… Harlequin flying frog, 丑箭飞蛙 | liewwk …

The harlequin tree frog is a beautiful flying frog known from lowland rainforests in Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo and the Philippines. The dorsum is light brown with mottled orange patches that extend along the hind leg. Sometimes, random white spots may occur on the body, but the flanks are covered with a yellow and dark reticulated pattern. The webs between each digit are reddish, while the eyes yellowish orange. Like other flying frogs, it is a foam nest breeder, congregating around shallow mud pools to lay their eggs.
beautiful, not really shy can shoot it multiple shots without any move .. even with flash … but it’s eye close with light (the black spot smaller)
update 2012 Dec 30
Harlequin flying frog , 丑箭飞蛙
Harlequin flying frog , 丑箭飞蛙



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