another travel tripod to be recommended compare to previous sharing a Travel Tripod … Fotopro X4i-E. which can be keep shorter, cheaper but which is not carbon fibre .
I use the aluminium alloy similar version before for my waterfall testing
Jan – TBA
Feb – TBA
13-19 March – CHINA (TBA) [CANCEL]
15-20 April – Semporna (reserved)
27 – 30 April – Semporna [FULL]
28 May – 2 Jun – Papuma-Mount Bromo, Surabaya, Indonesia
26-30 Jun – Papuma-Mount Bromo, Surabaya, Indonesia
24-30 Jul – Bali, Indonesia [temp reserved]
31Jul-5 Aug – Bali Indonesia
just another sample of Big Stopper use … the use of the ND filters can help to create different effect or mood of our pictures ….
many may ask how we going to use ND filters or Big Stopper as it is almost total dark ..
1. use GND/RGND or shoot like normal but capture the shutterspeed, ISO, F number… e.g below. but make sure set to Manual Focus after the capture or record of the setting
2. use the same ISO, Aperture but then convert the shutter speed base on 10 stops filter exposure table, ‘long time’ (for Iphone user), ND Calc (for Android user)
e.g. ISO100 , F16 , 1/30s before ND1000 , Big Stopper…. will change to
ISO100, F16, 30s
– DO NOT change setting ISO, Aperture
– DO NOT change focus (after the MF)
3. few notes need to be taken
– white balance could be run, you may correct it with white balance tool at Photoshop, Lightroom, DPP … by click white color spot
– the light condition could be change e.g. sunset .. it will change to darker so need to compesate with some add on time … e.g. 30s above I normally add on 10-20% time for sky getting darker
– sturdy tripod need to be use avoid shake …
– long exposure noise need special process to remove (color noise) , if do not know any method turn on long exposure noise reduction
1. Mountain Peacock-Pheasant, 山孔雀雉, アカコクジャク, KUANG-CERMIN GUNUNG
– endemic to Peninsular Malaysia or some believe Southern Thailand-Peninsular Malaysia
update 202407
– one of the bird I see and photograph most. Years back, we have so many tours just for the Malaysia endemic (Malaya) .. it come to feeding spot over the years and seldom miss
– another quick target, these 2 female show up not long we arrived and allow us to have other birding on last moment. Later come a male trying to impress these 2 female with some action but not scuess
– special targets tour, this is one of most easier target overall but it still make us wait for more than 2 hours until it came and displaying while female get close – 这算是目标鸟最容易之一。可是也没很乖,也等了2+小时才出来。可是这次带着母的还表演了一次。“孔雀开屏“。。慢动作哦
update 202302
– not sure what’s happen, this special bird become very shy and worry. After 5th trips there finally 2 male seem quite brave to come out to give us good time.
Good Morning …one of the Bukit Tinggi Mountain Peacock-Pheasant video record .. before the feeding station setup ..
We Ahli @ rotating sit inside the hide try to get better view and picture, video for this endemic .
and since here, it change me or let me know different Bird Photographer & watcher …
it is years back when this bird found first record with chick
update 2013 Sept 11
2. Great Argus, 大眼斑雉, 大眼斑雉, Argusianus argus, セイラン, KUANG-RAYA BIASA
– big, shy bird
update 202409
– another revisit of the dancing ground, the bird still there calling the mate .. sad no one see interest on him … this time with the CANON RF200-800mm. Trying to walk slight close to have closer shot .. can see some ticks on the face .. and remember my buddy say it is ugly bird ! what a beauty
– we have ours main targets ticked, so we look for any other target … we walk real slow in the morning until the first spot and the bird not there .. continue walking and reach 2nd location … we just walk into the trail for nothing to hope but when we got close it calling loud and when we reach the bird seem shy .. than we decided to walk further … and wait .. not that long they bird sudden appear and displaying for us !!!! wow wow
– a post make us think, why me and my best buddy (i think he think the same now) always got something unexpected. It is boring to know the result while you going for … buddy hope everything is fine for you … I really miss ours time, you make me strong, you make me ignore gossip …
– one of the best moment 2024, it is a relax birding day after we had all 3 main targets of the Families DONE. When we arrive the dancing ground, the bird seem shy and walk to a side .. and we decided to move further to monitor the bird and get some pictures. Nothing to expect, all of sudden it start displaying (dancing) … Immediate got the “one of the best moment of 2024” .. (still like a dream
– a big bird .. real big and shy if not found the “dancing ground” which always heard but not seen. But Danum Valley still one of best place to see it and photograph it .. one of few good view of this bird
– someone say this bird is ugly 🙁 … I really like this bird big and near (for 2023) it is so much easier in Danum Valley … lovely male and still looking for his lady
– a very lucky to have dancing ground, we monitor this bird clearing the dancing ground, calling with distance follow by slight close but the bird just ignore us. this bird will be at same spot for calling his mate. But we even heard it ~7-8pm after dark 🙁 .. hope it found it’s mate soon.
– the male Borneo race has rufous tail instead white . L. i. nobilis
– last morning at Danum, walk little slower as waiting more light to go into trail for more species but this bird just come out from bush and walk infront of us and Spread your wings
– As customer want different experience than birding . We had very late evening jungle trail walk . This bird just slow walk on the trail while we were there .. but it is too dark and this was captured with ISO16000
– still a big and beautiful bird to be seen and photograph
– a very beautiful and shy Borneo Endemic, without the feeding spot.. my previous view of this bird at Kalimantan just a dark shadow moving around. Now, we finally can have very good view of this lovely bird
– another wonderful wait for this “hide” for this special Borneo Endemic. with right lighting such a beauty
– 又一次到这鸟点,没等很久。这鸟尽然,走猫步。梳毛。让每个人都笑哈哈
update 202305
– a pre-tout visit a feeding spot for this Borneo rare endemic. It is a real beautiful gem of Borneo forest. Look at the back, it is open like a coral such a beautiful . (sorry for bad quality with crop as only 500mm use which require heavy crop)
– another visit to the famous BPP site, many of friends waiting long or missed this bird. make us worry and decided to have 2 days try. today after breakfast heading to the “hide” and got in ~8am. surprise we only wait 2.5 hour which is a joke with friend day before we make appointment with the bird at 1030am !!! and it appear 10:32am. stand there and feed for quite long.
– and today a bit weird behavior which keep making calls
– finally completed another Borneo special task. But not really a good trip as almost everyday raining. Bird activity as expected still low. But this main target show well without long wait and come close.
– what a nature beauty. For me bird is far beautiful than human.
– even not a lifer for me, but see it near and stay is a totally different feeling. This bird is so beautiful when lighting hit at the right position of the body.
– a lovely and beautiful pheasant with beautiful white tail.
– 非常漂亮与害羞的鹇,走动时白色尾巴摇摆。非常漂亮
update 202405
– some good efforts from some good Birders (Photographer – KK Lee) over the years finally managed to create a good “spot” for this bird and some other good bird for Photography… I do not have many trip there but only for extension for some special tour .. but still quite enjoy the birds and environment there.
– a male with “white tail” , blue face, red leg which come for feeding food but it still shy with big movement and sound.
– 经过好几年的经营 KK Lee 把这个鸟点搞得有声有色。这个鸟点可是摄鸟的天堂,虽然我没到很多(几乎都带观鸟团)可是有些“加长版”还是有来这鸟。
– 公鸟,长白尾,蓝脸,红脚。几乎很少错过来这吃吃东西。可是还是害羞。
update 202310
– I didnt update any pictures for 2023, even I went to 2 feeding station for multiple times. This bird is amazing and I recommended look at yourself … the color and whole bird is un-real.
– an adult female walk together with a juvi bird lovely 2 birds
– 幸运的拍到雌成鸟带着亚成鸟
– a very rare Borneo endemic and it is recently found outside from Borneo-Indonesia (Balikpapan) after such a long missing period it is recently confirm found 2016
– please to have chance to photograph this rare and beautiful bird
as other Peacock-Pheasant, it is shy and look at the body feather pattern, this Peacock-Pheasant simply beautiful
update 202312
– as other Peacock-Pheasant, it is shy and not easy to have a good view in the wild. This pair of Sumatra endemic, will show up at one of the feeding station but this male will chase any bird that come close make us only saw the main target Schneider’s Pitta (2 times before light, 1 time night)
53. Salvadori’s Pheasant, 黑尾鹇, 黑尾鷴, Lophura inornata, クロウチワキジ, Sempidan Sumatera
Chunky pheasant endemic to Sumatra’s highlands and foothills. Male is dark iridescent blue, while the female is warm brown with a dark tail. Both sexes have short tails, bright red patches of bare facial skin, and pale bills with a faint hook. Forages quietly on the forest floor, typically singly, sometimes in pairs. Generally fairly quiet; deep “bwoop” contact calls sometimes given, and males give a wing-whirring display that can be audible at close range. [Ebird]
– One of the most striking pheasants, we missed the chance to photograph it last year. This year, however, the female appeared at a feeding spot around noon and lingered for a long time, showing no signs of leaving.
101. Sri Lanka Junglefowl, 蓝喉原鸡, 藍喉原雞, Gallus lafayettii, セイロンヤケイ
Wild chickenlike bird. Male is burnt orange with dark streaks, cockerel-like glossy black tail, and a prominent red comb marked with yellow on the crown. Gray-brown female has white streaks and prominent barring on its wings. Terrestrial, found in pairs or small groups in forests of lowlands and highlands over much of Sri Lanka. Generally keeps to cover. Only confusion is with domestic chicken; note lack of white at tail base, and yellow marking on comb of males, and bars in wings of females in Sri Lanka Junglefowl. Song a harsh “chyok-cher-chow”. Also stuttering “kik-kik-kik-kik” notes. [Ebird]
– very beautiful and noisy bird and common almost any where too
– 非常漂亮,吵,蛮普通的鸡
update 202312
– a pretty common endemic bird, we didn’t really spend time looking for it just take picture whenever we meet it
Secretive, handsome endemic pheasant of Taiwan’s mountains. Male slaty blue from nape to flanks, with contrasting white upper back, brown mantle, and dark gray wings; female mostly rich brown with pale markings above. Both sexes have red facial skin, more extensive in male. Forages quietly in pairs in the forest understory, occasionally along forest edge on trails or roads. Both sexes give subtle clucking calls and a high-pitched squeaky alarm call. Male has white in tail and back, unlike Mikado Pheasant; female distinguished by richer plumage tones, broader tail, pale bill, reddish legs, and unmarked underparts. [Ebird]
– finish my Taiwan trip last 10days ago and now finish Sumatra, 2023 going to end… a busy year and another busy year coming… what’s everyone plan ?
– I had the same Pheasant 16years +- ago but I remember it was either 30/40d 100400 and misty, dark … so I don’t even remember I had keep the photo or not. But finally this time I got opportunity to see it for longer time, better weather … hope see it again future
– a casual trip to Taiwan, spend some of the time for birding and while going down from DaxueShan (大雪山), stop by ~17 years ago spot and update by local birder the bird can be found there but not very promising due to no feeding allow policy apply. But I am just walk up and down birding at the famous 23.5k got some birds and meet up Kuan-Chieh Hung (Taiwan Bird guide) with guests. After some chit chat session, one of the guesst say .. come come come .. which not really at casual location. 1 male and 3 female relaxing for more than 5 minutes
– female see very beautiful with so much body pattern
What : Landscape, Macro, Wildlife outing
Where : Bako National Park, Kuching
When : 12-15 Dec 2013
– 4 to start
– guidance will be provide …
How : email to ask cost and more details
What : Sunrise, Slowshutter
– guidance of how do shoot slow shutter
– basic photo editing workflow (photoshop)
– come learn how to make use of yours ND filters
Where : East Coast – Malaysia
When : 22-24 Nov 2013
4 to start and limited to 8-10 ppl only
How : email to ask cost and
more details
What : Stars, Milky Way, Wave hunting
– with how to shoot Guide
– simple Post Processing (back
to KL or on field)
Where : Mount Bromo + Papuma Beach
When : 31 Oct – 4 Nov
limited to 8-10 ppl only