Chestnut-necklaced Partridge: Borneo & P. Malaysia

Both Chestnut-necklaced Partridge found at Peninsula Malaysia and Borneo belong to 2 sub-species

Arborophila charltonii charltonii (S Thailand to S Myanmar and Malay Peninsula)

– very less sighting

_T153660 2400



Arborophila charltonii graydoni (N Borneo)

– quite common at lowland forest @Sabah

– Borneo Subspecies Endemic

_I6W1599 fb

The head, belly, wing are the major different for both birds.

update 20191013

another close encounter of this Partridge



Phasianidae Series: Partridge | 雉科: 鹧鸪 | liewwk Nature




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Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


a rare bird of Malaysia… White-tailed Flycatcher , 白尾蓝仙鹟

Another rare found for 2017, even it may report common but it is not many sighting for this and finally reasonable call recorded and pictures capture

_I6W9319 fb _I6W9342 fb

captured from Borneo, and wish one day got chance to capture Peninsula Malaysia



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Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography

Pityriasidae: Bornean Bristlehead | 婆罗洲 棘毛伯劳 | liewwk Nature [update 20240910]

a rare and beautiful monotypic Borneo endemic, always canopy level so never got a chance to have a good picture .. last week, finally, it came down slightly lower for feeding.

1. Bornean Bristlehead, 棘毛伯勞, 棘头鵙, Pityriasis gymnocephala, ブタゲモズ, TIUNG-BATU KEPALA MERAH


– very special lowland Borneo endemic.
– overall black under and back. on top Red-Yellow-orange
– won’t miss the call as very weird calling
– male without red flanks where the female has

– 非常特別的婆羅洲特有種。
– 下半身都黑。頭頸部,紅-橙黃。
– 叫聲很特別。吵,有像狗叫。

update 202409

– on progress trying DXO, but seem not every situation better than current Adobe Noise Reduction and Topaz .. but in some case it work much better ..

– anyhow, last tour .. we sight this bird 3 times at different locations (2xDanum Valley and 1x Tabin)

– 在测试DXO , 在我的过去2个月的一些照片。几乎大部分都除噪的较自然,可是还是很多情况还是需要用回之前的ADOBE AI, TOPAZ

– 在上一个团,竟然遇上这鸟3次(3个点)太幸运了。

202408, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202408

– finally back from a stress tour, leading 10 (2 cannot make it ) for 3 special monotypic families, we spend 2.5 days for this.. Everyone seem tired but still patient for the process of waiting and looking (thanks for the trust) finally we have very good view of this Borneo endemic for ~2-3 minutes low … lucky group also managed to record 200+ birds (only lowland forest and some amazing species)

– 终于完毕了。这次特别鸟团。这一只是我们3只(棘毛伯勞,冠鸦,白眉长颈鸫)里最麻烦一只。虽然用了2天多,可是还是拿下,还占了很久+低。谢谢大家的信任。最后也在10天团里拿下200+种(都在低海拔)

202408, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202406

– we had some hard time to have this main target at RDC due to just very short stop over. Everyone seem stress while we arrive Danum Valley with heavy rain … but lucky with rain slow down and we stop a quick birding .. and not that long, we have good view of the bird ! with some flying action too (may be due to raining)

– 我们在西必洛太短时间。几乎没办法找到这婆罗洲行之主要目标。当我们到丹浓谷时,还要下大雨。大家都非常压力,包括我。可是当雨小下来后。我们的第一停,就看到这鸟然后还下起雨来。可能下雨关系,这鸟还要飞来飞去表演般。

202406, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202405

– just another close encounter of this bird, sometime just need some luck for this wonderful looking bird.

– 另一次的近距离拍摄这鸟。

202405, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia



update 202404

– a wonderful group and trip, even begin with little bit problem where Indonesia Mount Ruang eruption cause us reach Borneo with little be delay .. and group decided travel to Kuala Lumpur than direct to Sabah.

– we start ours day with Spotted Wood Owl and Dusky eagle owl .. follow with many good birds and today we had one of the highly wanted target .. 7 birds show up after 1 day search and day 2 early morning gave us very good picture opportunity

– 非常幸运的一组人,开始就麻烦多多。火山爆发。客人从婆罗洲决定到吉隆坡再飞沙巴。在吉隆坡的一天,我们拿下点斑林鸮,乌雕鸮河红树林八色鸫。过了好几美好的几天拍了130+种好鸟。今天再拿下这一只主要目标。到这第一天几乎没听到这鸟,第二天一大早尽然就高高看到第一只。大家的耐心让我们等来7只,有2-3只还下来很低。让大家拍好好。

202404, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202402

– sometime it is just luck, patient will bring luck … patient ……..

– a very special bird of Borneo

– 有时运气时非常重要的,耐心会给你带来运气的。。。。耐心。。。

– 这鸟很特别哦

202402, Sepilok, Sabah



update 202401

– a very good start of 2024, a main target to be photograph of this beautiful canopy bird came down quite good level for photograph. All of us with good smile after first sighting than follow with even lower for 2nd sighting …

– 2024 号的开始,客人主要目标。站的蛮地,大家都笑了。可是第二天再次见到它。站的更低。

202402, Sepilok, Sabah


update 202305

– It had been lucky day, while driving we saw a beautiful Blyth’s Paradise-Flycatcher and decided to make a stop. I hard some weird call, but everyone seem interested on the flycatcher as we already seen the Bristlehead. But one of the guest just spot it and they are low and nearby. Bingo ! The lucky just continue, the car opposite us told us there are many elephant on the road !!!, we just stop looking at the Bristlehead and drive for the Elephant and we did see ~12 of them and this is 2nd sight for the Borneo pygmy elephant


– 非常幸运的一天,还以为只是坐车到目的地后就休息。希望在路程可以看些普普通通的鸟就过了这么一天。可是,在半路中我看到了中南寿带。就停了下来,客人们都看到高高兴兴的。可是我听到奇怪的声音,我说可能是棘头鵙。可是他们都没什么兴趣,因为大家都看过了。可是在找寿带间,其中一位客人尽然看到了好几只棘头鵙就在不高/远处。就让我拍下来了。可是我们的运气还是很好,对头车。让我们知道前方尽然有象!我们二话不说立刻前往,也第二次看到婆羅洲侏儒象

202305, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


– a Borneo trip without Birstlehead, it going to be tough. We were worry so much but what a good view for everyone 2 times and low and near !!! lucky, as no one actually ask when we going to see the bird. everyone patient and with patient and luck we seen this one and immediate after with Pygmy Elephant !

– 婆罗洲行没看到这鸟,会觉得很对不起客人。这次非常幸运的客人,看了2次都很低+久。第2次还要拍了这鸟后立刻看到象!幸运+耐心。

202305, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202211

– a lucky day to heard and seen this bird in the early morning. Target Ticked.

– but raining coming everyday make ours plan just screw

– 幸运与天时。一大早遇上这么好的鸟,可是雨终是下不停啊。

202210, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202210

– not really active like last few weeks ago, but only can see it bit far away but still one of the star bird to been see

– 比起几个星期以来。不很活跃。虽然有点远,可是客人们还是看的高兴的

202210, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202208

– even it is very active recently but luck still needed to have this bird. After a day searching for it (half a day raining). Finally heard and found this bird to make our day

– 虽然,近来都非常活跃。可是我们也用了一天(后半天都下雨)找这家伙。非常幸运,吃饭前我还是决定要多走一段小路。尽然让我听到它的叫声,很快的就找到他了。客人们都非常高兴。



update 202207

– what a lucky group who got this bird in close (~10 feet) feeding with various food.

– a very special Borneo endemic which almost all birders #1 target. But for the lucky photography group, after Whitehead’s Trogon, Broadbill, Fruithunter, Bulwer’s Pheasant, Black-crowned Pitta and many more follow by this with real good moment and pictures. (and not the end yet with better endemic after this)

– 非常幸运的客人,看到这鸟2次还在近距离见这鸟吃东西还拍下很好的一些照片。

– 除了这每个鸟人的主打鸟,在这前还近距离拍到

黑头八色鸫,灰胸咬鹃,黑喉绿阔嘴鸟,食果鸫, 鳞背鹇等。

– 客人的运气还没完,这鸟后还拍到另几种婆罗洲稀有特有种

202207, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202101


update 2020 May 11

update 2020 May 8

Bornean bristlehead, 棘毛伯勞,Pityriasis gymnocephala, ブタゲモズ, Burung Jambul

update 2018 June 13
lucky guests 2018 May have this amazing bird for so good view for more than 20min

update 2017 Aug 27




More pictures from Flickr: Pityriasidae: Bornean bristlehead | 婆罗洲棘毛伯劳 | liewwk Nature

Bornean bristlehead, 棘毛伯劳

More videos: Pityriasidae: Bornean bristlehead | 婆罗洲棘毛伯劳 | liewwk Nature


liewwk Nature Pictures collection

liewwk Nature Youtube collection


Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to

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Caprimulgidae series : Nightjar | 夜鹰科 | liewwk Nature – 5 [update 20240919]

another nocturnal bird, nightjar is another bird that have most activities in night .. 

1. Great Eared-Nightjar, 毛腿夜鹰 , 毛腿夜鷹, Lyncornis macrotis, オオミミヨタカ, TAPTIBAU BESAR

2. Savanna Nightjar, 林夜鹰, 林夜鷹, Caprimulgus affinis, シロアゴヨタカ, TUKANG PADANG

3. Large-tailed Nightjar, 长尾夜鹰, 長尾夜鷹, Caprimulgus macrurus, オビロヨタカ, TUKANG BIASA

4. Gray Nightjar, 普通夜鹰, 普通夜鷹, Caprimulgus jotaka, ヨタカ, TUKANG KELABU TIMUR

5. Malaysian Eared-Nightjar, 马来毛腿夜鹰, 馬來毛腿夜鷹, Lyncornis temminckii, Lyncornis temminckii, ミミヨタカ, TAPTIBAU MELAYU



101. Great Eared-Nightjar, 毛腿夜鹰 , 毛腿夜鷹, Lyncornis macrotis, オオミミヨタカ, TAPTIBAU BESAR

102. Sulawesi Nightjar, 苏拉威西夜鹰, 蘇拉威西夜鷹, Caprimulgus celebensis, スラウェシヨタカ, Cabak Sulawesi



– a big bird that with 2 up ear  ~41cm

update 202310

– re-edit old pictures with new denoise here is 3 pictures sample – no denoise, Topaz & Adobe Photoshop Raw denoise. it is captured dusk & dawn which is very limited light

– 从新整理旧的照片,看新的除燥点。过了这么多年还有差吗。这是下午很迟时拍,或早上很早。光不够时拍的。

201707, Penang, Malaysia

some original file

as below

1. original file

2. denoise with Topaz

3. Denoise with Adobe


update 2020 April 22

Great Eared-Nightjar , 毛腿夜鷹, Lyncornis macrotis, オオミミヨタカ, Burung Taptibau Besar

update 2017 Aug 2

how this bird calling

2. Savanna Nightjar, 林夜鹰, 林夜鷹, Caprimulgus affinis, シロアゴヨタカ, TUKANG PADANG

– pretty common at open land , urban area

update 2018 March 5


3. Large-tailed Nightjar, 长尾夜鹰, 長尾夜鷹, Caprimulgus macrurus, オビロヨタカ, TUKANG BIASA

– widespread Malaysia .. easily found near edge of forest or urban area with some opening

update 202409

– it is a lucky sight, day roost of this common night bird just near the restaurant. It stay quiet and doesn’t move at all.

– 马来西亚蛮普通的夜鸟。多么不可思议,这鸟在我们餐厅旁休息。动都不动。

202404, RDC, Sepilok, Sabah



update 202311

– while we waiting target birds, trying to search this bird and very soon saw it sit there so open. So rare ?

– 在等我们目标鸟时,在附近找找。很快就找到这么一只。朋友讲很稀有?

202311, Selangor, Malaysia



update 202303

– a last location before a 8 days “raining” tour. decided to go to the grassland. the common Savanna seem missing. few of this seem roost at quite open area.

– 8天团。几乎可以讲“雨团”。最后一天到这找林夜鹰,可是不知道为什么。没找到。(前一晚一看到了)。可是这只较少见的,好几只睡在路边。

20230305, Pulau Indah, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202204

– I am sleeping ? not moving does not mean I don’t know what happen

– lucky to have Nocturnal bird in morning …

– 我是睡觉?真的什么都不知道?

– 幸运的又遇上这夜鹰。

202204, Selangor, Malaysia


update 202203

– casual morning and found this common Nocturnal. I assume she see me ..

– 轻松的早上。遇上了这普通的夜鹰。它应该看到我吧。

202203, Pulau Indah, Selangor, Malaysia



*** thanks Koel Ko (HK) for help to capture this .. even this is not their target


4. Gray Nightjar, 普通夜鹰, 普通夜鷹, Caprimulgus jotaka, ヨタカ, TUKANG KELABU TIMUR


– small bird

– common winter visitor (Dec – March)

update 202112

– a day-roosting Nightjar always a good subject to photograph but they know we found it. eye open to monitor us

– 早上的夜鹰是很好的模特儿。虽然站远,可是他还是看到我们。

202112, Selangor, Malaysia




5. Malaysian Eared-Nightjar, 马来毛腿夜鹰, 馬來毛腿夜鷹, Lyncornis temminckii, Lyncornis temminckii, ミミヨタカ, TAPTIBAU MELAYU

– a pretty common at few spot where can see it flying but not easy to find one perch one

update 202310

– arrived owling location earlier, trying for this nightjar .. and YES , it flying really low but today weather just bad .. ISO already up 32000 .. but show the CANON R3 no problem to focus and track .. .. hihi someone Z9 not focus 😀

– 到达拍猫头鹰点早了。试试这夜鹰。可是天气蛮差,没什么光线。去到ISO32000.. 佳能R3 对焦追焦都没问题。(hi hi,Z9没办法追到)

202310, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202305

– a lucky group have a close and low view of this bird before dusk. lovely loud call nightjar

– 幸运的客人,尽然遇上这鸟飞低还要没到夕阳时间就飞来飞去。

202305, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202302

– early morning, meet up this good bird. a wonderful bird. saw it roosting and calling in a bushes. But do not want waste time on this. continue birding .. and after lunch whole forest is quiet decide have check in the bushed and found it with big eye open.

– 一大早,一下车就看到这么一只好鸟。很近的。还看到他飞进灌木丛内。可是天亮了,赶看其他鸟,没进去找它。吃完午饭后,森林很静。决定找找,很快的就找到它,还要大大眼睛看着我。

20230216, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia

update 202209

– a lovely bird to close our first day of the tour. loud and big birds flying above our head

– 荷兰来的客人第一天。以这鸟结束。5-6只在漂亮夕阳与我们头上飞来飞去。

202209, Selangor, Malaysia

update 202112

– a very cute nightjar with very loud call

– 非常可爱的夜鹰,叫声非常响亮。

202007, Johor, Malaysia

update 2020 Jul

a 2 day bird photography trip, this is 1st bird because of target didnt show up. All my gang excited because I told them it will roost “here” for this rare lifer for them .. it stand long for us back, front and close pictures before we leave it alone …
兩天攝鳥行,這是第一只鳥。主要應為,目標鳥沒出現。 當我說這鳥會在“這”睡,我的鳥友們非常興奮因為它真的下來然後停下。
Malaysian Eared-Nightjar,馬來毛腿夜鷹, Lyncornis temminckii,马来毛腿夜鹰,ミミヨタカ, TAPTIBAU MELAYU

update 2020 Jun 08

Malaysian Eared-Nightjar,馬來毛腿夜鷹, Lyncornis temminckii,马来毛腿夜鹰,ミミヨタカ, TAPTIBAU MELAYU, Taptibau

update 2019 Nov







102. Sulawesi Nightjar, 苏拉威西夜鹰, 蘇拉威西夜鷹, Caprimulgus celebensis, スラウェシヨタカ, Cabak Sulawesi

– a Sulawesi endemic

– 苏拉威西特有种

A long-tailed, boldly patterned nightjar with extensive gray markings on the upperparts, bold buff, black, and white markings, and a white throat. In flight, shows prominent white patches on outer wings and tail. Inhabits lowland forest, edge, scrub, and mangroves. Confined to Sulawesi and the Sula islands. Distinguished from the montane Diabolical Nightjar by its lowland habitat, paler plumage, extensive white in tail, and lack of a buff collar. Tail is longer than Savanna Nightjar’s. Gives a distinctive, explosive “tok-tok-toktrrtrr” call that speeds up, then decreases in volume at the end. [Ebird]

update 202310

– as usual, looking this endemic just need time to looking around. It is very well camouflage

– 与其他夜鹰一样,不难。可是需要多点时间找找。

201910, Tangkoko, Sulawesi, Indonesia




More pictures from Flickr : Caprimulgidae series : Nightjar | 夜鹰科 | liewwk Nature

Great Eared-Nightjar , 毛腿夜鹰

More Youtube video : Caprimulgidae series : Nightjar | 夜鹰科 | liewwk Nature 



liewwk Nature Pictures collection

liewwk Nature Youtube collection


Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to

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Got it ! White-fronted Scops-Owl , 白额角鸮 !!!

Every year, I set up few target for myself study and find … this year is good I got 3/6 done so far even I was busy for pass few months. Finally I am free up last 2 weeks to go for on and off birding myself with my gang ..  2 of my target birds for 2017 at 2 different location.

Found one of my target few months ago , too bad it was very shy and only record the call and saw it flying few times. I do not got good view and picture. Finally I spend few nights and got 1-2 record photo for the bird.

last 3 days ago , we accidentally found another bird which we original plan to go another forest but too bad .. (may be too tired), me and my buddy went to wrong location and found this which allow us capture good photo and video. LUCKY day

update 2017 Jul 30

_I6W7107 2400

see how amazing this owl call


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Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography


Family Portrait – Birds of Malaysia 2017

a year that we have little bit too much rain… many nest failed due various reasons … but there are few doing very well


update 2017 Jul 16

– few family of Silver eared Mesia still feeding their “chick”


– the Malaysian Partridge seem doing well here … multiply another 2 new member

Malaysian Patridge

– it were 6 of them keep surrounding here .. and was lucky got a capture of 4 together

Black & Red Broadbill

– another 3 new members of Ferruginous Partridge

Ferruginous Partridge

– hole too small for family of 7 😀

Black-thighed Falconet

– only one chick make it out of 2 .. but think male still working hard for multiply work

Mountain Peacock Pheasant

– only saw one chick to be feed ..

Pygmy Wren-Babbler


some juvenile and old nest that should doing well as not much disturb at the location

– this nest little bit too open and hope new family member doing great now ..

Large Frogmouth

– while we meet it , it is still not really flying . hope it is doing good now

collarded scope owl



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Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography


liewwkNature Photohunters : 2017 Jul – Sichuan , CHINA

Just completed our another Photohunters trip to Sichuan … *** will update the route ASAP ..

from the beginning, our main target is Mount Gongga from various direction …

let’s start

update 2017 Jul 19

a lovely day, we welcome with beautiful open Mount Gongga which same as other high peak.. it is seldom open for us to see ..

make use of Lee Filter GND .45h to balance to sky part and CPL to enhance the reflection on lake

2017 Jul 11

liewwk Mount Gongga

Day 1 – KanDing

we try to make everyone get use to the high altitude so we stop at Kanding … we had our great pizza, beer, steak etc here 😀

Day 2 – 上木居

While our way to the destination, many beautiful stops but raining non stop so we can;t make any stop.

Here is our main destination, for Mount Gongga .

OHHHH . bad new hit … whole village no electricity supply !!! and it is still raining and cold


Day 3 – 子梅垭口

what a surprise ,  snow near our shooting ground . and the Mount Gongga is cover by snow and mist.

update 2017 Jul 12

子梅垭口 - 贡嘎山 1
on the way up
子梅垭口 - 贡嘎山 2
shy Mount Gongga ..
子梅垭口 - 贡嘎山 3
still waiting


Day 4

Day 5

Day 6 丹巴

a lovely place, 2nd visit but first visit is like been cheated …

update 2017 JUL 13

丹巴 日落



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Where to get Lee Filters/Haida Filters  | Malaysia

endemicguides Birds Report – Peninsular Malaysia 15-18 Jun 2017

We had Japan guests for some target in Peninsular Malaysia .

Day 1 – Kuala Lumpur

We mainly at center of Kuala Lumpur before heading Kuala Selangor for next day Mangrove targets .

we quickly start a day with Barred Eagle-Owl, with very small window but still we got it clear view ..

Barred Eagle-Owl

very soon , another cute bird approaching … black and yellow Broadbill

Black-and-yellow Broadbill

after here , we quickly move to another nearby forest .. here we quickly tick

Rufous-backed Kingfisher

Black-and-red Broadbill


with very short stay time, we rush to west-Kuala Lumpur for Mangrove Pitta and etc .. very fast within 5 minutes, we got the pitta in frame and we would like to try

Savanna Nightjar

with long search, finally we see one …

Savanna Nightjar

……. we got most the targets tick and yet we have some time, we go for earlier dinner … immediate after the dinner, we very soon tick both

Large Frogmouth

Large-tailed Nightjar

Large Frogmouth

Large-tailed Nightjar

Bird list

1 Barred Eagle-Owl
1 Black-and-yellow Broadbill
2 Black-winged Flycatcher-shrike
1 Oriental Magpie-Robin
1 Asian Glossy Starling
2 Javan Myna
1 Orange-bellied Flowerpecker

1 Whiskered Treeswift
1 Rufous-backed Dwarf-Kingfisher
1 Banded Woodpecker
2 Checker-throated Woodpecker
2 Black-thighed Falconet
2 Black-and-red Broadbill
1 Black-and-yellow Broadbill
2 Common Myna

2 Little Egret
2 Brahminy Kite
X Red-wattled Lapwing
2 Oriental Pratincole
3 Red Collared-Dove
2 Spotted Dove
2 Zebra Dove
1 Savanna Nightjar
2 White-throated Kingfisher
1 Collared Kingfisher
3 Blue-throated Bee-eater
1 Mangrove Pitta
X House Crow
1 Slender-billed Crow
2 Yellow-vented Bulbul
3 Ashy Tailorbird
2 Oriental Magpie-Robin
2 Common Myna
X Javan Myna
1 Plain-throated Sunbird (Brown-throated) — See only

1 Large Frogmouth
1 Large-tailed Nightjar


Day 2 – Pulau Indah – Fraser Hill

We start our day earlier , and with 4 hours walk … we managed to tick all mangrove targets .


Mangrove Whistler

Mangrove Blue-Flycatcher

are star of the walk .. good view and picture

Mangrove Blue-Flycatcher

Mangrove Whistler

after good seafood lunch, we move forward to Fraser Hill… for the remaining 3 hours…

Malaysian Hill Partridge

Whiskered Treeswift (eye level and close)

Malayan Laughingthrush

Bay woodpecker

seem to be our stars of the day

Bay Woodpecker female

Bay Woodpecker

Malaysian Hill Partridge

Whiskered Treeswift

bird list

1 Lesser Adjutant
1 Collared Kingfisher
1 Dollarbird
2 Coppersmith Barbet
3 Laced Woodpecker
1 Common Flameback
2 Golden-bellied Gerygone
1 Mangrove Whistler
1 Malaysian Pied-Fantail
3 Cinereous Tit
1 Olive-winged Bulbul
5 Ashy Tailorbird
1 Yellow-bellied Prinia
1 Oriental White-eye
1 Mangrove Blue-Flycatcher
1 Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker
2 Scaly-breasted Munia

3 Gray-breasted Partridge (Malayan)
1 Crested Serpent-Eagle
1 Asian Emerald Dove
1 Whiskered Treeswift
1 Greater Yellownape
3 Bay Woodpecker
1 Large Cuckooshrike
1 Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo
4 Mountain Fulvetta
3 Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush
1 Malayan Laughingthrush
1 Streaked Spiderhunter

Day 3 – Fraser Hill

we spend almost whole day at Fraser Hill , but seem like weather getting misty and rain after lunch … which slow down our bird list

but some how most the target got hit and miss few …

Collared Babblerdark Hawk-CuckooFire-tufted BarbetPygmy Cupwingred-headed trogonSultan Tit

bamboo woodpecker

while our visit of Telekom loop, we bumped into few birds wave . and heard Blue Nuthatch but too bad mist just too thick for us to have a view and picture .. but again, lucky to got

Collared Babbler

Bamboo Woodpecker

to close a beautiful day with most the Fraser Hill star birds e.g

Fire-tufted Barbet , Pygmy Cupwing, Sultan Tit , Red Headed Trogon, Dark-Hawk cuckoo etc …

Bird list

1 Little Cuckoo-Dove
1 Sunda Cuckoo
3 Red-headed Trogon
1 Fire-tufted Barbet
1 Black-browed Barbet
2 Greater Yellownape
1 Bamboo Woodpecker
2 Gray-chinned Minivet
1 Large Cuckooshrike
1 Black-and-crimson Oriole
2 Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo
4 White-throated Fantail
1 Common Green-Magpie
1 Sultan Tit
1 Velvet-fronted Nuthatch
2 Black-crested Bulbul
2 Ochraceous Bulbul
2 Mountain Bulbul
2 Pygmy Cupwing
1 Golden Babbler
1 Buff-breasted Babbler
5 Collared Babbler
2 Mountain Fulvetta
4 Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush
3 Long-tailed Sibia
4 Silver-eared Mesia
2 Rufous-browed Flycatcher
1 Large Niltava
1 Lesser Shortwing
1 White-tailed Robin
2 Slaty-backed Forktail
3 Fire-breasted Flowerpecker
5 Black-throated Sunbird
2 Streaked Spiderhunter

Day 4 – Bukit Tinggi

we only had 3 hours , so we trying our best and still missed the Ferruginous Partridge & Rail-Babbler. no call at all for the morning. but lucky we had Mountain Peacock-Pheasant family with displaying male and Silver-breasted Broadbill .

Mountain Peacock-PheasantSilver-breasted Broadbill

Bird list

5 Mountain Peacock-Pheasant — One chick , 3 males and 1 female
1 Silver-breasted Broadbill
1 Gray-bellied Bulbul
1 Stripe-throated Bulbul
1 Ochraceous Bulbul
2 Gray-throated Babbler
1 Buff-breasted Babbler
2 White-rumped Shama (White-rumped)
1 Blue-winged Leafbird


total 94 species birds saw and may be 80 species photograph

*** most the pictures captured during the tour  ..



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Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to contact me

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Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography


Bornean Orangutan, 婆罗洲猩猩, 婆羅洲猩猩, Pongo pygmaeus, genus Pongo | liewwk Nature [update 20240525]

Bornean Orangutan, 婆罗洲猩猩, 婆羅洲猩猩, Pongo pygmaeus

a very cute and smart mammal, one of the must-see on Borneo island ..


update 202405

– it is a beautiful morning, and it is first Orangutan of the tour so everyone excited.

– 非常漂亮的早上。我们的第一只罗洲猩猩,大家都很兴奋。

202405, Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202402

– another good moment at Kinabatangan river, meet an Orangutan mummy carrying the baby not that high up

– 在京河找鸟时,也有很大机会看到婆罗洲猩猩。这次还遇上妈妈带小孩在吃东西。

Kinabatangan River, Sabah, Malaysia


update 202212

– a very good moment, the mother hug, playing with the young.

– 一大早。就见到妈妈与小孩玩。幸运。

202210, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202210

– a Borneo tour will not be completed with a wild Orangutan. even it is far and blocking view. But we can see how adorable the young carry by the mum (lily ? )

– 婆罗洲行怎么能少了红毛猩猩。还要这么温馨的一刻。

202210, DANUM Valley, Sabah, Malaysia

update 202207

– one of the cutest creature and always ours’ main target. It can be any where but also can be missing

– 非常可爱的动物,很多表情。通常到婆罗洲的客人都一定要看到它的。

202207, RDC, Sabah, Malaysia


Orangutan Orangutan Orangutan


Mangrove Pitta frighten a Skink

when with Japan guests to photograph this beautiful pitta, when it moving around. a skink come close and the Pitta sudden show this pose trying it best to frighten it away


Mangrove Pitta Skink Mangrove Pitta Skink


More Pitta



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Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to contact me

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Birds Collection | liewwk @flickr

Birds Collection |

我的收藏 · 鸟  | liewwk


A. Looking for accessories – Big Lenses 300,400,500,600, 800 mm

B. order any accessories related to bird photography