Bay Woodpecker finally better view into frame …

bay woodpecker, 黄嘴栗啄木

a bird that make me crazy and tired everytime meet this bird. included this lucky time. we meet a up a bird willing to come low and stay long for few moment 😀


bay woodpecker, 黄嘴栗啄木鸟,Blythipicus pyrrhotis




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Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography


Malaysian Hill Partridge finally … | liewwk

I had trying very hard to get open picture for Malaysian Hill Partridge, finally I managed to got decent photo 2016 March … this bird is not rare but just never like to show up in the open


Malaysian Hill Partridge 砍氏山鹧

update 2016 April 18

update 2016 Apil

previously my keeper for this bird

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Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to contact me

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Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography

endemicguides Birds Report – 2016 March 21-28 – Kuala Gula – Taiping – Fraser Hill – KRAU – BUKIT Tinggi – Kuala Lumpur

we “” having CHINA guests for birds Photography Kuala Gula – Taiping – Fraser Hill – KRAU – BUKIT Tinggi – Kuala Lumpur for some target lists as guest went many country so quite limited target left for me too (especially Fraser Hill list)

below are some pictures from guests sharing /一些照片

Black-and-crimson Oriole Male
Black-and-crimson Oriole Male  绯胸黄鹂 (公)


Black-and-crimson Oriole Female
Black-and-crimson Oriole Female  绯胸黄鹂 (母)


Cute Fire-tufted Barbet
Cute Fire-tufted Barbet 火簇拟鴷


Laced Woodpecker
Laced Woodpecker 花腹绿啄木鸟


Black & yellow Broadbill
Black & yellow Broadbill 黑黄阔嘴鸟


Banded Broadbill
Banded Broadbill 斑阔嘴鸟


Mangrove Pitta
Mangrove Pitta 红树八色鸫


Garnet Pitta
Garnet Pitta  榴红八色鸫


Collared Owlet 领鸺鹠
Collared Owlet 领鸺鹠
Barred Eagle-Owl 马来雕鸮
Barred Eagle-Owl 马来雕鸮
Spotted Wood-Owl 点斑林鸮
Spotted Wood-Owl 点斑林鸮
Buffy Fish-Owl 马来渔鸮
Buffy Fish-Owl 马来渔鸮
Barn Owl 仓鸮
Barn Owl 仓鸮
Brown Wood-Owl 褐林鸮
Brown Wood-Owl 褐林鸮
Lucky to meet up Brown Wood-Owl Juvi | 很辛运看到褐林鸮亚成鸟
Lucky to meet up Brown Wood-Owl Juvi | 很辛运看到褐林鸮亚成鸟
meet another Buffy Fish-Owl in the day time .. 光天化日马来渔鸮
meet another Buffy Fish-Owl in the day time .. 光天化日马来渔鸮
Silver-breasted Broadbill 银胸丝冠鸟
Silver-breasted Broadbill 银胸丝冠鸟



34/111 –〉记录照/只有<2位拍到





overall we did quite reasonable good even we had very bad after lunch sessions for almost everyday (very hot everyday after lunch) . we got

Total 111 species photograph for 8 days

34/111 are record shots and some are only photograph by single person .

77 species have above average photos for more than 2 persons


6 x owl

6 x Broadbill

3 x Pitta

4 x Kingfisher

Mountain Peacock Pheasant



Yellow Bittern    Ixobrychus sinensis    黄斑苇鳽
Chinese Pond-Heron    Ardeola bacchus    池鹭

Crested Serpent-Eagle    Spilornis cheela    蛇雕
Crested Serpent-Eagle (Crested)    Spilornis cheela [cheela Group]    蛇雕

Black-thighed Falconet    Microhierax fringillarius    黑腿小隼

CHARADRIIFORMES: Recurvirostridae
Black-winged Stilt    Himantopus himantopus    黑翅长脚鹬
Pied Stilt    Himantopus leucocephalus    澳洲长脚鹬

Little Cuckoo-Dove    Macropygia ruficeps    小赤鹃鸠
Little Green-Pigeon    Treron olax    小绿鸠
Pink-necked Pigeon    Treron vernans    红颈绿鸠
Thick-billed Pigeon    Treron curvirostra    厚嘴绿鸠

Plaintive Cuckoo    Cacomantis merulinus    八声杜鹃
Asian Drongo-Cuckoo    Surniculus lugubris    乌鹃
Asian Koel    Eudynamys scolopaceus    噪鹃
Black-bellied Malkoha    Phaenicophaeus diardi    绿嘴地鹃
Raffles’s Malkoha    Phaenicophaeus chlorophaeus    棕胸地鹃

Barn Owl    Tyto alba    仓鸮

Barred Eagle-Owl    Bubo sumatranus    马来雕鸮
Buffy Fish-Owl    Ketupa ketupu    马来渔鸮
Collared Owlet    Glaucidium brodiei    领鸺鹠
Spotted Wood-Owl    Strix seloputo    点斑林鸮
Brown Wood-Owl    Strix leptogrammica    褐林鸮

APODIFORMES: Hemiprocnidae
Gray-rumped Treeswift    Hemiprocne longipennis    灰腰树燕
Whiskered Treeswift    Hemiprocne comata    小须凤头树燕

Red-headed Trogon    Harpactes erythrocephalus    红头咬鹃
Orange-breasted Trogon    Harpactes oreskios    橙胸咬鹃

Blue-eared Kingfisher    Alcedo meninting    蓝耳翠鸟
Rufous-backed Kingfisher    Ceyx rufidorsa    棕背三趾翠鸟
Stork-billed Kingfisher    Pelargopsis capensis    鹳嘴翡翠
Rufous-collared Kingfisher    Actenoides concretus    栗领翡翠

Red-bearded Bee-eater    Nyctyornis amictus    赤须夜蜂虎
Blue-throated Bee-eater    Merops viridis    蓝喉蜂虎

Dollarbird    Eurystomus orientalis    三宝鸟

Black Hornbill    Anthracoceros malayanus    黑斑犀鸟
Rhinoceros Hornbill    Buceros rhinoceros    马来犀鸟

PICIFORMES: Megalaimidae
Fire-tufted Barbet    Psilopogon pyrolophus    火簇拟鴷
Lineated Barbet    Megalaima lineata    纹拟鴷
Gold-whiskered Barbet    Megalaima chrysopogon    金须拟鴷
Black-browed Barbet    Megalaima oorti    黑眉拟鴷
Blue-eared Barbet    Megalaima australis    蓝耳拟鴷

Lesser Yellownape    Picus chlorolophus    黄冠啄木鸟
Greater Yellownape    Picus flavinucha    大黄冠啄木鸟
Laced Woodpecker    Picus vittatus    花腹绿啄木鸟

Black-and-red Broadbill    Cymbirhynchus macrorhynchos    黑红阔嘴鸟
Long-tailed Broadbill    Psarisomus dalhousiae    长尾阔嘴鸟
Silver-breasted Broadbill    Serilophus lunatus    银胸丝冠鸟
Banded Broadbill    Eurylaimus javanicus    斑阔嘴鸟
Black-and-yellow Broadbill    Eurylaimus ochromalus    黑黄阔嘴鸟
Dusky Broadbill    Corydon sumatranus    暗阔嘴鸟

Garnet Pitta    Pitta granatina    榴红八色鸫
Hooded Pitta    Pitta sordida    绿胸八色鸫
Mangrove Pitta    Pitta megarhyncha    红树八色鸫

Golden-bellied Gerygone    Gerygone sulphurea    黄胸噪刺莺

White-breasted Woodswallow    Artamus leucorynchus    白胸燕鵙

Common Iora    Aegithina tiphia    黑翅雀鹎

PASSERIFORMES: Campephagidae
Javan Cuckoo-shrike    Coracina javensis    爪哇鹃鵙
Pied Triller    Lalage nigra    黑鸣鹃鵙
Scarlet Minivet    Pericrocotus flammeus    赤红山椒鸟
Gray-chinned Minivet    Pericrocotus solaris    灰喉山椒鸟

PASSERIFORMES: Pachycephalidae

Tiger Shrike    Lanius tigrinus    虎纹伯劳

Black-naped Oriole    Oriolus chinensis    黑枕黄鹂
Black-and-crimson Oriole    Oriolus cruentus    绯胸黄鹂

Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo    Dicrurus remifer    小盘尾
Greater Racket-tailed Drongo    Dicrurus paradiseus    大盘尾

Pied Fantail    Rhipidura javanica    斑扇尾鹟

Black Magpie    Platysmurus leucopterus    白翅鹊

Scaly-breasted Bulbul    Pycnonotus squamatus    鳞胸鹎
Gray-bellied Bulbul    Pycnonotus cyaniventris    灰腹鹎
Stripe-throated Bulbul    Pycnonotus finlaysoni    黄纹喉鹎
Cream-vented Bulbul    Pycnonotus simplex    白眼褐鹎
Red-eyed Bulbul    Pycnonotus brunneus    红眼褐鹎
Spectacled Bulbul    Pycnonotus erythropthalmos    小褐鹎
Hairy-backed Bulbul    Tricholestes criniger    丝背鹎
Ochraceous Bulbul    Alophoixus ochraceus    白喉褐冠鹎
Buff-vented Bulbul    Iole olivacea    黄臀灰胸鹎
Ashy Bulbul (Cinereous)    Hemixos flavala cinereus/connectens    灰黑短脚鹎
Mountain Bulbul    Ixos mcclellandii    绿翅短脚鹎

Pygmy Cupwing    Pnoepyga pusilla    小鳞胸鹪鹛

PASSERIFORMES: Acrocephalidae
Oriental Reed-Warbler    Acrocephalus orientalis    东方大苇莺

PASSERIFORMES: Locustellidae
Lanceolated Warbler    Locustella lanceolata    矛斑蝗莺
Pallas’s Grasshopper-Warbler    Locustella certhiola    小蝗莺
Middendorff’s Grasshopper-Warbler    Locustella ochotensis    北蝗莺

Dark-necked Tailorbird    Orthotomus atrogularis    黑喉缝叶莺

Everett’s White-eye    Zosterops everetti    埃氏绣眼鸟

Mountain Fulvetta    Alcippe peracensis    山雀鹛
Short-tailed Babbler    Malacocincla malaccensis    短尾雅鹛
Ferruginous Babbler    Trichastoma bicolor    锈色雅鹛
Black Laughingthrush    Garrulax lugubris    黑噪鹛
Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush    Garrulax mitratus    栗头噪鹛
Malayan Laughingthrush    Garrulax peninsulae    马来噪鹛
Silver-eared Mesia    Leiothrix argentauris    银耳相思鸟
Long-tailed Sibia    Heterophasia picaoides    长尾奇鹛

Pin-striped Tit-Babbler    Macronous gularis    纹胸鹛
Black-throated Babbler    Stachyris nigricollis    黑喉穗鹛
Chestnut-rumped Babbler    Stachyris maculata    红腰穗鹛

Asian Fairy-bluebird    Irena puella    和平鸟

Asian Brown Flycatcher    Muscicapa dauurica    北灰鹟
Oriental Magpie-Robin    Copsychus saularis    鹊鸲
White-rumped Shama    Copsychus malabaricus    白腰鹊鸲
Rufous-browed Flycatcher    Anthipes solitaris    棕眉姬鹟
Mangrove Blue-Flycatcher    Cyornis rufigastra    红树仙鹟
Large Niltava    Niltava grandis    大仙鹟
Verditer Flycatcher    Eumyias thalassinus    铜蓝鹟
Little Pied Flycatcher    Ficedula westermanni    小斑姬鹟
Mugimaki Flycatcher    Ficedula mugimaki    鸲姬鹟
Stonechat (Stejneger’s)    Saxicola torquatus stejnegeri

Asian Glossy Starling    Aplonis panayensis    亚洲辉椋鸟
Common Myna    Acridotheres tristis    家八哥

PASSERIFORMES: Chloropseidae
Blue-winged Leafbird    Chloropsis cochinchinensis    蓝翅叶鹎
Orange-bellied Leafbird    Chloropsis hardwickii    橙腹叶鹎

Fire-breasted Flowerpecker    Dicaeum ignipectum    红胸啄花鸟

PASSERIFORMES: Nectariniidae
Purple-naped Sunbird    Hypogramma hypogrammicum    蓝枕花蜜鸟
Black-throated Sunbird    Aethopyga saturata    黑胸太阳鸟
Gray-breasted Spiderhunter    Arachnothera modesta    灰胸捕蛛鸟



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Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography


endemicguides Birds Report – 2016 March 16-19 – Bukit Tinggi – KRAU – Fraser Hill – Klang

we “” having England guest for birds watching, from Bukit Tinggi – KRAU forest – Fraser – Klang for very limited target lists as guest went Borneo, Cambodia & East India which already cover most of the Malaysia .

with very limited target birds and time, we targeting 40 lifers …

with very good waiting game for first day, the star bird – Mountain Peacock-Pheasant… at Bukit Tinggi, also managed to got few target bamboo Woodpecker, Black Laughingthrush for the first day etc

Photo 16-03-2016, 12 02 30 PM


immediate after lunch , we reached KRAU in very hot, dry late afternoon but we still got few important target e.g. Garnet Pitta, Black Throat Babbler , Banded Kingfishers etc .

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but we missed out few lowland target so next day morning we going KRAU again before heading Fraser Hill. we have slow and dry morning but still some target like Long-billed Spiderhunter, Gray-breasted Spiderhunter, Gold-whiskered Barbet , Red-billed Malkoha , Yellow-vented Pigeon, Cook’s Swift, Cook’s Swift, Black-browed Barbet, Hill Blue-Flycatcher etc . too bad we are rush for other targets and didn’t get any chance to photograph them .

another 1.5 days on Fraser Hill,  in the morning we have very good view of Blue Nuthatch, Collard Owlet, Black and Black-and-crimson Oriole. Same day, we managed to have very good target and sighting e.g. Gray-breasted Partridge (Malaysian Hill Partridge) , Mabler Wren-Babbler, Malayan Laughingthrush, grey nightjar etc . I got a good view of Malayan Whistling-Thrush but too bad guest just got a brief view of the endemic . but the bird day , Malayan Hill Partridge give us fantastic view for more than 2 hours … and very lucky I managed to got some pictures of the star bird. and by luck we also have super view of Rufous-bellied Swallow … total 5 of the birds gave us very good view .

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immediate after Fraser Hill, we decide to try the Mangrove Pitta. and yes we got it real fast but under the hot weather near mangrove ..


overall we got 118 species and target hit 44 species or lifers for guest

star birds :

Gray-breasted Partridge (Malaysian)

Yellow-vented Pigeon

Mountain Peacock-Pheasant

Mabler Wren-Babbler

Bamboo Woodpecker

Garnet Pitta


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Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography









endemicguides Birds Report – 2016 Feb 29 – March 4 – Fraser Hill – Kuala Selangor

we “” having German guests for birds watching, from Kuala Lumpur – KRAU forest (half day) – Fraser Hill – Kuala Selangor – Kuala Lumpur

We have lovely German Guests from German, they are here from eco related conference and extend few days for Malaysia Birds watching. we mostly walk around for any birds as we dont have any main target .


Day 1 – KRAU forest – we are little slow in the morning missed out few interesting birds e.g. little grebe, lesser whistling duck, lapwing etc … but some how we got few good view of broadbilss (black & red, banded, black & yellow). We also have very good view of Garnet pitta, Rufous-collard Kingfisher & black-throat babbler. We left the site about lunch time and travel to Fraser.

we got Bamboo woodpecker female very good view and eyelevel Yellow Vented pigeon (too bad I dont have camera with me on that time but I still able to get some higher shot of the birds)

Day2-3 Fraser Hill- overall it was windy days and we work very hard for those main targets here e.g. red headed trogon, orange headed trogon, long-tailed broadbill, silver breasted broadbill . any how we able to have both trogons and Silver breasted broadbill at single spot . but we struggle to have a look of long-tailed broadbill but any how we still able to got the bird at last 2-3 hours at Fraser hill before heading to Kuala Selangor.

Day4- Kuala Selangor – it is very good day at Kuala Selangor, we have almost black capped kingfisher , stork billed kingfishers, yellow rumped flycatcher, mangrove blue flycatcher etc .. overall a very good day till we almost missed our check out time. after Kuala Selangor, we dropby Shah Alam and have super fast even less than 10s to spot the Hooded pitta


some pictures I handheld capture when I with the guests

  • Garnet Pitta

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  • whiskered treeswift _T157937 fb
  • – Mabler Wren-babbler
  • _T157932 fb _T150209 fb
  • yellow vented pigeon_T150202 fb


Overall we have 159 species recorded

and few main birds record

  • Mabler Wren-Babbler
  • Yellow Vented Pigeon
  • Garnet Pitta
  • Rufous Collard Kingfisher


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Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography




Reverse GND for 150mm Square filter system

finally we have solution for 150mm square filter system for 150mm system which support Canon 14mm F2.8, TSE17mm, Nikon 14-24 F2.8, Tamron 15-30 F2.8, SAMYANG 14mm F2.8, SIGMA 12-24mm etc.

and some test results from same filter manufacturer but it is on 100mm system [84dot5 RGND 100mm] .

84dot5 RGND150

sample of RGND

update 2016 March 4

_MG_5543 fb

stay tune, I will try to update some test pictures result here ASAP

and now available for RGND 2 stops and 3 stops … feel free to contact me



Looking for Filters for either 100mm or 150mm , Lee Filter, HAIDA ….. click HERE

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liewwk Photography Online store

Marbled Wren-Babbler | liewwk

another star bird for me 2016 … already saw this birds at 3 different sites and able to capture some record shots due to on work …

a shy bird, seldom come open often and it show us open few times .. but it is small grass block !!!!

sorry for some blur and shaking video , shoot handheld for this …

update 2016 Jul 9

Marble WrenBabbler 4 Bird Tour Malaysia fb

update 2016 Feb 27

leaf infront 🙁



related posts

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Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography

endemicguides Birds Report – 2016 Feb 20 – KRAU

we “” having Dutch guest for target birds (main target Malaysian Rail-babbler [Eupetes macrocerus] & Malayan Banded Pitta  [Pitta guajana irena/ripleyi] watching, from Kuala Lumpur – KRAU forestfor ~6 hours birding ..

We have no luck on the Rail-Babbler no single call , due to limited time we have we going bit further trail for banded Pitta and managed to have clear view of the Malayan Banded Pitta plus some other birds e.g.

Red Junglefowl
Purple Heron
Oriental Honey-buzzard
Little Green-Pigeon
Raffles’s Malkoha
Whiskered Treeswift
Scarlet-rumped Trogon
Rufous-collared Kingfisher
Black Hornbill
Sooty Barbet
Gold-whiskered Barbet
Red-throated Barbet
Coppersmith Barbet
Checker-throated Woodpecker
Maroon Woodpecker
Buff-rumped Woodpecker
Banded Pitta
Garnet Pitta
Black-winged Flycatcher-shrike
Greater Racket-tailed Drongo
Asian Paradise-Flycatcher
House Crow
Gray-headed Canary-Flycatcher
Puff-backed Bulbul
Black-headed Bulbul
Stripe-throated Bulbul
Red-eyed Bulbul
Chestnut-rumped Babbler
White-rumped Shama
Little Spiderhunter


in summary

Total 30 species saw
Star birds

Banded Pitta
Garnet Pitta
Little Green pigeon



related posts

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Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography



endemicguides Birds Report – 2016 Feb 21-25 – KRAU – Bukit Tinggi – Fraser Hill – Kuala Lumpur

we “” having Belgium guest for target birds watching, from Kuala Lumpur – KRAU forest – Bukit Tinggi – Fraser Hill – Kuala Lumpur

for the 5 days 4 nights birds watching , from secondary forest to highland back to botanical Garden … we only concentrate on guest targets birds and managed to record  172 species. and for some good opportunity. from

Day 1 – KRAU : we have some good morning with many low land targets meet except a “mysterious”  Black & Yellow Broadbill and Banded Pitta… Star Bird of the day we have Rail-Babbler , Garnet Pitta which stay long snough for us , Little Green-Pigeon , Rufous-collared Kingfisher (real close with good view), Banded Kingfisher (found almost end of the day and long view but little far up with scope) & Rhinoceros Hornbill  (with beautiful lighting view)

Day 2 – Bukit Tinggi : target for the Mountain Peacock-Pheasant and both male and female show in the early morning … follow by Malaysian Rail-babbler giving a good running view. than we have a bad day without any more target in almost late morning till 3pm … finally when we say while we dint see Whiskered Treeswift …. it calling when we are driving for some target birds and we make a stop and found this fruiting tree give us another few target included Scaly-breasted Bulbul , Red-throated Sunbird, Spectacled Spiderhunter , Yellow-eared Spiderhunter  etc

Day 3 – KRAU-Fraser : we were going back to KRAU for trogon and we had ZERO trogon so far ..and again we also look for other lowland target … in the morning we managed to have Banded Pitta (Malayan) [head view]and than follow by first target trogon – Scarlet-rumped Trogon … and we called it a Woodpecker day as most the target woodpeckers just appear infront of us without big effort Checker-throated Woodpecker , Crimson-winged Woodpecker , Bamboo Woodpecker , Orange-backed Woodpecker .

Day 4 – Fraser Hill : not many target birds here and we only looking for those “no so common” birds here … so we have slow day … but still we have very easy view of 2 Marbled Wren-Babbler which make our day .. but we still failed to have one Partridge calling … and missed few Rusty-naped Pitta … but Siberian Thrush giving good view to us which we really enjoy to see they happy feeding around

Day 5 – Fraser Hill – Kuala Lumpur : not really a productive day again as we only target on the main target due to limited time , we managed to get close to Mountain Scops-Owl and have a moving and some blur picture of Gray-breasted Partridge (Malaysian) . when we leaving back to Kuala Lumpur it is very windy and tree fall down and block our way back … by waiting of 30 min the road been clear .

as long as we reach Kuala Lumpur – Shah Alam : very quick one we had 2 target meet : Gray-breasted Spiderhunter & Hooded pitta (2 individual saw also)


I managed rush back to car for few occasions and handheld to capture some birds pictures to share…

a never bore cute bird - Black and Yellow Broadbill is one of the Target and it just flew ni while we spending our good time with a fruiting tree - Black-and-yellow Broadbill 黑黄阔嘴鸟
a never bore cute bird – Black and Yellow Broadbill is one of the Target and it just flew ni while we spending our good time with a fruiting tree – Black-and-yellow Broadbill 黑黄阔嘴鸟


found few fruiting tree with this beautiful Bulbul - Scaly-breasted Bulbul 鳞胸鹎
found few fruiting tree with this beautiful Bulbul – Scaly-breasted Bulbul 鳞胸鹎


the Blue-crowned Hanging-Parrot also join the fruiting tree - Blue-crowned Hanging-Parrot 短尾鹦鹉
the Blue-crowned Hanging-Parrot also join the fruiting tree – Blue-crowned Hanging-Parrot 短尾鹦鹉


another fast and furious birds .. but we have good view of both male and female - Bamboo Woodpecker 竹啄木鸟
another fast and furious birds .. but we have good view of both male and female – Bamboo Woodpecker 竹啄木鸟


another fast and furious birds .. but we have good view of both male and female - Bamboo Woodpecker 竹啄木鸟
another fast and furious birds .. but we have good view of both male and female – Bamboo Woodpecker 竹啄木鸟


a bird never get bore , few pairs of them around .. Red-bearded Bee-eater 赤须夜蜂虎
a bird never get bore , few pairs of them around ..
Red-bearded Bee-eater 赤须夜蜂虎


another bird , easy ... just spent 5-10 min found this and managed to go back car and grab camera for this .. in single day found 2 individual birds - Marbled Wren-Babbler 石纹鹪鹛
another bird , easy … just spent 5-10 min found this and managed to go back car and grab camera for this .. in single day found 2 individual birds – Marbled Wren-Babbler 石纹鹪鹛


a bird we spent a lot of time for ... calling non stop .. managed to see it movement and some blur shot handhled - Gray-breasted/ Malaysia Hill Partridge (Malaysian) 砍氏山鹧􅏾
a bird we spent a lot of time for … calling non stop .. managed to see it movement and some blur shot handhled – Gray-breasted/ Malaysia Hill Partridge (Malaysian) 砍氏山鹧􅏾


a bird make a lot of noise when we driving back - Rufescent Prinia 暗冕山鹪莺
a bird make a lot of noise when we driving back – Rufescent Prinia 暗冕山鹪莺


in summary

Total 174 species saw
Star birds

Banded Pitta
Malayan Rail-Babbler
Garnet Pitta
Yellow Vented Pigeon
Bamboo Woodpecker
Gray-breasted Partridge (Malaysian)
Mountain Peacock-Pheasant
Marbled Wren-Babbler



related posts

Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to contact me

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Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography


2016 Lifer – Yellow-vented green pigeon

Saw this pigeon last year but not able to get a picture of it. Finally have some spare time and spent ~2 days waiting to get a open shot for this bird.

it is bit shy, whenever it is open and I try to move myself it will trying to hide from me … not bad for limited angle and time for this




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Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to contact me

观鸟或拍鸟团  您可联络我





Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography