Taiwan Bird Photography | 台湾: 鸟摄 | liewwk Nature 12 [update 20240413]

had been birding at Taiwan 2005-2007 but it was way too long ago, recently a casual trip to Taiwan.. plan some time for Birding and let’s start Birds of Taiwan here


1. Swinhoe’s Pheasant, 蓝腹鹇, 藍腹鷴, Lophura swinhoii, サンケイ (endemic)

2. Taiwan Yuhina, 褐头凤鹛, 冠羽畫眉, Yuhina brunneiceps, カンムリチメドリ (endemic)

3. Collared Bush-Robin, 台湾林鸲, 栗背林鴝, Tarsiger johnstoniae, アリサンヒタキ (endemic)

4. Spoon-billed Sandpiper, 勺嘴鹬, 琵嘴鷸, Calidris pygmaea, ヘラシギ

5. Black-throated Tit, 红头长尾山雀, 紅頭山雀, Aegithalos concinnus, ズアカエナガ

6. White-whiskered Laughingthrush, 玉山噪鹛, 台灣噪眉, Trochalopteron morrisonianum, タイワンキンバネガビチョウ (endemic)

7. Flamecrest, 台湾戴菊, 火冠戴菊鳥, Regulus goodfellowi, ニイタカキクイタダキ (endemic)

8. Kentish Plover, 环颈鸻, 東方環頸鴴, Charadrius alexandrinus, シロチドリ

9. Northern Shoveler, 琵嘴鸭, 琵嘴鴨, Spatula clypeata, Spatula clypeata, ITIK-SUDU UTARA

10. Eurasian Nutcracker, 星鸦, 星鴉, Nucifraga caryocatactes, ホシガラス

11. White-eared Sibia, 白耳奇鹛, 白耳奇鹛, Heterophasia auricularis, ミミジロチメドリ

12. Taiwan Whistling-Thrush, 台湾紫啸鸫, 台灣紫嘯鶇, Myophonus insularis, ルリチョウ

13. Light-vented Bulbul, 白头鹎, 白頭翁, Pycnonotus sinensis, シロガシラ



1. Swinhoe’s Pheasant, 蓝腹鹇, 藍腹鷴, Lophura swinhoii, サンケイ

Secretive, handsome endemic pheasant of Taiwan’s mountains. Male slaty blue from nape to flanks, with contrasting white upper back, brown mantle, and dark gray wings; female mostly rich brown with pale markings above. Both sexes have red facial skin, more extensive in male. Forages quietly in pairs in the forest understory, occasionally along forest edge on trails or roads. Both sexes give subtle clucking calls and a high-pitched squeaky alarm call. Male has white in tail and back, unlike Mikado Pheasant; female distinguished by richer plumage tones, broader tail, pale bill, reddish legs, and unmarked underparts. [Ebird]

update 202312

– finish my Taiwan trip last 10days ago and now finish Sumatra, 2023 going to end… a busy year and another busy year coming… what’s everyone plan ?

– I had the same Pheasant 16years +- ago but I remember it was either 30/40d 100400 and misty, dark … so I don’t even remember I had keep the photo or not. But finally this time I got opportunity to see it for longer time, better weather … hope see it again future

– 台湾回来后, 再来了苏门答腊。也结束了。2023很忙,蛮忙的2024 也要到来了。大家都有什么打算?

– 我在16+-年前就拍过这鸟,可是当时相机(30/40D)加上雾+暗。照片有没有留下也是一个问号。今年终于再见到他,拍下不错照片。希望还有机会看这么漂亮的鸟

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan


– a casual trip to Taiwan, spend some of the time for birding and while going down from DaxueShan (大雪山), stop by ~17 years ago spot and update by local birder the bird can be found there but not very promising due to no feeding allow policy apply. But I am just walk up and down birding at the famous 23.5k got some birds and meet up Kuan-Chieh Hung (Taiwan Bird guide) with guests. After some chit chat session, one of the guesst say .. come come come .. which not really at casual location. 1 male and 3 female relaxing for more than 5 minutes

– female see very beautiful with so much body pattern

– 这次到台湾不是主要为鸟。可是还是利用有的时间,机会看看,拍拍鸟。在大雪山回程时,停在17年前(朋友带过我们到这,他也让我知道。这鸟还在,就不是很活跃因为台湾不允许喂食。所以鸟也不常来了)

在这遇上fb 朋友 (红冠),他可是台湾鸟导。与他在哪谈了一会,突然他的客人。叫我们“过来,过来。。“。过去看到这漂亮的特有种。1雄3雌在哪活动了好几分钟。

– 雌鸟很少很漂亮。这鸟很不一样,母鸟真的很美。

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan
202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan


2. Taiwan Yuhina, 褐头凤鹛, 冠羽畫眉, Yuhina brunneiceps, カンムリチメドリ

a montane common endemic, normally moving in flock feeding together make a lot sound


update 20240105

– so many good pictures opportunity, December in Taiwan but I am there not just for Photography … lets plan 2024 ? 2025 ? Autumn color with birds .. 😀

– this endemic normally moving in group and active making soft call

– 这特有种通常群体活动,蛮普通。叫的很小声。

– 台湾12月很多红叶,应该可以拍些好照片。。2024,2025再去?

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan

update 20231218

– the only species that I saw 2 day in the row at DaXueShan, lovely and moving fast as other Yuhina.

– the RF200800 does not failed me to fast lock focus and track the bird even I missed quite a lot due to low light (low shutter speed while moving the lens direction fast) but as long as the bird stand still for a second or more most of the continuous series I had more than 70% keeper.

– 算是大雪山普鸟。2天在这都看到蛮多次,与其他凤鹛一样。动人姿势,动作快。

– 佳能 RF200800 与其他RF镜头一样,只要你捉到窍门。动作快,慢都很容易对焦上+追焦。这鸟之遥站上1秒左右,我的连环排(15fps).都有70-80%照片是对焦到眼部的。

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan



3. Collared Bush-Robin, 台湾林鸲, 栗背林鴝, Tarsiger johnstoniae, アリサンヒタキ

typical Robin alike, with fiery orange shoulder and collar, white-browed, pretty common at Daxueshan, saw few birds and tame


update 20231218

– while I am spending time to look for the Pheasant, this bird keep entertain me.. even at ours’ accommodation area, 1 pair seem very tame and flying around

– 在等帝稚的2-3小时,这鸟很乖地陪我。在我们在大雪山住宿点附近也有一对蛮乖的。

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan



4. Spoon-billed Sandpiper, 勺嘴鹬, 琵嘴鷸, Calidris pygmaea, ヘラシギ

Critically endangered, highly distinctive stint with spatulate bill tip that can be difficult to spot at a distance when held in profile. A coastal mudflat specialist, it stays close to wet and muddy areas near or in water, unlike Red-necked Stint, which often feeds in much drier areas. Breeding adults have a rusty head that resembles that of Red-necked, but the head tends to be darker and the rusty color extends farther down the breast. Nonbreeding adults and juveniles lack the rusty head, have prominent fine stripes on the crown, dark ear patch, and are overall paler than Red-necked. Flight call a soft “prreee.” [Ebird]

勺嘴鹬是鸻形目鹬科勺嘴鹬属鸟类, [20]又叫匙嘴滨鹬、匙嘴鹬、琵嘴鹬、篦鹬。 [21]腿短;头圆;喙短而前端呈勺状。眉纹白色;虹膜褐色;喙黑色;脚黑色; [22]上身主要为黑色,有皮黄色至淡赤褐色的羽缘;下体白色。繁殖期成鸟头、颈及胸均为红棕色并带暗褐色纵纹,非繁殖期成鸟淡褐灰色及覆羽具有白色羽缘。

update 202404

– lucky day, while ours trip there… friend told us, everyone is at a mud beach for this bird and may be I can try my luck… so I try my luck in one morning .. and bingo less than 10 minutes wait the bird came really close for very good view, picture and video
– 蛮幸运的台湾行,当我们到新竹区。朋友让我知道,这明星鸟就在我的酒店不远处。所以我就用个早上试试运气。当我到了,很快就见到这鸟可是蛮远。等了10分钟左右。这鸟居然飞来很近。






update 20231219

– after some official stuff and follow by family trip, spent morning session at the “螃蟹步道“. just 30minutes spent, when I arrived I managed to see it far away which 80-120m… and I managed to captured and quite happy with it .. than continue with other birds that come real close.. not long 2 birds spot by local birders and I rush there and managed to have quite good series picture for this rare bird.. managed to have this star bird get close and with my lucky CANON RF200-800 (now I name it as Lucky 28) …

– it really feed non stop keep moving …

– 其实这次台湾行算事陪家人。谢谢让我早上看看,拍拍鸟。虽然时间短,可是还是蛮幸运。这次到新竹,听到好朋友让我知道 (Long Sheng Yeou) 好几个鸟点,让我有机会拍一些我喜欢的鸭子+这只这么稀有,特别的鸟。虽然早上我只有30+分钟,可是一到达,我就遥远看到+拍到他(大概80-120米)。可是,我也蛮开心了然后就去看看其他鸟。没很久,2只飞来很近。我就很幸运的拍下了一系列照片。

20231219, XInzhu, Taiwan

5. Black-throated Tit, 红头长尾山雀, 紅頭山雀, Aegithalos concinnus, ズアカエナガ

– a very cute active bird that moving in flocks and with other birds as well

– overall orange with black on face

– 非常可爱,通常群体活动。橙+黑脸

update 20231220

– I am walking suddenly saw a flocks of birds and I know must be good chance to see this cute bird again.. 15-16 years ago managed to photograph this bird and I say I will back again aas those time using 30/40d with 100400 EF but version1. Finally managed to have few keeper as it moving real fast and high

– 走走,突然遇上鸟浪。我知道应该会遇上这鸟。15/16年前见到这鸟就喜欢,可是没拍好因为用的太差器材(还要总是跳很快+高高)

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan

6. White-whiskered Laughingthrush, 玉山噪鹛, 台灣噪眉, Trochalopteron morrisonianum, タイワンキンバネガビチョウ

– as other Laughingthrush moving in group, making noise, white-whiskered

update 202312

– very common endemic, can bee heard and seen almost any where at DaxueShan

– 非常普通的台湾特有种。在大雪山几乎在哪都听/看到

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan


7. Flamecrest, 台湾戴菊, 火冠戴菊鳥, Regulus goodfellowi, ニイタカキクイタダキ

– a very fast moving tiny bird with very soft call bird, it is so difficult to have a open picture .. but with the current new mirrorless animal detect and tracking. It is some how quite easy to have some picture even at complicated environment like this

– 非常小+快的小鸟。叫的很小声。也喜欢在丛里跳来跳去。现在无反的动物+动物眼的 AI ,被不大可能做成比较容易。只要一有机会,我都有办法拿下它。

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan



8. Kentish Plover, 环颈鸻, 東方環頸鴴, Charadrius alexandrinus, シロチドリ

Small, pale plover with broken black collar, sandy upperparts, grayish legs, and rather fine black bill. Breeding plumage has black mask and black tabs at sides of breast (not a complete band). Nonbreeding plumages have black replaced by brown. Mainly coastal, on sandy beaches, dry mudflats, and at salt ponds, usually near water; also locally inland. Migrants will join with flocks of other shorebirds. [Ebird]

环颈鸻是鸻形目鸻科鸻属鸟类,又名白领鸻。 [5-6]成鸟夏羽上体为柔和的沙褐色,下体纯白色;额至眉纹白色,额基和头顶前部黑色;头顶、枕和后颈沙褐色略泛栗色;眼先至耳覆羽有—横带状黑色贯眼纹;翼褐色,覆羽具白缘,飞羽黑褐色具大白斑;尾褐色,带黑色亚端斑和白色端斑;虹膜黑褐色,眼圈暗黄色不显著;喙黑色;脚褐色至暗橙黄色。成鸟冬羽似夏羽,但额基、贯眼纹、颈侧等黑色区域转为褐色,头顶不泛栗红色调。幼鸟羽色似成鸟冬羽,且上体具有浅色羽缘。 [7

环颈鸻分布于欧洲、亚洲、非洲和大洋洲等地, [8

]在中国从内蒙古、新疆到西藏均可见。 [9]栖息于开阔平原至低山丘陵的湖泊、沼泽、草地和农田等地,或滨海的滩涂、河口、盐田等处。单独或成对活动,迁徙和越冬期集大群。常在沙地上快速行走觅食。吃蠕虫、甲壳类和软体类等水生无脊椎动物。繁殖期在5-8月,窝卵数通常4枚,孵化期23-25天。

update 202312

– a bird that not really so common at Malaysia and so far I only saw it here non-breeding plumage. Finally I see breeding plumage at such close range and very good focal range (800mm +1.4 = 1120mm .. also use on R7 .. ===1792mm)

– 在马来西亚蛮不普通的水鸟,还有通常远远的见他。这次在台湾,很近距离看他,还要用上800mm+1.4 (R3 = 1120mm , R7 = 1792mm)

20231219, XInzhu, Taiwan


9. Northern Shoveler, 琵嘴鸭, 琵嘴鴨, Spatula clypeata, Spatula clypeata, ITIK-SUDU UTARA

update 20231224

– I still remember years ago, when we had one visit Malaysia.. drove 2 hours… sit in the hide before light … the bird stand 200-500m away .. and here (Taiwan) so easy and so many … and now I shooting with 1792mm (R7 with 1.6 crop, 800mm + 1.4x tc).. the plumage also look good .. check out the CANON RF200800 update for actual size JPEG

很多年以前,马来西亚来了一只。我们驾车2+小时,还要一大早在帐篷里等。再➕鸟在200-500米远。到了台湾,多么多,容易+进(也没很近,可是我用1792mm… CANON R7 – 1.6 , RF2008000 – 800mm – 1.4x)

202312, Taiwan



10. Eurasian Nutcracker, 星鸦, 星鴉, Nucifraga caryocatactes, ホシガラス

– a large bird making crow like sound, when it feeding sound like woodpecker drumming

– 蛮大只,叫的像鸦。17-18年前,我也拍过这鸟。很普通也不怕人,他在吃东西时像啄木鸟一样,啄木声。

update 20240106

– I am checking whats bird in the bird wave, this bird sudden fly down and feed infront of me just 10 feet away. when view close it look beautiful instead

– 我在鸟浪,这鸟突然飞在我前方大概10尺。在吃地上“果”.近距离看还是蛮美的。远看真的像有点白的乌鸦。

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan



11. White-eared Sibia, 白耳奇鹛, 白耳奇鹛, Heterophasia auricularis, ミミジロチメドリ

– a pretty common bird but didn’t see it low my last visit at DaxueShang. As named it come with white “white mask”

update 20240112

– remember years back visit at Daxueshang this bird seem common but last visit is not very easy to meet one and this one came quite low for photo

– 上一次来,记得还蛮普通。这次去,没见很多次。还好最后一个小时,这鸟下来让我拍好好。

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan


12. Taiwan Whistling-Thrush, 台湾紫啸鸫, 台灣紫嘯鶇, Myophonus insularis, ルリチョウ

like other whistling-Thrush, stay near water (pond), dark area and active normally dusk and dawn.


update 202401

– very first bird at Daxueshan, arrive accomodation late. Walk out for the checking and saw this bird just feeding near a small pond

– 大雪山第一只鸟,到达时一要天暗。见到一只黑黑的东西在池塘边活动。

202311, DaXueShan, Taiwan



13. Light-vented Bulbul, 白头鹎, 白頭翁, Pycnonotus sinensis, シロガシラ

very lovely and common bird found urban, parks. moving in group

update 202401

– found them near urban area and parks, moving low to feed the fruit

– 蛮漂亮的,也很普通。在人住的地方,公园等都可以看到。

20231221, Taipei, Taiwan






Leiothrichidae series: Laughingthrush | 噪鹛科: 噪鹛 | liewwk Nature – 7 [update 2024011]

a family normally hope on , colourful and making call

1. Black Laughingthrush, 黑噪鹛, 黑噪鶥, Garrulax lugubris, クロガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA HITAM BIASA

2. Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush, 栗头噪鹛, 栗頭噪鶥, Ianthocincla mitrata, チャガシラガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA BIASA

3. Malayan Laughingthrush, 马来噪鹛, 馬來噪鶥, Trochalopteron peninsulae, マレーシアガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA TEMBAGA BIASA

4. Sunda Laughingthrush , 灰褐噪鹛, 灰褐噪鶥, Garrulax palliatus, チャバネガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA CENUK KERAK

5. Chestnut-hooded Laughingthrush, 栗冠噪鹛, 栗冠噪鶥,Ianthocincla treacheri, ボルネオチャガシラガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA BORNEO

6. Bare-headed Laughingthrush, 裸头噪鹛, 裸頭噪鶥, Garrulax calvus, ハゲガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA HITAM BOTAK



51. White-whiskered Laughingthrush, 玉山噪鹛, 台灣噪眉, Trochalopteron morrisonianum, タイワンキンバネガビチョウ



1. Black Laughingthrush, 黑噪鹛, 黑噪鶥, Garrulax lugubris, クロガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA HITAM BIASA

– difficult bird to get open, noisy bird

– found this ~700mm from sea level

update 202307

– a very lucky morning with this shy and active bird stay so low and long for everyone good view and picture session

– 非常幸运的一个早上。这么活跃与害羞的鸟,尽然站了这么低这么久让我们看+拍够。

202308, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202305

– while we walking for general birding after long wait for the partridge. All of sudden this bird calling from far, we toward the direction and this bird just stand ~10feet from us .. what a lucky day after Malayan Whistling-Thrush, Bamboo Woodpecker, Malayan Hawk-Cuckoo, Mountain Scops Owl and many good birds today.

– 等了一个小时的鹧鸪。终于可以普通看鸟。非常幸运,除了这鸟外。也拿下黄嘴角鸮, 棕腹鹰鹃,竹啄木鸟 等好鸟

202305, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202105

– a location not official close for outsiders. this is the last visit before it was close down. (location near Genting Highland)

– as usual this active, canopy bird, and shy.

– 这个鸟点已关。这次是关前几天拍的。

– 这可是非常活跃,害羞,通常都站很高的鸟。

202009, Genting Highland, Pahang, Malaysia


update 2020 Sept

update 2020 Aug


black laughingthrush,黑噪鹛

2. Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush, 栗头噪鹛, 栗頭噪鶥, Ianthocincla mitrata, チャガシラガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA BIASA

– one of the most common laughingthrush , found at SUb-montane & Montane level


3. Malayan Laughingthrush, 马来噪鹛, 馬來噪鶥, Trochalopteron peninsulae, マレーシアガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA TEMBAGA BIASA

– Endemic of Peninsula Malaysia

– common at certain location

UPDATE 202404

– another bird that getting difficult to seen in Bukit Fraser, use to be pretty common but now missing from many previous spots

– 福隆港另一只越来越难见到的鸟。以前蛮多点都可以见到的。可是现在几乎都就几个点。

202404, Bukit Fraser, Pahang, Malaysia


a simple test CANON RF100-300 F2.8

CANON RF100-300mm F2.8 field test at Rainforest – Malaysia [update 20240411]



update 202311

– still clearing 2023 pictures while waiting for next target birds tour. This bird seem getting not so common nowadays .. hope it will doing good

– 下一个目标鸟团还没开始,还在清理2023的照片。这特有种,越来越少。有点担心

202309, Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia



4. Sunda Laughingthrush , 灰褐噪鹛, 灰褐噪鶥, Garrulax palliatus, チャバネガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA CENUK KERAK

– common montane in Borneo


Sunda Laughingthrush , 灰褐噪鶥, Garrulax palliatus , チャバネガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA CENUK KERAK


Malaysia only found at Borneo (Sabah, Sarawak), found at Montane level .


5. Chestnut-hooded Laughingthrush, 栗冠噪鹛, 栗冠噪鶥,Ianthocincla treacheri, ボルネオチャガシラガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA BORNEO

a Borneo common endemic


6. Bare-headed Laughingthrush, 裸头噪鹛, 裸頭噪鶥, Garrulax calvus, ハゲガビチョウ, KEKICAU-RAYA HITAM BOTAK

– very active and noisy bird ..

– newly update it may not belong to the Laughingthrush family

– rare and shy montane Borneo endemic

update 20240108

– a bird always highly wanted by birder, active, canopy bird… a bird that always heard or brief view rather than good view

– 几乎全部鸟人(摄,观都一样)都非常希望看到,拍到这一只婆罗洲特有种。可是通都是高高在上,黑黑一只。

202306, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202103

– a very first close encounter with this noisy, beautiful, rare endemic



update 202306

– a very lucky morning which we meet 2 families and one of them come closer and willing to stay still for picture

– a Borneo endemic just too beautiful

– 非常幸运的最后一刻。尽然遇上2群。其中一群里的一只肯下来地点+停久一点。每个人都笑了。

202306, KNP, Sabah, Malaysia


update 2020 Aug

Bare-headed Laughingthrush, 裸头噪鹛,裸頭噪鶥, Garrulax calvus, ハゲガビチョウ,KEKICAU-RAYA HITAM BOTA

update 2020 April 3

one of the most difficult Borneo Endemic, rare, canopy and shy


51. White-whiskered Laughingthrush, 玉山噪鹛, 台灣噪眉, Trochalopteron morrisonianum, タイワンキンバネガビチョウ

– as other Laughingthrush moving in group, making noise, white-whiskered

update 202312

– very common endemic, can bee heard and seen almost any where at DaxueShan

– 非常普通的台湾特有种。在大雪山几乎在哪都听/看到

202312, DaXueShan, Taiwan





More pictures from Flickr : Leiothrichidae series : Laughingthrush | 噪鹛科 : 噪鹛 | liewwk Nature

... black laughingthrush,黑噪鹛 ...

More Youtube video : Leiothrichidae series : Laughingthrush | 噪鹛科 : 噪鹛 | liewwk Nature


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