high up but it is really good to see them.

– 我们的第一个早上,目标鸟没叫可是看到这鸟也是够兴奋。虽然不是客人新鸟种。

202407, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia



update 202307

– another raining afternoon, make a decision not go far but surprise to have this bird call and very soon locate it just above us

– 下雨天, 没去太远。在附近看看,尽然听到这鸟叫。很快找到它就在我们头上。

202307, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia

– sight @ RDC, South of Pen. Malaysia


update 202101

RDC, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia


Cinnamon-headed Green-Pigeon, 棕頭綠鳩, Treron fulvicollis, ニッケイアオバト, Punai Bakau (male)
11. Thick-billed Green-Pigeon, 厚嘴绿鸠, 厚嘴綠鳩, Treron curvirostra, ハシブトアオバト, PUNAI ARA BIASA

– another beautiful green pigeon with a “green” eye ring

– male with maroon+yellow wing, female with almost full greenish

– quite common at lowland to sub-montane


update 202104

– a medium-size common, beautiful green pigeon. male with maroon wing
– I am in progress testing the Canon EF lens on Fujifilm Camere with a Fringer adapter. so I spend few days at the forest edge waiting for any birds that flying past and trying to use this setup to capture any pictures
– this bird seems near me and I managed to capture a series of them flying toward me. will create another sharing regard to this setup.
– 非常漂亮的绿鸠
– 这几天我在森林周边的开阔地方。试佳能镜头,富士机身, Fringer EF-FX pro 。任何鸟飞过我都 试试看看可以用区域对焦+追焦。

202103, Hulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia


Thick-billed Green-Pigeon, 厚嘴綠鳩, Treron curvirostra, ハシブトアオバト, Punai Daun (male)


Thick-billed Green-Pigeon, 厚嘴綠鳩, Treron curvirostra, ハシブトアオバト, Punai Daun (female)
12. Large Green-Pigeon, 大绿鸠, 大綠鳩, Treron capellei, オオアオバト, PUNAI BAKUK

– sign Taman Negara Kuala Tahan, Belum

Large Green-Pigeon, 大綠鳩, Treron capellei, オオアオバト, Punai


13. Yellow-vented Green-Pigeon, 白腹针尾绿鸠, 白腹針尾綠鳩, Treron seimundi, シロハラハリオアオバト, PUNAI GUNUNG BAHU MERAH

– big green pigeon wont miss it’s blue eye-ring connect to bill, long needle-pointed tail, yellow vent

– rare and shy big green pigeon

– normally sight sub-montane

update 202305

– after back from Sulawesi-Halmahera, really missed all the pigeons, dove songs. Here Malaysia do not have so many of them. This species is one of my favorite. This male stand there for long, need patient to see its’ small movement.

– 从苏拉威西+哈马黑拉岛回来后,很想念那的鸠叫(很多种类)都会叫不停。马来西亚没很多鸠,可是这是我最喜欢的一种。

202304, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202304

– another lucky day for guests, with minimum walking, Large Wren-babbler again and much better view, Black Magpie, and this beautiful pigeon with amazing view.

– 幸运的客人,行动不是很方便。可是也看到拍到大鹪鹛,白翅鹊与这只害羞+稀有的鸠。

20230408, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

update 2020 Aug

Yellow-vented Green-Pigeon,白腹针尾绿鸠, 白腹針尾綠鳩, Treron seimundi, シロハラハリオアオバト, Burung Punai Ekor Panjang, PUNAI GUNUNG BAHU MERAH


Yellow-vented Green-Pigeon, 白腹針尾綠鳩, Treron seimundi, シロハラハリオアオバト, Burung Punai Ekor Panjang
14. Wedge-tailed Green-Pigeon, 楔尾绿鸠, 楔尾綠鳩, Treron sphenurus, オナガアオバト, PUNAI BUKIT BARAT

-making very interesting call

– both male and female mostly greenish, male with extra maroon upper wing

– rare montane species

Wedge-tailed Green-Pigeon, 楔尾綠鳩, Treron sphenurus, オナガアオバト, Burung Punai Bukit

15. Jambu Fruit-Dove, 粉头果鸠, 粉頭果鳩, Ptilinopus jambu, ボタンバト, PUNAI-GADING JAMBU

– very beautiful Fruit Dove which normally sight lowland-submontane

– male with maroon face and pink chest , female overall green with purple face

update 202412

The memory is still fresh

this stunning bird stood just 10–15 feet away from us at eye level. Its beauty up close left us utterly speechless.


202402, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202403

– what you want is what other want ? for sure NOPE .. for the first time in Fraser with guests we not going for most of the targets but just concentrate few for photo (they are first time birding-Photography in Malaysia) .. but always patient pay off

– 你要的是人家要的?当然不是,每个人都有不一样的要求。第一次上来没去很多主要的鸟点,客人可是第一次来马来西亚拍鸟。可是就这样,都把他们心里要的拍的很不错。耐心,心态还是很重要。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202402

– the moment it came so close <10feet, it is so beautiful to look it close … definite best 2024 moment …

– 还在沉迷在哪一刻,这漂亮的鸠就站在我们10尺内。很漂亮哦。这肯定是2024最美好的其中一刻。

202402, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia



– we spent ours “rest hours” at “tower instead shower” reward with many good birds and pictures .. this is one of them <10 feet with such a beautiful and rare bird

– 我们在休息时间决定到“民宿”的“塔”坐坐,竟然有果树在附近。让我们加上好几种鸟河很多好照片。尤其是这一只,稀有+美的让我们拍到这一张照片。

202402, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202302

– one of the most beautiful bird of Malaysia. this lovely dove only easy to spot when fruiting tree.
– another reason prefer R3 than R7. The 4k 100fps slow motion with 4k quality

– 马来西亚最美的鸟之一。这果鸠不容易见到,除了有果树有果。
– 佳能R3慢视屏,4k 100fps 是我最喜欢R3的原因之一。对焦好,效果好,画质好。

update 202209

– before a busy month, had my casual morning walk. nothing much because just to spend sometime with nature.

– 就要开始忙碌的一个月。早上来个轻松的早晨,没什么鸟。主要还是享受大自然。

202209, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia


Jambu Fruit dove, 粉頭果鳩, Ptilinopus jambu, ボタンバト, Punai Jambu (male)
16. Black-naped Fruit-Dove, 黑项果鸠, 黑頸果鳩, Ptilinopus melanospilus, カルカヤバト, PUNAI-BUAH HIJAU BARAT

– rare bird normally found at island near East North Borneo – Sabah

update 202106



Black-naped Fruit-Dove, 黑項果鳩, Ptilinopus melanospilus, カルカヤバト, PUNAI-BUAH HIJAU BARAT (male)
Black-naped Fruit-Dove, 黑項果鳩, Ptilinopus melanospilus, カルカヤバト, PUNAI-BUAH HIJAU BARAT (female)
17. Green Imperial-Pigeon, 绿皇鸠, 綠皇鳩, Ducula aenea, ミカドバト, PERGAM DAUN BIASA

–  big pigeon with Green wing, Grey head

– very common at Sabah . Tanjung Aru, Kinabatangan River

update 202407

– a fairy common bird found at Sabah, Borneo. especially at Kinabatangan River. Big, light-pale front and green back

– 沙巴京河,蛮普通的一只鸟。蛮大,前身湿白色+背时绿色。

202405, Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202311

– a very good chance to see this common bird low and close

– 幸运的这么低,近看到这普鸟。

202309, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia



Green Imperial-Pigeon, 綠皇鳩, Ducula aenea, ミカドバト, Punai Pergam


18. Mountain Imperial-Pigeon, 皇鸠, 皇鳩, Ducula badia, ヤマミカドバト, PERGAM BUKIT BIASA

– very big pigeon with maroon wing, light purple/pin breast , grey crown

– common sub-montane & montane species


update 202101


Mountain Imperial-Pigeon, 皇鳩, Ducula badia, ヤマミカドバト Burung Pergam Bukit
19. Pied Imperial-Pigeon, 斑皇鸠, Ducula bicolor, ソデグロバト, RAWA BIASA

– very white or Pied big pigeon

– remote island

Pied Imperial-Pigeon, 斑皇鳩, Ducula bicolor, ソデグロバト, RAWA BIASA
20. Barred Cuckoo-Dove, 斑尾鹃鸠,斑尾鵑鳩, Macropygia unchall, ヨコジマオナガバト, Burung Tekukur Api Besar

– a not so common bird for Malaysia, and pretty shy to human may be due to previous hunting? (beautiful and beg for food? )

update 202112

– a picture capture with Sony A73

– 摄于索尼 A73

update 202008

Barred Cuckoo-Dove, 斑尾鹃鸠,斑尾鵑鳩, Macropygia unchall, ヨコジマオナガバト, Burung Tekukur Api Besar,TEKUKUR-API GUNUNG BESAR


Barred Cuckoo-Dove, 斑尾鹃鸠,斑尾鵑鳩, Macropygia unchall, ヨコジマオナガバト, Burung Tekukur Api Besar,TEKUKUR-API GUNUNG BESAR



51. Black-naped Fruit-Dove, 黑项果鸠, 黑頸果鳩, Ptilinopus melanospilus, カルカヤバト, PUNAI-BUAH HIJAU BARAT

– a common lowland beautiful small colorful dove at Sulawesi

– male with obvious white head, yellow, purple vented. Female overall green

– 苏拉威西蛮普通的果鸠

– 公鸟,头部白,颈黄。臀部黄紫。母鸟全身绿

update 202401

– another bird keep calling us while we looking for ours target, but I still really to see and photograph the fruit-dove which is so beautiful .. and share this because some one lazy move got the white background instead .. move move move .. choose choose choose

– 这鸟一直叫不停,我们在等我们目标鸟。*(当然有拍到啦)可是,我还是很喜欢果鸠。轻轻松松拿下啦。这照片还主要,做出来让朋友知道。要选背景就要动。不要站在同一地方。

20240119 – Langgaliru, Sumba, Indonesia


201810, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia


52. Superb Fruit-Dove, 华丽果鸠, 壯麗果鳩, Ptilinopus superbus, クロオビヒメアオバト, Walik Raja

– one of the most beautiful bird, it can be found in Sulawesi Sub-montane area

– maybe been poach over the years, most of the time high up

– 算是我看或最漂亮的鳥。

– 通常都站高,害羞。

update 202102

- Sulawesi, Indonesia




53. White-bellied Imperial-Pigeon, 斑尾皇鸠, 白腹皇鳩, Ducula forsteni, シロハラオビオバト

A distinctive large, spectacularly-marked pigeon. Green with a conspicuous pale gray head, a red eye-ring around a beady yellow eye, a dark neck and chest, a bold white belly, a chestnut base to the undertail, and a broad white band in the otherwise dark tail. Shows subtle bronze tones in some parts of the plumage, such as the nape. Singles, pairs, and small groups inhabit the upper levels of forests and forest edges, mostly in the hills and mountains, less often lower down. Gives a very deep, two-noted call, descending on the second note: “woop-mooo.” Also gives single “woop” notes. [Ebird]

斑尾皇鸠,Ducula forsteni (Bonaparte, 1854),体长32厘米左右,黑尾有白斑,白首也有灰首,白胸,绿背,或胸腹皆白。

update 202304

– a very surprise to have eye level of Sulawesi Myna, Sulawesi Hawk Eagle follow by this always hidden bird. and it stay so long for us to have front, side, back view.

– 非常幸运,低角度见了苏拉王椋鸟, 苏拉鹰雕.这害羞的鸠也让我们看了很久。

202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia.

54. Red-eared Fruit-Dove, 费氏果鸠, 紅臉果鳩, Ptilinopus fischeri, ハイボウシヒメアオバト

A large fruit-dove from Sulawesi. Very pale gray head has a diagnostic red mask that extends onto the nape as a black band. Juveniles duller, with subdued mask, and lack band on nape. Upperparts green in central and north Sulawesi, gray in the south. Underparts largely pale gray, with dark markings on the undertail. A montane species found in singles and pairs within the understory and canopy. Voice is a short, clipped “whoOP,” often becoming slightly louder at the end. [ebird]

update 202310

– a shy and quite big size of fruit-dove. Glad to find a small open window for everyone to have some good view and “open picture”

– 非常害羞,体型较大的果鸠。幸运,我们离开前找到它。小小的位置让全部人拍到。

202310, Tomohon, Sulawesi, Indonesia


55. Blue-capped Fruit-Dove, 蓝顶果鸠, 藍頂果鳩, Ptilinopus monacha



– small fruit dove, as name suggested Blue headed

– 蛮小的果鸠。头顶带浅蓝。


update 202310

– use some extra time looking for bird, and this was just at road side. amazing flying so close and quite low

– 最后一天,有点时间。我们就去野拍,没很远/久。就拍到这鸠,与仙翠鸟。

202310, Halmahera, Indonesia



56. Gray-headed Fruit-Dove, 灰头果鸠, 灰頭果鳩, Ptilinopus hyogastrus

– a gray headed small dove, overall greenish with white patch on wing

update 20240103

– a casual birding after got most the target, this bird flying left and right but after a while it gave small window for us to have photo of it

– 我们都拍到主要目标后,就随便拍拍其他鸟。这鸟一直叫不停,也不容易见到。可是最后还是让我们拍到。

20231011, Halmahera, Indonesia

57. Pink-headed Fruit-Dove, 粉红颈果鸠, 粉紅頸果鳩, Ptilinopus porphyreus, ベニガシラヒメアオバト

– such a beautiful fruit-dove with pink head which cannot go wrong

update 202401

– always wanted to see this bird, and so excited to found it at Sumatra while we actually looking at Sunda Owlet which just ~10m from this bird

– 一直以来都非常需要看这鸟,也没特别期望在苏门答腊看到(太多人捉鸟)。当我们找到它时,是多么的兴奋。

202312, Mount Kerinchi, Sumatra, Indonesia



58. Red-naped Fruit-Dove, 红枕果鸠, 赤頸果鳩, Ptilinopus dohertyi, アカエリヒメアオバト, Walik Rawa-manu

– a very beautiful fruit-dove as usual, with overall white and red on back-head

– 有如其他果鸠,都漂亮。这只,很白头背带红。

update 202401

– we actually stop for other bird, and heard this bird calling and very soon Esli found one super high up but still make me shoot >10 frames for such a lovely bird. But after 30minutes waiting and checking. Actually Denny found one just so close and eye level … wow wow wow amazing beautiful spot and bird

– 我们其实在这拍翠鸟,突然这鸟叫的很近。我们从20-30米高追到同角度。漂亮!

20240119 – Langgaliru, Sumba, Indonesia


101. Sri Lanka Wood-Pigeon, 紫头林鸽, 紫头林鸽, Columba torringtoniae, セイロンカノコモリバト

Large, plain gray pigeon with conspicuous black-and-white stripes on the nape. Underparts flushed mauve. Inhabits upper levels of forests and densely wooded areas in the hills and mountains, where occurs in pairs or small flocks. Combination of black-and-white neck markings and plain, unmarked, dark gray upperparts identifies this species from all other pigeons on Sri Lanka. Vocalizations include a single, deep “wooo”, and also an owl-like, double note “woo-oo”. [EBird]


update 20240115

– the only day we at Horton Plains NP, rain in the whole morning. We almost this endemic but found it very last moment while we leaving and we had ours late lunch because of this bird

– 在Horton 国家公园,下了一早雨。当我们几乎要放弃时,竟然看到“鸠”飞过。我跑了过去看,果然是这特有种。

20231202, Horton Plains NP

More pictures from Flickr: Columbidae series: Dove, Pigeon | 鸠鸽科 | liewwk Nature

Jambu Fruit dove, 粉头果鸠

More Youtube video: Columbidae series: Dove,Pigeon | 鸠鸽科 | liewwk Nature


liewwk Nature Pictures collection

liewwk Nature Youtube collection


Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to

contact me

观鸟或拍鸟团  您可






Cuculidae series: Malkoha | 杜鹃科: 地鹃 | liewwk Nature – 6-4 [update 20250201]

Malkohas are large birds in the cuckoo family Cuculidae, all in the genus Phaenicophaeus. The group name is derived from the Sinhala word for the Red-faced Malkoha; Mal-Koha meaning flower-cuckoo. These are all Asian tropical species. The genus name is derived from the Ancient Greek phoiniko- “crimson”, and phaes “eyes” or “face”,[1] referring to the Red-faced Malkoha. However, the ‘œ’ was mistranscribed as ‘æ’

*** above from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malkoha

a lovely bird that bird in size and normally with beautiful colors …………… and its loves to hide behind all the leaf .. make it not easy to get expose the shot

1. Raffles’s Malkoha, 棕胸地鹃, 棕胸地鵑, Rhinortha chlorophaea, クリイロバンケンモドキ, CENUK KERAK

2. Red-billed Malkoha, 红嘴地鹃, 紅嘴地鵑, Zanclostomus javanicus, アカハシバンケンモドキ, CENUK API

3. Black-bellied Malkoha, 绿嘴地鹃, 綠嘴地鵑, Phaenicophaeus diardi, クロバンケンモドキ, CENUK PERUT HITAM

4. Chestnut-breasted Malkoha, 栗胸地鹃, 栗胸地鵑, Phaenicophaeus curvirostris, チャムネバンケンモドキ, CENUK DADA COKLAT

5. Green-billed Malkoha, 大绿嘴地鹃, 大綠嘴地鵑, Phaenicophaeus tristis, オニクロバンケンモドキ, CENUK BESAR

6. Chestnut-bellied Malkoha, 棕腹地鹃, 栗腹地鵑, Phaenicophaeus sumatranus, チャバラクロバンケンモドキ, CENUK PERUT COKLAT




51. Red-faced Malkoha, 红脸地鹃, 红脸地鹃, Phaenicophaeus pyrrhocephalus, アカガオバンケンモドキ

52. Blue-faced Malkoha, 小绿嘴地鹃, 藍臉地鵑, Phaenicophaeus viridirostris, アオメクロバンケンモドキ


101. Burchell’s Coucal, 白眉鸦鹃, 白眉鴉鵑, Centropus superciliosus burchellii, マミジロバンケン


201. Yellow-billed Malkoha, 苏拉黄嘴地鹃, 蘇拉黃嘴地鵑, Rhamphococcyx calyorhynchus, セレベスバンケンモドキ, Kadalan Sulawesi


1. Raffles’s Malkoha, 棕胸地鹃, 棕胸地鵑, Rhinortha chlorophaea, クリイロバンケンモドキ, CENUK KERAK

– common, medium-size bird, mostly rufous-orange

– male with rufous head, female with white-head

update 202410

– one of most easier and common Malkoha in this region. Male predominantly bright rufous-brown with darker tail, female has gray head and chest.

– a lucky moment, to see this bird flying toward us and with the new CANON R5mii.. just too easier to capture this bird flying toward us

– 在马来西亚,这算事最普通的地鹃。雄鸟,头是棕色。木鸟灰白色。

– 我们算事幸运的遇上这鸟飞向我们,在佳能R5markii的对焦+追焦功能。很容易吧这一刻拿下。

202410, Sepilok, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202302

– one of the most common lowland forest malkoha which not difficult to meet up one with the size and unique call.

– a male bird without white head

– 低海拔较普通的地鹃。很容易见到,他的体型+特别的叫声。

– 雄鸟头部棕色。雌鸟头部白。


update 202210

– a very common malkoha, beautiful & easy to recognize the call

– 非常普通的地鹃。不过漂亮与容易辨认的叫声

202208, RDC, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202103

– a lucky day this female stand close and long for use have some quality pictures

– 非常幸运的遇到这么这么活跃的鸟。站的这么近与久。

202103, Selangor, Malaysia

update 2013 March 26

– am lucky to see 2 pairs mating nearby and the male with a meal on mouth too

Raffles’s Malkoha,棕胸地鵑


2. Red-billed Malkoha, 红嘴地鹃, 紅嘴地鵑, Zanclostomus javanicus, アカハシバンケンモドキ, CENUK API

– overall gray upper part, orange underpart. Red bill

– one of the Malkoha with a special and obvious call

– like other Malkoha like to hide between leaves… tree … jumping and a good time is looking for food where it stays slight longer

update 202304

– a beautiful malkoha, coming down for everyone chance to have good view and picture

– 这么漂亮的地鹃,下来很低让我们看/拍

202303, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202302

– one of the most beautiful Malkoha of Malaysia. It is not difficult to distinguish it from other Malkoha , red billed and special call.

– 马来西亚最漂亮的地鹃。他的红嘴,叫声很难会认不到的。

202302, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202101


Red-billed Malkoha 紅嘴地鵑


3. Black-bellied Malkoha, 绿嘴地鹃, 綠嘴地鵑, Phaenicophaeus diardi, クロバンケンモドキ, CENUK PERUT HITAM

– Overall Grey-green, eye iris “red”

– sometimes quite confuse with Chestnut-bellied Malkoha on the field. But it is easy to nostril shape.

*** thanks Dave Bakewell for the sharing refer

Nostril Shape in Malkoha Identification

by Dave Bakewell ****







update 202401

– Malkoha always a bird difficult to have “open” photograph, today so lucky to have this bird stand long open for us.

– 地鹃就是难拍“全开”的。今天非常幸运的看到这一对鸟站开开+久久。

20240115, Ulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia



update 202309

– a lucky moment saw this shy bird at eye level caught a mantis and trying to feed the female with special call

– 很辛运看到这只害羞的鸟到这么低,还捉了一只螳螂准备喂母鸟。还带很奇怪的叫。

202306, Trusmadi, Sabah, Malaysia







4. Chestnut-breasted Malkoha, 栗胸地鹃, 栗胸地鵑, Phaenicophaeus curvirostris, チャムネバンケンモドキ, CENUK DADA COKLAT

– another common lowland Malkoha with an obvious chestnut breast


update 202406

– after ours’ morning mega Pheasant and we waiting at fruiting tree for some good bird .. (we got Black-and-White Bulbul and Chestnut-capped Thrush) this bird came nearby to feed on caterpillar

– 我们早上很快的看到拍到加里曼丹孔雀雉后,就用剩下的时间等等果树。蛮多不一样的好鸟都到这。(包括黑白鹎, 鳞胸鹎, 栗顶地鸫)。还包括这蛮普通的漂亮地鹃

202406, Poring, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202107

– Malkoha always hoping around seldom see them stay long in open.

– one of the most common Malkoha, big size

– 地鹃通常都早丛里跳来跳去的。很少会站很久

update 202104

– another common malkoha of Malaysia which normally found in lowland forests, forest edge. obvious chestnut color from neck to belly

– 马来西亚西马-东马蛮普通的。也很容易认。颈到腹部都是栗色。

202103,Hulu Langat , Selangor, Malaysia


5. Green-billed Malkoha, 大绿嘴地鹃, 大綠嘴地鵑, Phaenicophaeus tristis, オニクロバンケンモドキ, CENUK BESAR

– obvious big and long-tailed proportion to body

– also can

to nostril shape.

update 202410

– a bird that with “longer tail proportion”, or easier refer to the Nostril …

– not a easy bird to have it open, and this bird flew in and stand real close which my lens on 800mm. not really able to zoom out …

– 与其他几种地鹃很相似。可是,尾巴几乎长。。看他的鼻孔。。。可以分辨。

– 通常地鹃不容易拍好,今天有点运气。这鸟突然飞到我们前面,我的镜头是800mm. 来不及换啊。。。拍个大头照吧。

202410, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia



*** thanks Dave Bakewell for the sharing refer

Nostril Shape in Malkoha Identification

by Dave Bakewell ****



6. Chestnut-bellied Malkoha, 棕腹地鹃, 栗腹地鵑, Phaenicophaeus sumatranus, チャバラクロバンケンモドキ, CENUK PERUT COKLAT

– lighting, and behavior of this bird make it sometimes difficult to id from other especially Black-bellied

*** thanks Dave Bakewell for the sharing refer

Nostril Shape in Malkoha Identification

by Dave Bakewell ****

– 角度,光线导致不容易区分绿嘴地鹃与棕腹地鹃。可是他们的鼻孔可以较容易把他们分类。




51. Red-faced Malkoha, 红脸地鹃, 红脸地鹃, Phaenicophaeus pyrrhocephalus, アカガオバンケンモドキ

a not so common Sri Lanka endemic, we only saw or heard it at Sinharaja … and it is moving along with bird wave. Same other Malkoha moving fast along the bushes



update 20231223

– a tough walk (it follow by very heavy rain after we saw this bird at only split second) .. wet, leeches …. and may be time planning for the location

even just split second, the CANON R3 just as I always say “focus monster” i point my lens toward the bird, it lock focus the bird and eye than got this.. no secret.. just the camera found it and take it…

– 非常不容易的一天,我们遇上大雨(看到这鸟后)+很多蚂蝗。还要这点是没地方吃饭的,安排时间有点困难。

还好,它出现几秒。我的R3 就像对焦神器一般,对上+对焦+拿下。。。

202312, Sinharaja, Sri Lanka

52. Blue-faced Malkoha, 小绿嘴地鹃, 藍臉地鵑, Phaenicophaeus viridirostris, アオメクロバンケンモドキ

update 202312

– as other Malkoha, jumping within bushes.. making soft call.. this bird look quite cute overall

– 与其他地鹃一样习惯,在丛里跳来跳去。叫很小声。长的蛮可爱的。

202312, Yala NP- Galge Entrance




101. Burchell’s Coucal, 白眉鸦鹃, 白眉鴉鵑, Centropus superciliosus burchellii, マミジロバンケン

update 202501

A fairly common coucal found in South Africa, which I’ve seen and photographed multiple times in various locations. However, this was a closer encounter, and I managed to capture a full series of flight shots. The distinctive tail band markings are clearly visible, making it easy to differentiate this species from others.


202501, South Africa




201. Yellow-billed Malkoha, 苏拉黄嘴地鹃, 蘇拉黃嘴地鵑, Rhamphococcyx calyorhynchus, セレベスバンケンモドキ, Kadalan Sulawesi

A large, thick-billed malkoha, endemic to Sulawesi, where the only Malkoha. Rufous top half and dark bottom half give it the appearance of having been dipped in black paint, which together with long tail and thick red and yellow bill give it an unmistakeable appearance. Found in wooded habitats from the lowlands to the mountains. Follows macaques catching flushed insects. Call, a very distinctive series of sharp, grating notes, that rise, then fall, whilst accelerating and fading at the end. [Ebird]


update 202501

This large and beautiful bird is a common endemic of Sulawesi, but it’s always a pleasure to photograph. I was very fortunate to capture it in flight!

Still figuring out where to go for a few days in April 2025—anyone up for a quick Sulawesi trip?



202304, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia




More pictures from Flickr: Cuculidae series: Malkoha | 杜鹃科: 地鹃 | liewwk Nature

Chestnut-bellied Malkoha


More videos: Cuculidae series: Malkoha | 杜鹃科: 地鹃 | liewwk Nature


liewwk Nature Pictures collection

liewwk Nature Youtube collection


Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to

contact me

观鸟或拍鸟团  您可








Trogonidae series: Trogon | 咬鹃科 | liewwk Nature – 7+1 [update 20241230]

Normally, the short leg can’t be seen when perch. Most Trogons of Malaysia are colorful. Not really like to fly far and nest at the death tree trunk.

1. Red-naped Trogon, 红枕咬鹃, 紅枕咬鵑, Harpactes kasumba, アカエリキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA TENGKUK MERAH

2. Orange-Breasted Trogon, 橙胸咬鹃, 橙胸咬鵑, Harpactes oreskios, ヤマキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA HARIMAU

3. Scarlet-rumped Trogon, 红腰咬鹃, 紅腰咬鵑, Harpactes duvaucelii, コシアカキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA KECIL PINGGUL MERAH

4. Cinnamon-rumped Trogon, 橙腰咬鹃, 橙腰咬鵑, Harpactes orrhophaeus, ズグロキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA KECIL PINGGUL PERANG

5. Diard’s trogon, 紫顶咬鹃, 紫頂咬鵑, Harpactes diardii, バラエリキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA TENGKUK JAMBU

6. Whitehead’s trogon, 灰胸咬鹃, 灰胸咬鵑, Harpactes whiteheadi, ノドグロキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA GUNUNG BORNEO

7. Red-headed Trogon, 红头咬鹃, 紅頭咬鵑, Harpactes erythrocephalus, ズアカキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA GUNUNG BIASA



51. Sumatran Trogon, 苏门答腊咬鹃, 蘇門答臘藍尾咬鵑, Apalharpactes mackloti, スマトラキヌバネドリ


1. Red-naped Trogon, 红枕咬鹃, 紅枕咬鵑, Harpactes kasumba, アカエリキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA TENGKUK MERAH

– another Red-Brown bird but blue bill and orbital ring

– male with red front underpart, female mostly brown-yellow


update 202408

– same bird since last month stay same area. It stay so long for us .. not best angle but still can see how beautiful is the Trogon. a Lovely male, follow by Diard’s trogon stand just ~20m away … lucky day for Trogon ..

– 这么漂亮的咬鹃在这个点又一个月多。一直都在附近?今天还要站那很久,虽然不是做好角度。可是还是可以看得出这鸟非常漂亮。拍完后,紫顶咬鹃尽然站在20米附近。咬鹃日吗?

202408, RDC, Sepilok, Sabah



update 202405

– a bird that quite easy at RDC, Sepilok, Sabah. the male with almost all red with blue eye-ring.

– we saw few times of this and guests just like it so much and almost non stop pressing shutter each time meeting this beauty.

– 在沙巴RDC, 这鸟还是很普通的。几乎,只要有耐心都可以拍到。

– 公鸟几乎全红+蓝颜圈。

202404, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202403

– this bird getting less sighting compare to years back but at Sepilok.. it is still a common seen bird .. it always together with Diard’s trogon.

– 这几年来,这鸟几乎越来越难见到。除了在西必洛, 沙巴 还是蛮容易的。

202403, Sepilok, Sabah


update 202302

– the lowland forest still very quiet, this bird is the only bird call that making many call in the forest. it is not difficult to spot a red over green forest.

– 森林在这个月还是很静。这鸟是森林叫蛮多的其中一种鸟。在绿绿的森林里,找到红不难。

202202, Panti, Johor, Malaysia


– another lovely trogon, the male overall black-blue-red

– we got this bird while we spend our’s waiting time for Bornean Bristlehead. Bird calling soft, we slowly moving around to get a clear view of this.

– 非常漂亮的咬鹃。雄鸟带红-黑-蓝。

– 拍到这鸟,非常意外。在等棘头鵙时,这鸟突然觉的小小声。我们慢慢的找个空洞可以看全或拍到的地方。

20221021, RDC, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202203

– both male and female keep calling in the forest and manage to found the male which stand bit high up but the female just ~10m away from us

– 公母一直在叫。找到公鸟后,母鸟竟然就站我们面前。

202203, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
202203, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
Red-naped Trogon, 红枕咬鹃 (female)
Red-naped Trogon, 红枕咬鹃 (male)
Red-naped Trogon 紅枕咬鵑



2. Orange-Breasted Trogon, 橙胸咬鹃, 橙胸咬鵑, Harpactes oreskios, ヤマキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA HARIMAU

– in the center of Peninsular Malaysia mostly found sub-montane

– Northern Peninsular Malaysia, mostly found near lowland

– male with brighter Orange-Green-Brown, female with duller

update 202407

– this location use to be one of the easiest place to see this bird, for last few years seem getting slight challenge. Lucky Dev have this real close and long for us

– 这个鸟点原本时拍这鸟的最好的点。可是近这几年,真的很看运气。这次印度小朋友有点运气,拍到很近的照片。

202407, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202403

– another possible Trogon found Fraser Hill gap, it is not easy compare to Bukit Tinggi to have better view and picture but it still another option have this beautiful bird at Center of Peninsular Malaysia

– 在福隆港的上下山路中另一只可以见到的咬鹃。虽然不很普通,可是在西马中部这还是较有机会的。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202306

– missed this common species that found at Pen Malaysia (both Bukit Tinggi and Fraser Hill) but managed to have it at Sarawak and everyone have a very good view

– 西马来西亚蛮普通的一只鸟可是还是没看到。可是在婆罗洲竟然停很久让我们看够。

202306, Bakelalan, Sarawak, Malaysia

update 202011


female, Orange-Breasted Trogon,橙胸咬鹃,橙胸咬鵑,Harpactes oreskios, ヤマキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA HARIMAU

update 2020 Sept

Orange-Breasted Trogon,橙胸咬鹃,橙胸咬鵑,Harpactes oreskios, ヤマキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA HARIMAU

update 2014 Feb 11

Orange-Breasted Trogon,橙胸咬鵑 [Harpactes oreskios]
Orange-Breasted Trogon,橙胸咬鵑 [Harpactes oreskios ]

Orange-Breasted Trogon,橙胸咬鵑


3. Scarlet-rumped Trogon, 红腰咬鹃, 紅腰咬鵑, Harpactes duvaucelii, コシアカキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA KECIL PINGGUL MERAH

– small size, common at lowland forest

– Red-Black-Brown back with red rumped for the male, female lack of RED with pink instead

– sometime confuse with Cinnamon-rumped Trogon but different by call, “rumped” color, behaviour, and female obvious face different

update 202412

This marks my final bird of the 2024 tours after a hectic year. Before another busy year kicks off on January 1, I’ll take a few days to rest. Capturing birds in flight within a forest is no easy feat, especially with a lens that has such a small aperture. However, the CANON R1 made it surprisingly manageable, even though the image quality is somewhat compromised at ISO 51200. Nonetheless, I truly enjoyed watching how the camera’s autofocus tracked the bird in the forest.

这是我 2024 年拍的最后一只鸟,结束了忙碌的一年。在新的一年从 1 月 1 日开始之前,我会休息几天。在森林里抓拍飞行的鸟并不容易,尤其是用这样小光圈的镜头。不过,CANON R1 让这变得相对轻松,尽管在 ISO 51200 下画质有所下降。不管怎样,我还是很享受看到相机的自动对焦如何在森林里追踪鸟儿的过程。

202412, Gomantong, Sabah, Malaysia




update 202409

– arrived this KK nearby location for a target bird, but all local birders tell us.. that bird only here afternoon !!! so we walk nearby for some birding.. this bird make soft call and not very long it come to us with beautiful pose.

– 在崖壁附近的最后一天,帮朋友继续找目标鸟。可是沙巴鸟友讲这里的鸟都很懒的。中午吧。可是我们早上到了,也只好找找鸟吧。这鸟叫的很小声,可是很近所以夜不难看到吧。

202409, Inobong, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202307

– it was a quiet afternoon, on the boat we have nothing much except this bird come say help and eating in-front of us . One of most common trogon of Lowland

– 非常安静的下午,只有这鸟出来看看我们。马来西亚蛮普通的咬鹃。

202307, Sukau, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202302

– raining morning this bird seem enjoy the first light and stay quiet for us.

– 一大早下雨,森林总是暗暗。这鸟很享受的静静的享受第一道光。

202302, Panti, Johor, Malaysia

update 202203

– very lucky morning after got the Red-naped Trogon. This bird coming to join us and allow us take some good photo.

– 非常幸运,拍到红枕咬鹃后。这鸟也飞来让我们拍。

202203, Negeri Sembilan


update 202101

- captured this 201805 at Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia

lucky to have this low, near, and stay long


update 2013 Jul 9

Scarlet-rumped Trogon , 紅腰咬鵑 (female)


Scarlet-rumped Trogon , 紅腰咬鵑 (male)

update 2013 Jul2

Scarlet-rumped Trogon 紅腰咬鵑 (male)… the body so shine …

update 2013 May 3

Scarlet-rumped Trogon , 紅腰咬鵑 (male)


Scarlet-rumped Trogon , 紅腰咬鵑 (female)


4. Cinnamon-rumped Trogon, 橙腰咬鹃, 橙腰咬鵑, Harpactes orrhophaeus, ズグロキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA KECIL PINGGUL PERANG

– very rare and shy bird

– look confuse with Scarlet-rumped sometime but with rumped color, call different, female, behavior and belly color different

update 202412

I still remember that quiet, hot afternoon. Despite spotting this bird, the guests showed little excitement due to the humidity. Everyone had a good view, and I took the opportunity to move to the back for a great photo session with this rare trogon.


202402, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202402

– a hot afternoon, we spent our hot day mostly with few different Woodpeckers .. before we want to go for some relax waiting birding.. I saw a “red dot” near ground ..I first thought is Garnet Pitta .. but after use my bino .. it is a Trogon and first impression it is Cinnamon-rumped and shout “come come come”… most of us still want to better confirmation and wait .. after few locate of it flight finally it show us the back view .. follow by call …. and everyone with big smile …

– 非常炎热的下午。还好,蛮多啄木鸟。。但我们要去凉快等鸟前,尽然被我看到“红点”在蛮低的位置。本身还以为看到榴红八色鸫,当我用上双筒看是。。我大叫。橙腰!。。。可是是鸟的前面,我们还是希望有机会100%是橙腰(怕是红腰。。很暗)当我们追他大概5-10分钟,他停了2次终于让我们看北部+叫了!大家都高兴。。。

202402, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202310

– busy months 2023 end … now left over special target tours.. next one hope have luck to have good view of this bird again .. stress actually to find this bird ..

– 2023 几乎忙完了。剩下的都是目标鸟团。下团,久主要这鸟。有点压力,几天就这鸟。

202307, Johor, Malaysia

update 202308

– another good spot for this bird for last week tour. Seem very active recently.. good time to see it again but I am busy 

– 另一个地点见到它。好像那都很活跃。可是我很忙没时间拍更好的照片。

202307, Johor, Malaysia

update 202307

– very lucky morning, we decided to have a walk after got the main target of the “Rail-Babbler tour”. I heard a weird call, and saw something orange fly low, first bird I guess is Cinnamon-Rumped Trogon. But the call the bird consistent  make is different from the ordinary call. But a bird just fly infront of us ~10feet away. Bingo.. it is the star bird. This bird very tame compare to other , stay calm, close and allow us move and get close to have some good photos.

– I am sure this is top3 bird of 202307

– 非常幸运的一天。主要目标拿下后,这团其实是4天找白眉长颈鸫,可是在昨天(第一天)已拿下。今天我们一位轻轻松松的看看鸟。可是,在一天步道上。我听到可疑叫声+见到橙色鸟飞低。我就猜是这鸟,不久这鸟就飞来我们10尺前。可是都不是很好拍照。可是,他太给力了。飞来飞去近的,低的还让我们走近拍照。

– 绝对是202307 最好鸟照片之一。

202307, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia


Cinnamon-rumped Trogon 黄棕腰咬鹃


5. Diard’s trogon, 紫顶咬鹃, 紫頂咬鵑, Harpactes diardii, バラエリキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA TENGKUK JAMBU

– big lowland trogon

– both male and female with “purple” eye ring

– male with black on head , chest, female with brown

update 202405

– another humid and hot afternoon, we missed all the trogon in the morning. But lucky to have this even so hot so close and stay for scope view.

– it is not as common as in Borneo lowland forest but it is quite easy to find one in Peninsular Malaysia lowland forest

– 早上一只咬鹃也没看到,中午这么热还以为吃白果。可是还好,没很久就看到这一只站很久+底。

202405, Kuala Tahan, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202404

– a “purple” head trogon than wont be missed, and pretty common bird to be seen at Sepilok, Sandakan.

– 有如其名,紫顶。在山打根RDC蛮普通的。

202403, Sepilok, Sabah


update 202310

– always a beautiful bird to be seen, lovely and big bird.

– this is a picture captured with CANON RF100500 with 1.4x TC which gave us very good image quality with 140mm – 700mm with 700mm at F10. I use it quite often .. for birding, it is always need longer focal length. with the new CANON RF200-800 even it is F9 at the longer side. But with the new camera better ISO performance and new denoise software. the light weight 800mm definite one of the best option for birding … I am waiting …. lets see when I have it on hand
now, the 800mm at F9, longer focal length with “smaller” aperture and overall smaller size, lighter… so what’s the reason to complaint ?

– 佳能过去几年,轻便的长焦镜头一直被看低就因为一个500mm (短),F7.1 (慢) 可是很多不知道或不接受。F6.3-F7.1 就1/3 stop .. 真的这么大分别?可是有想过重量? 1.4kg 是多么的适合我们一天8-12小时在外面的鸟人。可是,这个500 就,真的有点短。我也很经常用上1.4x ,就可以有700mm 可是就上到F10. 可是画质我还是觉得,非常的好。现在,佳能终于出了支200-800 为了重量体型,他们应该不得放到F6.3-F9 ..可是还在2KG 。还是重,可是想想800mm F9 长了,光圈也比之前100500+ 1.4 大了。价格也低下来了。之前其他牌子也是把它换到“白”然后也不是最高级别的镜头才把价格拉低。这也应该大概一样的道理。只是我本身还是希望,有基本防尘,雨功能。等等200800 的到来吧。

202306, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202207

– a hot afternoon with my Japan guest, my suggestion sitting near the shade and hope for something. when we enjoy ours coffee and heard this bird calling than follow by some good photos.
– beside Gray-and-buff Woodpecker, this Trogon also enjoy shade with us
– 炎热的中午,与日本客人建议。我们到阴沉的地方碰碰运气。突然听到这鸟叫,找了一会终于找到。运气还是可以的。
– 除了这灰黄啄木鸟,这咬鹃也与我们避暑。
202207, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202204

– female without the black head and neck. making a lot of noise recently

– thanks friend persistent, came back to the same spot and finally have a open view

– 母鸟头颈部都没黑色。

– 谢谢朋友的执著,从回这鸟点终于让我们拍照。

202204, Selangor, Malaysia


update 2020 Jul


Diard’s trogon,紫顶咬鹃 (male)

6. Whitehead’s trogon, 灰胸咬鹃, 灰胸咬鵑, Harpactes whiteheadi, ノドグロキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA GUNUNG BORNEO

– Borneo endemic found montane

– making a very soft call

– male, with the redhead, white neck-breast red underpart. female with mostly brown-yellow

update 202410

– a beautiful Borneo endemic Trogon, overall red, white for male.

– same group of 4 birds, we meet it again less than 2 weeks. It is not a easier to see them according to last week update by birder.

– 雄鸟是红+灰。通常静静的在路旁站的蛮低的。

– 2星期内,见到同一群咬鹃家族。前几天好几个团都没容易的找到,我们还时运气到地的。在雨天,路边找到他们。

202410, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia




update 202409

– after failed to get main target of the trip, spent few hours in KNP and seem few groups looking for this Trogon. We just casual looking for anything.. all of sudden a Juvi fly and perch in-front of me and calling all the people I know and everyone smile .. few moment the juvi seem still stand close to either adult male or female ..this is one good moment where papa with daughter .. remind me and JieXi

– new workflow with new DXO pure Raw, seem faster than my previous workflow but the picture seem look flat …

– 主要目标失败后。我们的下午2-3个小时就在神山公园走走,还好有几只朋友的目标都达标。然后就随便走走,有位鸟导在找这鸟。当我自己走走时这鸟自己飞到我面前,打了电话给他们,没很久也拿下阔嘴鸟。大家高高心心。

202409, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202405

– it is beautiful, and really sometime because too many sight or view make many think this is not as beautiful as other. But see by yourself, it is sure a beauty from Borneo

– we already got this Trogon in the morning with satisfy picture. But Amy asked, can we see the Trogon again … and I just replied it can be any where while we driving … she shout “Trogon” .. haha better view

– 可能太多照片,会觉得这鸟不是最美。可是自己在现场看,你就知道这咬鹃时非常美的。可要知道这么容易到达,好玩的。。。可是婆罗洲沙巴。

– 我们已拍到这咬鹃。可是中午时分,爱美问希望在看看这咬鹃。我就回答,不难可以哪都有。没讲很久,她叫起来“咬鹃”。。。这角度更好吧。好心人,运气好。

202404, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202402

– 3rd bird of first day here, after Everett’s Thrush & Mountain wren-babbler. What a day…

– 来到神山第一天第3只鸟,比埃氏地鸫, 山鹪鹛晚了一点。非常兴奋的一天。

202402, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202309

– it is raining, the rain drop hit on the trogon head .. why so much rain 2022-2023

– 见到这鸟时真在下雨。雨真好下到他头上。2022-2023 真的和多雨

202309, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia


– one of the very few target for this small group, very soon in the morning we have very good view and some rain. After rain stop we have even better picture opportunity

– 这次特别团的其中一只目标鸟。虽然不难,可是还是会有可能出错的。因为我们只有1.5天在这。还好,一到早下雨前。就看到拍到不错的照片。雨停后,再让我们拍更好的照片。

202308, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia



– we always keep looking for the male, because it is bright red more beautiful and easier to spot .. the female is lovely too ..

– 通常我们都会找雄鸟,因为漂亮与容易找。其实母鸟也很美

202308, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202305

– a very confuse feeling each time see this bird, happy+tired. Been told, this bird missing for days (after abandoned the nest). But after “walking session” we still managed to have this bird close for good view and pictures.

– the male with bright red

– 每次见这鸟的心情都是“兴奋+疲累”。再拍到这鸟前,很多人都没见到这鸟。以为会错过,可是还是幸运的拍下。

– 雄鸟可是红色的。

202305, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202210

– a wet morning with some rain after 10am. Lucky moment, immediate got down from car we got ours’ Bornean Green-Magpie less than 20m from car park. Follow by less than 500m for this lovely Trogon. Always love to see one

– 非常潮湿的一个早上。10点后还要下雨。幸运的我们,下车后20米拍到婆罗洲绿鹊,500米后就拍到这只每次见到都会兴奋起来的鸟。


update 202210

– another “experience” to get this bird. think my 2nd time to walk so much to see the bird.

– as usual it is wonderful and beautiful bird to see

– 应该第二次走20+公里(1天)找它。*(当然不是单单找一只)。可是看到它的美。是值得的。

202210, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202209

– a female bird that sit close and low for us instead the male little bit high but overall still a good look for the amazing bird

– 这次,母鸟很乖。公鸟站的有点高。可是还是把这漂亮的鸟拿下。

202209, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202105

– a female of this special Borneo endemic. Which overall brown-white

– normally perch low and quiet

– 婆羅洲特有種。母鳥。棕-白色。通常靜靜的站離地很近。

201804, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202105

– another old picture, before I delete off the folders.
– one of the most interesting Borneo endemic

– 婆羅洲很漂亮的特有種。
– 很少會有人不喜歡他。

201410, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202001


update 2020 May2

Whitehead’s trogon,灰胸咬鵑,Harpactes whiteheadi, ノドグロキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA GUNUNG BORNEO

update 2018 June 3

– just another capture of this beautiful bird

update 2017 Sept 16

update 2016 Oct 8




Whitehead’s trogon 灰胸咬鹃


7. Red-headed Trogon, 红头咬鹃, 紅頭咬鵑, Harpactes erythrocephalus, ズアカキヌバネドリ, KESUMBA GUNUNG BIASA

– very common at sub-montane-montane

– almost same call like Red-naped Trogon

– male with RED-head, all front part , female with brown-head and red-front-under part

update 202403

– this pair of Trogon is so tame come so close and while I having 800mm on hand .. zoom all the way to get closest look and the “lady” give us a look back view…

– 这一对咬鹃是多么的乖,这么巧800mm就来个大头照。还要这美女来个“回眸一笑“

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia



– it is a pretty bird, the male overall red look ao amazing under right lighting …

– 这鸟虽然普通,可是在真确光线下很漂亮啊。

202403, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202302

– a common bird to be seen at Fraser Hill, seldom miss it

– the male is overall redish, female is brown

– 福隆港蛮普通的鸟。几乎很少会见不到他。

– 雄鸟很红。雌鸟棕

202302, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202107

– a sub-montane overall red for male and brown for female

– a bird that you can see from Fraser Hill

– 公鸟红,母鸟棕。福隆港的美丽的鸟其中一种。

update 2016 Oct 4




51. Sumatran Trogon, 苏门答腊咬鹃, 蘇門答臘藍尾咬鵑, Apalharpactes mackloti, スマトラキヌバネドリ

– very brightly colors Trogon and very similar to Javan Trogon.. it is so many colors put on this Sumatra endemic

– 颜色非常鲜艳,与爪哇岛的非常像是。苏门答腊特有种。

update 202411

– On the last day of the trip, the bird came incredibly close and low, but the heavy mist made it difficult to capture a clear shot. I attempted to photograph it in flight and managed to get a few shots, though the image quality suffered due to the mist and low light conditions.


202411, Tapan Road, Sumatra, Indonesia



– One of the primary reasons to visit Sumatra Island in Indonesia is to witness this incredible endemic species. I must say, you’ll be amazed by the breathtaking beauty of this bird when viewed through binoculars or a camera lens.

– Like other Trogons, it feeds incredibly quickly, finishing its meal in mere seconds.

– 前往印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛的主要原因之一就是欣赏这里令人惊叹的这一只特有物种。我必须说,当你通过双筒望远镜或相机镜头观察这只鸟时,它的美丽会让你叹为观止。


202411, Tapan Road, Sumatra, Indonesia


– One of the primary reasons to visit Sumatra Island in Indonesia is to witness this incredible endemic species. I must say, you’ll be amazed by the breathtaking beauty of this bird when viewed through binoculars or a camera lens.

– During our 6-day photography trip, we encountered this bird multiple times. On the final evening, despite the misty weather, we were fortunate to see it flying around to feed. It was the perfect chance to capture some shots of it in flight (BIF). The new Canon R1 made photographing BIF much easier, even in the challenging jungle environment.

– 前往印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛的主要原因之一就是欣赏这里令人惊叹的这一只特有物种。我必须说,当你通过双筒望远镜或相机镜头观察这只鸟时,它的美丽会让你叹为观止。


202411, Tapan Road, Sumatra, Indonesia


It’s an incredibly striking bird, with colors that might seem mismatched but come together beautifully in a single species. Truly stunning, and it’s fairly common in Sumatra’s sub-montane and montane regions.

Returning to the Center-East for a bird photography group, we were fortunate to spot this bird on the very first morning. A stunning male appeared, displaying a vibrant array of colors on its back.

– 这是一种非常引人注目的鸟,颜色看起来似乎不太协调,但却完美地融合在一只鸟身上。非常惊艳,而且在苏门答腊的中海拔和高海拔相当常见。


202411, Mount Kerinci, Sumatra, Indonesia


update 20240113

– just another beautiful bird that we saw it before heavy rain. It was under the shade very dark. Bird color cannot been seen, push the ISO10000 at F9 shutter speed still 1/30s …

– 另一张很美的苏门答腊特有种,这鸟在雨前+林里被发现。颜色都看不到了。可是站的很低,唯有提到感光ISO10000.速度也只有1/30秒。

202312, Tapan Road, Sumatra, Indonesia



update 20231225

– it is going to end the Sumatra Birding tour here, it is enjoyable we only hit into rain end of the tour which is amazing. My 2023 end with the memorize trip here. But overall is wet, muddy and few places of landslides. As we just concentrate on west-center, we mostly at Sub-montane or Montane birding. I am mostly using CANON RF200800 and CANON R3 for rainforest environment. It is challenging with such long focal length with small aperture (will share more experience later regard the lens)

– this bird seem quite common any where here, we seen and heard almost any where even night roosting at montane area. Such a beautiful bird and hope to see the Java version soon (which I missed 16 years ago)

– 苏门答腊观鸟团就这样结束了。我的2023 也写上一个美好的结局。虽然,时雨季可是我们除了最后一天最后一刻才下了一点雨。虽然,几乎每个地方都湿湿的。这次我们在西-中部,全程在800-2100米。我也几乎都用上佳能 RF200800 为了测试在雨林的好与坏(迟点再分享这只长焦段+小光圈)

– 这次算看这鸟最多的吧,几乎哪都看到他。连夜观也看到。这鸟真的很漂亮也希望有机会到爪哇,看看那只爪哇的。(16年前错过后)

202312, Tapan Road, Sumatra, Indonesia



– another Christmas spend with my best guest, buddy .. this time choose have special target tour to Sumatra. After whole day travel, we arrived first birding accommodation from 4am – 4pm .. 1+ hour flight and ~7hours drive ..next day morning, we decided to change ours original plan for Ground Cuckoo, but I didn’t see one and only heard twice for almost whole day in a very lovely forest.

– this bird flying in-front of us while we waiting ours target and having ours hot tea session. What a beauty, still remember ~18 years ago I missed my Java trogon … and today see this very look a-like endemic of Sumatra ..

– 另一个圣诞节与我的好朋友+客人在森林里度过。这次我们选了苏门答腊。经过12小时。。车+飞机(1+小时)+车(7++小时)我们到住宿时已过了4点下午休息后,我们决定换我们行程先去找找地鹃。可是,一整天在森林都没看到还只听到2声。


20231225, Sg Penuh, Sumatra.800







More pictures from Flickr : Trogonidae series : Trogon | 咬鹃科 | liewwk Nature

Cinnamon-rumped trogon, 橙腰咬鹃

More videos : Trogonidae series : Trogon | 咬鹃科 | liewwk Nature


liewwk Nature Pictures collection

liewwk Nature Youtube collection


Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to

contact me

观鸟或拍鸟团  您可









East Java, Indonesia | liewwk

Finally, I make a trip to a beautiful Indonesia again and this round managed to visit East Java which include Papuma and Bromo for seascape and volcano view …

we reach Surabaya which a real busy city , car moving slow …… and we travel ~7-8 hours down south to Tanjung Papuma … spent 2 nights with mix of cloudy and clear days we enjoy the beautiful beach , sunrise, sunset and nightsky … and I am sure will re-visit this place very soon ……….

after 2 nights spending over here , we travel ~3.5 hours to Mount Bromo. another 2 “cold” days we had on the Lava View resort which give us beautiful 2 sunrise, nightsky but no luck for sunset …….. this place like other share a very beautiful volcano … we climb up for 2 viewpoint which I will share the view soon here (by update)…

1. Penanjakan 1 – easy to access but very limit space for photography

2. Penanjakan 2 – nearer to Lava View resort but need ~20-30min moderate hike but plenty of space for shooting .. 😀

*** both view are facing direct south which have sunrise on left ….

2013 Nov – Photohunters – East Java Outing


update 2018 Jul 1

– simply another Papuma Beach Milky way .. think everyone come here is easy to get this view

update 2018 May 22

– this is from 2018 May Photohunter to East Java .. some capture as usual at this beautiful place


the sunrise view , and this is captured with Panasonic G9 80 Megapixel High-resolution Mode

– a nearer view with Mavic Air


– beside sunrise , sunset also can have good view here


– nightscape view at Mount Bromo always highlight of the tour

– after sunrise sessions, most the tourist will travel close to Mount Bromo with horse or by walk .. this could be good moment capture some good horse moment



– beside Mount Bromo, as usual we visit this lovely beach call Papuma Beach … sunrise, sunset , slowshutter and nightscape all can be attractive here


update 2017 Nov 30

_50C9204 fb


update 2013 Jul 25

… Mount Bromo Dawn … 1. SIngh-Ray RGND 2 stops

update 2013 Jul 22


… rocky-rainbow … 1. Lee filter GND .6s 2. Lee filter Big Stopper | ISO 200 | 45.0 sec at f / 14 | 21 mm


update 2013 April 11

– sunset spot and good to be there low tide

… wave sky rocks … 1. Lee Filter GND 1.2s

update 2013 April 10

… stand Still , Papuma … 1. Lee Filter Big Stopper 2. Lee Filter ND .9 pro glass 3. Lee Filter Glass Enhancer

update 2013 April 8

– cold , windy .. and misty at lower level …………

… the mist trap …

update 2013 April 3

– a place with strong wave, whole beach is like facing from North-East – South-West .. full with rocks… take extra care of the wave and wet rocks

… fishing …

update 2013 March 26

– I wish I stay near our hotel for the closer view of this beautiful moment even the hotel facing west

1. Singh-Ray RGND 3 stops 2. Lee Filter Pro Glass .9

update 22 March 2013

… volcanoes … 1. Lee Filter Big Stopper 2. Lee Filter Glass Enhancer 3. Lee Filter .9 Pro Glass

update 20 March 2013

… misty crater … 1. Singh-tay RGND 2 stops 2. Lee Filter ND .9 Pro Glass
Papuma Nightsky …



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Meropidae series: Bee-eater | 蜂虎科 | liewwk Nature – 5-3 [update 20250129]

Malaysia (Included Borneo) has 5 species of Bee-eater

1. Blue-tailed Bee-eater, 栗喉蜂虎, Merops philippinus, ハリオハチクイ, BEREK-BEREK ZAITUN ASIA

2. Blue-throated Bee-eater, 蓝喉蜂虎, 藍喉蜂虎, Merops viridis, ルリノドハチクイ, BEREK-BEREK RENGKUNG BIRU

3. Red-Bearded Bee-eater, 赤须夜蜂虎, 赤須夜蜂虎, Nyctyornis amictus, ムネアカハチクイ, Berek-Berek Tunggal

4. Chestnut-headed Bee-eater, 栗頭蜂虎,栗头蜂虎, Merops leschenaulti, チャガシラハチクイ, BEREK-BEREK EKOR PENDEK ASIA

5. Rainbow Bee-eater, 彩虹蜂虎, 彩虹蜂虎, Merops ornatus, ハチクイ, BEREK-BEREK AUSTRALIA



51. Asian Green Bee-eater, 绿喉蜂虎, 綠喉蜂虎, Merops orientalis, ミドリハチクイ



101. White-fronted Bee-eater, 白额蜂虎, 白額蜂虎, Merops bullockoides, シロビタイハチクイ

102. Southern Carmine Bee-eater, 南红蜂虎, 南方洋紅蜂虎, Merops nubicoides, ミナミベニハチクイ


1. Blue-tailed Bee-eater, 栗喉蜂虎, Merops philippinus, ハリオハチクイ, BEREK-BEREK ZAITUN ASIA

The Blue-tailed Bee-eater (Merops philippinus) is a near passerine bird in the bee-eater family Meropidae. It breeds in southeastern Asia. It is strongly migratory, seen seasonally in much of peninsular India.

This species is sometimes considered to be conspecific with the Blue-cheeked Bee-eater, M. persicus.


– common that travel down to Malaysia ~nov-March

– anywhere… and stay nearby or stop the same spot for food

update 202302

– a casual day at Pulau Indah, a hot day… saw some birds but nothing special but with the R3 and 400mm F2.8. This just walk around and saw this bird flying around got many flying shots but think worth share this flying with prey.

– 轻松的在美丽岛,拿着佳能R3+400mmF2.8 周围走走。看到蛮多鸟,这鸟在飞来飞去。轻松的拍下很多飞版。可是觉得这张不错,咬着蜜蜂+飞着

202302, Pulau Indah, Selangor, Malaysia

update 2014 Feb 17

Blue-tailed bee-eater,栗喉峰虎 [Merops philippinus ]
update 2014 Jan 20

… Look Left …

update 2014 Jan 11

Blue-tailed bee-eater,栗喉峰虎

update 2014 Jan 6

– it finally reaches KL, Malaysia and time to re-shoot this beautiful bird

… landing with food … Blue-tailed bee-eater,栗喉峰虎 [Merops philippinus]
update 2013 Sept 12

Blue-tailed bee-eater,栗喉峰虎

update 2013 March 14

Blue-tailed bee-eater,栗喉峰虎


2. Blue-throated Bee-eater, 蓝喉蜂虎, 藍喉蜂虎, Merops viridis, ルリノドハチクイ, BEREK-BEREK RENGKUNG BIRU

a beautiful bee-Eater just like blue-tailed common but sometime just shy … love to stand on a dry branch, open space etc …

update 2014 Nov 4

Blue-throated Bee-eater 藍喉蜂虎

update 2014 Nov 3

Blue-throated Bee-eater, 藍喉蜂虎

update 2013 Sept 30

Blue-throated Bee-eater, 藍喉蜂虎

update 2013 May20

Blue-throated Bee-eater, 藍喉蜂虎


3. Red-Bearded Bee-eater, 赤须夜蜂虎, 赤須夜蜂虎, Nyctyornis amictus, ムネアカハチクイ, Berek-Berek Tunggal

The Red-bearded Bee-eater (Nyctyornis amictus) is a large species of bee-eater found in the Indo-Malayan subregion of South-east Asia. This species is found in openings in patches of dense forest.

Like other bee-eaters, they are colourful birds with long tails, long decurved beaks and pointed wings. They are large bee-eaters, predominantly green, with a red colouration to face that extends on to the slightly hanging throat feathers to form the “beard”.

Like other bee-eaters, they predominantly eat insects, especially bees, wasps and hornets, which are caught in flight from perches concealed in foliage. They hunt alone or in pairs, rather than in flocks, and sit motionless for long periods before pursuing their prey.

Like other bee-eaters, they nest in burrows tunnelled into the side of sandy banks but do not form colonies.


*** http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red-bearded_Bee-eater

– beautiful bird and it is not too shy to human but still not easy to get close

update 202409

– target bird no show so spend sometime with the beautiful bird instead.

– the bird keep open the tail while making call, but this happen very quickly. With the new CANON R5markii Pre-capture (it work continuous as long as buffer not fill up) … what a cool feature to have for Wildlife Photographers ..I half press shutter when the bird stand still, and open full press the shutter after the bird open the tail and call … everything happen before I full press the shutter .5s will be write full raw into my card .. so I have 15 frames of the bird open tail shots ..and without waiting, I can half press again and make this happen again 

– 目标鸟没出现,这鸟一直叫。就拍了他一会(蛮久)

– 用上新的佳能R5Markii 预拍功能,半按快门键就会把锁定目标动作后(按下快门前半秒的照片RAW 档都写下)拍了,立刻(只要不要过了缓冲)又可以再来这个预拍功能。有如这站照片,鸟一直开尾巴叫。都很快。用上这功能,我只要

– 半按快门对准鸟

– 当鸟鸟开尾巴叫时,我才全按下快门。这样在鸟开尾巴前半秒(15张)都会背记录下。

202409, Inobong, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202407

– one of the most beautiful and easy bird to be found and photograph, make me want to find this bird to show to young photographer, Dev. But this time we failed to found one at Fraser Hill but found this family of 3 birds at Bukit Tinggi.

– 来马来西亚的鸟人几乎都想拍到这么一只漂亮的鸟,不很难。我也希望找给我这次的小小客人(Dev)。可是在福隆港没找到,还好在武急丁宜山找到3只+还蛮乖的。

202407, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202405

– a forest Bee-eater, that everyone love to see it while in Malaysia. especially see in close for photo. The call make everyone remember this lovely bird.

– ours’ last bird of Fraser Hill, saw it one day before but this is close for such a good view

– 来马来西亚几乎每个人都想看的鸟。摄鸟当然也不例外,尤其近距离的看。

– 我们在福隆港最后的一只鸟。我们在一天前看到他吃甲虫,这次时近距离看到的。

202405, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202403

– it is almost same season for last year, this bird very active now … seem carrying food, actively eating … even common but who will say no to such a beautiful bird

– 每年都大概这季节,它都忙吃+捉吃的。虽然蛮普通可是谁会不要这鸟?

202402, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia



update 202303

– it is fun to see how male keep catch insects to feed the female. Sometime the female will reject, we spent about 1 hour on this couple… lovely bird

– 非常幸运遇上这对鸟,公的一直捉昆虫给母吃。有时母的会不要。很可爱。谢谢让我们好好的看/拍了1个小时。

2023, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202205

– a noisy bird in the morning flying around us, lets get some flying picture of this beautiful bird

– 非常吵的鸟,早上一直在围着我们飞。拍拍不够光的飞版

202205, Ulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia


– when she come too close

– 她来的太近了。

202205, Ulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202203

– a bird that everyone love to see it

– 一只白看不厌的鸟

202203, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

update 202201

– another casual birding with a friend, nothing special but this paif of beautiful bee-eater spend some good time with us

– 另一个闷闷的早上,幸好还有这对鸟陪了我们

202111, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202105

– one of the most colorful birds of Malaysia

– 馬來西亞很漂亮的森林蜂虎

202008, Fraser Hill, Malaysia

update 2020 Aug

update 2020 May 20

Red-Bearded Bee-eater, 赤须夜蜂虎, Nyctyornis amictus, ムネアカハチクイ, Berek-Berek Tunggal,

update 2020 Feb19

update 2015 April 22

Red-bearded Bee-eater, 赤鬚夜蜂虎

update 2014 Jul 15

Red-bearded Bee-eater 赤鬚夜蜂虎

update 2013 Aug 22

Red-bearded Bee-eater 赤鬚夜蜂虎

update 2013 May 6

Red-bearded Bee-eater, 赤鬚夜蜂虎


4. Chestnut-headed Bee-eater, 栗頭蜂虎,栗头蜂虎, Merops leschenaulti, チャガシラハチクイ, BEREK-BEREK EKOR PENDEK ASIA

The Chestnut-headed Bee-eater (Merops leschenaulti) a.k.a. Bay-headed Bee-eater is a near passerine bird in the bee-eater family Meropidae. It is a resident breeder in the Indian Subcontinent and adjoining regions, ranging from India east to Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia.

This species, like other bee-eaters, is a richly coloured, slender bird. It is predominantly green, with blue on the rump and lower belly. Its face and throat are yellow with a black eye stripe, and the crown and nape are rich chestnut. The thin curved bill is black. Sexes are alike, but young birds are duller.

This species is 18–20 cm long; it lacks the two elongated central tail feathers possessed by most of its relatives.

*** http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chestnut-headed_Bee-eater

– only available North Peninsular Malaysia and breed here Dec-April

update 202201

– sometime it is not the lifer, bird that make my day. it is the process..

– more than 5 years I didnt take any pictures of this beautiful bird.

– 已很久没拍这鸟(5-6年),谢谢朋友们我有见到这漂亮的朋友


202112, Perak, Malaysia

update 2020 April 3


Chestnut-headed Bee-eater, 栗头蜂虎, 黑胸蜂虎, Merops leschenaulti,

update 2020 March 19

– just before this bird fledge, it keep monitor before fly out


5. Rainbow Bee-eater, 彩虹蜂虎, 彩虹蜂虎, Merops ornatus, ハチクイ, BEREK-BEREK AUSTRALIA

– a rare migrant to Borneo

– overall dull colorful like Blue-tailed

update 202309

– casual boat ride saw this abnormal (no so much blue) flying by Matthew on the boat than he shout “Rainbow” immediate I am excited after boring 2 hours of no targets show. my Picture Malaysia lifer.

– 在船上,Matthew见到较灰,不怎么蓝的蜂虎。立刻叫了彩虹。我知道是我的“马来西亚新鸟种”立刻醒了。

202309, Sabah, Malaysia


51. Asian Green Bee-eater, 绿喉蜂虎, 綠喉蜂虎, Merops orientalis, ミドリハチクイ

A small, dainty bee-eater of open woodlands, farmland, and sparse human habitation. Mainly green with a bluish throat, slender black eye mask and throat band, rufous or slightly rusty crown and back of the neck, and central tail streamers. Juveniles are duller than adults and lack the long tail feathers. In flight, note the rusty underwing with a black trailing edge. Flies gracefully as it catches insects and other prey. Calls are a series of gentle liquid trills or more staccato notes. [ebird]



update 202312

– this is one of the picture describe ours’ tour many rain and few occasion very heavy but we still got all ours targets and endemic

– 这是一张形容我们这一次观鸟行。雨雨。。大雨。虽然很多雨可是我们还是看完我们的目标鸟与这里的特有种

202312, Yala NP, Sri Lanka

101. White-fronted Bee-eater, 白额蜂虎, 白額蜂虎, Merops bullockoides, シロビタイハチクイ


update 202501

This beautiful Bee-eater was only spotted once, staying within the cactus area where its colors blended perfectly. I was amazed at how the camera managed to find and track the bird. I used the full-screen AF on my R1, which allowed it to detect the bird’s location effortlessly.


202501, Magoebaskloof, South Africa



102. Southern Carmine Bee-eater, 南红蜂虎, 南方洋紅蜂虎, Merops nubicoides, ミナミベニハチクイ

A large, spectacular, slender, carmine-pink-and-teal-blue bee-eater with a long pointed tail, black bill, and black facial mask. The immature is duller and shorter-tailed. It gathers in large groups that often attend bush fires, and it specializes in catching large flying insects, including dragonflies, butterflies, and locusts. Breeds colonially by burrowing into sandbanks. It has a complex three-stage migration; it generally breeds between 13–20°S from August–September, disperses south of the breeding area December–March, and then moves north of the breeding area April–August. “Trik-trik-trik” calls are more guttural than those of European Bee-eater. Similar Northern Carmine Bee-eater has a teal-colored (not carmine) chin and throat.




update 202501

another bird that I really want to photograph, shame do not have very good opportunity to have good photo but overall good view and good moment for this very special looking Bee-eater.


Kruger National Park, South Africa




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