Birds of Thailand | 泰国之观/摄鸟 | liewwk Nature – 7 [update 20240110]

liewwk Nature Birds of Thailand picture collection 1. Blue Pitta, 蓝八色鸫, 藍八色鶇, Hydrornis cyaneus, ルリヤイロチョウ 2. House Sparrow, 家麻雀, Passer domesticus, イエスズメ, PIPIT UBUN KELABU 3. Limestone Wren-Babbler (Rufous), 灰岩鹪鹛, 灰岩鷦鶥, Turdinus crispifrons, クロサザイチメドリ 4. Green-tailed Sunbird, 绿喉太阳鸟, 紅喉直嘴太陽鳥, Anthreptes rhodolaemus, ノドアカコバシタイヨウチョウ 5. Mrs. Gould’s Sunbird, 蓝喉太阳鸟, 藍喉太陽鳥, Aethopyga gouldiae, ルリオタイヨウチョウ 6. Spot-breasted Parrotbill, 点胸鸦雀, … Continue reading Birds of Thailand | 泰国之观/摄鸟 | liewwk Nature – 7 [update 20240110]