Another Super ND filter … 15 stops ND – Super Stopper from LEE Filters …

Lee Filter Super Stopper


sometime , we complaint we need darker … when ??? why ???

in the noon, under bright sun exposure what if we need more stop down ? and we can have option combine more ND filters e.g. 10 stops and 6 stops filter or now we have option to have single filter in 15 stops down …

e.g. under hot sun out setting for no ND is ISO100 , F2.8 (to have bokeh for some effect) , SS 1/1000

with Big Stopper or ND 3.0/10 stops ND … we can have 1s exposure .. but than the 1s may be not good enough … and what a 15 stops ND (Super Stopper) can do for us

it will give you 30s even the original shutter speed is 1/1000 … !!!!!


few eg. with Big Stopper , combine of Big Stopper and Little Stopper .. so now with single filter we can get longer exposure 😀


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You can order by COntact me or Click LINK HERE



If you interest for Photo Outing for Ijen please feel free to contact me

or we have another landscape outing in Aug 2016 , you may check out HERE



related posts

CONTACT ME for more Landscape Photography Outing


Where to get Lee Filters/Haida Filters  | Malaysia

endemicguides Birds Report – 2016 May 16

We have day trip due to full schedule , original plan was going Fraser Hill but on the way.. it is tree fall down which block our way up and we make quick decision travel back to KRAU forest and may be quick one for Genting Highlands … we have total 65 species view and ~40 lifers for guest … with both Silver Breasted Broadbill and Rail Babbler clear view make the happy day .

Our reach is 9am which is slight late but we are doing very good in the morning 9am-1pm which we have 42 species and wonderful and clear view of RAIL Babbler …


Javan myna
Common myna
Pacific swallow
White throat kingfisher
Scarlet backed flowerpecker
Yellow vented bulbul
White breasted waterhen
Greater coucal
Zebra dove
Spotted dove
Purple heron
Little egret
Magpie robin
Greated racket tailed drongo
Red jungle fowl
White rumped shama
Black headed bulbul
Oriental pied hornbill
Black hornbill
Stork billed kingfisher
Little grebe
Lesser whistling duck
Gold whiskered barbet
Dollar bird
Black tighted falconet
Red eye bulbul 
Stripe throated bulbul
Rail babbler
Black throated babbler
Banded woodpecker
Raffles malkoha
Sooty barbet

Ferruginous babbler

Whiskered treeswift 

Black and yellow broadbill

Short tailed babbler

Black and red broadbill

Dark throat oriole

Long billed spider hunter

Rufous collard kingfisher

Rufous backed kingfisher

Green billed malkoha


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than we travel to Genting Highland after our quick lunch …..

on the way, our toilet stop add in 5 new birds



Olive backed sunbird

Pied thriller

Rufous woodpecker

Pied fantail

Dark necked tailorbird



follow by another 3 hours at Genting Highland which include Awana we have 17 species


Malayan laughingthrush (chesnut crown)

Mountain leaf warbler 

Snowy browed flycatcher

Black throat sunbird

Glossy swiftlet 

Blue winged leafbird

Chesnut capped laughingthrush 

Mountain fulvetta 

Yellow bellied warbler 

Silver breasted broadbill

Verditer flycatcher

Chesnut backed scimitars babbler

Hill blue flycatcher


Silver ear mesia

Everett’s White-eye 

Peregrine Falcon





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Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography

The Blue Fire Volcano , Kawah Ijen , Java, Indonesia | liewwk

After 2016 May Bali Photohunters Outing, I decided make quick trip for East Java for Birding and Ijen.

Here, let me share some experience for the Ijen “Blue Fire”

the hike is ~3km to the top of the mountain , and you will be welcome with view of

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look close Ijen crater …

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We went down by dusk time and here are some highlight I want to share

1. Blue Fire with Dusk

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2. when we get close .. the Blue Fire “waterfall”

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3. my guide in action

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4. The worker is even nearer to collect the sulfur

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5. myself , with help from my portal … and sometime sparking do happen and create magenta, red tone

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6. last one the dream Milky Way + Blue Fire .. *** this angle wont happen and I post processing in different angle Milky Way into the frame ..

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If you interest for Photo Outing for Ijen please feel free to contact me

or we have another landscape outing in Aug 2016 , you may check out HERE



related posts

CONTACT ME for more Landscape Photography Outing


Where to get Lee Filters/Haida Filters  | Malaysia



liewwkNature Photohunters : 2016 May, Bali , Indonesia

finally back from another Photohunters outing 2016 May, Bali, Indonesia ..

we travel mostly center of Bali … and Skip the west path from the map as it is my own extension travel …


we had 13 of us , shooting non stop from sunset, nightscape, sunrise, slow shutter etc … and most of us feel tired after 2-3 days the outing but all seem enjoy the shooting session till last moment .

sharing some pictures from the tour below

1. Group Photo at Kintamani

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2. solo shooting , sunrise on left site and my buddy Gung facing there and I am turning to south direction because saw this 😀

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3. while we shoot sunset at Mengening Beach, Bali … saw the pre wedding shooting so I try to snap and go lo

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4. stand from Sanur Beach

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5. Sanur Beach always with Mist !!!!! and a dream boat 😀

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6. main target .. nightscape .. not bad everynight also we got clear sky for the milky way shooting

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7. cold place and trying different angle and someone camping here !!!!

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8. after Milky way .. sunrise here with mist is best but still need to redo due to wrong info by my buddy Gung

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9. again high tide !!!! never got chance to shoot low tide here 🙁 but love the golden light hit on the gold rock

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10. lovely Jatiluwih paddy field layes, Mount Agung, Moon, blue hours, beautiful sky 😀

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11. new spot for Milky way … good to come here by May-Jun 😀 new technique to shoot milky reflection

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12. think my last visit this spot .. getting dirty and worst

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13. sunset moment .. but think lack of foreground but end up I take another foregound from other place become .. but need more time to post

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14. finally got beautiful shoot from here but sunrise direction is way out this month 😀

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15. remember bring tele len .. you wont know when u need for landscape 😀

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16. light up !!!!

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17. think the only time I visit Jatiluwih at Green … and this time we got GREEN + Milky Way 😀

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Malaysian Rail-Babbler fever

after long wait, finally got very good improvement photo for this very shy bird …

[some of my previous capture … RAIL-Babbler series 白眉长颈鸫 | liewwk]

now the dream is get one from Borneo .. 😀


update 2017 Feb 8

– lucky to see it again here … as usual walking pass slow and hiding

update 2016 May 25

– from the date you coming for display well .. it is less than 2 weeks … and many birder will going to miss you

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a clip show how it calling


1. my dream post of this bird with open .. and it calling

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2. it still same walk very carefully

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3. beautiful blue throat show when it is calling

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Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography

“600mm F4” birding setup and ONLY “2.15KG” !!! Olympus M.Zuiko ED 300mm F4 … | liewwk

Birding with Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 300mm f4.0 PRO Lens | liewwk


I am lucky to have this len with me for 2 days testing … I brought this len to various locations for real world testing … from bright, dark, lowland, montane etc ..

with the small sensor size, this 300mm F4 make to 600mm F4 (35mm sensor equivalent) and it weight only 2.15kg together with EM1 body, battery grip, batteries ….. so if weight is main concern than this len could be yours choice.

*** all the birds pictures, RAW-JPEG just increase contrast, saturation and resize no noise reduction etc

*** will be slowly update more pictures upon request

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We start the test at low light and some action bird .. rufous-backed kingfisher feeding on fish .. immediate after got the fish, this bird non stop flipping the fish and it may stop for a moment every once and than .. so have to got the moment right to have this capture [click image for bigger resolution image]


  • ƒ/4.0
  • 300.0 mm
  • 1/30
  • 800



follow by the lovely and beautiful Garnet Pitta, where at not very dark environment …


  • ƒ/4.0
  • 300.0 mm
  • 1/25
  • 400
  • handheld


  • ƒ/4.5
  • 300.0 mm
  • 1/25
  • 640
  • handheld




  • ƒ/4.0
  • 300.0 mm
  • 1/125
  • 800
  • handheld


beautiful Green Magpie


  • ƒ/4.0
  • 300.0 mm
  • 1/80
  • 800






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Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to contact me

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Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography




Looking for Filters for either 100mm or 150mm , Lee Filter, HAIDA ….. click HERE

Looking for more event, outing, tours from liewwk Nature Photography click HERE


liewwk Photography Online store






HAIDA 150mm Filter Solution for CARL ZEISS 15mm F2.8

finally we have the adapter for Haida 150mm holder system


Photo 26-04-2016, 8 15 47 PM


so with the previous available solution , lets update the list 😀

now we have tested both Lee Filter SW150 series and HAIDA 150mm filter series … below are filters we tested so far

1. Lee Filter SW150 holder for Nikon 14-24 F2.8

2. HAIDA 150mm holder for Nikon 14-24 F2.8

3. HAIDA 150mm holder for CANON 14mm F2.8 mark2

4. Lee Filter 150x170mm GND series

5. Lee Filter CPL 150mmx150mm

6. Lee Filter Big Stopper

7. HAIDA 150mm CPL

8. HAIDA 150mm ND 3.0/1000 or big stopper

9. HAIDA 150mm ND 1.8/640 or littler stopper

10. HAIDA 150mm ND 3.6 (12 stops ND)

above options and below items are available for order or sale

11. HAIDA Holder solution for SAMYANG 14mm F2.8

12. HAIDA Holder solution for TAMRON 15-30mm F2.8

13. HAIDA Holder solution for CANON TSE-17mm F4

14. HAIDA Holder solution for SIGMA 12-24mm mark2

update 2016 april 27

16. HAIDA Holder solution for Carl Zeiss 15mm F2.8

17. Lee Filter SW150 CANON 11-24mm F4 adapter

18. 84.5 RGND for 150mm system

please contact me for order or stock availability



Looking for Filters for either 100mm or 150mm , Lee Filter, HAIDA ….. click HERE

Looking for more event, outing, tours from liewwk Nature Photography click HERE

150mm Filter Solution for CANON 14 F2.8 L , NIKON 14-24 F2.8, Tamron 15-30 F2.8, Samyang 14mm F2.8 …etc

or search below Link

liewwk Photography Online store

previous related post

endemicguides Birds Report – 2016 April 21– KRAU – Kuala Lumpur

we “” having CANADA guest for birds watching KRAU – Kuala Lumpur for any bird … but we end our tour ~4pm due to hot weather and Jet lag …

Overall we had very good morning … good view and some good pictures of Garnet Pitta, Rufous Collard Kingfisher, little green pigeon… it follow by Whiskered Treeswift nest , make customer feel amaze .

than we also got very good view of Bamboo Woodpecker & Rufous Backed Kingfisher

31 species and guest need 10 lifer to hit 2000 birds count .. good luck 😀 [not verify which are lifer]


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Black magpie

Asian koel

Little grebe

White-throated kingfisher

Stork-billed kingfisher

Little green pigeon

Pink necked pigeon

White-breasted Waterhen

Spotted dove

Oriental pied hornbill

Magpie robin

Javan myna

Black head bulbul

Red eye bulbul

Black-thighed Falconet

Short tailed babbler

Black-throated babbler

Ferruginous babbler

Rufous collard kingfisher

Purple heron

Yellow-bellied Bulbul

White rumped shama

Garnet pitta

Stripe-throated Bulbul


Whiskered Treeswift


Golden-bellied Gerygone

Bamboo woodpecker

Rufous backed kingfisher

Greater Racket-tailed Drongo

Dark-throated oriole

Large woodshrike


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Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to contact me

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Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


One fantastic Bird Nest… Whiskered Treeswift, 白眉须树燕 | liewwk

Whiskered Treeswift,is one beautiful bird always perch high up and not easy to get beautiful photo. It has very cute, fantastic, amazing nest … single egg, single chick hold on small nest as show



白眉须树燕 , 小鳳頭樹燕 一只美丽的鸟,总是栖息很高。。所以不容易得到漂亮的照片。它有一个非常可爱,梦幻,神奇的窝……一粒鸡蛋,小鸟就放在这个


update 2016 April 20

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– mummy turn to taking care of the egg

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– Papa turn

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Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to contact me

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Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography

Large Scimitar Babbler,大钩嘴鹛| liewwk

still failed to get full open and good photo for this active bird …



update 2016 April 7

hope to get better capture ASAP



related posts

Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to contact me

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Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography