a Travel Tripod … Fotopro X4i-E

I love my tripod, so I bring my tripod any where .. as just in case I want to shoot slow shutter on noon time with ~63s .. 😀 e.g.

– GND .9s, – Big Stopper – ND .9s pro glass

and I really trust mine … as show HERE or I normally choose my tripod based HERE

previously I use this (Fotopro M5- mini) for my travel … but some how it give ~60cm height which may not good for use …. and finally this small tripod available … Fotopro X4i-E (which cost on RM3xx) …………..

LONG before extend – 315mm only

about 50% of my camera with my 16-35mm
about 50% of my camera with my 16-35mm

MAX height after extend – 1335m not far from my MGC-684

almost my MGC-684 height
almost my MGC-684 height
compare ....among MGC-684, X4i-E and 5dm3 with 1635 F2.8
compare ….among MGC-684, X4i-E and 5dm3 with 1635 F2.8


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what I use or sell 😀




Muscicapidae series: Niltava | 鹟科: 仙鹟属 | liewwk Nature 2 [update 20230404]

Only 2 Niltava for Malaysia

1. Large Niltava, 大仙鹟, 大仙鶲, Niltava grandis, オオアオヒタキ, SAMBAR-KUMBANG BESAR

2. Rufous-vented Niltava, 苏门答腊仙鹟, 蘇門答臘仙鶲, Niltava sumatrana, スマトラアオヒタキ, SAMBAR-KUMBANG API MELAYU



1. Large Niltava, 大仙鹟, 大仙鶲, Niltava grandis,オオアオヒタキ, SAMBAR-KUMBANG BESAR

a bird with beautiful call … stay not too far from human and not difficult found at mid highland ..eg. Fraser Hill, Pahang, Malaysia (~800m) …

update 202101

update 202102

- very lowlight condition,

- misty
Fujifilm X-T4, Fujifilm XF70300 [267mm ISO2000 F.7.1 1/7]



update 2013 Jan 12

… Large Niltava (female) 大仙鹟 …

update 2013 Jan 10

... Large Niltava (female) ...
… Large Niltava (female) …

update 2013 Jan 7

... Large Niltava (male)
… Large Niltava (male)


2. Rufous-vented Niltava, 苏门答腊仙鹟, 蘇門答臘仙鶲, Niltava sumatrana, スマトラアオヒタキ, SAMBAR-KUMBANG API MELAYU

– not that common for Peninsular Malaysia, very limited locations for this bird

– Cameron Highland, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202304

– a special tour to be here, this bird seem shy to human compare to previous trip here. But still a beautiful bird to be seen

– 为了2只鸟到这来。这鸟还在,可是害羞多了。

202304, Cameron Highland, Pahang, Malaysia


update 202008

202008, Cameron Highlands, Pahang, Malaysia

More pictures from Flickr: Muscicapidae series: Niltava | 鹟科: 仙鹟属 | liewwk Nature

Rufous-vented Niltava, 苏门答腊仙鹟,蘇門答臘仙鶲, Niltava sumatrana, スマトラアオヒタキ, SAMBAR-KUMBANG API MELAYU (male)


More Videos: Muscicapidae series: Niltava | 鹟科: 仙鹟属 | liewwk Nature



liewwk Nature Pictures collection

liewwk Nature Youtube collection


Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to

contact me

观鸟或拍鸟团  您可








Batu Pahat Landscape Workshop with Canon Malaysia 2013 Jan 19

Another workshop and outing event together with Canon Malaysia … details can refer Here or some basic information as below

Difficulty Level : Beginner

Join Liew WK, the nature photography enthusiast for an in-depth sharing in the art of landscape photography, with a special focus on sunset shooting @ Sungai Lurus, Batu Pahat, Johor.


Course Outline:
1st Session: Understanding Landscape Photography by Liew WK
Date: 19th Jan 2012 (Saturday)
Time: 2.00pm – 4.00pm
Venue: Rengit Cafe (91- 3 ,91 – 4, Jalan Rahmant, 83100, Batu Pahat. +607-438 5133)
1. Sharing some basic setting we need to know
  • ISO
  • Aperture
  • Shutter speed
  • Manual mode, Aperture mode, Bulb mode
  • Metering
2. How to get better exposure
  • How to choose mid exposure
  • How to shoot for exposure blending
  • How to shoot for exposure HDR
  • How to shoot with filters
  • How to shoot with black card
  • How to shoot with HDR mode (EOS 5D Mark III)
3. How I shoot
  • Sharing recommended setting and why (ISO, Aperture, shutter speed)
2nd Session: Practical Outing to Sungai Lurus by Liew WK & friends
Date: 19th Jan 2012 (Saturday)
Time: 5.00pm – 8.00pm
Venue: Sungai Lurus (organiser to share the exact venue on the day of the outing due to security issue)
  • Self-driving photography trip to Sungai Lurus, Batu Pahat
  • Organiser to advise the registered participants for the Meeting point nearer to the date


Landscape Photography Workshop_BP
Landscape Photography Workshop_BP


… Harlequin flying frog, 丑箭飞蛙 | liewwk …

The harlequin tree frog is a beautiful flying frog known from lowland rainforests in Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo and the Philippines. The dorsum is light brown with mottled orange patches that extend along the hind leg. Sometimes, random white spots may occur on the body, but the flanks are covered with a yellow and dark reticulated pattern. The webs between each digit are reddish, while the eyes yellowish orange. Like other flying frogs, it is a foam nest breeder, congregating around shallow mud pools to lay their eggs.
beautiful, not really shy can shoot it multiple shots without any move .. even with flash … but it’s eye close with light (the black spot smaller)
update 2012 Dec 30
Harlequin flying frog , 丑箭飞蛙
Harlequin flying frog , 丑箭飞蛙



related posts

Frog series @flickr

How I shoot MACRO

Tanjung Bidara, Melaka | liewwk

a beach ~45minutes from Melaka town or ~2hours from Kuala Lumpur, a beach with quite lof rocks which can use for good landscape Sunset photography.

– good place for slow shutter too

– beach have quite alot of tiger beetle

tiger beetle on the beach


update 2012 Dec 27

… colorful flow …
– RGND 2 stops
– ND .9 pro glass



related posts

Melaka @flickr

Malaysia Landscape @liewwkphoto.com

Bukit Tabur | liewwk

a beautiful place with sunrise and dam view, and it is not very touch hike to the peak for photography but advice to have experience person to go together especially hike when dark … (chase for sunrise)

i. 20-30 min drive from KL city

ii. ~45-90 minutes slow hike , steep on start but after ~15min should be easy but some part require hand for hike)

after reach clear part to view the dam, it is the safe place to shoot sunrise … avoid go further …. as it is slight dagerous hike especially on dark


Bukit Tabur is a hill located in Taman Melawati, Malaysia. It is also known locally as Bukit Hangus. The hill is very prominent as it is part of Klang Gates Quartz Ridge and can be seen from the Kuala Lumpur Middle Ring Road 2. The hill, which is less than 1000 metres, is a quartz ridge. Climbers enter the hiking trail via Kampung Klang Gates, 50 metres from the gates of the Klang Gates Dam, at the back of Taman Melawati for a 3-4 hour climb. The Gombak Forest Reserve and Klang Gates Dam are beside the hill. The peak offers s view of the dam.

The hiking trail to Bukit Tabur can be found at 3°14′1″N 101°44′55″E.

*** from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bukit_Tabur


update 2012 Dec 26

… Sunburst @ little heaven …
… “MIST”ery …



related posts

Bukut Tabur @Flickr

Landscape @liewwkphoto.com

Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush , 栗頭噪鶥 | liewwk

The Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush (Garrulax mitratus) is a species of bird in the Timaliidae family. It is found in Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and subtropical or tropical moist montane forests.

*** from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chestnut-capped_Laughingthrush

a bird that quite big in size, move not that fast and not scare of human … and easily find at Fraser Hill & Genting Highlands , Malaysia.


update 2012 Dec 25

Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush (Garrulax mitratus)



related posts

Bird collections @Flickr

Bird collections @liewwkphoto.com

Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush call


Eupetidae series: Rail-Babbler | 白眉长颈鸫 | liewwk Nature [update 20240922]

this is a monotypic bird

1. Malaysian Rail-babbler, 白眉长颈鸫, 白眉長頸鶇, Eupetes macrocerus, クイナチメドリ, GEMBALA-KERA



1. Malaysian Rail-babbler, 白眉长颈鸫, 白眉長頸鶇, Eupetes macrocerus, クイナチメドリ, GEMBALA-KERA

– a bird that told me weeks to just have few look, few seconds for picture ….

– walk non stop inside canopy

– when it call, the throat “blue” appear

– 3+1 locations, multiple visits ……

– VERY SHY bird ….

update 202409

– it is a special request to have this bird just for single day.. real challenge for this rare and shy bird

– 非常特别要求,在一天哪要看这么一只害羞,稀有的鸟。



update 202408

– it is a tough day, been assign with a 1.5 days (actually just one day for Rail-babbler as main target). After meet Hermina & Shannon, they really keen to see the Rail-babbler… so we make a early move and have a long coffee stop before we go into forest due to some early morning rain. Immediate arrive the area, after got 1 frogmouth calling, and sight the Banded Woodpecker. I heard the Rail-babbler calling, immediate trying to track it down and we spit the bird less than 10 minutes … ring my buddy and hope he is happy man now ..

– 接受了一项几乎是不可能任务,1天时间看白眉长颈鸫。与两名客人交谈后,虽然她们都没来过马来西亚。可是还是觉得要用时间看这目标鸟。一大早下了场小雨,我们吃了进林子。到了没太久,竟然还听到蟆口鸱叫。。。虽然找了一会还是放弃,因为听到白眉长颈鸫叫。找了10多分钟,竟然找到了。。。。。幸运啊

202408, Ulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia


– within 24 hours, we got this bird again with much better view this time. All have perfect view of the shy bird..it is really fun to see this bird walk slow infront of us.

– a shy bird always difficult to spot and walk almost close to ground only

– 在24小时内看到这鸟2次。第二次,竟然比第一次更好。非常高兴在我们面前,慢慢的走像模特儿一样。真的很美。

– 一只非常害羞的鸟,通常都在地面山慢慢的走的。幸运啊

202408, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia


– another special target birds tour (5th this year for Rail-Babbler), this time with big group.. little bit challenge to get 1st target .. Malaysian Rail-babbler … but today morning, managed to heard it and wait a while before locate it calling. Happen for 2-3 minutes .. everyone see it from limited angle 🙁  but relieve …

– 今年的第5次特别目标-白眉长颈鸫。这次,蛮压力(太多人了)。以为没什么机会看到,可是一大早听到他叫。没等很久就看到它在远处叫。还叫了2-3分钟。大家都拿下。

202406, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia



update 202407

– it is a long plan request from “friend”, a bird family need Rail-Babbler… last for him and another Jay-shrike for better view .. and we make this happen within 2 days while we actually plan it for 5 days … day1 arrive afternoon nothing much but still got Finsch’s Bulbul & Scarlet-breasted Flowerpeckeras new birds and with many woodpeckers with good view … follow by lunch and a quite bored afternoon … but still able to have good view of Crested Jayshrike and ~10m close Rail-babbler without any sight …Day2 morning nothing much even with some good view but no Rail-babbler close heard .. raining afternoon after lunch even still rain.. as Bill seem worry we missed the bird just decided walk into forest with raining gear … not far after we walk I heard “to to to” real close and ask every one backward … YES me and Bill saw the bird circling and walk across the trail but Karen & Miki missed … hmmmmmm .. so we decided go to a slight open space to wit for the bird…. not that long the bird came into view and making “balloon” call show for us more than 2 minutes .. smile for everyone …

– 去年有位朋友的介绍下,他们要求“我”带他们(其中一位)看完最后一只鸟科类。。。他已80岁希望可以看完。。加上某种原因,我决定帮这个忙。等了一年,终于到了。。。很快第一天我们到中午时分,没什么特别可是。都拿下芬氏冠鹎(新鸟种)加蛮多啄木鸟(很低)。。吃完饭后,虽然拿下不少鸟。加上冠鸦(之前他只看到一秒,其他人的新鸟种)。

第二天,早上虽然也不少鸟。可是目标鸟几乎没声音。吃饭时Bill 开始担心,虽然下雨他特别忧心。我也决定还是到森林等。到时还是小雨,决定进去走走。大家带着雨伞,雨衣进去。没很远,大家在看什么什么鹎时。我听到”它“叫了。。。很近。就叫大家后退。。。。没2分钟就看到它在步道旁走了2圈。还过了步道,可是2位朋友没看到 。。。hmmmmmm..我们早到附近一个空荡的第在哪等待。。也没很久“它”尽然上小树桩上脚了好几分钟。天啊。当然大家都笑了。我帮了一位老人完了他的心愿。(他来了这8-9次)

202407, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia


– a good month to start to have good view of this special bird, total 4 good view of this birds 2024 June. And twice we special come to this special location for 2 special birds family. Both trips got the bird on day1/2, hope it stay for next few visits.

– a birds came close to us and make special “balloon call” style.

– 这个月是个好开始看这一只鸟。2024 6 月。我总共看到这鸟4次(西马中部,南部)。2次特别鸟观鸟团到这,在2天内看到这鸟。希望接下来都可以把这2只鸟拿下。

– 非常幸运在近距离看到它叫吧蓝喉涨起来。

202406, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia


– finally finish a long tour, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo & extension to South P Malaysia. We had this very special target bird twice all of us saw the bird well and long. We had this bird walking across the trail after 2-3 hours search through the forest.

– a mystery bird that can be very shy or sometime just appear in-front of you and walk slowly.

– 终于完成很长的观鸟团。西马中部,婆罗洲,西马南部。真的很累。这只非常特别的鸟是大家主要目标鸟之一。我看到2次,第一次8/10个人都看的很好在石头上转圈。第二次(只有4个人)慢慢走过好几次。

– 这鸟较神秘,有时怎么都看不到,有时就在我们面前几米走来走去。

202406, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia


update 202310

– it is amaze that outs’ main target just walk Infront us ~10 feet away .. it walk so beautiful and record with CANON R3 4k 100fps – 这么神奇,我们的主要目标鸟。在我们还没准备前提下。就在我们面前10尺走猫步

update 202309

– it is another good year to have many view and photo of this bird. This particular experience simply amazing where bird just infront of us walking pass

– 2023 还没过完,已看/拍到这鸟很多次了。算是很好的一年。这一次,有点不一样的感觉。这一只鸟完全没理会我们就在我们面前走过。(我们是透明的?)

202307, Johor, Malaysia



– a special targets tour begin with first target bird – Malaysian Rail-babbler. All of us have very good view of this bird

– 目标鸟团。第一天第一只目标-白眉长颈鸫。 每个人都看得很好。

202309 – Bukit Tinggi, Pahang, Malaysia

update 202308

– are you looking for me ? amazing moment with the special group. have a great time on day1. so close and so long for us

– 你在找我?非常特别的组,特别来找这鸟。第一天就找到这么乖的。让我们看很久也很近

202307, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia

update 202307

– a quick check before few Rail-babbler groups, arrived welcome by rain (YES, raining again) after Malaysian-Eared Nighjar, Crested Shrikejay… begin my Rail-babbler quick tour. very soon I arrived my friend “spot” put a hide and wait. not long wait the bird calling but it keep quiet after few call. Not a long wait, it stand near the bush edge. – 为了接下来的“白眉长颈鸫”团,到了马来西亚最好的点之一(其实还是觉得吉隆波的鸟点比较有把握)。一大早到了,可是没办法出去。(下雨,对又下雨) 先看到马来毛腿夜鹰,可是没停。之后很快与5只冠鸦玩了一会。就开始慢慢找这非常高需要的鸟。先到朋友给我。等没多久,鸟叫了。可是很快又没声音了。可是我也不大意。周围看看,很快看到这鬼鬼祟祟的站那看我。

202307, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia


– a special Rail-Babbler tour, lucky to have it present 4 times show. last appear is like walk left and right for more than 3 minutes. 100+ species first day..

白眉长颈鸫特别团。其实给我选地点,是没什么压力。可是太多Ebird 记录在南部。客人都觉得那比较容易。。。还好,第一天就看到还拍到。见到4次,最后一次还走了3分钟。

202307, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia


– it is a hot day, this bird is calling any where… only 1 bird willing to give good show and cat walk for me

– 炎热的一天。很多只在叫,可是就只有一只出来走走让我拍拍。

202307, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia


– a quick check before few Rail-babbler groups, arrived welcome by rain (YES, raining again) after Malaysian-Eared Nighjar, Crested Shrikejay… begin my Rail-babbler quick tour. very soon I arrived my friend “spot” put a hide and wait. not long wait the bird calling but it keep quiet after few call. Not a long wait, it stand near the bush edge.

– 为了接下来的“白眉长颈鸫”团,到了马来西亚最好的点之一(其实还是觉得吉隆波的鸟点比较有把握)。一大早到了,可是没办法出去。(下雨,对又下雨)


202307, Lenggor, Johor, Malaysia

update 202306

– what a lucky group to sighted 4 rail-babbler and last one even stay long and close for us to capture some picture with all have good view

– 非常幸运的客人,尽然在同一行程里见到这鸟4次。最后一次还站了很久与很近让每个人都看到。

202306, Paya Maga, Sarawak, Malaysia


– another surprise found at this “urban area”, as usual i having my casual birding and all of sudden I heard a long missing sound and by waiting and finally saw it and got a split second picture..

– 非常兴奋,在这么近人类的地点忽然的·听到这熟悉而久仰的声音。等了一会很快的见到。也等一会拍到这么一刻。

202111, Selangor, Malaysia

update 2020 Jul

– very first attempt to have good picture of this bird @2013

Malaysian Rail-babble,白眉长颈鸫r,白眉長頸鶇,Eupetes macrocerus,クイナチメドリ, Burung Gembala Kera




update 202105

– seem like no more chance to have a better view of this rare and shy bird in the near future.
– years ago, I told my buddy I got this bird in this location but he never believes until he got leeches to bite, and record a shot of the bird.

– 非常害羞的稀有鳥。在這個點,我的鳥友。不相信我在這拍到這鳥。可是當他見到於拍到,他也被馬蟥咬了喝多口。

202104, Selangor, Malaysia


update 2020 March 23

update 2016 May 12

update 2015 Sept 30

running path

update 2015 Sept 29

Rail-babbler, 桔褐胸善飞鸫

update 2015 Aug 25

– still walking nonstop

Rail-babbler, 桔褐胸善飞鸫

update 2015 April 7

Malaysian Rail-babbler 桔褐胸善飞鸫

update 2015 March 28

Malaysian Rail-babbler 桔褐胸善飞鸫

update 2014 Nov 14

Rail-babbler, 桔褐胸善飞鸫




More pictures from Flickr: Eupetidae series: Rail-Babbler | 白眉长颈鸫 | liewwk Nature

... Rail-babbler, 桔褐胸善飞鸫 ...

More Videos: Eupetidae series: Rail-Babbler | 白眉长颈鸫 | liewwk Nature


liewwk Nature Pictures collection

liewwk Nature Youtube collection


Birds Watch/Photograph tour feel free to

contact me

观鸟或拍鸟团  您可







robberfly 食蟲虻 | liewwk

a insect that normally allow us to get close and even flew off and will come back to same location or not far from the place you found them … good model for macro photograper and always get prey …


2013 Jan 11

... robberfly that ~30mm long ...
… robberfly that ~30mm long …

2012 Dec 21

robberfly , 食蟲虻 Asilidae



more robberfly , 食蟲虻 Asilidae

Macro collection from liewwkphoto.com

Macro collection from flickr

Genting Highlands | liewwk

a famous entertainment city … Genting Highlands locate ~1800meters and between Selangor and Pahang state …. ~1.5 hours from Kuala Lumpur by drive

a good place for entertainment, landcape (sunrise, sunset) and wildlifes (if you know where to find) ….


update 2015 Dec 8

  • have been long skip this beautiful place .. and continue went there for 3-4 days for nightscape and sunrise .. r


… 雾气琉璃光-云顶2 …

update 2012 Dec 30

... layers Ray ...
… layers Ray … – Lee Filter GND .9s

update 2012 Dec 21

… the Misty Pinky …
… the Last sunrise of 2011 …


… just before …



Pahang series | filckr   

More Malaysia Landscapes



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CONTACT ME for Photography workshop, tours etc …

2013 Sichuan TOurw


Where to get Lee Filters/Haida Filters  | Malaysia

or contact me HERE